POPULATION AND LANDUSE BASED MODEL IN SEWERAGE CATCHMENT STRATEGY FOR SUNGAI SIPUT (N) SUBRAMANIAM A/L SOKALINGAM UNIVERSITY TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA DEDICATION I would like to dedicate this project to my parents, Mr and Mrs Sokalingam and my family members for their constant encouragement, Love and prayer that has given me the inner strength to make this project a success. The author would like to extend his most sincere appreciation and gratitude to Professor Madya Dr Razman Salim and Dr Azmi Aris for their guidance and encouragement throughout the course. Special gratitude also goes to Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd for without its financial sponsorship and the releasing of its professional staff as lecturers my colleagues and myself would not have completed this post-graduate course in Wastewater Engineering. Last but not least, I would like to record my most sincere gratitude to my wife, who had taken most of her own time to type and proof read this project report for me. ABSTRACT Growing volume of wastewater is being discharged to surface water but the treatment provided frequently is inadequate to protect the desired uses of the receiving water. With limited resources in terms of both institutional capacity and finance, government face difficult choices in optimizing their investment in wastewater system and establishing practical requirement for wastewater treatment. There is serious shortfall of adequate facilities in both rural and urban areas. This situation has a significant impact on health such as the incidence of infectious disease associated with water and sewage. Deficiencies is rapidly on the raising trend with a limited availability of resources problem associated with a small population base, low tax revenue and a sluggish economy. In urban situation the sewerage system and the extent of industrial wastewater treatment are inadequate. There may be sewerage network in place but the coverage is usually incomplete. Even where reasonable treatment facilities exist, poor maintenance and operation often result in failure to meet design effluent level. In such circumstance, management of wastewater discharge is also frequently poor, with uncontrolled discharges of untreated effluent to surface water. As a result there is high level of water pollution and it is not uncommon to have stream or water bodies, which are almost or completely anaerobic and heavily polluted with pathogens, organic and heavy metal. ABSTRAK Peningkatan Air Kumbahan yang disalurkan ke permukaan air dan rawatan yang dibuat pada masa sekarang tidak cukup untuk melindungi kegunaan Air Penerimaan. Dengan sumber yang tehad dari segi Institusi dan kewangan, pihak kerajaan menghadapi masalah pemilihan dari segi optimasi pelaburan untuk memperkukuhkan keperluan praktikal untuk rawatan Air Kumbahan. Kawasan Bandar dan luar Bandar menghadapi masalah yang serius kerana kekurangan permudahan dan permodalan untuk merawat air kumbahan. Situasi ini mempunyai implikasi yang ketera terhadap kesihatan seperti jangkitan yang dikaitkan dengan dengan air dan kumbahan. Defenshi yang semakin menaik dengan kekurangan sumber pendapatan penduduk serta hasil punggutan cukai yang rendah serta peningkatan ekonomi yang lembap. Di Kawasan luar Bandar kemudahan rawatan kumbahan yang sedia ada, adalah tidak mencukupi dan kerumitan ini ditambah lagi dengan sisa kumbahan industri. Walaupun kemudahan rawatan sedia ada tetapi disebabkan penyelenggaran dan operasi yang kurang memuaskan mengakibatkan ketidak pencapaian kualiti yang ditetapkan. Pengurusan pembuangan air kumbahan yang tidak memuaskan beserta dengan pembuangan air kumbahan yang tiada terkawal serta ketiadaan kemudahan perawatan mengakibatkan pencemaran airyang tinggi. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER CHAPTER 1 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION i DEDICATION ii APPRECIATION iii ABSTRACT iv ABSTRAK v TABLE OF CONTENTS vi LIST OF TABLES ix LIST OF APPENDIX x LIST OF DRAWING x LIST OF FIGURES xi LIST OF SYMBOLS xii INTRODUCTION 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Aim of Study 4 1.2 Objective 4 CHAPTER II BACKGROUND 2.0 Background 5 2.1 Study Area Description 8 2.1.1 2.1.2 CHAPTER 3 Previous Studies and related report 9 Study area boundaries 9 2..3 Topography 10 2.4 Drainage 10 METHODOLOGY 3.0 Methodology 12 3.1 Methodology Adapted 13 3.2 Landuse and development 14 3.2.1 Present Landuse Profile 15 3.2.2 Future Land use Profile 16 Sewerage Zone and Catchment 18 3.3.1 18 3.3 3.4 Sewerage Provision Population and Population Equivalent projection 3.4.1 3.4.2 19 PE Projection Based on Land Use Method 21 PE Projection Based on 23 1991 Census CHAPTER 4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.0 4.2 CHAPTER 5 Result and Discussion 25 4.1a Option 1 27 4.1b Option 2 28 Comparison of Alternative 29 CONCLUSION AND PROPOSAL 5.0 Conclusion & Proposal 32 5.1 Staging of sewage treatment plant 34 5.2 Phasing of network development 36 5.3 5.2.1 Phase I 37 5.2.2 Phase 2 37 5.2.3 Phase 3 38 5.2.4 Phase 4 39 Summary of capital cost 40 Reference 42 Appendices 44 LIST OF TABLES TABLES NO TITLE PAGE 1.0 Existing and Future Landuse 17 2.0 Distribution of Current PE in the Catchment 3.0 Population equivalent growth based on Landuse projection 4.0 20 22 Population equivalent growth according to catchment 23 5.0 Adopted PE figure to be used 24 6.0 Comparative analysis for alternative sewerage 30 7.0 Summary of recommended strategy 33 8.0 Total PE, STP capacity and PE 9.0 Connected 34 Network implementation 36 LIST OF APPENDIXES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE 1.0 Existing Assets 44 2.0 Existing PE Estimation 46 3.0 Population Equivalent Growth 47 4.0 Population Growth 49 5.0 Present and Future System 50 6.0 STP Costing Tables 51 7.0 Hydraulic Design 58 8.0 Costing Graph 59 LIST OF DRAWING DRAWING NO TITLE PKSS / SCS/1001/00 Location and Key Plan 1 PKSS / SCS/1002/00 Study Area coverage 2 PKSS / SCS/1003/00 Topography / drainage pattern and water intake point PKSS / SCS/1004/00 PAGE 3 Existing and Future land Use pattern 4 PKSS / SCS/1005/00 Existing sewerage system 5 PKSS / SCS/1006/00 Propose sewerage system ( option 1 ) PKSS / SCS/1007/00 Proposed Sewerage system ( option 2 ) PKSS / SCS/1008/00 6 7 Network implementation by Phases 8 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO TITLE PAGE 1.0 Proposed CSTP 72 1.1 Existing IST Area 73 1.2 Existing Town Center 73 1.3 Existing Housing Scheme 74 1.4 Existing Housing Scheme 74 1.5 Existing Industrial Area 75 1.6 Existing Industrial Area 75 1.7 New Development Scheme 76 1.8 Existing Housing Scheme 76 LIST OF SYMBOLS STP Sewerage Treatment Plant IST Individual Septic Tank DOE Department of Environment SSD Sewerage Services Department IT Imhoff Tank IWK Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd MS Malaysian Standard DGSS Director General of Sewerage Services BOD Biological Oxygen Demand PE Population Equivalent. CSTP Centralize Sewerage Treatment Plant LAP Lembaga Air Perak JPBD Jabatan Perancang Bandar dan Desa TNB Tenaga Nasional Berhad. CHAPTER 1 1.0 Introduction This project is to formulate the appropriate sewerage and sewage treatment, effluent strategy and a Sewage Infrastructure Implementation Strategy for the district of Sungai Siput (N), which will include but not necessarily, are limited to the following items. • Review of the existing sewerage catchments strategy with respect to area and cumulative catchments, development and population densities, per capita contribution, ultimate flow generation and system capacities • Providing long term and environmentally acceptable sewage disposal facilities • Flow growth projection and capacity criticalities • Sewage treatment capacities and treated sewage effluent disposal infrastructure capabilities and requirement • Natural drainage catchments identification beyond established catchments planning and evaluation of alternative main forwarding sewerage system options for their servicing to existing STP’s and appropriate additional sites • Review all known operational problem and deficiencies within the sewerage system • Conceptual development of a deep interceptor sewerage network for minimizing the number of existing and planned area and forwarding sewage pumping station • To develop a model suitable for further future development and use as a planning tool • Evaluate potential option and solution to overcome the problem whilst increasing the capacity of the system to cater for future growth and expansion • To establish cost estimate and outline program for the development and implementation of solution The engineering discipline of the project comprises sewerage catchments analysis and planning progressing to conceptual strategy recommendation and the associated sewage treatment requirement. It is envisaged that these will be developed in a progressive logical manner to formulate the Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Master Plan appropriate for the urban future development of Sungai Siput N. ( Indah Water Konsortium : July 2001 ) Improving wastewater Infrastructure and related services facilitates the transition process in order to reduce cost and increasing the reliability of services helps stimulate the emergence and development of residential, commercial and industrial enterprises. Improvement in resident living condition increases public confidence in democratic local government and in the ongoing reform efforts. The institutional and regulatory reforms that accompany the decentralization and commercialization of wastewater Infrastructure and private sector involvement are additional crucial element for strengthening local utility service delivery. Moreover the positive environmental benefits of this project frequently extend beyond the locality into the region. ( ACTEW : AGL ) Therefore, activities and investment in the wastewater sector make an important contribution to the transition process towards stable market orientated democracies while also addressing pressing environmental problems, many of which have a regional impact. Operation to support wastewater service provision should therefore incorporate the element listed below. ( Indah Water Konsortium : July 2001 ) • Decentralization of wastewater and infrastructure provision to strengthen local democracy • Environmental protection and clean up • Commercialization and corporatization of service provision to underpin sustainable service provision in the medium and long term • Application of the polluter pays principle through cost recoverable tariff setting • Development of adequate regulatory structure • Promotion and optimization of private sector involvement, where feasible 1.1 Aim of Study Proper sewerage services are essential, and to formulate the most economical long-term sewerage strategy to guide development in this area. The constraint in formulating a catchments strategy for this area is that development that has already taken place, which has provided ad-hoc sewerage system, and the need for incorporating the facility already constructed, under construction or being planned into the recommended strategy. Investment in sewerage reticulation and treatment facilities is relatively high but the long-term costs of avoiding such investment are much higher. ( Indah Water Konsortium : July 2001 ) 1.2 Objective There are several objectives, which must be addressed as follows: • Rationalize an optimize existing and proposal sewerage asset with a view to maximizing their efficient usage and ultimately reduce the number of STPs’ in Sungai Siput ( N ) • Develop broad strategies for the development of the sewerage system in line with the objective of the National Sewerage Privatization Program. • Achievement of all of these in an efficient and cost effective manner within the relevant administrative, social and political constrain. While the above objective benefits in their own right, improvement in the quality of the environment may also positively influence the transition process, for example by increasing labour productivity through improved public health and facilitating the development of industry and tourism. ( Indah Water Konsortium : July 2001) CHAPTER 2 2.0 Background Within the last twenty years, sewerage Master Plan and feasibility studies for most of the major town in the country has been drawn up by the government. Only a handful of them had been implemented and most of the towns still do not have any form of sewerage system complete with sewage treatment facilities. This is a far cry when compared with drinking water, which is estimated to have already reached about 98% of the urban Malaysian public by 1995. ( Department of Environment – DOE Publication ) The Sungai Siput (N) mukim is located in the district of Kuala Kangsar. It is located in between Ipoh and Kuala Kangsar town. Due to huge development taking place at Ipoh area, especially the transformation of rubber plantation to Industrial area at Klebang, Tasek and Kanthan, there is huge migration to the Sungai Siput (N) town Even though Sungai Siput (N) town exist way back during colonial time with a outdated system, which still exist in other part of the country, we still need to revive the existing condition of it and at the same time, must look into ways to improve the system to common Sewerage Treatment Plant ( STP ). There are about fifteen (15) STP’s in the Sungai Siput (N) area, which have been taken over by IWK for operation. These STP’s are sized to treat a population equivalent (PE) in the range of 300 PE to 1000 PE. ( Indah Water Konsortium, July 2001) Some of the problem with the localized STP’s includes: • Poor performance of the plants • High operational cost • Problem with treating and disposing of sludge • Over loading of some plants • The proximity of some plants to housing There is urgent need to rationalize the increasing number of STPs resulting from the various piecemeal developments in the study area. Therefore it is appropriate to have an efficient sewerage system, which could result/framework for the centralized sewerage system for Sungai Siput (N). According to a survey conducted in 1988 only 4.9% of the population (in local authority) was served by sewerage system, while 34% of the population was served by septic tank or communal system. A hefty 52.9% of the population uses pour flush, pit latrines and other less satisfactory system, while 8.2% has no facilities at all. Statistic released by the Department of Environment, domestic sewage contributed 45% of the total BOD load that was discharged into inland water in the country. In fact the figure has risen to 65% recently. It is beyond doubt that domestic sewage has become the number one pollutant in this country and is expected to remain so, in view of the rapid development in the urban areas.( Department of Environment : DOE Publication ) The relevant agencies accelerated their effort to reduce environmental pollution in the mid 70s with the enactment of the Environmental Quality Act (1974). This was followed by supplementary regulation spelling out permissible discharge standard for wastewater from industrial and agro-based activities (rubber and palm oil in particular) and later by further standard governing control of all other wastewater discharging to various classification of river throughout the nation. ( Department of Environment : DOE Publication ) The current situation is regrettably not much improved, that most of Malaysia’s major river remain polluted and water quality does not meet permissible standard. The situation is worst in downstream from major urban areas, particularly the Klang Valley. Poor water quality poses a direct threat to portable water supplies, especially during the drier season. Wastewater system is generally combined waste and surface water system. In many cases this are undersized, the network collection are in serious state of disrepair with little maintenance, blocked and overflowing sewer lines and missing manholes covers. ( ACTEW : AGL ) There is no treatment of wastewater and as a result raw sewage is discharged untreated to adjacent surface watercourses, rivers and seas. As a result of the inadequate and deteriorating condition of wastewater system, sanitary condition are poor and infiltration of polluted surface water into the portable water supply poses a serious risk for public health. ( Water Strateg : October 2001 ) 2.1 Study Area Description Sungai Siput (N)is a mukim of Kuala Kangsar district. It covers an area of 30.72sqkm. It is still largely undeveloped and is administered by the Majlis Perbandaran Kuala Kangsar. Sungai Siput (N) is the largest mukim among the Kuala Kangsar’s district, which is largely being developed compare to other mukim’s due to the migration and existence of small medium industry. A large part of the catchments area to the west of the existing Sungai Siput (N) town on both sides of the Federal Road has been earmarked for development in the Local Plan, which is being under preparation. The southern boundary of the eastern half of the catchments is confined by the KTM railway line. ( Draft Rancangan Structure : Ogos 1997 ) Sungai Siput (N) town owes is rise and rapid development due the transformation of Kanthan and Klebang Industries. There are now many newly completed residential scheme while few more are under construction, which can be seen all over the catchments. Even though there are not many large scale developments taking place at Sungai Siput (N), but a study needs to be undertaken to identify the sewerage needs for the area. As the existing basic Infrastructure has been installed long time ago, there would be lot of improvement and upgrading of existing Infrastructure required to realize the target set in Structure Plan. Industrial complex is earmarked for development which will further enhance the growth of business activity. Drawing PKSS/SCS/001/00 shows the location and key plan of Sungai Siput (N). 2.1.1 Previous Studies and Related Reports There is no individual detailed sewerage report for this study area. The only report available is sewerage catchment and sludge strategy study for Kerian, Taiping and Kuala Kangsar which was prepared in 2001. The other planning report available are the Kuala Kangsar structure plan and local plan which was prepared in 1991. The structure plan and local plan make little reference to sewerage needs for Sungai Siput (N). This land use plan represents the best available information on the planning of the Sungai Siput (N) town. 2.2 Study Area Boundaries The study area is located within the Sungai Siput (N) mukim itself, with a 5km radius of area earmarked for future development. In view of the large area in the mukim occupied by agriculture and forests, the sewerage needs is only confined the town centre and its surrounding. The area studied is centered on Sungai Siput (N) town, and extend from Kinta district boundary at the south and agriculture land in the north and east and hills in the west. The study area has been divided into four (4) catchments, as follow • CATCHMENT 1 SOUTH-EAST CATCHMENT • CATCHMENT 2 SOUTH-WEST CATCHMENT • CATCHMENT 3 TOWN CENTRE CATCHMENT • CATCHMENT 4 NORTH-WEST CATCHMENT Drawing PKSS/SCS/002/00 shows the study area coverage and the catchments area. 2.3 Topography Sungai Siput (N) sits on the Main Range on its eastern boundary with Kelantan, North-East of Hulu Perak and Southern by Kinta district. Generally the whole area is hilly and undulating, and is characterized by steep forest slopes along northern and western boundary, except the area around Sungai Siput (N) town, which is in a more flat lower ground. ( Indah Water Konsortium : July 2001 ) 2.4 Drainage The study area is drained by number of rivers such as Sg Kerbu, Sg Sintang, Sg Bemban, Sg Plang and their tributaries. At the moment, there is no area that face serious flooding problem within the district, except for pocket of low lying riverine land that got waterlogged during the wet season. Such area had been identified along the Sungai Kerbu and Sungai Sintang right up to the Sungai Pelus. ( Draft Rancangan Structure : Ogos 1997 ) In the choice of the STP site, care was taken to ensure that no treatment plant are located upstream of the Water Intake Point, which is the main water supply sources for Sungai Siput (N) town. The preferred option is to locate the discharge point from the STP downstream of the Water Intake Point. If this is not possible, than the Water Intake Point should be at least 10km downstream of the STP discharge point. This will allow for sufficient dilution in the river and to allow for recovery in the river to take place in the event the STP breakdown or similar disastrous incident. In this study area, all the Water Intake Point used by the water authority had been identified and presented. 1. Sungai Kerbu E101’04’33’ N4’49’21’ 2 Sungai Bemban E101’04’10’ N4’47’42’ Drawing PKSS/SCS/003/00 shows the Topography, Drainage pattern and the Water Intake Point of the overall study area. CHAPTER 3 3.0 Methodology The whole study area is studied in detail with regard to its drainage pattern and basins to identify the broad drainage catchments contained within its limit. Those lands that have been earmarked as potential development areas in the various Structure Plan formulated by the local authorities are than marked into the various drainage basins. This would generally exclude the tracts of forest reserve land and mountainous area. Gazetted agricultural area would normally also retained the original function except where is already a heavy development pressure. The boundaries for the sewerage catchments in the whole study area are then determined within the confines of the drainage catchments. The sewerage catchments drawn in this exercise can be divided into two categories. There is one category that has already seen substantial development and is likely to see more development in the near future and will be called priority catchments. The other categories called non-priority catchments are those that have potential/earmarked for development but would most likely take off on a large scale. ( Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd : July 2001) In order to meet the project objective there were a number of significant challenges to face. • Digitizing of the network: Prior to the study there were no digital sewer records available for the sewerage network. In order to define what data to collect and to the extent of the model digitization, the foul sewers on engineering plans were marked up to cover the primary network. ( Water Strategy : October 2001) 3.1 Methodology Adopted The study area is strategically located between Kuala Kangsar and Ipoh town. Federal Route 1 runs in the centre of the study area. The study area has been identified in the Kuala Kangsar Structure Plan, as being a semi industrial growth area. In terms of area coverage the predominant land use within the study area is agriculture followed by foresting. This area would not contribute significantly to the population of the catchments study area. The main indicators of population growth in these catchments are the residential area, which are currently undergoing a rapid growth. The following consideration have been considered in demarcating the catchments boundaries • Topography of the study area • Drainage basin/natural boundaries • Size of the study area • Present and future land use development The topography of the study area is generally flat but sloping upwards at the eastern part of town area. At the western part railway track is dividing part of the study area. Drainage basin play some important role when the catchments is sub-divided because three of the river/stream running in the middle of the catchments. Finally the present and future land use pattern, play an important role in subdividing the catchments because of the ad-hoc development type. ( Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd : July 2001 ) Once the study area been sub-divided into four (4) catchments, the existing services was determine and a population equivalent projection was made / evaluated. An interval of 5 years duration been rationalized. The ultimate population equivalent based on the land use method and census figure been used as a criteria for the distribution of catchments service type. 3.2 Landuse And Development The land use element is the central component of the comprehensive plan for any studies. It serves as the synthesis of all other element of the plan and as a mechanism to guide and control future growth in the community. Its overarching intent is to guide the intensity, location and timing of new development and redevelopment and to ensure compatibility with existing development, future population and economic development trend, community infrastructure and natural and cultural resources. The Structure of the land use element is designed to meet the requirement of the minimum planning standard and procedures for local planning of the Sungai Siput (N) Catchment Strategy. The following provides an inventory and analysis of land use pattern in Sungai Siput (N) and their relationship to environmentally sensitive land, community facilities and services and market demand. Various spatial land use and projection for future land use are also presented, compiled from the integration of the existing land sue inventory, future land use and constraint. Potential application of growth management and implementation strategies for future development is also provided. ( Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd : July 2001 ) 3.2.1 Present Land Use Profiles The present land use plan for Sungai Siput (N) has been compiled from the review of the Structure/Local Plan as well as result of site reconnaissance. In the more developed area, the principal land use has been, and will continue to be dominated by residential development, urged by Government policy of an individual house ownership. As a result the residential development is still normally of the terrace and semi-detached type.( Population & Housing Census: August 1992 ) Commercial land use within the catchments study area is not as extensive. These are generally retail / sundry and service oriented establishment. The existence of two and three storey shop-houses within the core of housing estate to service the surrounding residential population is common. Residential properties are dispersed throughout the study area. Residential combined account, approximately 70% of the total land area. The next largest land use category is vacant land, accounting for 25% of the total. Vacant land is evenly disbursed thru out the study area. 3.2.2 Future Land Use Profiles In order to ensure more orderly and regulated approach towards sustainable development within the study area, the Local Authority had commissioned the formulation of the Structural/Local Plan within their respective administrative zones. Population housing and employment forecast are helpful in determining the amount of land necessary to accommodate both residential and non-residential future land-use needs. This Structure/Local Plan identify the area with development potential and came complete with the various areas clearly demarcated for the various development activities like housing, commercial, industries, institutional and recreational project. The Structure/Local Plan will also confirm the area to remain under agricultural/forest reserve. Generally such land confirmed to remain under agricultural (be it rubber, palm oil) or forest reserve will have very low development potential. In ascertaining the future land use patterns within the study area, a number of factors have been used which provide information on new development area and potential area where spin of project are expected • Approved development from files submitted to MPKK • On going project • Discussion with town planning official with regard to future land use zoning, reclassification and future government project within the area • The MPKK Structure Plan which provide accurate indication of growth areas and future land use within the study area • Road proposal from Sungai Siput (N) to Lenggong and Bendariang (Grik) • Road proposal from Sungai Siput (N) to Gua Musang • Township development from Ipoh-Kanthan-Sungai Siput (N) Table 1.0 shows the existing land been utilized till 2005 and land required for the future development until 2020. Table 1.0 Existing and Future land use Type of Land use Present use (Ha) land- Land required from Catchment area Land required for each 2005- 5 year 2020 (Ha) (Ha) Housing 850 600 150 Commercial 103 73 18 Industry 10 120 30 / 43 130 32.5 18 4.5 Institutional area period Adv Public 2 Source: Kuala Kangsar Structural Plan Drawing PKSS/SCS/004/00 shows the existing and future land use pattern proposed under draft local plan. 3.3 Sewerage Zones And Catchment The study area covers a very wide expanse of land with varying topography, land use and population density. For the efficient and effective management of a sewerage system to be proposed, it would be necessary to divide the whole district into smaller and more manageable catchments, according to its natural topography, development pattern which is already been exist and projected ultimate population. Only than can effective sewerage system be proposed complete with the identification of suitable STP sites 3.3.1 Sewerage Provision Basically this section describes briefly on the existing and type of sewage treatment facilities within the study area, location in order to provide an overview within the study area. The sewage treatment facilities in the developed parts within the study area, including residential, commercial and institutional area were identified and located. An inventory of the exiting facilities has been conducted to determine the type, capacity, and status and service area. The survey indicates that most of the treatment facilities are small with five numbers of CST, fifteen numbers of STP’S and Pump Station. Figure 1.1 and 1.2 in Appendix 1.0 shows the detail of the existing sewerage system in the study area, including the list of Taman’s served by STP’s, CST’s and IST’s. ( Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd : July 2001 ) Drawing PKSS/SCS/005/00 shows the existing sewerage system with the STP’s and CST’s location. 3.4 Population And Population Equivalent Projection It is always not easy to project a reasonable projection of population equivalent for any type of studies. This section reviews the present population and projected future population equivalent within the catchments in line with land use and development pattern. It will also describe the rationale for projecting population equivalent to be used in the estimation of sewage flow from the study area from present situation and projected population till 2020. This is based on data and information collected from various departments, such as Local Authority, Statistics record, Census data as well as IWK Certification Department. ( Draft Randangan Structure : Ogos 1997, Population and Housing Census : August 1992 , Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd : July 2001 ) The population equivalent of residential, commercial and others has been projected on the basis of general count carried out in selected areas. Information was also obtained from Majlis Perbandaran Kual Kangsar, Jabatan Perancang Bandar dan Desa (JPBD), Lembaga Air Perak (LAP), Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), Dvelopers as well as Indah Water Konsortium (IWK) own records. The population equivalent has been computed using the criteria of 5 PE/ residential and 3 PE/100M2 gross area for commercial. Assumptions were made in interpreting data from other authorities, as the area covered did not always coincide with the study area. ( Guideline for Developers : August 1991 ) For the computation of population equivalent, we have utilized known or typical ratios of residential versus commercial / institutional / industrial development. The existing population equivalent was derived based on three different sources and also compared with the projected population in the Structure Plan and Local Plan. The three methods were used to identify the existing PE because currently there is no reliable data / record shows the present PE. The detail of the current population equivalent in the study area derived based on the IWK, TNB and LAP are tabulated in Figure 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 in Appendix 2.0. After consideration of all the available information, it is concluded that the current PE distribution in the four catchments is as shown in Table 2.0 below Table 2.0: Distribution of current PE in the catchments CATCHMENT CATCHMENT 1 TYPE PE IST 4950 CST 800 STP 12020 OTHERS 165 IST 18100 CST CATCHMENT 2 STP 125 OTHERS 3000 IST 12250 CST CATCHMENT 3 CATCHMENT 4 STP 2970 OTHERS 500 IST 4965 CST 130 STP 3960 OTHERS 1065 3.4.1 PE Projection Based On Land Use Method For the estimation of population equivalent figures, the following format was adopted • Collecting and reviewing relevant development scheme data from MPKK • Projecting and assessing the extent of development from the Structure Plan • Allotting Population Equivalent densities for such presently undeveloped land based on their proposed land use • Road proposal and township development : refer to future land use profile The proposed new roads will speed up the development of residential and commercial at the catchments area. ( Draft Rancangan Structure : Ogos 1997 ) Table 3.0 below shows the population equivalent growth based on land use projection TABLE 3.0 : Population Equivalent Growth based on Land Use Projection Present Future PE PE 2005 2010 2015 2020 46800 Increase 12000 12000 12000 12000 Cum.PE 58800 70800 82800 94800 Increase 3640 3640 3640 3640 Cum.PE 20090 23730 27370 31010 Increase 1560 1560 1560 1560 Cum.PE 2010 3570 5130 6690 Increase 780 780 780 780 Administration Cum.PE 2080 2860 3640 4420 Public Increase 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 Amenities Cum.PE 65 130 195 260 83045 101090 119135 137180 Domestic Commercial Industry Institutional 16450 450 1300 & TOTAL PE 65000 Detail of the projected PE based on the Land use method is tabulated in Figure 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 in Appendix 3.0. 3.4.2 PE Projection Based on 1991 Census The Population Equivalent figure derived above are counter checked and reviewed against figure projected from the 1991 Population Census by the Statistic Department. The census has the population figure for the Sungai Siput (N) mukim, but the catchments identified in this study do not fall exactly within the boundaries of the mukim. Hence it is necessary to apportion the population figure in the mukim to cover the exact limit of the study catchments, ( Population & Housing Census : August 1992 ). Then using declared growth suggested in the Structure Plan, the future populations for the catchments are projected at 5 yearly intervals up to 2020. These projected population figures are then converted to Population Equivalent figure by using factor varying from 1.10 to 1.25. Table below shows the population equivalent growth based on census projection. Table 4.0 : Population Equivalent Growth According To Catchment Region Catchment 2005 2010 2015 2020 1 17935 20935 23985 27065 TOWN 2 21225 22355 23355 24225 CENTRE 3 15720 25650 37600 48720 4 10120 20060 32060 42990 TOTAL 65000 89000 117000 143000 Detail of the projected PE based on population growth (sources from Census and Statistic Department) is tabulated in Figure 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 in Appendix 4.0. After reviewing the projected PE by land use method and Population census projection it is noticed that the ultimate PE for the year 2020 is not various. It is therefore recommended that the second method, which shows slightly higher figure be used for the purpose of this studies. An ultimate catchments PE of 145,000 will be used for the STP sizing. Table 5.0 below shows the Population equivalent adopted from various sources . Table 5.0 : Adopted PE figure to be used Year 2000 By Census Projection By Land use Method 2005 2015 2020 55350 70,239 89,134 115,340 149,250 55390 65,646 89,681 117,917 137,447 89,000 117,000 143,000 IWK Record 58,945 TNB Record 67,490 LAP Record 62,850 Adopted Figure 2010 55000 65,000 Breakdown of the projected PE were distributed according to the catchments based on land availability, existing system using different sewerage system for the five year intervals. The breakdown itself will explain the rationalization of the existing system; such as IST’s, Pour Flush to a better system along the development growth. The present IST system and others will be eliminated, maybe 90% after the whole sewerage network system in order. Figure 5.1 in appendix 5.0 shows the distribution of present and projected PE among the catchments. CHAPTER 4 4.0 Results And Discussion Generally this section describes the proposed sewerage management strategy. Various factors have been considered in identifying the appropriate sewerage option for the study area. When we’re recommending any option, a detail studies, such as cost factor, accountability, environmental impact and so on has to be taking into consideration. Question raised why should such a small town must have ( STP ) when there is no tourist attraction and additional revenue collection, and why need to spend so much of money on Sewerage infrastructure and the consequence on implementing the project. Though there is not much activity at any of the small town such as Sungai Siput (N) and no cost benefit on revenue, we should look into the social obligation, which lies on the government head to provide the basic need of utility requirement for the betterment of living condition, improvement in quality of the environment. Question being raised, why a small town should have a (CSTP) when there is no tourist attraction or any additional revenue collection? Why we need to spend so much of public/tax payee money on Sewerage infrastructure and the consequence on implementing the project? Though there is not much activity and no cost benefit on revenue, we should look into the social obligation, which lies on the government head to provide the basic needs of utility requirement for the betterment of living condition, improvement in quality of the environment. The first part of the studies was to determine the existing sewerage catchments strategy, topography of the study area, present development pattern an existing STP condition of the catchments. Secondly is to identify the present population equivalent and a future projection being derived for the growth. Evaluation was determined by the existing and future land use pattern and at the same time the population growth was been determine based on present customer which was derived/concluded after analyzing the total customer from TNB/LAP/IWK and censor figure. Even though the figures is varies, conclusion being made to prorate the population equivalent. Refer to figure 1.0 of the population growth. After finalizing the existing population of equivalent comparison/projection being made for the future growth based on the future land use method and it were compare with the population growth from census projection. Based on the topography, existing condition of the site and the development pattern, natural boundaries, railway track, federal road and size of the study area the catchments was divided into 4 catchments. Once the study area been sub-divided into four (4) catchments, the existing services was determine and a population equivalent projection was made / evaluated. An interval of 5 years duration been rationalized. The ultimate population equivalent based on the land use method and census figure been used as a criteria for the distribution of catchments service type. At present catchment 1 is the most well planned/developed area with a individual STP system for the housing scheme following up with the catchment 2, which is in line in the future development potential. Catchment 3 is the heart of the town which is currently the highest area served by IST system. Catchment 4 which is practically separated by railway track has mixed development. After finalized the catchments area and the existing services, a recommended sewerage management strategy were proposed. Various factors were considered in identifying the appropriate sewerage option. Two options was look into. 4.1a Option 1 (1 Regional Cstp) This concept requires the sewage flow from each of the four sewerage catchments to be conveyed by gravitational (and pumped if necessary) to a single regional sewage treatment plant located in the vicinity of Simpang Jalong, south-east of the study area. It is located at catchment 1, which is having most of the STP’s. This site is downstream of the entire catchments, where Sungai Sintang running next to the proposed site. The regional central sewage treatment plant (CSTP) will have a ultimate capacity of 140,000 PE which is the ultimate PE for the Sungai Siput (N) study area. The major disadvantage of this concept is the land acquisition for CSTP. The proposed CSTP is a private land. Operation and maintenance costs (pump station), gravity trunk sewers and force-main reserve is very high. The major advantage of this concept is that only one large CSTP has to be operated and maintained resulting in lower operating cost for the STP, and greater efficiency on effluent quality. The Implementation works will be easier. Less pump station and slightly shorter length of sewer network. The total length of main trunk sewer sizes range from 375mm to 900mm is approximately 26 km. Drawing PKSS/SCS/006/00 shows the concept of a regional sewerage system with a regional sewage treatment plant serving the entire study area. It also shows the conceptual network arrangement. 4.1b Option 2 (1 Regional Stp) This concept requires the sewage flow from each of the four sewerage catchments to be conveyed by gravitational (and pumped if necessary) to a single regional sewage treatment plant located in the vicinity of Kamuning Estate and Salak boundary. It is located 2.5 km away from present development area. The regional central sewage treatment plant (CSTP) will have a ultimate capacity of 140,000 PE which is the ultimate PE for the Sungai Siput (N) study area. The major disadvantage of this concept is the high capital cost (lengthy and larger diameter trunk sewers and force mains and more numbers of high capacity pump stations), high operation and maintenance costs (pump station) and difficulty in implementation especially on the construction of the main trunk of sewer network which will be running right at the centre of Sungai Siput town. In terms of flexibility, it is not so efficient, and would involve high upfront capital expenditure. The major advantage of this concept is that only one large CSTP has to be operated and maintained resulting in lower operating cost for the STP, and greater efficiency. The other advantage it is a state land. Drawing IWK/PKSS/SCS/007/00 shows the concept of this option. 4.2 Comparison of Alternative The two option/alternative discussed in the previous chapter were evaluated based on the following criteria. ( Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd : July 2001 ) • Benefit to public health and environment: Early implementation of the sewerage network with regional plant and early disconnection of individual septic tank, imhoff tank and others will bring indirect benefit to public. • Land acquisition for CSTP and Pump Station The land area required for each CSTP and PS, the status of land and number of sites required. Usually the land requisition will take time. In order to smoothern the proposal, land acquisition has to be carried out as early as possible. • Environmental and social Impacts By having the CSTP and PS at the proposed site whether there is any social implication towards public. • Capital, O & M and NPV Capital cost for the construction of gravity sewers, manhole, forcemain, pump station and CSTP for the various phases and the operation & maintenance for the two alternative were estimated. An NPV analysis using a discount factor of 8% from year 2009 to the year 2025 was carried out. • Ease of Implementation The ease of implementation of the option was studied, especially during the construction of public sewer network, lateral connection from individual houses to the public network systems. Detail of costing for land, capital cost for STPs and network and O& M cost are shown in appendix 6.0 and tables 6.0 – 6.8. Table 6.0 : Comparative Analysis for Alternative Sewerage Item Option 1 Option 2 Capital Cost Moderate ( 50.1 Mil) Moderate ( 50.1 Mil ) 15 years cumulative O & M Moderate( 28.147 Mil) Moderate( 28.203 Mil) Environmental Impact Low Low Land Required ( acre ) 12 Acre ( private land) 12 Acre ( State land ) ( 0.526 Mil ) ( 1.316 Mil ) Overall NPV Ease & Moderate(134.215Mil ) Flexibility implementation of Moderate High ( 138.653 Mil ) High Detail of the capital cost for STPs’ Network and O & M costing are referred from graph in appendix 7.0. Overall option 1 shows the low capital cost, lower O & M cost and overall lower NPV cost. On this note option 1 is more favourabel. At the same the 15 years cumulative O & M cost and overall NPV are not much varies compare to option 2. Another factor is equitability and cost of land. The option 1 land is a private land compare to option 2 which is a state land, which at present already been utilized for IWK trenching. Overall option 1 is most favorable based on the comparative analysis for alternative sewerage factor. CHAPTER 5 5.0 Conclusion and Proposal Based on the overall evaluation, it can be seen that having one central CSTP for the whole catchments result in the most desirable option. It is therefore concluded that option I is the most favourable among the two options. The recommendation option will consider the entire study area as a single catchment. The sewage flows from catchments 1, 2, 3 and 4 will be collected by a network of sewers and pump stations and conveyed to an CSTP at site “OPTION 1”. The CSTP will be built in stages, and will serve an ultimate PE of 140,000. Table 8.1 in Appendix 8.0 shows the Hydraulic design calculation of gravity sewer pipe. Detail of the sewage flow from each and every main manhole being indicated. This is to check whether the proposal pipe size is sufficient to cater the flow. Option 1 shows the lower capital cost and at the same time by considering operation and maintenance cost and overall NPV, this option is still the most favourable. These comparative costs should not be considered as the sole criteria for the recommendation of the most suitable option. The nature of the study area needs to be taken into account, whereby the majority of the study area is of low growth areas. The recommendation of a strategy involving multiple regional treatment plants, although more flexible in implementation, do not offer a high degree of centralization. On the other hand, Options with single regional CSTP, where high upfront capital costs for large trunk sewers will be required in the early stages of the strategy, are likely to be less beneficial. Another factor is availability, acquirability and cost of land. The only disadvantage for the CSTP in Option I is that the site is located at private land. Consideration of Comparative Analysis for Alternative Sewage Concept indicate a preference for a centralized strategy, Option I as the most favourable. The main features of the recommended strategy are summarized in the table 7.0 below: Table 7.0 : Summary of the Recommended Strategy Recommended Total PE served Option One regional STP, at site “OPTION1” 140,000 Total Capital Cost N.P.V RM(Mill) RM(Mill) 58.451 134.215 5.1 Staging of Sewage Treatment Plant Due to the small PE at present (about 89,000) and moreover because it is not a high priority area compared to other catchments, it is advisable to implement staging of CSTP in smaller phases. Table 8.0 below shows the total PE until the year 2020. The STP capacity that will be constructed at the interval of 5 years period and the expected PE that will be connected during those stage. Table 8.0 : Total PE , STP Capacity and PE Connected. Year 2005 2010 2015 2020 ULTIMATE 65000 89000 117000 143000 - 35000 70000 105000 140000 18000 30000 42000 60000 STP SUNGAI Total PE SIPUT SEWERAGE STP Capacity STRATEGY PE Connected The construction of CSTP and PE connection would be based on the development growth. It is not cost effective to construct the STP in advance due to low connected flow. At phase 1, it is expected that PE of 27,000 will be connected to the CSTP, Most of the PE comes from catchment 1. We can’t achieve the PE of 35000 as proposed for the CSTP because at initial stage there will be a lot of unexpected problem might occur during the sewer network construction. During phase two, most of the main trunk sewer will be completed. It will be easy to construct the smaller sewer network. At this stage PE of 34,000 will be expected to be connected to the CSTP. Phase three which covers the town area, will be connected to the CSTP with an estimated PE of 36,000. The balance of PE around 43000 will be connected at phase four. Bar Chart in Appendix 9 shows the PE growth as well as the STP capacity and PE connected. It is not realistic to expect the whole catchments PE to be connected to the centralized system even at the end of planning period. It is expected that the connected PE will grow in accordance with network development pattern, reaching about 80% to 85% PE will be connected by 2020. Refer to Appendix 7.0 of the Bar Chart. A Lot of consequence will come during the Implementation works of sewer connection, especially from Individual house owner, as to who should bare the cost of connection and other factors like squatters area facilities 5.2. Phasing of Network Development Based on the cost evaluation discussed in earlier chapter, option 1 is the recommended alternative. The proposed strategy sewerage system is expected to bring several advantages. The following section describes the stages of implementation and some of the benefits expected from each stage of implementation of the recommended option. Table 9.0 below shows the network implementation for the whole project. Table 9.0 : Network Implementation PHASES NETWORK Main Sewer Collector Sewer Sizes(mm) Length(m) Length(m) Phase 1 900 2000 Only calculated the cost 2010-2014 600 2000 based on 30% of main 375 7000 trunk sewer. Phase 2 600 1000 Only calculated the cost 2015-2019 450 4000 based on 30% of main trunk sewer. Phase 3 750 2000 Only calculated the cost 2020-2024 375 4000 based on 30% of main trunk sewer. Phase 4 600 2000 Only calculated the cost 2025-Ultimate 450 2000 based on 30% of main trunk sewer. 5.2.1 Phase 1 (Year 2010 – 2014) The works to be carried out in Phase 1 include a sewage treatment plant of 35000 PE capacity in STP OPTION 1. Reticulation works consists of one pumping station which will convey sewage flows from part of catchment 1 and 3. The capacity of the pump station will be 11,000. The existing STP site (KRR 125 : Taman Lintang Makmur) will be converted as a pumping station. There will be environmental and public health benefits from these works. Some of the existing IST’s Taman and STP’s Taman could be rationalized. With this implementation it is estimated there will be a reduction of 8 STP’s and individual septic tanks. 5.2.2 Phase 2 (Year 2015 – 2019) Phase 2 of the treatment plant is expected to cater for a population equivalent of 70,000 Reticulation works consist of laying main and secondary sewers in the unsewered area Rimba Panjang village, Taman Muhibbah other adjacent areas. Reticulation works consists of one pumping station which will convey sewage flows, mainly from catchment 2. The capacity of the pump station will be 20,000. The existing STP site (KRR 089 : Perumahan Awam Rimba Panjang) will be converted as a pumping station. With this implementation it is estimated there will be a reduction of 3 STP’s and individual septic tanks. 5.2.3 Phase 3 (Year 2020 – 2024) It is anticipated that by the year 2020, more than half of study area town will be served by the centralized sewerage system. The stage three treatment plant capacity will cater for a population equivalent of 105,000. Additional main and secondary sewer will be laid and an additional pumping station will be constructed to convey the sewage flows to the treatment plant. It is expected that another two STP will be eliminated by the year 2024. Reticulation works consists of one pumping station which will convey sewage flows, mainly from catchment 3 and catchment 2. The capacity of the pump station will be 15,000. The existing STP site (KRR : New Asset Not Taken Over) will be converted as a pumping station. With this implementation it is estimated there will be a reduction of 3 STP’s and individual septic tanks. The reduction in numbers of individual septic tanks and pour flush units will bring new customers for Indah Water and subsequently bringing extra revenue from monthly service charges. 5.2.4 Phase 4(Year 2025 – Ultimate) In this Phase, the centralized sewerage system is expected to cover the whole of catchment 1,2,3 & 4 with an ultimate population equivalent of 143,000 PE . The main sewers will cover catchment 3 & 4 with secondary sewers covering most of the IST areas. With the implementation the quality of environment is expected to improve once the IST & pour flush systems are reduced. Works to be under take in this phase is mainly connecting all the IST areas to the main sewers. The treatment plant is expected to cater for a 2020 population equivalent of 143,000, while the ultimate connected PE is estimated to reach 120,000. 5.3 Summary of capital costs The capital costs involved in the implementation of the recommended strategy are summarized in the table below. Phase I Item Cost (mil) Land for STP / CSTF 1.316 Land for P / Station 0.000 STP (PE: 35,000) 14.000 Main Sewers 7.390 PS 0.500 Force Mains 0.060 Reticulation 2.217 Admin, General & Others 4.900 Sub total II STP (PE: 35,000) 13.000 Main Sewers 4.130 PS 0.750 Force Mains 0.170 Reticulation 1.239 Admin, General & Others 4.550 Sub total III 30.383 23.839 STP (PE: 35,000) 11.900 Main Sewers 4.690 PS 0.500 Force Mains 0.090 Reticulation 1.407 4.165 Admin, General & Others Sub total IV 22.752 STP (PE: 35,000) 11.200 Main Sewers 3.810 PS 1.750 Force Mains 0.140 Reticulation 1.143 Admin, General & Others 3.920 Sub total 21.963 Total 98,937 Note : 1.) Reticulation cost is 30% of Main Sewer Cost. 2.) Admin, General & Others cost is 35% of the Total STP Construction cost exclude land. References Draft Rancangan Structure Daerah, Kuala Kangsar by Majlis Daerah Kuala Kangsar, Jabatan Perancangan Bandar & Desa, Semanjung Malaysia, Jabatan Perancangan Bandar & Desa Negeri Perak : Ogos 1997 Population & Housing Census of Malaysia 1991: Preliminary Count Report for Local Authority Areas by Department of Statistics Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, August 1992. Guideline for Developers : Sewerage Policy For New Development Second Edition Volume 1. Ministry Of Housing And Local Government, Sewerage Services Department August 1999. Department of Environment – DOE Publication. Environmental Quality Report ( EQR ) EQR 1997, EQR 1998, EQR 2004 .Government and the Department of Environment of Malaysia Optimizing Wastewater Treatment ( PDF ) Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook, World Bank Group . Optimizing wastewater Treatment. Munincipal treatment system and with Implementation Water Strategy. Regional Approach For South Eastern EUROPE. October 2001 – The water and waste water sector is one of the major investment priorities for :- Sewerage & Sewage Treatment Master Planning Pre-Qualification package Qatar Sewerage And Sewage Treatment Master Plan a Sewerage & Sewage Treatment Master Plan. ( S & STMP ) for the State of Qatar. ACTEW AGL : Water : Standards : Water Supply and Sewerage Standards Infringe ACTEW catchment shall be accompanied by the completed standard form water. www.actewagl.com.au/water/standards/default.aspx Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd : Sewerage catchment and Sludge Management Strategy Study for Kerian , Taiping and Kuala Kangsar . July 2001 APPENDIX 1.0 : EXISTING ASSETS Appendix 1.1 : Existing Assets Operated by Indah Water NO. ASSET NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 KRR008 KRR067 KRR068 KRR070 KRR075 KRR076 KRR087 KRR088 KRR089 KRR091 KRR092 KRR093 KRR094 KRR095 KRR099 KRR123 KRR125 KRR126 KRR128 KRR130 KRR132 KRR133 KRR091 TYPE MUKIM ITPS CST CST CST OPPS ASPS HK EA LEA EA CST CST CST CST EA EA EA NPS EA HK EA NPS EA SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG. SIPUT SG. SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG. SIPUT SG. SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG. SIPUT SG. SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG. SIPUT SG. SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT LOCATION TAMAN LINTANG, SG SIPUT (U) PA SG SIPUT (SK II) PA SG SIPUT(SK II) PA SG SIPUT(SKI) I TMN. KEMIRI KG MUHIBBAH (FASA 2B) TAMAN LINTANG JAYA TAMAN DOVENBY FASA 2 PERUMAHAN AWAM RIMBA PANJANG TAMAN MUHIBBAH AMAN TAMAN LIM GARDEN TAMAN LIM GARDEN TAMAN LIM GARDEN TAMAN LIM GARDEN TAMAN MUHIBBAH JAYA TAMAN BUNGA TANJUNG II. TAMAN LINTANG MAKMUR TAMAN LINTANG MAKMUR TAMAN YAKIN MESRA SUNGAI SIPUT PARADE TAMAN MAKMUR TAMAN MUHIBBAH JAYA II TAMAN MUHIBBAH AMAN Total cPE 2,532 200 100 500 1,855 1,618 350 1,050 1,510 1,175 35 35 30 30 2,400 181 1,170 1,700 1,700 82 2,319 658 1,175 22,405 dPE RIVERBRANCH EFF STD 1,893 2,053 375 1,050 1,600 1,240 35 35 30 30 2,800 200 3,132 2,532 2,700 125 2,834 1,025 1,240 SG KEPAYANG SG KEPAYANG SG KEPAYANG SG KEPAYANG SG KEPAYANG SG KEPAYANG SG BEMBAN SG PELANG SG PELANG SG KEPAYANG SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SINTANG SG KEPAYANG SG BEMBAN SG BEMBAN SG BEMBAN SG BEMBAN SG BEMBAN SG SINTANG SG KEPAYANG B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B Appendix 1.2 : Existing IST Assets Operated by Indah Water NO. Land Use TYPE 1 Res IST 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Res Comm Res Res Res Comm Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Comm IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST IST MUKIM LOCATION cPE SG SIPUT Taman Kemiri 1,945 SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG. SIPUT SG. SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG. SIPUT SG. SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG. SIPUT SG. SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG. SIPUT SG. SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT SG SIPUT Kampung Muhibah Pekan Sungai Siput Jalan Sungai Jalan Sekolah Kampung Veerasamy Simpang Jalong Jalan Lintang Belakang Kilang Papan Jalan Padang Taman Jalong Taman Wam Sam Yueh Taman Veerasamy Taman Simpang Tiga Taman Tai Chong Taman Heawood Sri Taman Taman Aik Moh Taman Happy Taman Suppiah Pillai Taman Pertama Taman Bunga Tanjong Taman Pertama Jalan Lintang Taman Orkid Taman Lim Taman Bukit Medan Taman Tun Sambanthan Kg Tersusun Kledang Utama Kg Tersusun Kemuning Kg Bahagia Kg Baru Rimba Panjang Kg Baru Simpang Jalong Kg Baru Sg Buloh Kg Tersusun Simpang Jalong Pejabat Kerajaan Taman Ramasamy Desa Kledang Utama Kg Bengali Jalan Ipoh 1790 2760 285 425 380 2100 885 1,525 700 120 260 385 65 3,000 315 260 310 300 470 195 170 1,600 145 230 5520 1,075 1180 1,150 4100 3,300 2600 105 100 540 1250 800 1200 43,540 Total APPENDIX 2.0 : EXISTING PE ESTIMATION BASED ON VARIOUS SOURCES Appendix 2.1 IWK RECORDS TYPE OF PREMISES NO OF UNITS TOTAL PE REMARKS Domestic 9105 45525 5PE / UNIT Commercial 1132 11320 8 - 15PE / UNIT (average 2-3 sty) Government Department 20 1000 50PE / UNIT G'ment Quarters/Inst 30 600 5PE / UNIT Industry 15 1350 90PE / UNIT TOTAL Appendix 2.2 59795 LAP CUSTOMERS RECORD TYPE OF PREMISES NO OF UNITS TOTAL PE REMARKS Domestic 9700 48500 5PE / UNIT Commercial 1705 17050 8 – 15PE / UNIT (average 2-3 sty) Government Department 20 1000 50PE / UNIT G’ment Quarters/Inst 30 600 5PE / UNIT Industry 15 1350 90PE / UNIT TOTAL 68500 Appendix 2.3 TNB CUSTOMERS RECORD TYPE OF PREMISES NO OF UNITS TOTAL PE REMARKS Domestic 9650 48250 5PE / UNIT Commercial 1260 12600 8 - 15PE / UNIT (average 2-3 sty) Government Department 20 1000 50PE / UNIT G'ment Quarters/Inst 30 600 5PE / UNIT Industry 15 1350 90PE / UNIT TOTAL 63800 APPENDIX 3.0 : POPULATION EQUIVALENT GROWTH Appendix 3.1 : Land requirement for various landuse types Total land area Adjusted total Land area required required (1990 2005) land area required (2005 2020) for each 5 year period (Ha) (Ha) (Ha) Housing 850 600 150 Commercial 103 73 18 Industry 10 120 30 & Administration 43 130 33 Public Amenities 2 18 5 Type of land use TOWN CENTRE Institutional NOTE : 1. Based on structure plan projection for 1990 - 2010. Appendix 3.2 : Land Use Projection 2005 2010 2015 2020 (Ha) (Ha) (Ha) (Ha) Housing 150 150 150 150 Commercial 18 18 18 18 Industry 30 30 30 30 & Administration 33 33 33 33 Public Amenities 5 5 5 5 TOWN CENTRE Institutional Appendix 3.3 : Population Equivalent Growth based on Land Use Projection Domestic Commercial Industry Institutinal Present PE Future PE 2005 2010 2015 2020 46800 Increase 12000 12000 12000 12000 Cum.PE 58800 70800 82800 94800 Increase 3640 3640 3640 3640 Cum.PE 20090 23730 27370 31010 Increase 1560 1560 1560 1560 Cum.PE 2010 3570 5130 6690 Increase 780 780 780 780 Cum.PE 2080 2860 3640 4420 Increase 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 Cum.PE 65 83045 130 101090 195 119135 260 137180 16450 450 1300 & Administration Public Amenities TOTAL PE 65000 Notes : 1.) Assume 80% of housing land is built up and the density is 20 its/Ha. 2.) Assume 80% of commercial land is built up to 3 storey, with density of 20unit/Ha with 3 PE/100sq.m. 3.) Assume 80% of industry land is built up and the density is 65 PE/Ha. 4.) Assume 80% of institutional/administration land is built up and the density is 30 PE/Ha. 5.) Assume 50% of public amenities land is built up and the density is 6 PE/Ha. APPENDIX 4.0 : POPULATION GROWTH Appendix 4.1 : Population Growth forSungai Siput Region SG SIPUT TOWN CENTRE Population / Year 2005 2010 2015 2020 61,100 77,500 100,300 129,800 Note : 1.) Population growth is abstracted from Structure Plan till the year 2010. 2.) Growth for 2015 & 2020 is assumed at 5.0%-5.5%. Appendix 4.2 : Population Equivalent Growth for Sungai Siput Region 2005 SG SIPUT TOWN CENTRE 65,000 Note : The PE / population ratio is assumed at 1.06%, 1.15% 1.17% & 1.10% for year 2005,2010,2015 and 2020 respectively. Population / Year 2010 2015 89,000 117,000 2020 143,000 Appendix 4.3 : Population Equivalent Growth According To Catchment Region TOWN CENTRE Catchment 1 2 3 4 TOTAL Note : PE growth rate for Catchment 1 is 1.17%,1.15%,1.13. PE growth rate for Catchment 2 is 1.05%,1.04%,1.04. PE growth rate for Catchment 3 is 1.63%,1.47%,1.30. PE growth rate for Catchment 4 is 17.9%,1.60%,1.34. 2005 17935 21225 15720 10120 65000 2010 20935 22355 25650 20060 89000 2015 23985 23355 37600 32060 117000 2020 27065 24225 48720 42990 143000 APPENDIX 5.0 : PRESENT AND FUTURE SYSTEM Appendix 5.1 : PE Served by IST, Connected & Other System Type of Service 2005 PE 2010 % PE 2015 % 2020 PE % PE % 6,520 5.6 4,935 3.5 CATCHMENT 1 4,950 7.6 5,985 6.72 CST 800 1.2 800 0.90 STP 12,020 IST OTHERS 165 18.5 14,020 0.3 130 15.75 17,370 14.8 22,065 15.4 0.15 95 0.1 65 0.0 17,935 27.6 20,935 23.52 23,985 21 18,100 27.8 19,520 21.93 20,650 17.6 130 0.15 130 0.1 1.1 27,065 19 15,180 10.6 8,630 6.0 0.3 CATCHMENT 2 IST CST 125 0.2 625 0.70 1,325 3,000 4.6 2,080 2.34 1,250 1.1 415 21,225 32.7 22,355 25.12 23,355 20 24,225 17 IST 12,250 18.8 14,335 16.11 15,900 13.6 17,505 12.2 STP 2970 4.6 10,900 12.25 21,370 18.3 30,970 21.7 STP OTHERS CATCHMENT 3 - CST OTHERS 500 15,720 0.8 - - 415 0.47 330 0.3 245 0.2 24.2 25,650 28.82 37,600 32 48,720 34 CATCHMENT 4 IST 4,965 7.6 7,230 8.12 9,030 7.7 10,830 7.6 STP 3,960 6.1 11,900 13.37 22,400 19.1 31,960 22.3 CST 130 0.2 130 0.15 130 0.1 - - 1,065 1.6 800 0.90 500 0.4 200 0.1 15.6 20,060 22.54 32,060 27 42,990 30 100 143,000 100 OTHERS 10,120 65,000 100.0 89,000 100.00 TOTAL Note : CS : Centralised System and Others : Pour Flush and Other Systems 117,000 APPENDIX 6.0 :STP COSTING TABLES Appendix 6.1 : STP Land requirement and Cost Option STP 1 1 PE Total STP area (ha) Land cost RM(mil) 2 PE Total STP area (ha) Land cost RM(mil) STP 2 140,000 12.08 1.316 TOTAL 140,000 12.08 1.316 140,000 12.08 0.526 140,000 12.08 0.526 Note : 1STP land area based on JPP guidelines, including estimated buffer requirement. 2Land cost based on RM 2.00 to RM 3 per sq. ft. depending on location. 3For the study purpose we assumed RM 2.50 for private land and RM 1.OO for state land Appendix 6.2a : Summary of Capital Cost Estimate for STP OPTION 1 Cost RM(mil) STP TOTAL PE 1 35000 2010 Cap Cost (RM mil) 14.0 2015 TOTAL PE Cap Cost (RM mil) TOTAL PE 70000 13.0 105000 Note : The cost of stp is refered from std. cost curves Appendix 6.2b : Summary of Capital Cost Estimate for STP OPTION 2 2020 Cap Co (RM m 11.9 Cost RM(mil) STP 1 2010 TOTAL Cap Cost PE (RM mil) 2015 TOTAL PE Cap Cost (RM mil) 35000 70000 13.0 14 2020 Cap Co TOTAL PE (RM m 105000 11.9 Note : The cost of stp is refered from standard cost Appendix 6.3a : Pump Station & Force Main Capital Cost - Option 1 PS 4PS PS 1 PS 2 PS 3 PS 4 PE 11,000 20,000 15,000 43,000 Land (ha) 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 Pumping Station Cost For Land (mil) Const (mil) Total (mil) Length (m) 0.00 0.5 0.50 200 0.00 0.75 0.75 450 0.00 0.5 0.50 300 0.00 1.75 1.75 300 SUB TOTAL 0.00 3.50 SUB TO Note : No Land cost for pumping station because of Existing STP site. Appendix 6.3b : Pump Station & Force Main Capital Cost - Option 2 PS 5 PS PS 1 PS 2 PS 3 PS 4 PS 5 PE 11,000 14,000 20,000 15,000 43,000 Land (ha) 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 Pumping Station Cost For Land (mil) Const (mil) Total (mil) Length (m) 0.00 0.50 0.50 200 0.00 0.50 0.50 500 0.00 0.75 0.75 450 0.00 0.50 0.50 300 0.00 1.75 1.75 300 0.00 TOTA 4.00 Note : Land cost for pumping station is based on RM 2.50 /sq.ft. APPENDIX 6.0 Appendix 6.4a : Gravity Sewer / Manhole Capital Cost - Option 1 STP Dia (mm) 2010 2014 7.0 375 450 600 750 900 1 2.0 Length (km) 201520202019 2024 4.0 4.0 1.0 2.0 2025 2.0 2.0 2.0 20102014 2.1 1.6 Cost (million) 2015- 20202019 2024 U 1.2 2.0 0.8 2.2 2.4 Collecter sewer (20% of sewer cost) Sub - total 1.12 1.12 1.12 Manhole cost (20% of sewer cost) 0.17 0.21 0.17 TOTAL COST 7.39 4.13 4.69 Note : The cost of stp is refered from standard. cost curves The cost of Collecter sewer assume 30% of network cost The cost of M/Hole assume RM 1500per m/hole at intersect of 70m one m/hole Appendix 6.4b : Gravity Sewer / Manhole Capital Cost - Option 2 STP Dia (mm) 2010 2014 375 450 600 1 750 900 Collecter sewer (20% of sewer cost) Sub - total 2.0 1.0 5.0 Length (km) 2015 2020 20102019 2024 2025 2014 7.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 1 1.0 2.0 3.0 1.1 6.0 Cost 20152019 2.1 3.3 1.50 1.50 Manhole cost (20% of sewer cost) 0.17 0.21 TOTAL COST 9.77 7.11 Note : The cost of stp is refered from standard. cost curves The cost of Collecter sewer assume 30% of network cost The cost of M/Hole assume RM 1500per m/hole at intersect of 70m one m/hole APPENDIX 6.0 Appendix 6.5a : Cost breakdown by Zone - Option 1 Zone 1 Catchment 1,2,3 &4 No Costing Item 1 Land (STP) 2 STP (4 stage) Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 3 Gravity Sewer/Manhole Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 4 Land (Pumping station) 5 Pumping station 6 Force Main Sub-total TOTAL Year Required 2010-2014 2015-2019 2020-2025 1.316 14.00 12.95 11.9 7.391 4.134 4.69 0.000 0.50 0.06 23.267 0.75 0.17 18.003 0.5 0.0 17.18 Appendix 6.5b : Cost breakdown by Zone - Option 2 Zone 1 Catchment 1,2,3 &4 No Costing Item 1 Land (STP) 2 STP (4 stage) Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 3 Gravity Sewer/Manhole Stage 1 Stage 2 Year Required 2010-2014 2015-2019 2020-202 0.526 14.000 12.950 11.9 9.771 7.114 Stage 3 Stage 4 4 Land (Pumping station) 5 Pumping station 6 Force Main Sub-total TOTAL 5.5 0.000 0.500 0.060 24.858 0.500 0.150 20.714 1.2 0.2 18.9 APPENDIX 6.0 Appendix 6.6a : Annual Pumping Station Operation & Maintenance - OPTION 1 4 PS PS PS 1 PS 2 PS 3 PS 4 PE 11000 20000 15000 43000 Flowrate(l/s) 28.65 52.08 39.06 111.98 TOTAL Cost(RM) 0.094 0.190 0.083 0.237 0.603 Appendix 6.6b : Annual Pumping Station Operation & Maintenance - OPTION 2 5PS PS PS 1 PS 5 PS 4 PS 3 PS 2 PE 11000 14000 20000 15000 43000 Flowrate(l/s) 28.65 36.46 52.08 39.06 111.98 TOTAL APPENDIX 6.0 Appendix 6.7a : Annual STW Operation And Maintenance - OPTION 1 Cost(RM) 0.094 0.119 0.160 0.128 0.215 0.715 STP Year Required RM (Million) 2010 1 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 PE 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 STW 0.875 0.875 0.875 0.875 1.575 1.575 1.575 1.575 1.575 0.026 0.026 0.026 0.026 0.079 0.079 0.079 0.079 0.875 0.901 0.901 0.901 1.601 1.654 1.654 1.654 1.654 0.875 1.776 2.678 3.579 5.180 6.834 8.488 10.141 11.795 Replacement cost Sub-total Cummulative Total Appendix 6.7b : Annual STW Operation And Maintenance - OPTION 2 STP Year Required RM (Million) 2000 1 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 PE 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 STW 0.875 0.875 0.875 0.875 1.575 1.575 1.575 1.575 1.575 0.026 0.026 0.026 0.026 0.079 0.079 0.079 0.079 0.875 0.901 0.901 0.901 1.601 1.654 1.654 1.654 1.654 0.875 1.776 2.678 3.579 5.180 6.834 8.488 10.141 11.795 Replacement cost Total Cummulative Total APPENDIX 6.0 : HYDRAULIC DESIGN CALCULATION. PROJECT TITLE : SEWER NETWORK PROPOSAL FOR THE SUNGAI SIPUT (N SEWERAGE CATCHMENT STRATEGY HYDRAULIC DESIGN CALCULATION FOR GRAVITY SEWER OPTION 2 (VETRIFIED CLAY PIPES) NUMBER MANHOLE (MH) 1 M/H D5 - M/H A1 M/H A1 - M/H A2 M/H D1 - M/H D2 M/H D3 - M/H D2 M/H(F/M) D2 - M/H D4 M/H C7 - M/H D4 M/H D4 - M/H C6 M/H C5 - M/H C6 M/H C6 - M/H C8 M/H C3 - M/H C4 PREMISES TYPE NO OF UNIT & 2 PE CUMUL PE FACTOR CUMULATIVE PEAK FLOW PEAK FLOW (cu.sec) PIPE DIAMETER (m) GRADIENT AREA OF 1:X (X) VELOCITY PIPE (m.sq) (FULL BORE (m/sec) 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6000 5000 26000 17000 43000 10000 53000 3000 56000 3000 6000 11000 26000 17000 43000 10000 53000 3000 56000 3000 3.86 3.61 3.28 3.44 3.11 3.65 3.04 0.0603 0.1034 0.2224 0.1524 0.3480 0.0950 0.4192 0.375 0.375 0.600 0.450 0.600 0.375 0.600 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 0.1104 0.1104 0.2827 0.1590 0.2827 0.1104 0.2827 1.199 1.199 1.617 1.347 1.617 1.199 1.617 3.02 4.16 0.4402 0.0325 0.600 0.375 200 200 0.2827 0.1104 1.617 1.199 M/H C8 - M/H C4 M/H C4 - M/H A6 NUMBER MANHOLE (MH) 1 M/H B1 - M/H B2 M/H B2 - B3 M/H B5 - M/H B6 M/H B7 - M/H B6 M/H(F/M) B6 - M/H B3 M/H B3 - M/H B4(A5) M/H C1 - M/H C2 M/H A3 - M/H A4 M/H A4 - M/H A6 M/H A6 - M/H A8 M/H A7 - M/H A8 M/H A8 - M/H STP PREMISES TYPE NO OF UNIT & 2 70000 72000 70000 72000 PE CUMUL PE 2.95 2.94 0.5369 0.5505 FACTOR CUMULATIVE PEAK FLOW PEAK FLOW (cu.sec) 0.750 0.750 PIPE 200 200 0.4418 0.4418 GRADIENT AREA OF 1.862 1.862 VELOCITY DIAMETER (m) 1:X (X) PIPE (m.sq) (FULL BORE (m/sec) 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20000 20000 3.38 0.1761 0.450 200 0.1590 1.347 14000 34000 10000 10000 5000 5000 15000 15000 49000 49000 5000 5000 6000 6000 60000 60000 132000 132000 8000 8000 143000 143000 3.19 3.65 3.94 3.49 3.06 3.94 3.86 3.00 2.75 3.74 2.72 0.2823 0.0950 0.0513 0.1363 0.3909 0.0513 0.0603 0.4681 0.9442 0.0779 1.0139 0.600 0.375 0.375 0.450 0.600 0.375 0.375 0.750 0.900 0.375 0.900 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 0.2827 0.1104 0.1104 0.1590 0.2827 0.1104 0.1104 0.4418 0.6362 0.1104 0.6362 1.617 1.199 1.199 1.347 1.617 1.199 1.199 1.862 2.087 1.199 2.087 Upgrading costs for mechanised STPs 120 Cost (RM / PE) 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 5000 6000 250000 300000 PE Capital cost for construction of sewage pumping stations 10 Total Cost (RM mill) 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Peak Flow pum ped (litres/sec) Capital cost for construction of Std A sewage treatment plants 700 600 Cost (RM / PE) 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 50000 100000 150000 PE 200000 Capital cost for construction of Std B sewage treatment plants 600 Cost (RM / PE) 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 PE Capital cost for construction of mechanised sludge treatment facility 160 140 Cost (RM / PE) 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 800000 900000 1000000 PE Annual O&M cost for Oxidation Ponds Annual O&M Cost (RM / PE) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 PE 25000 30000 35000 40000 Annual O&M cost for Aerated Lagoons Annual O&M Cost (RM / PE) 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 300000 350000 400000 300000 350000 400000 PE Annual O&M cost for Std A Regional STPs Annual O&M Cost (RM / PE) 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 PE Annual O&M cost for Std B Regional STPs Annual O&M Cost (RM / PE) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 PE 250000 Annual O&M cost for Std A multipoint STPs 40 Annual O&M Cost (RM / PE) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 PE Annual O&M cost for Std B multipoint STPs Annual O&M Cost (RM / PE) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 PE Annual O&M cost for Sludge treatment 8 Annual O&M Cost (RM / PE) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 PE 600000 700000 800000 900000 1000000 SUNGAI SIPUT SEWERAGE STRATEGY 160000 140000 POP EQUIVALENT 120000 100000 PRESENT PE STP CAPACITY 80000 CONNECT PE 60000 40000 20000 0 2010 PRESENT PE 65000 89000 117000 143000 STP CAPACITY 35000 70000 105000 140000 CONNECT PE 30000 60000 90000 120000 YEAR Figure 1.0 : Proposed CSTP : Option 2 Site ( Present IWK Trenching Site ) Figure 1.0 : Proposed CSTP : Option 1 Site ( Present is Oil Palm Plantation Land ) Figure 1.1 Existing IST Area Community Facilities. Figure 1.2 : Existing Town Center with IST System . Figure 1.3 : Existing Housing Scheme with IST System. Figure 1.4 : Existing Housing Scheme with IST System. Figure 1.5 : Existing Industrial Area with IST System Figure 1.6 : Existing Industrial Area with IST System Figure 1.7 : New Development Scheme with STP systems. Figure 1.8 : Existing Housing Scheme with STP Systems.