An Integrated and Flexible Scheduler for Sensor Grids Hock Beng Lim

An Integrated and Flexible Scheduler for
Sensor Grids
Hock Beng Lim1 and Danny Lee2
Intelligent Systems Center, Nanyang Technological University
School of Computing, National University of Singapore
Abstract. The integration of wireless sensor networks and grid computing is an
emerging and promising area of research. Sensor grids extend the grid computing paradigm to the sharing of sensor resources in wireless sensor networks. By
combining the complementary strengths of sensor networks and grid computing,
sensor grids can support applications that require real-time information from the
physical environment and vast amount of computational and storage resources.
One of the major challenges in the design of sensor grids is how to efficiently
schedule sensor jobs across the collection of sensor resources in a sensor grid.
In this paper, we design an integrated and flexible scheduler for a sensor grid
testbed. The scheduler makes use of several scheduling and load balancing algorithms to suit the characteristics of sensor jobs. We performed extensive evaluations to characterize the behaviour and performance of these scheduling and
load balancing algorithms. Our performance results indicate that the sensor grid
scheduler can provide a good tradeoff betweeen performance objectives such as
sensor resource utilization, sensor job throughput, and sensor grid lifetime.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) consist of groups of small, inexpensive, low-power,
and self-contained sensor nodes with sensing, data processing, and wireless communication capabilities [1, 2]. They enable the direct monitoring of the physical environment,
and the seamless coupling of real-time sensor data with the digital world. The sensor
nodes are resource-constrained since they have limited sensing capability, processing
power, and communication bandwidth. However, with the aggregation of a large number of such nodes over a wide area, a wireless sensor network has substantial data acquisition and processing capabilities. Thus, wireless sensor networks can be regarded as
distributed computing resources that can be shared by multiple users and applications.
Grid computing is based on the concept of the coordinated sharing of distributed
and heterogeneous resources to solve large-scale problems in dynamic virtual organizations [3]. The types of shared resources can be computational servers, storage, or even
sensors. They are owned by institutions or individuals in virtual organizations (VOs).
Rules exist to ensure fairness and quality of service for users of grid resources, and to
maximize the utility of these resources. In fact, the grid computing paradigm can be extended to include the sharing of sensor resources in WSNs. A sensor grid [4] is formed
by the integration of WSNs with the conventional wired grid fabric.
A sensor grid processes multiple sensor job requests from different users. In a typical workflow, sensor jobs arriving at a sensor grid should be handled automatically
by the system. This raises the issues of how the sensor grid efficiently schedules incoming jobs to be executed, and how it allocates sensor resources to these jobs. The
scheduling of jobs in distributed, parallel, and grid computing systems has been extensively studied in the past. However, these previous works deal with the scheduling
of computational jobs. There are some important differences between sensor jobs and
computational jobs. Thus, existing scheduling algorithms and schedulers for traditional
distributed and parallel systems may not work well in the context of sensor grids.
Previously, we proposed a sensor grid architecture called the Scalable Proxy-based
aRchItecture for seNsor Grid (SPRING) [4]. In this paper, we design an integrated and
flexible scheduler for a sensor grid testbed based on the SPRING framework. Several
scheduling and load balancing algorithms were implemented within this scheduler to
suit the unique characteristics of sensor jobs. The scheduler can use an appropriate
scheduling or load balancing algorithm to suit the requirements of the resource owner
and users. We performed extensive evaluations to measure the impact of these scheduling and load balancing algorithms using several performance metrics. Our performance
results indicate the suitability of the scheduling and load balancing algorithms to satisfy
performance objectives such as sensor resource utilization, sensor job throughput, and
sensor grid lifetime. With these algorithms, our scheduler can provide a good tradeoff
between the performance objectives of a sensor grid.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides an outline of our
SPRING architecture and the sensor grid testbed system implemented. We discuss the
design of our sensor grid scheduler in Section 3, including the scheduling and load
balancing algorithms used. Sections 4 and 5 present the evaluation of the scheduling
and the load balancing algorithms respectively, and also discuss the significance of the
results. Finally, Section 6 concludes this paper.
Sensor Grid Architecture and Testbed
The key idea of the SPRING framework [4] is to use proxy systems as interfaces between WSNs and the grid fabric. This enables the functionality of the sensor nodes to
be exposed to the grid although they are resource-constrained. As shown in Figure 1,
SPRING is based on a layered-architecture approach. The layers represent the main
middleware components that connect different type of systems to the grid network.
Each layer defines services that are accessible via Application Programming Interfaces
(APIs) for the application or other layers.
The WSN Proxy comprises of various Proxy components, which are shown in Figure 2. Please refer to [4] for a detailed description of the SPRING framework and the
WSN Proxy components. We have developed a sensor grid testbed prototype to implement the SPRING framework [4]. For this testbed, the WSN is based on the Crossbow
motes platform.
User System
User Access
Grid Meta-scheduler
Grid Interface
Grid Interface
Grid Interface
Proxy Components
Resource Scheduler
WSN Scheduler
Resource Mgmt
WSN Management
Compute Resource
Fig. 1. The SPRING Framework
Sensor Grid Scheduler Design
Characteristics of Sensor Jobs
The design of a sensor grid scheduler is influenced by some important differences between sensor jobs and computational jobs. Unlike computational jobs, sensor jobs are
not multitasking in nature. A sensor node can execute only one sensor job at a time,
and it cannot execute multiple sensor jobs via multitasking. Thus, sensor jobs are not
preempt-able. While computational jobs automatically terminate upon completion, the
durations of sensor jobs have to be explicitly specified in advance. Sensor jobs are also
likely to require specific time slots for execution compared to general computational
In addition, sensor jobs are not only time-sensitive, but may also be location and
resource-sensitive in some cases. Certain jobs can only run on certain sensor nodes in
the correct location. Another aspect of resource sensitivity is that a single sensor job can
run on more than 1 sensor node simultaneously, which makes the load balancer more
significant in allocating these jobs.
Sensor Job Scheduling Algorithms
In this work, we adapted four existing multiprocessor scheduling algorithms to suit the
sensor grid scenario. The scheduling algorithms we have chosen to implement are relatively simple and deterministic, in line with the consideration that the scheduler should
be lightweight and provide reliable performance. One common modification that we
made was such that none of the scheduling algorithms support preemptive scheduling.
1. Earliest Deadline First (EDF): EDF is a scheduling algorithm that allocates
higher priorities to jobs closer to their deadline. Created as a alternative to the static
priority schedulers, it guarantees schedulability when node utilization is full [5]. In
Grid Interface
Quality of Service
Power Management
WSN Connectivity
Information Services
Data Management
Proxy Components
WSN Scheduler
WSN Management
Fig. 2. The Proxy Component Architecture
the case where deadlines are equal, we modified the algorithm to use the duration
of the job as a tie breaker, with shorter duration jobs given a higher priority.
2. First Come First Served (FCFS): FCFS or First In First Out (FIFO) is the simplest of the four scheduling algorithms. Using a queue structure, this algorithm
simply adds new jobs to the end of the queue as they arrive, picking jobs for execution only from the front of the queue.
3. Least Laxity First (LLF): A derivative of EDF, LLF is a scheduling algorithm
that allocates priorities on the amount of laxity a job has: the lower the laxity, the
higher the priority. The laxity, or slack time, is the time left until its deadline after
the job is completed, assuming that the job could be executed immediately [6]. In
the case when laxity is equal for two jobs, the algorithm was modified to allocate a
higher priority to the job with the nearer deadline.
4. Shortest Job Next (SJN) : SJN allocates priorities statically depending on the
duration of jobs. Shorter jobs are favoured, and are given higher priorities. Similar
to LLF, the modification made to the algorithm was to allocate a higher priority to
the job with the nearer deadline when durations are equal.
Load Balancing Algorithms
Load balancing algorithms are important for resource owners to manage their sensor
resources. By spreading out the allocation of jobs to sensor nodes according to different
criteria, resource constraints of WSNs such as sensor node battery life and wireless
network bandwidth can be taken into account. For example, resource owners may want
to spread out sensor jobs to different sensor nodes in a WSN to even out the power
consumption across nodes and prolong the WSN lifetime, provided the jobs do not
have affinity to specific nodes.
Our scheduler provides the flexibility for the user to select whether he wants specific
resource allocation, such as in the case when the job is location sensitive. Alternatively,
the user may want automatic resource allocation, in which all nodes in a WSN are
eligible to run the job, and thus he simply needs to specify how many nodes he wishes
to execute the job on.
1. No Priority (Earliest Slot First): If there is no criteria for load balancing, we
choose to let the job finish as soon as possible, without any specific priority consideration. This form of load balancing will consider the combination of nodes
required with the earliest available time in which the sensor job can fit into, which
gives it the alternate name of Earliest Slot First. In the case of tied earliest times,
the algorithm will randomly select a combination of nodes to execute the job.
2. Battery Priority: In our testbed, we assume that we have the facility to query the
amount of battery life remaining in the sensor nodes (motes). When a job arrives
at the load balancer, the battery levels of the motes will be queried. Depending
on the number of motes specified by the user, the system will examine the average
instantaneous battery levels for all combinations of motes, then consider the battery
threshold level. The threshold, varying from 0.0 to 1.0, indicates the percentage
of highest battery levels that the load balancer will consider. That is, a threshold
of 0.5 will cause the combinations with the top 50% average battery levels to be
considered. Out of this subset of combinations, the load balancer will then choose
the combination with the earliest time. Theoretically, a threshold of 1.0 should be
no different from the load balancing algorithm of ”No Priority”. However in the
case of a tie between average battery and time, the choice of which combination to
choose will be random.
3. Load Time Priority: One property of sensor jobs is that job durations are clearly
specified before execution, which we leverage here to provide a more balanced indicator of load. The load balancer maintains a table of mote information internally,
including the number of minutes of jobs scheduled to be executed, i.e. the Load
Time for each mote. Similar to Battery Priority load balancing, when a job arrives
to be allocated to the motes, the load balancer will check the Load Times and generate a list of average load times for all possible combinations of motes. Like Battery
Priority load balancing, it will consider the threshold when selecting a combination
of motes for allocation, selecting the combination with the earliest timeslot within
the threshold level.
Dropping Jobs
After the phases of job scheduling and load balancing, there are 2 simple criteria that can
dictate whether jobs will be executed or not: (1) whether a job will exceed its specified
deadline if it is a ”hard” deadline, and (2) whether the motes allocated to the job have
run out of battery.
Implementation of the Scheduler
The scheduler was implemented in Java, which is a language compatible with the
Globus API. We developed a grid service that runs in the Globus container that accepts
job details and interfaces with the scheduler to schedule the job.
% Scheduled against Load Factor
% Scheduled
Load Factor
Fig. 3. % Scheduled vs Load Factor
As mentioned earlier, ideally we should be able to query the battery life of the
motes dynamically. However, due to the limitations of the Crossbow motes platform, we
cannot obtain actual data on battery usage in the motes. Thus, we simulate the level of
battery usage in our scheduler. We add an extra field in the job parameters called Battery
Usage, which indicates the percentage of the total battery life that the job will consume
per minute of execution. This is to simulate the different rates of battery consumption
that different jobs have. Studies have shown that it is possible to predict the power usage
of a given mote executable via simulation, and thus we can obtain a predicted rate of
battery consumption [7].
Evaluation of Scheduling Algorithms
In the evaluation of scheduling algorithms, we show how the different execution orders
of jobs affect the job turnaround time, the number of jobs that meet their deadlines,
and the effective utilization of the motes. We also study how the scheduling algorithms
behave as the job load increases, i.e. when timing constraints become tighter.
Experimental Methodology
To achieve this, we primarily aimed to vary the type of scheduling algorithm, while we
do not use any load balancing. In addition, we also choose to vary the Load Factor,
which is defined as:
Load Factor , F =
sum of all generated job durations
total execution time period
We used the soft deadline type here as we wanted to prevent jobs being dropped due
to timing constraints from affecting the overall times.
Turnaround Time against Load Factor
Turnaround Time (min)
Load Factor
Fig. 4. Turnaround Time vs Load Factor
We developed a workload generator to create 25 batches of 50 jobs each to simulate
user input for each of the 10 Load Factor levels. We used this same set of input jobs
to test each scheduling algorithm to ensure that the results are comparable against each
other. Each batch consists of jobs that have start times that follow a Poisson distribution
over the first hour, and have deadlines 24 hours after the start time. Job durations were
randomly specified, to simulate the unpredictable nature of user requirements. We use a
sensor grid testbed with a WSN consisting of 5 motes. To minimize the case of uneven
resource allocation, we let the system fully decide the way motes are allocated by using
an automatic allocation type. A uniform random distribution was used for the number
of motes required per job.
We chose the parameters such that jobs were not constrained by resources, i.e. no
jobs will be dropped due to lack of battery due to the nominal battery usage values, and
that load balancing have as little impact as possible on time allocation. This would mean
that the best possible situation would be created in terms of turnaround and utilization
due to the closer packing of jobs.
Performance Metrics
i. % Scheduled
This is the ratio of the number of jobs that successfully finish before their deadlines
over the total number of jobs. The resource owner would prefer a value that is as
high as possible for this metric.
ii. Turnaround Time
This is the average time that a job will take from submission until completion. Users
would like this to be as low as possible, as it means that they can get their data back
% Unutilised Time against Load Factor
% Unutilised Time
Load Factor
Fig. 5. % Unutilized Time vs Load Factor
iii. % Unutilized Time
This is the percentage of time left unused after the jobs are scheduled. A lower
value is desired as it indicates better utilization of the resource.
Results and Discussion
The graphs shown on Figure 3 to Figure 5 are based on the averaged values of each
set of 25 trials. From this experiment, we can see that users would prefer the SJN
scheduling algorithm, since it provides the shortest turnaround times amongst all the
scheduling algorithms. However, SJN performs poorly for utilization and missed time,
which resource owners would be concerned about. SJN will execute short jobs first,
which means that long jobs will constantly be delayed, up until the point where they
begin to miss their deadlines.
The most suitable choice for resource owners is EDF, which also satisfies users
with a reasonable turnaround time. It drops the fewest number of jobs, has a consistent
amount of % Unutilized Time of about 12% and misses the lowest number of jobs by
a relatively short amount. EDF in this case cannot ensure full schedulability when the
Load Factor is less than or equal to 1 due to the resource requirements of the jobs. This is
a major differences between computational and sensor jobs that has been demonstrated
in this experiment.
LLF provides the least amount of gaps between jobs, but otherwise performs poorly.
We noticed that this algorithm tended to schedule long jobs first, since given the same
deadline as a short job, the laxity of a long job is lower. As a result, short jobs wait long
times before executing, affecting turnaround time. An additional side effect is that given
the same data set, more short jobs will tend to miss their deadlines than algorithms like
SJN, so the % scheduled is lower.
Sensor Grid Lifetime against Battery Threshold
Sensor Grid Lifetime (min)
Battery Threshold
Fig. 6. Sensor Grid Lifetime vs Battery Threshold
It is interesting to note that FCFS is average in all metrics, which was unexpected,
given its unpredictable nature. Upon examining the individual trial results, we found
that there were many large variations, but were evened out by the averaging function.
This is the benefit of taking a comparatively larger set of samples, suggesting that FCFS
may be a “good enough” algorithm as the number of trials gets large.
Evaluation of Load Balancing Algorithms
The evaluation of load balancing algorithms aims to show the effect of load balancing
in combination with the different scheduling algorithms on the resource lifetimes and
the number of schedulable jobs. We also wanted to explore the effect of increasing
the threshold on the respective load balancing algorithms, to find the optimum value
of threshold that has the highest utilization and at the same time the longest resource
lifetime. Lastly, we want to compare the two load balancing algorithms to find out which
one produces a more consistent output.
Experimental Methodology
We vary the threshold values over 6 steps from 0.0 to 1.0 for each of the scheduling
algorithms, and will repeat the experiment for each of the load balancing types. We
picked the Load Factor of 0.5 to ensure that the jobs are guaranteed to meet their deadline regardless of scheduling algorithm, and not to use an extremal value that has been
observed to cause the scheduling algorithms to behave erratically.
For each batch of 50 jobs, the job parameters are generally the same as the ones
from the previous section with the same rationale, except for the amount of battery
use. As mentioned in section 3.5, we had to simulate the battery usage in our program.
% Above Optimal against Battery Threshold
% Above Optimal
Battery Threshold
Fig. 7. % Above Optimal vs Battery Threshold
In order to test the minimum network lifetime, we had to get the situation when the
batteries would be exhausted. Therefore when the battery usage was generated, it was
generated with the goal of depleting all the battery life of all the motes.
Performance Metrics
i. Sensor Grid Lifetime
This metric refers to the minimum time until a mote becomes inactive due to lack
of battery. When this happens, the sensor grid is unable to service all possible jobs,
reducing its usefulness. The resource owner would want to keep this value as high
as possible.
ii. % Above Optimal
For this experiment, we are assuming that the case of no load balancing will produce the optimal time. By defining the “completion time” as the time from the start
of the first job to the end of the last job, we can define this metric as the completion
time for the trial with the given load balancing scheme over the completion time
for no load balancing. Therefore for the best utilization, the resource owner would
want this value to be as close to zero as possible.
Results and Discussion
Comparing the two load balancing algorithms from the results shown in Figure 6 to
Figure 9, we can see that in general, the Load Time Priority scheme produces more
consistent results as the threshold increases for all scheduling algorithms. Battery Priority on the other hand experiences a drastic change in all metrics as the threshold goes
from 0.2 to 0.4. Generally, we can conclude that when the rate of battery usage is not
Sensor Grid Lifetime against Load Time Threshold
Sensor Grid Lifetime (min)
Load Time Threshold
Fig. 8. Sensor Grid Lifetime vs Load Time Threshold
known, Load Time Priority can provide an adequate approximation of balanced battery
load that prolongs sensor grid lifetime.
Comparing the difference between scheduling algorithms, it seems that the scheduling algorithm SJN in conjunction with the Load Time Priority load balancer produces
the best and most consistent results for both users and resource owners in this experiment, that is, when the battery usage is high. SJN provides the longest sensor grid lifetimes, up to 80 minutes more than LLF when threshold is 1.0, and is able to schedule
the largest percentage of jobs. However it does have the drawback that it consistently
extends the completion time for a set of jobs by the largest amount. This is mitigated
when the chosen threshold value is about, such that the sensor grid lifetime is balanced
by the corresponding increase in completion time.
EDF is an average performer when load balancing is introduced, but continues to
produce consistent results. LLF would probably not be the choice of anyone but the resource owner most concerned with maximizing his utilization. FCFS again produces average values for both load balancing algorithms, suggesting again that it may be “good
enough” for general cases.
Sensor grids are a new and emerging field of research, with many important unresolved
issues, one of which is the scheduling of sensor jobs. In this paper, we addressed the
design of an integrated and flexible sensor grid scheduler. We adapted scheduling algorithms to suit the characteristics of sensor jobs, and these modified algorithms perform
differently from their conventional counterparts. We also incorporated a load balancing
scheme that caters to the limitations of sensor grids, and found that it has an impact on
the sensor grid utilization and useful lifetime.
% Above Optimal against Load Time Threshold
% Above Optimal
Load Time Threshold
Fig. 9. % Above Optimal vs Load Time Threshold
In conclusion, we have design a flexible and tunable sensor grid scheduler and implemented it on a testbed that we have created. The various scheduling and load balancing algorithms were also characterized such that the scheduler can readily select
one that suits the performance objectives such as sensor resource utilization, sensor job
throughput, and sensor grid lifetime. We plan to develop a dynamic scheduler that can
adaptively select the appropriate scheduling and load balancing algorithms according
to the sensor job requirements and the sensor grid’s resource status.
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