Liberty University School of Business Leadership Excellence Ambassador Program (LEAP) - Reference Form This portion of the application is to be filled out by a reference*. Some examples are your professor, counselor, or employer. *You are required to submit two (2) letters of reference. One reference must be a School of Business professor or advisor. The applicant will be evaluated on each of the criteria mentioned below. Please indicate your rating for each area of responsibility in the table below by checking the appropriate box. Space is provided at the end of this reference should you wish to provide comments or additional information. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree N/A 1. The applicant can handle responsibility. 2. The applicant has demonstrated leadership ability. 3. The applicant demonstrates effective time management skills. 4. The applicant is committed to an organization or task once they agree to participate. 5. The applicant values their academic experience at Liberty University. 6. The applicant can effectively communicate with people one-on-one. 7. The applicant can effectively communicate in group settings. 8. The applicant demonstrates an understanding of the needs of new students and their families. 9. The applicant respects differences in peoples’ ideas, cultures and values. Please make any additional comment you think pertinent to the selection of this candidate for the position of Liberty University School of Business Student Ambassador. REFERENCE PROVIDED BY: Print Name: _______________________________________________ Relationship to the Applicant: __________________________________ Signature: __________________________________