US History I Mr. Grundfest Road To Civil War Review

US History I
Mr. Grundfest
Road To Civil War Review
1. What was the political balance in the US when Missouri applied for statehood in
2. What did the Missouri Compromise say?
3. Why did the Mexican War of 1846 cause more problems for pro-and anti-slavery
4. What did the Wilmot Proviso say?
5. Which argument did John Calhoun use to justify slavery?
6. How did Stephen Douglas and John Calhoun differ in their views on slavery
7. What did the Compromise of 1850 say? Why would both pro and anti slavery
people find fault with it?
8. Why did the Fugitive Slave Law anger many Northerners?
9. Who was a President before the Civil War?
10. Why did Stephen Douglas propose the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
11. What law that finally got rid of the 36’30 boundary?
12. What was the main decision in the Dred Scott case?
13. What did the Republican Party believe in?
14. Why did John Brown raid Harper’s Ferry?
15. Why was the election of 1860 so unique?
Know what these terms mean and what these people believed.
Compromise of 1850
Fugitive Slave Law
Secession of Southern States
Wilmot Proviso
Fort Sumter attacked
Popular Sovereignty
Wilmot Proviso
John C. Calhoun
Free Soil Party
Roger Taney
Abraham Lincoln
5th Amendment
Jefferson Davis
Fort Sumter
Missouri Compromise
Uncle Tom’s Cabin published
Election of 1860
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Dred Scott Decision