Women across the region coming together to grow their passion for Agriculture! 28577 Mary’s Court, Suite 1 Easton, MD 21601 Telephone: 410-822-1244 Fax: 410-822-5627 December 17, 2013 Dear Women in Agriculture Supporter, The Mid-Atlantic Women in Agriculture initiative has gained unforeseen momentum in the last five years through programs such as Annie's Project, Annie's Project II: Managing for Today and Tomorrow, a multi-state Women in Agriculture Conference, local farm tours and social media. The program delivers risk and farm management training to women in Maryland, Delaware and New Jersey through a variety of learning environments and incorporates education in the risk areas of: human, legal, marketing, financial. Women in agriculture programs strive to increase content knowledge, provide networking opportunities, encourage risk management implementation in hopes of increasing confidence, awareness and farm profitability. To date this program has reached over 800 Women in Agriculture. This year we ask that you consider sponsorship of these important programs. Sponsors have the opportunity to be recognized as a sponsor online and in program information. Please see the attached sheet for details. Sponsoring creates networking opportunities with potential customers and is a costeffective way to reach regional and targeted audiences. This year 10 locations will offer either Annie’s Project or Managing for Today and Tomorrow www.extension.umd.edu/annies-project and the 13th Women in Agriculture Regional Conference will be held on February 20th www.extension.umd.edu/womeninag. Thank you for your consideration, should you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Please complete the enclosed sponsorship form and return to us no later than January 30, 2014. Sincerely, Shannon Dill Extension Educator, AGNR University of Maryland Extension Talbot County sdill@umd.edu Jennifer Rhodes Extension Educator, AGNR University of Maryland Extension Queen Anne’s County jrhodes@umd.edu MidAtlantic Women In Agriculture Sponsorship Levels and Rewards Table Vendor Bronze Silver Gold Premier $150 $500 $1,000 $2,500 $5,000 No No No 1 2 1 2 4 6 10 8ft table with cloth & chair Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sponsor Ribbon provided for events Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Ad space in Annie’s Project and conference program * No ¼ Page Ad ½ Page Ad 8 ½ x 11 Page Ad 8 ½ x 11 Page Ad Name listed on websites under sponsorship level No Name Only Name Only Logo and Link Logo and Link Name listed in conference /workshop programs under sponsorship level No Name Only Name Only Logo Included Logo Included Company listed on a Thank You sponsor slide show played during breaks & end of conference (by Level) No Name Only Name Only Logo Included Logo Included Names posted on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and email blasts as sponsors No No Yes Yes Yes Company names announced during workshops and conference as a sponsor No No Yes‐ Conference Only Yes‐ Preconference and Conference 15‐second PSA during preconference and conference (MC will read) Opportunity to include gratuity item/coupon/ brochure in goody bag for attendees Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Contribution Tickets to preconference Tickets to conference *Must submit artwork and logo by January 30th to be included. Print ready JPEG can be sent to Victoria Corcoran at vgc@umd.edu Sponsorship Form Sponsor Level Table Vendor Bronze Silver Gold Premier $________________ Enclosed (Check payable to University of Maryland) Sponsor Information (as it should appear in the program) NAME OF ORGANIZATION:______________________________________________________ NAME OF REPRESENTATIVE ATTENDING:__________________________________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________ PHONE:_______________________________________________________________ EMAIL:________________________________________________________________ Please return to us by January 30, 2014: University of Maryland Extension c/o Women in Agriculture 28577 Mary’s Court, Suite 1 Easton, Maryland 21601 410-822-1244 THANK YOU! 2014 & Women across the region coming together to grow their passion for Agriculture! Supporting the Mid-Atlantic Women in Agriculture Initiative Why Support the Program? Has reached over 600 Women in Agriculture in Maryland, Delaware and New Jersey Opportunity to be recognized as a sponsor online and in course information Creates networking opportunities with potential customers Cost-effective way to reach state wide audience Exhibit space at the annual Women in Agriculture Conference Program Descriptions 1. Annie’s Project is designed to empower women in agriculture to manage information systems used in critical decision making processes and to build local networks throughout the state. The target audience is women in agriculture with a passion for business and involvement in the farm operation. This program has reached over 400 women in Maryland and Delaware since 2008. www.extension.umd.edu/annies-project 2. Managing for Today and Tomorrow is designed to empower women to grow their agriculture business’ legacy into the future. The class will focus on succession, business, estate and retirement planning. Through the six session program, professionals and up-to-date resources will be available to all participants. www.extension.umd.edu/annies-project 3. 13th Annual Regional Women in Agriculture Conference goals are to offer women who are involved with agriculture an opportunity to come together to learn about current issues and topics so they can make informed decisions concerning their agribusinesses and family lives. Sessions will cover topics in marketing, financial, production and health insurance and reach about 150 women annually. FEBRUARY 20, 2014 www.extension.umd.edu/womeninag Location: Dover Downs Hotel & Casino, Dover DE