TESOL Workshop Spring 2016 Thank you for your interest in the TESOL Workshop sponsored by the Educational Linguistics (ELX) division of the Penn Graduate School of Education. The workshop provides an overview of practice and theory related to English language education. It offers practical experience as well as general background knowledge in the field. More specifically, the workshop will cover the following topics: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Teaching Sounds and Structures of English Theories and Practice for Second Language Learning TESOL Teaching Methods and Approaches Developing Materials for ESL/EFL Planning Lessons Language Assessment Perspectives on the TESOL Profession In addressing these topics, we will complement lectured material with teaching demonstrations, facilitated discussions and group work. Through small, practical, hands-on sessions you will learn essential skills for teaching English in US and international contexts. Our objective is to introduce you to the challenging yet rewarding field of English language teaching. No prior experience in teaching TESOL is necessary. This workshop is for anyone who has either taught in fields other than TESOL or NOT taught anywhere before. All that is required is a healthy interest in learning something new and in expanding your professional horizons. We are currently offering registration as follows: Workshop Dates April 8-10, 2016 April 29-May 1, 2016 Early Registration $300 by March 28, 2016 $300 by April 18, 2016 Regular Registration $325 by April 4, 2016 $325 by April 25, 2016 To register for this TESOL Workshop spring session, fill out the enclosed form and submit it with payment (cash, check, or money order) by the deadline, either by mail or in person, to the Educational Linguistics (ELX) division office at the address indicated. If you have any questions, please call the ELX office at (215) 898-7912 or contact us by e-mail at tesolwkp@gse.upenn.edu. Schedule Day 1: 6:00pm-9:00pm ● Welcome and Introduction ● Sounds and Structures of English ● TESOL Teaching Methods & Approaches TESOL Workshop Spring 2016 Day 2: 10:30am-1:00 pm and 2:00pm-5:30pm ● Principles of Second Language Acquisition ● Teaching the Four Skills ● Materials Development, Textbook Review & Technology ● Classroom Management & Lesson Planning Day 3: 10:30am-1:00 pm and 2:00pm-4:30pm ● Assessment and Preparation for Practice Teaching ● Practice Teaching & Observation ● Perspectives on the TESOL Profession Due Date for Additional Assignments ● Approx. 7 weeks after end of workshop Requirements During the Workshop 1. Read assigned articles in the course bulk pack (available at Campus Copy Center, 3907 Walnut Street); 2. Attend 15 hours of workshop sessions (with one hour lunch breaks); 3. Develop and demonstrate one original activity in class Following the Workshop 4. Complete a one-hour classroom observation and submit one reflective journal assignment; 5. Develop and submit one full lesson plan; 6. Complete one hour of English language teaching/tutoring and submit one reflective journal assignment Certificates are awarded to those participants who complete all the requirements. The certificate states that you attended the workshop and fulfilled its requirements. Our goal is to prepare prospective professionals with an understanding of basic theories and practical skills for teaching English as a second language. The training will give you a head start if you plan to work as ESL teacher at community centers, schools, or even teach English overseas. It is not the equivalent of state teacher certification, the CELTA, or a master’s degree in a graduate TESOL program. TESOL Workshop Spring 2016 Registration Form Name: ________________ (last) ___________________ _________________________ (first) (other name you prefer to be called) Address: _______________________________________________________________________ (street) (city/state) (zip code) ____________________________ (country) Home phone number: ___________________________________ (institutional affiliation, if any) ____________________ Cell phone # : ____________________ E-mail address: __________________________________ (all workshop information will be sent to this e-mail address) Have you ever taught or tutored non-native speakers of English? YES _______ NO ______ If YES, where? __________________________ when? _____________ how long? _______________ Do you have any further teaching/tutoring training or experience and/or special interests related to English language education? Please explain. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ What do you hope to do with the experiences you gain from the workshop? _________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ How did you hear about the TESOL Workshop? _______________________________________ ************************************** Early registration is $300* and regular registration is $325*. Please make checks payable to “Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania” Mary Schlesinger TESOL Workshop Penn Graduate School of Education 3700 Walnut Street, 3rd floor Philadelphia, PA 19104-6216 *Cost does not include the fee for the course bulk pack, approx. $55. This payment should be made directly to Campus Copy Center upon purchase. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PAID: $_______________ DATE: ____________