The best family studios databases on CD-ROM - A survey of ni Stover, Mark CD-ROM Professional; Sep 1993; 6, 5; ABI/INFORM Complete pg. 48 The Best Ffll"dly Studies Databases On CD-ROM-A Survey Of Nine Products by Mark Stover I~ North American newspaper headnontraditional definitions (blended the present). Fields for journal article lines in 1992 and 1993 gave the families, single parents, etc.). records include article title, author(s), concept of "family" a great deal of institutional affiliation of first author, coverage. The debate over "family journal name, language, year of PSYCLIT values," the Family Leave Bill in the publication, abstract, key phrase, PsycLIT, the CD-ROM version of U.S. Congress, and the furor over descriptors, classification code(s), PsyciNFO and Psychological "Nannygate" converged together to Abstracts, is an excellent resource for population subset, and age group. put the spotlight on families and family studies on CD-ROM. It is a Fields for book chapters and book related topics. hefty database both in size and price. records include book title, chapter (It contains over 500,000 records, and Family studies (sometimes called title, author(s), institutional affiliafamily science) is a broad category, over 40,000 records per year are added tion of first author, corporate author, covering diverse fields of study and to the database.) PsycLIT is an internapublication information, year of practice such as family therapy, family tional database covering all aspects of publication, series title, table of sociology, family psychology, social psychology, including topics related to contents, audience type code, docuwork, population studies, family studies like family therapy, ment type code, and reprint notes. child development, and marriage A subset of PsycLIT, called anthropology, family law, and other disciplines. Those who seek informaClinPSYC, includes subjects primarily counseling. PsycLIT has a tutorial and tion on families and family related to clinical psycholstudies can look in a ogy and psychotherapy. variety of places, including ClinPSYC on CD-ROM is several CD-ROM databases. distributed by This article will give an SilverPlatter Information overview of available and CD Plus. CD-ROM resources which PsycLIT is published provide information on by the American family studies. While there Psychological Association is some overlap among the together with Silverresources described here, Platter Information. It is these products each have a available on both IBM unique focus, and thus and Macintosh platforms. cannot easily be compared A regular subscription directly with each other. costs $4495 per year, The family genealogical while a multiuser subresearcher will find a scription costs $6750 per plethora of CD-ROM year. Subscribers to the print A Home Medical Reference, available 24-hours a day, that will assist you with sound decisions about common ailments, medical resources available, such as version of Psychological diagnoses and treatments, and the use of prescription drugs. those published by Abstracts can subscribe for Automated Archives in Orem, the reduced fees of $3745 a thesaurus (both printed and online). Utah, but these will not be covered (single-user workstation) or $5625 It is distributed on two discs which are in this article. (multiuser). updated quarterly and cover the years The term "family" will be broadly 1974 to the present. defined here. It will include the tradiNATASHA PsycLIT indexes and abstracts both tional view of the family (two parents The National Archive on Sexuality, journal articles (1974 to the present) and one or more children) as well as Health, and Adolescence (NATASHA) and books and book chapters (1987 to 48 CD-ROM PROFESSIO'\AL 5EI'TE'v1BcR 1993 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. contains the descriptions and data from 82 important research studies related to health, sexuality, and fertility in the United States, with special reference to adolescents. These studies were conducted over a 40year period (although most come from the 1970s and early 1980s), and contain over 40,000 variables. It may be purchased for $295. The data in NATASHA can be accessed in several different ways. The user can browse through the study summaries to get a taste of the studies in this database. Or, one can search the variable directory by topic, keyword, study, or type (such as attitudes, behaviors, intentions, etc.). One can also perform immediate cross-tabulations using different variables to produce tables of data. Finally, one can export selected data for later use in a microcomputer or mainframe statistical program such as SPSS. The basic record in NATASHA's database consists of the following field information: study number, title, principal investigator(s), number of variables, number of respondents (broken down by gender, race, and age), a brief abstract, and a list of the variables in the study. Representative of the contents of NATASHA are the following titles: • 1976 U.S. National Survey of Young Women Best Family Studies CO-ROMs 1. PsycLIT 2. NATASHA 3. American Family Data Archive 4. Cross-Cultural CD 5. Social Work Abstracts Plus 6. sociofile 7. POPLINE 8. Family Resources Database 9. The Family Doctor through the data and compile simple cross-tabulations. However, analysis or interpretation of the data is another matter altogether. Spurious interpretations can easily result if the user is not careful to compile his or her data sets using the standard rules of statistical analysis. NATASH A in the hands of a statistical neophyte could easily prove the axiom, "Lies, damned lies, and statistics." Another warning for potential users of this CD-ROM: Much of the data is relatively old, and thus will have to be used with caution. For example, some of the surveys that deal with abortion were taken before the 1973 legalization of abortion, and may not be totally relevant in a postRoe versus Wade context. An update consisting of over 40 post-NATASHA data sets will be available from Sociometries in early 1994. • 1982 U.S. Current Population Survey of Children • Maricopa County, Arizona Study of Child Maltreatment Risk Among Adolescent Mothers, 1976-1978 • 1973 Madison, Wisconsin Study of Premarital Sexuality Among Young People: Students • 1973-1976 New York City Study of the Social and Demographic Consequences of Teenage Childbearing NATASHA in the hands of a statistical neophyte could easily prove the axiom, "Lies, damned lies, and statistics." NATASHA is in many ways a useful tool for sociological or related studies dealing with adolescence and sexuality. The documentation and online help screens, combined with the easy-to-use menu-driven search engine (KAware from Knowledge Access), make using the software a relatively painless task. Even those without a strong statistical background will be able to browse AMERICAN FAMILY DATA ARCHIVE (AFDA) AFDA is a collection of 36 data sets (developed from 14 major studies) on marriage and family life in the United States. The information in AFDA is primarily demographic, sociological, and psychological in nature. AFDA covers such issues as child care, employment, marital disruption, and child custody. The data sets can be searched using the KAware2 retrieval software, and selected variables may be extracted and exported into a variety of statistical software programs. The studies in this archive include the 1988 National Survey of Families and Households, the 1990 National Child Care Survey, the 1990 Survey of Parents and Children (National Commission of Children), the 1980 to 1988 Marital Instability Over the Life Course Study, the 1984 to 1990 Stanford Child Custody Study, and the 1985 National Family Violence Survey. The user's manual for AFDA is clearly-written and informative. It contains installation instructions, hardware specifications, descriptions of the actual studies, and definitions of the variable names. Like NATASHA, AFDA is a useful tool for researchers, policymakers, teachers, and students. It is produced by Sociometries Corporation with funds provided by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and by the National Science Foundation. AFDA runs on both IBM and Macintosh computers, and may be purchased for $950 for the DOS version with search and retrieval and data extracting software; $850 for the Macintosh version without such software. CROSS-CULTURAL CD Silver Platter introduced a set of CD-ROM databases in 1989 called Cross-Cultural CD, consisting of five volumes of information dealing with society and the family. These full-text files were extracted from the Human Relations Area Files, and cover life in 60 different cultures throughout the world during the 19th and 20th centuries. All records are in English. The volumes currently available deal with Human Sexuality and Marriage (Volume 1), Family, Crime, and Social Problems (Volume 2), Old Age, and Death and Dying (Volume 3), and Childhood and Adolescence (Volume 4). Socialization and Education (Volume 5) to be released in 1994, will cover Religious Beliefs and Religious Practices. Cross-Cultural CD is not nearly as easy to search as some of the other 50 CD-ROM PROFESSIONAL SEPTEMBER 1993 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. ~-~-b{ii. '" ;fi(i rri. ,., ~- :: . . n; --~ -~ :,. .::; ., .. SCHLAL WORK /dbTR ••. CTS PLUS rh(· !\,Ji.iun-J /\:~::;, 'Ci.,::;!:[;·,,, <:•f ''~c,,:i;l! \.\;{:•: tVi(i ,\ >;trdct'··· j cmn~rdes Menti~ ::. vc·r!"L;U:er. . ~oioc:· al \\\,rk in this 1\Hiele .·, \U li.i<:' ·CD Pt.i~ :~;;3.3 "11 ~'': ;;: ~ ~; ~ ~ t; 6t~·i r·~uur .;,.·,, ~1..:n:~L·d \-\'t"n~.: •.:=r:-:._. i.~... ~ •A: >Jinic:~~ ::;.oc·~a] '~-\'Orkr·r::i 1n. tr.f c··hrric;d SOC'!OHU th' IJni::eJ Sutc·:'. h ind ;;;.L:·:·,: r<..Hn,· ,;nd. +:1dr,·•,;,; !nt<•nn::,:·iun, .,,,.:. ,.,,:d! :l:c educJhi,;n. . ..... Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. , , .. ,....•.. ,., T1-· commonly conjunction with "'"''""'"t"'" University's Population Index. Production of POPUNE :is funded by the United Statl'S Agency for International Development. The Family Doctor CD-ROM ... is the next best thing to having Marcus Welby, M.D., in your home or office. Using SilverPlatter's SPlR.S search so!hvare, the USt'r can h)ok for information in the follmving fields: abstract, address, author. country of publication, entry month, ld.nguage, notes, publication typ<:', source, title (in English as well as in the original language), year of publication, and subject fields. A print thesaurus is available, but it is not·yct searchable online. Documentation for POPLINE is thorough yet concise, with helpful ideas for search strategies clearly presented. The documentation also includes three appendic.·es that list the various languages used in POPUNE (75 different languages. from Afrikaans to Welsh), various publication types (listed earlier), and all of the stop words u..<;ed in the database. A subscription to POPUNE can be arranged through SilverPlatter for $790 per year (for a single user) or $1185 (for multiple users). POPUNE can l"J€ used. on either an IBM or a Macintosh platform. fAMILY RESOURCES DATABASE An important print and online reference tool that is due to be publisht.'(i on CD-ROM by the end of 1993 is the Family Resources Databas<', a.lso known as the Inventory of Marriage and Family Literature. This database will be distributed by DataTRAQ International in conjunction with the National Council on Fan1ily f~elations. The Family Resources Database (in its present form as an online databas.e ;wailable through Dialog and BRS) contains over 120,000 citations from bonks, iournal articles, dissertations. government publications, and unpub.. lished. research. H sdectivdv indexes these m,1terials from a wid<2 spectrum of disciplines, including p;,;ychok'tW• education, sociology, health sciences, la\v, theology, anthropology, economics, and social work asked beaH:h questions, information ab()U.t 1,600 prescription medications, 300 color illustrations, and an elaborate illustrated guide to the human anatomy. Its Disd'assagc software interface is an easy-to-use mcmH::lriven system that al!ows even the novice to find inform;ltion on almost any ailment The Familv Doctor is a useful and informative tool, but remember: nothing can ever replace:; your rml filmilv d<wtor' OTHER DATABASES Other ('l)..l{(JM databasE's m<w <1b{! bt:• usdul in se,wdling for mform<:ltion about f<m1ilies. For <:'Xdmple. uur library uses ERIC for eduotional!v-uriented f.unily int{>rmation, and EBSCO's Heahh Source for health or mo;;dicallvorienkd data. V\/c:; ab• use U\l['s Diss<ertadnn /\.b5tract5 and EBSC'CYs Acdcmk Abstmds to complenwnt our CD-EOM coile<Jion. In ,1ddition, we subscribe tu th: CD-ROM version of our loc1l newspaptT \Dialog's L()S ANGELES T!\US ()nDisc) for local and current infon:ruhon. SUMMARY The dat,lbase.; described in this article are appn;rwi;1l<.' for organization:; that serve dients n•s<~an:hing a variety of topics that fall under the category of tamily studies. Tn additiun, some indi·· vi duals (teachers, res<:ardwrs, etc.) In<lY from purchasing or subscribing to some of tlw rPsources listed here. c·onnnuni(ations to /Je addressed to !Hark ffh' author J"t1li_lf Sto~:,;;~r, Calijim1ia Familr; Siudtf Center, 543,'! The Family Doctor; authored and edited by Allan Bruckheim, MD, is the winner of the 1992 Multimedia Reader~'> Choice Award for a Self-help Product. Laurel CmHron Boulevllrd, North fhdltjU'OOd' CA C!J607: 818(509-59S9: Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. .< •