x e eter Community

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Dear Resident,
There are two pieces
of news I wanted to
highlight within this
edition of the StreetWise Newsletter the changeover to the new StreetWise
answerphone number (see main article)
and the upcoming Community Survey.
StreetWise Answerphone Number Changes
We value the feedback we receive and are
committed to exploring the issues you raise
with us. The number change is needed as the
University updates its telephone systems. Calls
to the old number shall still register, but only for
a short period.
Community Survey
In 2009 we conducted our first Community
Survey in the fourth edition of the StreetWise
newsletter. In the next edition we will publish
details of how to fill in the next Community
Survey. The survey reaches all newsletter
readers and provides information that is vital
for our ongoing community engagement
activities. The survey also reaches residents
who may not attend community meetings
or who may not have previously called the
StreetWise number.
We appreciate that this year will be busy
– especially with the Census survey! The
Community Survey will be available online
and in hard copy.
Feel free to contact me at any time on the NEW
StreetWise number: 01392 726252 or email:
I look forward to hearing from you
Rory Cunningham, CommunityLiaisonOfficer
StreetWise email service:
StreetWise 24 hr Answer phone:
01392 726252
NEW StreetWise
Answerphone number: 01392 726252
email: streetwise@exeter.ac.uk
The StreetWise answerphone and email service enables anyone
to share (non emergency) issues, queries or comments with the
University at any time.
We ask all callers to leave as much detail as possible, including a contact
number or email address if you require a response regarding your issue.
If you have a concern about a particular student address and you have
been unable to make contact, we can explore the issue and make contact
with the tenants if necessary.
Some community issues are most appropriate for the City Council or
the Police to deal with directly. We regularly meet with relevant authorities
and discuss particular issues of concern. Appropriate issues or ‘themes’
that relate to the University are shared with us. Please note the ‘contacts’
column at the back of this newsletter for contact details relating to the range
of agencies and services we work with.
We would like to thank those residents who recently took part in a
monitoring exercise relating to calls made to the StreetWise number.
We were encouraged that the majority of callers have been satisfied with
our response and the time it took us to respond.
Bus Update
The University has worked in partnership with Stagecoach and Devon County
Council to further enhance bus service provision in Exeter. The D bus service
now operates a Sunday service, great for trips to Exeter Northcott theatre! As
well as the frequent D bus service, Stagecoach has altered the H bus service
route to include the University.
For more information please visit the Stagecoach Travel shop in the Exeter
bus station or visit University’s sustainability web pages www.exeter.ac.uk/
Term time
Spring: Mo
n 10 January
– Fri 1 Apri
Summer: M
on 2 May –
Autumn: M
on 3 Octob
er – Fri 16
Key contacts
Exeter Green Walks
StreetWise Helpline:
Exeter Green Walks – a community project
reconnecting people and places.
Devon Highways:
to report any issue relating to the repair and
maintenance of most public roads – Devon Highways
can also remove illegal signage (flyposting) in
appropriate areas: 0845 1551 004
Duncan Sandes
Communications Officer:
a first point of contact for any questions
about the building works at the University’s
Streatham Campus: 01392 722391
or email: d.sandes@exeter.ac.uk
Estate Patrol:
deal with matters of security and safety and provide
a 24-hour presence on-campus. Estate Patrol can be
contacted at any time: 01392 723999
or email: e.patrol@exeter.ac.uk
PC Dave Dalziel
is the Neighbourhood Beat Manager (NBM)
for the Exeter University Community.
Phone: 08452 777444 (general switchboard
number, ask for PC Dalziel by name)
Email: david.dalziel@devonandcornwall.
Exeter City Council’s
Community Patrol:
if you are bothered by noise from premises
that requires investigation phone: 01392 265147
(office hours) or 0845 3511 060 after 5pm
Police switchboard:
to report incidents of public disorder phone:
08452 777444 for emergencies call 999
Exeter City Council’s
Cleansing Services:
This exciting new initiative was set up at the beginning of 2011
in conjunction with Transition Exeter and the University Green
Society. The project aims to bring people from a variety of
backgrounds together to enjoy exploring the attractive green
areas in and around the city. It’s a fantastic way to get to know
people you might not normally get a chance to meet. It’s also great for
discovering new routes and old around the city, with a different area to be
explored each month!
So how can you get involved?
Green Walks take place on the last Sunday of every month at 2pm, meeting just
outside Exeter Cathedral. They are completely free and everyone is welcome the more the merrier! Strolls are really relaxed so don’t worry, you don’t have
to be an avid walker to keep up! For all the latest, check out the facebook page
‘Exeter Green Walks’ or get in touch on: exetergreenwalks@gmail.com
Green Walk dates
April stroll: 1 May – Alphington
May stroll: 29 – Route to be confirmed
June stroll: 26 – Route to be confirmed
Exeter Green Walks was supported by the StreetWise Fund. The StreetWise
Fund supports a range of community projects that aim to enhance the relationship
between students and permanent city residents.
If you are a community group, student society or an agent working with local
residents and you have an idea for a StreetWise project, you can view the criteria
on: www.exeter.ac.uk/streetwisefund or call Rory Cunningham on 01392
723721 to discuss your idea.
Students On The Move 2011
for missed bin collections, to request additional
bins or to make recycling enquiries phone:
Preparations are underway for ‘Students On the Move 2011’ – a continuation of
the successful 2010 project that focused on providing ‘Community ClearUp’ days
and special collections for students during the last months of the academic year.
Exeter City Council’s
Environmental Health team:
The University has again provided the City Council with some additional funding and
will assist in coordinating ‘Community ClearUp’ days with help from our Student
Community Wardens.
01392 665010
to report accumulations of rubbish likely to harbour
or attract vermin phone: 01392 265193
Civil Parking
Enforcement Officer:
to report parking offences phone: 01392 665901
Cllr Rob Hannaford, Lead Councillor for Environment and Leisure, welcomed the
partnership working between the City Council and the University on the project.
“Helping students to manage their waste sensibly when they break up for the summer can only be a good thing”
Cllr Rob Hannaford, Lead Councillor for Environment and Leisure
The success of the project last year means that the University have again assisted
in funding the project.
Help us make less impact on the environment by receiving StreetWise via
an email link to the University Website. Please contact Rory Cunningham
directly if you would like to receive this newsletter via email: tel. 01392 726252
or email: streetwise@exeter.ac.uk
Rory would also like to hear your ideas for future articles and features!
for highlighting community issues direct to
the University phone: 01392 726252
or email: streetwise@exeter.ac.uk