4 - H

June 2013
Volume 6 Issue 5
Entry Deadline for the Carroll County
4-H/FFA Fair: June 10th 2013 @
Please don’t wait until the last minute!
If youth need help when being judged, or help explaining/identifying their project,
please let Becky Ridgeway know so she can supply help at that time.
Cow Pie Bingo Fundraiser
This year the fundraising committee has decided to host “Cow Pie Bingo”
once again at the Carroll County 4-H & FFA Fair. This bingo will take place
on Saturday, July 27th in Shipley Arena following the breeding shows. We
are looking for everyone to spread the word about the county fundraiser.
All proceeds will benefit the Carroll County 4-H Program and will be used
toward National Trips. Tickets are $10 each or 3/$25 and are available at
the Extension office. The winner will receive $250. If you have any
questions contact Becky at 410-386-2760 or bridgewa@umd.edu.
A flyer and the bingo rules are attached to this Tribune.
Come Say “Thank You” to Kathy
The Fair Board will be hosting an
Ice Cream Social at 2PM on
Sunday, June 23rd in Burns Hall at
the Ag Center. The event will be an
opportunity for everyone to show their
appreciation for Kathy Gordon.
cream will be provided by the Fair Board,
attendees are encouraged to bring
pictures and will have an opportunity to
share memories, stories, etc. Please
RSVP by emailing Andy & Joanne
Cashman: cashman1987@verizon.net.
Mandatory Horse Safety Class for
1st Year Horse Members!!
All 1st year 4-H horse members will need
to attend a mandatory horse safety class
to be eligible to show at the Carroll
County 4-H/FFA Fair. The date for the
class is:
Wednesday, June 19th
at 7pm here at the Carroll County
Extension Office. This would also be a
good refresher course for any and all!!
For more information contact Kathy
Drzewianowski at 410-848-0731.
Junior Stock Show!!
Goat, Sheep and Swine Fitting &
Showing: If you are a Clover that might
want to try showing a pig, goat, or sheep,
or if you need more practice before this
year’s County Fair, mark June 22nd on
your calendar. The annual Jr. Stock
Show will be held at High Ridge Farm in
Manchester. Animals will be provided
that day for those of you that need them
for practicing. Details and registration
paperwork were in the April Tribune.
Questions, call Candy Cole 410-3750140.
UME Volunteer Leader Training
Would you like to be a University of
Maryland Extension Volunteer? Are you
helping out at club meetings with projects
or activities? Do you have parents in your
club who have expressed an interest in
being a 4-H volunteer?
The next UME training is scheduled
for Thursday, June 13th at 6pm. Please
call the Extension Office at 410-3862760 to register.
4-H International Exchange Program
Attention Senior 4-H Members!!
In the Extension Office is a book of
Scholarship applications. They
are also on our website. There
are various due dates for these
applications, from mid-April to
July. Please come in and look
them over, there may be
something that you can apply for…don’t
lose the chance to get money for your
There are 2 new scholarships available
Applications are available in the
Scholarship Binder in the Extension
Office. For more information, please
This summer, Maryland 4-H families are
being offered the exciting opportunity to
take part in the State’s 4-H International
Exchange Program by hosting youth
from Japan. This Program’s mission is to
enhance world understanding and global
citizenship through high-quality 4-H
international cultural immersion.
Toward the end of July, ten 4-H
aged Japanese students and one adult
chaperone arriving in Maryland will be
staying with host families for a little less
than one month.
During this time, the Japanese
delegates are to be included as if they
were family, sharing in family outings,
responsibilities, and everyday life.
If you have 4-H aged youth at
home and are potentially interested in
hosting a delegate or know anyone who
might be, share your interest with your
county’s Extension Educator and go to
to learn
more about the program.
You may also contact Melville
Johnson, Maryland 4-H Center at:
Dairy Judging Practices
Tues., June 4-Hoff Family Farm
Wed., June 12-Dave Lease Family Farm
Wed., June 19-Dell Family Farm
All practices are at 7:30 PM
More practices to follow! Questions,
please call Kelly Zepp 410-635-3922.
Poultry Judging Practices
All practices are 7:00 at the Extension
Anyone is welcome.
questions please contact Glenn Haines
410-756-2113 or Kelly Hale 410-5961332 or KHale005@gmail.com
Practices are set for the following dates:
Tues June 18th Thurs June 27th
Tues July 9th
Thurs July 18th
Goat Workshop
This year the Goat Workshop will be held
at the Junior Stock Show held at the
Cole’s (Tim/Candy) on June 22nd.
(Information on that was in April’s
Tribune). If you have missed ALL of the
workshops previously held for Beef,
Sheep and Swine and CANNOT make
the workshop at the Stock Show, please
call Kathy at the 4-H Extension Office,
Quality Assurance
If you are a new member or have
moved to a new age group (Junior to
Intermediate, Intermediate to Senior) you
will be required to take the Online Quality
Assurance Program this year.
program is online and required for ALL 4H Members showing beef, dairy, hog,
sheep, goats, horses/ponies, poultry,
rabbits, and alpacas/llamas. The website
to complete this required program is
You must register and complete
this program if you are going to show.
The website will open on or about March
1st and is available 24 hours a day. If
you receive an error message while
trying to complete it please let Kathy
The CC 4-H Extension Office has
a “Computer Lab” which is available to
all. Contact Kathy if you should need to
use the computer lab. It can be used for
both the QA training and for CC 4-H/FFA
Fair Entries starting in May.
Unit Completions
If your animal unit is still recorded as
incomplete, you will not be eligible for the
2013 CC 4-H/FFA Fair Livestock Sale.
Keep an eye out for the new project
record forms that we will be using for
2013. We have new animal science
project records and we have revised the
general project records, too. Copies of
livestock records will be available at the
upcoming weigh-ins and there will be
copies available of all forms on our
website and copies available at the
Extension office. If you have any
questions about the new forms, call
Food Preservation Workshop
Are you thinking about entering
something preserved at the fair? Or are
you just interested in learning how to
make jam? How about learning
about canning vegetables? We
will be offering a food
preservation workshop on
Saturday, July 13th from 9am –
4pm. Hot water bath canning
is from 9–12pm and pressure
canning from 1–4 pm. For more
information contact Becky Ridgeway at
410-386-2760 or bridgewa@umd.edu.
4-H Camp Dates
Come join the fun at camp this summer!
Applications are available in the office or
on our website:
Younger week “Camp Carnival”
June 24-27, 2013 Ages 8-11
(age based on Jan. 1, 2013)
Older week “Camp Castaway”
July 15-19, 2013 Ages 10-14
(age based on Jan. 1, 2013)
scholarship forms were due by May
3rd. If you are interested but didn’t
reserve your spot, call to be sure there is
still space available.
Clover Day Camp
Clover Day Camp is back for 5-8 year
olds! This year’s theme is “Your Wild
Backyard”. Clover Camp will be held at
the Extension Office, July 8-11, 2013.
Registration information can be found at
the Extension Office or on our website –
Deadline for registration is June 7th. If
you have questions, contact Jim Serfass
at 410-386-2760 or jserfass@umd.edu
MD State 4-H Horse Jamboree!!
This year, Carroll County will be hosting
the MD State 4-H Horse Jamboree, July
12-14 at Hashawha Environmental
Center. Let’s have Carroll County
outshine all the other counties!!
Registrations are due by June 14th.
Scholarships will be available, contact
Kathy at 410-386-2760 for more
Just a reminder that we have a
drop box located by the entrance
to the office. If you are here after
hours or are trying to meet a deadline but
the office is closed, please use the drop
box. We cannot be responsible for items
left under the door. Thank you for your
All about Journalism!!
Are you a club reporter or have an
interest in journalism? Then don’t miss
out on this opportunity. The Carroll
County Times is offering a workshop
completely geared towards 4-H! Learn
newspapers. We will learn about what
to put into an article and how to write a
caption for pictures. We will even get a
tour of how a newspaper comes
together. Join us on Monday, June 17th
from 10 – 11:30am at the Carroll County
Times building. If you are interested in
attending call the Extension office to
register, space is limited. If you have
questions, call Becky at 410-386-2760 or
Sewing Supplies
Have you thought about trying out a new
sewing technique, but don’t want to use
your new fabric. Stop by the Extension
Office. We have a large selection of
fabrics that anyone is welcome to come
and take for projects. There are also
some patterns, zippers, and buttons that
are available.
If you have questions, contact Becky at
bridgewa@umd.edu or 410-386-2760.
Teen Focus
Teen Focus will be held from
June 25-27, 2013 at the
University of Maryland College Park
Campus in conjunction with the Maryland
FFA Convention. Don’t miss out on this
opportunity to participate in a variety of
activities ranging from CSI –Barnyard,
Zumba, Healthy Lifestyles, Livestock,
Applications and more information can
be picked up at the Extension office.
Consumer Education
Four education training sessions
have been planned in addition to a
county contest. All events will be held at
the Extension Office from 7-9 pm.
Training dates remaining are:
June 4th
June 20th
July 11th
The county Consumer Education
Judging Contest will be held Tuesday,
July 23rd from 7-9 pm.
For more information please call
Jennifer Hill at 443-244-1633.
32nd Annual Maryland 4-H Golf
The Marlin K. Hoff 4-H Golf tournament
will be held Monday, June 3rd, at
Oakmont Green in Hampstead. For more
information call (301) 314-7835 or to
register visit:
Maryland 4-H Night at Camden Yards
June 27th the Orioles will be playing the
Cleveland Indians at 7:05 p.m. Maryland
4-H has reserved seats in the upper
reserve sections 316-356, rows 13-25 for
$13 a ticket. $5 of every ticket purchased
will support Maryland 4-H. Tickets are
only available online. Visit
Natural Resource Career Camp
The Carroll County Forest Conservancy
Board will pay $400 of the $500 cost to
send two Carroll County High School
students interested in an environmentalrelated career to the Natural Resources
Career Camp in Garrett County in July
2013. Please contact Connie Hoge for
more information about the CC Forestry
Conservancy Board scholarships at
information and application to the Natural
Hold the Date!!!
June 20th has been identified as the date
presentations will be given by four 4-H
Agent candidates. More information will
be available soon as to times.
Presentations will be given during normal
business hours.
CC 4-H All Star Meetings
All meetings are at 7:30pm and held at
the Extension Office. Upcoming dates:
June 18, 2013
September 17, 2013
Lamb Camp
The Frederick County Sheep
Breeders Association is hosting a oneday Lamb Camp for 4-H and FFA
members on Saturday, July 13, 2013, 8
a.m. to 5 p.m., at the Frederick County
The purpose of the Lamb Camp is
to help kids sharpen their knowledge and
showmanship skills. The camp is limited
to 18 youth.
The instructor is Scott Myers, a
well-known 4-H and open class judge.
Mr. Myers will be assisted by a few
young adults who have demonstrated
their skills at county and state fairs.
Participants will need to bring 1 or
2 sheared lambs, along with shearing
equipment and a fitting stand. If someone
needs to borrow a lamb, one will be
Request a registration form from
Dawn Richardson at (301) 908-5985 or
Additional information is available from
Peter Vorac at (301) 371-4111 or
Public Speaking
The state public speaking contest was
held at Maryland Day at the University of
Maryland College Park Campus on April
27th. Congratulations to everyone that
Caroline Boone – Res. Champion
Junior Prepared, Jordan Wagner –
Champion Intermediate Prepared, and
Annabelle Puckett – Champion Junior
Shooting Sports
The Carroll County 4-H Hotshots had two
members selected as part of the
Maryland State 4-H Shotgun Team.
They are Tori Mann as alternate and
Jake McThenia. They were selected
based on an interview, Senior Portfolio,
essay and shooting scores. The team wll
travel to Grand Island, Nebraska June
23-29, 2013 to compete in the National
4-H Shooting Sports Invitational. Good
Luck at Nationals!
Wildlife Habitat Judging Contest
Carroll County had 5 youth participate in
the Maryland State 4-H Wildlife Habitat
Judging Contest on Saturday, May 11th.
The contestants were tested in their
knowledge of species identification,
wildlife knowledge, and management
All Carroll County participants in the
senior division have qualified to compete
at the National Wildlife Habitat Education
Program Contest in Trafalgar, Indiana to
be held July 21st-24th.
Senior Division:
Katie Garst- 1st Place, Champion
Amy Donna Bittler – 2nd Place
Nick Parrish – 3rd Place
Tori Mann – 5th Place
Intermediate Division:
Jared Parrish – 6th Place
Nick Jones of Carrollton 4-H Club has
done it again. His theme for the Fair has
been chosen for the third straight year.
Congratulations Nick!
Very Important: New Online Entry
Rules for 2013!
Please see the description and
explanation of the new Online Entry
Rules posted in April’s Tribune.
MAY 1 – JUNE 10, 2013
Fighting Cancer with an IMPORTANT
rule change at the Fair!
To show support for all of those involved
in the fight against cancer, the Carroll
County 4-H/FFA Fair Board has decided
to provide one specially designed
lavender t-shirt for each individual
showing an animal in the Fair. The tshirt will replace the white polo shirt
as part of the official dress for
showing and must be tucked in; all
other items (pants, belt, footwear, etc.)
will remain the same. This rule change
will be in effect ONLY for the Carroll
County 4-H/FFA Fair and ONLY for this
year. In addition to the lavender shirts,
there will be collections taken to support
local organizations and medical centers
involved in cancer treatment. More
details about the distribution of the shirts
will be available closer to the start of the
Fair Board Meetings
Don’t forget that everyone is welcome to
participate in Fair Board meetings held at
the Extension Office. The next meeting
date is June 26th at 7:30pm.
Clerk Training and Indoor
Superintendent Meeting
Indoor clerk training will take place on
Thursday, June 20th at 7pm, followed by
an indoor superintendents’ meeting at
7:30pm at the Extension Office.
Too Many Ribbons?
Don’t throw them away? Bring them to
the Extension Office or a Fair Board
Meeting. The Fair will recycle them for
next year! So don’t throw them out, let’s
recycle everything including ribbons!
Silent Auction Donations!
Individuals and clubs are encouraged to
bring their donations for the silent auction
to the Extension Office. The silent
auction will take place at the 4-H/FFA
Fair and proceeds will benefit the Fair
and the Carroll County 4-H Program.
Please see the attached flyer for more
Fair Kitchen
The 4-H/FFA Fair Kitchen is under NEW
management! We are looking for
donations of fresh vegetables
and volunteers for fair week. Anyone
interested in donating a whole/half steer
or hog, please contact Katie for further
information. If you have any questions,
donations or can volunteer please email
Katie at tiggerbryan23@aol.com or call
443-340-5617. Looking for sweet corn,
squash, cucumbers, onions, potatoes,
melons, tomatoes, and many other fresh
veggies! Thank you for your generosity in
making the Fair kitchen a success!
Horticulture Judging
Are you crazy about plants? Do you think
you could identify multiple flowers, fruits,
vegetables and more? If you said, “Yes”
to any of these questions, then register
for Horticulture Judging during the 2013
Carroll County 4-H/FFA Fair. Contact
Tommy Diffendal at tdiffen@umd.edu, for
more details.
Online Livestock Orientations
This year the fair is going to try and do
the Livestock Orientations online, similar
to the QA testing that the youth now have
to do. For each species, youth will be
required to do the orientation, print out a
certificate and bring with you to obtain
your Fair Livestock parking pass. More
info to come as details are finalized.
Rabbit Department
Those 4-Hers who will be
exhibiting rabbits/cavies at the Fair will
need to attend a mandatory orientation
session. The next date is Thursday,
June 6th at 7:00 PM in the Blizzard
Building. Attendance will be
taken. Anyone not attending will not be
able to show at the fair.
Fair Judging Contest
If you plan on participating in any judging
contest (livestock, dairy, rabbit,
horticulture, skillathon, etc.), make sure
that you have pre-registered for those
contests for this year’s fair. This is a new
procedure for this year’s fair.
All of the livestock departments will be
holding a video contest. The contest is
intended to help enhance the learning
and knowledge one gains throughout
their project and to then convey that
gained knowledge in a visual
communication tool for the public. For
questions, please contact the appropriate
department superintendent.
Promoting 4-H at the Fair
Are you interested in promoting your 4-H
projects during the fair? How about
showcasing the Carroll County 4-H/FFA
Fair in a new way? The 4-H program
and the Fair are teaming up with the
Community Media Center and are
looking for youth that are interested in
promoting the 4-H program. You will
work with a partner in making videos
during the week of the fair, so find a
friend and sign-up! Training will be held
at the Community Media Center on
Wednesday, June 19 from 6-8pm. You
will learn how to use video equipment
and get some tips on conducting
interviews. Contact the Extension Office
to sign up. If you have questions, call
Becky at 410-386-2760 or
Horse Exhibitors!!
Please be sure to read ALL the rules and
regulations to be sure you are eligible to
enter each class for the English and
Western Horse Shows. Rules have
changed since last year to agree with the
state fair rules and regulations. If you are
not sure, please call the appropriate
Pre -Fair Reminders from the Indoor
1. 4-H cake discs are available at the 4-H
office beginning June 3.
2. Check the catalog for rules and
regulations for each department and
description for classes.
3. Every 4-H'er is expected to help with
Fair Set-Up or Fair Clean-up, whether it
be in the Livestock or the Indoor Dept.
Set up time for intermediate and senior
exhibitors in the Indoor Dept. is 9AM
Sun. July 21. Clean-up should be
starting about 10AM on Sat. Aug. 3
4. Every 4-H Club has a time slot for
Guard Duty in the Red Buildings or
Nathan Blizzard Building.
5. Any questions about exhibits need to
be directed to the dept. supt. before the
Sandra Stonesifer 410 857-0416
Set-up/Clean-up Plan for the
2013 CC 4-H/FFA Fair
Shipley Building
While this is a new idea, the Fair Board is
going through with a Set-up/Clean-up
Plan for the 2013 Fair.
Youth with last names starting A – L
will have the set-up chore this year. On
Saturday, July 20th, youth ages 8-13 will
be expected to arrive at about 1pm to
help put shavings in pens, set up signs,
put out trash cans and other duties to be
determined. You will not be expected to
be here all day and this will alleviate the
problem of youth being around
Youth with last names starting M – Z
will have the clean-up chore this year
(this will be switched next year). On
Sunday, August 4, youth ages 8-13 will
be expected to arrive (not sure of time
yet) to help gather trash cans, clean
them up for storage, pick up trash from
the parking area and buildings and other
duties to be determined. Again, this is
not expected to be an all day work event.
More information will be coming as
details are finalized.
Horticulture Club
Do you have an interest in bugs and getting your hands dirty? If so, join the 4-H
Horticulture Club on June 13, 2013 at 6:00PM at the Extension Office to kick off the
growing season. Participating gives one a great chance to enroll in a Horticulture Project
and learn more about growing fruits, flowers, and vegetables. Contact Tommy Diffendal at
tdiffend@umd.edu for more information. There will only be three meetings this year, so
participate while you can!
Maryland 4-H Livestock Round-Up
When: July 1, 2013 - 6:00pm to July 3, 2013 - 7:00pm
Where: Frederick County 4-H Camp and Activity Center
3702 Basford Rd
Frederick Maryland 21703
Cost: $125
Register now! The 4th offering of the Maryland 4-H Livestock Round-Up will be held July
1-3, 2013 at the Frederick County 4-H Camp and Activity Center, Frederick, Maryland for
4-H youth, ages 8-18.
The Round-Up will feature workshops on Beef, Dairy, Goats, Sheep and Swine; field trips
to animal-related businesses; a Tuesday night social; a Barnyard Olympics; a Junior
Stockman's Event; camp recreation activities; and a Round-Up BBQ.
Registration Packets are now available on the Maryland 4-H website:
Registration is limited to the first 80 youth to register. Registrations will not be accepted
after June 15, 2013. Contact Chris Anderson at canders2@umd.edu for more information.
Kathy Gordon
Extension Educator
4-H Youth Development
Jim Serfass
Extension Educator
4-H Youth Development
Becky Ridgeway
Extension Educator
4-H Youth Development
http://extension.umd.edu/carroll-county The Carroll County 4-H Website. Find The Tribune online, plus
other forms and information for youth and leaders.
http://extension.umd.edu/4-h The Maryland State 4-H Youth Development Website. News & information
from all over the state, plus forms and information for youth and leaders.
Carroll County 4-H Youth Development
University of Maryland Extension
700 Agriculture Center
Westminster, MD 21157-5700
University of Maryland Extension programs are open to any person and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age,
sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information,
or political affiliation, or gender identity and expression.
If you have a disability that requires special assistance for your participation in a program, please contact the Carroll County
Extension Office at 410-386-2760, fax: 410-876-0132, two (2) weeks prior to the program.
The information given herein is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by University
of Maryland Extension is implied.
Upcoming Dates to Remember…
June 3
June 10
June 13
June 17
June 19
June 20
June 22
June 24-27
June 25-27
June 27
July 13
July 8-11
July 12-14
July 15-19
July 27-Aug 2
Maryland 4-H Golf Tournament, Oakmont Green, Hampstead
Fair On-line entry system closes, 11:59pm
UME Volunteer Leader Training, CC Ext. Office, 6pm
Journalism fieldtrip, Carroll County Times
Mandatory Horse Safety Class, CC Ext. Office, 7pm
4-H Agent Candidate Presentations, CC Ext. Office, time TBD
Junior Stock Show, High Ridge Farm, Manchester
Goat Workshop @ Junior Stock Show, High Ridge Farm, Manchester
CC 4-H Camp, Hashawha
Teen Focus, University of Maryland College Park Campus
4-H night @ Camden Yards
Food Preservation Workshop, Extension Office
Clover Day Camp, CC Ext Office
State 4-H Horse Jamboree, Hashawha Environmental Center
CC 4-H Camp, Hashawha
CC 4-H/FFA Fair
Maryland 4-H Triple Crown Results
Congratulaions to everyone who participated in the 2013 Maryland 4-H Horse Triple
Crown which was held on April 20-21 on the University of Maryland campus. 94 4-H
members participated in the Horse Judging contest; 106 members participated in the
Hippology contest; and 161 members participated in the Horse Bowl contest. 15
counties were represented.
Horse Judging
Junior Division
Allison Stoner – 3rd
Sophie Wolf – 6th
Josh Bubczyk – 16th
Celia Yeager – Top 25
Team Place: 3rd
Coaches: Janie Dell & Zac Virtz
Intermediate Division
Katie Grasser – 1st
Hallie Bubczyk – 2nd
Brooke Bowers – 5th
Lillian Alster – 12th (Information)
Emmett Wolf – 20th
Elliott Alster- 21st (Information)
Team Place: 4th
Coaches: Amanda Hart & Zac Virtz
Senior Division
Thomas Wolf – 2nd
Hannah Cibaljevich – 12th
Amber Lippy – 17th
Maggie Ryan – 19th
Alexis Dickson – 20th
Carina Yeager – Top 25
Team Place: 2nd
Coaches: Amanda Hart & Zac Virtz
Horse Bowl
Junior Division
Sophie Wolf – 13th
Allison Stoner – 14th
Josh Bubczyk – Top 20
Celia Yeager – Top 20
Team Place: 6th
Coaches: Janie Dell & Brooke Bollinger
Intermediate Division
Melanie Martin – 2nd
Katie Grasser – 10th
Emmett Wolf – Top 20
Elliott Alster – Top 20
Hallie Bubczyk – Top 20
Team Place: 7th
Coaches: Amanda Hart, Caroline
Junior Division
Allison Stoner – 2nd
Sophie Wolf – 6th
Josh Bubczyk – 12th
Celia Yeager – Top 20
Intermediate Division
Hallie Bubczyk – 6th
Katie Grasser – 12th
Emmett Wolf- Top 20
Elliott Alster – Top 20
Brooke Bollinger – Top 20
Lillian Alster- Top 20
Brooke Bowers- Top 20
Senior Division
Kasey Enright – 1st
Alexis Dickson – Top 30
Maggie Ryan- Top 30
Thomas Wolf- Top 30
Hannah Cibaljevich – Top 30
Amber Lippy- Top 30
Make Your Own Movies!
Record your very own videos at this year’s Fair!
 The CMC show you how to take your own videos.
 Share all the fun & excitement of your favorite 4H Clubs
and events!
 And showcase your movies online!
On Wednesday, June 19th from 6-8pm, the Community
Media Center will host 2013 4H & FFA Fair Video Training.
For information, please contact:
 Becky Ridgeway – 4H Youth Dev. Extension Educator
o 410-386-2760, bridgewa@umd.edu
 Debbie Weishaar – Fair Manager
o 410-848-3247, cc4hffafairmanager@yahoo.com
 or A.J. Messer – CMC Volunteer & Ed. Coordinator
o 410-386-4415, amesser@carrollmediacenter.org
Carroll County 4-H Fundraiser
Carroll County 4-H
Cow Pie Bingo
Carroll County 4-H & FFA Fair – Shipley Arena
Saturday, July 27th following the breeding shows
Grand Prize Winner will receive $250.00
Tickets are $10 or 3/$25 and are available at the
Carroll County Extension Office
700 Agriculture Center Dr.
Westminster, Md 21157
All proceeds benefit the Carroll County 4-H Program for National
For more information contact Becky Ridgeway at 410-386-2760
or bridgewa@umd.edu
University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all persons and will
not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color, sexual
orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin,
marital status, genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity
and expression.
Cow Pie Bingo Rules
1. Person must be 18 or older to purchase a ticket and/or win the prize.
2. Player/Ticket holder need not be present to win.
3. A grid map will be on display at the Carroll County Extension Office. The grid map will
be clearly labeled according to the grid that appears in the show ring. Within each “sold”
square the grid will include the purchaser’s name.
4. For each square sold the purchaser will receive a ticket indicating the square they
5. No squares will be sold after the event begins on Saturday, July 27th at (time to be
6. The actual grid area will be clearly marked with all grids being of equal shape and size
and the area protected with a barrier or fence.
7. A cow will be led into the grid area by an appropriate handler and let free to roam within
the area until a cow pie is deposited on the grid or the time allotment has expired.
8. A one hour time allotment will be given for a cow pie winner, if no cow pie has appeared
at the end of one hour, then the winner will be determined by a random drawing.
9. The grid containing the biggest volume of “cow pie” will determine the winner.
10. If the cow pie lands on a square which is determined to be unsold and/or an unsponsored
square, the prize money will be donated to the Carroll County 4-H Program.
11. The organization will post the “Rules” at the event so all participants understand how the
event will be conducted.
12. The decision of the judges is final.
Individual tickets are only $10 and are available during regular
business hours at the:
Carroll County Extension Office
700 Agriculture Center Dr.
Westminster, MD 21157-5700
University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all
persons and will not discriminate against anyone because of
race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental
disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status,
genetic information, or political affiliation, or gender identity and
Be a part of the Fun!
Individuals and 4-H Clubs Alike!
Donations are Needed
Theme Baskets
Tickets to Sporting Events
Home Goods / Services
Decorative Items
Automotive Services or Items
White Elephant / Collectables
Musical Instruments
Handmade Items
Anything else you think might sell!
All Proceeds Benefit the Fair or County 4-H Program
For more information call 443-340-8082
Donations are Tax Deductable
University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens without regard to
race, color, gender, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, marital or parental status,
or national origin.