Document 14836962

King of Mulberry Street Study Guide
Chapter One- Surprise
Beniamino is a nine year old Jewish boy that lives in Napoli, Italy.
He lives with his Mamma and eight other relatives.
When it is cold they sleep in the kitchen to keep warm.
Ben's Mama cannot get an office job because she is an unwed mother.
At the end of the chapter, Ben's mother tells him to visit all he loves in Napoli.
Chapter Two- Dirty
Ben didn't go to school because his Uncle did not want him going to a Catholic school.
Mamma tells Ben to visit all his favorite places in Napoli.
He visited Aunt Rebecca working as a servant and Uncle Aurilio in the stables.
He visited the nuns at San Gregorio Church.
The nuns paid him to get water from the underground channel and he saw a dead body.
He had a flashback about witnessing a shooting and being threatened.
Ben went for a swim to clean his body of the dead body stench and had his pants stolen.
Chapter Three- Shoes
Ben's Mamma awoke him early and had him dress in his synagogue clothes.
It was his first time wearing socks and new shoes.
They snuck out of the house and walked by the harbor.
Mama took Ben's yarmulke off his head.
mama told BenYour job is to survive.
watch, learn
talk as little as possible
get an education
Mama spat in Ben's mouth for long life.
Mama begged a man to hide Ben on a cargo ship.
The crewmember said a Padrone would pay for Ben's trip, but he would have to work for him in America.
She said she would hide somewhere else.
Chapter 4 Whispers
Ben loos for his Mama, but cannot find her.
Ben talks to a stowaway with Cholera. He warns him to be quiet since they throw stowaways overboard.
Ben goes on deck to find his mother. He finds a bunch of sailors , but no Mama.
He cries himself to sleep.
Chapter 5 Brooms
The sailors share food with Ben and he realizes they must be Catholic.
The sailors offer him mozzerella cheese, tomato, and salami.
He does not take any salami because Jewish people do not eat pork.
He does drink some wine because he is thirsty.
Ben is afraid to tell them his name because it is a Jewish name so he decides to change his name to Dom.
The sick stoway dies and the sailors throw him overboard.
Chapter 6 The Plan
The crew members give Ben a new name, Dom, so he sounds American.
Ben/Dom tried to make himself useful on the ship. This kept his mind off Mama.
Carlos helped him search for Mama, but she was nowhere to be found.
He helped in the kitchen, swept the poultry coops, gathered eggs, milked cows, cleaned cabins, and much more!
Ben/Dom reflected on what Uncle Aurelio told him, smacked with adversity pick yourself up like a good Jew.
The crew liked Ben/Dom
Ben/Dom had a ritual in the afternoon when the crew napped. He He took out his grandfathrs prayer shawl tassels, held them and
remembered Napoli. He also,rubbed and cleaned his shoes.
The crew told Ben/ Dom about America. They suggested going to Mulbery Street, but trust no one.
Ben/ Dom wanted to stay on the boat and go back to Napoli. He tried to hide, but Franco found him and threw him in the harbor. He
did this because he promised Ben's mother.
Chapter 7 Waiting
Ben/ Dom swam to a dock and a man swam out to save him.
People thought he fell off the passenger boat because he had such nice shoes.
People tried to find his family.
Ben/ Dom waitedon the passenger ship with the third class people.
Someone stole his socks and prayer tassels while he slept.
Chapter 8 On Land
Ben/ Dom planned to stowaway on the passenger ship and go back to Napoli until he found out it was going to England. So, he took a
ferry to Ellis Island where he was inspected by doctors.
He saw people being marked with chalk on their coats to indicate illness.
Some nurses asked him to copy shapes to check for idiocy.
Ben/Dom wondered why so many people would want to live in a city made of wood buildings. Back in Napoli buildings were made of
stone and brick.
Again, officials thought he had lost his parents because he had nice shoes.
Ben/Dom heard about Padroni's- a person that brings boys over from Italy in exchange for passage.
Chapter 9 Trust
A Padroni tried to steal Ben/Dom, a nice official helped him believing that his father would soon come for him.
Finally, the officials realize he is without parents and try to give him advice about living on the street.
They give him a name and papers, insisting on Di Napoli because the name Napoli implies that he is A Jew.
Ben/Dom argues that he would like to be called Dom Napoli, but the men try to talk him out of it.
Chapter 10 Needs
A nurse leads Ben/Dom to a bench and writes an O on his shirt. He sent to a room with women and children.
Women were to permitted to leave Ellis Island without a male escort.
Ben/Dom meets a 14 year old that informs him the O stands for orphanage.
Ben/Dom steals new clothes for himself and the 14 year old boy.
Ben/Dom escapes through the kitchen door.
Chapter 11 Manhattan
When Ben escapes he sees many immigrants speaking different languages.
Red Coss ladies are handing out doughnuts and apples. He takes some for himself.
Ben/Dom still has plans to go back to Napoli, but decides to follow a man to Mulberry Street and spends the night in a half empty
Chapter 12
Dom climbed out of the barrel he slept in and explored the streets.
He saw a beggar boy hitting a triangle and making money for his Padrone.
He walked to the wharf to find a boat back to Napoli.
He talked to Italian brick layers and found out there was work in Chatham Square.
Met Gaetano near Chatham Square.
Dom helped a store owner stack vegetables and earned two tomatoes and an orange.
Gaetano tells Dom he needs to earn money if he wants to hang out with him.
Dom asks beggar boy to borrow his triangle to make money for Gaetano.
Dom lets the beggar boy borrow his shoes in exchange for the use of his triangle.
Dom buys the beggar boy ice cream.
Gaetano explains the ways of the streetMook- is an idiot that is owned by a Patrone
Shark- is a boss/ smart person that sees what there is for the taking.
For example the watchmaker is a shark "loan shark" taking money from Italians to save for them and using it any way he wants ti for
the time being.
Gaetano tells Dom he is a mook.
Dom gets sick on dirty ice cream and learns..........No One Can Be Trusted!
Chapter 13
Dom tried to lose Gaetano after he lets him eat "dirty" ice cream.
Slept in barrel again.
Attempts to get on ship , but is shooed away.
Finds Gaetano and goes to church
Gaetano explains 5 point area is Italian; thinks Jews are dirty.
Loyalty to Italians is important. Italians only work for Italians.
Italians don't learn english brcause they don't want to sound dumb.
Gaetano gets paid to pay attention.
Dom asks Gaetano to help him get on a ship to Napoli
Dom visits the train station and walks to the outskirts of Manhattan.
He sees a famies picnicing in a large park.
A lady gives him food, Dom is concerned that it isn't Kosher.
Dom eats the food because he remembers Nonna's proverb,
"He who doesn't risk doesn't gain."
He misses meeting up with Gaetano and sleeps in his barrel again.
Chapter 14 Sandwiches
Dom wakes up in the alley and sees that they have removed the dead dog.
He realizes that the Bolivia has left without him.
Dom goes to work for Mr. Grandinetti at the vegetable shop.
Gaetano sold Dom's documents , he needs these to get on a ship.
Gaetano used the money to buy a steak dinner.
Gaetano tells Dom that Italians are the lowest paid workers.
Grandinetti pays Dom in orages for his help.
Dom shares with Gaetano and Tin Pan.
Tin Pan says he can sell the orange for 5 cents. He has seen men on wall street pay 50 cents for a sandwich. This gives Dom the idea
to sell sandwiches.
Chapter 15 Money
The first day boys nake 45 cents on sandwiches.
Dom gives Grandinetti some sandwich since he let him use his knife to cut the sandwiches.
Tin Pan wants his money up front so he will not get a beating.
Dom wants to keep money and buy three sandwiches the next day.
Padroni is watching Tin Pan and Gaetano tells dom to watch out for him.
Gaetano wants to split money. He gets a quarter.
Dom gets 50 cents and ends up getting mugged for it.
Grandinetti loans Dom a penny and Dom checks his shoes at train station.
Chapter 16 More and More Money
"The rings have fallen away but our fingers remain." Gaetano offers sympathy to Dom for being mugged.
Dom and Tin Pan sell sandwiches while Gaetano looks out for Padrone.
Tin Pan knows English and tells Dom What to say to sell sandwiches
Gaetano tells Dom not to let theives know it was his money the robbed.
Gaetano would lose street credibility if thieves knew he'd been robbed.
The boy's keep buying/ selling more and more sandwiches.
Grandinetti continues to let them use the knife and borrow a basket to put the sandwiches in.
Dom gives Grandinetti a whole sandwich for lunch.
Gaetano leaves roll of paper in Grandinetti store for safe keeping and insurance on basket.
Grandinetti wants Dom and Gaetano to be straight with him.
Dom takes out the meat before he eats a sandwich to keep it kosher.
He checks his shoes in storage and sleeps in the park.
Chapter 17 Things Go Wrong
It rains and pours , so most of the sandwiches get wet.
The boys eat the inside of some of the soggy sandwiches, but there are some slightly wet ones left.
Dom says not to sell the soggy sandwiches. It would ruin their reputation as a food vendor.
Tin Pan takes 6 soggy sandwiches and gives them out to beggar boys.
They lost money that day, but by Friday they made $3.60
Dom did not want to work on Saturday , the Jewish Sabbath.
Each boy took 50 cents for the weekend.
Dom spent his on meat on a stick and popcorn.
Monday morning was Flag Day . Many people were not working so they went door to door and sold sandwiches. They made over $5.00
Chapter 18 Signora Esposito
Dom told Gaetano, We need a bank."
They went to talk to Grandinetti and he told them to rent a room from Signora Esposito.
The boys paid $2.00 a week for a room to sleep in and dinner each night.
Dom was happy to have a bed , but homesick and tried to remember Napoli before going to bed.
Gaetano questioned why Dom's mother wanted him to come to America alone.
Dom and Gaetano buy cart from Mr. G
Chapter 19 A way of Life
When Dom woke up he went to the bathroom in the hall.
A man started beating him because he thought Dom was a vagrant.
Signora Esposito took care of his cuts and told him to wash after dinner.
Gaetano tells thieves they have a boss and asks if any kids want a job.
Gaetano considers Dom the King of Mulberry Street because of his business.
The sandwich business grows fast.
Dom discovers that Jews live around Baxter Street and will buy kosher sandwiches.
The boys start selling all sorts of food.
They learn lessons the hard way.
Cover food just in case in rains.
Check the cart to make sure it is steady.
Signora Esposito is benefitting from the boys rent.
Chapter 20 Pietro
Tin Pan's padrone beats him badly because he was doing something without his permission.
The padrone told Tin Pan he had to make $2.00 a day now.
Gaetano went to priest to ask for help. The priest does not help, but will give him a sheet and a change of clothes to bury someone.
Dom and Gaetano convince Tin Pan to run away.
Tin Pan changes at Mr. Grandinetti's and they find out his real name is Pietro.
Pietro hides out at Signora Esposito and will not leave the house.
Dom Buys Gaetano and Pietro shoes.
Signora Esposito makes Pietro a girl disguise.
He wears it on the street and works in Mr. Grandinettis during the day.
Dom realizes that a ticket home is only $25.00, but doesn't know what to do because he love his new life in America.
Chapter 21 Crosby Street
When Dom gets home Pietro is not there. Gaetano and Dom search the streets for Pietro, but cannot find him. They start to suspect
that Pietro/Tin Pan Alley went to save the other boys that work for his padrone.
Dom works the sandwich business and try to find out what happen to Tin Pan Alley.
Gaetano and Dom fight about trying to find/save Tin Pan from his padrone.
Dom goes to Crosby street to search for Tin Pan and finds his padrones apartment.
He confronts Tin Pan's padrone. The padrone beats Dom and ties him up. Dom realizes that the padrone has killed Tin Pan/Pietro and
tries to escape from the padrone's apartment.
He crawls out of the apartment as Gaetano and Grandeinetti arrive to rescue him with the police.
Chapter 22 Eldridge Street
The padrone is arrested for the death of Pietro/Tin Pan Alley.
Dom feels really guilty about Tin Pan's death because he talked him into leaving his padrone.
Signora Esposito takes care of Dom until he recovers from his wounds.
Dom visits the Polish butcher and asks him to take him to synagogue with him.
Dom cries at synogogue for the death of Pietro.
Dom doesn't fit in at the Polish synogugue, but goes anyway.
Dom realizes he will never go back to Napoli. he realizes that he is angry at his mother for putting him on a ship to America alone.
Dom and Gaetano expand their business to 2 carts and take on additional partners. They made more money.
As the holidays approached Dom thought of his mother and realized how much she had sacrificed for him to get to America. He bought
himself a new pair of shoes and gave his old ones to a boy standing on the street bare foot.
The KOM is a fictional story that takes place in 1892.
The author names some of her characters after her two grandfathers.
Grandinetti- was her maternal grandfather's name.
Dom- was her paternal grandfather's name. He came to America as a stowaway and sold sandwiches for a living as a child.