10.2.15 Square Deal was Teddy Roosevelt’s domestic policy (inside the country)

Square Deal was Teddy Roosevelt’s domestic policy (inside the country)
Meeting the needs of all people inside the country-ending political corruption
Make it more fair and square for all
Referendum, Recall, & Initiative
Watching videoWhat does each mean, how has it changed voting?
Given more or less power to the people
Difference between direct and representative democracy
Representative-reps are chosen-your vote goes to the delegate
Direct-people represent themselves
Secret ballot-at one time, our votes were not secret-others (perhaps from the machine) watched how we voted
Calls for reform peaked in the Progressive era
Oregon called for initiative and referendum & recall
Voters initiated votes-and then hold a referendum-propose and approve laws
Initiative Allowing people to propose laws
Referendum allows voters to approve the initiative
Recall allows voters to replace public official before the end of their terms
Supporters of direct democracy feel if people have a direct democracy, corruption cann be avoided-you cannot bribe
Supporters of representative democracy feel the representatives are better informed than the people. Voters may be
easily swayed to approve things which are too expensive
In order to get something on the ballot, you must prove it’s valuable-so we don’t get silly things on the ballot
Two types of referendum
Legislative-representatives determine what goes on the ballot
Popular-people may collect signatures to get the concern on the ballot
Recall-exists to allow voters to remove representatives whom they feel are not doing the job
NJ is a state with recall-designed to keep politicians honest
2003 Gray Davis recalled in California-a referendum was held to remove him-Arnold Schwarzenegger won