Prcc..dinpt oJ tnt.ndional CoaIet.n . On and aioprcc.ts FnSineering 27' 2f A,eu! 2OOJ Univ.t\iti Malavio Sobah Kota Kinabotu Simulationand sensitivity Analysisof AutothermalReforming(ATR) for Mobile Fuel Cell Application Arshad Ahmadl Norazana lbrahim' tDepahnent of ChemicalEngineeing Uniwrsiti TeknoloqiMalaysia, 813l0 WM Skudai'Johor' Malavsia utn n, Tel: +60-7-55 35610,Faa: +60-7-558'1463,Email: atshad@Jkkksa zlnboratory of PrccessControLDepanmentof ChemicalEngineerinS Univeniti TeknologiMalqsia,81310 UTM Skudai'Joho4 Malavsia Tel: +60'7-55 3s858,E /1il: n-4na78@vahoo.con Abstract Autothermal Refonmng (ATR) is one of the latest technologiesfor fuel reforming to pmduce hyalrcgenfor fuel cell automotiveapplication ATR is a combinationof an endothermic and exothermic process to give th€ maximum hydrogen Foductivity. It integntes the heat effecl of the panial oxidation and steam teforming reacdonsby feeding the fuel, water and air or oxygen into the reactor.This processis carded out in the presenceof a catalvst.which controls the reaction pathwaysand ihereby .tetem;ne the relative extents of oxidation and steam reforming reaction.In this paper, the developmentof ATR MATLAB/SMULINK using model simulation environment is presented. Based on this model' the sensitivity analysisof the Focess is Performed-fie r€sults of this studyarediscussed. Keywords: jr] refornung:hydrogenproductiv A urorhermal MATLAB/SIMULINK; sensitivity analysis Introduction Fuel cell power systemhas receivedincreasedattentionfm tansportation applicationsin recent years becauseof th€ir potential for higb efficiency and lower emissions [l-2]. Fuel cells aft an electrocherical system that converts chemical energy directly into electdcity by Fomohng a chemical reactionbetweentwo reactantgases.Therc arc a variety of fuel cells systemsfor a differcnt application is under development. These include proton-exchange memblaBefuel cels (PBMFC), alkaline fuel cells (AFC)' phosphoricacid fuel cells (PAFC), molt€n carbonatefuel cells O4CFC) and solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) [3] Among these,PEMFC systemsare being studied in this PEMFC generaieselectric power from air and hydrogenor from a hydrogen-richgas. Water and waste beat arc the 8't6 only by-producb.Hydrogen-rich gascan be producedftom conventional traosporiation fuels via various reforming technologies.There are three major reforming technoiogies which are Steamreforming (SR), partial oxidation (PO) and aubthennal reforming, all consistingof similar steps.First' the fuel is vaporized.It is desiredto maximizethe hydrogen contentwhile decreasingthe carbonmonoxideandm€thane formation.Then this gasmixture is further processedin the shift reactor. ln this reactor, carbon monoxide is reacted with steamreforming to pmduce additional hydrogen by the water-gas shift reaction. The remaidng ca$on monoxide can be further €onvettedinto ca$on dioxide by selection oxidation for hydrogen purification The hyaLogen-richfuel containingcarbonmonoxideat below 10 ppm levels is readyto be fed [4]. Steam refoming shows the highest hydrogen Foduction efficiencies. However, the required heat input due to endoihermicr€actionsis consideredas a major drawback for autoriotive applications. Partial oxidation needs extemal cooling. Aulothermal reforming (ATR) prornises better dyoamic response€omparing to tbese two reaction An ATR system is a coupling of endothermic and exothemic prccess to give the maximum hycirogen productivity. The auioihermal reaction integratestbe heat effect of the partial oxidaiion which is cossisting of the sutsstoichiometric oxidatlon of methane, with steam reforming [51. Under such conditions,the reactionmixtue can be usedas a heating/coolingmediumand lhe reactoras a heat exchanger,all in one compact unit insaeadof a networkof reactorsafld heatexchanger[6]. This study focused on numerical simulation of the ATR wilh steady staE and d).nanuc model by using MATLAB/SIMULINK environment.Basedon this model, the sensitivily analysisis perfomed to determineprocess constraints. In the ATR fuel processor, vaponzec! bydrocarbon fuel, oxygen and water (steam) are fed at controlled conditions to the reactor to produce the 8as mixture in an aulothermalwaY. The gas mixture containing the desired hy&ogen ISBN:983-2643-15-5 Prou.dines of lntemrioial ConJ.tuMeOn Chaniat ud BioprocessEnsiiedins 27x -2* Ausue2OO3. Univ.rtiti Mataysiasdbnh,Kota Kinabalu must be processedfurther to conven carbon monoxide to carbondioxide. The hydrogen-richgashasto b€ cool€dand humidified to desiredfuel cell inlet conditions,The quality of the raw rcformate (i.e. CHa, Or, CO, CO, and HrO contents)is stronglyaffectedby the reforming condition. lr shouldbe noredthat Lheconcenbalion of the Hr in the reformateinfluencesthe p€rformanceof tbe fu€l cell stack. Higher hydrogen concentrations show better firel cell perfomance. In gen€ral. CO content in th€ product hydrogenhasto be below l0 ppm in order to be usedas the anodegas for PEMFC [7]. In addition, if purc hydrogenis used in the feed stream,there is no power degadation of fuel cell stackand hence,increasingthe life time of the fuel cell. Another advantageof using pure hydrogenis that fuel cell stackcanrun dead-end. It runswihout thebleed-outof th€ anode gas from th€ stack, and hence maximizes the hydrogenutilizationandmin;mizesthe prcssurclossin the stack due to the lower total gas flow through the stack. In line with ahesereasons,the use of hydrogenpurifier downsreamof the ATR systemis desimble.However,a detailed hydrogen purification model is not part of this paperbut is fonhcoming. DeYelopmentof reactor model Solid phase .",,"=' ,,j ! ft(,'*Ll+)). (3) n,a"@, =o 1ay -r,)+(r-e aru,)p,n,,, ")I,(Gas-phaseboundaryconditions u=0 (5) Ct=Ci.rt-r; Solid-phaseboundaryconditions d f c..,l_^ E= 0 dtlpt ( 6) ) €=r p,?-Ll+l . pr ro ae\ =k,(c,c ; . , )( 7 ) )p., The simulation of the autothermalreacrionis basedon the following set of differential equationst9l. ContinuityEqratiotLe Model assumption In view of opemtion characteristicof the adiabaticfix€dbed reactorsystemfor tuel cell application, the following assumptionsare introduced: gradienboDlyoccursin L Concentration and Lemperature the axial direction. 2. The catalystparticle is assumedto be isothermalard the main transpof resistanceinside the catalysl pellet is due to masstransfer,even in the cas€of highly exothermic reaction[8]. 3. The transport mechanism in the axial direction is considered to beof theplug-flowtype. Mathernatical model A one-dimensiomlheterogeneousmdel is chosenin this work to simulatea tubular fixed-bedrcactor,The massand en€rgyequationsfor the bulk and gas phaseas well as the corresponding initialandboundaryconditionsaredescribed below[8]: (8) ?= 9r , "+ 4, r , + q, r . ) +=#b,",") (e) t;-=ffitn'u-n",t (10) .lx @, (1r) a"- = p,Ct , i;r't +n "' '\ + 4'r' ) Energyequation: *t *= *ftr,0,',e (t2) For the prcssuredrop, the following equationis used: (tjr !g! =_fp,"i Oar phare ," *( +) . r "' ( c ,- c ;- ' ) h;o..\r - r, )= o " ISBNr983-2643-15-5 (1) The effectivenessfactors,I aretakenfrom an averagevalue ' basedupod a numberof off-line pellet simulationsfor the variouseffectivenessfacio$ [9]. (2) 877 Ptu...aiqt ReactioDkinetics In the modelling of autothermalreforming of methane,it is necessar/ to combine all the rale equations for the tolal steamreformingand watergasshift reactions combustion, in the calculations.ln this paper, the intrinsic reforming modelsproposedby Xu and FromentFol are adoptedas presenred below.Theseauthorsderivedthe intrinsicrate equationsfor the steam reforming of meftane on a NiA-,lgAlrorcatalyst. Totaloxidaiion (14) CHA+20,-CO,+2H,O r = . ' k"P,,'Po. ( ls) k nPc a"Pot *, \n x.;p.,,- x;:,p",| F; x;;;;; x:;S SteamRefonning(Co production) (16) CH4+HzO€CO+3H2 k{ / P';tr@"",p",o - p',"p- tK"., (l + K apc n + K , apH 2 +K c B ,p a , + Kp z o p tto lp a )' (17) Warer-gasshift reaction (18) CO +H"O c1 CO1+H. k i I po' ( p- p o ,o ' (l+ Kap@ + Ka*,2+ Kdapcr, Resultsand Discussion The reacbr and caralysldimensions. as well as operatjnq condilionsuselo opemlelhe fixed-bedreactorlor hydroAe; tor fuel cells produclionis shown in Table t. In fiis application,ihe reacbr is operatedat atmosphericpressure with methaneandoxygenas a fe€dstock. Besides,wateris addedas reactantat the reactor inler ro increasehydrogen formation and to suppresscoke deposition. Table I - Reactordinensions,catabst dimensionsand operatingconditions Operatlng Conditions Fuel Cell Reactor Diam€terof reactor,d, (m) Length of reactor,l, (m) Temperaturc(K) Pressure,atm (Pdd) o.4 0.5 830 Catal!st Catalystused Metal content(wt 9,) Metal surfacearea(m'?g-r) Density,p" (ksm-') Feed Composition CHIOz HrO/CIt4 Oxygensources I Ni&lgAlzO3 t5.2 4.1 18?0 2.O 2.0 + KH\opEb I pE)' SteamRefonning(CO,productjon) CO,+4H, (20\ kl"I p'itroe.p'zB,a - pLpco,tK (I+ K @p@+ K r r pp 2 +K@ ,p u t + K o z p o o ,o l p o )' (2t, Simulation Studies Fouowing the developmentof the mathematicalmodel of the syslem, simulation studies were implementedin MATLAB/SIMULINK environm€nt.Sensitivityanalyses were canied oul to evaluate lhe influence of some key processvariablesoo tie ovefall systemperformance, The reactor was assumedadiabatic and the fuel gas mixture (Methane/steanvoxygen) is fed into the ATR at ihe selected T^rR The tenperarureof the exit product stream is detemined by the extent of the endotbermic and 878 exothermic reaction in the reactor due to adiabatic conditions. p o ' P* ,1 K (19) CH 4+2H,O.. ol lnkndiaut ConIem, . On Ch.nical ord Aopo..:, Enskpetine 27r 2er A'sur 20AJ, Unn.^iliMatatsta Sobah.Kota Kitubaiu The parametric sensitivity of ATR behaviour and its performancehave beeninvestigaledfor sevemlparameters including opemting temperaturesand kinetics parameler. The influence of these opeB.ional parameterson the product composition,i.e. product disrribution,depends strongly on the thermodynamicsof the reacaions.For this purpos€, analysis has b€en studied over the temperature rangeof 800-1015K, feedflowratefrom 1.0-3.0m'/s and steamto methaneratio 2.0-4.0. lt has been found that the optimal operatingtemperaturein ATR is f0f5 K and fe€-d flowrate of 2.0 m3/s andstean to methan€ratio is 2.0-3.0. The rcsultsare asfollows: 1 Effect of temperature Figwe I shows that methaneconveNion at different feed temperatufes.It indicatesthat methaneconversionincreases with increasingfeed temperature.It reachesabour 98.9% conversion at a temperanrre of l0l5 K from 52.47%at 800 K. It hasb€enfound that after this value,a systembecomes unstable. 2. Effect of step change in temperature on product distribution. ISBN:983-2643-15-5 d Prcce.din$ of Intenatiotul confer.nce On Chehical ahd aioptucest Eneihe.ibg 27' 2y Augd 20A3. Univ.rcni MdLarsiaSdbdh,Kab Kindbal, Figure2(a), clearly showsthat the methaneconcentrationis decreased\rhen tempemtureis increased.This is due to the increase ofthe amounrof availableoxygenwhichenhances the exorhermicreactions(CO" fonnation). It hasbeennoted fiat lhe CO concentrationincrcaseswith lemperature. when the temperature becomeslarger than 900 K, high concentradon of hydrogenis obtainedas shownin figures 2(c) and 2(d).In contrary,figure 2(e) indicatesthat steam {H.O, concenrralionis de{reas€dwhen temperatureis iocreased.This is becausethe higher the operating temperatufe,ihe more steamis fleededfor steamrefom)ing 3. Effect of step changein feed flowrate on product distribution. From the figure 3. the behaviourof productdistributions, mainlyconceniradon of CHj, CO?,H, andCO followsthe pa[em of the step change in temp€rature.At higher operaringtemperature,the oxygen is almost convertedand it becomesunstable(negativevalue) as temperatureabove 1000 K and fe€d flowrate greaterthan 3.0 mr^ were used Geefigure3(f)) 2(b) ! 07 ,:I ::l e E 0.6 ;I :il ;il :l 2(c) -t Td. (.) Figurc I - Tenpenture pmfiIes thrc eh the rcactor with : ; E ! o.r5 € 2(d) 2(a) ISBN:983-2643-15-5 879 Pnccedius oJlntematioul Cod.r.nce On Ch.nical ana Bioptuess Eagircei,s 27" -2q Aleui2003, Univ.rsiti Malarsia Sabdh,Kota Kinabdb R 0.16 E01 E E 0 . 1r 0 25; 2(e) I E E 6 nn. (.) 2A 3(c) Fieu.e 2 - Effect of chansine tenperuturc on prcduct disuibution: (a) CHa,(b) COr (c) H, (d) CO, (e) HrO, (f) Or. Fk conditions: Feedfolt)rate I mr/s, pressure I bar, and steamto methanentio 2.0 3 0.55 E E '., + o.j ,i 06 s(d) 3(a) 880 ISBN:983-2643-15-5 Ptuc.editss of lntemdtiotul Conferdc. On Ch.hical @d Bioprccest EneiieennB 27 - 2E Aqus 2003, Univeftiti Mdldlsid lnboh. Kota KiBbalu Besides,higher methaneconversionis obtainedupon decreasingthe feed flowrate and increasing temperatur€. From the thermodynamic analysesand kinetic simulation performed, $e optimal operating conditions of the temperature<1015l<, HrO/CH4 ratio of 2.0-3.0,feed flowrate of 2.0 m'/s afld ]ow pressure reforming is favomble due to the PEMFC is operate at atmospheric I € 0m References rin€ (3) 3(e) a E ::l 3A Fisurc 3 - Efect of chansesof feed.Jlowrate on prcduct distribution. (a) CHa,(b) Coz (c) H,. (d) CO, (e) H,o, (f) Or. FLxconditions: TemperuturcI0l5 K, prcss rc 1 ba\ tutio 2.0. steamto methane Conclusion The kinetic model of Xu and Fromenl [0] for steanmetbane reforming has been shown to be applicable to autothermalreactoropemlion. From the simulation results, temperaturehasa significant effect on hydrogenandca$on monoxidelevels.At low tempera$re,methancmay not be completelyconverred,even though the o/cH{ mtio is greaterthan 0.5, resultiogin lower H, and CO level. However at higher temperature the steam reforming reactions dominate and hydrogen and carbon monoxide level increase.It is also revealedthat, lhe CO and H, formation is favoured at high tempemturesand Hz yield increasingat higher rate due to the water gas shift reaction and methane coupling reaction aa higher temperature, ISBN:983-2643-i5-5 Robert SitaramRamaswamy, [1] MeenatshiSundaresan. Moore, M., and Myron Hoffman,A. 2003. Catalytic Bumerfor an IndirectMelhanolFuelCell VehicleFuel Processor. PowerSourcesl13: 19-36. [2] Ahned, S., and Krumpelt,M. 2001. Hydrogenfrom Hydmcalboo Fuels for Fuel Cells. Hydrogen Energy 261291-301. [3] Anca Faur Ghenciu.2002. 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On ChenicaLMd BioPrc*ss Eneineeing 2f - 2q Ausd 2A0J, Oniwriti Maldrsia Sabah.Kota Kinobalu Nomenclatrrl€ a,,, massflow velocity,kgm,'?s-l superficial 4, e\rernalpeilelsufaceareaperuniLreacror ,4, volume,mi'zm,r pre-exponenlialfactor'reactiondependent c/, pressure, J kg_'K'' sp€cificheatat constant C, molar concentrationof speciesi, mol m;l q lratronofspeciesi inlra parliclemolarconcen q. i. at theextemal of species molarconcentration pelletsurface,mol mtl 4 m, reactordiameter, D,.t effectivediffusion coefficient of speciesA i m, ml''1s'r catalYst, I gas-lo-solid healtransfercoefficient,w mi'?K l" r€ac.orlength,m pr i, bar ofcompoBent Panialpressure P,, total Pressure,bar ri mteof reactioni, mol k&;'s_' p€llet radius,m & netcataiylicprodudionmleofspeciesi. peruniL Ts catalystmass,mol kg;'i' gas-phasetempemture,K T" solid tempemhlre,K z, AH: axial reactorco-ordinate,m standardadsorptionenthalpy,J mof' i. J mol ' -+H heatof formationof species €R voidfractionof packing,mgm;l gas-to-solidmasstansfer coefficient, mg3mi'?sr a dimensionlesspelletco-ordinate reactionrale constaotof feactioni P1 fluid density,kg nl-3 equilibrium constantof reactioni Ps gasdensiry,kg mr'r 4 adsorptionconsrantfor componenti barr 4j effectivenessfacaorfor reactioni Ki" adsorptionconstantfor componenti, in f) crossse€tionalofreactor m2 xrr. convenion of melhane(%) x*. conversionof methaneto CO, (%) ks combustionreacaion,bar ' 882 ISBN:983-2643-15-5