RIO HONDO COLLEGE HONORS CLASSES – SPRING 2014 See Below for Individual Class Descriptions and Details Days of Week: M=Monday/T = Tuesday/W= Wednesday/R = Thursday Arts & Cultural Programs Subject ART 106H CRN 30342 Instructor Lynch, Sheila Location A230 Days MW Start Time 12:50PM End Time 2:15PM Communications & Languages Subject ENGL201H ENGL201H CRN 31559 31564 Instructor Heng, Nay Arnold, Voiza Location A206 Days MW Start Time 12:50PM End Time 2:15PM LRC 124 W 11:15AM 12:40PM LRC 124 R 5:25PM 6:50PM A218 R 7:00PM 10:10PM LIT 102H 30934 Reilly, Beverly A218 MW 8:05AM 9:30AM LIT 112BH 30994 Springer, Jo Ann A206 TR 9:40AM 11:05AM LIT 117H 34114 A211 M 7:00PM 10:10PM LIT 145H 31109 Acosta-Mata, Aileen Osman, Daniel A214 MW 2:20PM 3:45PM SPAN201H 30824 De Los Santos, Blanca A202 TR 9:00AM 11:05AM De Los Santos, Blanca LRC 117 1.2 Hours per week in addition to any scheduled hours if applicable Instructor Archambault, Alan Location S225 Days MW Start Time 1:00PM End Time 3:30PM Location Days Start Time End Time SPAN201H Math & Science Subject MATH 190H CRN 34092 Behavioral & Social Sciences Subject CRN Instructor ANTH 102H 30292 Pfeiffer, Jill S334 TR 11:15AM 12:40PM ECON 102H 30585 Mikalson, Barbara A225 W 7:00PM 10:10 PM HIST 144H 33489 Valdivia, Irma A223 TR 9:40 AM 11:05 AM HIST 159H 30768 Quirarte, Carmina A224 MW SOC 101H 30199 Rifino-Juarez, Melissa A229 TR Spring Semester Begins: Saturday, January 25th Spring Semester Ends: Thursday, May 22nd 12:50PM 8:05AM 2:15PM 9:30 AM COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Arts & Cultural Programs ART 106H Survey of Art History from the Renaissance to the Present Prerequisite: ENGL 101 with a “C” or better and a minimum GPA of 3.2 Advisory: READ 023 or appropriate assessment Transfers to: UC (credit limit*), CSU (*Students will receive credit from UC for only one of the following courses: ART 106 or ART 106H) Art 106 provides an overview of western art and architecture from the 15th through the 20th centuries. While European and American art will be the focus, non-western art will be considered in its relation to western developments. The course is appropriate for all students interested in art and culture and for those seeking to fulfill the general education requirement for Fine Arts and Humanities, as well as all Studio Art majors and Art History majors. This course is intended for those who meet Honors Program requirements. 3 Units 54 Lecture hours Class meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 12:50 - 2:15PM Subject ART 106H CRN 30342 Instructor Lynch, Sheila Location A230 Days MW Start Time 12:50PM End Time 2:15PM Communication & Languages English 201H (ENGL 201H) Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking Prerequisite: Completion of ENGL 101 with a grade of at least a “C” or better Transfers to: CSU, UC (credit limit*)(*Students will receive credit from UC for only one of the following courses: ENGL 201 or ENGL 201H) This advanced composition course is open to all students who have successfully completed ENGL 101 and is designed for those who expect to transfer to four-year colleges or universities. Students will read and write extensively, while applying critical thinking skills and research techniques. Students will demonstrate these abilities in advanced composition as they research and write a series of argumentative essays, which demonstrate the ability to analyze issues, evaluate positions, and argue persuasively through clear, concise prose. This Honors section is open to all students who have completed ENGL 101 with a grade of C or better. Students will be expected to analyze issues in more depth and write on them at greater length than they would in a non-honors section. 3.5 Units 54 Lecture hours 18 Other hours One section meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 12:50-2:15PM in A206 and has a lab on Wednesdays from 11:15AM – 12:40PM in LRC 124. The other section meets Thursdays from 7:00 – 10:10PM in A218 and has a lab before class on Thursdays from 5:25 – 6:50PM in LRC 128. Subject ENGL201H ENGL201H CRN 31559 31564 Instructor Heng, Nay Arnold, Voiza Location A206 Days MW Start Time 12:50PM End Time 2:15PM LRC 124 W 11:15AM 12:40PM LRC 124 R 5:25PM 6:50PM A218 R 7:00PM 10:10PM LIT 102H Approaches to Literature Prerequisite: ENGL 101 with a “C” or better Advisory: READ 022 or appropriate assessment Transfers to: CSU, UC (credit limit*)(*Students will receive credit from UC for only one of the following courses: LIT 102 or LIT 102H) This course is designed for students who wish to study the four general literary forms: poetry, drama, short story, and novel. emphasis is placed on critical thinking, critical reading, and composing. Compositions will be based upon discussion, analysis and interpretations of literature, and upon the relationship of Western and Non-Western literature to contemporary thought. 3 Units 54 Lecture hours Class meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:05AM - 9:30AM Subject LIT 102H CRN 30934 Instructor Reilly, Beverly Location A218 Days MW Start Time 8:05AM End Time 9:30AM LIT 112BH American Literature (Formerly LIT 112B) Prerequisite: ENGL 101 with a “C” or better Advisory: READ 023 or appropriate assessment Transfers to: UC (credit limit*), CSU(*Students will receive credit from UC for only one of the following courses:LIT 112B or LIT 112BH) This course is designed for students interested in exploring American literature from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. It introduces students, through class discussions and written essays, to representative writers of this period such as Emily Dickinson, Mark Twain, Edith Wharton, Robert Frost, Zora Neale Hurston, William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, Tennessee Williams, Lorraine Hansberry, Henry David Hwang, Toni Morrison, Leslie Marmon Silko, Maxine Hong Kingston, Milcha SanchezScott, and others. This course is intended for students eligible for the Honors program. 3 Units 54 Lecture hours Class meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:40AM - 11:05AM Subject LIT 112BH CRN 30994 Instructor Springer, Jo Ann Location A206 Days TR Start Time 9:40AM End Time 11:05AM LIT 117H Mexican Literature in Translation Prerequisite: ENGL 101 with a grade of “C” or better Advisory: READ 023 or appropriate assessment Transfers to: CSU This course explores a range of Mexican literature in English translation, with a focus on major literary influences and achievements from the pre-Hispanic era to the twentieth century. Course reading and writing assignments explore indigenous literatures and myths, chronicles of the Spanish conquest, literature of the colonial period, high culture and folklore of the eighteenth century, political and modernist literature of the nineteenth century, and poetry and prose of the twentieth century. This course is designed for students interested in exploring various genres of literature, students interested in learning more about Mexican cultural expression, and students majoring in Chicano Studies. This course is intended for students eligible for the Honors program. 3 Units 54 Lecture hours Class meets Mondays from 7:00 – 10:10PM Subject LIT 117H CRN 34114 Instructor Acosta-Mata, Aileen Location A211 Days M Start Time 7:00PM End Time 10:10PM LIT 145H Introduction to the Short Story Prerequisite: ENGL 101 with a “C” or better Advisory: READ 023 or appropriate assessment Transfers to: UC (credit limit*), CSU (*Students will receive credit from UC for only one of the following courses:LIT 145 or LIT 145H) This course is designed for students interested in exploring short fiction from a variety of different periods and traditions in order to increase appreciation, understanding, and enjoyment of its various forms and techniques. Students will compare and contrast authors’ works in class discussions and in essay form. The course emphasizes the short story as a genre from the Nineteenth century to the present. This course is designed for students eligible for the Honors program. 3 Units 54 Lecture hours Class meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:20 – 3:45PM Subject LIT 145H CRN 31109 Instructor Osman, Daniel Location A206 Days MW Start Time 2:20PM End Time 3:45PM Spanish 201H (SPAN 201H) Spanish III Prerequisite: SPAN 102 or three years of high school Spanish Transfers to: CSU, UC (credit limit*)(*Students will receive credit from UC for only one of the following courses: SPAN 201 or SPAN 201H) This is an intermediate level course in which Spanish grammar is reviewed. It also includes intensive classroom practice in conversation and composition. In addition to classroom instruction, students receive intensive, individualized oral-aural practice in the language laboratory in which websites, video programs, audio CDs, and CD ROMs are used. Many aspects of Spanish culture are introduced in short stories by Latin American and Spanish authors. Students strengthen their communication and writing skills by analyzing these stories in Spanish. This course is designed/intended for students who wish to broaden their knowledge in Spanish as well as for those interested in pursuing a degree in the Spanish language. 4 Units 72 Lecture hours 18 Lab hours Class meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00AM-11:05AM and 1.2 additional hours per week in addition to any scheduled hours, if applicable. Subject SPAN201H SPAN201H CRN 30824 Instructor De Los Santos, Blanca Location A202 Days TR Start Time 9:00AM End Time 11:05AM De Los Santos, Blanca LRC 117 1.2 Hours per week in addition to any scheduled hours if applicable Math & Science MATH 190H Calculus I Prerequisite: MATH 180 with a grade of “C” or better or appropriate assessment; ENGL 101 with a grade of “C” or better or appropriate assessment Advisory: READ 023 or appropriate assessment Transfers to: UC (credit limit*), CSU (*Students will receive credit from UC for only one of the following courses: MATH 170, MATH 190 or MATH 190H) MATH 190H is a semester course designed primarily for those students planning to pursue programs in engineering, mathematics, computer science, and physical sciences. This course includes topics of differential and integral calculus of a single variable. This course is intended for students who meet Honors Program requirements. 4 Units 90 Lecture hours Class meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:00 – 3:30PM Subject MATH 190H CRN 34092 Instructor Archambault, Alan Location S225 Days MW Start Time 1:00PM End Time 3:30PM Behavioral and Social Sciences ANTH 102H Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Prerequisite: ENGL 101 with a grade of “C” or better Advisory: READ 023 or appropriate assessment Transfers to: UC, CSU The emphasis of this general education course is the investigation of human culture. By learning about the diversity of cultural practices around the world, students will be able to evaluate their identities within their own societies. In addition to discovering the theories and methods important to cultural anthropology, the course will include an extensive examination of cross-cultural diversity. Students will learn about how people in different cultures obtain their food, exchange goods, organize themselves in groups, engage in politics, raise children, and worship supernatural beings. Also addressed will be the issue of how cultural anthropology can contribute to addressing problems important in the modern world. This course is designed for anthropology majors, those with an interest in anthropology, or anyone with a desire to further their understanding of human culture. 3 Units 54 Lecture hours Class meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:15AM – 12:40PM Subject ANTH 102H CRN 30292 Instructor Pfeiffer, Jill Location S334 Days TR Start Time 11:15AM End Time 12:40PM ECON 102H Principles of Microeconomics Prerequisite: ENGL 101 with a grade of “C” or better; MATH 070 or appropriate assessment Advisory: READ 023 or appropriate assessment Transfers to: UC, CSU This is an introductory course in economic analysis of markets, intended for Economics and Business majors as well as to satisfy General Education requirements, and may be taken by any student who has completed English 101 with a “C” or better. It may be taken prior to ECON 101. Students will learn how markets work to coordinate consumers and producers in an economy, various causes of the failure of free markets and policies used to correct or regulate market behavior. Students will do a research project on an actual economic policy or a theoretical view. 3 Units 54 Lecture hours Class meets Wednesdays from 7:00 - 10:10PM Subject ECON102H CRN 30585 Instructor Mikalson, Barbara Location A225 Days W Start Time 7:00PM End Time 10:10PM HIST 144H History of the United States Since 1865 Prerequisite: ENGL 101 with a grade of “C” or better Advisory: READ 023 or appropriate assessment Transfers to: UC (credit limit*), CSU (*Students will receive credit from UC for only one of the following courses: HIST 144 or HIST 144H) This course provides a survey of the political, social, economic, and cultural development of the United States from Reconstruction (1865) to the present. Some topics addressed are the socio-political and economic impact of Reconstruction on modern American society, the American West, capital and labor in the age of enterprise, America as an emerging world power, World War I, World War II, the Vietnam Era, the Cold War, the new world order, Clinton, and the Bush Administration to the present. This course fulfills the American Institutions requirement for the CSU and Associate Degree. It is also recommended for all History majors. This course in intended for those who meet Honors Program requirements. 3 Units 54 Lecture hours Class meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:40 to 11:05AM Subject HIST144H CRN 33489 Instructor Valdivia, Irma Location A223 Days TR Start Time 9:40AM End Time 11:05AM HIST 159H History of Minorities: Mexican Americans, Asian Americans and American Women Prerequisite: ENGL 101 with a grade of “C” or better Advisory: READ 023 or appropriate assessment. Transfers to: UC (credit limit*), CSU (*Students will receive credit from UC for only one of the following courses: HIST 159 or HIST 159H) This course surveys the roles selected minorities have played in the historical development of the United States from the earliest times to the present. Emphasis is placed on the history and cultural contributions of Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, and American women. This course is intended for those wishing to fulfill the American Institutions requirement at Rio Hondo and those who desire a better understanding of the history of minorities in the United States. This course is intended for students eligible for the Honors Program. 3 Units 54 Lecture hours Class meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 12:50 – 2:15PM Subject HIST 159H CRN 30768 Instructor Quirarte, Carmina Location A224 Days MW Start Time 12:50PM End Time 2:15PM SOC 101H Introduction to Sociology Prerequisite: Enrollment is restricted to those who meet Honors Program requirements (minimum GPA of 3.0) and completion of ENGL 101 with a “C” or better Advisory: READ 023 or appropriate assessment Transfers to: UC (credit limit*), CSU(*Students will receive credit from UC for only one of the following courses: SOC 101 or SOC 101H) This course is designed for those with an interest in Sociology, or anyone with a desire to further their understanding of human group behavior and the organization of society. The student, using several theoretical points of view, will study and analyze: (1) the organization of social life; (2) problems of inequality – of age, sex, race and ethnicity, social class and life style; (3) the basic social institutions: family, education, politics, economics, and religion; and (4) global issues of population, technology, social movements and social change. This course is intended for students eligible for the Honors Program. 3 Units 54 Lecture hours Class meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:05 – 9:30AM Subject SOC 101H CRN 30199 Instructor Rifino-Juarez, Melissa Location A229 Days TR Start Time 8:05AM End Time 9:30AM