US History Review: 1754-1800

PERIOD 3 Review: 1754-1800
Long-Essay Questions
Directions: Write an essay to respond to one of each pair of questions, Cite
relevant historical evidence in support of your generalizations and present
your arguments clearly and logically.
Choose ONE of the following two long-essay questions.
1. It has been argued that the American Revolution came about primarily
through an evolving series of meetings, conventions, and congresses.
Support, modify, or refute thi s contention using specific evidence.
2. It has been argued that the United States Constitution came about
primarily through an evolving series of meetings, conventions, and
congresses. Support, modify, or refute thi s contention using specific
Choose ONE of the following two long-essay questions.
3. For some historians, the leadership provided by the Founders during
events leading up to the Revolutionary War was the key to the
successful developments. Support, modify, or refute thi s contention
using specific evidence.
4. For some historians, the leadership provided by the Founders during
events leading up to the writing of the Constitution was the key to the
successful developments. Support, modify, or refute thi s contention
using specific evidence.
Choose ONE of the following two long-essay questions.
For some, the role of enslaved African Americans and American
Indians before and during the Revolutionary War had a significant
influence on events. Support, modify, or refute this contention using
specific evidence.
6. For some, the role of enslaved African Americans and American
Indians before and during the writing of the Constitution had a
significant influence on events. Support, modify, or refute this
contention using specific evidence.
Briefly answer the questions in complete sentences. A thesis is not required.
Question 1. Answer a, b, and c.
a) Briefly explain the British view of how the Seven Years' War
fundamentally changed the relationship between Britain and its
American colonies.
b) Briefly explain the colonial view as a result of the war.
e) Briefly describe an initial reaction taken as a result of the changing
views by either the British or colonists.
Question 2 is based on the excerpts below.
"If the towns of Manchester and Birmingham, sending no representatives to
Parliament, are notwithstanding there represented , why are not the cities of
Albany and Boston equally represented in that Assembly? ... Are they not
Englishmen? Or are they only Englishmen when they solicit for protection, but
not Englishmen when taxes are required to enable thi s country to protect them?"
-Soame Jenyns, member of the British Parliament, "The Objections to
the Taxation of OUf American Colonies Considered," 1765
"That the petitioners have been long concerned in carrying on the trade between
this country and the British colonies on the continent of North America; ...
From the nature of thi s trade, consisting of British manufactures exported and
of the import of raw material s from America, many of them used in our manufactures and all of them tending to lessen our dependence on neighboring states,
it must be deemed of the highest importance in the commercial system of this
- London Merchants Against the Stamp Act, 1766
2. Using the excerpts, answer a, b, and c,
a) Briefly explain the main point in excerpt 1.
b) Briefly explain the main point in excerpt 2.
c) Briefly explain an action, in response to ONE of the two views
expressed, taken by the British government from the period between
1763 and 1774.
Question 3 is based on the cartoon below.
Source: Political Register; London, 1767. Library of Congress
3. Using the cartoon, answer a, b, and c. In the cartoon, the labels on the
limbs are "Virg," "Pensyl," "New York," and "New Eng."
a) Explain the point of view reflected in the cartoon regarding ONE of
the following:
• British colonial policies
• efforts at colonial unity
• Seven Years' War
b) Explain bow ONE element of the cartoon expresses the point of view
you identified in Part A.
c) Explain bow the point of view you identified in Part A belped to shape
ONE particular colonial government action between 1607 and 1774.
Question 4. Answer a, b, and c.
a) Briefly explain the reasons why the British issued the Proclamation
of 1763.
b) Briefly explain why the colonists objected to the Proclamation.
c) Briefly explain how effective the Proclamation was.
Briefly answer the questions in complete sentences. A thesis is not required.
Question 1. Answer a, b, and c.
a) Briefly explain support for the argument that the Articles of
Confederation succeeded in guiding the United States through its first
decade using ONE of the choices below.
• victory in the Revolutionary War
• Land Ordinance of 1785
• Northwest Ordinance
b) Briefly explain a challenge to the statement during this period using
ONE of the choices below.
• financial circumstances
• foreign affairs
• domestic concerns
c) Briefly explain using either ONE of the choices above or your own
hi storical knowledge whether you agree or disagree with the statement.
Question 2. Answer a, b, and c.
a) The Revolutionary War was in some respects a civil war in which antiBritish Patriots fought pro-British Loyalists. Briefly explain who the
Patriots were.
b) Briefly explain who the Loyalists were.
c) Briefly explain the role played in the war by ONE of the following:
• African Americans
• American Indians
• France
100 u.s.
Question 3 is based on the cartoon below.
Source: James Gillray, London, 1782. Library of Congress
3. Using the cartoon, answer a and b. The title of the cartoon is ''The American Rattle Snake." The squares surrounded by the snake's coils represent
British soldiers.
a) Explain the point of view reflected in the cartoon above regarding
TWO of the following:
• the British public
• the French government
• the American cartoon, "Join or Die"
• Yorktown
b) Contrast the American Patriots' view of this cartoon with that of the
American Loyalists' view.
Question 4 is based on the excerpt below.
"I wish I knew what mighty things were fabricating. If a form of government is
to be established here, what one will be assumed? Will it be left to our assemblies to choose one? And will not many men have many minds? And shall we
not run into dissensions among ourselves?
"I am more and more convinced that man is a dangerous creature; and that
power, whether vested in many or a few, is ever grasping ....
"How shall we be governed so as to retain our liberties? Who shall frame
these laws? Who will give them force and energy....
"When 1 consider these things, and the prejudices of people in favor of
ancient customs and regulations, 1 feel anxious for the fate of our monarchy or
democracy, or whatever is to take place."
- Abigail Adams, Letter to John Adams, November 27 , 1775
4. Using the excerpt, answer a, b, and c,
a) Briefly explain the point of view expressed by Abigail Adams about
ONE of the following:
• power
• liberties
• prejudices
b) Briefly explain ONE development in the period leading up to
independence that led to the point of view expressed here by
Abigail Adams.
c) Briefly explain ONE development in the period immediately after
the Revolutionary War that challenges or supports the point of view
expressed by Abigail Adams.
Contextualization is explaining and evaluating how an event is shaped by
broader trends or its historical setting. Which THREE of the items below
would be best answered with an essay that emphasizes contextualization?
1. Explain how geography shaped the conflict between Great Britain
and its American colonies.
2. How did the Enlightenment influence the American Revolution?
3. Explain why the ideas expressed in the Articles of Confederation
would make conducting a war difficult.
4. What caused the American Revolution?
5. How did the American and French revolutions differ?
Briefly answer the questions in complete sentences. A thesis is not required.
Question 1 is based on the excerpt below.
"Sir, suffer me to recall to your mind that time, in which the arms and tyranny of
the British crown were exerted ....
''This, Sir, was a time when you clearly saw into the injustice of a State of
slavery ... that you publicly held forth this true and invaluable doctrine .... 'We
hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are
endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights... .'
"But, Sir, how pitiable is it to reflect, that although you were so fully con-
vinced of the benevolence of the Father of Mankind, and of his equal and
impartial distribution of these rights and privileges, which he hath conferred
upon them, that you should at the same time counteract his mercies, in detaining
by fraud and violence so numerou s a part of my brethren, under groaning captivity, and cruel oppression."
- Benjamin Banneker, African American scientist and surveror, letter to
Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, 1792
1. Using the excerpt, answer a, b, and c.
a) Briefly explain why Banneker questioned Jefferson's actions on slavery.
b) Briefly explain why ONE of the following people would either support
or question Banneker's view.
• Ben Franklin
• John Adams
• George Washington
c) Briefly explain how Thomas Jefferson might have responded to
Banneker's questions about slavery.
Question 2. Answer a, b, and c.
a) Briefly explain how ONE of the following best supports the statement
that "the United States Constitution is a bundle of compromises."
Provide at least ONE piece of evidence to support your explanation.
• the office of the presidency
• the system of representation
• the institution of slavery
b) Briefly explain a criticism of ONE of the compromises cited above.
c) Identify and briefly explain the role played by an individual at the
Constitutional Convention in bringing about ONE of the compromises
mentioned above or a compromise not mentioned.
Question 3 is based on the excerpts below.
"The freedom of the press and opinions was never understood to give the right
of publishing falsehoods and slanders, nor of exciting sedition, insurrection, and
slaughter, with impunity. A man is always an swerable for the malicious publication of falsehood; and what more does thi s bill require?
"S uch liberty of the press and of opinion is calculated to destroy all confidence between man and man; it leads to a di ssolution of every bond of union; it
cuts asunder every ligament that unites man to hi s family, man to his neighbor,
man to society and to government. God deliver us from such liberty."
-Congressional Representative John Allen , Speech for the Sedition Act,
"Does the situation of the country, at this time require that any law of this kind
should pass? Do there exist such new and alarming symptoms of sedition as
render it necessary to adopt, in addition to the existing laws, any extraordinary
measure for the purpose of suppressing unlawful combinations, and of restricting the freedom of speech and the press? For such were the objects of the bill,
whatever modifications it might receive ....
"While, therefore, they support the bill in its present shape, do they not
avow that the true object of the law is to enable one party to oppress the other..
. . Is it not their object to frighten and suppress all presses which they consider
as contrary to their views; to prevent a free circulation of opinion; ... to delude
and deceive ... and through those means, to perpetuate themselves in power?"
-Congressional Representative Albert Gallatin, Speech Against the
Sedition Act, 1798
3. Using the excerpts, answer a, b, and c.
a) Briefly explain the main point of the first excerpt.
b) Briefly explain the main point of the second excerpt.
c) Provide ONE piece of evidence from the era before 1800 that is not
included in the excerpt and explain how it supports the interpretation
of either excerpt.
124 u.s.
Question 4. Answer a, b, and c.
a) Choose ONE of the choices below, and explain why it best supports
this statement: "America's first foreign policy under Presidents
Washington and Adams had the primary goal of avoiding war."
• Citizen Genet controversy
• Jay Treaty
• XYZAffair
b) Contrast your choice against ONE of the other options, demonstrating
why that option is not as good as your choice.
c) Briefly explain an argument for war involving ONE of the choices
provided OR another situation during thi s period of the first two
A historical argument is a carefully written chain of thoughts thai
includes a clear thesis and anruysis supported with evidence. Which
THREE of the following questions wou ld be best answered with an
essay that makes a historicru argument?
1. Summarize Lhe differenc~ between the Federalists and Lhe
2. Using more than one type of evidence, support or oppose this
statement: ''The Founders failed to see fundamental developments in American politics."
3. Explain whether you agree or disagree that differences in foreign
policy in the 1700s were rooted in economic interests.
4. Explain whether you think the infonnation in thi s chapter supports or opposes the idea that compromise has been an essentiru
part of American government since the founding of
the country.
5. Explain the main points of Hamilton 's financial plan.