Coarse approach mechan ism Referenc e S c a feedback n n data e r Signa l - Senso r Sample Figur e 3.1. Sche matic show ing all major componen ts of an SPM. In this example, feedback is used to move the sensor Figure 3.1. Schematic showing all major components of an SPM. verticall y to maintain a cons tant signa l. this example, feedback is used to move the sensor vertically to Vertical displacement of the sensor is taken as topographical data. maintain a constant signal. Vertical displacement of the sensor is taken as topographical data In z E 3 3 2 1 x Figure 3.2. Deformation of piezoelectric material in an electric field and the defining coefficients. Z Y X Figure 3.3. Tripod design of SPM scanner with the sensor tip located at the bottom. Figure 3.4. Tube scanner. (From Ref. 6 by permission of American Institute of Physics.) Piezoe lectric tube carrier rail Figur e 3.5. An exa mple of an inertia motor used for coarse approach in SPM. Figure 3.5. An example of an inertia motor used for coarse approach in SPM. V t Figur e 3.6. One pos sible wavefo rm f or the inertia motor. The carrier is fi rst pushed wit h a nea r cons tant speed and then the rail wit hdraws with great acceleration to cause Figure 3.6. One possible waveform inertia motor. sli pping. The carrier will for m ovethe in opposite dira ection rever sing the volt ageand po lathen rit y. the rail is first pushed with nearbyconstant speed The carrier withdraws with great acceleration to cause slipping. The carrier will move in opposite direction by reversing the voltage polarity. Figure 3.7. Left: Constant current mode, with feedback turned on to maintain a constant tunneling current. Right: Constant height mode, feedback is turned off. (From Ref. 8 by permission of American Institute of Physics.) d h As O z Ac E - R Figur e 3.8. Sche matic for the feedback loop used in constant current mode of STM. Figure 3.8. Schematic for the feedback loop used in constant current mode of STM. V(x) III II I Ae ikx Eeikx Cekx + De -kx Be-ikx x 0 d Figur e 3.9. Tunne li ng o f a single electron through a potential barrier. Figure 3.9. Tunneling of a single electron through a potential barrier. 1 Ef1 2 - e eV Ef2 V Figur e 3.10. Tunne li ng o f electrons between two metals . Figure 3.10. Tunneling of electrons between two metals. f(E) 1 df dE ~3.5kBT f(E) 0 E Ef Figur e 3.11. Fermi-Dir ac distribu tion and its derivative. Figure 3.11. Fermi-Dirac distribution and its derivative. Figure 3.12. The density of states of superconducting Al. One of the first obtained by tunneling spectroscopy. The peak position roughly estimates . (From Ref. 9 by permission of American Physical Society.) B N S N S N S Figur e 3.13. Formation of vortices in a sup ercondu ctor. S r egion is still sup ercondu cting , but the area whe re the field pene trates (N) has now beco me nor ma l (vor tex Formation of vortices in a superconductor. core). Figure 3.13. S region is still superconducting, but the area where the field penetrates (N) has now become normal (vortex core). Figur e 3.14 . STM vortex im age of NbSe2 taken at 1.8K, wit h an external field of 1T. Figure 3.14 . STM vortex image of NbSe2 taken at 1.8K, with an external field of 1T. (From Ref. 11 by permission of American Physical Society.) b a a c d Figur e 3.15. Co a toms on smooth Cu(111) The Cu atoms are moved to the desired Figure 3.15. Co surface. atoms on smooth Cu(111) surface. The Co atoms are pattern by carfully manipulating the positi on and moved to the desired by carefully manipulating volt agepattern of t he STM tip. Note how the electron the position wave s in tip. the background arethe being focus ed waves by and voltage of the STM Note how electron in the the boundary . Lower pictures are dI/dV im ages background are being focused of the top one s. by the boundary. Lower pictures are dI/dV images of the top ones. (From Ref. 12 by permission of Macmillan Magazines Ltd.) V(r) Contact mode Non-contact mode r Figur e 3.16. Potential energy be tween tip and sample as a func tion o f the distanc e between them. The po tential i s attractive when they are far apart (non-con tact), but it will become strong ly Potential energy between tip and sample repulsive when they are close toge ther (contact). Figure 3.16. as a function of the distance between them. The potential is attractive when they are far apart (non-contact), but it will become strongly repulsive when they are close together (contact). Figure 3.17. A SiO2 AFM cantilever fabricated by photolithography. (From Ref. 13 by permission of American Institute of Physics.) d L Figur e 3.18. A laser optic al system used to measure the deflection of the cantil eve r [14]. This method is comm only u sed in many A FMs. Figure 3.18. A laser optical system used to measure the deflection of the cantilever. This method is commonly used in many AFMs. (From Ref. 14 by permission of American Institute of Physics.) II I III (a) IV (b) Figur e 3.19. Schematics for PSD. Arrows indicate displacement of the laser spot. (a) A sim ple PSD can on ly measure vertical displacement. (b) A quad -PSD can measure both vertical and lateral displacement. Figure 3.19. Schematics for PSD. Arrows indicate displacement of the laser spot. (a) A simple PSD can only measure vertical displacement. (b) A quad-PSD can measure both vertical and lateral displacement. Figure 3.20. A fiber optical tip used as a light source. The tip end is placed very close to the sample surface. (Reproduced with kind permission of L. Goldner and J. Hwang)