This document sets out the framework for career progression in the Education and
Scholarship job family within the University. The posts in the Education and Scholarship
job family and the Research and Education job family are deemed equivalent in terms of
esteem and contribution within the University.
This document shows Professor grade in the Education and Scholarship career pathway
and details:
a summary of the activities which a member of staff at that level should be
undertaking, to a successful and effective standard (the top box); and
the evidence which must be demonstrated - over a sustained period (of at least
one academic year at Exeter) by a member of staff – in order to achieve
promotion to the next level/grade (the middle box). Examples of these are shown
in the shaded bottom box.
against each of the following core activities of staff in the Education and Scholarship job
Teaching practice
Management/administration and core/education management
Communications, esteem and scholarship
Student/staff support
External affairs
together with minimum requirements on qualifications/HEA Fellowship.
The examples (shown in the shaded bottom box) of the evidence which must be
demonstrated in each of the core activities in order to achieve promotion to the next
level/grade are not prescriptive. Similarly, the framework does not seek to be
completely exhaustive or definitive, rather it is designed to be indicative of the
level the University would expect.
The examples given are generic and it is recognised that the specific
requirements and opportunities will differ between subject disciplines. The
requirements of the University and College and the opportunities which will be available
to staff will also differ over time as College priorities change. Through the PDR process,
Academic Leads and individual members of staff should align personal aspirations (eg
for career development and promotion) with the needs of the College, set out in the
College Business Plan.
Summary of typical
characteristics of role
Teaching Practice
Staff working at this level
must be undertaking the
activities listed to a
successful and effective
Student/Staff Support
Staff working at this level
must be undertaking the
activities listed to a
successful and effective
Management and
Staff working at this level
must be undertaking the
activities listed to a
successful and effective
Scholarship, esteem and
Staff working at this level
must be undertaking the
activities listed to a
successful and effective
External affairs
Staff working at this level
must be undertaking the
activities listed to a
successful and effective
Professor (Education & Scholarship)
P Role: Major responsibility for College and/or University level senior strategic leadership in
education/ academic development/management; will have successfully engaged in most aspects of
the previous level and will continue to demonstrate excellent practice in teaching and learning
support as appropriate.
P1. Continue to demonstrate a deep and expert knowledge of their field of learning, recognised by
peers both internally and externally and evidenced through peer review and citations.
P2. Demonstrate outstanding teaching across all levels.
P3. Work consistently with other colleagues to enhance teaching quality and improve student
experiences within the Colleges, University and nationally/internationally.
P4. Have developed a sustained national/international reputation for teaching/pedagogy.
P5. Evidence of a deep commitment to professional values in supporting teams and individuals.
P6. Provide direct, sole and final responsibility for all matters pertinent to student/staff support,
related to their senior role within College/University,
P7. Take University wide responsibility for degree programme provision and education.
P8. Lead College and University teams in the development of innovative approaches to learning,
teaching and student support.
P9. Champion an integrated approach to academic practice at institutional level and/or
national/international level with regard to Education.
P10. Take on a major and strategic leadership role in the College and University.
P11. Take direct, sole and final managerial responsibility for all aspects of quality and standards in
P12. Be recognised as a major presence nationally and internationally in the subject/discipline area.
P13. Provide expert advice at the national and international level and/or take on national leadership
in matters such as QA and enhancement.
P14. Author and publish major educational resources, which are recognised as leaders in the field.
P15. Lead national or international networks of educationalists.
P16. Be successful over a sustained period in attracting funding for, and leading on educational
Operate consistently at a strategic University/national level on WP.
Present at national and international events.
Organise major international conferences.
Work at national and international level representing the University.
Take a lead on building international partnerships and generating new initiatives.
Lead on international recruitment across the University and Colleges.
P23. At this level individuals would normally be expected to have Principal Fellow of the HEA status
(allowance needs to be made for very highly qualified professionals e.g. Medical professions,
lawyers , accountants , CEOs etc..)