Article VIII.B.4. A. Admission Requirements Statement of Purpose The Utah constitution and the policies and regulations of the Utah State Board of Education delegate the educational responsibility of the children. B. Enrollment Requirements In order that proper enrollment may occur, parents or legal guardians of all children seeking admission to the schools of Granite School District shall submit required evidence of the child's: C. 1. parents or legal guardians, 2. age, 3. legal residence, 4. immunizations, and 5. other documents and materials as required. Enrollment Age According to Utah law, effective 1983 and revised 1986, children who reach the age of 5 years on or before September 1 of a given year shall be permitted to enroll in a kindergarten of the Granite School District and may attend commencing with the official starting date of that same year. The law provides no exceptions for the enrollment of younger children. D. School Choice for District Employees District employees will not be restricted in crossing school boundaries to enroll their children in the school of their employment. Employees may seek a transfer through the special permit process, which includes an application to Student Services for their review and approval.