lssN0i284740 BLrI-ETIN FKKKSA8(l) : 50 , 1994 EFFECTOF AIR-PREHEATING ON NOXEMISSIONSFROM A CAS TURBINECOMBUSTOR AiremanMustafa (Dep!.ofPolymer& GasEnginerring, UTM) ABSTRACT A 76 mtn diatnetercan combwtor equippedwith a 45o curyed-bladetadial swirler was used to stu.dythe efect of ligh inlet temperaturegas turbine combustion onNOa emission characteristics. HiEh tnlet temperaturecombustionwas simulated usingpreheet air at 400 oK, 600 oK, 740 oK end 900 aK. Natwal eas was investigatedusing pqssage injecion technique.It was denonstrated that increasingthe ihlet air temperaturesighificontly widetuedthe weak extinction limit and iwroved the NOa emission ch,aracteisrtcs. An optimurn Noxemission of less than 4-5 ppm at ISE7 orlgen, compaible with 99Va fficiency was dertonstra.tedat 900 K i let temperature. It was also demonstrated thlrt with high inlet temperature operstion leon wellmixed cornbustionrequired for an adequate control of NO, emissions could be achieved. The major conchrsion reached is that high inlet temperaturecotnbustioncould be a promising approachfor low NO, emissionswith htgh combwtion efficiency qnd goodllame stability. INTRODUCTION As Malaysia moves towards becoming a developedcountry by rhe year 2020 more energy intensive industries are expectedto emergeover the next 20 years. Consequendythere are the ne€dsfor more efficient power generation.Gas tubines, in particular natural gas-fued gasturbine systems,wi.ll be playing a key rcle of the text generarionof powerplanrsAs the demand for electdcity inqeases most powerplants using gas twbine systems will opemte at full loads. The need to producemore electicity at peaking service requires the turbine combustor to operate at higher combustionintensity and this can be achieved by increasing the fuel-air mixture sfrength.In ofde! to inqease the air intake the combustor has to operute at high compression ratio. Trend irl combustor operaring conditions indicates a steady increase in inlet temperaturedue to increasing compression ratios (l). At high combustior intensity harmful emission products in the exhaust gases consists primarily of oxides of nitrogen (NO,). NO, consistsof 90-9570NO (nitrogen oxide) and the balance NO2 (nitrogen dioxide). As a pollutan! NO" is thought ro be harmful in severalways - as a contribuor to so-calledacid rain, as a destroyer of the ozone layet and as a heat-fapping compound suspectedof increasing atmospheric temperatures-Ar low elevations, NO also reacts with sunlight to create smog. As the rate of NO, formation is strongly temperature-dependentany chalge in flame temperaturewill cenainly alfect the levels of NO" emissions in the exhaust gases.The combustor idet tempemlrrc, ro some extent, plays an important rcle in determiningthe flame temperatureand hence the quantity of NO" emissionsin the exhaustgases. This paper aims to investigareand discuss the influence of high inlet temperaturegas turbine combustion from rhe aerodynamic viewpointon NO* emissions usinganultralow NOxgasturbinecombustor. -50- rssN01284740 BULETIN FKKKSA8(l) ; 51 , 1994 OXIDES OF NITROGEN (NOX) Oxidesof nitrogenwhich are formedduringcombustioninvolving air, commonlyreferred to NO*, consistprimadly of Nitric oxide (NO) and lesseramounrsof Nitrogen dioxide (NOz). The lt{ecahnism of NOx Formation Nitric Oxide (NO) Niliic oxide (NO) cer be formed-b)dbEe-different n]echanisms; -Cornbustion-gene.ated (i) Thermal NO is formed by oxidation of atmosphericnitrogen in the posrfiame gases(?)The well establishedmechanismof NO formatiqn in the combustion plocesses was suggestedby Zeidovich(3).The main reaciion goveming rhe formation of NO in fuel lean mixtures is the breakup of tire strong triple bond holding N? molecule togedrenThis is accomplishedby the ftee oxygen from the equilibrium dissociation of unbumt oxygen moleculeswhich iniriate rhe chain. ii) Prompt NO is prodlced by high speedreacrions ar the flame front in hydrocarbon fuels(a)-Fenomore{s)showedthat NO was formed by enhancedreactionraresas a result of interactions among the many intemediate hydl-ocarbonspecies. Claypole and S1'red(6) who invesiigatedthe influenceof levelsof swirl aerodynaq:Lics on NOa formation found that the major arcaof NOx formation wai at the reaction zone in tie flame front. The moderate flame temperatureand the rapid formation of NO ind.icate{i that NO was formed via the promt mechanism. iii) Fuel NO is produced by oxidation of nibogen contained in the fuel. The fuet nitogen is converted to HCN in the flame zone (7) and depending on rhe degee of nitrogen conve$ions the fuel NO can represent a considerable portion of the total NO. The wolk of Appleton6)on vane swirled combustorat atmosphericpressue sholgd &ar t!9 degee of fuevat mixhg was a major factor affecring the degreeof conversion of fuel nihsen to NO. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) NO2 which is the major sourco of atmosphedcpollurant is formed by oxidation of NO in the atmosphere.This is becauseat low temperatue N(}2 is more stable than NO. Normally NO; emissions from combustion processesare dominarcd by NO. However evidencehas shown that NO2 can be formed in the combustor where a lar:geamouot of excessair is (9). Preseot Operating parametersaffecting NOx formation The rcladve importance of the various gas turbine combustor operating parameters affecting NO, formation has beenexamhed extensively in tie past few decades(2-9).The results of these studies have shown that NOx formation is reaction-rateconfolled, a function of flame temperature,residenceof the combustion gases,concentation of nitrogen and oxygen present,and to a leseerdegree,the combustorpressure.Condition ISSN0128{740 BULETINFKKKSA8(l) : 52 , 1994 f a v a o u r a b l e to N o xfo rma ti o n a rch ighflam etempelatule,]ongr esidencetime' hi gh ther'le of reaction increasesas a"a f i*n oxygenavailabilityFlametemperalure value the stoichiometric "litt"* zone fuel-airratio approaches i".t"r..i ,"a it tti"p.l.-y referencevelocities' i-"tia"t"" time is aff;ted bi combustorprimary zone length€nd the No" air also encourages fuel and the mixing between i.t"ifili*ifomration. "*.arnamic EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS AND TEST PROCEDURES pressuretest g consistsof a 330nmloog 76mfi diaDeteruncooledcan The atmosDheric f""a blo*'er' eleitrical air preheater,otifice lrletering-device' l 5 m long water "lt ""-U"it* ai"-"r"t approachpipe and meansa$Ple probe There is also a 152mm ii"t- windowon rhecoDbusrorcenterline. A eiiiai-"rri".rr, pii" *nr,'in observarion equipped t"rt".^Oa f"y.t,'t'f the test rig is shownin Figure 1' The combustorwas also with wall pressue tappings and thermocouples' orifice Combustion air and fuel were suppLiedby an air blower via a 42 mm-diameter pressule and static wall temperature rD"* una u tor"*","t, rcspectivet Inlet and oudet, by un eie"ttonic nlicromanometerand were recorded in the data i"i" ihe preheatair was introducedin the Primaiy zonetbrougha swirler' -t"it.i"J .I.t ""qrititio;tytt"-. ot^t t.ut"a ,o the required combustorinlet temperatureby an electrical heater' The "*uit *"s measuied using a chromel-alumelK thermocouplemounted 100mm int-o1"o,p"tu,ot" upstream$e flame stabilizer. Experimental settings Air and fuel were Partially Femixed in rhe vane passageof a 45o blade angle radial loss_of 2.770) prior to entering the t a swiil numbei of 0.54 and a pressure_ .*-i.ili<*i fit t"sts were caried out a constantMach (M) of 0'03' M is defined as the o;-u." now velocity to the velociry of sound,as given by the equation below; iutio o] ttr" -o". -"- M= ( 1) /R T where U is the mean flow Yelocity in m/sec,R is the gasconstantfor air in JA(gK' T is the inlet tempemture and Yis the specifrc heat ratio. The Mach number (hence the mear floF' velocity), pressure loss (dP/P) and combusto! inlet tempemture(T) arc corelated by the following equation; =(+)(#t)' s =r+-'r[$)(*l (2) whereAl is the uPsfeampipe flow are4 A2 is thecomblstorflow areaand CD is a flame The pressuelossis defned as the ntio of presswedrop saUitirci aisctratle "oeffrcienl acrossof the flame stabilizerto thecombustorinlet pressure' rssN0128_0?40 BLI-ETINFKKKSA8(l) : 53 , 1994 EXPERI]\{ENTAL RESULTSAND DISCUSSION i) Weak ExtinctionResults Weat extinctionswere determinedat a constantMach numberand pressLtre loss of 0.03 and 2.770,respectivelyand at a preheatinlet air temperarure of either400K, 60CK,740K or 900K by graduallyreducingthe fuel flow until the flame wa-sfinally exringuished.The process \r,as observed direcdy from the control room thiough a 100rnn diameaer observationwindow.The weal extinctionswerc alsoeasilyobsenedby a srddenincrease il unburnthydrcarbon(JHC ) emissions. The measuredweak extinctionresultsas a fu-4ctiotlof metredeo.uivalerceratio preseDted in Figure 2. The testresultsshow that increasinginlet air temperature.from 400K ro 900K reducedthe weak extinction equivalenceratio frorrO5 to S25, rhus widening rhe weai. extinction region by 507a.This signihesa continualimprovementin the flarne stabiiiry characteristics as th€ conlbustor inlet temperature increases.The reason for this improvemenlmay be explainedby refen'ingto equation3 which corelatesthe rareof fuel and air rdxing, e-laken as equivalent to the rate of energy dissipation per unit massto the pressure lossparzlmeter andcombustor inlettempemtlu_e(10) cl,9lrl" 1 L \P (3) ,/ ehere C = constantRI.5,T = inlet temperature andL = integralsca-le of tur.bulence. As the combustorpressureloss was kepl constant(and thereforecoDstantturbulence intensity associatedwith pressureloss and Mach number) incleasing the iDlet temperature ircreased the €cergy oithe aAjet entering the srabilising shearlayers. This resulted in at increase in ihe shear layer temperatureand henceprcvided a better ignition source and a rapid acceleration of buroing velocity of adjacent flame elements within the high temperature stabilizing shear layers. As a consequencethe operation was extended to an even leaner mixture. The above discussion is further supportedby the developmenrof combustor wall temperatweprcflles as shown in Figure 3(a-d). Comparisonof temperatureshows a steadyincrease in t}e rate of llame prcpagation and the rrain region of beat release was also much closer to the swirler outl€t asthe comttusior inlet tempera+ue increased. This was mainly due to the reasonas discused earlier. ii) NOy Emission Characteristics In{luence of inlet air temperature i) As a function of Mean EquivalenceRatio The NO"/mean equivalenceratio cofelation is presenredin Figure 4. The minimum vales of equivalenceratio plesented herc correspondedto the values just priot to Iean blowout. The NOx emissionswere at maximum near the stoichiometric value and decreasedsteadily as the equivalencemtio decreased.As mentionedearlier, the higher inlet temperature operationwidenedthe stability maryin considerablyallowing operationat a much lower value of equivalenceratio. Consequenrly,the minimum value of NO" was somewhat -53- ISSN01284740 BLTLETIN FK(rS,{ 8(r): 54 , 1994 lower for rhe highercombustorinlet tempemturgThe lo\lest valueof NOx for naturalgas This figure also showsthat was 1.4ppm, This was recordedat the 900K inlet temperature. equivalence ratio causedthe NO' level to at a constant increasingthe inlet temperature increase.The reasonfor the higher NO' with higher combustorinlet lemperaturewas (seesectionii). roainly due to an increasein the flame temperature ii) As a function of FlameTemperature The effect of inlet air temperatureon flame temperatureand the sensitivity of NOr emissionsto flame temper&tureare shownin Figure 5 and Figure 6, respectivcly.The flame temperatureis prcferableto equivalenceratio as it takesinto accounta.nyvariation in the combustioninefficiency. As shown in Figure 5 increasingthe inlet ail temperatureat a constantequivalenceratio increasedthe flame temperaturc.The combustorprimary zone temperaturerise, when added to the high inlet temperatureflow tends 10 elevatethe flame temperalur€.An increasein the NO* emissions with flame temperatiireas shown in flgure 6 was attributed to an increase in the NO' formation rate becauseof increasing flame temperature. However, due to the wider flame stability limit with higher inlet temperature,the combustionprocesswas ablg to opemteat an even leaner mixture with a lo*er flame temperatureand hence a significart reduction in NO* emissions. Close examination of the flame temperatue^'Iox curve in Figure 6 shows'ihat for rhe same flame temperature the NOr emissions decreasedas the inlet air tempelature increased. The reason for the lower NO" with higher combustorinlet tempemffe was not only due to the leaner operation but probably also due to the bett mixing of fuel and air. The latter may be explained by rcfering to e4uation 3; if the pressureloss is fixed constant ( as in the caseof the presentexperiment)the rate of fuel-air mixing is stlongly dePendent on rhe inler temperature.The increasedenergydissipationrate (hencathe mixing rate) $,ith inlet temperaturereduced local fuel-rich zonesand hence thermal-Nox foming hot spots.Thus, ii can be concludedthat low NOx gas turbine emissionsrequte the fuel injected into the pdmary zone to bum at a uniforrnly lean value of equivalenceratio Compadson of the axial teEperaturc profil€s for the same flame temnpemtule in Figure 3(a-d) iodicates that as the inlet temperatureincleased the main heat releaseregion moved closer to the combustor head.Thus, from a purely flame temperatureviewpoint NO' was most likely to form at the early stage of the combustion process if the combustor inlet remperatureis suffrciently high. This may be associatedwith the combined effects of the unmixedness promoted in the early stage(which give a high equivalence ratio) and the higher inlet temperatue (which causesa rapid rise to local flame temperaturc). iii) On Combustion Inefficiency Low NOx systems are only viable if they are accomplishedwith low combustion inefficiency. Il the preseattestresultsthe lowestvalue of NO, emissionswas foundjust prior to flame blowout, but the combustion inefficiency was unacceptablyhigh. From the practical gas turbine combustionpoint of view such an operation is not viable. The combustion inefficiency as a function of the rig metred equivalencemtio is presented in Figure 7. As the inlet temperatureincreasedthe inefficiency curves were shifted towards a leanerregion and henceallowedthe minimum combustioninefficiency at an -54- ISSN0128{740 BL,'I-ETIN FKKKSA8(l) : 55 , 1994 evenweakerequivalence ratio.Such.a.move wasmostlikelydueto rheenhanced high tenrpentureunburntandburntgasmi-\ingwithin$e recircuiation zonewhichi.creased thecombustion intensityandhencetheefficiencyof thecombustion process. Figure8 showstheinfluenceof thecombustion jnefficiencyon lheNOxcorrected to 15Zo oxygenand standard day hunridiry. As_shown in rhisfigure,increisingthe inlet air temperaturcnot only iDproved the efficiencyof the combustionprocess but also decreased the ievel of correctedNOi. This showsthat high inlei iemperaiure operatron couldachievehighcombustion-efficiency wiriourcomproriisingrf,eNb, emissi6ns. fire ulrm-lowNOx recordedat the900Kinlel_temperature wasweliivirhrnrtreproposed EpA limir. Thus,highinlertemperarure gasturbinjcombustion coulaU"-ap.o#sing apo.oa.ti .fo^rachievinglow NO* emissions riirh no_associutea peJo.,ou..!!"lufyr-na ro adverse effecton-flame The highesr valueof com6usdoa inffA"n"y was toundjus! ,stability. p.ior to flameblowou| A largeanountof air presentat the leanestmixtue rnayLr,^_ decreasedthe mixing shearlayer tempenr!; una rn"."ly-iuip."ssed the rate of combustion reactionasindicared ' by theinireasedUHCernissio"ns. Jr"isalso.rc4essary_ro arcompanylow NO" systems with an acceptablLlevel of Cerbon Monoxide(co) ernissions. e-conetationof ae co *a wo, o..e,tedto 15qa axygenis presenledjn:Egure 9. This figureshowsa .neryi* "Jrion, "to Eigureg-ihe minimumCO corrected ro 157ooxygeniompatiblewirh 0.012,", in"in"i"n"l", "*u. ipfrn. Thus,miaimum emissionsof NOx C-Ocbrrectedto t SZ,oxylen weresimulraneouslv "nd efficiency.ff," achievedar a maximumcombustion t"rt ,"rJfi, ufro ;;;;;;;; minimumcombusrion inefficiencyandCO emissions o""urr"J ui it sameequivalence ralio. " iv) On NO emission As hasb€endiscussedearlierNitric Oxide(l.IO) emircd from a combusuon sysremuslng gas€ousfuel il mainly due to eitherpromptNO or thermal frfO.-iig"r" ld showsrhE variationofNO emissionswith flameiemperature.A compariion oitfre NO level telow 1800K llame temperaturc showsa signifriantreductionir rrr"Nb-"*"rions astie iniet temperaturcmcreased.Below this flamercmperarure NO is maintvformeavia thepiomfi N0 mechanism(6). The test resultsalso sug'gesrrfr"t rf* uame temperature high inlei tem?erature "t ilnr""""Jiy combustion,is "roa'Jor'" promptNO. The not;i-gnificamly improvedcombustionefficiencvwlttl mlet tetolperature may havereducedtheintermediate producrs in the iecirculation ;r" ;; t;* ,h" fr6 enissions. Above lltTqbo. 199-05 lame lerryemturenearly aI rhe.datafalt on a s".itf,t ii"i i"-o"uti.g tharrie rare is indepeDdent ofrhe inlettemperarure. The NO elqrssrons beyondLhis :t"I9.11::"-"1 rrame temperature,assuggested by Zeldovich€)is formedvia tlre themal No m;hanis; CONCLUSIONS 1. 2. 3. Increasingthecombustorinlet tgm-peratwe significaatlywidenedthe weakextinction limit andhenceallowedal operationat aa Io*". u"lo" oiequivalenceratio. "r"n Lean well-mixed gasturbinecombustionfor low NOx emissions could be achieved by high inlet tempirarur.e operation. Ulaa.low NOx emissions,wer.e.achieved alongwirh high combustionefficiency wirhouranadverse effecton stabjlitymargin. I ISSN0128-0740 BULETINFKKSA 8(1): 56 , 1994 REFERENCES 1. Aircraft Propulsion.NASA, SP259,1971. 2. Bowman,C.T. : Kineticsof pollutantformation and destructionin combustion. Prog.EnergyandConb. Sci..,Vol. 11,p9.33-35,1978 3. 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(l) Scbcmarcdj?8d) ol$c 76'M coDbustonDg 1 900 r-i 8m F li 603 F 400 . 02 0.3 0.4 0.5 RATIO EQT'IYALENCE Ftgure (2), E Iecl ot tnlel te'npetalu|eon efluvalence 'stlo for MftJBI gas combusllon 'a:,: lssN 0128-0740 B{,ILETIN FKK(SA8(l) : 58 , 1994 :: s;I E ; ttll + tttl :lttl 'rlll I E It 9- 3 a ; .E a aaaaee?qo J r!UnIY!3dt{3.1 I'aunr\.d3dt{!l'l1v^,r 1'lVIt - E ;.E 8 i. ti J '3UnM3dt{3r :) 11V11 -58- i 6I Y X S J I ._S*F XO ISI -I-IYM ISSN0]28,0740 BULETINFKKKSA8(1): 59 , 1994 100 4mK 600K 14tK 900K 60 ; 20 0.3 0.4 0.J 0.6 0.7 EQtJIvALr^-CE RATIO 0.8 Fig. (4) NOx as E function of equlvalence Etio at dittercnt lnlet Iempenlures E x ! 4@K 600K l40K a 9ooK F l 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0..t ' EQUIVALENCE RATIO Flg. (5) Hatue tempeftlure as a functlon ol equlvalence ratlo at dlffeEnt tnlet lemperaturcs -59- 0.8 lssN 0128{740 BLI-ETINFKKKSA8(1):60 , 1994 .0 1 40 20 3A TO 15% OXYCDN' CORRECTED PPm ^{Ox lnefficieqcy gas combustlon Fig (8): Nafural as a functlon of NOx corrected to 15o/"oxYgen 010 € 1000 i * r00 o 0102030 NOx co.rected to 15olooxygeh, ppm Fig. (9) A coffelation of corrccted CO and NOx at diffeient lnlet temperatures -60- 40 I rssN01284740 . BIILETINFKKXSA8(l): 51 , 1994 z FLAMETEIUPERATURE, K Fig- (10) Nitrlc Oxlde (NO) as a tuncTion ot ame temperctufe at dltferent lnlet tempeatures -61-