Shannon Dill University of Maryland Extension Talbot County 410-822-1244 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION Objectives • • • • • Enterprise budgeting How to Create a Budget Example Tracking costs Financial Statements UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION Contents of a Business Plan • • • • • Executive Summary Mission and Goals Background Information Farm Strategy Marketing Strategy and Plan • Enterprises Analysis and Plan • Financial Plan • Management Plan • Implementation Strategy • Resource Inventory *Note the action words! UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION Enterprise Budget - An organized listing of your estimated gross income and costs which can be used to determine the expected net income for a particular enterprise - Divides costs and returns for each enterprise - Helps to determine the productivity of enterprises and if a business should continue or change enterprises - Budget on a per unit basis • ex 1 acre, 1 bushel, 1 ton - Sections include • Income, Expenses, Profit UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION Enterprise Budgets: • Determine profitability of one enterprise versus another. • Understand breakeven cost and pricing points for that enterprise • Understand input structure such as labor inputs, chemical inputs, fixed equipment cost per dollar returned. • Plan crop rotation schedules and product mix UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION Budgets are Used for • Itemize the receipts (income) received for an enterprise • List the inputs and production practices required by an enterprise • Evaluate the efficiency of farm enterprises • Estimate benefits and costs for major changes in production practices UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION Budgets are Used for • Provide the basis for a total farm plan • Support applications for credit • Inform non-farmers of the costs incurred in producing crops • Not an exact science – Budgets are estimates drought, disease etc UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION Who can use these budgets? • • • • • Agricultural producers Extension specialists Financial institutions Governmental agencies Advisors of food and fiber UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION 5 Parts of a Budget • • • • • Investment/Start Up Gross Income Variable Costs Fixed Costs Net Income UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION Income Costs Net Income Some have more detail than others Decision Tools UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION Budget Suggestions • Should be prepared with specific objectives – Markets, establishment, soil types, management • Receipts and costs are often difficult to estimate – Numerous, variable – Be sure to have a column of YOUR estimates • Should contain receipts for every product and by product – processing, stalks etc • Prices used should reflect market values and productivity of enterprise resources – ie land, labor, equipment UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION How to Create a Budget • Internet search “_____ Enterprise Budget Extension” – These will NOT be your numbers but will be a good guide • Determine your unit – per acre, half acre, bushel • Identify potential variable costs and fixed costs • Start estimating and pricing UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION Income (receipts) • Determine yield goals – High, medium and low estimate • Prices – High, medium and low estimate UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION Revenue • Price x Units Sold= Gross Revenue CROP: Specialty Greens ITEM 1&1/2 HOUSES PLUS 1/2 ACRE OUTSIDE 2009 UNIT QUANTITY PRICE TOTAL INCOME CASE 630.00 $12.50 $7,875.00 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION Enterprise Budget Price (Revenue) Contribution Variable Costs Break-even Fixed Costs Profit Slide Adapted from: Dr. Wen-fei Uva Department of Applied Economics and Management Cornell University UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION Cost Components • Variable costs – – These are expenses that vary with output within a production period • • • • • Feed Seed Fuel Fertilizer/Lime Disease/Insect control – Don’t forget to include labor and crop insurance. UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION CROP: Specialty Greens 1&1/2 HOUSES PLUS 1/2 ACRE OUTSIDE 2009 ITEM UNIT QUANTITY PRICE TOTAL INCOME CASE VARIABLE/OPERATING COSTS SEEDS POTTING SOIL MEDIA FERTILIZER N P K INSECTICIDE DIPEL MALATHION GREENHOUSE FUEL SOIL TEST LIME LABOR—WEEDING, HARVESTING & PACKING PACKING BOXES INTEREST ON OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS LISTED ABOVE 630.00 $12.50 $7,875.00 5.00 5.00 $15.50 $19.35 $77.50 $96.75 POUNDS POUNDS POUNDS 45.00 45.00 45.00 $0.48 $0.51 $0.28 $21.60 $22.95 $12.60 POUNDS OUNCES GALLONS ACRE TON 1.00 8.00 300.00 1.00 0.50 $12.50 $0.25 $2.25 $6.50 $35.00 $12.50 $2.00 $675.00 $6.50 $17.50 125.00 630.00 2,228.90 $7.50 $0.55 7.0% $937.50 $346.50 $78.01 $2,306.91 OUNCES BAG (3.8CF) HOURS UNIT APR UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION Cost Components • Fixed Costs – Fixed costs are expenses that do not vary with the level of output. • • • • • Building costs Machinery costs Taxes Insurance Mortgage UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION Fixed Costs • These can also be difficult to estimate at times – Fixed costs need to be allocated over each enterprise – Vary because size, new, used, field operations – Land should be valued UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION DIRTI • • • • • Deprecation Interest Repairs/Maintenance Taxes Insurance UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION FIXED/OVERHEAD COSTS (SEE FIXED COST ALLOCATION SUMMARY) EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION FARM 1.00 $1,678.70 $1,678.70 INTEREST PAYMENT FARM 1.00 $1,390.42 $1,390.42 REPAIRS FARM 1.00 $853.96 $853.96 TAXES FARM 1.00 $153.71 $153.71 INSURANCE FARM 1.00 $580.70 $580.70 $65.00 $65.00 LAND CHARGE TOTAL FIXED COST LISTED ABOVE $4,722.50 TOTAL VARIABLE AND FIXED COST $7,029.41 NET INCOME OVER VARIABLE & FIXED COSTS $845.59 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION Allocating Fixed Costs • Excel • Farm Software – Fasttools • – Ag Decision Maker • • Custom Rates UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION Net Income • • • • Revenue – Variable Costs – Fixed Costs = Net Income Expected income Income over variable costs Income over variable and fixed costs Decision making time…. UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION Sensitivity Analysis PRICES NET INCOME ABOVE VARIABLE AND YIELDS $9.38 $12.50 $15.63 FIXED COSTS LISTED ABOVE FOR 473 ($2,599.73) ($1,123.16) $353.40 VARIOUS YIELDS AND PRICES 630 ($1,123.16) $845.59 $2,814.34 788 $353.40 $2,814.34 $5,275.27 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION EXAMPLE CROP: Specialty Greens ITEM 1&1/2 HOUSES PLUS 1/2 ACRE OUTSIDE 2009 UNIT QUANTITY PRICE TOTAL INCOME CASE VARIABLE/OPERATING COSTS SEEDS POTTING SOIL MEDIA FERTILIZER N P K INSECTICIDE DIPEL MALATHION GREENHOUSE FUEL SOIL TEST LIME LABOR—WEEDING, HARVESTING & PACKING PACKING BOXES INTEREST ON OPERATING CAPITAL TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS LISTED ABOVE 630.00 $12.50 $7,875.00 5.00 5.00 $15.50 $19.35 $77.50 $96.75 POUNDS POUNDS POUNDS 45.00 45.00 45.00 $0.48 $0.51 $0.28 $21.60 $22.95 $12.60 POUNDS OUNCES GALLONS ACRE TON 1.00 8.00 300.00 1.00 0.50 $12.50 $0.25 $2.25 $6.50 $35.00 $12.50 $2.00 $675.00 $6.50 $17.50 125.00 630.00 2,228.90 $7.50 $0.55 7.0% $937.50 $346.50 $78.01 $2,306.91 OUNCES BAG (3.8CF) HOURS UNIT APR UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION FIXED/OVERHEAD COSTS (SEE FIXED COST ALLOCATION SUMMARY) EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION FARM 1.00 $1,678.70 $1,678.70 INTEREST PAYMENT FARM 1.00 $1,390.42 $1,390.42 REPAIRS FARM 1.00 $853.96 $853.96 TAXES FARM 1.00 $153.71 $153.71 INSURANCE FARM 1.00 $580.70 $580.70 $65.00 $65.00 LAND CHARGE TOTAL FIXED COST LISTED ABOVE $4,722.50 TOTAL VARIABLE AND FIXED COST $7,029.41 NET INCOME OVER VARIABLE & FIXED COSTS $845.59 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION Break Even Analysis Fixed Costs ($) Unit Costs ($) = + Variable Costs ($) Units Produced (lbs, dozens, bag) $4,722.50 $11.16 = + $2,306.91 630 Cases Slide Adapted from: Dr. Wen-fei Uva Department of Applied Economics and Management Cornell University UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION Budget Analysis Variable Costs per Unit Sold $2,306.91/630 = $3.66 Consider discontinue if below this (Total Variable Cost/Output in number Units) $4,722.50 /630 = $7.49 Fixed Costs per Unit Sold (Fixed Cost/Output in Units) Break Even Output $4,722.50 + $2,306.91 /$12.50 = 563 cases (Fixed Cost + Variable Cost/Price per Unit) Net Income per Unit Sold $845.59 / 630 = $1.34 (Net Income/Output in Units) Need to cover this number Output needed to reach breakeven point. Net income per unit produced Slide Adapted from: Dr. Wen-fei Uva Department of Applied Economics and Management Cornell University UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION Budget Suggestions • Should be prepared with specific objectives – Markets, establishment, soil types • Receipts and costs are often difficult to estimate – Numerous, variable ie rent land – Be sure to have a column of your estimates • Should contain receipts for every product and by product – processing, stalks etc • Prices used should reflect market values and productivity of enterprise resources – Ie land, labor, equipment UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION Tracking Enterprise Costs • It is important to know the cost of each enterprise you have – Can be by grain/livestock or tomatoes/peppers • This can easily be tracked in record keeping software UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION DO IT! Shannon Dill 410-822-1244 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION