MULTI-MEDIA MATERIALS FOR NURSING AND PHARMACOLOGY COURSES The Dolciani Math Center (Room 302HN) has multi-media materials for the following topics to assist you in nursing and pharmacology. Bring your ID card to the Learning Center and ask for the lesson by the call number below. If there is more than one number listed, there are several alternatives for the lesson. You may pick and choose which works best for you. PLATO TOPIC Write a mixed number as an improper fraction and vice versa Raising to higher terms and reducing to lowest terms Add and subtract whole numbers, mixed numbers, and fractions Multiply and divide whole numbers, mixed numbers, and fractions Solve mixed applications involving fractions Identify the order relation between two fractions Write decimals in standard form and in words Round a decimal to a given place value Add and subtract decimals Multiply and divide decimals Solve mixed applications involving decimals Identify the order relation between fractions and decimals Determine if a proportion is true Solve proportions Solve application problems Write percents as fractions and decimals and vice versa Find the amount when the percent and base are given Find the percent when the base and amount are given Find the base when the percent and amount are given Solve application problems involving percent Read and interpret circle, bar and line graphs Find the mean and median of a set of numbers Solve application problems with measurement Add integers Subtract integers Multiply and divide integers Perform operations on rational numbers Evaluate algebraic expressions Simplify variable expressions containing no parentheses Simplify variable expressions containing parentheses Determine if a given value is a solution of an equation Solve simple equations Solve an equation of the form ax + b = c DVDs S3, X1, Y3 S3, X1, Y3 X1, Y1, Y3 X1, Y1, Y3 X1, Y1, Y3 X1, Y1, Y3 Y4 Y4 Y4 Y4 Y5 Y4 X3, Y8 X3, Y8 S2, X4 Y8 Y8 Y8 Y8 X3, Y8 Y10 Y10 Y7 S1, X1, X2 S1, X1, X2 S1, X1, X2 S3, X1, Y3 S1, X2, Y5, Y6 S1, X2, Y5, Y6 S1, X2, Y5, Y6 S2, X2, Y6 S2, X2, Y6 S2, X2, Y6 Available Under: Fractions Fractions Fractions Fractions Fractions Decimals Decimals Decimals Decimals Decimals Review of Ratios and Proportions Review of Ratios and Proportions Review of Ratios and Proportions Percents Percents Percents Percents Percents Statistics - Intermediate Statistics - Introductory Measurement Integer Operations Integer Operations Integer Operations Fractions Review of Basic Algebraic Skills Review of Basic Algebraic Skills Review of Basic Algebraic Skills Linear Equations and Inequalities Linear Equations and Inequalities Linear Equations and Inequalities