FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS ON THE DEFECTED REINFORCED CONCRETE COLUMN CHONG KEAN YEE A project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Civil-Structure) Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia JUNE, 2007 iii To my beloved family iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, I would like to express my greatest gratitude to all parties who have given me the co-operation and help. Without them, I would not be able to accomplish this Master’s Project. Besides that, I am very thankful to my project supervisor, Dr. Redzuan Abdullah, for being a wise teacher and an understanding friend. I appreciate his guidance, enlightenment and most importantly his motivation. Apart from that, sincere appreciation is conveyed to my beloved family and of course, Miss Goh, Hui Weng. Their invaluable encouragement, supports and understanding helped me to get through my tough moment. Last but not least, thanks is extended to all of those who had directly and indirectly helped in this project. v ABSTRACT In construction industry, misinterpretation of detail drawings is likely to occur in a tight-scheduled project, leading to the non-conformance with the detail drawings. This study is conducted on a damaged column of a real construction project, where the as-built dimension of its stump does not comply with the detail drawings. The stump is protruded from the wall and is hacked for aesthetic reason, thus the strength of the column is reduced. The aim for this study is to conduct a finite element analysis on the reinforced concrete column whose stump is damaged, to study the behaviour of the column. The strength level and maximum hacking allowed are determined. Non-linear analyses are performed on the column model using LUSAS. The accuracy of the finite element model is verified against experimental data published. The theoretical results are also used to verify the finite element model. From the analysis results, the load capacity, deflection and stress contour of the column with the respected degrees of damage at stump due to hacking are known. Subsequently, the failure mode of the column and the maximum hacking allowed are determined. Besides that, an equation for the particular column is established to determine the column capacity based on the damage done to the stump due to hacking. At the end of the study, it is found that the column having its stump hacked is still able to sustain its design load and maintain its stability. vi ABSTRAK Dalam industri pembinaan, kesilapan membaca lukisan perincian sering berlaku disebabkan oleh kesuntukan masa pihak bertanggung-jawab. Hal menyebabkan kesilapan dalam pembinaan di mana pembinaan tidak sama dengan lukisan perincian. Kajian ini dilakukan ke atas tiang dengan merujuk kepada projek pembinaan sebenar, yakni ukuran ‘as-built’ untuk tunggul tiang tidak sama dengan lukisan perincian. Oleh yang demikian, sebahagian daripada tunggul tiang tersebut telah dipecahkan, dan menyebabkan kekuatan tiang tersebut telah berkurangan. Tujuan utama kajian ini adalah untuk menjalankan analisis unsur terhingga ke atas tiang konkrit bertetulang, bagi mengkaji kelakuan tiang tersebut dan seterusnya mencari tahap kekuatan serta menentukan tahap pecahan maksimum yang dibenarkan. Justeru, analisis tidak lelurus dijalankan ke atas model tiang dengan menggunakan LUSAS. Demi menentukan kejituan analisis unsur terhingga, data eksperimen makmal dari pihak lain telah dirujuk. Daripada keputusan analisis yang dijalankan ke atas tiang tersebut, kapasiti beban, pesongan and kontur tegasan telah diperolehi. Hasil analisis mod kegagalan dan tahap pecahan yang dibenarkan telah dikenalpasti. Selain itu, satu rumus yang dapat menentukan kapasiti tiang telah diperolehi. Akhirnya, tiang tersebut didapati masih berupaya untuk menahan beban rekabentuk. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xi LIST OF SYMBOLS xiv LIST OF APPENDICES xvi INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Problems Statement 2 1.3 Objectives of the Study 3 1.4 Scopes of the Study 3 LITERATURE REVIEW 4 2.1 Concrete 2.1.1 Stress-strain Relation in Compression of Concrete 4 2.1.2 Elastic Modulus of Concrete 6 viii 2.2 Reinforcing Steel 7 2.3 Reinforced Concrete 8 2.4 Reinforced Concrete Column 9 2.4.1 Types of Column 10 2.4.2 Column Classification and Failure Modes 10 2.4.3 Capacity of the Reinforced Concrete Column 12 2.5 Fracture 13 2.6 Geometrical Non-linearity 15 2.7 Buckling of Slender Column 16 2.8 Finite Element Method 19 2.8.1 Brief History 19 2.8.2 Formulation of the Elements 19 2.8.3 Finite Elements 19 2.8.4 Verification of Results 20 2.8.5 Basic Steps of Finite Element Analysis 20 2.9 LUSAS 21 2.9.1 22 The Iteration Procedures for Non-linear Static Analysis 2.10 Studies done on Reinforced Concrete Column 23 2.10.1 Slender High-strength Concrete Columns 23 Subjected to Eccentric Loading 2.10.2 A Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis 27 of Damaged Reinforced Concrete Column 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 31 3.1 Introduction 31 3.2 Development of Finite Element 31 3.2.1 Model Geometry 32 3.2.2 Finite Element Meshing 33 3.2.3 Material Properties 35 3.2.4 Modelling of the Supports and the Load 36 Modelling of the Supports and the 37 Load – Cap Type I ix Modelling of the Supports and the 39 Load – Cap Type II 3.3 3.2.5 Non-linear Analysis Control Setting 41 3.2.6 Verification of the Results and Discussions 41 Modelling of the Undamaged Reinforced Concrete 42 Column 3.4 3.3.1 Column Geometry 43 3.3.2 Finite Element Meshing 45 3.3.3 Material Properties 47 3.3.4 Modelling of the Supports and the Loading 48 3.3.5 Non-linear Analysis Control Setting 49 Modelling of the Damaged Reinforced Concrete 50 Column 3.5 4 5 Verification of the Results and Discussion 53 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 60 4.1. Introduction 60 4.2. Analysis Results 60 4.3. Failure Mode of the Column 63 4.4. Parametric study on the Column Capacity 72 4.5. Column Strength Level 76 4.5.1. Maximum Hacking Allowed 76 4.5.2. Stability of the On-site Column 78 CONCLUSIONS 79 5.1 Conclusions 79 5.2 Recommendations 80 REFERENCES 82 APPENDICES 84 x LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Details of columns in group A, B and C 24 2.2 The properties of the materials 28 3.1 Material properties of concrete 35 3.2 Materials properties of steel 36 3.3 Material properties concrete 47 3.4 Material properties steel 47 3.5 Section properties of the transformed section 55 4.1 Summary of the analysis results 62 4.2 Section properties of the column transformed section 67 4.3 Buckling load 68 4.4 Maximum displacement before buckling 68 4.5 Failure mode of the column (stump 20% - 70% damaged) 69 4.6 Summary of the column failure mode 69 4.7 Parameters in the study 72 xi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 The damage to the column 2 2.1 Typical stress-strain curve for concrete in compression 5 2.2 Static modulus of concrete 6 2.3 Typical stress-strain curve for reinforcing steel 7 2.4 Simplified stress-strain curve for reinforcing steel 8 2.5 P-∆ effect on slender column 11 2.6 Failure modes of column 12 2.7 Forces act on the column section 13 2.8 Different Modes of Fracture 14 2.9 P-∆ effect on a column 15 2.10 Buckling of an initially crooked column 17 2.11 Bending moment in the column 18 2.12 Flow chart for the basic steps of finite element analysis 21 2.13 Forms of modified Newton-Raphson iteration 22 2.14 Geometry and details of configurations (a) and (b) 24 2.15 Load arrangement for the test 25 2.16 Instrumentation of slender column 26 2.17 The model of the round column 29 3.1 Detail of column cross section 32 3.2 Column length 33 3.3 2-dimensional bar element with quadratic interpolation 34 3.4 Plane stress element with quadratic interpolation 34 3.5 Elastic-plastic model 35 3.6 Bearing plate 36 xii 3.7 Stresses induced by eccentric point load 37 3.8 Spreading of point load into equivalent stress 38 3.9 Cap models 38 3.10 Redundant portion of cap model 39 3.11 Dimension for triangular cap 40 3.12 Models of cap 40 3.13 Graph of eccentric vertical load versus column mid-height 42 3.14 Detail of column cross section 43 3.15 Detail of column elevation 44 3.16 Geometries defined 45 3.17 Finite Element Meshing 46 3.18 Dimensions for cap model 48 3.19 Model for supports and load 49 3.20 Portion of damages at the stump due to hacking 50 3.21 Transmission length of the reinforcement 51 3.22 Column full model (60% of the stump is damaged) 52 3.23 Finite element model used for verification 53 3.24 Contour of ultimate equivalent stress 54 3.25 Column section 55 3.26 Effective length of the column 56 3.27 Comparison of results for vertical load against vertical 58 displacement 4.1 Graph of eccentric load against vertical displacement 61 4.2 Deflected shape of the column 62 4.3 Stress contour of the column having 0%-damaged stump 64 4.4 Stress contour of the column having 10%-damaged stump 64 4.5 Stress diagram of the critical section 65 4.6 Stress diagram of the critical section 66 4.7 Stress contour of the column having 50%-damaged stump 70 4.8 Elevation detail of the column 71 4.9 Graph of column capacity versus second moment of inertia 73 4.10 Graph of column capacity versus cross sectional area 73 4.11 Damaged stump section for Ae = 90924 mm2 74 xiii 4.12 Isometric view of the damaged stump 75 4.13 Cross section of the stump 77 4.14 Damage done to the column 78 xiv LIST OF SYMBOLS Ae - Transformed sectional area As - Area of reinforcement As’ - Area of compression reinforcement b - Width of column d - Effective depth d’ - Depth to the compression reinforcement E - Elasticity Ec - Secant or static modulus of concrete Es - Young’s modulus of steel e - Eccentricity of load Fcc - Concrete compression force Fsc - Reinforcement compression force Fs - Reinforcement tension force fb - Bond stress fbu - Ultimate bond stress fcu - Characteristic strength of concrete fy - Characteristic strength of reinforcement h - Depth of column in the plane under consideration Ie - Transformed section second moment of inertia lanc - Anchorage length le - Effective column height Mc - Moment before column buckle Mcap - Moment capacity Mo - Moment due to eccentric load N - Column design load Ncap - Column capacity Ncrushing - Crushing load of column xv P - Vertical load to the column Pc - Buckling load r - Radius of gyration x - Depth to the neutral axis α - Modulus ratio β - Coefficient dependant on the bar type γm - Partial safety factor δ - Second order lateral deflection δo - Maximum deviation from the straightness at mid-height δy - Vertical displacement of column εsc - Reinforcement compression strain εs - Reinforcement tension strain σ - Stress φe - Effective bar size xvi LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A TITLE Laboratory test results by Claeson and Gylltoft (1996) PAGE 84 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background In construction industry, structural and architectural elements of a building are detailed in separate sets of drawings. When the time allocated for a project is short and the schedule is tight, misinterpretation of the drawings is likely to occur. As a result, non-conformance with either one of the drawings may happen during construction stage, leading to a conflict between aesthetic quality and structural stability. This study is conducted in reference to a real construction project1 where non-conformance of architectural and structural drawing has occurred. The site problem was initiated when a stump was cast higher than finished floor level, due to the misinterpretation of the drawings during levelling survey work. This resulted in the protrusion of the stump from acoustic wall surface. Hence, the stump was hacked to provide a flat surface for the installation of the acoustic wall (see Figure 1.1). 1 The project name is not disclosed due to the request by the project owner. 2 Figure 1.1 : The damage to the column The strength of the defected column is assumed to have reduced due to hacking. Because the column is an important structural member of the building, a study to determine its capacity is proposed. 1.2 Problem Statement The type of structural defect due to hacking to the column as presented in this study is not common. Therefore, there is no comprehensive reference available with regards to the acquisition of the maximum capacity for the column. Also, the current code of practice (i.e. BS 8110) does not provide any provision on the design of structural members with openings, hence useful data and references are not available. For the reasons stated above, analysis is required to understand the structural behaviour of the defected column and consequently know its load bearing capacity. The finite element method (FEM) is chosen as the analysis tool in this study, because 3 it has the advantages in the ability of predicting localised and global behaviours of a structural member. 1.3 Objectives of the study The objectives of the study are listed as below: 1. To conduct a study on a reinforced concrete (RC) column using finite element analysis, before and after the damage due to the over-hacking. 2. To comprehend the behaviour and to determine the strength level of the damaged RC column. 3. To determine the maximum hacking allowed to the RC column before failure. 1.4 Scopes of the Study The scopes of the study are listed as below: 1. The finite element analysis is done by using LUSAS. 2. The linear and the non-linear analysis is done in 2-dimension. 3. Material and geometrical non-linearity are included in the analysis. 4. The study is based on the short-term behaviour of the concrete. 5. Analysis is conducted on a column according to the as-built details in the project 4 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Concrete Concrete is a construction material consisting of fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, cementitous binder, and other chemical admixtures. It has a very wide variety of strength, and its mechanical behaviour is varying with respect to its strength, quality and materials. 2.1.1 Stress-strain Relation in Compression of Concrete Concrete has an inconsistent stress-strain relation, depending on its respective strength. However, there is a typical patent of stress-strain relation for the concrete regardless the concrete strength, as shown in Figure 2.1. 5 Stress Strain 0 Figure 2.1 : Typical stress-strain curve for concrete in compression (Arya, 2001) When the load is applied, the concrete will behave almost elastically, whereby the strain of the concrete is increasing approximately in a linear manner accordingly to the stress. Eventually, the relation will be no longer linear and the concrete tends to behave more and more as a plastic material, which in this state, recovery of displacement will be incomplete after the removal of the loadings, hence permanent deformation incurred. Generally, the concrete is gaining its strength with age, but the rate is varied depending on the admixture added to the concrete, type of cement used, etc. Usually the increment of concrete strength is insignificant after the age of 28-day, and therefore assumption that the concrete strength taken as its strength at the age of 28day is acceptable (Martin et al., 1989). 6 2.1.2 Elastic Modulus of Concrete The stress-strain relationship for concrete is almost linear provided that the stress applied is not greater than one third of the ultimate compressive strength. A number of alternative definitions are able to describe the elasticity of the concrete, but the most commonly accepted is E = Ec, where Ec is know as secant or static modulus (see Figure 2.2). Figure 2.2 : Static modulus of concrete (Mosley et al., 1999) BS 1881 has recommended a series of procedure to acquire the static modulus. In brief, concrete samples in standard cylindrical shape will be loaded just above one third of its compressive strength, and then cycled back to zero stress in order to remove the effect of initial ‘bedding-in’ and minor redistribution of stress in the concrete under the load. Eventually the concrete strain will react almost linearly to the stress and the average slope of the graph will be the static modulus of elasticity. 7 2.2 Reinforcing Steel The reinforcing steel has a wide range of strength. It demonstrates more consistent properties compared to the concrete, because it is manufactured in a controlled environment. The typical stress-strain relations of the reinforcing steel can be described in the stress-strain curve as shown in Figure 2.3. stress (b) High yield steel 0.2% proof stress (a) mild steel 0.002 strain Figure 2.3 : Typical stress-strain curve for reinforcing steel (Mosley et al., 1999) Graph (a) and graph (b) in Figure 2.3 are indicating the stress-strain relation of high yield steel and the mild steel respectively. From the graph, it can be seen that the mild steel behaves as an elastic material until it reaches its yield point, eventually it will have a sudden increase in strain with minute changes in stress until it reaches the failure point. The high yield steel on the other hand, does not have a definite yield point but shows a more gradual change from elastic to plastic behaviour. Despite of the various strength of the materials, reinforcing steels have a similar slope in the elastic region with Es = 200 kN/mm2. The specific strength taken 8 for the mild steel is the yield stress. For the high yield steel, the specific strength is taken as the 0.2% proof stress (see Figure 2.3). BS8110 has recommended that the stress-strain curve may be simplified as per Figure 2.4. The suggested stress-strain relation is an elastic-plastic model, which the hardening effect is neglected. Figure 2.4 : Simplified stress-strain curve for reinforcing steel (BS8110, 1997) 2.3 Reinforced Concrete Reinforced concrete is a strong and durable construction material that can be formed into many varied shapes and sizes ranging from a simple rectangular column (spanning in 1-dimensional) to a shell (spanning in 3-dimensional). Its utilities and versatilities are achieved by means of the composite action, with the best feature of concrete in compression and steel in tension. The tensile strength of concrete is just about 10% of its compressive strength. In the design of reinforced concrete the tensile strength of concrete is neglected thus 9 the tensile force is assumed to be resisted by the reinforcing steel entirely. The tensile stress is transferred to reinforcing steel from concrete through the bonding formed between the interface of the steel and concrete, therefore insufficient bond will cause the reinforcement to slip within the concrete. Reinforcing steel can only develop its strength in concrete provided that it is anchored well to the concrete. BS 8110 has recommended formula in seeking the anchorage bonding stress, quoted. fb = Fs πφe l anc (eq. 2.1) The ultimate bond stress may be obtained by, f bu = β f cu (eq. 2.2) When the thermal strain is considered, the differential movement between the reinforcing steel and the concrete will still be insignificant. This is because both the materials have a near value of thermal expansion co-efficient. 2.4 Reinforced Concrete Column A column in a structure transfers loads from beams and slabs down to foundations. Therefore, columns are primarily compression members, although they may also have to resist bending forces due to the eccentricity. Design of the column is governed by the ultimate limit state, and the service limit state is seldom to be considered (Mosley et al., 1999). 10 2.4.1 Types of Column There are two types of column, namely braced and unbraced. A braced column is the column that does not resist lateral load, because the load is resisted by the bracing members (i.e. shear wall). An unbraced column is the column that is subjected to lateral loads. The most critical arrangement of load is usually that causes the largest moment and axial load. 2.4.2 Column Classification and Failure Modes A column can be classified as short or slender by a ratio of effective height, le, in the bending axis considered, to the column depth in the respective axis, h, (le/h). Based on the ratio, BS 8110 has recommended that a slender column can be determined by equation 2.3 (for braced structure) or equation 2.3 (for unbraced structure). By knowing the column is short or slender, the failure mode of the column can be predicted. Braced columns: le ≥ 15 h Unbraced columns: le ≥ 10 h (eq. 2.3) (eq. 2.4) A short column is unlikely to buckle, hence it will fail when the axial load exceeded its material strength. This will cause the column to bulge and finally to crush. 11 Buckling is a failure mode characterised by a sudden failure of a structural member. Buckling may cause a slender column to deflect sideways and thus induces an additional moment, M = P δ, as illustrated (P-∆ effect) in Figure 2.5. P δ P Figure 2.5 : P-∆ effect on slender column (Mosley et al., 1999) In brief, the column may fail in 3 modes (Mosley et al., 1999), namely, 1. Crushing - Material failure with negligible lateral deflection, which usually occurs in short columns. However, it is possible to occur when there are large end moments acted on a column with an intermediate slenderness ratio. 2. Intermediate - Material failure intensified by the lateral deflection and the additional moment. This type of failure is typical of intermediate columns. 3. Buckling - Instability failure which occurs with slender columns and it is liable to be preceded by excessive deflections. 12 Figure 2.6 illustrates the failure mode of columns (a) (b) Figure 2.6 : Failure modes of columns a) column failure in crushing b) column failure in buckling 2.4.3 Capacity of the Reinforced Concrete Column In the practical case of cast in-place concrete structure, moment exists in the short column that supports an approximately symmetrical arrangement of beams. The moment for the case is small, but cannot be neglected. Thus, BS 8110 has recommended that the capacity of the column, N should be expressed as, N = 0.35 f cu bh + (0.70 f y − 0.35 f cu )Asc (eq. 2.5) The capacity of columns that are subjected to moments and axial forces can be acquired by performing analysis on its cross section (see Figure 2.7). 13 Figure 2.7 : Forces act on the column section (Mosley et al., 1999) From Figure 2.7, the basic equation for axial force capacity, N, and moment capacity, M, can be derived, as follows: N = Fcc + Fsc + Fs = 0.405 f cu bx + f sc A' s + f s As h⎞ ⎛ h 0.9 x ⎞ ⎛h ⎞ ⎛ M = Fcc ⎜ − ⎟ + Fsc ⎜ − d ' ⎟ − Fs ⎜ d − ⎟ 2 ⎠ 2⎠ ⎝2 ⎝2 ⎠ ⎝ 2.5 (eq. 2.6) (eq. 2.7) Fracture The understanding on fracture is important to predict the occurrence of crack on the concrete. It is a complex process that involves the nucleation and growth of micro and macro voids or cracks, mechanisms of dislocations, flip bands, propagation of micro-cracks, and the geometry of the concrete. 14 Concrete materials degrade by initiation and propagation of microcracks in the heterogeneous microstructure. At regions of high stresses, the concrete will suffer from microscopic damage, thus forming microcracks. Therefore, a process zone will be formed in the concrete. It is the zone where the interaction and coalescence of microcracks taking place, and eventually leads to localization of a macroscopic discontinuity. The process zone formed in the concrete is of significant dimension, compared to the member geometry. Hence, it cannot be predicted with the classical linear elastic fracture mechanics. Over the past few decades, theoretical approaches that are both physically sound and practically applicable have been developed for fracture analysis in concrete and concrete structures. Fractures can be taking place in three basic modes, as shown in Figure 2.8. Figure 2.8 : Different Modes of Fracture In mode I, the forces are perpendicular to the crack, pulling it to open. Thus, the mode I fracture is also called as the opening mode. The flexural crack at the bottom of beams at mid-span is an example of the fracture mode. In mode II, the forces are parallel to the crack. In the same direction, one force is pushing the top half of the crack backward and the other is pulling the bottom half of the crack 15 forward. Hence, the crack is sliding along itself and a shear crack is formed. In mode III, the forces are perpendicular to the crack. The forces are moving in opposite directions of left and right, in order to grow the crack in front-back direction. The mode of fracture is called out-of-plane-shear, because the material will be separate and slide along itself, moving out of its original plane. 2.6 Geometrical Non-linearity Geometric nonlinearities arise from significant changes in the structural configuration during loading. The geometrical non-linearity is the main factor that causes the second order effect (P-∆ effect). P δ Figure 2.9 : P-∆ effect on a column (LUSAS Modeller User Manual) 16 A loaded column as illustrated in Figure 2.9 is referred. The linear solution would fail to consider the bending moment due to the progressive eccentricity, δ, of the vertical load, P. Depending on how large the deflections are, serious errors could be introduced if the effects of nonlinear in geometry are neglected. Hence, consideration in geometrical non-linearity is required for knowing the actual response of the column to the load. 2.7 Buckling of Slender Column An assumption can be made on the short column, which the failure of the column will be due to crushing. However, exemption might occur, and the column that is not satisfying the condition is classified as a slender column. When loaded at the centroid, the collapsing load for a slender column can be determined by the Euler Buckling Load, Pc Pc = π 2 EA ⎛ kL ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ r ⎠ (eq. 2.8) 2 In reality, loads are seldom loaded on the column centroid, and a moment is likely to present. The moment may react due to the small eccentricity or because of the initial crookedness of the column. Suggested by Meyer (1996), the initial column shape before the application of load can be approximated by the sine function y o = δ o sin πx L (eq. 2.9) 17 Where δo is the maximum deviation from the straightness at mid-height (see Figure 2.10). Also, the maximum displacement due to buckling will be at the midheight, and can be expressed as y max = δo P 1− Pc (eq. 2.10) Figure 2.10 : Buckling of an initially crooked column (Meyer, 1996) The P-∆ effect must be considered in the buckling. Therefore, when the column reaches its instability state, the bending moment taking place in the column will be as illustrated in Figure 2.11. 18 Figure 2.11 : Bending moment in the column Thus, the maximum moment before the column buckle reads Mc = 1 P 1− Pc Mo (eq. 2.11) Where Mo = P e is the moment due to the load eccentricity, e, and the factor 1/[1-(P/Pc)] is the moment magnification factor. From the equation of the maximum moment, the buckling moment will grow unbounded when the column load reaches the buckling load. 19 2.8 Finite Element Method 2.8.1 Brief History Finite element is a numerical method to solve the engineering problems. It is a very powerful method in performing linear and non-linear problem in structural analyses. Basic ideas of finite element methods originated from advances in air-craft structural analysis. At 1956, Turner et al. had presented their findings on the stiffness matrices for beam, truss and other elements. The very first attempt to analyse the reinforced concrete by finite element was done by Ngo and Scordelis (1967). Later, mathematical foundations were laid in the 1970s, and the knowledge of finite element method is progressively developed. 2.8.2 Formulation of the Elements There are three approaches that are usually applied in formulating the elements, namely the direct formulation, minimum total weight potential energy formulation, and weighted residual formulation (Moaveni, 2003). 2.8.3 Finite Elements A finite element is a subregion of a discretized continuum. It is of a finite size (not infinitesimal) and usually has a simpler geometry than that of the continuum (Boukais, 1989). 20 2.8.4 Verification of Results As discussed by Moaveni (2003), following to the rapid growth of finite element in recent years, finite element analysis software has become a common tool in the hands of design engineers. The results of the finite element analysis have to be verified so that it does not contain errors as listed below. 1. Wrong input data, such as physical properties and dimensions 2. Selecting inappropriate types of elements 3. Poor element shape and size after meshing 4. Applying wrong boundary conditions and loads One must always find ways to check the results. While experimental testing of the model may be the best way to do so, but it may be expensive and time consuming. Therefore, it is always a good practice to start by applying equilibrium conditions and energy balance to different portions of a model to ensure that the physical laws are not violated. 2.8.5 Basic Steps of Finite Element Analysis Basic steps for the finite element analyses are illustrated as a flow chart in Figure 2.12. 21 Pre-processing Phase 1. Create and discretize the solution domain into finite elements; that is, subdivide the problem into nodes and elements. 2. Assume a shape function to represent the physical behaviour of an element; that is, a continuous function is assumed to represent the approximate solution of an element. 3. Develop equations for an element. 4. Assemble the elements to present the entire problem. Construct the global stiffness matrix. 5. Apply boundary conditions, initial conditions and loading. Solution Phase 6. Solve a set of linear or non-linear algebraic equations simultaneously to obtain nodal results, such as displacement values at different nodes. Post-processing Phase 7. Obtain other important information. (i.e. principle stresses) Figure 2.12 : Flow chart for the basic steps of finite element analysis (Moaveni, Saeed, 2003) 2.9 LUSAS LUSAS is an associative feature-based modeller. The model geometry is entered in terms of features which are sub-divided (discretized) into finite element in order to perform the analysis. 22 2.9.1 The Iteration Procedures for Non-linear Static Analysis LUSAS applies the modified Newton-Raphson iteration in the non-linear static analysis. Newton-Raphson iteration is stable and converges quadratically, provided an initial estimation which is close enough to the solution is available. Besides that, the tangent stiffness matrix needs to be inverted during each iteration. Because of the complex iteration procedure, it may fail to converge when extreme material nonlinearities are present in a structure. Hence, modification was done on Newton-Raphson iteration. With the modified Newton iteration, the current tangent stiffness matrix is replaced with a previous stiffness matrix. This reduces the number of iteration as the factorisation of the tangent stiffness matrix is not required for every iteration. Three common forms of modified Newton-Raphson iteration are illustrated in Figure 2.13. 23 Figure 2.13 : Forms of modified Newton-Raphson iteration (LUSAS Modeller User Manual) 2.10 Studies done on Reinforced Concrete Column There are few studies conducted by researchers to comprehend the behaviour of the reinforced concrete column. Reviews are done by studying the article and material from the credible sources. 2.10.1 Slender High-strength Concrete Columns Subjected to Eccentric Loading An experimental study is done by Claeson and Gylltoft (1998). The research is to study the behaviour of slender reinforced concrete columns. In the research, 12 full-scale reinforced concrete columns were tested to failure under the eccentric load. The research was then followed by performing numerical simulations to verify with the test results. 24 The detailing and configuration of the column cross section is as indicated in Figure 2.14 and as tabulated in Table 2.1. Figure 2.14 : Geometry and details of configurations (a) and (b) (Claeson and Gylltoft, 1998) Table 2.1 : Details of columns in group A, B and C (Claeson and Gylltoft, 1998) Column Length group (mm) A 2400 B C Configuration Eccentricity Stirrup spacing (mm) (mm) a 20 100/180 3000 b 20 130/240 4000 b 20 130/240 There were 4 test sample prepared for each group of column. In each group, 2 columns were cast by normal-strength concrete and the other 2 columns were cast by high-strength concrete. The materials for the columns were tested for acquiring the data on its mechanical properties (i.e. elasticity, strength, etc.). Before the test, both the ends of the column were attached to a bearing plate to produce a good pinned support to the column. Figure 2.15 is illustrating the load arrangement for the test. It can be seen that the column are supported and loaded 25 with an eccentricity of 20mm. Figure2.15 : Load arrangement for the test (Claeson and Gylltoft, 1998) Sensors consist of different types of gauges were attached to the test sample at different height level, as indicated in Figure 2.16. The gauges were used to measure the lateral displacement of the column, as response to the vertical eccentric load. 26 Figure 2.16 : Instrumentation of slender column (Claeson and Gylltoft, 1996) Results acquired from the laboratory test are attached in Appendix A. The research is continued with the finite element modelling. The objective was to develop a non-linear finite element model that could simulate the failure mechanism of the column. ABAQUS was used to perform the analysis. A 3-noded 3-dimensional hybrid beam element was developed for the model of the columns. The reason for this is because it enabled the analysis to run in a reasonable amount of time. Also, a similar study done by Claeson (1995) has concluded that, there is a good agreement between the analysis using beam elements and one using solid elements. During the modelling, the program ABAQUS combines the standard elements of plain concrete with a special option, called the rebar. The option 27 strengthens the concrete in the direction chosen, thereby simulating the behaviour of a reinforcement bar. By the approach, the material behaviour of the plain concrete is taken into account independently of the reinforcement. In order to simulate the behaviour of the materials in plastic state, constitutive models for the concrete and the reinforcement were developed. The concrete model was developed by the smeared crack approach, and the reinforcement was modelled by a linear elastic-plastic model. The research has concluded that the high-strength concrete columns fail in a brittle manner, and the spacing of the links does not affect the column ultimate strength. Secondly, the failure mode of the column is depending on the eccentricity of the vertical load. When the eccentricity of the load is low, the material crushing strength played a dominant role. When the load eccentricity is increased, the yielding of the compressive reinforcement determined the column capacity. Thirdly, the maximum lateral deflections at the mid-height of the columns were almost the same. Finally, the column strength is very much depending on the eccentricity of the vertical load. 2.10.2 A Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Damaged Reinforced Concrete Column A numerical study is done by Boukais (1989). The investigation was to comprehend the structural behaviour of damaged reinforced concrete columns due to spalling. A stress analysis on the column cross section was conducted. The purpose was to understand the stress distribution of the column section which is neighbouring to the cut-out due to the spalling. The research is a pure computer analysis study by using PAFEC finite element package. In the study, three parameters were involved, 28 namely the height, width and depth of the cut-out. Among the parameters, only the height of the cut-out is the variable. The study was conducted in three parts. The first part is the development of a 3-dimensional model. The study was done based on a circular column of a bridge. The dimension of the column is 5000mm height and 500mm in radius. An initial loading of 20 N/mm2 is assigned to the top surface of the column. The properties of the materials are listed in Table 2.2. Table 2.2 : The properties of the materials (Boukais, 1989) Young’s Material Modulus, E 2 (N/mm ) Poisson’s Mass Density Diameter Ratio, υ (N/mm3) (mm) Steel 209 x 103 0.3 78 x 106 20 Concrete 30 x 103 0.2 24 x 106 1000 In the modelling, the reinforcement was modelled as a beam element, and the concrete was modelled as a solid element. Perfect bond between the reinforcement and concrete was assumed. Hence, the nodes of the solid element and the beam element were superposed. Besides that, the study recommended the use of fine mesh in zones where stresses are likely to vary rapidly. Furthermore, the use of elements with higher node number is advised. The model of the circular column is illustrated in Figure 2.17. 29 The cut-out portion Concrete modeled by solid element The exposed reinforcement by beam element Depth Height (a) (b) Figure 2.17 : The model of the circular column a) side view b) dimension of the cut-out portion (Boukais, 1989) The second part of the study is to perform the analysis on the column with cut-out. From the results obtained, the general form of load distribution and stress diffusion in the region of the cut-out were studied. Hence, the critical zone in the concrete can be determined. 30 Finally, the third part of the study is to analyse the buckling of the reinforcement. When the concrete cover is corroded, the reinforcement will be exposed. Hence, composite reaction between the concrete and the reinforcement will be voided. Studies were conducted to understand the level of strength that the exposed reinforcement was able to provide, against the compressive load to the column. The aim of the analysis was to predict the allowable length of the reinforcement, corresponding to the height of the cut-out before the reinforcement started to buckle. The accomplishment of the study enabled the following conclusions to be made. Firstly, 3-dimensional finite element analysis consumes considerable amount of resources (i.e. hard disk memories, etc.). Secondly, superposition of the nodes of the solid element and the beam element is able to provide a realistic prediction on the composite action between the concrete and the reinforcement. Thirdly, the program PAFEC can only deal with materials possessing the same stress-strain relation in both tension and compression. Hence, it is advisable to only consider the compression strength of the concrete, when the program is used. Fourth, finer mesh should be used where changes in section geometry occur, because this is likely to be the zone where the stresses varying rapidly. Finally, when the cut-out due to the spalling is having a depth-to-height ratio lesser than 1.75, some areas in the concrete will be doubly stressed. 31 CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction The research methodology in general can be divided into two main parts, namely the development of model and verification of analysis results. 3.2 Development of Preliminary Finite Element Model Based on the test configuration by Claeson and Gylltoft (1998), a finite element model is developed to ensure its accuracy and the reliability. LUSAS Example has suggested that a reinforced concrete member can be modelled by plane stress modelling. Thus, the modelling method suggested is referred and some modifications are made. A perfect bond between concrete and reinforcement is assumed. Hence, the nodes of the reinforcement model are 32 superposed with the nodes of the concrete model. 3.2.1 Model Geometry The geometry of the model is based on the details of the tested column, which is illustrated in Figure 3.1 and Figure 3.2. Figure 3.1 : Detail of column cross section (Claeson and Gylltoft, 1998) 33 4000mm Figure 3.2 : Column length (Claeson and Gylltoft, 1998) 3.2.2 Finite Element Meshing The 2-dimensional bar element (see Figure 3.3) with quadratic interpolation is selected for meshing the reinforcement model. Number of division for the line meshes is set to be 4, for controlling the aspect ratio of the concrete model. 34 Figure 3.3 : 2-dimensional bar element with quadratic interpolation (LUSAS Theory Manual) The plane stress elements with quadratic interpolation are selected for the surface mesh of the concrete model (see Figure 3.4). Besides that, the surface mesh is set to be a regular mesh with automatic divisions. Figure 3.4 : Plane stress element with quadratic interpolation (LUSAS Theory Manual) LUSAS Theory Manual emphasized that the aspect ratio of the surface meshes should not be more than 10. Hence, the line mesh divisions are used to control the aspect ratio of the surface mesh, because the nodes of the line and surface meshes are superposed. 35 3.2.3 Material Properties The concrete is defined as an isotropic material in the modelling. In LUSAS, few material models are available for simulating the behaviour of the concrete in the plastic stage. This is because the column is principally loaded in compression, and is likely to crush. Tabulated in Table 3.1 are the properties of the concrete. Table 3.1 : Material properties of concrete Properties Value Secant Modulus (Elasticity) Compression strength Poisson’s Value Tensile Strength Strain at peak compressive stress Ultimate compressive strain Fracture energy 28.75 kN/mm2 37 N/mm2 0.2 3.7 N/mm2 0.0022 0.0035 0.13 N/mm2 The reinforcing steel is also been defined as an isotropic material. The elasticplastic model of stress-strain curve is selected for the steel, by neglecting the hardening effect of the material (see Figure 3.5). Figure 3.5 : Elastic-plastic model 36 Von Misses stress resultant model is assigned for simulating the behaviour of the reinforcement model in plastic stage. Tabulated in Table 3.2 are the properties of the reinforcing steel. Table 3.2 : Materials properties of steel Properties Young’s Modulus Yielding stress Poisson’s Value Value 207 kN/mm2 636 N/mm2 0.3 3.2.4 Modelling of the Supports and the Load In the laboratory test done by Claeson and Gylltoft (1998), both ends of the column are attached to a plate with a bearing. The bearing on the plate is having an eccentricity of 20mm (see Figure 3.6). This means that when compressed, the Figure 3.6 : Bearing plate (Claeson and Gylltoft, 1998) 37 column is suffering from a combination of compressive force and buckling moment. Eventually, the stress transferred to both ends of the column will not be uniform, and it is rather trapezoidal in shape (see Figure 3.7). To simulate the actual condition as explained, several types of model for the support and eccentric load are done. Figure 3.7 : Stresses induced by eccentric point load (Wang, 2007) Modelling of Supports and Load – Cap Type I In type-I cap model, a rectangular cap is modelled to the top and the bottom of the column model. The cap model is intended for spreading the point load into the trapezoidal distributed stress. An excessively high value of strength and elasticity is assigned to the cap model, so that it behaves almost as a rigid component. The reason for this is to minimize any effect given by the cap model, against the acquisition of a good result. The rectangular cap model is expected to spread the point load with an angle not more than 45o. The dimension of the cap is as illustrated in Figure 3.8. 38 Figure 3.8 : Spreading of point load into equivalent stress Subsequently, an initial point load of 10 kN is loaded on the cap located at the top of the column with an eccentricity of 20mm (see Figure 3.8). Figure 3.9 illustrates the completed models of the cap. The eccentric point load Fixed in x-direction The cap Pinned support (a) (b) Figure 3.9 : Cap models a) at the bottom of the column b) at the top of the column 39 Modelling of Supports and Load – Cap Type II A triangular cap is modelled to the top and the bottom of the column model for the type-II cap model. In this case, the whole cap model is utilised to spread the point load into the stress. This is because the present of the redundant portion (see Figure 3.14) of the rectangular cap might alter the path of the stress distribution. Point load 20mm Redundant portion of the cap model Figure 3.10 : Redundant portion of cap model In order to ensure the cap model is not giving significant effect to the analysis results, it is modelled to be nearly a rigid component. By doing so, excessively high value of elasticity and strength is assigned to the cap model. Figure 3.11 indicates the dimension for the triangular cap model. 40 Figure 3.11 : Dimension for triangular cap An initial load of 10 kN is assigned on the tip of the cap located at the top of the column. In addition, a pinned support is assigned to the tip of the cap at the bottom of the column. Figure 3.12 is illustrating the completed cap models. Eccentric point load Fixed in x-direction Cap model Pinned support (a) (b) Figure 3.12 : Models of cap a) at bottom of column b) at top of column 41 3.2.5 Non-linear Analysis Control Setting The option “fine integration for stiffness and mass” is selected for the analysis solution. This function is monitoring the iterative analysis to ensure no element mechanisms are induced when the material yields. Besides that, the “Total Lagrangian Geometrical Non-linearity” is activated. This is to ensure that the geometrical non-linearity is put into consideration during the analysis. 3.2.6 Verification of Preliminary Model Results and Discussions The verification of the modelling is done by comparing the results from the laboratory test with the finite element analysis. The aim for the verification is to ensure that no mistake is made during the modelling. Besides that, verification of the results ensures the reliability of the finite element analyses. The plot shown in Figure 3.13 compares the results from the laboratory test and the finite element analysis. 42 1000 900 Laboratory Cap type I 800 Cap type II Load Vertical Load (kN) 700 600 500 L/2 400 Displacement 300 L/2 200 100 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Column Mid-height Horizontal Displacement (mm) Figure 3.13 : Graph of eccentric vertical load versus column mid-height lateral displacement From the graph, it can be seen that the analysis results are near to the laboratory test result before the model failed. However, the case II modelling can provide a more precise result until the model fails. To conclude, modelling of reinforced concrete column should be done as the type II model. 3.3 Modelling of the Undamaged Reinforced Concrete Column The finite element modelling method as discussed previously is expanded to account for the damaged stump of the reinforced concrete (RC) column. Assumption is made that the concrete and reinforcement is bonded perfectly, hence the nodes of the bar elements and the plane stress elements are superposed. 43 3.3.1 Column Geometry The geometry of the model is based on the details of the RC column, which is illustrated in Figure 3.14 and Figure 3.15. Figure 3.14 : Detail of column cross section 44 1F Level Ground Level Figure 3.15 : Detail of column elevation The finite element model of the column is shown in Figure 3.16. 45 Figure 3.16 : Geometries defined 3.3.2 Finite Element Meshing 2-dimensional bar elements are selected for meshing the reinforcement model, and plane stress elements are selected for meshing the concrete model (see Figure 3.17). As illustrated in Figure 3.17, the surfaces neighbouring to the columnstump connection is meshed with finer and irregular meshes. This is because stresses at the highlighted zone are likely to vary rapidly. 46 Finer mesh assigned Figure 3.17 : Finite element meshing 47 3.3.3 Material Properties The concrete is defined as an isotropic material in the modelling. In addition, Cracking Concrete with Crushing concrete model is selected. Tabulated in Table 3.3 are the properties of the concrete from various sources. Table 3.3 : Material properties of concrete Properties Secant Modulus (Elasticity) Compression strength Poisson’s Value Value References/ Sources 20.13 kN/mm2 30.67 N/mm2 0.2 BS 8110: Part 2: 1985 Cube tests result LUSAS Modeller User Manual Mosley, W.H. et. al. (1999) LUSAS Modeller User Manual BS 8110: Part 2: 1985 LUSAS Modeller User Manual Tensile Strength Strain at peak compressive stress 3.07 N/mm2 0.0022 Ultimate compressive strain Fracture energy 0.0035 0.13 N/mm2 The reinforcing steel is defined as an isotropic material. The behaviour of the steel in the plastic stage is determined by the Von Misses type of stress resultant model. In order to simplify the stress-strain curve for the steel, the hardening effect of the steel is neglected. Tabulated in Table 3.4 are the material properties for the reinforcing steel. Table 3.4 : Material properties of steel Properties Young Modulus Yielding stress Poisson’s Value Value References/ Sources 200 N/mm2 555 N/mm2 0.3 BS 8110: Part 1: 1985 Mill cert LUSAS Modeller User Manual 48 3.3.4 Modelling of the Supports and the Loading The modelling of the supports and the load is referred to the Type II model as discussed previously. At the top of the column, the cap for converting the eccentric point load into the trapezoidal stresses is modelled according to the dimensions indicated in Figure 3.18. Figure 3.18 : Dimensions for cap model An initial point load of 100 kN is assigned to the tip of the cap. The point load is eccentric because it is recommended by BS 8110, to signify the potential effect of buckling to the column. According to the standard, the eccentricity suggested is 5% of the column width. Thus, the point load is loaded on the column with an eccentricity of 25mm. In order to model the boundary condition of the model, a roller fixed in xdirection is modelled at the top of the column model. The aim is to simulate the constraint given by the beam at the first floor level. Besides that, the pinned support is assigned to the line at the bottom of the stump model. The pin supported line is to represent the constraint given by the pile cap-stump connection. Pinned support is sufficient to give full constraint to the base of the model, because the nodes of plane stress elements posses only 2 nodal degree of freedom. 49 Figure 3.19 illustrates the models for the load and supports. The eccentric load The cap model Roller fixed in x-direction (a) Pinned support assign to the line (b) Figure 3.19 : Model for supports and load a) at top of column b) at bottom of column 3.3.5 Non-linear Analysis Control Setting The options “fine integration for stiffness and mass” and “Total Lagrangian Geometrical Non-linearity” which are discussed previously, is selected for the analysis solution. 50 3.4 Modelling of the Damaged Reinforced Concrete Column The model of the damaged column is done to comprehend its behaviour in response to the eccentric load. The damage due to the hacking work is modelled by cutting away some portion of section from the undamaged stump model. Figure 3.20 shows the cross section of the stump in various degree of damage. Damaged portion (a) (c) (b) Damaged portion (d) 51 (e) Damaged portion (f) Figure 3.20 : Portion of damages at the stump due to hacking a) 70% b) 60% c) 50% d) 30% e) 20% f) 10% The modelling method for the damaged column is same as the undamage column modelling, which is explained previously. However, the reinforcement model will stop at 600mm before the cut out (see Figure 3.21). Well developed bonding strength The reinforcement is developing bonding strength Anchorage bond length of 600 mm Cut out at the stump Figure 3.21 : Transmission length of the reinforcement The reinforcement requires transmission length to develop the interfacial bond with the concrete. In BS8110, it is called the anchorage bond length, and the value suggested is 580mm. The value is rounded up as 600mm in the modelling. 52 The basic principle for the modelling is that a perfect bond is assumed between the concrete and the reinforcement. Therefore only the fully bonded reinforcement is modelled. Because the interfacial bond is still developing at the portion of the reinforcement 600mm before the cut out, therefore it is not included into the model. Illustrated in Figure 3.22 is a sample of the developed model for the damaged RC column. Figure 3.22 : Column full model (60% of the stump is damaged) 53 3.5 Verification of the Results and Discussion An examination on the behaviour of the RC column model is conducted to ensure that the model for the column behaves as in the actual. Thus, a column model is developed without the stump portion. The height of the column is set to be 10 m. The bottom of the model is fixed, and a roller (fixed in x-direction) is assigned to the top of the model. An initial load of 100 kN is loaded to the central of the column, in the form of uniformly distributed load (UDL) (with magnitude of 200 N/mm). Figure 3.23 illustrates the model developed. Uniformly distributed stress (red arrows) Roller fixed in xdirection (blue arrows) Pinned supports Figure 3.23 : Finite element model used for verification 54 The analytical results are required to verify the model, thus classical analysis is done on the column. Firstly, the transformed (equivalent to the concrete) section properties of the column are determined. By studying the contour of ultimate equivalent (Von Mises) stress in the concrete (see Figure 3.24), it is known that the column section is uncracked. Figure 3.24 : Contour of ultimate equivalent stress 55 The section properties for the uncracked transformed section (see Figure 3.25) are tabulated in Table 3.5. As αs As Centroidal Axis As (a) αs As (b) Figure 3.25 : Column section a) cross section b) transformed section Table 3.5 : Section properties for the transformed section Properties Value Modulus ratio 9.9354 Second moment of inertia, I 5.7633 x 109 mm4 Cross sectional area, A 2.8744x105 mm2 Radius of gyration, r 141.6 mm The boundary condition of the model can be simplified as in Figure 3.26, hence the effective length factor, k = 0.7. 56 Figure 3.26 : Effective length of the column (Meyer, 1996) The buckling load of the column can be calculated as, Pc = Pc = π 2 EA ⎛ kL ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ r ⎠ (eq. 3.1) 2 π 2 × (20.13 × 10 3 )× (2.8744 × 10 5 ) ⎛ 0.7 × 10000 ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 141.6 ⎠ 2 Pc = 2.3368 × 10 7 N Hence, Pc = 23368 kN The crushing load of the column can be calculated as, Ncrushing = fcuAc + fyAs Ncrushing = 30.67 x 250000 + 555 x 3768 (eq. 3.2) 57 Ncrushing = 9758740 N Hence, Ncrushing = 9759 kN The design load of the column can be calculated as, N = 0.35 f cu bh + (0.70 f y − 0.35 f cu )Asc (eq. 3.3) N = 0.35 x 30.67 x 500 x 500 + (0.7 x 555 – 0.35 x 30.67) x 6280 N = 5055992.34 N Hence, N = 5056 kN By neglecting the slendering and the buckling effect of the column, a loaddisplacement relation of a (ideal elastic) column can be derived from equation 3.4 as, σ=Eε (eq. 3.4) Where, σ= ε= P A δy le Hence, δy P =E A le (eq. 3.5) Therefore, the function can be obtained by applying equation 3.5. P 200 ⎞ ⎛ 250000 + ⎜ 3768 × ⎟ 20.13 ⎠ ⎝ = 20.13 ∆l 10000 58 Hence, P = 578.61 δy (eq. 3.6) Where P in kN and δy in mm. The results of the analytical analysis are compared with the finite element analysis results, as in Figure 3.27. Figure 3.27 : Comparison of results for vertical load against vertical displacement The graph illustrated in Figure 3.27 shows that during the elastic stage, the finite element graph is lapping with the linear graph of the ideal elastic column. As the load increases, the material non-linearity is taking place. This explains why the finite element graph gradient is gradually reducing. When the load is increased to 8804 kN, the column model experienced a sudden failure. This happens because the column buckling load is much greater than 59 the crushing load, thus the column model is failed in crushing. When the concrete crushed, no ductile behaviour will be demonstrated, hence this explains the sudden failure of the column. In Figure 3.27, a good agreement is observed between the finite element results and the analytical results. Hence, conclusion can be made that the results obtained from the finite element analysis in this study is reliable. 60 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 Introduction Verifications of the finite element analysis results were done during the modelling, to ensure the results obtained are reliable. In this part of the investigation, a preliminary study is conducted for having an early understanding on the column behaviour. Subsequently, the results are inferred, leading to the outcomes that achieve the aims of the study. 4.2 Analysis Results The graph of eccentric load against vertical displacement of the column is plotted based on the analysis results acquired (see Figure 4.1). From the figure, it can be seen that the columns are suffered from a sudden failure. The failure of the columns initiated just after the material non-linearity takes place, and no ductile behaviour demonstrated after since. Besides that, as the damage to the column stump 61 increases, the capacity of the column decreases as well. From the graph, the vertical displacement of the column is increasing from 0% to 10% damage done to the stump. However, when the damage done to the stump is equal or more than 10%, the vertical displacement of the column is decreasing. (b) (a) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Figure 4.1 : Graph of eccentric load against vertical displacement From the analysis results, the lateral deflected shape of the column in ultimate state, with respect to the degree of damage done to its stump is determined ( see Figure 4.2). From the figure, it can be observed that lateral deflection of the columns with the 0%-damaged and 10%-damaged are relatively small. In addition, all of the columns are having the maximum lateral deflection at the height in the range from 2000mm to 4000mm. The graph also shown that with the increasing damage to the stump until 60%, the column lateral deflection is increasing as well. After that, the lateral deflection of the column is decreased until 70% of the stump is damaged. 62 7000 5000 0% Damaged 10% Damaged 4000 20% Damaged 30% Damaged 3000 50% Damaged Column Height (mm) 6000 2000 60% Damaged 70% Damaged 1000 0 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 Lateral Deflection (mm) -2 0 2 Figure 4.2 : Deflected shape of the column The information acquired from Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.2 is then summarised and tabulated in Table 4.1. Table 4.1: Summary of the analysis results Degree of Damage Load Maximum Vertical Maximum Lateral to the Stump Capacity Displacement Displacement (%) (kN) (mm) (mm) 0 7611 8.23 0.01 10 7470 8.76 0.04 20 6583 7.51 2.70 30 5662 6.93 4.90 50 3394 5.01 5.01 60 2740 4.78 9.40 70 1768 3.66 3.40 63 4.3 Failure Mode of the Column This investigation is to confirm the failure mode of the RC column with respect to its degree of damage. From the literature, the failure modes of a column (Mosley et al., 1999) can be defined as: 1. Crushing - Material failure with negligible lateral deflection, which usually occurs in short columns. However, it is possible to occur when there are large end moments acted on a column with an intermediate slenderness ratio. 2. Intermediate - Material failure intensified by the lateral deflection and the additional moment. This type of failure is typical of intermediate columns. 3. Buckling - Instability failure which occurs with slender columns and it is liable to be preceded by excessive deflections. Among the three modes stated above, the crushing mode is the only failure mode with the whole column section crushed. Hence the first part of the investigation is to determine the columns that failed in the crushing mode. From Table 4.1, it can be observed that the columns with the 0%-damaged and 10% damaged stump are having relatively negligible lateral deflection and obvious shortening. Hence, the contour of equivalent (Von Mises) stress in the columns is studied (see Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.4). 64 The critical section Figure 4.3 : Stress contour of the column having 0%-damaged stump The critical section Figure 4.4 : Stress contour of the column having 10%-damaged stump 65 From the stress contour as illustrated in Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.4, the section with the highest stress intensity is determined as the critical section. It can be observed that the critical section for both the columns is located at the column portion. Subsequently, the stress diagram from the critical section is plotted (see Figure 4.5). 30 2 Stress in concrete (N/mm ) 35 25 20 0% Damaged 15 10% Damaged 10 Concrete Crushing Strength 5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Distance from the left surface of the columns (mm) Figure 4.5 : Stress diagram of the critical section Figure 4.5 indicates that the ultimate stress in the critical section of the columns with the 0%-damaged and 10%-damaged stump is uniform and approaching the concrete crushing strength. Hence, the whole column section is failed in crushing. The second part of the investigation is to determine the column that failed in the intermediate mode and the buckling mode. As similar to the previous investigation, the ultimate equivalent (Von Mises) stress contour of the columns having its stump equal or more than 20% damaged are studied to determine the 66 critical section. The section with the highest stress intensity is identified as the critical section. Eventually, the stress diagram of the critical sections is plotted in Figure 4.6. 32 30 28 Stress in concrete (N/mm2) 26 24 22 20 18 16 20% of Damage 14 30% of Damage 12 50% of Damage 10 8 60% of Damage 6 70% of Damage 4 2 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Distance from the left surface of undamaged stump (mm) Figure 4.6 : Stress diagram of the critical section It can be observed from Figure 4.6 that the ultimate stress in the critical sections is increasingly uneven. The stress diagram has shown that the stresses at the right side are decreasing, although the stresses at the left side are still approaching the material crushing strength. As the damage to the stump is equal or more than 50%, it can be seen that the ultimate stress in the critical section is significantly uneven. The stresses at the left side are approaching the material crushing strength, but the stresses at the right side are approaching zero. From the observation, the columns having the stump equal or more than 20% damaged will not fail in crushing mode. Instead, the columns will only fail in intermediate or buckling mode. 67 In order to differentiate the failure mode among the columns, the literatures are referred. It is found that the lateral displacement of the column can be used to determine whether the eccentric loaded column is failed in buckling. By doing so, the maximum displacement due to buckling (see equation 2.10) is used to compare with the maximum lateral displacement of the column. If the value of the column maximum lateral deflection is not closed to the maximum deflection due to buckling, then the column is failed in intermediate mode. Firstly, the buckling load of the columns is determined based on equation 2.8. The section properties of the column that are required to obtain the buckling load is tabulated in Table 4.2. Table 4.2 : Section properties of the column transformed section Stump Column Column ultimate load, P (kN) Cross section area, Ae (mm2) Second moment of inertia, Ie (mm4) Cross section area, Ae (mm2) Second moment of inertia, Ie (mm4) 6583 435676 1.160 x 1010 287437 6.318 x 109 5662 380437 7.645 x 109 287437 6.318 x 109 3394 276197 2.771 x 109 287437 6.318 x 109 2740 220958 1.378 x 109 287437 6.318 x 109 1768 171958 6.000 x 108 287437 6.318 x 109 The section properties of either the stump or column portion are chosen to acquire the minimum buckling load. Table 4.3 shows the value chosen and the buckling load determined. 68 Table 4.3 : Buckling load Degree of Cross section area, Ae (mm2) Second moment of inertia, Ie (mm4) Radius of Buckling gyration, r load, Pc (%) Column ultimate load, P (kN) (mm) (kN) 20 6583 287437 6.318 x 109 148.26 67731 30 5662 287437 6.318 x 109 148.26 67731 50 3394 276197 2.771 x 109 100.16 29703 9 damage 60 2740 220958 1.378 x 10 78.97 14772 70 1768 171958 6.000 x 108 59.07 6432 Hence, the maximum displacement due to buckling is determined (see Table 4.4). Table 4.4 : Maximum displacement before buckling Degree of Eccentricity, damage e = δo (%) Buckling Max. disp. before load, Pc buckling, ymax (mm) Column ultimate load, P (kN) (kN) (mm) 20 25 6583 67731 28 30 25 5662 67731 27 50 25 3394 29703 28 60 25 2740 14772 31 70 25 1768 6432 34 Finally, comparison can be made between the column maximum lateral displacement and the maximum displacement due to buckling (see Table 4.5). It can be seen that the column maximum lateral displacement is far lesser than the maximum displacement due to buckling. intermediate mode. Thus, the columns are failed in 69 Table 4.5 : Failure mode of the column (stump 20% - 70% damaged) Maximum Lateral Max. disp. before Failure mode Displacement buckling, ymax (Intermediate / (mm) (mm) Buckling) 20 2.70 28 Intermediate 30 4.90 27 Intermediate 50 5.01 28 Intermediate 60 9.40 31 Intermediate 70 3.40 34 Intermediate Degree of damage (%) The failure mode of the columns is summarized in Table 4.6. Table 4.6 : Summary of the column failure mode Degree of damage (%) Failure mode 0 Crushing 10 Crushing 20 Intermediate 30 Intermediate 50 Intermediate 60 Intermediate 70 Intermediate From the investigation done, it can be observed that the damage done to the stump is reducing the stump cross section area and second moment of inertia. It is a fact that the cross section area of the column determines its compressive strength, and the second moment of inertia determines the moment capacity of the column. Thus, the load capacity of the column is decreased followed by the increased degree of damage to the stump (see Table 4.2). 70 As referred to equation 2.8, it can be seen that the cross section area and second moment of inertia are the parameter in determining the column buckling load. However, these parameters are reducing with the increased degree of damage done to the column stump. As indicated in Table 4.3, the column buckling load is eventually reduced and the column is increasingly vulnerable to buckling. Based on the discussion, it is known that the cross section area and second moment of inertia of a column determine the structural strength and stability of a column. Finally, the third part of the investigation is to identify the cause to the column sudden failure. The previous discussion has concluded that the columns with the stump having 0% and 10% damage due to hacking are failed in crushing. Hence, the failure mode of the column explained the reason for the sudden failure. The ultimate stress contour of the columns failed in intermediate mode is studied (see Figure 4.7). High stress intensity at the corner of the cut out Figure 4.7 : Stress contour of the column having 50%-damaged stump 71 Figure 4.7 indicates partly of the stress contour for the column with the 50%damaged stump. From the contour, it can be seen that a high intensity of stress is concentrated at the corner of the cut out, which is formed due to hacking. In fact, the same phenomenon is observed from all the columns that fail in intermediate mode. The elevation detail of the column (see Figure 4.8) indicates that the portion of concrete is unreinforced. Corner of the cut out unreinforced Figure 4.8 : Elevation detail of the column The concrete neighbouring to the corner of the cut out is unreinforced and it also does not possess ductile property. Thus, the concrete at the particular zone will crush in a sudden when the stress reaches its material crushing strength. Eventually, the column is suffered from a sudden failure, initiated by the concrete crushing from the corner of the cut out. 72 4.4 Parametric study on the Column Capacity In this part of the study, a parametric study is conducted on the column that is not failed in crushing (damage to the stump is equal or more than 20%). The purpose for this is to establish a function that is able to relate the column capacity with the section property of the stump. Parameters selected are the column capacity and the respected section properties of the damaged stump transformed section (see Table 4.7). Table 4.7 : Parameters in the study Column capacity (kN) 6583 Cross section area of the stump transformed section, Ae (mm2) 435676 Second moment of inertia of the stump transformed section, Ie (mm4) 1.160 x 1010 5662 380437 7.645 x 109 3394 276197 2.771 x 109 2740 220958 1.378 x 109 1768 171958 6.000 x 108 Two graphs are plotted (see Figure 4.9 and Figure 4.10) based on the data listed in Table 4.7. 73 8000 Column Capacity, Ncap (kN) 7000 6000 5000 4000 Ncap = 0.0037Ie3 - 1.0276Ie2 + 122.28Ie + 1131.3 3000 2000 1000 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 8 140 4 Second Moment of Inertia of the Stump Transformed Section x 10 (mm ) Figure 4.9 : Graph of column capacity versus second moment of inertia 8000 Column Capacity, Ncap (kN) 7000 6000 5000 4000 Ncap = 0.021Ae – 1909.4 = 0.9987 R20.021I Ncap = e - 1909.4 3000 2000 90924 1000 0 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 400000 450000 2 Area of the Stump Transformed Section, Ae (mm ) Figure 4.10 : Graph of column capacity versus cross sectional area 500000 74 Figure 4.9 indicates that the relation between the column strength and the transformed section second moment can be expressed by a third order polynomial. However, Figure 4.10 indicates that the column capacity is related to the cross section area of the transformed section in a linear function. Comparatively, the linear function derived from the graph in Figure 4.10 is more simple and easy to use, thus the parametric study is concentrated on the relation between the column capacity and the cross section area of the damaged stump transformed section. From the graph in Figure 4.10, the interception with the x-axis reads, Ae = 90924 mm2. When the cross section area of the stump transformed section, Ae = 90924 mm2, the detail of the stump cross section is as detailed in Figure 4.11. Portion of concrete hacked Figure 4.11 : Damaged stump section for Ae = 90924 mm2 The isometric view of the damaged stump is illustrated in Figure 4.12. 75 Column portion Stump portion Figure 4.12 : Isometric view of the damaged stump From Figure 4.12, it can be seen that at this rate of damage to the stump due to hacking, the portion of the stump section underneath the column is totally damaged. Thus, the column will be unsupported and its capacity, Ncap = 0kN. From the discussion, it can be seen that the linear graph from Figure 4.10 is having an R-square value closed to 1 (R2 = 0.9987). This means that the graph can represent very well the relation between the column capacity and the cross section area of the damaged stump transformed section. Besides that, the interception of the graph to the x-axis is verified. To conclude, equation 4.1 is able to predict the column capacity based on the cross section area of the damaged stump transformed section. However, the use of equation 4.1 is only valid when the damage to the stump is equal or more than 20%, and the unit for Ncap is in kN and Ae is in mm2. Ncap = 0.021 Ae - 1909.9 (eq. 4.1) 76 4.5 Column Strength Level 4.5.1 Maximum Hacking Allowed BS 8110 has recommended that the column capacity can be obtained as N =0.35fcubh+(0.70fy – 0.35 fcu) As (eq. 4.2) Therefore, the column design strength is calculated as, N = 0.35 x 30.67 x 500 x 500 + (0.7 x 555 – 0.35 x 30.67 ) x 3768 = 4107045 N = 4107 kN The required transformed section for the column to maintain the capacity, N, can be calculated by using equation 4.1. N = 0.021 Ae - 1909.9 4107 = 0.021 Ae - 1909.9 Ae = 286519 mm2 When Ae = 286519 mm2, the cross section of the stump is illustrated in Figure 4.13. 77 Figure 4.13 : Cross section of the stump The degree of damage in this study is based on the percentage of the damaged concrete cross section area at the stump, compared to the concrete cross section area at the undamaged stump, thus it can be calculated by using equation 4.3. The maximum degree of damage to the stump due to hacking before the column fail on its design load can be calculated as, Degree of damage (%) = = Aconcrete,damaged Aconcrete,undamaged × 100% (eq. 4.3) [(700 − 365) × 700] × 100% (700 × 700) = 48 % In short, the degree of damage to the stump due to hacking must not exceed 48%. 78 4.5.2 Stability of the Column on-site The picture of the damaged condition of the stump is illustrated in Figure 4.14. Figure 4.14 : Damage done to the column The model of the column having the 20%-damaged stump is actually the model for the on-site column. Based on the previous discussion, the column will fail in intermediate mode with a sudden collapse at the ultimate limit state. However, the finite element analysis gives the result that the column is actually having a load capacity of 6583 kN. Compared to the design load recommended by BS 8110 of 4107 kN, the column is still having an acceptable margin of safety. To conclude, the column on site is able to sustain its design load and maintain its stability. However, extra care should be given by the parties who are using the building, to not to overload the column by means of heavy renovation work and etc. Because when the column reaches the ultimate limit state, it will collapse in a sudden and thus jeopardize the structural stability and integrity of the whole building. 79 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS 5.1 Conclusions In this study, the behaviour of the column having its stump damaged due to hacking was examined using finite element model. The finite element model was first developed based on the test detail available in the literatures. Upon the calibration of the model against the test data, it was further expanded to study the column having its stump damaged. From the results of the study the following conclusions can be deduced: 1. The plane stress model can be used to simulate the behaviour of the reinforced concrete column in uniaxial bending. 2. Superposition of the nodes of the plane stress and bar elements can well simulate the full interfacial bond between the concrete and reinforcement. 3. The failure mode of the column can be known by studying the stress contour of the critical section, and by comparing its maximum lateral deflection to the deflection before buckling. 80 4. A linear function that relates the remaining capacity and effective area for the column in this study has been developed. 5. The column having its stump damaged up to 10% will fail in crushing mode and suffers from a sudden collapse. 6. Damage to the column stump equal or more than 20% will cause the column to fail in intermediate mode. The sudden collapse of the column is initiated from the concrete crushing at the corner of the cut out, which is formed due to the hacking. 7. The removal of the stump section by means of hacking should not be more than 48%, to enable the column to take the design load. 8. The actual column capacity with the stump over-hacked as found on site still higher than the design load, with an acceptable safety margin. However, extra care must be given to not to overload the column because as from the analysis, it will fail in intermediate mode with a sudden collapse. 5.2 Recommendations The present study opened a number of suggestions for future work concerning the over-hacked column, listed as: 1. Further study on the long-term behaviour of the reinforced concrete column, mainly by the effect of creep and shrinkage of the concrete. 2. Further investigation on the biaxial bending behaviour of the damaged column. 81 3. Further study on the effective length of the damaged column, to determine the buckling capacity of the column in precise. 4. Study on the buckling behaviour and capacity for columns or struts which is possessing non-uniform cross sectional properties along its height. 82 REFERENCES Arya, Chanakya. (2001). Design of Structural Elements. 2nd ed. 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