1|Page MARYLAND 4-H TEEN FOCUS LEARNING AND LEADERSHIP 2013 State 4-H Teen Focus One World, One 4-H, One Dream…To Make the Best Better June 25-27, 2013 Maryland State 4-H Teen Leadership Conference will be held at the beautiful University of College Park Campus June 2527, 2013. This is the premier, statewide annual 4-H event for teens. The mission of Teen Focus is to provide educational experiences on a campus setting that help participants to develop life and leadership skills. This is a great opportunity for youth to make decisions about their future educational and professional endeavors. In 2013 we will be teaming up with Future Farmers of America (FFA) to offer a fabulous event. This collaboration provided both organizations the ability to increase their capacity to offer premier youth development programs. One example is the keynote speaker, Ricky Kalmon a famous motivational speaker. Many of you may recognize him from the Disney show Snapp. In addition, he has made numerous special guest appearances on Fox, FX, E, and Comedy Central. Kalmon’s uniqueness comes from the way he combines music, audience participation, and comedy to create an unforgettable show which is unmatched by anyone. It’s a show that will keep you on the edge of your seat and take you on a Vacation of the Mind! We know it will be an awesome memorable experience for all in attendance. FFA and 4-H have an amazing line up of workshops for the conference. Combining the groups has allowed us to bring in outside presenters from a variety of organizations. Our extraordinary line up of classes for Teen Focus range from CSIBarnyard, Zumba, Campus Tours, Health Rocks! Youth Mini-Grants, Livestock, Healthy Lifestyles, Community Leadership, to Entrepreneurship. It is definitely a line up everyone will love. 4-H’ers and FFA youth will attend classes together. This year, instead of signing up for classes in advance, youth will receive an on-line link where they can register on-line. By combining the two groups, we now expect more than 400 teens from all across the state of Maryland in attendance. 2|Page The Goals for 4-H Teen Focus are to: • • • • • • • • provide a high-quality educational experience for 4-H youth ages 14-18 and adults that work with them promote 4-H as a major statewide educational youth program provide educational, recreational and social experiences for teens that would not normally be available at a county or district level provide educational experiences through seminars, workshops, and service learning that will enhance life skill development and support 4-H project work provide first hand experiences on college campus exposing participants to “college life” provide opportunities for teens and adults to specifically develop leadership related life skills promote an understanding of the value of diversity among Teen Focus participants enhance each delegate’s sense of personal and social responsibility through an environment that fosters independence, accountability, decision-making and time management Now that you know a little more about Teen Focus, I’d like to invite you to join us at this wonderful event! You will have an exciting adventure as you explore first-hand the life of a college student. Let the 4-H program help guide you into your voyage to adulthood and give you a backdoor look into University of Maryland, College Park. A solid Institute founded in 1856, College Park is consistently rated as one of the best institutions in the world. 3|Page 2013 State 4-H Teen Focus One World, One 4-H, One Dream…To Make the Best Better June 25-27, 2013 Schedule of Events Tuesday, Noon 1:00 4:00 5:00 6:45 8:00 9:00 10:00 10:40 12:00 June 25th: Teen Council Members Arrive Check-in for all other Participants Get to know Games lead by Teen Council Dining Hall Welcome Meeting- Set Expectations Introductions Hypnotist –Ricky Kalmon Return to Dorms Small Group Meetings Whole Group Meetings Team Challenges Midnight Lights out Wednesday, June 26th: 7:00 Breakfast 8:30 Gathering Assembly 9:30 WORKSHOPS 11:30 Lunch 1:30 WORKSHOPS 3:30 Break 3:45 WORKSHOPS 5:00 Dinner 6:30 Small Group Meetings 8:00 Dance 10:00 Whole Group Meetings Team Challenges 12:00 Lights out Thursday, June 27th 7:00 Breakfast 8:00 Whole Group Meetings Skits and Challenges 9:00 WORKSHOPS 10:00 Committee Meetings 11:00 Capnote Speaker/Lunch 1:00 Clean Up Pack Up 2:00 Participant Release 4|Page 2013 State 4-H Teen Focus One World, One 4-H, One Dream…To Make the Best Better June 25-27, 2013 REGISTRATION FORM Registration must be sent to your local 4-H office before June 10, 2013 for appropriate signatures. Full payment and signed forms must accompany the registration form! Incomplete registrations or registrations without the required forms will not be accepted. No refunds for cancellations. Please print legibly or type from your computer-Thank you! 1 County/City: 2 Last Name: First Name: 3 Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy): Age: Male or Female 4 Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: 5 Daytime: Evening: Cell: 6 Email: 7 Check or Circle One: Teen State 4-H Teen Council Representative 8 Dietary concerns or restrictions? Explain: 9 Roommate Preference: 10 Tee Shirt Size – Check or Circle One: S M L XL XXL Other PHOTO RELEASE: I give permission to the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Maryland Extension, to use and publish my photograph for educational and promotional purposes without compensation. Name: Phone #: Signature: If Minor, Signature of Parent or Guardian: University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens without regard to race, color, gender, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, or national origin. 5|Page Check or Circle One: 12 Teen $225.00 TEEN COUNCIL: $50.00. Only teen council members who have voting rights are eligible to receive this reduced rate. Dr. Dennis will be sending each eligible Teen Council Member a notification of their eligibility for this discounted rate. Please include your letter with this registration to verify your discounted rate. If you will be receiving a scholarship please provide payment information: Check or Circle One: 14 Scholarship: Yes No Amount: Who is providing your scholarship: 15 Payment Information: Make Check Payable to: Maryland 4-H Foundation Amount Due: $_ 16 Check or Circle One: FRS# Cash Check - Check # VISA MasterCard 17 Card Number: Name on Card: Expiration Date: 18 Signature of Account Holder: Last Three Numbers on Back of Credit Card: Participant Signature: Parent/Guardian Signature: Contact: Dr. Lisa M Dennis, ldennis@umd.edu , Phone: 410-603-0000 or 410-651-8330 Please send all completed forms to: Teen Focus Att: Mel Johnson University of Maryland Extension 4-H Youth Development The Maryland 4-H Center 8020 Greenmead Drive College Park, MD 20740-4000 mjohns42@umd.edu 301 314-9070 | Fax 301 314-7146 University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens without regard to race, color, gender, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, or national origin. 6|Page A goal of the Maryland 4-H program is to provide opportunities for children and youth to build character. Maryland 4-H supports the CHARACTER COUNTS!SM six pillars of character: TRUSTWORTHINESS, RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, FAIRNESS, CARING AND CITIZENSHIP. In order to ensure that Maryland 4-H programs provide positive environments for all individuals to learn and grow, 4-H participants agree to abide by these expectations of behavior: (CHARACTER COUNTS! Is a service mark of the CHARACTER COUNTS! Coalition, a project of the Josephson Institute of Ethics.) I will be trustworthy. I will be worthy of trust, honor and confidence. I will be a model of integrity by doing the right thing even when the cost I high. I will be honest in all my activities. I will keep my commitments by attending all sessions of the planned event. If I am not feeling well or have a schedule conflict, I will inform my chaperon or a person in charge. I will be in the assigned area (e.g., club meeting room, building, dorm) at all times. Maryland 4-H does not permit dishonesty by lying, cheating, deception or omission. I will be respectful. I will show respect, courtesy, and consideration to everyone, including myself, other program participants and those in authority. I will act and speak respectfully. I will treat program areas, lodging areas, and transportation vehicles with respect. I will not use vulgar or abusive language or cause physical harm. I will appreciate diversity in skill, gender, ethnicity and ability. Maryland 4-H does not tolerate statements or acts of discrimination or prejudice. I will be responsible. I will be responsible, accountable and self-disciplined in the pursuit of excellence. I will live up to high expectations so I can be proud of my work and conduct. I will be on time to all program events. I will be accountable by accepting responsibility for my choices and actions. I will abide by the established program curfew. I will be responsible for any damage, theft or misconduct in which I participate. I will be fair. I will be just, fair and open. I will participate in events fairly by following the rules, not taking advantage of others and not asking for special exceptions. I will be caring. I will be caring in my relationships with others. I will be kind and show compassion for others. I will treat others the way I want to be treated. I will show appreciation for the efforts of others. I will help members in my group to have a good experience by striving to include all participants. I will be a good citizen. I will be a contributing and law-abiding citizen. I will be respectful to the environment and contribute to the greater good. I will not use any illegal substances such as tobacco, alcohol and drugs. University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens without regard to race, color, gender, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, or national origin. 7|Page Maryland 4-H Disciplinary Policy and Procedures I. II. III. Maryland 4-H expects youth participating in programs to behave in an acceptable manner and in accordance with the Maryland 4-H Behavioral Expectations outlined on the reverse side of this document. 4-H participants, who engage in unacceptable conduct, including the following behaviors, are subject to discipline. • Possession, use, or distribution of alcohol and/or illegal drugs. • Possession or use of weapons or dangerous materials. • Possession or use of tobacco products. • Misuse of prescription or nonprescription drugs. • Sexual activity. • Lying, cheating, and misrepresenting project work or other unethical practices. • Unauthorized absence from program site. • Physical, verbal, emotional, or mental abuse of or threats toward another person. • Theft, destruction, or abuse of property. A participant in a 4-H program who engages in conduct (including the above behaviors) that, in the discretion of the extension faculty, staff or UME volunteer in charge, may jeopardize the health or safety of the participant or others, or the integrity of 4-H, will be dismissed immediately from the program (meeting, activity, event, trip, camp, etc.). The participant’s parent or guardian will be responsible for providing transportation home for a child if dismissed. Following a program, a participant and his/her parent or guardian will be notified in writing of the nature of any unacceptable conduct for which sanctions (up to and including suspension from one or more 4-H programs or dismissal from (4-H) are being considered. In such cases: • The extension faculty or staff member with overall responsibility for the program will set up a meeting to hear the 4-H member. The 4-H member’s parent or guardian will be permitted to be present at such time. At the discretion of UME or at the request of the 4-H participant, a committee may be appointed by UME to review the matter. • Following the meeting, the 4-H participant and his or her parent/guardian will be notified in writing of the outcome of the meeting and any sanction(s) to be imposed. • Sanctions may be appealed in writing within seven (7) days after receiving notice of the decision, to the County Extension Director (CED) or Area Extension Director (AED). I • The 4-H participant and his/her parent or guardian will be notified in writing of the decision of the AED/CED. The decision of the ADE/CED may be appealed in writing to the State 4-H Leader within seven (7) days after receiving notice of the decision. The decision of the State 4-H Leader will be final. “I HAVE READ THE MARYLAND 4-H BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS AND THE MARYLAND 4-H DISCIPLINARY POLICY AND PROCEDURES. I AM AWARE THAT MY ACTIONS AND DECISIONS AFFECT ME AND OTHERS AND MAY RESULT IN LOSS OF PRIVILEGES DURING 4-H PROGRAMS, AND FOR FUTURE PROGRAMS. I WILL ACCEPT THE APPROPRIATE AND LOGICAL CONSEQUENCES OF MY ACTIONS, AS DETERMINED BY MARYLAND 4-H.” Member Signature _ Date “AS THE PARENT/GUARDIAN OF , I HAVE READ THE MARYLAND 4-H BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS AND THE MARYLAND 4-H DISCIPLINARY POLICY AND PROCEDURES AND WILL SUPPORT THE INDIVIDUAL IN CHARGE IN MAINTAINING APPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR. I AGREE TO ACCEPT THE APPROPRIATE AND LOGICAL CONSEQUESNCES OF MY CHILD’S ACTIONS AS DETERMINED BY MARYLAND 4-H.” Parent/Guardian Signature Date Revised LMD 2010 University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens without regard to race, color, gender, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, or national origin. UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION ADULT AND YOUTH HEALTH FORM Youth MEP 323 Adult Participant’s Name Sex Last Age as of Jan. 1of current year First Middle Initial Nickname Birth date Complete Home Address T telephone: day ( ) Telephone: evening ( ) Work Telephone ( ) Work Telephone ( ) Name of Custodial Parent/Guardian Home Telephone ( ) Name of Non-Custodial Parent/Guardian Home Telephone ( ) If Parent/Guardian is not available in an emergency, contact: T telephone ( ) Relationship to Individual Family Primary Care Physician Telephone ( Family ) Telephone ( Family Dentist Health Insurance Policy Number ) Carrier Name of Insured No Insurance Coverage Insurer requires authorization from primary care physician prior to treatment. Health History Check all that apply; give approximate date of onset Frequent Ear Infections Seizure Disorder/Convulsions Mononucleosis As t h m a German measles (Rubella) Menstrual Cycle Started Bed Wetting Heart Defect/Disorder Diabetes Sleep Walking C h ick e n P ox Mumps Urinary Tract Infection Recent Surgery: Please explain High Blood Pressure Bleeding Clotting Disorders ADD/AD HD M e a sl es Hepatitis Head Injury Please list any additional important health information or dietary restrictions. Allergies Check all that apply. Hay Fever Poison Ivy, Oak, etc. Insect Bites Insect Stings* Penicillin Sulfa Iodine Other allergies: Please List Below Foods allergies: Please List Below This individual requires immediate medical attention for treatment of allergies — please specify *Please note if epinephrine is with adult/child . Immunization History Please record month and year of basic immunizations and most recent booster doses. Vaccines Year of Basic Immunization Year of Last Booster Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus Chickenpox Oral Polio Injectable Polio Measles Mumps Rubella TB Test - Haemophiles influenza B Most Recent: Hepatitis B Other Medications Please list ALL medications the individual routinely takes. Bring at least enough medication to last for the program’s duration. Keep medication in the original container, which identifies the name of the medication, its dosage, and frequency of administration; the prescription number; and the physician’s name and phone number. Prescription Medication Dosage Specific Times Taken Reason For Taking Dosage Specific Times Taken Reason For Taking Non-Prescription Medication Individual requires no regular medication. I give permission to the selected UME staff or volunteer to administer the medications listed above, along with any of the following additional medications that I have check marked, if the staff or volunteer deems it necessary. Acetaminophen Aspirin Ibuprofen Pepto Bismol Calamine lotion Imodium AD Cough drops Sunscreen Dosages will be administered according to directions on the c o nt a ine r unless a physician directs otherwise. Additional information, for medical staff only, may be attached in sealed e nve lo p e . Signature of Participant or Parent/Guardian if participant is under 18 years old Print Name of Parent/Guardian Date Participation (Program name) This participant is allowed to participate fully in this which may inc lude swimming, canoeing, hiking, sports, and other strenuous events/activities? Yes No , Specify restriction Additional information for health care staff: Signature of Participant or Parent/Guardian if participant is under 18 years old Print Name of Parent/Guardian Date AUTHORIZATION FOR PARTICIPTION AND RELEASE: I hereby give permission for medical personnel selected by University of Maryland Extension (UME) to provide routine health care; to order x-rays, and routine tests; to administer medications, injections, anesthesia, surgery, and other treatment; to release records necessary for insurance purposes; and to provide or arrange necessary related transportation for me/my child. In the e ve nt I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission for medical personnel selected by UME to secure and administer treatment including hospitalization for the p ar t ic ip a nt named above. I further understand that I will be responsible for medical/hospital bills. By signing this form, I give permission for the p ar t ic ip a nt named above to participate in all program activities except as specified herein. This completed form may be copied for trips o ut o f camp and/or away from the p r o gr a m site. By signing this form, I release and forever discharge, agree not to sue, and to indemnify and hold harmless the State of Maryland, University of Maryland, and University of Maryland Extension and/or their officers, agents, employees, faculty, staff, and volunteers from and against any and all liabilities, costs, expenses, causes of action, claims, and/or demands in any way relating to the foregoing program activities and/or the health, illness, injury, and/or treatment of the participant named above. I AM 18 YEARS OLD OR OLDER AND I HAVE READ AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THIS AUTHORIZATION FOR PARTICIPTION AND TREATMENT AND RELEASE. Signature of Participant or Parent/Guardian if participant is under 18 years old Print Name of Participant or Parent/Guardian if participant is under 18 years old Date (Or) Signature of Parent/Guardian of 18 year old (optional) Print Name of Parent/Guardian of 18 year old (optional) Date THIS SECTION FOR OVERNIGHT RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS ONLY. HEALTH EXAM To be completed by doctor Participation This individual is allowed to participate fully in this pr o gr a m, which may inc lude swimming, canoe- ing, hiking, sports, and other strenuous events: Yes No Specify restrict ion Additional information for health care staff: I have examined this individual within the past 2 years. Date Examined Height Weight / / Blood Pressure Currently under care of physician for Signature of Physician Nurse/Physician’s Assistant completing form Print Name of Physician Print Name of Nurse/Physician’s Assistant Date Date Personal Identification Form In an effort to provide a safe and enjoyable educational experience, we ask that you complete this information. This information will be used in case of an emergency to help mobilize assistance and to distribute to those providing assistance. Participant’s Name Telephone: ( ) Address Recent Photograph (Within Past Year) Parent/Guardian Name Emergency Contact: Telephone: ( ) Individual’s Physical Description Age Sex Hair Color Race Height Eye Color Weight Glasses Yes No Contacts Yes No Facial Features/Shape Teeth (Normal, gaps, chipped, braces, etc.) Distinguishing Marks/Scars Physical Condition Mental Condition Emotional Condition Hobbies & Interests of Individual Personal/Family situation that could cause concerns: - i, Other habits/personality information that could be helpful MEP 323 Issued in furtherance of Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, University of Maryland, P College Park, and local governments. Cheng-i Wei, Dean and Director of University of Maryland Extension. The University of Maryland is equal opportunity. The University’s policies, programs, and activities are in conformance with pertinent Federal and State laws and regulations on nondiscrimination regarding race, color, religion, age, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, or disability. Inquiries regarding compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; and the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990; or related legal requirements should be directed to the Director of Human Resources Management, Office of the Dean, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Symons Hall, College Park, MD 20742. 2001 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION PARENTAL RELEASE AND INFORMED CONSENT FORM PROGRAM: Maryland 4-H Teen Focus DATE(S): June 25-27, 2013 My minor child, as listed below, has my permission to fully participate as a representative of the University of Maryland Extension (UME) Maryland 4-H Youth Development Program in all activities associated with the above named program. In connection with and consideration of my child’s participation in the Program, I, on behalf of my child and myself, my heirs, personal representative(s) and assigns, hereby represent and agree as follows: 1. I am aware that any program related activity can be dangerous, and I fully recognize and understand that there are risks and hazards, both minor and serious, associated with participation in the Program and related activities, including, but not limited to: cuts, scrapes, bruises, broken bones, muscle strains, pulls or tears, head, neck, back, eye and other bodily injuries, heat prostration, brain damage, blindness, deafness, drowning, heart attacks, paralysis and, even, death. The following is a description and examples of specific, significant, non-obvious dangers and risks associated with this activity. There is potential for accidents and/or injuries arising from: (Add the activities here – see sample for suggestions) a. transportation by public/contracted carrier or vehicle driven by a volunteer or UME staff member. b. residing in a campus dormitory with youth and/or adults of the same gender. c. use of campus pool and/or other recreational or campus facilities. d. fire and/or weather or natural events. e. educational and recreational activities held off of the campus such as field trips to Assateague and Tangier. 2. I understand that my child is not in any way required to participate in the Program, but I want them to participate, despite the possible dangers and despite this Release. 3. I represent and warrant that my child has no physical, health related or other problems which would preclude or restrict their participation in the Program or otherwise render their participation dangerous or harmful to them or others. I further represent and warrant that my child has adequate medical, health and/or other insurance for participation. 4. Knowing the dangers, hazards and risks associated with the Program, and with sufficient knowledge of my child’s physical condition(s) and limitations, if any, I voluntarily assume all responsibility and risk of loss, damage, illness and/or injury to person or property which my child may, in any way, sustain in connection with participation in the Program and related activities. 5. I agree that my child must abide by all rules and regulations applicable to participation in the Program. Should my child require emergency medical treatment or first aid as a result illness or injury associated with the Program or related activities, I consent to such first aid and/or treatment. 6. To the fullest extent permitted by law, I hereby release and forever discharge, and agree not to sue and to indemnify and hold harmless, the State of Maryland, the University of Maryland, University of Maryland Extension and their governing boards, officers, agents, employees and volunteers from and against any and all liabilities, claims, demands and causes of action of any kind on account of any loss, damage, illness or injury to person or property in any way arising out of or relating to my child’s participation in the Program and/or related activities, whether due to the negligence, mistake or other action or inaction of UME or any other person or entity. 7. I do hereby consent and agree that the Maryland 4-H Youth Development Program has the right to take photographs or record video/audio tapes of my child and to use these for educational and/or promotional materials. I further consent that my child's name may be revealed therein or by descriptive text or community. I hereby release to the Maryland 4-H Youth Development Program all rights to exhibit this work publicly or privately, including posting it on the Maryland 4-H Website. I waive any rights, claims or interests I or my child may have to control the use of my child's identity or likeness in the photographs, video or audio, and agree that any uses described herein may be made without compensation or additional consideration of me or my child. I CERTIFY THAT I AM 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER AND THAT I HAVE READ AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THIS RELEASE AND INFORMED CONSENT FORM, AND I SIGN IT VOLUNTARILY WITH FULL KNOWLEDGE OF ITS SIGNIFICANCE. Signature of Parent/Guardian Having Care and Custody of Participating Child Name of Parent/Guardian: Participating Child’s Name: Date Emergency Telephone: ( Signature: ) Age: University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens without regard to race, color, gender, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, or national origin. Rev. - July 2000 (D. Andrews) Updated for Extension Name and Logo Change AMT 3/2010 UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION OVER 18 RELEASE AND INFORMED CONSENT FORM PROGRAM: Maryland 4-H Teen Focus DATE(S): June 25-27, 2013 I wish to participate as a representative of the University of Maryland Extension (UME) Maryland 4-H Youth Development Program in all activities associated with the above named program. In connection with and consideration of my participation in the Program, I, on behalf of myself, my heirs, personal representative(s) and assigns, hereby represent and agree as follows: 1. I am aware that any program related activity can be dangerous, and I fully recognize and understand that there are risks and hazards, both minor and serious, associated with participation in the Program and related activities, including, but not limited to: cuts, scrapes, bruises, broken bones, muscle strains, pulls or tears, head, neck, back, eye and other bodily injuries, heat prostration, brain damage, blindness, deafness, drowning, heart attacks, paralysis and, even, death. The following is a description and examples of specific, significant, non-obvious dangers and risks associated with this activity. There is potential for accidents and/or injuries arising from: a. b. c. d. e. transportation by public/contracted carrier or vehicle driven by a volunteer or UME staff member. residing in a campus dormitory with youth and/or adults of the same gender. use of campus pool and/or other recreational or campus facilities. fire and/or weather or natural events. educational and recreational activities held off of the campus such as field trips to Assateague and Tangier Islands. 2. I understand that I am not in any way required to participate in the Program, but I want to participate, despite the possible dangers and despite this Release. 3. I represent and warrant that I have no physical, health related or other problems, which would preclude or restrict my participation in the Program or otherwise render my participation dangerous or harmful to them or others. I further represent and warrant that I have adequate medical, health and/or other insurance for participation. 4. Knowing the dangers, hazards and risks associated with the Program, and with sufficient knowledge of my physical condition and limitations, if any, I voluntarily assume all responsibility and risk of loss, damage, illness and/or injury to person or property in any way associated with my participation in the Program and related activities. 5. I agree to abide by all rules and regulations applicable to participation in the Program. 6. To the fullest extent permitted by law, I hereby release and forever discharge, and agree not to sue and to indemnify and hold harmless, the State of Maryland, the University of Maryland, University of Maryland Extension and their governing boards, officers, agents, employees and volunteers from and against any and all liabilities, claims, demands and causes of action of any kind on account of any loss, damage, illness or injury to person or property in any way arising out of or relating to my participation in the Program and/or related activities, whether due to the negligence, mistake or other action or inaction of UME or any other person or entity. I CERTIFY THAT I AM 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER AND THAT I HAVE READ AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THIS RELEASE AND INFORMED CONSENT FORM, AND I SIGN IT VOLUNTARILY WITH FULL KNOWLEDGE OF ITS SIGNIFICANCE. Signature of Participant Date Printed name of Participant Date of Birth University of Maryland Extension programs are open to all citizens without regard to race, color, gender, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, or national origin. Updated for Extension Name and Logo Change 3/2010 AMT 3/2010