Article IX.A.5.a. Administrator Association A.

Article IX.A.5.a.
Administrator Association
Statement of Policy
The Board recognizes the Granite Association of School Administrators (GASA) as a
professional organization and expresses a desire to cooperate with GASA in advancing
the quality of educational leadership in the District. District administrators represent the
Board and carry leadership responsibilities in executing the policies of the Board under
the immediate direction and supervision of the superintendent.
Representatives of GASA will meet and confer periodically with the superintendent and
the Board regarding terms of employment, working conditions, salaries and fringe
benefits for administrators in the District. It is not the intent of the Board to enter into
negotiations or collective bargaining over such matters, but to receive and discuss
recommendations which are representative of the Board's administrative staff.
For the purpose of any Board policies and regulations relating to administrators, the term
administrator shall include only the superintendency and all persons paid from the
administrative salary schedules.