Unit 4 Review Activity Menu

Name: ________________________________________________
Total Points___________
Unit 4 Review Activity Menu
Directions: Choose a variety of activities from the menu below. The activities must
total at least 10 points. Place a checkmark next to each box to show which activities
you will complete.
Appetizers: 2 Points
___ Complete the Unit Rate Worksheet
___ Play Tape Diagram Thinking Blocks Online Activity http://www.mathplayground.com/tb_ratios/thinking_blocks_ratios.html
Choose the random ratio problems. Once 5 stars are completed, get initial from
Entrees: 5 Points
___ Create a double number line story problem. Include a question, the double line,
and an answer.
___ Complete the review Stations with pencil and paper.
___ Create a 3 question Quiz with answer key. Each question should focus on a
different topic from Unit 4.
Desserts: 3 Points (Individual or Partner)
___ Unit Price Better Buy Online Game - http://www.quia.com/cb/195515.html
___ Create a tape diagram story problem with answer. Include the story, question,
tape diagram and answer.
___ Create a crossword puzzle using 8 vocabulary words from Unit 4. Use either
graph paper or the online website. You will need to save an e-mail the crossword
puzzle or hand in graph paper.
Name: ________________________________________________
Total Points___________