On Level Unit 7 Quiz 1 Study Guide

On Level Unit 7 Quiz 1 Study Guide
Quiz Date: Friday, April 15
 All Topics from Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 5,
 Area of a Triangle (pgs. 518-521)
and Unit 6
 Area of a Parallelogram (pgs. 513-516)
 Classifying Polygons (pgs. 485-489)
 Area of Composite Figures (see below)
 Area and Perimeter of Rectangles (see below)
 Classifying Triangles (pg.471-474)
*To study, you should complete odd numbered problems from the pages above so that you can check if you got the correct answer
or not in the back of the textbook. Selected answers begin on Pg. SA1.
 All vocab from
 Acute
 Equilateral
 Parallelogram
Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
 Obtuse
 Names of polygons
 Trapezoid
and 6
 Right
 Square
 Area
 Polygon
 Scalene
 Rectangle
 Perimeter
 Sides
 Isosceles
 Rhombus
 Vertices
Classifying Polygons: If the object is a polygon, write the name of the polygon on the line provided below. If it
is not, write no.
1. _________
2. _________
3. _________
4. _________
5. _________
6. _________
Area and Perimeter of Rectangles
7. Caroline designs a rectangle with an area of 72 square units.
a. What are three possible pairs of side lengths?
b = _______
h = _______
b = _______
h = _______
b = _______
h = _______
b. What are the perimeters of the rectangles with each of these side lengths?
Perimeter = ______________
Perimeter = ______________
Perimeter = ______________
Classifying Triangles and Area of Triangles: For each triangle below, classify the polygon by sides and angles.
Then determine the area of each triangle.
3.4 yds
623 m
1112 m
Area = ____________________
Area = ____________________
5.2 yds
Area = ____________________
11. A triangle has an area of 96 in2 and a base of 12 in. What is the height of the triangle?
Area of a Parallelogram
12. Find the area of the parallelograms below:
Area = ____________________
Area = ____________________
13. A parallelogram has an area of 234 square inches. The base is 13 inches. What is the height?
Composite Figures: Find the area of the figures below
Area: __________________
Area: __________________
16. Find the area of the
shaded region.
Area: __________________