PraceedinBsal Inkmational ConJeenc. Oa Chenical ahd BioprccessEnsineerins 2/' 2y AuR6t 2003, Univenni Molaysia Sab.h, Kata Kinabah Developmentof a Robust llybrid Estimator using Partial Least SquaresRegression and Arfifrcial Neural Networks Arshad Ahmadr Lim Wan Piang' ' IAboratory of PrccessControl, Departnent of Chenical Engineefing,Faculu of Chemicaland NaturuI Resources Eneineering,Universiti TeknologiMalatsia, 81310Skudai,Joho. MalaysiTel: +60-7-553.56I 0, Far: +60-7-558-I 463, E-nail: arshad@lkkksa.utn.n) ' Laboratory of ProcessControl, Depatnent of ChemicalEnqineein|, Facult-lof Chenical a d Natural Resources ' Engineering,Uniyetiti TeknologiMal1ysia,I 13I0 Skudti, Johor, Malaysia TeI: +60-7-553-5858,E-nnil: wanpiaig@hotmail.con Abstract Measurementdifrculry is one of the processcontrcl issues atising frcm the conpleity and the lack of on-lirc neasurenent devices. One of the ake at e solutions to deal with this problem is infercnlial estimation where secondaryvariables,such as temperatureanclpressureare usedto prcdict the unmeasurcdpinary variables that arc nahlt product qualities. mis paper presentsthe estination of ptoduct conposhions for a fatry acid fructioMtion colunn using a hybnd kchnique. Theproposed technique combines paftial least squares r.srcssion (PIS) utd artifcial neural netwotks(ANN) in an estination paradiqm to provide better estinntion prcpenies. The aim js to take odvantaSeof ANN capability to captwe the ntn-linear rclationships as well as the statistical strength of PIS method. The rcsults of prccess estination usine both PI.s and htbrid nethoh arc presented- The signifcant imprcvementobtained by the htbrid strciegt re|ealed its capabilitt as a potentially riable estimator for prodtlct propertiesin chenical industry. Keywords: Inferential Estimation, Partial l€ast SquaresRegression, Artificial NeuralNetworks,Hybrid Model, Robushess Introduction The world (end o[ chemicalproduclionis now moving lowards tull capacity operation with zero accidents,zero emissions and high profitability. Under this stringent environment,many plantshavebeenforced to revamptheir exhting control system.However,Foblems that are related to process dynamic and measuremeni remain largely unsolved,evenwhenadvancedcontrolsystemis in place. Processdynamicissuesaie often relatedto the non"linearity of chemical processes while problems arisiflg from measurementare mainly due to difficulty in implementing on-lin€ measurements.For example, an online gas 780 chromatograph, a cornmon instrumentation for the mearurementof product composilions,is not suitable fo. orline application in many cases.This is due to the low sampling rate and occasional result inconsistency. Furthermore, it is not economic ftom the viewpoint of operationaland maintenancecost. Due ro rhesedifficulries, inferential esaimationhasbeenrecommendedas one of the altemativesolution. Inferenrial estimation is a strategy ihat employs lhe measuement of secondary Focess outputs such a3 temperaturesand pressures,to infer the unmeasurable disturbanceson primary processoutputs, such as producl compositions l. For example, intermediare tray temperaures are usually being used to predict product compositionsin a distillation column. Hence,the main role of the estimator is to predict the pdnary variables using selectedsecondaryvadables.The estimatedvaluesare $en fed into the controller for control purloses. For practical implementation, th€ estimator should provide reliable predjctionof theunmeasured. Backgound of Inferential Estimation Since the development of infercntial conrol in 19?0s, various apprgachesto constructthe process€stimatorhave been widely studied.The fundamentalmethodis ro uselhe inforrnationof theprocess,suchasmassandenergybalances, to constructthe estimaror.Although this is a reliable and dircct approach, the developmenlsof such models aft laborious and knowtedge intensive. For $ese rcasons, researchen have been formulating altemative methods. Most of thesemethodsuse rhe input-ourputdata and some basic knowledge of the process to develop the process estimator,such as Kalman filtering, sratisticalmethodsand blackbox modellingmethods. Application of statistical methods in chemical process modelling and control is not new. These methodsinclude linear rcgression(LR), multiple linear re$essions (MLR), principal componentregession (PCR),principal componenr analysis (PCA) and partial least squareregression(PLS). MLR is amongthe most widely appliedmethodsin chemical industry for estimation.Recendy,the PLS nethod is also ISBN:983-2&3-15-5 Pnc.edius ol l.tetwtiual Cdfcrence On Chefticat and Biauoc*s Encineerins 27' - 2y Ausu$ 2AB , anive^ni Malorsia sdbah, rab Kinabalu gainingpopularityin this field comparcdwith moreclassical MLR and PCR due to its robustness [2] In process estimalion,the use of PLS was pione€redby Mejdell and Skogestad13,41.Over the years, they had develoPedthe comDositionesdhator usitg PCR and PLS models for a whichwerebased coluninTheestimators, b;na;ydisrillation dataand muitiple lempefaturemeasuremenls, on steady-state performed well in vadous conditions such as muiti-component mixtures, pressure variations, and nonlinearity. Dealing with the problems of mnlinearity and noise in distillation column, they Foposed the use of 'additional faclors, weighting functions, and logarithmic Someotherresearchenhad also investigatedthd application of PLS in Drocessestimation and con$ol. Budman and co-workers[5] addfessedthe developmentof a robust inferentialestimaiorfor a packed-bedreactorby using PLS model. This estimator was then comparing wjth another estjmatordevelopedby using Kalman filter technique. Resultsshowedthat PLS estimatorwas sjgnificantly more accuratefor estimating the actual concentrationin a wide rangeof operatingconditions.Another exampleis the work by Kresta and co-workers [6]. Their estimator,which was designed to estimate the distillatior compositions, had showngoodpredicdonwhendealingwith largenumbersof hjghly correlatedmeasuredvariableswithout over"fitting. They had also proved that the model was more robust io missingdataandsensorfailures. The PLS model had been inferior due to its dependencyon steady state data and insufficiency when dealing with non-linearsystem{51.EfTortsto improve this techniquein oder !o deatwith both dynamc and non-linearFo€ess had beenexplored.Dayal & Maccregor [7l Foposed recusive exponentiallyweightedPLS algorithmto imFove parameter estimation.This newly developedalgorithm was testedon a muitivariable CSTR and an industrial mineral floating circuil. In the estimationof distillation compositions,Kano and co-workers [8] canied out a comprehensivestudy of dynamicPLSto improvethe accuracyofestimation by using simulated tirn€ series data. They concluded that the esiimationof top andbottomcolumn quality basedon reflux flow mte, reboiler duty, pressure and multiple tray tempemhrres was much better than th€ usual tray tempemturecontrol system. Arc$er approachto extendthe PLS model in dealing with dynamicandnonlinearsystemis by hybridisingthe model with other modelling pamdigm such as artificial neu|al network (ANN). The useof ANN wi6in thePLS rnodelling paradigmandwas first recommendedby Qin & McAvoy t9l, The capability of ANN model in dealine with non-linear systemhadinspiredthe mergingof thesemethodr.Sincethe rcsults of the NNPLS model were encouraging,someother researchershad also worked on this field to improve the modelcapabilities,Baffi and co-workers001 had proposed two extensionsmodels. These were the nodified NNPLS and Iadjal basisfunction network PLS (RBFPLS). Boih of ihese model employed enor-basedinput weights updaling procedure !o improve the prediction capability. ISBN:983-2643-15-5 Consequendy,Abebiyi & Cotipio [1 l] hadalsocarriedout similar investigarionto NNPI-S model. They proposeda dynamic NNPLS (DNNPLS) in which the static neural network modelsin the inner relationshipwere replacedby dynamic neuml network models. This approachhad been tesled with the data hom a highly ron-linear fluidised catalytic cracking unit and an isothemal r€actor. Results showedthat the prediction was as good as a MIMO neural network andit wasbetier than PLS-ARMA model. Partial Least SquaresRegression Partial least squaresregession is one of the multivariate analysismethods.It is a linear systemidentification method that projectsthe input-outputdatadown into a latent space, extracts a number of principal factors with aD orthogonal s&ucture,while capnrringmostof the variancein theoriginal data [2]. Derails description of the PLS st$cture can be The schematicdiagam of the PLS model is illustrated in Figurc l. [t consists of two outer relations and an inner relation.The outerrclations are the matrixesof independenr anddependentvariabl€s,which canbe representedby X and Y, respectively.The inpul X is projectedinto the latentspace by the input-loadingfacaor,P to obtain the input scores,T. Similarly, the output scores,U is obtainedby projecting the outputY inlo lateni spacethroughthe outputloading factor, Q. These relations are in matdx form and are written in Equation(l) and (2). Outerrelations: X = TPr + E/ (1) Y = UQ r+ F r (2) !$s!-&s! h 'r '& o i 'a r o h | Fisure t Schenaticofthe PIS Model t I I l The matricesEr andF.rareresidualsof X andY, rcspernvely X and Y arc linked with a linear regressioncalled inner relation to capturethe relationshipbetweenthe inputs and output latent scores.The notation of the inner relation is written in Equation(3). lnner r€lation: U = TB (3) The Focedwe of determiningthe scoresand loadingsfactor is caried out sequentiallyfrom the flrst factor to the J'lh factor. Scoresand loading rectors for each faclor is calculatedfrom the prcvious residualmairicesas shown in Equation(4) and (5), whereinitially E0= X andF0 = Y. 781 Proceedin.sol lntematiahat ConJerence On chennal o.d Bioprcce$ En,inerthg 27tu -2q Aug& 2AB, Unive^ni Mokttsio sabah,Kohki&bat; ForX, Fr=Frt -r.If (4\ For Y, &=&.,-urQi' (5) Caiculation of ihe inner and outer relations is performed unlil th€ lasi factor,/or when residualmatricesare below certainthreshold. Hybrid PLS-ANNModel The hybnd PLS-ANN model is construcred basedon tbe NNPLS nodel I9l. As mentioned before, this rechnique incorporatedf€edforwardoerworksinto the PLS modelling, whereFFN is usedto capturethe nonlineariiy in the model whilethestatisrjcal strengthofPLS is mainrained. The schematicdiagram of a NNPLS nodel is depicr,edin Figure 2. As rnentionedabove,a convenrionalPLS model consistsof outerand inner relations,whereboth of these relationsare representedin linear form. In NNPLS model, the PLS outer relations are kept linear to transform the original datainto scorcfactors(U andT). On the otherhand, neural networks are accomplishedin the irner relation as writtenin Equation(6): controlof productcomposirjons is achieredby controlJing tempemture at selected location. However, this control schemecanlot funcrion very welt due to distu$ancesin the feed composition.This has qeared somedifficulries in the compositioncontol and at times, off-specificarionproducts have beenproduced.In rhis Fojecr, the focus is on the developmenr of a robustinferenriat eslimaror for thelight cu1 Light cut columnis a packeddisrillationcolurnnconsisting of thiee sections, which are srripping, recriflng and condensingsection.This colurm is operaltd under vacuum condition inducedby steamejector. The schernaticdiagram of this colurDnis depictedin Figure 3. The feedstockof light cut columnis the bottomproductfrom pre-cutcolumnwjth fatty acidsrangingfrom C-10 to C-l8. The intet temperature rs around 220PCat pressufe aiound 6.84 kpa. Disrillare productfmm thiscolunn is C-12with around98 qo,andrhe bottomproducrs.which aremainty C,l4 to C- I 8 arethenfed !o the next column. (6) rrJ=r{{tt) + rr{(, standsfor lhe nonlinear relation representedby a neuralnetwork.Here, the training dak is rhe scorefactors generatedfrom the outer relations. L 6 x tl F, q t d # t FiEurc 2 A Schenatic lusttution of NNPIS Model [9] Figu/e 3 UEht Cut Cotunn in the Fatt, Acids Frucrionation Plant Dynamic PIatrt Simulation Problem Definition The aim of this paper is ro develop a robust inferentjal estimatorby usjnghybrid PLS-ANN modelbasedon on-line measuementsof processvariables,such as flow raies and temperatures,For pmclical implementation,the estimator should able to provide accurateprediction, and the model must be robust enough ro delal witb distwbances and changing of operating conditions. ProcessDescription The casestudyconsidered hereis rhelight cut columnofa local fatty acids fractionationplant. At plesent,indirect 782 The dynamicsimulationwascarriedout usinsIrySys.planr simulalor.Basedon lhe processflo* diagrai providedby a local $e lighLcur columnmodelwas sel. Here, seven'ndusFy. contml loops were activated, These are shown in Figue 3. Simulatior wascarriedour in both steadystateand dynamic modes. Results of the dynamic simulation were comparedto the actual data collected from the planr DCS system.MoniLoringand runing of lhe conrol loop \Las cs.rnedoul unLil the simulaLionresulrswere in close agreementwith the actualdata. Sensitivity Analysis Since the estimation model was data based,selection of ISBNr983-2643,15-5 Pnceediass oJlnkmatio8l Conf.Eace On Chenicll and Biaptuces Eqinee ne 27 - 2q AusBt 2003. Unir.fiti Malatsia Sabah,Kota Kinaboh inpul and oulpuLvariablesis imponant Thus' aDDroDriale ofboth openandclosedloopsyslemwas .insiLiuiryanaiysis the dynarnicbehaviourof process carriedour ro investigare var;ablessuch as llos rales. liquid level temperarures and producrcomposidonsThis was done by Drcssure, imoosineslepschangesLovatiousprocessrsinpuLsuchas and now mre\' The effectson the process r"riroerarures as Fay temperaturesand productcompositions such outputs wereihenexamjned.Theseresponseswere usedasgurdesIo selectappropriateinput andoutput variablesthat aresuitable for modeldeveloPment resuhsis shownin anaivsis of lhesensilivil) An examDle in the feed tempersure was increase a 5% Fisure 4: Here, fraction is the-C-I2 mole show lhat Results iniroduced. that the feed 0935 It means 0.98 to about from droDD€d hassignificanleffecton theC-12moleftaction. rempirature Basio on the rcsultsof sensitivityanalysis,four input orocess variables had been selected, namely the feed temperature,thetop column temperatue,the reflux flow mte and the recycleflow mte. Since tray temperatureshad been pmvenasthesecondaryvariablesthat arecommonlyusedin inferential estimation[3,8], four tray temperatureshad also beenchosen.Thesevariableswerethenusedasinpuls for the to Fedict the compositionof C- 12 falty inferential.estimator acid, asn=j'Lr,; -it I' ('7) (8) Hefe,.xis themeasurement i is of theproducfcomposition, its estimaajon value,tis the meanvalueof measurements, and/y'is the numberof measurement, PLS Estimator The strengthof PLS model is its capability to deal with a large set of correlateddata. For tie unity of the data, the selected input variables should be mean-centred€trd variancescal€dthroughEquation9 and 10,rcspectivety. (e) ,=z' 'I d l | S i ,. N Z' \' t Model Development In,this section, develobment of the infercntial estimator rbased.on both PLS and hybrid PLS'ANN model are 'descnbed. The perfomB ces of these esdmatoa! 8re the basis of mean squaredefior of.ptediction evaluated.on. .( 4SE) and the explained prediction variance (EPV) The ' calculadons ofMSE andEPV areshow! in Equation? and8, respecnvely: (t0) 12 -; 12| ' l Here,.zis an input vadable, Z is.the nieanvalueofdie input set, z, is a meancentredvalue , z, is the meancenti€d and variancescaledvalue, and,{ is the number of inputs in a dataset. Fernl.n'rxntns fCl '"1 i o.!.1 o.e.l J € 9l l,*l F*^r * *l i*l :l l: i* 9" 9e Jyj ?'r ! 6l I :t E r lrl i't o@ t 5 E"., a Fjgure4 DynanicResponse in .theFeedTemp€rature of 57oIncreas€ ISBN:983-2f43-15-5 783 Pruuedines of lntewtional CohfeenceOn Chenical and Biopmes Eui@erinq 27' - 2q' Augui 2AB . U,iversili Molafsia Sabah,Kora Kinabatu The developmentof the inferen[ial model wascarried in the The NIPALS algorithmof PLS, MATLAB environment. 1 in Table which is shown , wastransfenedto the platform of MATLAB using its programmingianguage.The model was first trainedusing a training daaain o.der to obtain the associatescorefactors.The numbersof latent variablewere setat 20. After the training, the scorefactorswere kept, and tbey were further used to cross validate different sets of data.TheseresuLts arcshownin Figure5. operating . DaaaA - Nomlal operatingcondilions . Data B - Intermediatefluctuations . Data C - Severefluctuarions The pur?ose of the evaluation was to investigate the accuracyandrobustnessof the model.The actualvaluesand the prediction resultsof thesedataare plotted in Figure 6, 7 and8. E.lrrurloior cr2 MoreF6dro. (rralnlngDab) Table t NIPAIS Alsonhm olthe PIs Model I2J0l Step Srmmary of Steps 0 MeancentreandscaleX andY I Settheouiputscoresu equalto 2 Computeinput weightsw by regressingX on u 3 Nonnalisew lo unit length 4 theinputscorest Calculate ,! ur. x r i' " 3." Xw Figure 5 Training Resultsby Using PIS and Htbrid PI,s-ANNModels Computeoutputloadingsq by regressing Y on I - 6 Normaliseq to unit lenglh q = q/llq ,7 newoutputscoresu Calculate 5 - tTY t_.t Y.q qr'q 8 Ch€ckconvergence on u. If yesgo to step9 elsego to 2 9 Calculatethe inpul loadingsp by regressing X on t ' 10 i.{ormalisep to unit length p=p4hll ll Computeinnermodel regression co-effic;entb , - t2 Calculate inputresidualmatrix ll Calculateinput residualmatrix tr.X t' .t tT,u tTt F=Y-b txqr lf additionalPLSdimensions arenecessary,replaceX and Y by E andF, respectivelyand repeatstepsI to 13 In order to evaluate the Derformanceof the infereotial estimator,the model was testedon three setsof data.They weremadeup of differen! opsating conditions: '184 Formulation of Hybfid PLS-ANN Model As mentioned earlier, tne PfS model is a lineaf identification method.In order to improve the ability of the nodel to dealwith non-linearsystem,a hybrid model,called bybrid PLS-ANN model were formulated. A feed forward network with one hidden layer was incor?oratedinlo the PLS model. Hence, it replacedthe linear inner model and includesthe nonlinear featurein the PLS modet.Similar to the PLS model,$e hybdd modelwasbuilt in the MATLAB environmentusing both the Neural Network Toolbox ,nd ihe MATLAB programminglanguage. The network was a single input single output (SISO) network,wberethe inputswerethe matnx of scorefactofi, T, and the outputs were the matrix of scorefacto$, U. Before the network training, it is important to determinethe 'best' networktopologyto avoid the problemsof eitherover'fitling or under- fitting. Hence, the optimal number of hidden neuronsshould be decided.In this work, we usedtrial and enor approach,and the numberof hiddenneuronswas The training algorithm of this network was Levenberg-Marquardtmethod. For network tmining, cross validation was implementedas the stopping criteria. The data set was split into a training set and a testing set. The trainedmodelwasvalidatedwith tbe testingsets€quentially. The lraining was tesninatedwhen the prediction enor of the lesting dipped into a minimum and started to increase. Figure 5 showsthe rraining resultsof the hybdd PLS-ANN model. Similar with the PLS estimator,the bybrid estirnatorwas testedon threesetsof data,rvhich were Data A. B and C to evaluateits performance. The predictedC-12 compositions ISBN:981-2643-15-5 P@..dkes oJlht.ndiorul On Cheninl and Biopruc.s Eneii.prine 27 2y Aueu! 200J, Unit.ttiti Motntsb Sabah,Kota Ki4abatu of thesedataarc also plotted in Figurc 6, 7 and 8' Subsequently,the periormanceof both PLS and hybrid modelwa! comparcdwith the actualvalues Eslimatlonol C-l2 Mole Fractlon(Cross-valldatlon - DataA) 0,93 I = 0,88 0.86 0.62 0.4 0 200 Fisurc 6 Esrit&tion 400 600 a00 Tlm€(MlnuleE) 1000 1200 1,too Resultsof Data A by Using PIS and Hybrid PIS-ANN Moclels Estlmatlonot C.l2 Mole Fractlon(Cross-valldatlon - DaiaB) 0,93 0.96 ri o.92 s 0,9 = 0,aa 5 0,46 0.82 0.8 0 500 1000 l50o Tt 16 (Mtnut$) 2000 2500 Figure 7 Estimation Results of Dota B bt Asinq PIS aid Hybid PI.S-ANN Models Edlmtlon ol o'12 ilole Fraotlon(0@.-va dalton - Datac) 5.* =os FiAure 8 Es,iftation Resultsaf Data C by Usins PIs aad Hybid PLS-ANNModek ISBN:983-2643-15-5 Ptuuediqt of Inktutiovl ConfeE .e On Chehiat an| BjaptucessEhgiheerina 27' - 2q AusN 2Oo3, Uni,e\iti Maltrsia Sabah,Kotd Kiaabat; Discussions Tbe meansquareenors of the trainingand validationdata for borhPLSandhybridestimarorwere summarised in Table 2. For rhe rrainingdara.the optimum numberof larent variablesthat canbesttrainthedaiawas20.However,only5 tatentvariables wereneeded to trainthehybridmodel.Irwas becausethe MSE for the cross validationrest was nol decreasedand the EPV for the output data was not remarkable increased usingmorethan5 larentvariables. As a resuh,thetrainingMSE of PLSmodelwaslowerwith high percentage ofEPV. TabLe 2 ConpatisonofMSEandEPv for PLSand Pl"S-ANNModel. Data T.aining Evaluation MSE EPV PLS PLS.ANN Sincethestructure anddevelopment of inferentialestimarors arestillimmature, thisfield is srill opened for research. Thus, futu.e workscan be done usingd;fferentmodelstructure. Besidesrhat,addirionaldevices.suchas fiiter andbiascan be addedto th€ existingmodel!o improveits accuracyand 6.22758-05 13464E-M 99.38Vo 36.32% MSE 7.4642E-07 1.0369E-06 MSE 3.3148E-051.50368-05 DataB MSE 1.0836E-04 8.41578-05 Dala C MSE 2.56318-04 1.69908-04 Data A measuredFocess variables.Moreover,ihe peformance can be improvedusilrgthe hybrid PLS-ANN nodel. Apar! from thestatistical melhods,ariificialneurainerworks arealsolhe alternativesolution to inferenrial esrimaror.A conventional threelayerfeedforward nerworkscanbe usedro deveiopthe model. lt is still able to give proper predicrionwith acceptable enors.However,whenrhemodelis resledwith a largesetof corelateddara,it will providepoorpredicrion. This is dueto the limilationofthe networkslructure, where thedalaarenotauro-correlated. Neverthetess, rhetimiration can be overcome using differenr rctwork structure. Recunentnetworks,whjch supportthe returnable of some dalais suspecred to give betterresutts. When the Pl-S model was restedon darawith diffe.ent operalingcondirions, the predicrionresultsweregood and acceptable.Refening to Figure 6, 7 and 8, the predicted compositions werecloseto theacrualvaluefor DaraA. For DataBandDaraC,thepredicred resulrswerenotso accurare, but theywerestill followingthe |rendof the actualvalues. Thus.we can say that whenthe fluctualionin the process wasmcreased, fie MSE wasgettinghigheraswe . Thesepredicted resultscar be improvedby usingtbehybrjd PLS-ANN estimator.Sirnilar with ih€ PLS modet,rhis modelwas trainedand thentesredon varioussetsof dara. Allhough the raining MSE of the hybrid model was higher Ihan the PLS model. it can perform berter when cross validationwasimplemented. Resulrsshowedthatrhecross validationMSE of thehybridmodelwerelowerin all cases. However.tbis modelfacedthe similarlimitationsas in rhe caseofthePLSmodel.TheresultingMSEincreases with the rncrease in process fluctuarions. We havealsosrudiedtheinfluenceof measurement noiseto bothoftheseestimators. l0% noisewasinrroduced to three contol variables, which werethe top columntemperature, reflux and recycleflow rate.The MSE of botiresumarurs were still acceptableand rhe prediction values were following lhe trend of the actual values.Thus, we can conclud€thatrh€seesrimarors havethe ability ro dealwith Conclusion In this paper. the inferenrial esrimaror for the product composjtionof a fa$y acid fractionation colunm was buitr usingPLS model.The online measured processvariabLes, refluxflow rate,recycleflow rate, teed tempemtureand top column temperaturew€re used to construct theeslimaror. This esrimaror hadbeenperforming well in variousoperaringconditions. wasable to givegoodpred;clionundernois, condilions. The robustnessand accuracyof de PLS esrimatorcan be improvedby introducingnonlinearfearue irro the modet. This paperincorporatedANN into the pLS modetto capture thenonlinearitythatis alwaysexistsin chemicalprocesses. The prediclionresulrsproved rhar $e performancetra. bettercompared with thePLSmodel. The hybrid PI-S,ANN estimatoris thereforeconcludedro be applicable !o chemical processes. However, rhe understanding of the firsr principlemodelandihe dynamic behavjour of rheprocess shouldnorbeelimjnat€d duringthe developmentof inferential esrimator.The tacking of rhe process information may cause to obrain an unreliable Acknowledgments This project is funded by lhe Ministry of Science, Technology andthe Environment rhroughNationalScience FoundationScholarshipsand IRPA researchgrant. Our heartiestappreciationsarefor everybodywho hasdircctly or indirecdycontribute 10thesuccess of rhisprojecr. Basedon theresults.we haveproventhatrhePLSinferenlial esiinatorwasablero give goodpredidionusingrheonline '786 ISBN:983-2643-15-5 Pn@edinss ol lnt.rnationol Codele4! 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