Bradley Reaves

Bradley Reaves breaves3
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
Doctor of Philosophy, Computer Science
Emphasis: Mobile Security
Minor: Higher Education
Advisor: Patrick Traynor
Projected 2016
Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS
Master of Science, Computer Engineering
August 2011
Emphases: Computer Security; SCADA, Industrial Control System, and Smart Grid Security
Thesis: “An Open Virtual Testbed for Industrial Control System Security Research”
Information Security Certificate
Bachelor of Science, summa cum laude, Computer Engineering
Minors in Spanish and Mathematics
May 2010
Research Experience
Graduate Research Assistant
August 2011 – Present
Georgia Institute of Technology
• Studied prioritizing Android malware analysis at application market-scale using statistical analyses of declared behavior. Tests showed nearly an order of magnitude reduction in the number of
apps to be analyzed to identify more than 90% of malware present in a given market
• Investigated presence of mobile-specific malware in a cellular IP network, finding that actual
infection rates are quite low (around 0.001%).
Graduate Research Assistant
May 2010 – July 2011
Mississippi State University
• Designed black-box cybersecurity testing methodology for Smart Grid equipment for Fortune 500
electric utility
• Implemented and tested common networking attacks in a Smart Grid testbed
• Discovered novel network denial-of-service attacks in Smart Grid equipment
• Created a framework for the development of testbeds for SCADA/industrial control system security research.
Undergraduate Research Assistant
January 2009 – May 2010
Mississippi State University
• Troubleshooted Linux kernel modification to enable execution of encrypted binary executables
only decrypted in main memory.
• Discovered vulnerabilities and developed proof-of-concept code for wireless network intrusion,
packet injection, and denial of service in a common proprietary SCADA wireless system.
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Industry Experience
Intern, Software Security Research
May 2012 – August 2012
Hewlett Packard Company
• Prepared document detailing research strategies and development needs for a new web technology in WebInspect, a dynamic application security testing product for web applications
• Discovered and responsibly disclosed vulnerabilities in a web application found during technology
Teaching Experience
Summer 2014
CS 4235: Intro. to Computer Security Security (Georgia Institute of Technology)
• Developed course curriculum and laboratory-style exercises
• Students surveyed gave a unanimous 5/5 rating for overall effectiveness
• Selected student comments: “The homeworks were fun and very educational,” “Very effective
teacher overall. I would definitely recommend him to future students,” “#favoriteGTclass.”
Teaching Assistant
Spring 2013
CS 6262: Network Security (Georgia Institute of Technology)
• Delivered five lectures
• Developed and graded laboratory-style exercises
• Students surveyed gave a median 4.78 rating (out of a possible 5) for TA effectiveness
Guest Lecturer
CS 6238: Secure Computing Systems (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Lecture: Android Security
CS 3251: Computer Networks (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Lectures: Wireless Networks, Android Development, Security Protocols
Spring 2013
Spring 2014
Graduate Honors
• National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
• James Worth Bagley Supplemental Fellowship (MSU)
• Best Paper Award: “On SCADA Control System Command and Response Injection and Intrusion
• Best Paper Award: “MAST: Triage for Market-scale Mobile Malware Analysis”
• Student Travel Grant to CCS 2012
• Student Travel Grant to the 2013 Trusted Infrastructure Workshop
Undergraduate Honors
• Most Outstanding Computer Engineering Senior
• Member, Arts and Sciences Society of Scholars (Limited to top 1.5% of graduating seniors)
• Shackouls Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow (Competitive research grant)
• Joseph Barrier Engineering Scholarship
• Nucor Foundation Academic Scholarship
• National Merit Scholarship
• Best Undergraduate Poster: B. Reaves and T. Morris, “Vulnerabilities in a Proprietary SCADA
Wireless System.” IEEE Power Energy Society Transmission and Distribution Conference, New
Orleans, LA, April 19-22, 2010.
• Engineering Poster Award: B. Reaves and T. Morris, “Vulnerabilities in a Proprietary SCADA
Wireless System.” Shackouls Honors College Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mississippi
State University, April 2010.
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[1] Charles Lever, Manos Antonakakis, Brad Reaves, Patrick Traynor, and Wenke Lee. The core of
the matter: Analyzing malicious traffic in cellular carriers. In Proceedings of the 20th Network and
Distributed System Security Symposium, San Diego, CA, February 2013.
[2] Saurabh Chakradeo, Bradley Reaves, Patrick Traynor, and William Enck. MAST: Triage for
Market-scale Mobile Malware Analysis. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Security and
Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks, 2013. (Full Paper; Acceptance Rate: 15.0%).
[3] Reaves, Bradley and Thomas Morris. Analysis and mitigation of vulnerabilities in short-range
wireless communications for industrial control systems. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 2012.
[4] Reaves, Bradley and Thomas Morris. An open virtual testbed for industrial control system security research. International Journal of Information Security, 11(4):215–229, 2012.
[5] Thomas Morris, Anurag Srivastava, Bradley Reaves, Wei Gao, Kalyan Pavurapu, and Ram
Reddi. A control system testbed to validate critical infrastructure protection concepts. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, August 2011.
[6] Wei Gao, Thomas Morris, Bradley Reaves, and Drew Richey. On SCADA control system command
and response injection and intrusion detection. In IEEE eCrime Researchers Summit, Dallas, TX,
October 2010.
[7] Bradley Reaves and Thomas Morris. Discovery, infiltration, and denial of service in a process
control system wireless network. In 2009 eCrime Researchers Summit, Tacoma, WA, USA, October
[8] Thomas Morris, Anurag Srivastava, Bradley Reaves, Kalyan Pavurapu, Sharif Abdelwahed, Rayford Vaughn, Wesley McGrew, and Yoginder Dandass. Engineering future Cyber-Physical energy
systems: Challenges, research needs, and roadmap. In 2009 IEEE North American Power Symposium, Starkville, MS, October 2009.
Relevant Skills
• Programming Languages
– Proficient: Python, C, Java
– Familiar: C++, C#, Tcl, Matlab, R, JavaScript, PLC Ladder Logic, SQL
• System Administration: Ubuntu and Fedora Linux, Windows, OS X
• Tools: Vim, LATEX, Subversion, Git, Mu Dynamics Studio Security
• Relevant Graduate Courses: Information Security, Cryptography and Network Security (MSU),
Network Security (GT), Computer Forensics, Secure Computer Systems, Computer Networks,
Cellular and Mobile Security, Applied Cryptography
Service and Extracurricular Activities
Georgia Institute of Technology
• Reviewer: Communications of the ACM
• Reviewer: IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
• Reviewer: Usenix Security Symposium
• Reviewer: ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security
• Reviewer: Networked and Distributed System Security Symposium
• Reviewer: Annual Computer Security Applications Conference
• Reviewer: Financial Cryptography and Data Security
• Reviewer: Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
• Reviewer: IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine
• Graduate Student Council Vice President, School of Computer Science
2013, 2014
2013, 2014
2013, 2014
2013, 2014
Fall 2013 – Fall 2014
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