Liberty University, SHRM Student Chapter #5432, Bylaws Updated March 2015

Liberty University, SHRM Student Chapter #5432, Bylaws
Updated March 2015
ARTICLE I: ORGANIZATONAL SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................. 2
ARTICLE II: OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................................................................. 2
ARTILE III: DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
ARTICLE IV: MEMBERSHIP.............................................................................................................................................................. 3
ARTICLE V: ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ............................................................................................................................ 4
ARTICLE VI: FINANCES ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
ARTICLE VII: SPECIAL PROJECTS .................................................................................................................................................. 9
ARTICLE VIII: PARLIMENTARY PROCEDURES ......................................................................................................................... 9
ARTICLE IX: STATEMENT OF ETHICS .......................................................................................................................................... 9
ARTICLE X: AMENDMENTS.............................................................................................................................................................. 9
ARTICLE XI: CHAPTER DISSOLUTION ....................................................................................................................................... 10
ARTICLE XII: WITHDRAWAL OF AFFILIATED CHAPTER STATUS ................................................................................... 10
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Name: This organization shall be known as the Liberty University chapter of the
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) or the SHRM Student Chapter. To
avoid potential confusion, the Chapter will not refer to itself as SHRM or the Society
for Human Resource Management. The Chapter # has been designated as #5432.
Affiliation: Liberty University hereinafter referred to as the Chapter, shall be
affiliated with the Society for Human Resource Management, hereinafter referred
to as SHRM.
Relationships: The Chapter is a separate legal entity from SHRM. It shall not be
deemed to be an agency or instrumentality of SHRM and SHRM shall not be deemed
to be an agency or instrumentality of the Chapter. The Chapter shall not hold itself out
to the public as an agent of SHRM without express written consent of SHRM. The
Chapter shall not contract in the name of SHRM without the express written consent
of SHRM.
License: Use of the words "Society for Human Resource Management" or "SHRM" or
use of the SHRM logo or any logo of or that may be used by SHRM may be used by the
Chapter only by license from the SHRM.
Mission: The Chapter’s mission is to glorify God through providing its student members
opportunities for personal and professional development as its members partner with
national SHRM to support and promote the human resource profession.
The objectives of this Chapter are:
Execute every activity and decision through the lens of a unified belief in the Lord Jesus
To provide Liberty University students with the opportunity to gain knowledge and insight
into the effective management of human capital in the field of Human Resource
Management through affiliation with the Lynchburg Regional SHRM and the SHRM
Conduct professional, educational, developmental, and career related meetings and events
for its members.
To promote the exchange of work-related experience of established business professionals
with the theoretical academic perspectives of student and faculty members through open
forums and information exchanges.
To encourage acquisition, growth and continuation of our respective careers in human
resource management through expanded knowledge, camaraderie, respect and mutual
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support among Chapter members and through our affiliation with SHRM and our
sponsoring chapter.
To provide a pool of human resource management leaders and members for perpetuation
of the Chapter and of SHRM.
To function as an important vehicle for promoting the field of human resource management
to students and acting as part of the two-way channel of communications between SHRM
and the individual members.
Academic Year: Unless otherwise defined or modified by Liberty University will begin in
August (at the beginning of Fall Semester) and continues through the following July (ending
on the last day of Summer Semester).
Merit Award Year: Unless otherwise defined or modified by SHRM runs from April 1st
through March 31st of the respective award year.
Executive Council Term Year: Will begin June 1st of the current Academic Year and continue
through the following Academic Year ending on June 1st when the Chapter Roster Update
form is processed with SHRM.
Chapter Advisor: Is a term that may be synonymously used with Faculty Advisor or Student
Chapter Advisor.
Terms Used: As used in these Bylaws, feminine or neuter pronouns shall be substituted for
those of the masculine form, and the plurals shall be substituted for the singular number in
any place where the context may require such substitution or substitutions.
Definition and Explanation of Membership: Equal membership privileges will be given to all
members of this organization. Eligibility for SHRM student membership is separate from
Chapter membership and is based upon the membership guidelines as set forth by SHRM.
Any student enrolled in classes at Liberty University may become a member of this Chapter.
We are a 100% membership Chapter which means students wishing to join the Chapter will
be required to be an active student member (in good standing) with the SHRM. This does
not however limit participation in Chapter sponsored activities by any other Liberty
University student desiring to develop in his/her own professional HR knowledge. This
Chapter shall not discriminate against any member or potential member on the basis of
race, color, national origin, sex, age, marital status, ancestry, or citizenship status.
Meetings of Members
Section 1: Executive Council Meetings: Regular meetings of the Executive Council will be
held at least two (2) times per month. The Chapter Advisor will meet with the President an
additional two (2) times per month.
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Section 2: General Membership Meetings. Regular meetings of the general membership
shall be held (at/on a consistent, designated location, date, and time) three times per
semester unless otherwise determined and voted on by the Executive Council.
Section 3. Annual Meetings. The annual, end of academic year, meeting of the general
membership for electing executive council members (directors and chairs) and conducting
other appropriate business shall be held in April or at such other time determined and
voted on by the Executive Council.
Section 4. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the general membership shall be held “on
call” of the Chapter Advisor or by the Executive Council with prior approval from the
Chapter Advisor.
Section 5. Notice of Meetings. The Secretary shall give notice to each Director of each
special and annual meeting at least ten (10) days prior to the meetings. Notice of regular
meetings shall be given to all general members at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting.
Notice shall be distributed electronically through a medium approved by the Chapter
Section 6: Voting Rights and Procedures
1. Voting Rights. Only those students holding active membership with the Chapter
shall be entitled to participate in voting activities impacting Liberty University’s
Chapter and its membership. Each Chapter member shall have the right to cast one
(1) vote on each matter brought before the general membership. In relation to items
that require voting by general membership, members holding one-tenth of the votes
entitled to be cast, represented in person or by another approved medium on the
day of the said meeting, shall constitute a quorum. Such quorum may, by majority
vote of the members present at the said meeting, transact any business that may
properly be brought before the general membership, except as otherwise indicated
in these bylaws.
2. Electronic Vote. Electronic voting (through a medium approved by the Chapter
Advisor), as a means of gaining and recording an accurate vote count, will be used
when convenient in accordance with Parliamentary Procedure.
Chapter Leadership: There will be an Executive Council composed of the following
positions and associated roles:
Chapter Advisor
Vice President
Director of Finance
Director of Marketing
Director of Human Resources
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7. Director of Training and Development
8. Director of Community Relations
9. Secretary
This Executive Council will be the advising and coordinating body responsible to the general
membership of the Chapter. The Executive Council will be the only voting members of the
Chapter leadership. All Executive Council members shall be responsible for maintaining the
Chapter as a formal entity, under the guidance and direction of the Chapter Advisor.
Chair positions, will serve supporting, non-voting roles in leadership matters, to their Director
counterparts to include the following seven positions:
Chair of the Merit Award and Event Management
Chair of Finance and Fundraising
Chair of Marketing
Chair of Membership and Recruitment
Chair of the Elections/Bylaw Committee
Chair of the Professional Development
Executive Council Qualifications: All candidates for the Executive Council must be national
SHRM members (in good standing) and Chapter members at the time of nomination or
appointment. Executive Council members may not be elected to serve more than three (3)
consecutive terms in the same position.
To hold an Executive Council position the following requirements must be maintained/completed:
1. Beliefs and behavior consistent with supporting the Liberty University doctrinal statement
2. GPA of 3.0 or higher [verified by the Chapter Advisor at least twice per academic year]
3. An officially declared HRM specialization [having current enrollment in or completed at least
six (6) credit hours of HR coursework] for President, Vice President, Director of Human
Resources, Director of Training and Development roles or have completed a degree in Human
Resources or a closely related field, unless otherwise approved by the Chapter Advisor
4. All positions must have minimally completed or be enrolled in BUSI 342 or have completed a
degree in Human Resources or a closely related field, unless otherwise approved by the
Chapter Advisor
5. National SHRM student member (in good standing)
6. Fulfillment of all duties, obligations, and assigned tasks as described in the position
7. Attendance at all meetings, both executive and general, unless expressly excused by the
Chapter Advisor
8. Possess a positive, Christ-like attitude, demonstrated through professional and
personal demeanor/behavior at all times
9. The President must hold senior standing and the Vice President must be at least of
junior standing with the Liberty University, School of Business
If any Council member fails to meet any of the above requirements, the President and
Chapter Advisor shall take the following actions concerning said Council member:
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a. The Council member will meet with the Chapter Advisor and President to review the
offense. A plan of action to rectify the behavior or offense will be developed by the
Chapter Advisor and will be signed by the respective Council member with a deadline
for rectifying the issue.
b. If the offense is deemed to have caused harm to the Chapter's mission, Liberty
University, or any stakeholder of the Chapter, the student may be immediately
dismissed from his or her duties.
Executive Council Duties and Responsibilities: The responsibilities of each member of the
Executive Council shall be as outlined in the position descriptions maintained by the
Chapter Advisor and Director of Human Resources and distributed by the Secretary to the
Executive Council. The position descriptions are subject to change as deemed necessary by
the President, Chapter Advisor, and/or the Executive Council.
1. Chapter Advisor. The guidance that the chapter advisor provides is the primary
element in establishment and continuity of the student group. The Advisor’s
understanding of the human resource field and recognition of benefits of
participation in an established professional community guides his or her actions. A
general interest in and enthusiasm for the students’ efforts and activities and
attendance at planned events are important contributions that the advisor makes
throughout the year. The advisor serves as the primary contact for SHRM
headquarters, receives Chapter materials for distribution to Council members,
advises Council members on the formation and implementation of the Chapter’s
goals, objectives and programs and ensures that the Chapter understands the role of
SHRM as a professional organization.
2. President. Shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter; shall act as chairperson of
the Executive Council. The President shall generate and update the chapter mission
statement and annual goals/objectives under the guidance and direction of the
Chapter Advisor. The President shall appoint chairpersons for standing and
temporary committees, and shall administer the business of this Chapter between
regular meetings, exercising authority consistent with the powers given in these
bylaws (under the guidance and direction of the Chapter Advisor).
3. Vice President. Shall perform the duties of the President in the event of his or her
absence, disability or at the President’s request. If the office of the President
becomes vacant, the Vice President will temporarily act as President of this Chapter.
The Chapter membership will then nominate and vote on a permanent replacement
for the President. Shall also be responsible for coordinating the semester calendar of
events for the Chapter (under the guidance and direction of the Chapter Advisor).
The Vice President oversees the Chair of the Merit Award and Event Management.
4. Director of Finance. The Director has the responsibility for gathering, distributing
and managing the Chapter’s funds (under the guidance and direction of the Chapter
Advisor) in accordance with Liberty University’s Accounting Department process and
procedures. Sound Chapter operations require the establishment of and adherence
to realistic budgets, plans, and fundraising initiatives. All officers should be informed
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of funds budgeted for Chapter activities prior to planning for the academic year. The
Director oversees the Chair of Finance and Fundraising.
5. Director of Marketing. The Director shall maintain the Chapter social media site(s),
create and post fliers, and contact appropriate University personnel to advertise
upcoming Chapter events, submit articles publicizing Chapter events, promote the
Chapter and events through social media, and generate an electronic chapter
newsletter once per semester or twice per academic year. The Director oversees the
Chair of Marketing.
6. Director of Human Resources. The Director shall maintain the Chapter membership
directory and perform monthly audits to ensure that Chapter records remain
current. The Director shall welcome new members and help retain existing
members, recruit from HR classes, provide information for joining SHRM, and assist
and mentor students in ways that enrich their Chapter membership experience.
Shall maintain a graduated student database—to which student information is
transferred from the membership database to the related alumni database—and
record graduating student job placement information and Assurance of Learning
related data twice per academic year.
7. Director of Training and Development. The Director shall contact and coordinate
speakers for Chapter meetings and professional development events in alignment
with the Chapter’s strategic plan and merit award guidelines. The Director shall
identify speakers on various topics of interest to Chapter members, secure approval
from the University for the speaker(s) to present, formally invite the speaker(s) to
present, and coordinate related logistics. The Director shall generate and maintain a
speaker database to keep track of past speakers, topics, attendee lists, and Chapter
members’ evaluation(s) of their presentation(s). The Director along with the
Director of Community Relations oversees the Chair of Professional Development.
When possible the Director and Chair will seek to secure HRCI continuing education
credit/approval or the SHRM equivalency for topics and meetings that qualify.
8. Director of Community Relations. The Director shall pursue and organize
community service projects, volunteer opportunities in alignment with the Chapter’s
mission, assist in coordinating fund-raising events, and shall be responsible for
recruiting and coordinating volunteers for related Chapter activities. The Director
along with the Director of Training and Development oversees the Chair of
Professional Development.
9. Secretary. Shall take minutes of meetings, distribute meeting agenda and previous
meeting minutes, circulate sign-in and sign-up sheets at meetings, make copies
available of relevant announcements and any other materials for distribution at
Chapter meetings. The secretary shall also distribute all announcements, meeting
agenda and minutes for Chapter members through electronic medium(s) approved
by the Chapter Advisor. The Secretary oversees the Chair of the Elections/Bylaw
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7. Chair Position(s). The following Chair positions, will serve supporting, non-voting
roles in leadership matters, to their Director counterparts to include the following
seven positions: Chair of the Merit Award and Event Management, Chair of Finance
and Fundraising, Chair of Marketing, Chair of Membership and Recruitment, Chair of
the Elections/Bylaw Committee, and Chair of the Professional Development. The
specific duties and responsibilities of each of these Chair positions will be
maintained in the respective Position Description.
Executive Council Elections: Appointments to Executive Council positions will be made by
the Chapter Advisor, followed by the election process outlined below, vetted by the acting
Executive Council at the time of the election, and voted on by the general membership at
the final membership meeting of the academic year. Robert's rules of order shall govern all
parliamentary procedures unless otherwise specified.
1. Application of Interest: Candidates for Executive Council positions will formally
apply to the position that they are interested in serving in for the current and/or
upcoming academic year.
2. Interview Process: Through an interview process, conducted by the Chapter Advisor
and President (unless there is an identified conflict of interest), candidates will be
pre-screened before they are presented to the full Executive Council for vetting,
nomination, and vote.
3. Executive Council Vote/Approval: The Executive Council will vet all candidates listed
on the succession plan for the upcoming academic year before making an official
motion for nomination of the candidates. A vote will be held to document that the
Executive Council approves of the candidates presented to be their successors.
4. General Membership Vote/Approval: Candidates will then be presented to general
membership at the final membership meeting of the academic year, open to all
active members, for vote. All active members are deemed as anyone in attendance
at the meeting previously mentioned whose membership is in good standing
(current year). Attendee membership will be validated utilizing the current Chapter
membership roster obtained from the SHRM Student National Office at the time of
the election.
5. Verification/Installation: Upon completion of the elections and appointments of the
new Executive Council, the Chapter Advisor will verify the requirement checklist is
completed. Once verified, the Executive Council will be sworn in at the next official
meeting of the Executive Council. New Executive Council members will officially
assume their roles on the proceeding June 1st date.
6. Resignation. Any Executive Council member may resign at any time by giving
written notice to the Chapter Advisor, President, and the Secretary of the Chapter or
to the Executive Council. Such resignation shall take effect at the time specified or,
if no time is specified, at the time of its acceptance as determined by the Chapter
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7. Temporary Replacements: If needed, the President, with guidance and approval by
the Chapter Advisor, shall fill a sudden vacancy on the Executive Council by
appointing a temporary replacement. The matter shall then be brought to the
attention of the general chapter membership. The membership will then vote to
approve the temporary replacement (who meets outlined standards).
8. Chapter Advisor Selection: lf the Chapter Advisor position becomes vacant, the
Liberty University, School of Business, will appoint a replacement who meets the
required qualifications provided by SHRM at the time of the replacement. The
chosen Advisor must be a member in good standing of SHRM.
The Director of Finance will preside over a budget committee task force co-chaired by the Chair of
Finance and Fundraising and comprised of general members (if interested). The budget committee will
review financial issues and requests, as well as create the Chapter budget in coordination with the
Fundraising Plan for the respective academic year. The budget will be presented to the general members
for additional input and the Executive Council will have final approval.
If necessary, chapter dues will be required of all chapter members. This is in addition to the dues paid to
SHRM for student membership. The chapter member dues amount will be proposed and voted on by the
Executive Council, provided that the Chapter Advisor shall have reviewed and approved such dues
Any proposed project or program shall be brought before the Executive Council, reviewed, and if
approved, set up and directed by a committee formed for that specific purpose (which can include
members from the general membership on a voluntary basis). Committees shall coordinate their efforts
with those of an appropriate Executive Council member, who will serve in a leadership capacity (under
the advisement and direction of the Chapter Advisor).
Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all parliamentary procedure unless otherwise specified.
The Chapter adopts SHRM’s Code of Ethical and Professional Standards in Human Resource Management
for members of the Chapter in order to promote and maintain the highest standards among our
members. Each member shall honor, respect and support the purposes of this Chapter and of SHRM.
The Chapter shall not be represented as advocating or endorsing any issue unless approved by the
Executive Council. No member shall actively solicit business from any other member at Chapter meetings
without the approval from the Executive Council.
The bylaws of this Chapter may be amended, at any time, by a majority vote of all voting members
present at the related Chapter meeting, provided that no such amendment shall be effective unless and
until approved by the SHRM President/CEO or his/her designee as being in furtherance of the purposes
of SHRM and not in conflict with SHRM bylaws. Any motion to amend the bylaws shall clearly state that it
is not effective unless and until approved by the SHRM President/CEO or his/her designee. The officers
of the Executive Committee shall be responsible for notifying all members of an upcoming amendment
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proposal and vote. The membership shall be notified at least two weeks prior to any amendment-voting
meeting. The Student Chapter Advisor will be required to attend and supervise these meetings.
In the event of the chapter's dissolution, the remaining monies in the treasury, after chapter expenses
have been paid, will be contributed to an organization decided upon by the Executive Council or Student
Chapter Advisor at the time of dissolution (e.g. any organization or charity with purposes consistent with
those of the chapter).
Affiliated chapter status may be withdrawn by the President/CEO of SHRM or his/her designee as a
representative of the SHRM Board of Directors upon finding that the activities of the Chapter are
inconsistent with or contrary to the best interests of SHRM. Prior to withdrawal of such status, the
Chapter shall have an opportunity to review a written statement of the reasons for such proposed
withdrawal and an opportunity to provide SHRM with a written response to such a proposal within a
thirty (30)-day period. In addition, when the Chapter fails to maintain the required affiliation standards
as set forth by SHRM, it is subject to immediate disaffiliation by SHRM.
In addition, the Chapter Advisor may make request to the President/CEO of SHRM or his/her designee as
a representative of Liberty University, School of Business upon finding that the activities of the Chapter
are inconsistent with or contrary to the best interests of SHRM, Liberty University, or Liberty University
School of Business.
Disaffiliation indicates that this organization's status as a SHRM student chapter has been discontinued
completely. All privileges provided to an affiliated student chapter are forfeited. Disaffiliation is
permanent, except that an organization may be permitted to re-apply for a new student chapter after a
period of time no less than one year from the date of the disaffiliation.
NOTE: These bylaws are not effective until approved and signed by SHRM CEO or designee.
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