MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT Land Management Administration • Resource Management Program Summary of Sewage Sludge Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) Calculations For the CY- 2016 (Results of Sewage Sludge Analysis From 9/16/2013 to 9/15/2015 Used to calculate these rates) Wastewater Treatment Plant County Sewage Sludge Type Earliest Analysis Latest Analysis No. of Analyses Organic Nitrogen PAN K=1 LS 09/16/2013 07/09/2015 12 3.3664 An Dig 09/17/2013 08/01/2015 74 LS 10/01/2013 08/19/2015 LS 09/16/2013 LS PAN K=0.5 % P2O5 % K2O % Solid Content CCE 24.14 2.8148 0.2334 24.80 26.94 4.3460 33.84 6.5535 0.1253 23.07 0.00 24 3.2766 20.22 2.8310 0.5128 26.29 22.21 02/01/2015 34 3.6889 24.81 2.8541 0.1566 33.54 24.97 10/04/2013 08/21/2015 7 4.7162 30.94 4.6520 0.2822 20.86 9.75 LS 09/17/2013 07/10/2015 12 3.6376 28.01 3.4655 0.2949 18.17 26.88 LS 02/18/2014 07/20/2015 7 3.1332 22.71 3.0359 0.1968 25.66 25.81 LS 09/17/2013 07/13/2015 12 3.0117 23.10 2.3625 0.4534 31.80 24.21 LS 11/05/2013 07/01/2015 15 4.0989 26.39 4.1574 0.3904 28.15 65.26 Annapolis Anne Arundel Cake Back River Baltimore Cake Ballenger Creek Frederick Cake Blue Plains Outside of Maryland Cake Bowie Prince George's Cake Broadneck Anne Arundel Cake Broadwater Anne Arundel Cake Cox Creek Anne Arundel Cake Damascus Montgomery Cake Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) is in terms of pounds of available nitrogen per dry ton of sewage sludge. LS (Lime Stabilized), An Dig (Anaerobically Digested), Ae Dig (Aerobically Digested), Organic nitrogen (NO) is expressed in percent of dry weight of sewage sludge, NO = TKN - NH4 - NO3 , TKN (Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen), NH4 (Ammonium), NO3 (Nitrate). K=1 (Volatilization Factor for incorporated liquid and dewatered sewage sludge applied in any manner), K=0.5 (Volatilization Factor for surface applied liquid sewage sludge), P2O5 (% Available Phosphate), K2O (% Water Soluble Potash), CCE (% Calcium Carbonate Equivalent, it is the neutralizing power per weight of material of the lime stabilized sewage sludge relative to pure calcium carbonate CaCO3). P2O5 = [(%TP)*2.29], while K2O = [(%TK)*1.2], %TP (Percent Total Phosphorus), and %TK (Percent Total Potassium). Date Printed: 9/16/2015 Page 1 of 4 Sewage Sludge Type Earliest Analysis Latest Analysis No. of Analyses Organic Nitrogen PAN K=1 Cake Ae Dig 01/27/2014 04/15/2015 4 3.8445 28.23 Liquid Ae Dig 08/14/2014 04/15/2015 3 3.5773 36.52 LS 01/29/2014 04/15/2015 5 3.2057 An Dig 05/05/2014 05/11/2015 12 LS 10/04/2013 04/15/2015 Ae Dig 07/17/2014 Ae Dig Ae Dig Wastewater Treatment Plant County PAN K=0.5 % P2O5 % K2O % Solid Content CCE 6.7956 0.1839 19.95 0.00 7.8700 0.3972 2.94 0.00 20.80 2.5190 0.1231 26.34 10.88 4.3693 36.09 5.8204 0.3290 16.00 0.00 6 3.9472 26.27 5.0724 0.2628 25.08 7.45 08/13/2015 2 7.2156 58.48 2.8053 0.4314 1.31 0.00 11/21/2014 02/26/2015 2 1.9675 14.56 3.3549 0.2216 16.50 0.00 10/16/2013 04/08/2014 4 2.6150 33.94 6.4750 0.2892 22.64 5.40 Deep Creek Lake Garrett 34.42 Dorsey Run Advanced Anne Arundel Cake Frederick Frederick Cake Freedom District Carroll Cake Grantsville Garrett Liquid 54.67 Havre de Grace Harford Cake Leonardtown St. Mary's Cake Little Patuxent Howard Cake LS 11/18/2014 11/18/2014 1 1.5500 12.30 2.0725 0.4404 0.00 65.00 LS 09/19/2013 07/14/2015 26 2.8504 20.16 10.80 2.4341 0.4517 42.29 46.34 An Dig 10/08/2013 02/11/2014 5 3.4160 40.34 5.1067 0.1139 19.10 0.00 LS 02/17/2014 07/15/2015 7 4.0153 30.07 3.1570 0.3237 22.36 28.59 Marlay-Taylor Water Reclamation Facility St. Mary's Cake Maryland City Anne Arundel Cake Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) is in terms of pounds of available nitrogen per dry ton of sewage sludge. LS (Lime Stabilized), An Dig (Anaerobically Digested), Ae Dig (Aerobically Digested), Organic nitrogen (NO) is expressed in percent of dry weight of sewage sludge, NO = TKN - NH4 - NO3 , TKN (Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen), NH4 (Ammonium), NO3 (Nitrate). K=1 (Volatilization Factor for incorporated liquid and dewatered sewage sludge applied in any manner), K=0.5 (Volatilization Factor for surface applied liquid sewage sludge), P2O5 (% Available Phosphate), K2O (% Water Soluble Potash), CCE (% Calcium Carbonate Equivalent, it is the neutralizing power per weight of material of the lime stabilized sewage sludge relative to pure calcium carbonate CaCO3). P2O5 = [(%TP)*2.29], while K2O = [(%TK)*1.2], %TP (Percent Total Phosphorus), and %TK (Percent Total Potassium). Date Printed: 9/16/2015 Page 2 of 4 Sewage Sludge Type Earliest Analysis Latest Analysis No. of Analyses Organic Nitrogen PAN K=1 LS 10/16/2013 07/08/2015 7 3.9933 26.44 Cake LS 09/23/2013 07/14/2015 26 3.8860 26.35 Liquid LS 03/10/2015 03/10/2015 1 4.8880 43.57 LS 01/29/2014 08/10/2015 6 3.8492 27.18 Ae Dig 09/17/2014 01/14/2015 2 8.8309 59.37 LS 09/26/2013 06/29/2015 20 2.8631 LS 10/08/2013 07/07/2015 17 LS 09/16/2013 07/15/2015 LS 02/18/2014 LS 09/17/2013 Ae Dig Ae Dig Wastewater Treatment Plant County PAN K=0.5 % P2O5 % K2O % Solid Content CCE 3.3140 0.3003 22.93 7.76 3.5722 0.2256 23.30 15.38 4.1220 1.1400 0.30 0.00 4.1525 0.5974 28.33 35.60 4.5571 0.6414 1.26 0.00 20.39 2.6033 0.2418 39.48 49.81 3.2482 20.87 2.3415 0.1303 31.27 38.06 12 4.5672 32.39 3.5610 0.4302 21.40 26.96 02/18/2014 1 4.9222 30.29 3.8243 0.0486 0.00 31.00 07/21/2015 38 3.3486 20.80 3.1072 0.0482 25.93 41.64 09/23/2013 09/08/2014 5 3.7850 35.09 7.9142 0.5057 20.04 1.92 01/22/2014 01/22/2014 1 1.2000 56.60 3.8101 4.0965 11.60 0.00 Maryland Correctional Institute (MCI) Washington Cake Mattawoman Charles 36.67 Mount Airy Carroll Cake Mount Saint Mary's University Frederick Liquid 56.69 Ocean City Worcester Cake Parkway Prince George's Cake Patuxent Anne Arundel Cake Piscataway Prince George's Cake 29.92 QA 1-Kent Island Queen Anne's Cake Rock Hall Kent Liquid 31.90 Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) is in terms of pounds of available nitrogen per dry ton of sewage sludge. LS (Lime Stabilized), An Dig (Anaerobically Digested), Ae Dig (Aerobically Digested), Organic nitrogen (NO) is expressed in percent of dry weight of sewage sludge, NO = TKN - NH4 - NO3 , TKN (Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen), NH4 (Ammonium), NO3 (Nitrate). K=1 (Volatilization Factor for incorporated liquid and dewatered sewage sludge applied in any manner), K=0.5 (Volatilization Factor for surface applied liquid sewage sludge), P2O5 (% Available Phosphate), K2O (% Water Soluble Potash), CCE (% Calcium Carbonate Equivalent, it is the neutralizing power per weight of material of the lime stabilized sewage sludge relative to pure calcium carbonate CaCO3). P2O5 = [(%TP)*2.29], while K2O = [(%TK)*1.2], %TP (Percent Total Phosphorus), and %TK (Percent Total Potassium). Date Printed: 9/16/2015 Page 3 of 4 Sewage Sludge Type Earliest Analysis Latest Analysis No. of Analyses Organic Nitrogen PAN K=1 LS 09/17/2013 07/21/2015 38 5.5318 37.99 Ae Dig 02/04/2014 01/27/2015 2 10.5445 84.68 Cake An Dig 09/24/2013 08/04/2015 26 4.2727 34.63 Liquid An Dig 02/11/2014 03/04/2015 8 4.4461 41.89 Cake Ae Dig 08/01/2014 08/01/2014 1 0.9682 18.45 Liquid Ae Dig 01/23/2014 08/01/2014 3 5.4940 51.08 Cake Ae Dig 03/26/2014 03/26/2014 1 5.0385 60.06 Liquid Ae Dig 03/19/2015 03/29/2015 2 6.5432 54.19 Ae Dig 01/07/2014 03/04/2015 3 0.8523 LS 10/08/2013 12/16/2014 15 Cake Ae Dig 05/06/2014 05/06/2014 Liquid Ae Dig 05/05/2015 05/05/2015 Wastewater Treatment Plant County PAN K=0.5 % P2O5 % K2O % Solid Content CCE 5.2590 0.3805 24.38 30.28 6.3985 0.5379 0.69 0.00 9.0103 0.1867 18.98 0.00 8.9310 0.2355 12.87 0.00 4.5800 0.4680 15.48 0.00 5.7250 0.5880 4.86 0.00 5.0609 0.6864 15.62 0.00 6.5494 0.9774 13.11 0.22 5.80 0.2641 0.0753 19.90 0.00 4.7825 31.43 2.0778 0.2160 26.90 10.92 1 4.0712 43.00 4.9006 0.2892 20.50 0.00 1 7.6881 57.17 5.1296 0.2076 14.70 0.00 Seneca Creek Montgomery Cake Sharptown Wicomico Liquid 82.62 Sod Run Harford 29.84 Taneytown Carroll 42.15 Thurmont Frederick 46.74 Upper Potomac River Commission/Westernport Allegany Cake Valley Forge Sewage Authority Outside of Maryland Cake Wicomico Shores St. Mary's 51.70 Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) is in terms of pounds of available nitrogen per dry ton of sewage sludge. LS (Lime Stabilized), An Dig (Anaerobically Digested), Ae Dig (Aerobically Digested), Organic nitrogen (NO) is expressed in percent of dry weight of sewage sludge, NO = TKN - NH4 - NO3 , TKN (Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen), NH4 (Ammonium), NO3 (Nitrate). K=1 (Volatilization Factor for incorporated liquid and dewatered sewage sludge applied in any manner), K=0.5 (Volatilization Factor for surface applied liquid sewage sludge), P2O5 (% Available Phosphate), K2O (% Water Soluble Potash), CCE (% Calcium Carbonate Equivalent, it is the neutralizing power per weight of material of the lime stabilized sewage sludge relative to pure calcium carbonate CaCO3). P2O5 = [(%TP)*2.29], while K2O = [(%TK)*1.2], %TP (Percent Total Phosphorus), and %TK (Percent Total Potassium). Date Printed: 9/16/2015 Page 4 of 4