SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERISATION OF MULTI-WALLED CARBON NANOTUBES ON SUPPORTED CATALYSTS VIA CATALYTIC CHEMICAL VAPOUR DEPOSITION TEE JIA CHEE UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA iii Beloved mum and dad, just for you. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In this column of acknowledgements, I would particularly like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to both of my supervisors, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nor Aziah Buang and Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Ismail for providing me noble guidance and valuable advices throughout the period of this master programme. Besides that, I am also grateful to Mr. Azmi, Mr. Jaafar, Madam Noor Khaidawati (Faculty of Science) and Madam Suhaila Mohd. Sanip, Mr. Sohaimi, Mr. Ng Be Cheer (Membrane Research Unit, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Natural Resources Engineering) as well as Mr. Jefri, Mr. Ayub and Mr. Zainal Abidin (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering). They had put considerable time and effort in assisting me doing my laboratory works. Without them, I might not be able to complete all the tests so successfully. Appreciation is also acknowledged to my friends Norhuda, Zatur and Yusran for their moral support and concerns and to everyone who has contributing to the success of this study, either directly or indirectly. Last but foremost, I wish to show my gratitude to my parents and my brother for their care and support. Without my parents’ love and encouragement throughout my life I will not able to be as present. Finally, I wish to thank my dear Jerry, for all the love and happiness he brought to me. I cannot remember how many times he came to be with me and sit by my side while I was doing my works. I thank God for bringing him into my life. v ABSTRACT The main hindrance to employ carbon nanotubes (CNTs) commercially is the inability to control the growth of the nanotubes and to grow bulk amounts of carbon nanotubes. However, recently the Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) has been modified by applying various supported metals catalysts in the production of CNTs. Therefore, in this research we focus on the effects of supported catalysts in the synthesis of CNTs via Catalytic Chemical Vapour Deposition (CCVD) method. The CCVD method was used to synthesize high quality CNTs in high yield and economical cost with controlling of the CNTs characteristics and morphologies. A practical and high performance CCVD system has been designed and built. The fixed bed flow reactor in the CCVD system is specifically fabricated to carry out the pyrolysis of hydrocarbon to produce CNTs. The supported catalysts of cobalt (Co), iron (Fe) and mixture of these metals (Co/Fe) were prepared by using the alumina (Al2O3), molecular sieves (MS) and anodic aluminium oxide (AAO) template as supports. All supported catalysts were prepared by impregnation method. The asprepared supported catalysts were subjected to calcination at 450 °C. The catalysts were characterised using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) technique. Acetylene (C2H2) was selected as the carbon precursor and the reaction was performed at 700 °C for 30 minutes. The yields of the reaction collected as black depositions on the catalysts. The characterisations of the yield were carried out using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) as well as Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis (EDAX) techniques. Catalysts prepared were active in the production of CNTs. The most active catalysts were identified as Al-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal, AAO-Co/Fe(1.0)Cal and MS-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal as they generated high carbon contents of 72.00, 64.03 and 48.50 wt.% respectively. The as-grown CNTs over various catalysts showed high degree of graphitisation, purity and density with configurations of bundles, arrays and coils. The CNTs yields were classified as multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs). The best MWNT consists of 11 layers of turbostratic graphene wall with inner diameter of 3.57 nm and outer diameter of 11.43 nm as well as distance between layers of 0.33 nm. The CNTs grown over Al2O3 supported catalysts followed the tip growth mechanism whereas the CNTs grown over MS supported catalysts followed the base growth mechanism. vi ABSTRAK Halangan utama dalam menggunakan nanotiub karbon (CNTs) secara komersial adalah ketidakupayaan untuk mengawal pertumbuhan nanotiub karbon dan tidak dapat menghasilkan nanotiub karbon dalam jumlah yang banyak. Walau bagaimanapun, kebelakangan ini kaedah Pemendapan Wap Kimia (CVD) telah diubahsuai dengan menggunakan pelbagai jenis mangkin logam berpenyokong dalam penghasilan CNTs. Oleh itu, kajian ini menfokuskan kepada kesan mangkin berpenyokong ke atas sintesis CNTs melalui teknik Pemendapan Wap Kimia Bermangkin (CCVD). Teknik CCVD ini digunakan untuk mensintesis CNTs berkualiti tinggi dengan hasil yang tinggi, kos yang ekonomik dan dapat mangawal ciri-ciri dan morfologi CNTs terhasil. Sistem CCVD yang praktikal dan berkeupayaan tinggi telah direka bentuk dan dibina. Reaktor pengaliran dasar tetap dalam CCVD sistem ini dibina khas untuk proses pirolisis hidrokarbon untuk menghasilkan CNTs. Mangkin berpenyokong jenis kobalt (Co), ferum (Fe) and campuran kedua-dua logam ini (Co/Fe) telah disediakan dengan menggunakan alumina (Al2O3), penapis molekul (MS) dan templat anodik aluminium oksida (AAO) sebagai penyokong. Kesemua mangkin berpenyokong telah disediakan dengan kaedah pengisitepuan. Mangkin berpenyokong tersedia telah dikalsinkan pada suhu 450 °C. Semua mangkin berpenyokong telah dicirikan dengan teknik Pembelauan Sinar-X (XRD). Asetilena (C2H2) telah dipilih sebagai bahan asas karbon. Tindak balas telah dijalankan pada suhu 700 °C selama 30 minit dan hasil daripada tindak balas dikumpul sebagai serbuk hitam yang termendap atas mangkin. Pencirian hasil ini telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik Mikroskopi Imbasan Elektron (SEM), Mikroskopi Imbasan Elektron Pemancaran Medan (FE-SEM) dan Mikroskopi Transmisi Elektron (TEM) serta Analisis Penyerakan Tenaga Sinar-X (EDAX). Mangkin berpenyokong yang disediakan adalah aktif dalam penghasilan CNTs. Mangkin yang teraktif dikenalpasti sebagai Al-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal, AAO-Co/Fe(1.0)Cal dan MS-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal kerana ia menghasilkan kandungan karbon yang tinggi, iaitu masing-masing 72.00, 64.03 and 48.50 % berat. CNTs tersedia atas pelbagai jenis mangkin menunjukan darjah grafitasi, ketulinan dan kepadatan yang tinggi dengan konfigurasi jenis gumpalan, teratur and lingkaran. Hasil CNTs itu telah diklasifikasikan sebagai nanotiub karbon dinding berganda (MWNTs). MWNTs yang terbaik terdiri daripada 11 lapis dinding grafin turbostratik dengan diameter dalaman 3.57 nm dan diameter luaran 11.43 nm serta jarak antara lapisan 0.33 nm. Pertumbuhan CNTs bagi mangkin berpenyokong Al2O3 adalah melalui mekanisma pertumbuhan hujung, manakala mangkin berpenyokong MS melalui mekanisma pertumbuhan pangkal. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE PAGE TITLE PAGE i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xiii LIST OF FIGURES xv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xxi LIST OF APPENDICES xxii INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.2 Problem Statement 2 1.3 Research Objectives 3 1.4 Scopes of Study 4 CARBON AND CARBON NANOTUBES 5 Carbon and Carbon Structures 5 1 2 2.1 2.1.1 Carbon and Bonding between Carbon Atoms 2.1.2 Graphite 5 7 viii 2.2 3 2.1.3 Diamond 8 2.1.4 Fullerenes 10 2.1.5 Carbon Fibers 12 Carbon Nanotubes 13 2.2.1 Structure of Carbon Nanotubes 13 2.2.2 Properties of Carbon Nanotubes 16 2.2.3 Common Synthesis Methods 18 2.2.4 Growth Mechanism of Carbon Nanotubes 22 2.2.5 Applications of Carbon Nanotubes 23 CATALYTIC CHEMICAL VAPOUR DEPOSITION (CCVD) 3.1 26 An Overview of Catalytic Chemical Vapour Deposition (CCVD) Method 26 3.2 Metal Oxides Supported Catalysts 27 3.3 Anodic Aluminium Oxide (AAO) Template Supported Catalysts 37 3.4 Types of Carbon Precursor 40 3.5 Reaction Temperature 40 3.6 Modified Catalytic Chemical Vapour Deposition 4 4.1 (CCVD) 42 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 44 Preparation of Supported Catalysts 44 4.1.1 Preparation of Alumina and Molecular Supported Catalysts 44 4.1.2 Preparation of Anodic Aluminium Oxide (AAO) Template Supported Catalysts 4.2 Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes 45 47 4.2.1 Design and Fabrication of Custom Built Catalytic Chemical Vapour Deposition (CCVD) System 47 ix 4.3 4.2.2 Production of Carbon Nanotubes 49 Characterisation Techniques 50 4.3.1 X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) 50 Particle Size Measurement 4.3.2 Electron Microscopy 51 53 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) 53 Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM) 55 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) 55 4.3.3 Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis (EDAX) 57 5 PRODUCTION OF CARBON NANOTUBES (CNTs) OVER ALUMINA AND ANODIC ALUMINIUM OXIDE (AAO) SUPPORTED 5.1 CATALYSTS 60 Alumina Supported Catalysts 60 5.1.1 Physical Appearance of Alumina Supported Catalysts 5.1.2 X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Analysis 61 62 XRD Analysis of Alumina Supported Cobalt Catalysts 62 XRD Analysis of Alumina Supported Ferrum Catalysts 67 XRD Analysis of Alumina Supported Cobalt/Ferrum Catalysts 71 Particle Size of Alumina Supported Catalysts Conclusion of XRD Analysis 73 75 5.1.3 As-Grown Carbon Deposition Yield and Physical Appearance 75 x 5.1.4 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Analysis 78 SEM Analysis of Alumina Supported Cobalt Catalysts and the CNTs Yield 78 SEM Analysis of Alumina Supported Ferrum Catalysts and the CNTs Yield 81 SEM Analysis of Alumina Supported Cobalt/Ferrum Catalysts and the CNTs Yield Conclusion of SEM Analysis 84 88 5.1.5 Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM) Analysis 89 5.1.6 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Analysis 81 5.1.7 Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis (EDX) 95 5.2 Anodic Aluminium Oxide (AAO) Supported Catalysts 98 5.2.1 Physical Appearance of AAO Supported Catalysts 5.2.2 X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Analysis 98 99 5.2.3 As-Grown Carbon Deposition Yield and Physical Appearance 99 5.2.4 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Analysis 101 SEM Analysis of AAO Supported Cobalt Catalysts and the CNTs Yield 101 SEM Analysis of AAO Supported Ferrum Catalysts and the CNTs Yield 105 xi SEM Analysis of AAO Supported Cobalt/Ferrum Catalysts and the CNTs Yield Conclusion of SEM Analysis 106 109 5.2.5 Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis (EDX) 110 6 PRODUCTION OF CARBON NANOTUBES (CNTs) OVER MOLECULAR SIEVES SUPPORTED CATALYSTS 113 6.1 Molecular Sieves Supported Catalysts 113 6.2 Physical Appearance of Molecular Sieves 6.3 Supported Catalysts 114 X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Analysis 115 6.3.1 XRD Analysis of Molecular Sieves Supported Cobalt Catalysts 115 6.3.2 XRD Analysis of Molecular Sieves Supported Ferrum Catalysts 120 6.3.3 XRD Analysis of Molecular Sieves Supported Cobalt/Ferrum Catalysts 125 6.3.4 Particle Size of Alumina Supported Catalysts 6.3.5 Conclusion of XRD Analysis 6.4 6.5 126 128 As-Grown Carbon Deposition Yield and Physical Appearance 129 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Analysis 131 6.5.1 SEM Analysis of Molecular Sieves Supported Cobalt Catalysts and the CNTs Yield 131 6.5.2 SEM Analysis of Molecular Sieves Supported Ferrum Catalysts and the CNTs Yield 134 xii 6.5.3 SEM Analysis of Molecular Sieves Supported Cobalt/Ferrum Catalysts and the CNTs Yield 6.5.4 Conclusion of SEM Analysis 6.6 140 Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM) Analysis 6.7 137 141 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Analysis 142 Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis (EDAX) 146 CONCLUSION 148 7.1 Overall Conclusion 148 7.2 Future Works 152 REFERENCES 153 APPENDICES 165 6.8 7 xiii LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Shape of cross section for three types of carbon nanotubes. 15 2.2 A summery of the major production methods and their efficiency. 4.1 21 Denotation for the alumina, molecular sieves (MS) and Anodic Aluminium Oxide (AAO) template supported metal catalysts. 5.1 46 Phases, peak position (2θ) and d values (Å) in the X-ray diffractogram patterns of the Al2O3 support, Al-Co(2.5) and Al-Co(2.5)Cal catalysts. 5.2 64 Phase, peak position (2θ) and d values (Å) in the X-ray diffractogram patterns of Al-Co(40.0)Cal catalyst calcined at 450 °C / 17 h and 750 °C / 17 h. 5.3 66 Phases, peak position (2θ) and d values (Å) in the X-ray diffractogram patterns of the Al2O3 support, Al-Fe(2.5) and Al-Fe(2.5)Cal catalysts. 5.4 69 Phase, peak position (2θ) and d values (Å) in the X-ray diffractogram patterns of Al-Fe(30.0)Cal catalyst calcined at 450 °C / 17 h and 750 °C / 17 h. 5.5 70 Phases, peak position (2θ) and d values (Å) in the X-ray diffractogram patterns of the Al2O3 support, Al-Co/Fe and Al-Co/Fe(2.5)Cal catalysts. 5.6 73 The particle size (d) of Co3O4 face-centred cubic and Fe2O3 rhombohedral particles in Al2O3 supported Co/Fe catalysts. 74 xiv 5.7 The Al2O3 supported catalysts and the yield (%), the physical appearance and density of the as-synthesized carbon deposit in CCVD of C2H2. 5.8 77 EDX analysis data of surface compositions of various Al2O3 supported catalysts before and after decomposition of C2H2. 5.9 96 The AAO template supported catalysts and the yield (%), the physical appearance and density of the as-synthesized carbon deposit in CCVD of C2H2. 5.10 98 EDX analysis data of surface compositions of various AAO supported catalysts before and after decomposition of C2H2. 6.1 111 Phases, peak position (2θ) and d values (Å) in the X-ray diffractogram patterns of the MS support, MS-Co(2.5) and MS-Co(2.5)Cal catalysts. 6.2 118 Phase, peak position (2θ) and d values (Å) in the X-ray diffractogram patterns of MS-Co(40.0)Cal catalyst calcined at 450 °C / 17 h and 750 °C / 17 h. 6.3 120 Phases, peak position (2θ) and d values (Å) in the X-ray diffractogram patterns of the MS support, MS-Fe(2.5) and MS-Fe(2.5)Cal catalysts. 6.4 122 Phase, peak position (2θ) and d values (Å) in the X-ray diffractogram patterns of MS-Fe(30.0)Cal catalyst calcined at 750 and 1000 °C for 5 hours. 6.5 124 Phases, peak position (2θ) and d values (Å) in the X-ray diffractograms of the MS support, MS-Co/Fe(2.5) and MS-Co/Fe(2.5)Cal catalysts. 6.6 127 The particle size (d) of Co.333Na.333(AlSiO4)(H2O)2.92 cubic and Fe2.7Na2.0(Si12Al12O48)(H2O)14.8 cubic phase in MS supported bimetallic catalysts. 6.7 128 The MS supported catalysts and the carbon deposition yield (%), the physical appearance and density of the as-synthesized carbon deposit. 130 xv 6.8 EDAX analysis data of surface compositions of various MS supported catalysts before and after decomposition of C2H2. 7.1 147 Comparison of purity, density and configurations of as-grown CNTs and CNFs over various supported catalysts. 150 xvi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. 2.1 TITLE PAGE The graphite hexagonal single crystal structure (Dresselhaus et al., 1995). The planes of carbon (graphene layers) are stacked in an ABAB sequence. The A and B carbon sites are denoted by open circles and the A’ and B’ sites by black circles. The in-plane lattice constant is denoted by a0 and the vectors of the unit cell in the directions a1, a2 and c are indicated. 2.2 Diamond crystal structure consisting of the FCC lattice positions and the tetrahedral atom positions. 2.3 9 The C60 molecule showing single bond (a5) and double bond (a6). 2.4 7 10 Carbon fiber morphologies for (a) as-deposited at 1100 °C and (b) after heat treatment at 3000 °C (Dresselhaus et al., 1995). 2.5 Classification of carbon nanotubes: (a) armchair, (b) zig-zag, and (c) chiral nanotubes (Saito et al., 1998). 2.6 14 The unfolded nanotube on a 2-dimensional graphene lattice (Kong, 2002). 2.7 12 16 Schematic experimental set-ups for carbon nanotubes growth methods; (a) arc-discharge, (b) laser ablation and (c) chemical vapour deposition (CVD) (Dresselhaus and Avouris, 2001). 2.8 20 Visualization of a possible carbon nanotube growth mechanism (Daenen et al., 2003). 22 xvii 3.1 The schematic diagram of an anodic aluminium oxide (AAO) template. 4.1 38 Schematic diagram of the Catalytic Chemical Vapour Deposition (CCVD) system (fixed bed flow reactor). 48 4.2 Photograph of the fixed bed flow reactor. 48 4.3 Photograph of the gas mixing component in the CCVD system. 49 4.4 The diffraction of X-rays by crystal lattices. 51 4.5 The components of a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) (Reimer, 1984). 4.6 54 Schematic ray path for a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). 56 4.7 The interaction of an electron beam with an atom. 58 5.1 XRD patterns of Al2O3 support, Al–Co(2.5), Al–Co(2.5)Cal, Al–Co(3.0) and Al–Co(3.0)Cal catalysts. : Al2O3 tetragonal and 5.2 : Co3O4 face-centred cubic. XRD patterns of Al-Co(40.0)Cal catalyst calcined at 450 °C / 17 h and 750 °C / 17 h. : Co3O4 face-centred cubic. 5.3 63 66 X-ray diffractogram patterns of various Al-Fe catalysts together with Al2O3 support. : Al2O3 tetragonal and S: Fe2O3 rhombohedral. 5.4 68 XRD patterns of Al-Fe(30.0)Cal catalyst calcined at 450 °C / 17 h and 750 °C / 17 h. S: Fe2O3 rhombohedral. 5.5 70 XRD diffractogram patterns of Al-Co/Fe catalysts and Al2O3 support. : Al2O3 tetragonal, : Co3O4 face-centred cubic and S: Fe2O3 rhombohedral. 72 5.6 SEM micrograph of dried Al2O3 support (500×). 78 5.7 SEM micrographs of Al2O3 supported Co catalysts: (a) Al-Co(3.0) (1000×) and (b) Al-Co(3.0)Cal (1000×). 79 xviii 5.8 SEM micrographs of as-grown CNTs over various Al2O3 supported Co catalysts, (a) Al-Co(2.5) (10000×), (b) Al-Co(2.5)Cal (10000×), (c) and (d) Al-Co(3.0) (5000× and 10000×) and (e) Al-Co(3.0)Cal (10000×). 5.9 80 SEM micrographs of Al2O3 supported Fe catalysts: (a) Al-Fe(2.5)Cal catalyst (1000×) and (b) Al-Fe(3.0) catalyst (1000×). 5.10 82 SEM micrographs of as-grown CNTs over different Al2O3-Fe catalyst, (a) Al-Fe(2.5) (10000×), (b) Al-Fe(2.5)Cal (10000×), (c) Al-Fe(3.0) (10000×), (d) and (e) Al-Fe(3.0)Cal (5000× and 10000×). 5.11 83 SEM micrographs of various Al2O3-Co/Fe catalysts: (a) Al-Co/Fe(2.5) (1000×), Al-Co/Fe(2.5)Cal (1000×) and (c) Al-Co/Fe(3.0) (1000×). 5.12 85 SEM micrographs of CNTs grown over various of Al-Co/Fe catalysts: (a) Al-Co/Fe(2.5) (10000×), (b) Al-Co/Fe(2.5)Cal (10000×), (c) and (d) Al-Co/Fe(3.0) (10000×), (e) to (h) Al-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal (2500×, 5000× and 10000×). 5.13 87 FE-SEM micrographs of as-grown CNTs over Al-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst, (a) 60000× magnification and (b) 250000× magnification. 5.14 90 TEM micrographs of as-grown MWNTs produced by Al-Co(3.0) catalyst, (a) scale bar: 100 nm and (b) scale bar: 20 nm. 5.15 TEM micrographs of MWNTs formed by Al-Fe(3.0) catalyst, (a) scale bar: 100 nm and (b) scale bar: 10 nm. 5.16 91 92 TEM micrographs of as-synthesized MWNTs over Al-Co/Fe catalysts: (a) and (b) Al-Co/Fe(2.5)Cal (scale bar: 50 nm and 10 nm) as well as (c) and (d) Al-Co/Fe(3.0) (scale bar: 100 nm and 10 nm). 5.17 94 TEM micrographs of MWNTs grown over Al-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst: (a) scale bar: 100 nm, (b) scale bar: 5 nm and (c) scale bar: 10 nm. 95 xix 5.18 X-ray diffractogram patterns of AAO template and AAO-Co(0.5) catalyst. 5.19 SEM micrograph of anodic aluminium oxide (AAO) template (20000 ×). 5.20 99 101 SEM micrographs of AAO template supported Co catalysts: (a) AAO-Co(0.5)Cal (20000 ×) and (b) AAO-Co(1.0)Cal (20000 ×). 5.21 102 SEM micrographs of carbon deposit over various Co catalysts: (a) and (b) AAO-Co(0.5) (10000× and 2000×), (c) and (d) AAO-Co(0.5)Cal (10000×), (e) and (f) AAO-Co(1.0) (20000× and 10000×), (g) and (h) AAO-Co(1.0)Cal (10000×). 5.22 SEM micrographs of different AAO-Fe catalysts: (a) AAO-Fe(0.5)Cal catalyst (20000×) and (b) 5.23 103 105 SEM micrographs of as-grown CNTs over various AAO-Fe catalysts: (a) AAO-Fe(0.5) (10000×), (b) AAO-Fe(0.5)Cal (10000×), (c) AAO-Fe(1.0) (10000×), (d) and (e) AAO-Fe(1.0)Cal (10000×). 5.24 106 Micrographs from SEM analysis of AAO supported bimetallic catalysts: (a) AAO-Co/Fe(0.5) (10000×) and (b) AAO-Co/Fe(1.0) (5000×). 5.25 107 SEM micrographs of CNTs grown over: (a) AAO-Co/Fe(0.5) (10000×), (b) and (c) AAO-Co/Fe(0.5)Cal (10000× and 5000×), (d) and (e) AAO-Co/Fe(1.0) (10000× and 5000×), (f) and (g) AAO-Co/Fe(1.0)Cal (5000× and 10000×). 6.1 108 XRD diffractogram patterns of MS support, MS-Co(2.5), MS-Co(2.5)Cal, MS-Co(3.0) and MS-Co(3.0)Cal catalysts. ¡: NaSiAlO4 face-centred cubic and T: Co.333Na.333(AlSiO4)(H2O)2.92 cubic phase. 117 xx 6.2 XRD patterns of MS-Co(40.0)Cal catalyst calcined at 450 °C / 17 h and 750 °C / 17 h.T: Co3O4 face-centred cubic. 6.3 119 XRD patterns of various MS-Fe catalysts together with MS support. ¡: NaSiAlO4 face-centred cubic and Ø : Fe2.7Na2.0(Si12Al12O48)(H2O)14.8 cubic phase. 6.4 121 XRD patterns of MS-Fe(30.0)Cal catalyst calcined at 750 °C and 1000 °C for 5 hours. Ø: Fe2O3 rhombohedral. 124 6.5 X-ray diffractogram patterns of MS support and series of MS-Co/Fe catalysts. ¡ : NaSiAlO4 face-centred cubic, T : Co.333Na.333(AlSiO4)(H2O)2.92 cubic and Ø : Fe2.7Na2.0(Si12Al12O48)(H2O)14.8 cubic phase. 6.6 SEM micrograph of dried molecular sieves (MS) support (1000×). 6.7 131 SEM micrographs of MS supported Co catalysts: (a) MS-Co(2.5)Cal (1000×) and (b) MS-Co(3.0) (1000×). 6.8 126 132 SEM micrographs of as-grown CNTs over various MS supported Co catalysts: (a) and (b) MS-Co(2.5) (5000× and 10000×), (c) MS-Co(2.5)Cal (5000×), (d) MS-Co(3.0) (10000×), (e) and (f) MS-Co(3.0)Cal (10000×). 6.9 SEM micrographs of MS supported Fe catalysts: (a) MS-Fe(3.0) (1000×) and (b) MS-Fe(3.0)Cal (1000×). 6.10 133 135 SEM micrographs of as-grown CNTs over series of MS-Fe catalysts: (a) and (b) MS-Fe(2.5) (10000×), (c) and (d) MS-Fe(2.5)Cal (10000×), (e) and (f) MS-Fe(3.0) (10000×), (g) and (h) MS-Fe(3.0)Cal (10000×). 6.11 SEM micrographs of MS supported Fe catalysts: (a) MS-Fe(3.0) (1000×) and (b) MS-Fe(3.0)Cal (1000×). 6.12 136 137 SEM micrographs of CNTs grown over the bimetallic catalysts: (a) and (b) MS-Co/Fe(2.5) (10000×), (c) and (d) MS-Co/Fe(2.5)Cal (5000× and 2000×), (e) and (f) MS-Co/Fe(3.0) (10000× and 300×), (g) and (h) MS-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal (5000×). 139 xxi 6.13 FE-SEM micrographs of as-grown CNTs over MS-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst, (a) 60000× magnification and (b) 250000× magnification. 6.14 TEM micrographs of the as-grown MWNTs over MS-Co(3.0)Cal catalyst, (a) and (b) scale bar: 10 nm. 6.15 141 142 TEM micrographs of as-grown MWNTs from: (a) and (b) MS-Fe(2.5)Cal catalyst, (c) and (d) MS-Fe(3.0) catalyst (for all images scale bar: 10nm). 6.16 143 TEM micrographs of as-grown MWNTs from MS-Co/Fe(2.5) catalyst, (a) scale bar: 100 nm, (b) scale bar: 10 nm and (c) scale bar: 10 nm. 6.17 144 TEM micrographs of as-synthesized MWNT over MS-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst, both of the micrographs have scale bar of 5 nm. 145 xxii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AAO - Anodic Aluminium Oxide template Al2O3 - Alumina support C - Carbon Cal - Calcination CVD - Chemical Vapour Deposition CCVD - Catalytic Chemical Vapour Deposition C2H2 - Acetylene CNFs - Carbon Nanofibers CNTs - Carbon Nanotubes Co - Cobalt Cu - Copper EDX - Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis FE-SEM - Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscopy Fe - Iron MgO - Magnesium Oxide Mo - Molibdenum MS - Molecular Sieves support MWNTs - Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Ni - Nickel sccm - Standard cubic centimetres per minute SEM - Scanning Electron Microscopy SiO2 - Silica SMSI - Strong Metal-Support Interaction SWNTs - Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes TEM - Transmission Electron Microscopy V - Vanadium XRD - X-Ray Diffraction xxiii LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A TITLE Mathematical Expressions for Stoichiometric Amount of Metal Salt Used in Wet Impregnation B E 168 Mathematical Expressions for Crystallite Size of Co3O4 Cubic Crystal Using Scherrer Equation D 165 Mathematical Expressions for Stoichiometric Amount of Metal Salt Used in Dip Coating C PAGE 171 Mathematical Expressions for Particle Size, Length and Diameter from the SEM Micrograph 173 Publications 174 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research Background The past decade has witnessed tremendous effort and progress in the field of carbon nanotubes. Ever since the discovery of carbon nanotubes by Iijima (1991), it has captured the attention of researchers worldwide. Understanding their unique properties and exploring their potential applications have been a main driving force for this area. Throughout history, the allotropes of carbon have played a number of important roles in technology. In ancient times, diamond was celebrated for its hardness and beauty, and carbon black was used as a colorant. The industrial age brought greater interest in graphite and related carbon materials as a source of carbon vapour in arc-lamps and as clean-burning fuels. Graphite-like carbon materials are now widely used for their unique mechanical, electrical and thermal properties. Very small diameter (less than 10nm) carbon filaments were prepared in the 1970’s and 1980’s by the decomposition of hydrocarbons at high temperatures (Dresselhaus and Avouris, 2001). Direct stimulus to study carbon filaments of very small diameters more systematically came from the discovery of fullerenes by Kroto and Smalley. 2 In December 1990 at a carbon-carbon composites workshop, papers were given on the status of fullerene research by Smalley, the discovery of a new synthesis method for the efficient production of fullerenes and a review of carbon fibers research by M.S. Dresselhaus. Discussions at the workshop stimulated Smalley to speculate about the existence of carbon nanotubes of dimensions comparable to C60. These conjectures were later followed up in August by an oral presentation at a fullerene workshop by Dresselhaus on the symmetry proposed for carbon nanotubes capped at either end by fullerene hemispheres (Saito et al., 1998). However, the real breakthrough on carbon nanotube research came with the experimental observation of carbon nanotubes in 1991 by Iijima of the NEC Laboratory in Tsukuba, Japan using High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM) (Iijima, 1991). It was this work which bridged the gap between experimental observation and the theoretical framework of carbon nanotubes in relation to fullerenes and as theoretical examples of 1D system. Since the pioneering work by Iijima, the study of carbon nanotubes has progressed rapidly. 1.2 Problem Statement The main hindrance to employing carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in real world is the inability to control the growth of the nanotubes and to grow bulk amounts of carbon nanotubes. There are three main techniques to grow carbon nanotubes: arcdischarge, laser ablation and chemical vapour deposition (CVD). The first two methods are high temperature processes that produce high quality CNTs, but they cannot grow mass quantities of nanotubes within a reasonable amount of time. The CVD technique is able to grow bulk amounts of nanotubes and arrays of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs). However, these nanotubes contain a vast amount of defects along the length of the tubes due to the relatively low synthesis temperature of 600 – 1200 °C. 3 Nevertheless, some progress has been recently obtained, the chemical vapour deposition (CVD) has been modified by applying various supported metals catalysts in the production of CNTs. The catalytic chemical vapour deposition (CVD) method supplies CNTs in high yield and low costs, but also at controlling the CNTs characteristics and morphologies. Being a catalytic process, the combinations of transition metals and support can be changed depending on the characteristics required, such as the alignment and diameter of the nanotubes. The CCVD synthesis of CNTs can be carried out at low temperature and ambient pressure. 1.3 Research Objectives This research is intended to synthesize carbon nanotubes (CNTs) of high yield and purity at economical cost. Therefore, this research is conducted to achieve the following primary objectives: 1. To produce carbon nanotubes (CNTs) using Catalytic Chemical Vapour Deposition (CCVD) method. 2. To study the effects of supported catalysts in the synthesis of carbon nanotubes (CNTs). 3. To characterise the supported catalysts and carbon nanotube yields chemically and physically. 4. To identify the best catalyst-support combination to catalyze the carbon nanotubes growth. 4 1.4 Scopes of Study In order to achieve the objectives, this research is focusing on the following scopes: (i) Designing and fabricating an effective Catalytic Chemical Vapour Deposition (CCVD) system contains a fixed bed flow reactor which facilitates the production of CNTs. (ii) Preparing supported catalysts by using alumina (Al2O3) beads, molecular sieves (MS) beads and anodic aluminium oxide (AAO) template as catalyst supports and cobalt (Co) or ferrum (Fe) as metal catalysts with impregnation or dip coat techniques. Applying calcination treatment to enhance the activity of the catalysts. (iii) Producing CNTs through catalyze pyrolysis of acetylene (C2H2) at optimum temperature, reaction time and gas flow rate. (iv) Characterising the supported catalysts and CNT yields using X-ray Diffraction (XRD) technique to reveal the active catalyst sites and effects of calcination. (v) Investigating the morphologies and topologies of the supported catalysts and the CNT yields through Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), FieldEmission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) techniques. (vi) Determining the surface composition of a sample (metal catalyst and carbon content) using Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis (EDAX) technique. (vii) Comparing the performance of supported catalysts in the production of CNTs to figure out the best combination of support, catalyst, loading and treatment for the supported catalysts. CHAPTER 2 CARBON AND CARBON NANOTUBES 2.1 Carbon and Carbon Structures 2.1.1 Carbon and Bonding between Carbon Atoms Carbon-based materials, clusters and molecules are unique in many ways. Carbon is a Group 4A element on the periodic table with 6 protons, 6 neutrons, 2 core electrons and 4 valence electrons. The electron configuration of the carbon atom is: 1s22s22p2 The 1s2 orbital contains two strongly bonded core electrons. Four more weakly bonded electrons occupy the 2s22p2 valence orbitals. In the crystalline phase, the valence electrons give rise to 2s, 2px, 2py and 2pz orbitals which are important in forming covalent bonds in carbon materials. Further, carbon has an atomic mass unit (amu) of 12.01 and an atomic radius of 0.77 Å. The unique properties of carbon are consistent with the ability of the carbon atom to hybridize. Since the energy difference between the upper 2p energy levels and the lower 2s level in carbon is small compared with the binding energy of the chemical bonds, the electronic wave functions for these four electrons can readily mix with each other, thereby changing the occupation of the 2s and three 2p atomic 6 orbitals so as to enhance the binding energy of the C atom with its neighbouring atoms. The general mixing of 2s and 2p atomic orbitals is called hybridization, whereas the mixing of a single 2s electron with one, two or three 2p electrons is called spn hybridization with n = 1, 2 and 3 (Dresselhaus and Avouris, 2001). The other Group 4A elements (Si, Ge, etc.) do not possess this ability since they only hybridize into sp3 structure. This unique ability of carbon is primarily due to the absence of spherical inner electron orbitals 1s, allowing for the mixing of only the valence s and p orbitals (Ward, 2002). The various bonding states are connected with certain structural arrangements, so that sp bonding gives rise to chain structures, sp2 bonding to planar structures and sp3 bonding to tetrahedral structures, these have lead to 3 main structures associated with carbon (graphite, diamond and fullerenes). Lately, much attention has focussed on small carbon clusters, since the discovery of fullerenes and carbon nanotubes. The physical reason why these nanostructures form is that a graphene layer (defined as a single 2-dimensional (2D) layer of 3D graphite) of finite size has many edge atoms with dangling bonds, and these dangling bonds correspond to high energy states. Therefore the total energy of a small number of carbon atoms (30 – 100) is reduced by eliminating dangling bonds, even at the expense of increasing the strain energy, thereby promoting the formation of closed cage clusters such as fullerenes and carbon nanotubes. The accompanying sub-sections briefly discuss the properties of each carbon allotrope (structure) and also carbon fibers. Graphite and diamond are two main allotropic forms of bulk carbon. Fullerenes and carbon nanotubes constitute other allotropic forms. 7 2.1.2 Graphite Under ambient conditions and in bulk form, the graphite phase with strong inplane trigonal bonding is the stable phase. Graphite assumes the sp2 hybridized form of carbon, meaning it can bond with three other carbon atoms that lie with the plane at a bond angle of 120°. The crystal structure of graphite containing 4 carbon atoms per unit cell, resembles a hexagonal structure with 6 covalently bonded carbon atoms in-plane, making a honeycomb structure and a weak Van der Waals attraction out-ofplane holding the graphite layers together (Figure 2.1). Figure 2.1: The graphite hexagonal single crystal structure (Dresselhaus et al., 1995). The planes of carbon (graphene layers) are stacked in an ABAB sequence. The A and B carbon sites are denoted by open circles and the A’ and B’ sites by black circles. The in-plane lattice constant is denoted by a0 and the vectors of the unit cell in the directions a1, a2 and c are indicated. As demonstrated in Figure 2.1, the ideal crystal structure of graphite consists of layers in which the carbon atoms are arranged in an open honeycomb network, such that the A and B atoms on consecutive layers are on top of one another, but the A’ atoms in one plane are over the unoccupied centres of the adjacent layers, and similarly for the B’ atoms. This give rise to an ABAB planar stacking arrangement. The in-plane nearest-neighbour distance (aC-C) of carbon atoms are ~1.421 Å, with a 8 lattice constant of a0 = 2.462 Å, a c-axis lattice constant c0 of 6.708 Å and an interplanar distance of c0 / 2 = 3.3539 Å (Dresselhaus et al., 1995). The unique bonding characteristics of graphite allows for it to have some interesting thermal, mechanical and electrical properties. Graphite has a density of 2.27 g/cm3 and a very high melting point of ≥ 3550 °C. Mechanically, graphite is one of the softest materials around with a Mhos hardness of 0.5 – 1.0 (Mhos hardness is measured on a 0 (softest) – 10 (hardest) scale). In comparison steel has a mhos hardness of 5 – 8.5. Electrically, the graphite structure is highly anisotropic, exhibiting semi-metallic behavior, with a small band overlap of ~ 0.04 eV, the valence band and the conduction band touch and are degenerate at certain points along the energy bands. 2.1.3 Diamond The second most widely recognized allotrope of carbon is diamond. Diamond is different with graphite in that it hybridizes into the sp3 state. The hybridization scheme of diamond causes the carbon atoms to form a tetrahedral lattice with the strong covalent carbon-carbon (C-C) bonds at an angle of 109.5°. Diamond crystallizes into a face-centered cubic (FCC) structure with half of the tetrahedral sites filled (known as the diamond cubic crystal structure). In the ideal diamond structure (Figure 2.2), every carbon atom is surrounded by four other carbon atoms at the corners of a regular tetrahedron with a cube edge length of a0 = 3.567 Å. The nearest-neighbour C-C distance is 1.544 Å, nearly 10 % larger than in graphite, yet the atomic density of diamond (1.77 × 1023 cm-3) is 56 % higher than in graphite, due to the high anisotropy of the graphite structure. The diamond crystal is highly symmetric. Diamond has a density of 3.51 g/cm3. Diamond is not the thermodynamically stable form of carbon at standard temperature and pressure. The stable form of carbon is graphite. Diamond is a metastable carbon allotrope. Diamond forms by 9 placing graphite under extremely high pressures and temperatures, causing the carbon bond to rearrange into the denser, more stable form of the diamond cubic structure. Diamond does not rearrange back into graphite structure upon cooling due to the very high activation energy for this reaction to occur. Diamond is one of the strongest materials known with a Mhos hardness of 10, melts at the extremely high temperature of 4000 °C and is insulating with a band gap of ~ 5.4 eV. Figure 2.2: Diamond crystal structure consisting of the FCC lattice positions and the tetrahedral atom positions. The extreme hardness of diamond has allowed it to be utilized for cutting and drilling tools for mining and other industries. It is also finding applications for scratch resistant coatings with the developing technology of diamond thin films. Diamond films are also finding prominence in the electronics field, since they become semiconducting upon doping. This is of interest since diamond can withstand temperatures ≥ 1000 °C and able to handle high power (Ward, 2002). 10 2.1.4 Fullerenes Fullerenes were discovered in 1985 by Kroto, Smalley and Curl at Rice University. The discovery of C60 directly led to the discovery of carbon nanotubes in 1991 by Iijima. C60 or the buckminsterfullerene or buckyball involves 60 carbon atoms in a ‘soccer ball’ shaped structure. A model of a fullerene is given in Figure 2.3 (Dresselhaus et al., 1995). The 60 carbon atoms in C60 are known to be located at the vertices of a truncated icosahedron where all carbon sites are equivalent (see Figure 2.3). To a first approximation, we can assume that C60 as a ‘rolled-up’ graphene sheet (a single layer of crystalline graphite), these are because: (1) the average nearest neighbour carbon-carbon (C-C) distance aC-C in C60 (1.44 Å) is almost identical to that in graphite (1.42 Å), (2) each carbon atom in graphite and in C60 is trigonally bonded to three other atoms in an sp2-derived bonding configuration, and (3) most of the faces on the regular truncated icosahedron are hexagons (Rao et al., 1995). Figure 2.3: The C60 molecule showing single bond (a5) and double bond (a6). A regular truncated icosahedron has 90 edges of equal length, 60 equivalent vertices, 20 hexagonal faces and 12 additional pentagonal faces to form a close shell, consistent with Euler’s theorem (Dresselhaus et al., 1995). Two single C-C bonds are 11 located along a pentagonal edge at the fusion of a hexagon and a pentagon. In C60, the bond lengths for the single bonds a5 are 1.46 Å (Figure 2.2). The third bond is located at the fusion between two hexagons and is a double bond with a bond length a6 which is measured to be 1.40 Å. It should be noted that the C60 is not the only form of closed shell spherical carbon hollow structure. C70, C82 etc. are other forms of fullerenes, however, Euler’s theorem must still be satisfied. Since the bonding requirements of all the valence electrons in C60 are satisfied, it is expected that C60 has filled molecular levels. Because of the closed-shell properties of C60 (and also other fellerenes), the nominal sp2 bonding between adjacent carbon atoms occurs on a curved surface, in contrast to the case of graphite where the sp2 trigonal bonds are truly planar (Rao et al., 1995). This curvature of the trigonal bonds in C60 leads to some admixture of sp3 bonding, characteristic of tetrahedrally bonded diamond, but absent in graphite. Inspection of the C60 molecular structure shows that every pentagon of C60 is surrounded by five hexagons; the pentagon, together with its five neighbouring hexagons, has the form of the corannulene molecule. Another molecular subunit on the C60 molecule is the pyraclene (also called pyracylene) subunit, which consists of two pentagons and two hexagons in the arrangement. Adherence to the ‘isolated pentagon rule’, whereby the distance between pentagons on the fullerene shell is maximized, reduces local curvature and stress and gives added stability to C60 (Dresselhaus et al., 1995). At the present, there are no practical uses for fullerenes, yet, some research has been conducted on attaching molecules to the fullerenes, possibly allowing for the utilization of fullerenes for medical purposes, such as inhibiting HIV by attaching to the virus and preventing the replication of the virus. 12 2.1.5 Carbon Fibers Carbon fibers are an important class of graphite-related materials and predate the discovery of carbon nanotubes. Carbon fibers consist of layers of graphite planes deposited parallel (or normal) to the fiber axis as seen in Figure 2.4. This stacking of graphite planes gives the fibers good mechanical properties, such as high strength and modulus, along the direction of the axis. However, the fibers are very brittle and fracture easily under a compressive stress. The properties of carbon fibers are closely related to multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) and very frequently MWNTs are present as the precursor in the centre of a vapour grown carbon fiber. Figure 2.4: Carbon fiber morphologies for (a) as-deposited at 1100 °C and (b) after heat treatment at 3000 °C (Dresselhaus et al., 1995). The heat treatments at high temperatures improve the properties and graphitisation of the carbon fibers, which causes the fiber to resemble a carbon nanotube’s structure. One of the important attributes of carbon fibers is that the Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) growth of the fibers closely parallels the growth of carbon nanotubes by CVD. CVD grown fibers can be prepared over a wide range of diameters (from ~ 10 nm to more than 100 µm) and these fibers have hollow cores (Dresselhaus et al., 1995). Carbon fibers have several uses such as for mechanical strengthening of light weight polymer composite materials. 13 2.2 Carbon Nanotubes 2.2.1 Structure of Carbon Nanotubes Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are unique tubular structure of nanometer diameter and large length/diameter ratio (~ 1000). CNTs can be considered conceptually as a prototype one-dimensional (1D) quantum wire (Dresselhaus and Avouris, 2001). The fundamental building block of carbon nanotubes is the very long all-carbon cylindrical single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), one atom in wall thickness and tens of atoms around the circumference (typical diameter ~ 1.4 nm). A single-walled carbon nanotube can be described as a graphene sheet rolled into a seamless hollow cylindrical shape with a high degree of molecular perfection. A multi-walled carbon nanotube consists of concentric cylinders with an interlayer spacing of 0.34 nm and a diameter of typically 10 – 20 nm, and these were the first type of nanotubes observed experimentally. The lengths of two types of nanotubes can be up to several hundreds of microns or even centimetres (Kong, 2002). They can either occur in individual tubes or bundle up into ‘ropes’ due to the Van der Waals interaction between their side walls. Nanotube structure is one dimensional with axial symmetry, and in general exhibiting a spiral conformation, called chirality. The chirality is given by a single vector called chiral vector, Ch. The carbon bonds found on the sidewalls of nanotubes are of predominantly sp2 character (Williams, 2001), though with decreasing tube radius, the curvature-induced strain will give rise to intermediate sp3 character. Carbon nanotubes are stronger than diamond (Yu et al., 2000) but have a bulk density comparable to graphite. An interesting and essential fact about the structure of a CNT is the orientation of the six-membered carbon ring (hexagon) in the honeycomb lattice relative to the axis of the nanotube. Three examples of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNT) are shown in Figure 2.5. From this figure, the direction of the six- 14 membered ring in the honeycomb lattice can be taken almost arbitrarily, without any distortion of the hexagons. This fact provides many possible structures for carbon nanotubes (Saito et al., 1998). Figure 2.5: Classification of carbon nanotubes: (a) armchair, (b) zig-zag, and (c) chiral nanotubes (Saito et al., 1998). The primary symmetry classification of a carbon nanotube is as either being achiral (symmorphic) or chiral (non-symmorphic). An achiral carbon nanotube is defined by a carbon nanotube whose mirror image has an identical structure to the original one. There are only two cases of achiral nanotubes; armchair and zigzag nanotubes, as shown in Figure 2.5 (a) and (b), respectively. Chiral nanotubes (Figure 2.5 (c)) exhibit a spiral symmetry whose mirror image is not super-imposable on to the original one (Saito et al., 1998). In the chemical nomenclature, such structures are called axially chiral. Axial chirality is commonly discussed in connection with optical activity. The terminations of each of the three nanotubes are cis-type (armchair), trans-type (zig-zag) and mixture of cis and trans (chiral) as shown on Table 2.1. A SWNT consist of two separate regions with different physical and chemical properties. The first is the sidewall of the tube and the second is the termination of the tube. The terminations are often called caps or end caps and its structure is 15 similar to or derived from a smaller fullerene, such as C60. C-atoms placed in hexagons and pentagons form the end cap structures. From Euler’s theorem that twelve pentagons are needed in order to obtain a closed cage structure, which consists of only pentagons and hexagons (Daenen et al., 2003). The combination of a pentagon and five surrounding hexagons results in the desired curvature of the surface to enclose a volume. The isolated pentagon rule also states that the distance between pentagons on the fullerene shell is maximized in order to obtain a minimal local curvature and surface stress, resulting in a more stable structure. Table 2.1: Shape of cross section for three types of carbon nanotubes. Type (a) Armchair (b) Zig-zag (c) Chiral Shape of cross section cis-type trans-type Mixture of cis and trans The other structure of which a SWNT is composed is a cylinder. It is generated when a graphene sheet of a certain size that is wrapped in a certain direction. The structure of a cylinder is conveniently explained in terms of its onedimensional unit cell, defined by the vectors Ch and T in Figure 2.6. T, called the translation vector, defines the direction of carbon nanotubes axis. Ch called chiral vector, represents the circumference of a carbon nanotube. It connects two crystallographically equivalent sites on the graphene sheet: Ch = nâ1 + mâ2, where â1 and â2 are the unit vectors of 2-dimentional graphene sheet. By folding a cylinder so that the beginning and end of a (n, m) lattice vector in the graphene plane are joined together, one obtain a (n, m) nanotube (Kong, 2002). The (n, m) indices determine the diameter of the nanotube and also the chirality. The (n, n) tubes are armchair nanotubes (Figure 2.5 (a)) since the atoms around the circumference are in armchair pattern. The (n, 0) nanotubes are termed ‘zig-zag’ in view of the atomic configuration along the circumference (Figure 2.5 (b)). The other types of nanotubes are chiral, with the rows of hexagons spiraling along the nanotube axis (Figure 2.5 (c)). 16 Figure 2.6: The unfolded nanotube on a 2-dimensional graphene lattice (Kong, 2002). SWNTs with different chiral vectors have dissimilar properties such as optical activity, mechanical strength and electrical conductivity. Thus, different diameter, chirality and cap structures give a variety of geometries in carbon nanotubes. 2.2.2 Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Electronic, molecular and structural properties of carbon nanotubes are determined to a large extent by their nearly one dimensional structure. The most important properties of CNTs and their molecular background are discussed below. Electrical conductivity: Extensive theoretical studies have shown that a single-walled nanotube (SWNT) can behave as a well-defined metallic, semiconducting or semi-metallic wire depending on its chirality and diameter (Hamada et al., 1992 and Kane and Mele, 1997). For (n, m) nanotubes with n = m (arm-chair nanotubes), they are always metallic; for (n, m) nanotubes with n – m ≠ 3 × integer, the nanotubes are semiconductors with moderate band gaps. The 17 energy gap scale with the tube diameter as 1/d and is on the order of 0.5 eV for a SWNT with a typical diameter d = 1.4 nm. For n – m = 3 × integer, the tubes would be semimetals, but become small-gap semiconductors (band gap scales with 1/d2 ~ 10 meV for d ~ 1.4 nm) due to a curvature induced orbital rehybridization effect (Kane and Mele, 1997). The resistance to conduction is determined by quantum mechanical aspects and is independent of the nanotube length (Louie, 2001). The extreme sensitivity of the electronic properties on the structural parameters is a unique feature for carbon nanotubes. This uniqueness leads to rich physical phenomena in nanotube systems, but also poses a significant challenge to chemical synthesis in terms of controlling the nanotube diameter and chirality. Mechanical Properties: Carbon nanotubes have excellent mechanical characteristics due to the nature of their strong carbon-carbon bonding and their seamless structure. Nanotubes are among the strongest and most resilient materials. Carbon nanotubes are predicted to have far superior mechanical properties in comparison to carbon fibers, and also being highly flexible (Yakobson et al., 2001). A nanotube has Young’s modulus of 1.2 TPa and a tensile strength about a hundred times higher than steel and can tolerate large strains before mechanical failure. Chemical reactivity: The chemical reactivity of a CNT is enhanced as a direct result of the curvature of the CNT surface. CNT reactivity is directly related to the π-orbital mismatch caused by an increased curvature (Daenen et al., 2003). A smaller nanotube diameter results in increased reactivity. Thermal Properties: The thermal properties of carbon nanotubes are closely related to the thermal properties of graphite, but contain many characteristics of 1D structure. The specific heat, C of carbon nanotubes is mainly dependent on the phonon contribution, similar to 3D graphite or a graphene sheet . The thermal conductivity of carbon nanotubes is relatively high at moderate temperatures. Optical activity: Theoretical studies have discovered that the optical activity of chiral nanotubes disappears if the nanotubes become larger (Daenen et al., 2003). 18 2.2.3 Common Synthesis Methods Three relatively efficient methods to synthesize carbon nanotubes have been identified: laser ablation, carbon arc synthesis and chemical vapour deposition (CVD). Three of these methods depend on the use of catalysts. In each of these methods carbon atoms self-assemble to form nanometer size tubes of carbon. Arc-discharge and laser ablation methods for the growth of nanotubes have been actively pursued in the past ten years. Both methods involved the condensation of carbon atoms generated from evaporation of solid carbon sources. The temperatures involved in these methods are close to the melting temperature of graphite, 3000 – 4000 ºC (Dresselhaus and Avouris, 2001). However, due to the high temperatures characteristic for arc-discharge and laser ablation methods, it is very difficult to ensure adequate stability and reproducibility of the products (Krivoruchko et al., 2000). The original arc-discharge experiments of 1991 produced multi-walled tubes that possessed well-defined graphitic layers. This technique involves placing two graphite electrodes in close proximity for arcing to occur under the application of an electric field (Figure 2.7 (a)). Under these conditions, carbon is consumed from the anode via evaporation (Papadopoulos, 2000). Carbon atoms are evaporated by plasma of helium gas ignited by high currents passed through opposing carbon anode and cathode. This arc-evaporated material then re-condenses on the cathode and the subsequent deposit contains CNTs. Arc-discharge has been developed into an excellent method for producing both high quality multi-walled nanotubes and single-walled nanotubes (Dresselhaus and Avouris, 2001). Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) can be obtained by controlling the growth conditions such as the pressure of inert gas in the discharge chamber and the arcing current. The nanotubes are typically bound together by strong Van der Waals interactions and form tight bundles. MWNTs produced by arcdischarge are very straight, indicative of their high crystallinity. For the growth of 19 single-walled tubes, a metal catalyst is needed in the arc-discharge system. In 1993, Bethune and co-workers used a carbon anode containing a small percentage of cobalt catalyst in the discharge experiment, and found abundant SWNTs generated in the soot material (Popov, 2004). The growth of high quality SWNTs at the 1-10 g scales was achieved by Smalley and co-workers using a laser ablation (laser oven) method (Figure 2.7 (b)) (Dresselhaus and Avouris, 2001). The method utilized intense laser pulses to ablate a carbon target containing 0.5 atomic percent of nickel and cobalt. The target was placed in a tube-furnace heated to 1200 ºC. During laser ablation, a flow of inert gas was passed through the growth chamber to carry the grown nanotubes downstream to be collected on a cold finger. The produced SWNTs are mostly in the form of ropes consisting crystals via Van der Waals interactions. A schematic experimental set-up for CVD growth is depicted in Figure 2.7 (c). The growth process involves heating a catalyst material to high temperatures in a tube furnace and flowing through a hydrocarbon gas into the tube reactor for a period of time. Materials grown over the catalyst are collected upon cooling the system to room temperature. Both multi- and single-walled tubes have been grown by this technique (Li et al., 1996 and Dai et al., 1996). The main factors in growing CNTs via CVD are the hydrocarbons, catalysts and growth temperatures (Dresselhaus and Avouris, 2001). The active catalyst species in CVD method are typically transition metal nanoparticles formed on a support material such as alumina. The general nanotube growth mechanism in a CVD process involves the dissociation of hydrocarbon molecules catalyzed by the transition metal, and dissolution and saturation of carbon atoms in the metal nanoparticles. For MWNTs growth, most of the CVD methods employ ethylene or acetylene as the carbon feedstock and the growth temperature is typically in the range of 550 – 750 ºC. Iron, nickel or cobalt nanoparticles are often used as catalyst. CVD is seen as providing a potentially cost-effective solution for the large-scale production of nanotubes and can allow the controlled growth of CNTs at specific sites for potential device applications (Papadopoulos, 2000). 20 (a) He Arc-discharge I (b) Laser Ablation Oven temperature ~ 1200 °C (c) CVD CnHm Catalyst Oven temperature 500-1000 °C Figure 2.7: Schematic experimental set ups for carbon nanotubes growth methods: (a) arc-discharge, (b) laser ablation and (c) chemical vapour deposition (CVD) (Dresselhaus and Avouris, 2001). In 1993, Yacaman et al. (1993) invented a CVD modified method called catalytic chemical vapour deposition (CCVD). Henceforward, the CCVD method is widely used to synthesis CNTs. The CCVD method will be discussed in details in Chapter 3: Catalytic Chemical Vapour Deposition (CCVD). Iron, cobalt and nickel are also the favoured catalytic metals used in laser ablation and arc-discharge. This simple fact may hint that the laser, discharge and 21 CVD growth methods may share a common nanotube growth mechanism, although very different approaches are used to provide carbon feedstock (Dresselhaus and Avouris, 2001). Table 2.2 is a short summary of the three most common techniques to synthesize CNTs. Table 2.2: A summery of the major production methods and their efficiency. Method Who How Arc Discharge Ebbesen and Ajayan, NEC, Japan, 1992 Connect two graphite rods to a power supply, place a few mm apart, and throw the switch. At 100 A, carbon vaporizes and forms a hot plasma. Chemical Vapour Deposition Endo, Shinshu University, Japan. Place substrate in oven, heat to 600 °C and slowly add a carbonbearing gas. As gas decomposes it frees up carbon atoms, which combine in the form of CNTs. Typical yield SWNT 30 – 90 % 20 – 100 % Short tubes with Long tubes with diameters of 0.6 – 1.4 diameters ranging from nm. 0.6 – 4.0 nm. MWNT Short tubes with inner Long tubes with diameter of 1 – 3 nm diameters in the range and outer diameter of ~ of 10 – 240 nm. 10 nm. Advantages Can easily produce SWNT and MWNT. SWNTs have few structural defects; MWNTs without catalyst, not too expensive, open air synthesis promising. Disadvantages Tubes tend to be short with random sizes and directions; often needs purification. Easiest to scale up to industrial production; long length, simple process, SWNT diameter controllable, quite pure. Laser Ablation Smalley, Rice University, 1995 Blast graphite with intense laser pulses; use the laser pulses rather than electricity to generate carbon gas from which the CNTs form; try various conditions until hit on one that produces significant amounts of SWNTs. Up to 70 % Long bundles of tubes (5 – 20 µm), with individual diameter 1 – 2 nm. Not very much interest in this technique, as it is too expensive, but MWNT synthesis is possible. Primarily SWNTs, with good diameter control and few defects. The reaction product is relatively pure. CNTs usually MWNTs Costly technique, it and often riddled with requires expensive laser defects. and high power requirement, but is improving. 22 2.2.4 Growth Mechanism of Carbon Nanotubes The way in which nanotubes are formed is not exactly known. The growth mechanism is still a subject of controversy, and more than one mechanism might be operative during the formation of CNTs. One of the mechanisms consists out of three steps. First a precursor to the formation of nanotubes and fullerenes, C2, is formed on the surface of the metal catalyst particle. From this metastable carbide particle, a rodlike carbon is formed rapidly. Secondly there is a slow graphitization of its wall, as demonstrated in Figure 2.8 (Daenen et al., 2003). This mechanism is based on in-situ TEM observation. The exact atmospheric conditions depend on the technique used, as they are specific for a technique. The actual growth of the nanotube seems to be the same for all techniques. Figure 2.8: Visualization of a possible carbon nanotube growth mechanism (Daenen et al., 2003). There are several theories on the exact growth mechanism for nanotubes. One theory postulates that metal catalyst particles are floating or are supported on the substrate. It presumes that the catalyst particles are spherical or pear-shaped, in which case the deposition will take place on only one half of the surface (this is the lower curvature side for the pear shaped particles). The carbon diffuses along the 23 concentration gradient and precipitates on the opposite half, around and below the bisecting diameter. However, it does not precipitate from the apex of the hemisphere, which accounts for the hollow core that is characteristic of these CNTs. For supported metals, CNTs can form either by ‘extrusion’ (also known as ‘root growth’ and ‘base growth’) (Figure 2.8) in which the nanotube grows upwards from the metal particles that remain attached to the substrate, or the particles detach and move at the head of the growing nanotube, labeled ‘tip-growth’ as shown in Figure 2.8. Depending on the size of the catalyst particles, SWNT or MWNT are grown. Fonseca et al. (1998) explained the growth of tubules during the catalytic decomposition of acetylene in three steps: the decomposition of acetylene, the initiation reaction and the propagation reaction. First, dehydrogenative bonding of acetylene to the catalyst surface will free hydrogen and produce C2 moieties bonded to the catalyst coordination sites. These C2 units are the building blocks of the nanotubes. Second, at the initial stage, the first layer of C2 units diffusing out of the catalyst remains at a Van der Waals distance from the C2 layer coordinated to the catalyst surface. Third, the C2 units are inserted between the catalyst coordination sites and the growing nanotube. From the catalyst surface, a new C2 unit will again displace the previous one that becomes part of the growing tube and so on. The length of the nanotubes is directly proportional to the reaction time and it is possible to interrupt the reaction and continue it without affecting the quality of the produced nanotubes. Whereas, the turbostratic structure of nanotube depends on the reaction temperature. According to Kibria et al. (2001 and 2002), by observing the SEM images, if each nanotube ended by showing a white spot, this indicates that the CNTs were grown by tip growth mode. These white spots originated from the metal clusters. The carbon feed stock from acetylene dissolved in metallic Co to form metastable cobalt carbide. This cobalt carbide continues dissolving more carbon and became oversaturated which then precipitated graphitic carbon in the forms of nanotubes by keeping the metallic Co cluster at the top end of the CNTs. 24 Catalytically decomposed carbon species of the hydrocarbon are assumed to dissolve in the metal nanoparticles and after reaching supersaturation, precipitate out in the form of fullerene dome extending into a carbon cylinder with no dangling bonds and hence, minimum energy. When the substrate-catalyst interaction is strong, a CNT grows up with the catalyst particle rooted at its base (the base growth model). When the substrate-catalyst interaction is weak, the catalyst particles are lifted up by the growing CNT and continue to promote CNT growth at its tip (the tip growth model). Formation of SWNT or MWNT is governed by the size of the catalyst particle. Broadly speaking, when the particle size is a few nanometers, SWNT form, whereas particles a few tens of nanometers wide favour MWNT formation (Ando et al., 2004). Yen et al. (2004) had prepared CNTs by thermal chemical vapour deposition using acetylene on Ni coated silicon substrate. They postulated that the growth of CNTs involves three main steps: (i) decomposition of hydrocarbon gas at the surface of catalyst nanoparticles; (ii) diffusion of the resultant carbon atom in the nanoparticles to form the nucleation seed; and (iii) precipitation of carbon atoms at the nanoparticles interface to form nanotubes. The size and chemical composition of the metal nanoparticles determines the diameter and structural perfection (degree of graphitization) of the CNTs. The existence of catalyst particle at the tip of the nanotubes confirms the fact that catalyst plays an important role in determining the CNTs structure. 2.2.5 Applications of Carbon Nanotubes Along with the improvement of the production techniques for nanotubes, progress is also being made in their application. Recently, enormous interests have been aroused by the discovery (Dillon et al., 1997) and reproduction (Chambers et al., 1999 and Chen et al., 1999) of high hydrogen absorption capacity in carbon nanotubes, although CNTs have relatively small surface area and pore volume. Lee et al. (2000) have reported results of calculation for hydrogen storage behaviour in 25 SWNTs by density functional calculations. If these encouraging experimental results can be reproduced easily and the large scale production of carbon nanotubes made available in the near future, it will be possible to produce fuel cells using CNTs as hydrogen storage medium. The estimated high Young’s modulus and tensile strength as well as the lightweight of CNTs (Andrews et al., 1999) of the nanotubes has lead to speculations for their possible use in composite materials with improved mechanical properties and even for bullet proof vests. In addition, their exceptional flexibility and stiffness, coupled with their high aspect ratio has generated great interest for use as scanning probe microscopy (SPM) tips. Several firms around the world are developing nanotube field emitter arrays for use in flat panel displays and this may be the first large-scale commercial application of nanotubes (Kong, 2002). Another area receiving great attention is using CNTs as high-density ion storage material for lithium and hydrogen batteries (Papadopoulos, 2000). One possible future field of application for CNTs is in molecular electronics. Their small size, ability to be either metallic or semiconducting and the low heat dissipation of metallic SWNTs are very desirable for nanoscale electronic devices and their interconnections. CHAPTER 3 CATALYTIC CHEMICAL VAPOUR DEPOSITION (CCVD) 3.1 An Overview of Catalytic Chemical Vapour Deposition (CCVD) Method Recently many researchers have turned their attention onto the development of methods for the production of CNTs in large-scale to realize their speculated applications. Among these, catalytic chemical vapour deposition (CCVD) seems to be one of the most promising methods for large-scale production of CNTs, stemming from the relatively easy opportunity to upscale both the preparation and the purification methods. Compared to other synthesis methods, CCVD is a simple and economic technique for synthesizing CNTs at low temperature and ambient pressure. It is versatile in that it harnesses a variety of hydrocarbon in any state (gas, liquid or solid), enables the use of various substrates and allows CNT growth in a variety of forms, such as powder, thin or thick films, aligned or entangled, straight or coiled, or even a desired architecture of nanotubes at predefined sites on a patterned substrate (Ando et al., 2004). It also offers better control over growth parameters. In fact, CCVD has been used for producing carbon filaments and fibre since 1959. Using the same technique, soon after the discovery of CNTs by Iijima, Endo et al. reported CNTs grown from pyrolysis of benzene at 1100 °C, while Yacaman et al. formed clear helical MWNTs at 700 °C from acetylene. After CNTs synthesis via 27 CCVD carried out by Yacaman et al. (1993) and Ivanov et al. (1994), modified or new procedures were carried out. 3.2 Metal Oxides Supported Catalysts In the field of heterogeneous catalysis, a number of oxides, clays and zeolites have been used as catalyst support to disperse and stabilize metallic particles. Catalytic properties of these solids are known to depend upon the interaction between the support and the metal particles, which in turn depends on their method of preparation. For the catalyst preparation, various methods are utilized, included wet or dry impregnation, ion-exchange and mechanical grinding of support and metal precursor. The catalytic activity also influenced by the concentration of the metal solution. Iron (Fe), cobalt (Co) and nickel (Ni) supported catalysts were found to be most active in growing CNTs. The most frequently used hydrocarbons are acetylene, ethylene and benzene, due to their high carbon content. Transition metals (Fe, Co and Ni) are the most commonly used catalysts for CNT growth, since the phase diagram of carbon and these metals suggest finite solubility of carbon in these transition metals at high temperatures (Ando et al., 2004). The catalyst particle size has been found to dictate the tube diameter. Hence, metal nanoparticles of controlled size can be used to grow CNTs of desired diameter. The material, morphology and textural properties of the substrate greatly affect the yield and quality of the resulting CNTs. Zeolite supports with catalysts in their nanopores have resulted in significantly higher yields of CNTs with a narrow diameter distribution (Ando et al., 2004). Alumina materials are reported to be better catalyst supports than silica owing to their strong metal-support interaction, which allows high metal dispersion and thus a high density of catalytic sites. Such interactions prevent metal species from aggregating and forming unwanted large clusters that lead to graphite particles or defective MWNTs. The key to obtaining 28 high yields of pure CNT is achieving hydrocarbon decomposition on catalyst sites alone and avoiding spontaneous pyrolysis. According to Konya and Kiricsi (2004), Si-, Mg- and Al- containing materials (silica, alumina, zeolites, magnesia) prove to be applicable as supports, the different forms of carbon (graphite and activated carbon) are not suitable in CNT production. It was also shown that increasing reaction time results in the formation of larger amounts of amorphous carbon due to the deactivation of the catalytic sites. Ivanov et al. (1995) and Luo et al. (2002) had reasoned that the catalytic chemical vapour deposition (CCVD) has more advantages over arc-discharge method. The results showed that CNTs grown over Fe and Co supported catalysts possessed well-crystalline graphite layers, compared to the as-grown CNTs over Cu and Ni catalysts. The observation of encapsulated metal particles in the CNTs can be the outcome of a weak metal-support interaction. The SiO2 support inhibits carbon condensation and stabilizes the metal dispersion. The very fine metal clusters can be localized in the solid-state exchange zeolites in the small cages, supercages or intercrystalline spaces. However, because of the steric limitations, only the metal particles at the outer surface and in supercages could be available for CNTs growth. The catalytic production of CNTs was investigated by Hernadi et al. (1996a) using various Fe catalysts. For the catalyst preparation, Fe acetate was used in order to obtain the oxide without any anionic contamination after calcinations. However, Fe acetate is not completely soluble in any solvent, so small crystals of the salt would adhere to the outer surface of the support, though their amount is not that high. It seems that the zeolite supported catalysts prepared by impregnation method shows higher activity compared to samples prepared by ion exchange method. In this study, most of the Fe catalysts produced CNTs which are not regularly bent and no helices are present. They also revealed that by using fixed bed flow reactor, deposition of soot begins on the catalyst surface and outer surface of the nanotubes at reaction time more than 1 hour. 29 Fonseca et al. (1996) work on supported Co and Fe catalysts had effectively produced CNTs in large amounts by catalytic decomposition of acetylene. The results showed that the hydrogenated catalysts yield less carbon deposit compared to the untreated catalysts. During the hydrogenation treatment, the catalyst was exposed to high temperature. As a consequence Co particles had a chance to migrate from the inner pores to the outer surface and assembled. Thus, reducing dispersion of the Co particles and giving larger particle size resulting in higher amount of amorphous carbon and thick nanotubes. Silica and zeolite supported transition metal (Co, Cu and Fe) catalysts have been prepared and utilized for the decomposition of acetylene at 700 °C by Fonseca et al. (1998). In the absence of metal particles on the support, only the homolytic decomposition of carbon occurs, generating amorphous carbon and fibers. It can be concluded that catalysts calcined at 450 °C performed better in forming CNTs. In the production of CNTs over Ni/Cu mixture catalyst via CCVD process, the Cu metal was found to have no effect on the growth of CNTs as discussed by Jong et al. (2002). The Cu atoms would cluster rather than uniformly disperse on the surface of the substrate. As Cu atoms are not the active catalytic sites, there is no carbon deposited on the area covered by Cu clusters. These clustered areas would limit the reactive areas of adsorption and precipitation of carbon and lead to formation of filament instead of tubular structure. Therefore, Cu metal is not suitable to be used as the catalyst in the synthesis of CNTs. Similar to the synthesis of MWNTs, Colomer et al. (1999) have succeeded in synthesizing SWNTs over different types of supported metal catalysts by decomposition of ethylene. The Co and Fe catalysts seem to be more active than Ni catalyst. For the catalysts prepared from a mixture of metals, the best activity is found for Co/Fe and Fe/Co/Ni mixtures supported on alumina. Possibly, the preparation of catalysts with mixtures of metals induces a better dispersion of the metals on the surface of support and results the formation of alloy followed by segregation. They also proposed that the support has no strong influence on the 30 growth mechanism, but plays an important role in the dispersion of the metal on the surface and control the catalytic cracking of the hydrocarbon. Colomer et al. (2000) have shown that the large-scale production of SWNTs is possible by CCVD using the decomposition of methane over supported Co, Fe, Ni or mixture catalysts at 1000 °C. In this work, metal particles larger than 20 nm are found inactive in the synthesis of SWNTs. Each SWNTs bundle is hypothesized to grow from a single metal particle. It was determined that the Co-Fe mixture catalyst gives the best activity. The reason for different quality and quantity of CNTs generated on supported catalysts is unclear. Kukovecz et al. (2000) suggested several factors, such as the solubility of carbon in the metal phase, the formation of metal particles with different particle size distribution and the hindered mobility of metal atoms toward the cluster formation. The varying acidity of the support could influence the reducibility of the metal species. In the Al2O3-SiO2 mixture system, the support is known to have maximum acidity at around 20 wt.% Al content, beneficially increase the rate of acetylene decomposition. The supported Fe catalysts are efficient in producing MWNTs of somewhat lower quality, as the Co catalysts produced good quality nanotubes, however, the Co/Fe bimetallic catalyst produced the best quality and quantity of CNTs. The influence of Co concentration, reaction conditions, catalyst preparation method and the nature of the support on the formation of CNTs were investigated by Piedigrosso et al. (2000). The results showed that with Co loading higher than 5 wt.%, the activity of the catalyst is decreased. When the reaction time was longer than 1 hour, amorphous carbon was formed and deposited not only on the surface of the catalyst but also on the external walls of the tubes. This effect may be due to the increasing ‘graphite’ surface area of the external surface of the nanotubes, which favourable for homolytic decomposition of the reactant. The flow rate of acetylene (reactant) and nitrogen (carrier gas) need to be coordinated in order to achieve optimum residence time of acetylene on the catalyst active sites. 31 For the silica supported catalysts prepared by porous impregnation, the metal particles are in the inner pores of the support and they must first migrate from the pores to the outer surface to be active for the formation of CNTs. On the other hand, for silica supported catalysts prepared by ion-adsorption precipitation, most of the metal precipitates are on the catalyst surface and hence are directly active. Larger numbers of helical tubes were form over Co-silica catalysts prepared by this method. Piedigrosso et al. (2000) also revealed that the diameter of the catalyst particles should be close to the inner diameter of the nanotubes, while the number of turbostratic layers of each nanotube might depend on the flow rate of acetylene per active site. The outer layers of the MWNTs seem to be formed simultaneously with the inner layer. In Willems et al. (2000) as well as Mukhopadhyay and Mathur (2003) work, Co/Mo, Co/V and Co/Fe mixtures supported either on zeolite or corundum alumina were used as catalysts to produced MWNTs. Depending on the catalyst used, it is possible to control the carbon deposit and the outer diameter distribution of nanotubes. Mo and V alone are totally inactive in the production of nanotubes. Co/Mo catalysts are capable to produce turbostratic nanotubes containing no amorphous carbon on their outer surface. The thickness of the tubes can be directed through the dispersion of catalytic particles on the surface of the support and the flow rate of acetylene. Optimized dispersion of the catalytic particles reduced the quantity of acetylene coming into contact with the active sites, resulting thin nanotubes with only a few concentric walls. It was also reported that it was much easier to separate CNTs from the zeolite than from the alumina. It is well establish and documented that the support plays an important role in determining the catalytic activity of a metal present in it. The state of the metal on a support depends on the kind of metal-support interaction, which in turn depends on the nature of the support and preparation method. According to Nagaraju et al. (2002), the diameter of CNTs growing on a metal particle mainly depends on the dispersion of the metal particles on the support. 32 As reported by Nagaraju et al. (2002), hydrated alumina is basic due to the presence of surface hydroxyl groups. When this alumina mixed with salt solutions of Fe/Co, there is a possibility of better mixing and homogeneous distribution of metal particles than that in the case of commercial Al2O3 which is neutral. Hence Fe and Co alloy supported on hydrated alumina resulting in the formation of higher quantities of MWNTs. Metal(s) when supported on SiO2 resulted in only a moderate generation of carbon deposit. Lower activity of SiO2 compared to Al2O3 supported metals indicate that the size of the metal particles produced in the former is somewhat larger than the average nanometer scale clusters required for producing CNTs. Nhut et al. (2002) have carried out a comparison study between commercial purified CNTs and their homemade CNTs. The commercial CNTs were produced by high temperature arc-discharge method, while the homemade CNTs were synthesized by the catalytic decomposition of acetylene over silica supported Fe catalyst (20 wt.% of Fe) at 750 °C. An amorphous carbon layer was presented on the outer surface of the commercial CNTs which could be due to carbon formation by pyrolysis of the reactant mixture during the synthesis. Additionally, some residual metallic iron catalyst was encapsulated inside the graphene layers. In other case, the graphene layers of the homemade CNTs were not so straight and parallel. The disorder between carbon planes was assigned to the relatively low temperature catalytic growth process. However, it was noted that almost no amorphous carbon was found on the outer surface of the homemade CNTs. The MgO supported catalysts were also active towards formation of MWNTs as discussed by Willems et al. (2002). Again, the high activity of mixed metals in producing nanotubes was proven. Metals are differently dispersed on various supports, owing to differences in interactions between the metal and support surface. The MWNTs obtained appear as aggregates and many irregularities are observed in the nanotubes walls. Willems et al. (2002) make the hypothesis that the presence of aggregates rather than bundles of nanotubes are due to a poor graphitization process. The decomposition of the acetylene and the nanotubes growth are not well 33 coordinated. The catalyst is so active in the decomposition that the arrangement of the nanotube building units is not efficient. Perez-Cabero and co-workers (2004) described the synthesis of carbon nanotubes by catalytic decomposition of acetylene at 700 °C over several Fe-silica catalysts. It is found that the CNT products highly dependent on the metal content, the Fe precursor employed and the preparation conditions of the silica supported catalyst. Meanwhile, the iron-nitrates produced the highest activity in acetylene decomposition, but the iron-phthalocyanine produced the best CNTs in quality, size homogeneity and amorphous carbon free. The impregnation method allows more homogeneous metallic dispersion on the silica support than the depositionprecipitation method. In the supported catalyst method of metal catalyzed CNT synthesis, the support can interact both physically and chemically with the catalyst particle (Tauster et al., 1978 and Yudanov et al., 1997). Physically, the solid support can control the size of the metal catalyst particle. After solvent evaporation, the metal salt particle size is determined by the solution concentration and by the liquid volume that had been contained within a given pore. The support can also act to disperse the metal catalyst particles formed upon decomposition of the metal salt precursors by physically holding the particle in place. In addition, the support can also interact chemically with the catalyst particle and dramatically affect its catalytic activity. Acquisition of negative charge by the metal catalyst from the substrate can enhance its catalytic activity by strengthening back donation of electron density into antibonding orbitals of the adsorbate (hydrocarbon molecules). This electron sharing between catalyst and adsorbate sufficiently weakens the bonding within the adsorbate, resulting in its dissociation (Davis and Klabunde, 1982). Dissociation of a hydrocarbon on the metal catalyst is the first step in a widely accepted mechanism for metal catalyzed carbon nanotube synthesis. 34 The metal catalyst particle can acquire negative charge through interaction with either the metal cation or oxygen anion sites in the support (Yudanov, et al., 1997 and Davis and Klabunde, 1982). A strong interaction between the catalyst nanoparticle and the cationic sites on the support is known as strong metal-support interaction (SMSI) (Vander Wal et al., 2001). SMSI arises from partial reduction of the oxide which enables the metal cation of the support to donate partial negative charge to the supported metal nanoparticle. H-atoms generated by the supported catalyst initiate the partial reduction of the oxide and are thus integral to the SMSI process. For support oxides that are not readily reduced or catalysts not capable of H2 dissociation (enabling reduction of the support), another potential interaction involves the catalyst particle and the exposed oxygen anion sites on the support (Tauster et al., 2001 and Yudanov, et al., 1997). The anions, with their large negative charge, can act as Lewis base sites donating negative charge to the metal nanoparticle (weak metal-support interaction). In a similar manner, the partial negative charge accepted from the oxide can enhance the catalytic activity of the metal nanoparticle. Vander Wal et al. (2001) reasoned out that the structure of the catalyst support (include the lattice steps, defects and crystalline edge sites) are apparently not critical to the interactions with the supported metal catalyst and would not affect the nanotube growth. The pore density and pore uniformity of the support is more crucial to form a narrow size range of the metal catalyst nanoparticles and subsequently produce narrow size distribution of the nanotubes. Calcination supports the forming of a highly dispersed catalyst oxide. A larger amount of negative charge is transferred to the highly dispersed catalyst particles from the partial reduced support via either SMSI or Lewis base sites. Kathyayini et al. (2004) studied the role of Ca and Mg oxides, hydroxides and carbonates as supports for Fe, Co and a mixture of Fe/Co catalysts in the production of CNT by CCVD method. This work emphasize that the nature of the support, the catalyst and the type of interaction between the metal and the support 35 had a great influence on the yield of carbon deposit. On a given type of Ca and Mg salt supports, the catalytic activity of the metal ions towards carbon deposit was found to vary in the same order, i.e. Fe/Co > Co > Fe. Further, Fe/Co supported on CaCO3 or MgO are the best catalysts. Methane decomposition into filamentous carbons was carried out over Fe2O3/Al2O3 and Fe2O3/SiO2 as discussed by Takenaka et al. (2004). The catalytic activity of Fe2O3/Al2O3 was higher than that of Fe2O3/SiO2. The difference of the catalytic performance can be explained by the particle size of the catalytically active species. Fe2O3 in the fresh catalyst would be reduced stepwise with methane during the reaction, i.e. Fe2O3 → Fe3O4 → FeO → α-Fe metal and Fe3C (cementite). α-Fe metal as well as Fe3C are the active species for the decomposition. Baker et al. (1987) proposed that interaction of α-Fe with silica supports brings about a decrease in carbon solubility and diffusion rate of carbon atoms in the metal. The Fe2O3/Al2O3 produced MWNTs and chain-like carbon fibers, though Fe2O3/SiO2 formed many spherical carbon units, in addition to chain-like carbon fibers. In the work by Shajahan et al. (2004), CNTs were grown over impregnated 5 – 40 wt.% Co/Mo-MgO catalysts by decomposition of C2H2 at 800 °C. It was observed that the production of SWNTs and MWNTs was highly dependent on the amount of metal loading. The Mo-MgO catalyst was inactive in growing CNTs. However, in the Co/Mo-MgO catalyst, the inactive Mo generated CoMoO4 species, which was that main precursor for the formation of active Co cluster to grow CNTs. Small cluster of Co was generated from small particle of CoMoO4 species and grew SWNTs over 5 and 10 wt.% Co/Mo-MgO catalysts. The particle size of CoMoO4 increased with increasing metal loading and thus the size of released Co cluster increased. Liu, B.C. et al. (2004) had studied the production of SWNTs by catalytic decomposition of C2H2 over Al2O3 and MgO supported Fe/Mo bimetallic catalyst. The results indicated that Al2O3 and MgO support materials are useful to a large- 36 scale synthesis (mass production) of high quality SWNTs and also demonstrated that C2H2 can be very ideal feedstock to synthesize SWNTs over Fe/Mo-MgO catalyst. Carbon nanofibers (CNFs) similar to MWNTs were synthesized from a Fe2O3-Al2O3 composite ceramic catalyst through CCVD by Maruyama et al. (2004). The Fe2O3-Al2O3 system has three phases: Fe2O3 solid solution, Al2O3 solid solution and high temperature phase FeAlO3. It was revealed that different CNF construction and structures were obtained depending on the catalyst phase. In the case that the catalyst used is FeAlO3, aligned CNF which similar to MWNTs was produced. This is because Fe was consumed in formation of catalyst particles for CNF growth, FeAlO3 concentration became poor in Fe. Subsequently, Al2O3 precipitation has been induced as a secondary phase on FeAlO3 and these precipitation planes became the cleavage plane. On these cleavage planes, Fe catalyst particles formed at the same time and condition, as a result, the catalyst particles are homogeneous and capable to grow CNF in one direction forming aligned CNF. Liu, D.Y. et al. (2004) had grown CNTs using a simple Fe catalyst prepared by electrochemical deposition method. Although the electrochemical deposition is a cheap and simple technique to deposit Fe particles on the substrate, but the effectiveness of the catalysts to grow CNTs is relatively low. Only the Fe catalyst particles with size less than 100 nm are effective in growing CNTs. The growth of CNTs is affected by the morphology of the catalyst. Recently Lu, A.H. et al. (2005) have discovered the formation of amorphous CNTs by a CCVD procedure using mesoporous silica SBA-15 as matrix with Fe2O3 catalyst. The amorphous CNTs exhibit very special geometry with the carbon atom layers packed vertical to the tube axis. The layers of carbon in these CNTs are randomly displaced with respect to each other showing low degree of graphitization. The authors proposed that the ‘tip growth’ mechanism took place as the Fe nanoparticles was observed encapsulated in the tube walls of the amorphous CNTs. An analogous phenomenon of catalyst migration in synthesis of CNTs has also been observed by Hernadi et al. (1996b) and Piedigrosso et al. (2000). The external 37 diameter of the CNTs is larger than that of the SBA-15 pores because of the additional thickness of the tube walls. Flahaut et al. (2005) had suggested that catalyst with the higher specific surface area possess better homogeneity and leading to a more homogeneous population of smaller catalytic metal particles. Thus, this catalyst is capable in producing CNTs with fewer walls and lower diameters as well as a narrow diameter distribution. Coiled CNTs were successfully prepared by Lu, M. et al. (2004a and 2005) via CCVD over Co particles supported on silica gel under low gas flow rates. When CCVD process is scaled up for the industrial production of CNTs, it may cause environmental and safety concerns due to the consumption of hydrocarbons, such as acetylene. In addition, the yield of the CNTs do not require high gas flow rate for the deposition, consequently most of the gases in the CCVD process are discharged into the atmosphere without participation in the chemical reaction. As a result, the flow rate of C2H2 can be reduced to 5 – 20 sccm. 3.3 Anodic Aluminium Oxide (AAO) Template Supported Catalysts Porous anodic aluminium oxide (AAO) templates were prepared electrochemically from aluminium metal. These membranes are unique materials, with a high density of straight, cylindrical pores (up to 1011 pores/cm2) of a very uniform size, and can be obtained with different pore sizes ranging from 5 nm to more than 200 nm (Fuertes, 2002). The parameters of the AAO template can be well dominated by controlling of oxidized time, temperature, anodization voltage and pH value choice of acids (Li et al., 2003). The AAO template also exhibits good chemical inertia and physical stability. These nanopores constitute an ideal host for carrying out the synthesis of nanomaterials because of their special characteristics. The schematic diagram of anodic aluminium oxide (AAO) template is shown in Figure 3.1. 38 Several authors have explored template synthesis within the straight nanochannels of different kinds of nanomaterials based on carbon, metal, polymer or mixed precursors, with various configurations, i.e. nanotubes, nanofibrils or coaxial rods. However, AAO template has low thermal stability, AAO membranes has a tendency to warp during heat treatment (Jeong and Lee, 2003). In addition, AAO membranes are brittle and easily cracked. Anodic Aluminium Oxide Figure 3.1: The schematic diagram of an anodic aluminium oxide (AAO) template. Over recent years, ordered CNTs arrays have generally been prepared using the template synthesis method. The most relevant feature of this method is that it enables high-density arrays of well-aligned carbon nanotubes, of a similar diameter, wall thickness and length to be prepared (Fuertes, 2002). The CNTs arrays perfectly copy the three-dimensional structures of the nanochannel in the template, where the resulting outer diameter of the CNTs matches the inner diameter of the channels. Template synthesis method can also improve the selectivity and uniformity of CNTs. The CNTs growth in AAO template is one of the more promising approaches owing to the possibility of tailoring the size and density of the AAO template pores. 39 Two different procedures have been reported for the synthesis of carbon nanotubes inside the nanochannels of an AAO template: (a) by liquid phase impregnation of the AAO template with a polymer (e.g. polyacrylonitrile, polyfurfuryl alcohol) followed by thermal carbonization and (b) by thermal decomposition of a hydrocarbon within the nanochannels at high temperatures (CCVD) (Fuertes, 2002). The first method is difficult to control the deposited carbon accurately. On the other hand, CCVD is simpler and allows a more precise control of the growing of carbon nanotubes. In the conventional CNTs arrays produced in AAO template, alumina itself is a catalyst in the hydrocarbon decomposition process due to the Lewis acid nature of its surface sites (Scokart and Rouxhet, 1982). Although alumina is far less effective than metal, its presence complicates the mechanism of CNTs growth. The CNTs are formed by the joint catalytic activities of metal nanoparticles and alumina walls (Jing et al., 1998). The metal catalyst might merely initiate the growth of the tube through the initial catalytic decomposition of hydrocarbon. Subsequently, carbon as carbide transport along the surface of the metal nanoparticles to the alumina channel wall, where tube growth proceeds. In this case, the inside of the channel wall covered by carbon flakes that form a tube-like structure. Works by Lu et al. (2004b) have shown that high density CNTs can be fabricated in silicon coated AAO template by CCVD. With this approach, the silicon coating on the channel wall may contribute to the formation of CNTs by eliminating the catalytic behaviour of the alumina, in which the CNTs are only catalyzed by the small metal nanoparticle independently throughout the entire growth process. The nanochannel with silicon coating is akin to a nanometer-sized test tube or nanoreactor for the reaction between the metal nanoparticles and the carbon atoms. The base growth mechanism mainly responsible for the CNTs growth in the silicon coated nanochannel. Moreover, the pressure and flow rate of the hydrocarbon inside the channels is different than on the outside. For this reason, the alumina channels with larger diameter and thinner silicon coating may be favoured for its function as nanoreactors. 40 3.4 Types of Carbon Precursor Shajahan et al. (2004) explained that equilibrium is essential between the acetylene (C2H2) feed stock and the surface of catalyst particles during the reaction. From their results, the equilibrium appeared at 10 – 15 sccm (standard cubic centimetres per minute) of C2H2 flow rate. Excessive carbon deactivates catalyst and deposits high amorphous carbon. A new type of precursor, coal gas was utilised by Qiu et al. (2004) in the preparation of SWNTs by CCVD method. The SWNTs have been successfully synthesized from coal gas with ferrocene as catalyst. The main components of the coal gas are H2, N2, CH4, CO, CO2 and C2 – C3 hydrocarbons. Undoubtedly, the CO and CH4 species would be the main carbon source for forming CNTs, while the H2 and N2 species act as carrier gas. 3.5 Reaction Temperature Generally, low temperature CCVD (600 – 900 °C) yields MWNTs, whereas a higher temperature (900 – 1200 °C) reaction favour SWNTs growth, indicating that SWNTs have a higher formation energy. This presumably due to SWNT has small diameter and this result in high curvature and high strain energy (Ando et al., 2004). This could explain why MWNTs are easier to grow from most hydrocarbons than SWNTs. Common efficient precursors of MWNTs, such as acetylene and benzene are unstable at higher temperature and lead to deposition of certain amounts of carbonaceous compounds. An attempt has been made by Kukovecz et al. (2000) to synthesize MWNTs using Co, Fe and Ni supported on different types of silica-alumina to investigate the rules governing their nanotube producing activity. Acetylene was used as the source of carbon. The effect of reaction temperature in the range of 497 – 697 °C (770 – 41 970 K) and the flow rate of the hydrocarbon has been investigated. The amount of deposited carbon increased with increasing reaction temperature and the flow rate of acetylene. At 697 °C, each catalyst showed high production of carbon nanotubes and the amount of helical tubes is also more pronounced. The yield of tube formation was very low at 597 °C while the catalysts were inactive at 497 °C. However, higher temperatures can induce the formation of amorphous carbon. A comparison study had been carried out by Nagaraju et al. (2002) on the catalytic activity of Fe and Co supported on metal oxides in the production of CNTs. It is observed that at 500°C, none of the catalysts was active in the formation of CNTs. Generation of CNTs was observed only in the reactions carried out above 500 °C. A best yield of MWNTs is resulted at 700 °C on hydrated alumina and containing a mixture of Fe and Co on it. Andrews et al. (2003) described the synthesis of MWNTs by the decomposition of a hydrocarbon vapour over a dispersed Fe catalyst. The data showed that in the temperature range of 700 – 775 °C, MWNTs production rates is the highest. Outside this range, a concomitant increase in the conversion of carbons into amorphous carbon was detected. The synthesis of MWNTs using Fe catalyst deposited in situ on quartz substrates (Jacques et al., 2003) showed higher reaction temperature leading to the growth of larger catalyst particle that control the outer tube diameters. They concluded that the nanotube outer diameter is directly correlated to the catalyst particle size. Beta zeolite supporting Co particles also permits the growth of MWNTs by ethylene CCVD as reported by Ciambelli et al. (2005). The nanotubes are sinuous and entangled, with an inner diameter determined by metal particle dimensions. Carbon deposit yield increases with reaction time and temperature, while reaction yield increases with reaction time. Selectivity of nanotubes at about 70 % was obtained after 60 min at 700 °C. The increase of reaction time leads to a greater wall 42 thickness, resulting from the increase of wall number. This increase is likely due to a progressive ordering of amorphous carbon formed on the external surface of CNTs. The carbon samples have surface areas increasing with reaction time and temperature, as a combined effect of increased selectivity to nanotubes and porosity of amorphous carbon. 3.6 Latest Catalytic Chemical Vapour Deposition (CCVD) Valiente et al. (2000) have applied two different techniques, thermogravimetric analysis and UV-Raman, to analyze carbon deposition by catalytic decomposition of acetylene over an iron-based catalyst. The UV-Raman result shows the chemical conversion of the adsorbed carbon species to olefinic species, polymerised olefinic species, aromatic species and finally to carbon nanotubes. Valiente et al. (2000) concluded that carbon deposition has an induction period of about 5 minutes and the reaction temperature enhances the formation of the nanotubes. The XRD pattern of the raw iron-based catalyst shows characteristic of Fe2O3. Zou et al. (2004) had synthesized aligned carbon nanotube arrays on Fe2O3/SiO2/Si substrates using simple thermal chemical vapour deposition (STCVD) apparatus at atmospheric pressure, which was made possible by substituting complex apparatus for the growth of CNTs. The alignment of the CNTs may be controlled by Van der Waals interactions among the CNTs and the overcrowding effect. Moshkalyov et al. (2004) had presented a study of MWNTs growth using two different catalytic chemical vapour deposition (CCVD) techniques, i.e. low pressure plasma-enhanced and atmospheric pressure thermal CVD. Thin films of Ni were used as catalyst. In the case of low pressure plasma-enhanced CVD, it was found that it is impossible to achieve adequate growth of MWNTs under low temperature of 500 – 550 °C. Meanwhile, the atmospheric pressure thermal CVD was effective in growing more regular and straighter nanotubes at temperature higher than 700 °C. 43 This technique gave the maximum growth rate as high as ~ 1 – 2 µm/min with tubes length up to 30 – 40 µm. In addition, the results also shown that the nanotubes growth density depends strongly on the catalyst treatment. The latest alcohol catalytic chemical vapour deposition technique was used by Inoue et al. (2005) to investigate the relationships among catalyst species, alcohol and synthesis temperature (600 – 1000 °C). For ethanol, the Mo/Co catalyst functions best among the three catalysts, i.e. Fe/Co, Mo/Co and Rh/Pd. In the case of methanol, Fe/Co work more efficiently than Mo/Co. However, these latest CCVD methods required complicated apparatus and power supply and the yield of CNTs are not promising. Therefore, in this work the typical CCVD was applied but with new approach in the preparation of supported catalysts in order to enhance the CNTs growth. CHAPTER 4 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 4.1 Preparation of Supported Catalysts 4.1.1 Preparation of Alumina and Molecular Sieves Supported Catalysts Two types of catalyst support were used, i.e. alumina beads (aluminium oxide beads with diameters 2 – 4 mm, supplied by Sigma-Aldrich) and molecular sieve beads (type 3A, supplied by Fisher). Molecular sieves (MS) are a mixture of metal oxide, mainly alumina (Al2O3) and silica (SiO2). Both of the supports were obtained from commercial source. The supported catalysts were prepared by soaking technique of wet impregnation method. The supports in beads form were dried in oven for 24 hours at 120 °C to eliminate water vapour and impurities. After cooling, all the supports were impregnated with either Co or Fe acetate salt aqueous solutions. An amount of 1.00 g of the dried support beads (either alumina or MS) was weighed. A stoichiometric amount of hydrated cobalt acetate salt, Co(CH3COO)2.4H2O (Fluka) of 2.5 wt.% of Co relative to the weight of the support (Appendix A.1) was diluted with minimum amount of distilled water. A pinkish coloured solution was obtained. The support was immersed in the solution until saturation, and then dried in oven for 30 minutes at 90 °C. This procedure was repeated until all of the solution was adsorbed by the support. The sample was then dried for 24 hours at the same temperature. As for the non-calcined sample, the resulting supported catalyst was ready to be used in the 45 synthesis of carbon nanotubes (CNTs). For calcination treatment, the catalyst was placed in a furnace and heated to 450 °C for 17 hours. For the preparation of supported 3.0 wt.% Co catalyst, an amount of hydrated cobalt acetate salt containing 3.0 wt.% of Co were used. The preparation of Fe supported catalysts was similar to the procedures above except for the use of ferrum acetate salt, Fe(CH3COO)2 (Aldrich) as a replacement to cobalt acetate salt. The calculation was shown in Appendix A.2. In the preparation of Co and Fe mixture supported catalysts, equal amount of Co and Fe acetate salt were used. For example, 1.25 wt.% of each acetate salt were mixed to obtain 2.5 wt.% of metal catalyst loaded on the support (Appendix A.3). 4.1.2 Preparation of Anodic Aluminium Oxide (AAO) Template Supported Catalysts In this method, anodic aluminium oxide (AAO) template (Whatman Anodisc 47, 200 nm diameter pores and 50 µm thickness) was used as the catalyst support. The anodic aluminium oxide (AAO) template is thin and poor in absorbing aqueous solution, therefore, dip coating technique (impregnation method) has to be applied. In order to get 0.5 M of cobalt acetate aqueous solution, a stoichiometric amount of hydrated cobalt acetate salt, Co(CH3COO)2.4H2O (Fluka) (Appendix B.1) was dissolved with distilled water in a 25 mL volumetric flask. The solution was shaken well to make sure the salt dissolved completely. The pinkish solution was poured into a petri dish and 2 pieces of AAO templates were immersed in the solution for 30 minutes. Then the wet AAO templates were dried in an oven at 90 °C for 30 minutes. The immersion and drying procedure were repeated 3 times. The templates were then dried for 24 hours at the same temperature. Part of the sample was then calcined at 450 °C for 17 hours. For the preparation of higher quantity of Co catalyst, cobalt acetate aqueous solution of 1.0 M was used to dip coated the templates. 46 The Fe supported catalysts were prepared using the same procedures except for the use of ferrum acetate salt, Fe(CH3COO)2 (Aldrich) replacing cobalt acetate salt. The calculation was showed in Appendix B.2. In the preparation of Co and Fe mixture solution, same amount of Co and Fe acetate salt were used. To obtain 0.5 M mixture solution, 0.25 M of Co solution was combined with 0.25 M of Fe solution (Appendix B.3). The notations for all of the supported catalysts prepared in this work are shown in Table 4.1. These notations will be used in the following discussion. Table 4.1: Notations for the alumina, molecular sieves (MS) and Anodic Aluminium Support Oxide (AAO) template supported metal catalysts. Loadings of metal catalyst Al2O3 2.5 wt.% 3.0 wt.% MS 2.5 wt.% 3.0 wt.% AAO 0.5 M 1.0 M Types of metal catalyst Calcination* Co Fe Co/Fe 8 Al–Co(2.5) Al–Fe(2.5) Al–Co/Fe(2.5) 9 Al–Co(2.5)Cal Al–Fe(2.5)Cal Al–Co/Fe(2.5)Cal 8 Al–Co(3.0) Al–Fe(3.0) Al–Co/Fe(3.0) 9 Al–Co(3.0)Cal Al–Fe(3.0)Cal Al–Co/Fe(3.0)Cal 8 MS–Co(2.5) MS–Fe(2.5) MS–Co/Fe(2.5) 9 MS–Co(2.5)Cal MS–Fe(2.5)Cal MS–Co/Fe(2.5)Cal 8 MS–Co(3.0) MS–Fe(3.0) MS–Co/Fe(3.0) 9 MS–Co(3.0)Cal MS–Fe(3.0)Cal MS–Co/Fe(3.0)Cal 8 AAO–Co(0.5) AAO–Fe(0.5) AAO–Co/Fe(0.5) 9 AAO–Co(0.5)Cal AAO–Fe(0.5)Cal AAO–Co/Fe(0.5)Cal 8 AAO–Co(1.0) AAO–Fe(1.0) AAO–Co/Fe(1.0) 9 AAO–Co(1.0)Cal AAO–Fe(1.0)Cal AAO–Co/Fe(1.0)Cal * 8: without calcination; 9: treated with calcination. 47 4.2 Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) 4.2.1 Design and Fabrication of Custom Built Catalytic Chemical Vapour Deposition (CCVD) System A simple thermal Catalytic Chemical Vapour Deposition (CCVD) system has been designed and fabricated for synthesize of CNTs. The system is simple and includes a cost effective fixed bed flow reactor. It is easy to handle and does not require expensive power supply or high pressure reaction chamber. The system can be divided into 3 major components: the gas sources, the gas mixing component and the tube furnace. There are 2 types of gases used, acetylene (C2H2) and nitrogen (N2). Each gas tank was connected to a regulator. The amount of the gas was measured with a flow meter. Both of the gas streams were passed through a moisture trap to make sure the gas was dry. The moisture trap contained silica gel. The gas streams were controlled by an on-off valve before mixing up. The function of the gas mixing chamber is to mix the gas uniformly prior to the reaction. The gas mixture was measured again before it flown into the furnace. The custom built reactor is a fixed bed flow reactor where the solid form catalyst has been placed stationary in the high temperature zone within the furnace to react with the gas source. The carbon deposition yield will deposit on the active catalyst and the CNTs can be collected upon cooling of the system after the reaction. A Carbolite CTF 12/65/550 model tube furnace was used. In the furnace, the acetylene was heated up and reacted to the supported catalyst to synthesis CNTs. The schematic diagram of the system is shown in Figure 4.1. Meanwhile Figure 4.2 and Figure 4.3 showed the photographs of the CCVD system. 48 On-off Moisture Flow meter 1 valve 1 Trap 1 Flow meter 3 Gas mixing chamber Co/Fe supported catalysts Flow meter 2 Regulator 1 Gas in On-off valve 2 Gas out Tube furnace Vycor tube (to fume cupboard) Ceramic boat Moisture Trap 2 Regulator 2 N2 C2H2 Tube furnace Gas mixing component Gas sources Figure 4.1: Schematic diagram of the Catalytic Chemical Vapour Deposition (CCVD) system (fixed bed flow reactor). Nitrogen (N2) Tube furnace and controller Acetylene (C2H2) Gas mixing component Figure 4.2: Photograph of the fixed bed flow reactor. 49 Gas mixing chamber Flow meter On-off valve Moisture trap Figure 4.3: Photograph of the gas mixing component in the CCVD system. 4.2.2 Production of Carbon Nanotubes The experiment was carried out in a horizontal tube furnace at atmospheric pressure. The prepared and calcined supported catalyst is spread on a ceramic boat, which is placed inside a Vycor tube. Acetylene (C2H2) with purity of 99.9999 % was used as the source of carbon for the production of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and nitrogen (N2) gas (99.9 %) acts as the carrier gas. After purging with nitrogen at 120 standard cubic centimetres per minute (sccm) for 15 minutes, acetylene was allowed to flow at 15 sccm. The decomposition of C2H2 was performed at 700 °C (5 °C/min) with reaction time of 30 minutes. The percentage of carbon deposited due to the catalytic decomposition of C2H2 was obtained from Equation 4.1 (Nagaraju et al., 2002): Carbon deposit (%) = 100 ( mtot − m cat ) m cat (Equation 4.1) where mcat and mtot are the mass of the catalyst before and after the reaction, respectively. 50 4.3 Characterisation Techniques In this research, combinations of various characterisation tools were adopted in elucidating the bulk and surface complexity of the active catalysts and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) produced. The combinations of several characterisation techniques undoubtedly provide valuable interpretable data concerning the structure and morphological properties of the supported catalysts and the CNTs synthesized. Thus, catalyst characterisation provides more fundamental and practical understanding of the CNT growth in relating the type, composition and particle size of catalyst with catalytic performance. There are five main techniques that will be discussed: X-ray Diffraction Analysis (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDX), Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The SEM, FE-SEM and TEM techniques are generally grouped as Electron Microscopy (EM). 4.3.1 X-ray Diffraction (XRD) In heterogeneous catalysis, even though the active sites are located on the surface of the catalysts, the bulk structure plays a significant role too. This is because the catalysts characteristics depend strongly on the bulk structure. XRD is the main technique for the identification of bulk crystallographic phases present in the catalyst shown by the diffraction pattern. In addition, the possible presence of amorphous phase can also be detected by XRD. The X-ray diffraction phenomenon occurs when the X-ray photon is elastically scattered by atoms, which are arranged in a periodic lattice. Figure 4.4 illustrates the diffraction of X-rays by crystal lattices. 51 X-rays Crystal lattices θ d Figure 4.4: The diffraction of X-rays by crystal lattices. By using the Bragg’s law, the lattice spacing that depends on the angular position, θ, can be derived (Equation 4.2). The corresponding lattice spacing is characteristic for each particular compound that enables the phase identification of the compound. nλ = 2d sin θ (Equation 4.2) where the n is reflection order (1, 2, 3…), λ is x-ray wavelength and d is lattice spacing as well as the θ is the angle between the incoming X-rays and the normal to the reflecting lattice plane. The analysis of catalyst materials by XRD was conducted using the Diffractometer D500 Siemens Crystalloflex with CuKα (λ = 1.54060 Å) as the radiation source. Scans were performed in a step mode of 0.05°/step and 1 second/step. The data of Al2O3 and AAO supported catalysts were collected over a 2θ range of 20 to 70°. Whereas, 2θ range of 5 to 70° were used for collecting data of MS supported catalysts. Particle Size Measurement Phase identification using X-ray diffraction relies mainly on the positions of the peaks in a diffraction profile and to some extent on the relative intensities of these peaks. The shapes of the peaks, however, contain additional and often valuable 52 information. The shape, particularly the width, of the peak is a measure of the amplitude of thermal oscillations of the atoms at their regular lattice sites (Krill and Birringer, 2005). The particle size of the supported catalysts generally is too fine to be measured by electron microscopy. Laser scattering methods are complicated and time consuming. Measurement of particle size by XRD solves these shortcomings. Particles are coherent (free of defect) crystal units that diffract in phase. The particle size is a measurement of adjacent, repeating crystalline units. Particle size is performed by measuring the broadening of a particular peak in a diffraction pattern associated with a particular planar reflection from within the crystal unit cell (Rikagu, 2005). The well known Scherrer Equation (Equation 4.3) explains peak broadening in terms of incident beam divergence which makes it possible to satisfy the Bragg condition for non-adjacent diffraction planes. Once instrument effects have been excluded, the particle size is easily calculated as a function of peak width (specified as the full width at half maximum peak intensity (FWHM)), peak position and wavelength. d= Kλ FWHM cos θ (Equation 4.3) where d is particle size (Å), K is unit cell geometry dependent constant (0.94), λ equals to wavelength of x-rays (Å) and FWHM is full width at half maximum peak intensity (radians) as well as θ representing the Bragg angle (°). The particle size is inversely related to the FWHM of an individual peak, the narrower the peak, the larger the particle size. This is due to the periodicity of the individual particle domains, in phase, reinforcing the diffraction of the X-ray beam, resulting in a tall narrow peak. If the crystals are defect free and periodically arranged, the X-ray beam is diffracted to the same angle even through with multiple layers of the specimen. If the crystals are randomly arranged or have low degrees of periodicity, the result is a broader peak (Rikagu, 2005). 53 4.3.2 Electron Microscopy Just as ‘light microscope’ is a generic term covering a range of instruments for producing magnified images using glass lenses and visible or ultraviolet light, so the name ‘electron microscope’ does not refer to a specific design of instrument but to a family of instruments which produce magnified images by the use of electrostatic or electromagnetic lenses and fast-moving electrons. They all share the ability to give images of high or very high resolution over a very useful depth of field (Watt, 1985). Within the electron microscope family there are two well defined ranges of microscope, corresponding to transmission and reflection (metallurgical) light microscopes, which look directly at the internal structure of translucent specimens and the outside features of bulk material, respectively. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) In the context of catalyst and CNT characterisation, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) is the most important instrument for the investigation of topology and morphology of the specimens. The major components of the SEM are illustrated in Figure 4.5. These components require careful alignment and proper set up. A very fine probe of electrons originated from a thermionic electron with energies up to 30 or 40 keV is focused at the surface of the specimen in the microscope and scanned across it in a raster or pattern of parallel lines. As the electron beam impinges on the specimen surface, the emission of secondary electrons with energies of a few tens of eV and re-emission or reflection of high-energy backscattered electrons from the primary beam occurs. The intensity of emission of both secondary and backscattered electrons is very sensitive to the angle at which the electron beam strikes the surface. The emitted electron current is collected and amplified; variations in the resulting signal strength as the electron probe is scanned 54 across the specimen are used to vary the brightness of the trace of a cathode ray tube being scanned in synchronism with the probe. There is thus a direct positional correspondence between the electron beam scanning across the specimen and the fluorescent image on the cathode ray tube (Watt, 1985). Figure 4.5: The components of a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) (Reimer, 1984). In handling a SEM, voltage of the emitted beam and the beam current are important factors. At higher voltage, more electrons are emitted; however, more charging is associated with the image. For CNTs, charging is not significant as the nanotubes and associated deposited graphite layers are conducting. Whereas higher beam current provide higher energy to the electrons, therefore more surface emitted electrons resulting better resolution (Ward, 2002). Special specimen preparation techniques are rarely needed in scanning electron microscopy. However, charging effects can be avoided, by coating the specimen with a thin conductive film for example gold (Au) coating (Reimer, 1984). In this work, a Philips XL 40 SEM was utilized to investigate all of the supported catalysts and as-grown CNTs with 30.0 keV probe under working distance around 10 mm. 55 Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM) The Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM) provides a view of the surface or topology of the sample. The FE-SEM operates by emitting a beam of electrons from a tungsten filament and then scanning (rastering) the probe beam of electrons across the sample surface, ejecting secondary electrons, backscattered electrons and Auger electrons. The FE-SEM is distinct from a normal SEM by how the electrons are ejecting from the tungsten filament. In an FE-SEM, electrons are emitted by applying a very high voltage (external field), bending the potential barrier that binds the electrons onto the atom. After a sufficient voltage is applied, the electrons are allowed to escape the atom by tunnelling into the vacuum (Ward, 2002). The electrons are then accelerated by the high potential field. This electron beam generation allows for better resolution and less charging in the FE-SEM since more electrons are emitted from the filament at lower energies. The sample preparation for FE-SEM is relatively simple. It is assumed that CNTs are conducting that no Au coating is required to view the CNTs. The carbon nanotubes produced in this work were examined by a JOEL JSM-6700F model FE-SEM with magnification of 60000× and 25000×. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) In a conventional Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), a thin specimen is irradiated with an electron beam of uniform current density with energy in the range of 60 – 150 keV. Electrons are emitted in the electron gun by thermionic emission from tungsten hairpin cathodes or LaB6 rods or by field emission from pointed tungsten filaments (Reimer, 1984). The latter are used when high gun brightness is needed. Unlike SEM, the TEM cannot view surface morphologies, but sample cross-sections, lattice planes, atomic defects, crystal diffraction, etc. can all be determined with a TEM. For CNTs, this allows for the determination of the type of carbon nanotubes (SWNT or MWNT), diameter of the tube, amount of 56 graphitization and amorphous deposits and other structural properties of the tubes such as helicity (using diffraction), bending and flattening of the tubes (Ward, 2002). Figure 4.6 shows the schematic ray path for a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). Figure 4.6: Schematic ray path for a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). The lens aberrations of the objective lens are so great that it is necessary to work with very small objective apertures to achieve resolution of the order of 0.2 – 0.5 nm. Bright field contrast is produced either by absorption of the electrons scattered through angles larger than the objective aperture (scattering contrast) or by interference between the scattered wave and the incident wave at the image point (phase contrast). The phase of the electron waves behind the specimen is modified by the wave aberration of the objective lens. This aberration and the energy spread of the electron gun, which is the order of 1 – 2 eV, limits the contrast transfer of high special frequencies. Electrons interact strongly with atoms by elastic and inelastic scattering. The specimen must therefore be very thin, typically of the order of 5 nm – 5 µm for 57 100 keV electrons, depending on the density and elemental composition of the object and the resolution desired (Reimer, 1984). TEM can provide high resolution because elastic scattering is an interaction process that is highly localized to the region occupied by the screened Coulomb potential of an atomic nucleus, whereas inelastic scattering is more diffuse; it spreads out over about a nanometer. For viewing of the CNTs with a TEM, the substrates are placed into a vile with ethanol. The vile is then placed into an ultrasonic bath and sonicated for ~10 minutes. This allows for the detachment of the nanotubes from the surface of the substrates. After sonication, a pipette is used to extract some of the nanotubes in solution. The solution is then slowly deposited onto a Cu grid with a holey carbon mask. The ethanol is then allowed to evaporate and the sample can then be placed into the TEM for viewing. In this work, a JOEL JEM-2010 model TEM was used to analyze the as-grown CNTs. 4.3.3 Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDX) An Energy Dispersive X-ray Analyzer (EDX) is a common accessory which gives the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) a very valuable capability for elemental analysis. The electron beam in an SEM has energy typically between 5 to 20 keV. When an incident electron beam hits atoms of the sample, secondary and backscattered electrons are emitted from the sample surface. However, these are not the only signals emitted from the sample. When the incident beam bounces through the sample creating secondary electrons, it leaves thousands of the sample atoms with holes in the electron shells where the secondary electrons used to be. If these holes are in inner shells, the atoms are not in a stable state. To stabilize the atoms, electrons from outer shells will drop into the inner shells, however, because the outer 58 shells are at a higher energy state, to do this the atom must lose some energy. It does this in the form of X-rays. Figure 4.7 illustrates the interaction of an electron beam with an atom. Secondary electron emission Incident beam electron Outer electron jumps to inner shell, releasing X-ray emission Figure 4.7: The interaction of an electron beam with an atom. The detector used in EDX is the Lithium drifted Silicon detector. This detector must be operated at liquid nitrogen temperatures. When an X-ray strikes the detector, it will generate a photoelectron within the body of the Si. As this photoelectron travels through the Si, it generates electron-hole pairs. The electrons and holes are attracted to opposite ends of the detector with the aid of a strong electric field. The size of the current pulse thus generated depends on the number of electron-hole pairs created, which in turn depends on the energy of the incoming Xray. Thus, an X-ray spectrum can be acquired giving information on the elemental composition of the material under examination. The X-rays emitted from the sample atoms are characteristic in energy and wavelength to not only the element of the parent atom, but also which shells lost electrons and which shells replaced them. For instance, if the innermost shell (the K shell) electron of an atom is replaced by an L shell electron, a K alpha X-ray is 59 emitted from the sample. If an M shell electron of the atom replaced the K shell electron, a K beta X-ray is emitted. So, an EDX spectrum of an element would have a few peaks. Since lower atomic number elements have fewer filled shells, they have fewer X-ray peaks. While some of the high atomic numbered X-rays can be over 50 keV, a spectral range of 0 – 20 keV can detect all the elements from boron to uranium. EDX analysis can also quantify the elements it detects. A quantitative analysis can be performed by a standardless or standards analysis. A standardless analysis quantifies the elements by calculating the area under the peak of each identified element and after taking account for the accelerating voltage of the beam to produce the spectrum, performs calculations to create sensitivity factors that will convert the area under the peak into weight or atomic percent. One of the most popular algorithms is ZAF where Z stands for the atomic number of the element, A and F are the absorbance and fluorescence values to compensate for the X-ray peak interaction. From this, the atomic and weight percent are calculated. Standard quantifications are performed in a similar fashion except the areas under the elemental peaks are compared to standards files which are spectra of the elements to be quantified acquired under the exact conditions of the unknown spectrum. Since it requires these additional spectra, this form of analysis is more time consuming and generally is less accurate than a standardless quantification unless the X-ray peaks of the elements to be quantified overlap or the elements are in trace quantities. In this work, the EDX analyses of supported catalysts and products of decomposition of C2H2 were performed using the EDX Microanalysis System Software with standardless method. The most common X-rays detected in the samples experimented are the Al Kα, Si Kα, Fe Kα, and Lα, Co Kα, and Lα, O Kα and C Kα. Each sample was examinated in several points and the average data were calculated. CHAPTER 5 PRODUCTION OF CARBON NANOTUBES (CNTs) OVER ALUMINA AND ANODIC ALUMINIUM OXIDE (AAO) TEMPLATE SUPPORTED CATALYSTS 5.1 Alumina Supported Catalysts Aluminas are a family of aluminum oxides (Al2O3) that can take many forms. As a general term, alumina refers to the lower temperature transition alumina forms. The most common use for alumina is in the manufacturing of aluminium, a metal commonly used in beverage cans, automobiles, and many other applications where a lightweight, durable metal is required. Alumina is also manufactured for use as adsorbents and catalysts, as well as numerous other applications. The alumina used in this work is high surface area beads that are activated by a proprietary process to achieve specific surface chemistry and reactivity. It is commonly used as adsorbents, desiccants and catalysts. The chemical properties, size and structure of this alumina is tailored to specific applications. Group VIIIB elements are known for their catalytic activity, in particular for their ability to catalyze hydrocarbon decomposition. The metal catalysts selected in this work are cobalt (Co), ferrum (Fe) and mixture of cobalt and ferrum (Co/Fe). The acetate salt of metals are utilized as the precursor of the metal oxide in the supported catalysts. Colomer et al. (1999) results showed that the Co and Fe catalysts are more active than Ni catalyst and the Co/Fe catalysts gave best activity. The Mo 61 and V are utilised as catalysts in Willems et al. (2000) work, but the Mo and V alone are totally inactive in the production of CNTs. The metal catalysts (Co or Fe) loadings of supported catalysts were set in the range of 2.5 – 3.0 wt %. This is because the particle size of the metal oxide increases with increasing metal loading and the size of metal cluster also increases (Shajahan et al., 2004). Larger catalyst clusters have higher tendency to grow multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) with greater diameter which is low in quality. For that reason, the metal catalysts loading used in this work are low but satisfactory to grow good quality CNTs. As described by Perez-Cabero et al. (2004), the impregnation method allows more homogeneous metallic dispersion on the support. Therefore, we have choosen the wet impregnation method to incorporate the Co or Fe catalyst onto various supports. 5.1.1 Physical Appearance of Alumina Supported Catalysts The alumina supported catalysts obtained after drying at 90 °C remained in beads form and not hygroscopic. The alumina support is originally white in colour. After associated with either Co or Fe or Co/Fe metal catalyst, the support exhibited different colours. The Al–Co catalysts showed purple pinkish colour, while the Al-Fe catalysts showed brownish orange colour. The colour of the Al-Co/Fe catalysts is light orange. In all cases, the catalysts containing 3.0 wt.% metal showed more intense colour compared to the catalysts with 2.5 wt.% metal. However, the colour of the catalysts changed after calcination. After calcination at 450 °C, the Al-Co catalysts turn to dirty green, whereas the Al-Fe catalysts turned into dark orange and Al-Co/Fe catalysts turned into olive green. This indicates that the incorporation of the metal catalysts onto the support gave different physical appearance to various catalysts. 62 5.1.2 X-ray Diffraction (XRD) Analysis The alumina support and series of alumina supported catalysts were analyzed using XRD mainly for the determination of active phases that would contribute to a good catalytic activity in the synthesis of CNTs. Apart from that, the effect of varied preparation parameters such as types of metal catalysts, amount of metal catalyst loading and effect of calcination could be observed too. Thus, a contributing factor that resulted in the variation of catalysts activities could be reasoned out. The structural and phase of the catalysts were identified upon comparing the 2θ and d values of the studied catalysts with that of reference materials from the powder diffraction file (PDF 2001). XRD Analysis of Alumina Supported Cobalt Catalysts X-ray diffractogram patterns of dried Al2O3 support, Al–Co(2.5), Al–Co(2.5)Cal, Al–Co(3.0) and Al–Co(3.0)Cal catalysts were shown in Figure 5.1. The data were tabulated in Table 5.1. The Al2O3 support was observed as Al2O3 tetragonal and found to be amorphous. The main peaks for Al2O3 tetragonal phase was observed at 2θ values of 67.382, 66.973 and 32.822° or d values of 1.3886, 1.3961 and 2.7264 Å (PDF 2001 d values (Å): 1.3996, 1.3959 and 2.7280). In the Al-Co(2.5) catalyst, the face-centred cubic Co3O4 were detected at 2θ values of 36.793, 31.325 and 65.358° with d values of 2.4407, 2.8532 and 1.4266 Å (PDF 2001 d values (Å): 2.4370, 2.8580 and 1.4290). The Al2O3 support remained in the same phase, but the structure has been suppressed as shown in Figure 5.1. This probably due to the presence of Co3O4 face-centred cubic phase (Tee et al., 2004a). In the case of higher loading of Co (3.0 wt.%), the intensity of Co3O4 face-centred cubic peak at 2θ = 36.7° increases. The 2θ and d values of the Al-Co(2.5) and AlCo(2.5)Cal catalysts are shown in Table 5.1. 63 Al-Co(3.0)Cal Intensity (%) Al-Co(3.0) Al-Co(2.5)Cal Al-Co(2.5) Al2O3 20 30 40 50 60 70 2θ (°) Figure 5.1: XRD patterns of Al2O3 support, Al–Co(2.5), Al–Co(2.5)Cal, Al–Co(3.0) and Al–Co(3.0)Cal catalysts. : Al2O3 tetragonal and : Co3O4 face-centred cubic. 64 Table 5.1: Phases, peak position (2θ) and d values (Å) in the X-ray diffractogram patterns of the Al2O3 support, Al-Co(2.5) and Al-Co(2.5)Cal catalysts. Samples Phase Structure 2θ (°) 67.382 66.973 32.822 67.402 Al2O3 tetragonal 67.044 32.756 Al–Co(2.5) 36.793 Co3O4 face31.325 centred cubic 65.358 67.198 Al2O3 tetragonal 66.942 32.807 Al–Co(2.5)Cal 36.742 Co3O4 face31.325 centred cubic 64.409 * dobs : d spacing values obtained from XRD analyses. dref : d spacing values obtained from the reference. Al2O3 Al2O3 tetragonal dobs* (Å) 1.3886 1.3961 2.7264 1.3882 1.3948 2.7318 2.4408 2.8532 1.4266 1.3920 1.3967 2.7276 2.4441 2.8532 1.4256 dref * (Å) (PDF 2001) 1.3996 1.3959 2.7280 1.3996 1.3959 2.7280 2.4370 2.8580 1.4290 1.3996 1.3959 2.7280 2.4370 2.8580 1.4290 In spite of calcination on both of the Co catalysts at 450 °C, there was no phase or structural transformation observed. The Al2O3 tetragonal and Co3O4 facecentred cubic phases were preserved (Figure 5.1). However, the intensity of Co3O4 face-centred cubic phase had increased, which suggested that the degree of crystallinity of both Al-Co(2.5) and Al-Co(3.0) catalysts had increased with calcination. Comparing the diffractograms of the catalysts to that of the support, there are no difference in the peak positions, except for very low intensity peaks and peak broadening. In the diffractograms of Al2O3 supported Co catalysts, only the broad peaks of metallic Co appeared. In fact, Shajahan et al. (2004) had proven that the formation of an ideal Co3O4-Al2O3 phase in the catalysts is responsible for the XRD reflections at the identical positions of the support Al2O3. Further, Shajahan et al. (2004) also explained that the Co crystallite was small in size and dispersed well over the 65 support, so in the XRD patterns, the catalysts showed broad peaks, their intensities decreased and concurrently no clear peak for the presence of Co. In order to determine the active catalyst phases more accurately, an Al2O3 supported catalyst of 40 wt.% Co loading were prepared for the purpose of XRD analyses. The high loading of Co catalyst (40.0 wt.%) is expected to show high intensity peaks in the XRD patterns. The Al-Co(40.0) catalyst were calcined at two temperatures, i.e. 450 °C for 17 hours and 750 °C for 5 hours. The reason to carry out the calcination at 750 °C is to verify the active catalyst phase appeared during the CNTs synthesis at 700 °C. The XRD patterns of Al-Co(40.0)Cal were shown in Figure 5.2 and the data were tabulated in Table 5.2. In the Al-Co(40.0) catalyst calcined at 450 °C / 5 h, the face-centred cubic Co3O4 were detected at 2θ values of 36.850, 31.258 and 65.219° with d values of 2.4371, 2.8591 and 1.4293 Å (PDF 2001 d values (Å): 2.4370, 2.8580 and 1.4290). The Al2O3 support cannot be identified in the diffractograms, it is due to the high loading of Co catalyst (40 wt%) was over saturated the Al2O3 support. From the XRD pattern of Al-Co(40.0)Cal catalyst calcined at 750 °C for 17 hours, there was no phase transformation occurred in the XRD pattern (Figure 5.2). The main peaks of Co3O4 face-centred cubic phase appeared at 2θ values of 36.860, 31.258 and 65.213° with d values of 2.4365, 2.8592 and 1.4295 Å, as shown in Table 5.2. Therefore, through the XRD analyses of Al-Co(40.0)Cal catalyst, we proved that the Co catalyst existed as Co3O4 face-centred cubic. 66 Intensity (%) Calcination: 750 °C / 5 h Calcination: 450 °C / 17 h 20 30 40 50 60 70 2θ (°) Figure 5.2: XRD patterns of Al-Co(40.0)Cal catalyst calcined at 450 °C / 17 h and 750 °C / 17 h. : Co3O4 face-centred cubic. Table 5.2: Phases, peak position (2θ) and d values (Å) in the X-ray diffractogram patterns of Al-Co(40.0)Cal catalyst calcined at 450 °C / 17 h and 750 °C / 17 h. Sample Calcination Phase Structure 2θ (°) 36.850 31.258 450 °C / 17 h 65.219 Co(40.0) 36.860 Co3O4 face31.258 750 °C / 5 h centred cubic 65.213 * dobs : d spacing values obtained from XRD analyses. dref : d spacing values obtained from the reference. Co3O4 facecentred cubic dobs* (Å) 2.4371 2.8591 1.4293 2.4365 2.8592 1.4295 dref * (Å) (PDF 2001) 2.4370 2.8580 1.4290 2.4370 2.8580 1.4290 67 XRD Analysis of Alumina Supported Ferrum Catalysts The XRD analyses of various Al-Fe catalysts as well as the Al2O3 support are shown in Figure 5.3. The data are tabulated in Table 5.3. From the XRD pattern, the Al-Fe catalysts were generally found to be in amorphous state with the presence of Fe2O3 rhombohedral phase. The amorphous XRD patterns of Al-Fe catalysts were in agreement with Kukovecz et al. (2000) work. The high intensity peak of Al-Fe(2.5) at 33.273° or d value of 2.7010 Å (PDF 2001 d value: 2.6900 Å) was suggestively assigned to Fe2O3 rhombohedral phase. The main peak of Fe2O3 rhombohedral phase existed at 33.273° overlapped with the main peak of Al2O3 tetragonal at 32.858°, as a result a broad peak appear around 33°. The Al2O3 support was observed to remain in the same phase after the incorporation of Fe metal, but the structure of the Al2O3 tetragonal phase was found to be suppressed showed by the presence of lower intensity peaks. The calcination treatment has resulted in the increase of the peak intensities and the Fe2O3 rhombohedral phase in the Al-Fe(2.5)Cal catalyst became more dominant. The peaks at 2θ values of 33.263, 35.731 and 54.239° with d values of 2.7022, 2.5240 and 1.6879 Å (PDF 2001 d values (Å): 2.6900, 2.5100 and 1.6900) are assigned to Fe2O3 rhombohedral phase. The increment of Fe loading to 3.0 wt.% gave sharper and higher intensity of the Fe2O3 rhombohedral at 2θ values of 33.268, 35.750 and 54.231° and d values of 2.7067, 2.5013 and 1.6900 Å. From the diffractogram of Al-Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst (Figure 5.3), it is observed that the peaks of Fe2O3 rhombohedral became more dominant with higher peak intensities. This observation was found by Valiente et al. (2000) and Takenaka et al. (2004) in their previous work. As reported by Valiente et al. (2000), the catalyst prepared by Fe aqueous solution showed peaks of Fe2O3 phase in the XRD diffractograms. Takenaka et al. (2004) found that Fe catalysts supported on Al2O3 prepared by impregnation were also exist as Fe2O3 crystallite, the calcination in air at 500 °C did not change the Fe2O3 structure. 68 Al-Fe(3.0)Cal Intensity (%) Al-Fe(3.0) Al-Fe(2.5)Cal Al-Fe(2.5) Al2O3 20 30 40 50 60 70 2θ (°) Figure 5.3: X-ray diffractogram patterns of various Al-Fe catalysts together with Al2O3 support. : Al2O3 tetragonal and S: Fe2O3 rhombohedral. 69 Table 5.3: Phases, peak position (2θ) and d values (Å) in the X-ray diffractogram patterns of the Al2O3 support, Al-Fe(2.5) and Al-Fe(2.5)Cal catalysts. Samples Phase Structure 2θ (°) 67.382 66.973 32.822 67.198 Al2O3 tetragonal 66.636 32.858 Al–Fe(2.5) 33.273 Fe2O3 35.738 rhombohedral 54.224 67.351 Al2O3 tetragonal 66.789 32.705 Al–Fe(2.5)Cal 33.263 Fe2O3 35.731 rhombohedral 54.239 * dobs : d spacing values obtained from XRD analyses. dref : d spacing values obtained from the reference. Al2O3 Al2O3 tetragonal dobs* (Å) 1.3886 1.3961 2.7264 1.3920 1.4023 2.7235 2.7010 2.5231 1.7002 1.3892 1.3995 2.7359 2.7022 2.5240 1.6879 dref * (Å) (PDF 2001) 1.3996 1.3959 2.7280 1.3996 1.3959 2.7280 2.6900 2.5100 1.6900 1.3996 1.3959 2.7280 2.6900 2.5100 1.6900 The XRD patterns of Al-Fe catalysts showed low intensity peaks of Fe2O3 rhombohedral, it is due to the low loading of the Fe catalyst. To overcome this, an Al2O3 supported Fe catalyst with 30 wt.% loading was prepared, the catalyst was undergone calcinations at 450 °C for 17 hours and 750 °C for 5 hours. The diffractograms of the Al-Fe(30.0)Cal catalyst were demonstrated in Figure 5.4, together with the 2θ and d values in Table 5.4. For the Al-Fe(30.0)Cal catalyst calcined at 450 °C, the XRD pattern clearly depicted that the Fe catalyst appeared as Fe2O3 rhombohedral phase. The peaks were assigned at 2θ of 33.191, 35.730 and 54.271° with d values of 2.6970, 2.5109 and 1.6889 Å (PDF 2001 d values (Å): 2.6900, 2.5100 and 1.6900) as shown in Table 5.3. The calcination at 750 °C did not resulted any changes to the diffractogram pattern of the Al-Fe(30.0)Cal catalyst. The catalyst was observed to remain as the Fe2O3 rhombohedral phase. Thus through the XRD analyses of Al-Fe(30.0)Cal catalyst, it is verified that the Fe catalyst existed on the Al2O3 support as Fe2O3 rhombohedral phase. 70 Intensity (%) Calcination: 750 °C / 5 h Calcination: 450 °C / 17 h 20 30 40 50 60 70 2θ (°) Figure 5.4: XRD patterns of Al-Fe(30.0)Cal catalyst calcined at 450 °C / 17 h and 750 °C / 17 h. S: Fe2O3 rhombohedral. Table 5.4: Phases, peak position (2θ) and d values (Å) in the X-ray diffractogram patterns of Al-Fe(30.0)Cal catalyst calcined at 450 °C / 17 h and 750 °C / 17 h. Sample Calcination Phase Structure 2θ (°) 33.191 35.730 450 °C / 17 h 54.271 Fe(30.0) 33.185 Fe2O3 35.791 750 °C / 5 h rhombohedral 54.171 * dobs : d spacing values obtained from XRD analyses. dref : d spacing values obtained from the reference. Fe2O3 rhombohedral dobs* (Å) 2.6970 2.5109 1.6889 2.6974 2.5068 1.6917 dref * (Å) (PDF 2001) 2.6900 2.5100 1.6900 2.6900 2.5100 1.6900 71 XRD Analysis of Alumina Supported Cobalt/Ferrum Catalysts X-ray diffractogram patterns of a series of Al-Co/Fe catalysts together with the Al2O3 support are shown in Figure 5.5. The 2θ and d values are tabulated in Table 5.5. From the diffractograms, the catalysts are observed to be amorphous with broad peaks as described by Kukovecz et al. (2000). The Al2O3 support structure did not collapse after the impregnation of Co and Fe. Interestingly, the XRD pattern of Al-Co/Fe catalysts showed the existence of both Co and Fe in their individual phase, i.e. Co3O4 face-centred cubic and Fe2O3 rhombohedral phase. For Al-Co/Fe(2.5) catalyst, the 2θ values at 36.974, 31.297 and 65.342° and d values of 2.4293, 2.8557 and 1.4269 Å (PDF 2001 d values (Å): 2.4370, 2.8580 and 1.4290) corresponding to the existence of Co3O4 face-centred cubic phase. The peaks at 2θ values of approximately 32.729, 64.548 and 29.968° and d values of 2.7340, 1.3856 and 2.9793 Å (PDF 2001 d values (Å): 2.7280, 1.3830 and 2.9810) are due to the existence of Fe2O3 rhombohedral phase. This observation indicates that there is no interaction between the Co3O4 face-centred cubic phase and Fe2O3 rhombohedral phase. In the Al-Co/Fe calcined catalysts, the Co3O4 face-centred cubic and Fe2O3 rhombohedral phase remained unchanged. However, Fe2O3 rhombohedral phase is more dominant in the form of higher intensity peaks (Tee et al., 2004b). On the other hand, the structure of the Al-Co/Fe(3.0) and Al-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal catalysts demonstrate better crystallinity in the diffractograms, as both of the catalysts illustrated higher peak intensities (Figure 5.5). This may be due to the higher concentration of the Co and Fe catalyst. However, the calcination did not change the XRD patterns of the Al-Co/Fe(3.0) and Al-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst. 72 Al-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal Intensity (%) Al-Co/Fe(3.0) Al-Co/Fe(2.5)Cal Al-Co/Fe(2.5) Al2O3 20 30 40 50 60 70 2θ (°) Figure 5.5: XRD patterns of Al-Co/Fe catalysts and Al2O3 support. : Al2O3 tetragonal, : Co3O4 face-centred cubic and S: Fe2O3 rhombohedral. 73 Table 5.5: Phases, peak position (2θ) and d values (Å) in the X-ray diffractogram patterns of the Al2O3 support, Al-Co/F(2.5) and Al-Co/Fe(2.5)Cal catalysts. Samples Phase Structure 2θ (°) 67.382 Al2O3 Al2O3 tetragonal 66.973 32.822 67.248 Al2O3 tetragonal 66.941 32.729 36.974 Al–Co/Fe(2.5) Co3O4 face31.297 centred cubic 65.342 33.278 Fe2O3 35.740 rhombohedral 54.218 67.291 Al2O3 tetragonal 66.729 32.776 36.918 Al–Co/Fe(2.5)Cal Co3O4 face31.294 centred cubic 65.144 33.269 Fe2O3 35.738 rhombohedral 54.229 * dobs : d spacing values obtained from XRD analyses. dref : d spacing values obtained from the reference. dobs* (Å) 1.3886 1.3961 2.7264 1.3911 1.3967 2.7339 2.4293 2.8557 1.4269 2.6910 2.5132 1.6988 1.3903 1.4006 2.7301 2.4328 2.8560 1.4308 2.7011 2.5136 1.6915 dref * (Å) (PDF 2001) 1.3996 1.3959 2.7280 1.3996 1.3959 2.7280 2.4370 2.8580 1.4290 2.6900 2.5100 1.6900 1.3996 1.3959 2.7280 2.4370 2.8580 1.4290 2.6900 2.5100 1.6900 Particle Size of Alumina Supported Catalysts It is known that the particle size of the catalyst in the supported catalysts system is important in determining the diameter of the as-grown CNTs. The particle size of the Al2O3 supported catalysts were measured by Scherrer Equation (Equation 4.3) using data from the XRD analyses. Only the particle size of the Al-Co/Fe catalysts are discussed here as these catalysts showed the best XRD patterns and expected to give higher activity towards the synthesis of CNTs. The particle size of the Co3O4 face-centred cubic and Fe2O3 rhombohedral particles were tabulated in Table 5.6, while the example of calculation was shown in Appendix C. 74 It is observed that the particle sizes for the Co3O4 face-centred cubic particle are in the range of 28 – 39 nm. Meanwhile, the Fe2O3 rhombohedral phase exhibited smaller particle sizes of 22 – 30 nm. There is no exact trend of the particle size of the Co3O4 face-centred cubic phase. This is because the particle size is not affected by either the increment of Co loading or the calcination. On the contrary, the particle size of Fe2O3 rhombohedral phase can be controlled through Fe catalyst loading and calcination. The particle size increases when the Fe catalyst loading increases. Also, the calcined catalysts tend to have larger Fe2O3 rhombohedral particles. Table 5.6: The particle size (d) of Co3O4 face-centred cubic and Fe2O3 rhombohedral particles in Al2O3 supported Co/Fe catalysts. Catalysts Particle size, d (nm) Co3O4 face-centred cubic Fe2O3 rhombohedral Al-Co/Fe(2.5) 33.73 23.54 Al-Co/Fe(2.5)Cal 28.26 29.54 Al-Co/Fe(3.0) 31.08 22.35 Al-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal 38.64 29.89 The particle sizes in the Al-Co/Fe catalysts are in agreement with the previous work. The Co and Fe catalyst particles form on the Al2O3 support are less than 40 nm, which is concurring to the average nanometer scale required for producing CNTs. Nagaraju et al. (2002) emphasized that nanometer scale clusters are required for producing CNTs. On the other hand, Takenaka et al. (2004) disclosed that an average crystallite size of Fe2O3 in fresh Fe2O3/Al2O3 catalysts are almost constant (ca. 25 nm) irrespective of Fe2O3 loadings. The results showed that the size of Fe2O3 catalyst particles obtained in this work is comparable to 25 nm. 75 Conclusion of XRD Analysis The XRD deduction of the Al2O3 supported catalysts showed that the incorporation of the Co, Fe or mixture of Co/Fe onto the Al2O3 support was accomplished. All of the metal catalyst phases were identified through the XRD analyses and the XRD results were verified through from the analysis of high loading catalysts. Basically, the Al2O3 support was discovered as Al2O3 tetragonal, while the Co catalysts were identified as Co3O4 face-centred cubic phase and the Fe catalysts were assigned as the Fe2O3 rhombohedral phase. In the Co/Fe catalysts, the metal catalyst showed the same phases as if they are isolated in the system. Generally, the structure of Al2O3 support was suppressed by the metal catalyst after the impregnation. The increase in metal loading of the catalysts resulted in higher degree of crystallinity in the XRD diffractograms. The calcination at 450 °C had improved the structure of the catalysts but did not change the phase of the catalysts, as shown by the sharp and highly intense peaks in XRD diffractograms. According to Kukovecz et al. (2000), all the alumina supported Co and Fe samples were amorphous and even after calcination no new phase was detected in the catalysts. This explained the XRD pattern of the Al2O3 support and the Co or Fe catalysts prepared in this work. The bimetallic catalyst of Al2O3 showed better characteristic towards the synthesis of CNTs, compared to the monometallic catalyst system. 5.1.3 The As-Grown Carbon Deposition Yield and Physical Appearance It is known that C2H2 is more reactive than CH4 at the same reaction temperature, resulting in high conversion into carbon product. Therefore, C2H2 is more beneficial carbon source to obtain high-yeild CNTs compared with CH4. In this work, C2H2 gas was used as the carbon precursor with flow rate of 15 sccm. According to Shajahan et al. (2004), excessive carbon deactivates catalyst and deposits high amorphous carbon. Temperature higher than 700 °C can induce the 76 formation of amorphous and unwanted carbonaceous product as reported by Kukovecz et al. (2000), therefore a moderate reaction temperature of 700 °C was applied. The use of N2 gas as the carrier gas can improve the mobility of the C2H2 gas and achieve optimum residence time of acetylene on the catalyst active sites (Piedigrosso et al., 2000). A tarry viscous liquid was deposited at exist end of the reactor when C2H2 gas was used. The as-synthesized carbon deposits were black in colour in all cases but the texture was distinctly different. From the difference in texture of the carbon deposit obtained from the syntheses, at the first instance one can get an idea if a particular catalyst was active in producing CNTs. In general, when the carbon deposit appeared spongy with deposition of black fine powder, the catalyst was good for CNT production. On the other hand, when the deposit remained in beads form but only turned black without powder deposition, the activity was low. The percent of carbon deposition yield of the reaction by Al2O3 supported catalysts and the physical appearance as well as the density of the as-synthesized carbon deposit were tabulated in Table 5.5. From the observation on the physical appearance of the carbon deposit obtained from different catalysts (Table 5.5), several inferences can be drawn. A mixture of Co and Fe was more active than the individual metals, which produced carbon deposit with spongy texture and powder deposition. The catalysts with higher loading of metal (3.0 wt.%) exhibited higher activity compared to the 2.5 wt.% loading of metal catalysts. Al-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal was found to be the best catalyst for the production of high quantity of carbon deposit. The carbon deposition yield is defined as the percentage of carbonaceous products deposited on the supported catalyst due to the catalytic decomposition of C2H2, which was obtained from Equation 3.1. The weight percentages of carbon deposit obtained from various Al2O3 supported catalysts are given in Table 5.5. At first it is observed that all of the Al2O3 supported catalysts were active in transforming the C2H2 precursor into carbonaceous product, the carbon deposit yield 77 were varied from 21.7 % to 53.8 %. This range of carbon deposition yield is found to be competitive to Nagaraju et al. (2002) work. Table 5.7: The Al2O3 supported catalysts and the yield (%), the physical appearance and density of the as-synthesized carbon deposit in CCVD of C2H2. Carbon deposition Physical appearance Density* yield (%) Al-Co(2.5) 23.66 Not spongy + Al-Co(2.5)Cal 28.49 Not spongy + Al-Co(3.0) 41.10 Slightly spongy, fine powder ++ Al-Co(3.0)Cal 47.65 Spongy, lots of fine powder +++ Al-Fe(2.5) 21.73 Not spongy + Al-Fe(2.5)Cal 21.83 Not spongy + Al-Fe(3.0) 24.56 Slightly spongy ++ Al-Fe(3.0)Cal 26.55 Spongy, lots of fine powder +++ Al-Co/Fe(2.5) 23.58 Spongy, fine powder ++ Al-Co/Fe(2.5)Cal 26.40 Spongy, fine powder ++ Al-Co/Fe(3.0) 40.49 Very spongy, plenty of fine powder +++ Al-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal 53.82 Very spongy, plenty of fine powder +++ * Density of carbon deposition yield from observations; +: low density, ++: moderate density, +++: high density. Catalysts The bimetallic catalysts produced greater quantity of carbon deposition compared to Co and Fe individually. Interestingly, in the case of Al-Co and Al-Co/Fe catalysts, the carbon deposition yield increased dramatically when the metal catalyst loading was increased to 3.0 wt.%, this might due to the increase of active catalyst sites and consequently increase the rate of acetylene decomposition to produce higher amount of yield. However, this observation was not obvious in the Al-Fe catalysts. The Al-Fe catalysts showed relatively lower deposition yield. This observation was similar to Kathyayini et al. (2004) research, where the carbon deposit were vary in the order of Co/Fe > Co > Fe catalysts. The carbon deposition yields together with the physical appearance of the carbon deposit contribute a very useful indication of the activity of the catalysts. 78 5.1.4 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Analysis SEM Analysis of Alumina Supported Cobalt Catalysts and the CNTs Yield Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) analysis of dried Al2O3 support (Figure 5.6) shows that the support surface was covered with particles of average size of 6.4 µm. The example of particle size calculation is shown in Appendix D.1. Figure 5.6: SEM micrograph of dried Al2O3 support (1000×). After the impregnation of Co catalyst, the Al2O3 particles were covered by the Co catalyst, resulting in Co3O4-Al2O3 composite material. As depicted in Figure 5.7 (a), the Co3O4-Al2O3 composite was observed as irregular flat shape particles on the surface of Al-Co(3.0) catalyst. The Al-Co(2.5) catalyst has similar morphology. Through this observation, the suppression of Al2O3 tetragonal phase in the diffractograms of Al-Co catalysts can be explained. The Al2O3 structure showed lower peak intensity in the XRD diffractograms of catalysts because it was overwhelmed by the metal catalyst particles. It is noticeable that the calcination treatment had produced well dispersed Co3O4 crystals with sharp edges, as seen in micrograph of Al-Co(3.0)Cal catalyst (Figure 5.7 (b)). This indicates that the calcined Al-Co catalysts have higher crystallinity, which is in agreement with XRD analyses in the previous section. 79 (a) (b) Figure 5.7: SEM micrographs of Al2O3 supported Co catalysts: (a) Al-Co(3.0) (1000×) and (b) Al-Co(3.0)Cal (1000×). It should be noted from the SEM images, the carbon nanotubes can be observed as are highly graphitized tubules but the carbon nanofibers is amorphous fibrous layers (Buang et al., 2005). Therefore, through the SEM analysis, we can differentiate the growth of CNTs from the growth of CNFs on the surface of supported catalysts. The SEM micrographs demonstrate images of the CNT growth density and the nanotubes texture. SEM micrographs of as-synthesized carbon deposits over different Al-Co catalysts at 700 °C under the flow of C2H2/N2 mixture for 30 minutes are shown in Figure 5.8 (a) – (e). SEM analyses revealed that the density and the nature of CNTs produced were unique in each case. In Figure 5.8 (a), it can be seen that there is no tube-like structure appeared on the surface of the Al-Co(2.5) catalyst, the catalyst particles were covered by some carbonaceous materials. Hence, the Al-Co(2.5) catalyst is only active to decompose C2H2 into carbonaceous products but inactive in growing the CNTs. In Al-Co(2.5)Cal catalyst (Figure 5.8 (b)), the growth of CNTs can be clearly observed. The entangled and sinuous nanotubes are grown from the catalyst particles. The nanotubes have narrow diameter and length up to a few micrometers. The average diameter of the as-grown CNTs on the catalyst is 89.3 nm. The calculation of length and diameter of the CNTs are shown in Appendix D.2. 80 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Figure 5.8: SEM micrographs of as-grown CNTs over various Al2O3 supported Co catalysts, (a) Al-Co(2.5) (10000×), (b) Al-Co(2.5)Cal (10000×), (c) and (d) Al-Co(3.0) (5000× and 10000×) and (e) Al-Co(3.0)Cal (10000×). Interestingly when the Al-Co(3.0) catalyst was used, the CNTs growth was enhanced significantly. The density and quality of the CNTs grown over these catalysts are greatly improved (Ismail et al., 2004a). From the image of the as-grown CNTs over Al-Co(3.0) catalyst in Figure 5.8 (c), the Co3O4 particles were not visible as being covered up by the highly dense CNTs. At high magnification (Figure 5.8 (d)), the CNTs can be seen as bundles of tubes with fluffy and spongy texture. The 81 CNTs possess high quality and density with diameter of approximately 53 nm and length less than 10 microns. Obviously, the as-grown nanotube bundles are pure without purification, as no amorphous carbon and carbonaceous particles deposited on the catalyst. Here, the amorphous carbon was defined as carbonaceous deposit which is not in the form of ordered nanotubes and graphite. Further, the Al-Co(3.0)Cal catalyst also showed capability in producing CNTs bundles, as depicted in Figure 5.8 (e). However, the as-grown CNTs over AlCo(3.0)Cal catalyst have lower density, where the nanotubes are shorter and less fluffy. For both of 3.0 wt. % Co catalysts, the yield and the physical appearance of the carbon deposit indicated higher quantity of the yield and better activity of these catalysts. Fonseca et al. (1998) disclosed that the calcination process at 450 °C thermally decomposes Co acetate to Co oxide, resulting well-dispersed Co oxide particles in the inner pores of the silica support. The hydrogenation steps of the catalyst preparation are not necessary and even have unfavourable effect on the catalyst performance. Since acetylene is able to reduce Co oxide under reaction conditions to generate the active sites in situ during the induction period of the reaction, it can be concluded that calcination at 450 °C is sufficient in forming good quality CNTs. In conclusion, all of the Co catalysts are active in the formation of CNTs with different efficiency, except for the Al-Co(2.5) catalyst. SEM Analysis of Alumina Supported Ferrum Catalysts and the CNTs Yield From the SEM micrograph of Al-Fe(2.5)Cal (Figure 5.9 (a)), we can see that the surface morphology of the catalyst is rough and the Fe2O3 crystal particles are tightly bonded to the Al2O3 support. As a result, the suppression of Al2O3 tetragonal phase was observed in the XRD diffractograms of various Al-Fe catalysts, this is caused by the wrapping of support structure by the Fe2O3 catalyst particles. The 82 Al-Fe(2.5) catalyst has similar morphology as the calcined catalyst, so the micrograph is not discussed here. Refering to the micrograph of Al-Fe(3.0) catalyst (Figure 5.9 (b)), the Fe2O3 crystal particles became more dense and fully covered the Al2O3 surface. But, calcination at 450 °C did not change the morphology of the Al-Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst. This observation is in concurrence with the XRD data, where the catalysts contain 3.0 wt.% Fe showed higher crystallinity and more ordered structure. (a) (b) Figure 5.9: SEM micrographs of Al2O3 supported Fe catalysts: (a)Al-Fe(2.5)Cal catalyst (1000×) and (b) Al-Fe(3.0) catalyst (1000×). The SEM micrographs of as-grown CNTs over Al-Fe catalysts have clearly attested the ability of these catalysts to grow CNTs. Figure 5.10 (a) shows the high magnification image of as-grown CNTs over Al-Fe(2.5) catalyst. The bundles of CNTs shows uniform diameter (ca. 71 nm) with length of a few microns. On the other hand, the Al-Fe(2.5)Cal catalyst seems to have comparable activity with the Al-Fe(2.5) catalyst. As seen on Figure 5.10 (b), the as-grown CNTs do not show much difference with the previous case. 83 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Figure 5.10: SEM micrographs of as-grown CNTs over different Al2O3-Fe catalyst, (a) Al-Fe(2.5) (10000×), (b) Al-Fe(2.5)Cal (10000×), (c) Al-Fe(3.0) (10000×), (d) and (e) Al-Fe(3.0)Cal (5000× and 10000×). However, the Al-Fe(3.0) catalyst also showing lower activity in growing CNTs. As illustrated in Figure 5.10 (c), the surface of the catalyst was not completely covered by CNTs. Although the CNTs grown in greater length, but they are less dense and possess diameter range of 89 nm – 100 nm. In contrast, the Al-Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst shows very encouraging CNTs growth. The lower magnification image 84 (Figure 5.10 (d)) is used to convey the contiguous mass of nanotubes with high uniformity, whereas the higher magnification micrograph (Figure 5.10 (e)) conveys the curved nanotubes morphology and smooth surface. The nanotubes grow extremely long with low diameter distribution, the estimated diameter is around 70 nm. The texture of the nanotubes can be seen as fluffy and in bundle form. At this stage, it was identified that the Al-Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst had shown the best catalytic activity amongst the Al2O3 supported Fe catalysts. Nevertheless, all of the Fe catalysts are active towards CNTs growth with different effectiveness. In fact, the Fe catalysts are performing better than the Co catalysts. SEM Analysis of Alumina Supported Cobalt/Ferrum Catalysts and the CNTs Yield A representative SEM image of Al-Co/Fe(2.5) catalyst is shown in Figure 5.11 (a). This catalyst surface has rough texture and full of flaky particles with some undefined shape particles on top of it. The morphology gives us an idea that the Fe2O3 rhombohedral phase is more dominant than the Co3O4 face-centred cubic phase, since the morphology of this catalyst is more analogous to the Fe catalyst. Albeit in the XRD analysis, the Fe2O3 rhombohedral also showing higher intensity peak. However, subsequent to the calcination, the Al-Co/Fe(2.5)Cal catalyst surface is covered by random size particles and the flaky structure disappear, as depicted in Figure 5.11 (b). This indicates that the Co3O4 phase is started to become visible on the catalyst. For the Al-Co/Fe(3.0) catalyst (Figure 5.11 (c)), the particles appear on the catalyst showed wide diameter range. These particles showed morphology similar to the Co3O4 phase. As described in previous section, the XRD diffractogram pattern of this catalyst gave higher intensity peaks. The increased in the particle size is due to the increase of metal catalysts concentration. Thus, the XRD analysis of the Al- 85 Co/Fe(3.0) catalyst also show higher crystallinity. The calcination did not resulted in significant physical changes to the Al-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst. (a) (b) (c) Figure 5.11: SEM micrographs of various Al2O3-Co/Fe catalysts: (a) Al-Co/Fe(2.5) (1000×), Al-Co/Fe(2.5)Cal (1000×) and (c) Al-Co/Fe(3.0) (1000×). With respect to the good XRD patterns and surface morphology of various Al2O3 supported Co/Fe catalysts, these catalysts are expected to show excellent activity towards the growth of CNTs. The presence of CNTs on Al-Co/Fe(2.5) catalyst are observed in Figure 5.12 (a). The nanotubes are observed to have grown from the catalyst particles. The nanotubes exhibit length of less than 10 microns, but some of the nanotubes can even grow longer than 10 µm. The textures of the tubes are smooth without any particles adhere on it along with the average diameter of about 71 nm. But, the density of the CNTs is low, the catalyst particles are not completely covered by the CNTs. 86 After calcination, the capability of the Al-Co/Fe(2.5)Cal catalyst to grow CNTs is significantly improved. Figure 5.12 (b) depicts that the CNTs grew with high density and the entire catalyst surfaces are fully grown by the CNT bundles. The nanotubes are twisted and grown in bundles. Uniform diameter distribution of the nanotubes also being observed in this case. The growth direction of the CNTs is found to be random and unordered. Surprisingly, when the Al-Co/Fe(3.0) catalyst was used, aligned CNTs were observed (Figure 5.12 (c)). The arrays of CNTs grown orderly with length up to 10 µm. In addition, the as-grown nanotubes possess relatively small diameter of 36 nm with narrow diameter distribution. In Figure 5.12 (d), we can see that most of the as-grown CNTs over this catalyst are in alignment. The texture of the nanotubes is fluffy. It can be deducted that the purity and graphitization of the CNTs are good because there is no amorphous carbon and unwanted carbonaceous materials deposited on the sample. The Al-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst showed excellent activity in growing the aligned CNTs. As depicted in Figure 5.12 (e) and (f), the nanotubes grown in the same direction and arranged in arrays. The density of the CNTs is extremely high, the surface of the catalyst were highly saturated by the CNTs arrays. The quasialignment of the CNTs is clearly demonstrated in Figure 5.12 (g) and (h). The diameter of the nanotubes is down to 25 nm. The nanotubes are parallel to each other to form an array of CNTs. Bunch of nanotubes grew from a cluster of catalyst particles, as pointed by white circles in Figures 5.12 (f) and 5.12 (h). The purity and quality of the as-grown CNTs is undoubtedly superior compared to other Al2O3 supported catalysts. As a conclusion, all of the supported bimetallic catalysts are suitable to grow CNTs with good quality and purity. 87 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Figure 5.12: SEM micrographs of CNTs grown over various of Al-Co/Fe catalysts: (a) Al-Co/Fe(2.5) (10000×), (b) Al-Co/Fe(2.5)Cal (10000×), (c) and (d) Al-Co/Fe(3.0) (10000×), (e) to (h) Al-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal (2500×, 5000× and 10000×). 88 The excellent performance of the Al-Co/Fe(3.0) and Al-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst in growing quasi-aligned CNTs can be attributed to their high crystallinity shown in the XRD patterns. Although calcination did not bring any significant changes to the physical properties of Al-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst, but it developed a better catalytic performance. In addition, Kukovecz et al. (2000) reported that the bimetallic catalyst Co/Fe gave the best quality and quantity of CNTs. Willems et al. (2000) have accounted that mixture of metals greatly improve the quantity of carbon deposition with the 1:1 ratio of metals mixture giving the best yield. Yet again, the high activity of mixed metals in producing nanotubes has been proved by Willems et al. (2002). Moreover, the presence of aligned CNTs in the Co/Fe catalysts is in agreement with Mukhopadhyay and Mathur (2003) result, which revealed that the present of both Co and Fe metal catalysts created the alignment of the CNTs. Conclusion of SEM Analysis Generally, all of the Al2O3 supported catalysts are active in growing CNTs with a variety of efficiency, except Al-Co(2.5) catalyst. The as-grown CNTs over Al2O3 supported catalysts showed satisfactory purity and density. Amongst the Co catalysts, the Al-Co(3.0) catalyst is the best by forming high purity CNTs in fluffy texture. Compared to the Fe catalysts, the Co catalysts performed better in forming higher density of CNTs. The Al-Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst was identified as the best Fe catalyst as it grew mass of nanotubes with high uniformity. Nagaraju et al. (2002) revealed that the alumina support is basic, the exposed oxygen anions sites on the alumina support can interact with the catalyst particles. The oxygen anions sites act as Lewis base sites donating negative charge to the metal nanoparticles. This interaction is a weak metal-support interaction. The partial negative charge accepted from alumina can enhance the catalytic activity of the metal nanoparticles as described by Davis and Klabunde (1982). 89 Kukovecz et al. (2000) described that the supported Fe catalysts are efficient in producing CNTs of somewhat lower quality, as the Co catalysts produced good quality nanotubes. However, the bimetallic catalyst Co/Fe gave the best quality and quantity of CNTs. In this work, the Al2O3 supported bimetallic catalysts showed outstanding performance in terms of density and quality of as-grown CNTs. The bimetallic catalysts enable the growth of quasi-aligned CNTs. The alignment of CNTs was further improved by calcination as occurred to the CNTs grown from the AlCo/Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst. Therefore, the ability of Al2O3 supported catalysts to grow CNTs is established with bimetallic catalysts performing the best activity. The results suggest that calcination is essential for achieving the best dispersion, activity and uniformity of the catalyst particles (Vander Wal et al., 2001). After calcination, a non-volatile, non-wetting and highly dispersed catalyst oxide is formed. The partial reduced alumina support transfers a larger amount of negative charge to the highly dispersed catalyst particles via Lewis base sites. Therefore through calcination, a better catalyst-support system is achieved. 5.1.5 Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM) Analysis In this work, only the CNTs grown over Al-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst was examined by field emission-scanning electron microscope. The FE-SEM micrographs provide a view of the surface or topology of the sample. The FE-SEM micrographs of the CNTs grown over Al-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst are shown in Figure 5.13 (a) and (b). At low resolution (Figure 5.13 (a)), the as-grown CNTs are observed in bundles with uniform diameter. It is clearly shown that the surface of catalyst particles was fully covered by CNT bundles, this proved that the Al-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst gave high yield of CNTs. The alignment of CNTs 90 was not observed here as it was destroyed during the sample preparation for FE-SEM analysis. (a) (b) Figure 5.13: FE-SEM micrographs of as-grown CNTs over Al-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst, (a) 60000× magnification and (b) 250000× magnification. High resolution FE-SEM micrographs (Figure 5.13 (b)) had proven that the Al-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst is able to grow CNTs instead of carbon nanofibres. The smooth surface and the hollow structure of CNTs can be observed in the micrographs. The outer diameter of the CNT is estimated as 7.14 nm and length up to 400 nm. The growth direction of the CNTs is random and the nanotubes are entangled and twisted. It is observed that each nanotube ended by showing a white spot (as pointed by the arrows in Figure 5.13 (b)). These white spots originated from the metal catalyst particles, which indicates that the CNTs were grown by tip growth mechanism. This observation is similar to the work of Shajahan et al. (2004). The substrate-catalyst interaction via Lewis base sites is weak, hence the catalyst particles are lifted up by the growing CNT and continue to promote CNT growth at its tip (tip growth mechanism), as described by Ando et al. (2004). 91 5.1.6 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Analysis The high resolution images of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis revealed the density and the nature of CNTs. From the transparent images, we are able to observe the hollow structure and define a material as the CNT. We also can calssified it as a SWNT or a MWNT depend on the number of wall layers. In addition, the degree of graphitization and turbostratic arrangement of the CNT wall structure also can be observed. The TEM micrographs of as-grown CNTs obtained from Al-Co(3.0) catalyst are presented in Figure 5.14 (a) and (b). As depicted in the low resolution image (Figure 5.14 (a)), the CNTs grown in random direction from the Co catalyst base and extended with an open end. The CNTs appeared as entangled bundles. The CNTs possessed uniform diameter. The CNTs produced by Al-Co(3.0) catalyst are MWNTs as observed from Figure 5.14 (b). The nanotube walls are turbostratic but not straight, two sides of the MWNT has different layers of wall. The inner diameter was estimated as 12.28 nm whereas the outer diameter was 30.64 nm. Some amorphous carbon was attached to the outer layer of the MWNT. However, the MWNT shows high degree of graphitization with low defect observed on the wall structure. (a) (b) Open end of a CNT Amorphous carbon Figure 5.14: TEM micrographs of as-grown MWNTs produced by Al-Co(3.0) catalyst, (a) scale bar: 100 nm and (b) scale bar: 20 nm. 92 Figure 5.15 (a) and (b) represent the TEM micrographs of CNTs grown over Al-Fe(3.0) catalyst. As observed from Figure 5.15 (a), the CNTs are short and twisted and presented as aggregates, only a few nanotubes appeared as long and straight tubes. The presence of aggregates rather than bundles of nanotubes is due to a poor graphitization process, as concluded by Willems et al. (2002). The walls of nanotube are not straight. The dark spots in the micrographs were caused by overlapping of carbon layers. From Figure 5.15 (b), this CNTs product can be classified as MWNT, but the graphite layers are not parallel. The MWNT was curved and covered by amorphous carbon at the outer layer. This MWNT consist of 7 layers of the graphene walls with inner and outer diameter of 8.39 and 14.84 nm respectively. (a) (b) Aggregates of CNT Amorphous carbon Figure 5.15: TEM micrographs of MWNTs formed by Al-Fe(3.0) catalyst, (a) scale bar: 100 nm and (b) scale bar: 10 nm. Many irregularities were observed in the nanotubes walls of the Al-Fe(3.0) catalyst grown MWNT, as depicted in Figure 5.15 (a). The decomposition process of the hydrocarbon and the CNTs growth are not well coordinated. The Fe catalyst is so active in the decomposition that the arrangement of the carbon building units is poor. The same observation was published by Willems et al. (2002). The degree of graphitization and quality of the MWNTs from Al-Co(3.0) catalyst are better compared to Al-Fe(3.0) catalyst and it is in agreement with the SEM analysis. In Colomer et al. (1999) work, the micrographs similar to Figure 5.15 93 (a) were obtained from CNTs grown over Al2O3-Co/Ni/Fe catalyst. Therefore, we assume that the Ni catalyst did not facilitate the graphitization of CNTs. For the synthesis using bimetallic catalysts, the as-grown CNTs are expected to possess higher quality and degree of graphitization, as revealed in the SEM and FE-SEM analysis. As explained previously, the Co catalyst help to increase graphitization of nanotubes, whereas Fe catalyst is effective in decompose C2H2 for nanotubes growth. This is in agreement with Colomer et al. (1999) work, which explained that the catalysts prepared from a mixture of metals are more efficient for CNT production than those prepared with a single metal. In Figure 5.16 (a), again the CNTs grown over Al-Co/Fe(2.5)Cal catalyst were in the form of aggregates. The CNTs produced are MWNTs as indicated by Figure 5.16 (b). The carbon layers of the MWNT are crooked and the degree of graphitization is low. There is less amorphous carbon attached on the outer surface of MWNT compared to CNTs form by Fe catalyst. This proved that the Co catalyst help to reduce the disarrangement of carbon building units. When the loading of Co/Fe catalyst was increased to 3.0 wt.%, the quality of CNTs product was improved (Figure 5.16 (c)), the bundles of CNTs observed instead of nanotubes aggregates. The CNTs grown are longer and the numbers of crooked CNTs were less. The well-graphitized and low defect CNTs were seen in Figure 5.16 (d), the wall of this MWNT were made up of 7 graphene layers. The inner was calculated as 5.00 nm and the outer diameter was 14.29 nm. 94 (a) (b) Aggregates of CNT Amorphous carbon (d) (c) Turbostratic MWNT Figure 5.16: TEM micrographs of as-synthesized MWNTs over Al-Co/Fe catalysts: (a) and (b) Al-Co/Fe(2.5)Cal (scale bar: 50 nm and 10 nm) as well as (c) and (d) AlCo/Fe(3.0) (scale bar: 100 nm and 10 nm). The capability of Al-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst to grow good quality CNTs is superior. As illustrated in Figure 5.17 (a), the CNTs were very long and wellgraphitized with uniform diameter. There is a catalyst particle trapped at the tip of the MWNT, as pointed in the micrograph. In Figure 5.17 (b), we observed a MWNT with very thin walls, it only consists of 6 layers of graphene walls. The MWNT possessed inner diameter of 4.21 nm and outer diameter of 8.16 nm. From Figure 5.17 (c), the MWNT is free from amorphous carbon deposition, its layered wall are turbostratic and free from defect. Thus, the TEM analysis is again assured the high performance of the bimetallic catalysts in growing high quality MWNTs. 95 (a) (b) Catalyst particle (c) Figure 5.17: TEM micrographs of MWNTs grown over Al-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst: (a) scale bar: 100 nm, (b) scale bar: 5 nm and (c) scale bar: 10 nm. 5.1.7 Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) Analysis The energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis was carried out to measure the surface compositions of the catalyst. This information is about the fraction of the active metals dispersed over the surface of catalyst. The analytical data for various catalysts is tabulated in Table 5.8. It can be seen that oxygen (O) and the aluminium (Al) are the main elements in the Al2O3 support and the silicon (Si) is only present in trace amount. For all of the Co catalysts, the impregnation of cobalt (Co) catalyst was successful to load the Co on the surface of Al2O3 support. The amount of Co 96 detected is higher than the Co concentration used in impregnation, this is due to the adsorption of the Co solution at surface of the support without penetration into the whole support. The Co loading used (2.5 and 3.0 wt.%) are calculated based on the weight of the whole support (Appendix A), so it is reasonable to detect higher amount of Co catalyst on the surface. This observation also occurred in the Fe catalysts and bimetallic catalysts. Table 5.8: EDX analysis data of surface compositions of various Al2O3 supported catalysts before and after decomposition of C2H2. Surface Elements (wt.%) O Al Si Co Fe 8 Al2O3 40.92 57.27 1.81 8 43.55 52.80 3.65 Al–Co(2.5) 9 28.18 42.97 3.85 8 38.66 56.68 4.66 Al–Co(2.5)Cal 9 18.09 32.25 5.05 8 41.84 49.20 8.96 Al–Co(3.0) 9 15.01 36.69 6.01 8 24.81 59.27 4.28 11.64 Al–Co(3.0)Cal 9 17.22 33.73 3.31 8 42.22 44.59 13.19 Al–Fe(2.5) 9 16.70 31.38 6.07 8 41.98 49.51 8.51 Al–Fe(2.5)Cal 9 10.22 19.27 16.17 8 23.32 59.21 17.47 Al–Fe(3.0) 9 13.18 39.83 7.74 8 27.67 65.26 7.07 Al–Fe(3.0)Cal 9 14.58 38.65 7.37 8 31.71 48.86 13.34 6.09 Al–Co/Fe(2.5) 9 5.24 23.65 7.62 9.99 8 34.34 57.80 3.71 4.15 Al–Co/Fe(2.5)Cal 9 11.27 35.80 4.56 3.27 8 35.98 55.51 5.21 3.30 Al–Co/Fe(3.0) 9 5.09 15.60 3.85 1.70 8 36.52 56.91 3.58 2.99 Al–Co/Fe(3.0)Cal 9 5.91 19.06 1.84 1.19 * Reaction: decomposition of C2H2 at 700 °C for synthesis of CNTs. 8: before decomposition; 9: after decomposition. Samples Reaction* C 25.00 44.61 42.29 45.74 45.85 54.34 39.25 39.40 53.50 45.10 73.76 72.00 Without any exception, the amount of Co element increased with increasing of catalyst loading from 2.5 wt.% to 3.0 wt.%, as Al-Co(2.5) catalyst contained 3.65 wt.% of surface Co and Al-Co(3.0) catalyst hold 8.96 wt.% of Co. The Fe 97 catalysts also found to behave in the same way. Conversely, the bimetallic catalysts loading decreased with increasing of Co/Fe loading. It is proposed that when the amount of Co and Fe used increased, the catalyst hindered each other to adsorb on the support, resulting lower metal composition. For the Co catalysts (2.5 and 3.0 wt.%), the Co element increase after the calcination. This indicates that the calcination help in rearrange the oxide phase of the catalyst resulting in better dispersion of the catalyst particles on the support. This assumption is supported by XRD patterns of calcined Co catalysts which showed higher intensity of Co3O4 face-centred cubic phase. However, for both of the Fe catalysts, the Fe element decreased after calcination. The Fe particles are believe to aggregate and form bigger particles after calcination, but bigger particles have lower surface area as a result lower Fe composition was detected in the EDAX analysis (Table 5.8). In the bimetallic catalysts, although the amount of Co and Fe loadings are the same but the Fe metal showed higher composition. From the XRD diffractograms, the Fe2O3 rhombohedral phase is more dominant than the Co3O4 face-centred cubic phase, most probably, the Fe2O3 rhombohedral layer lies on top of the Co3O4 facecentred cubic species. All of the supported catalysts are able to decomposed C2H2 into carbonaceous materials which detected as surface carbon elements. The Al-Co(2.5) catalysts gave the lowest carbon content, as it is unable to generate CNTs. Other Co catalyst have carbon content in the range of 42.29 to 45.74 wt.%, apparently these C component are CNTs. The carbon contents of supported Fe catalysts are in the range of 39.25 to 54.34 wt.%. The high efficiency of bimetallic catalysts to produce CNTs is proven by the high carbon content from EDX analyses. The Al-Co/Fe(3.0) and AlCo/Fe(3.0)Cal catalysts showed extremely high carbon content of about 70 wt%. These observations were supported by the high density of CNTs yield as observed from the SEM micrographs. These EDX data are concurrent with the carbon deposition yield (%) which discussed previously in section 4.1.3. 98 5.2 Anodic Aluminium Oxide (AAO) Supported Catalysts In order to produce ordered CNTs arrays, the template synthesis method was chosen. In this work, a new and simple template synthesis method was proposed. It is done by dip coating of the anodic aluminium oxide (AAO) template with a metal acetate solution followed by thermal decomposition of C2H2 into the nanochannels of the AAO template. The metal catalysts used are Co, Fe and mixture of Co and Fe. The acetate salt of these metals is utilised as the source of the metal in the AAO supported catalysts. The concentrations of Co or Fe catalyst solutions were either 0.5 or 1.0 M. 5.2.1 Physical Appearance of AAO Supported Catalysts The AAO template is initially white in colour and it is not hygroscopic so it can be used in the dip coat process directly. Following the dip coating process, the AAO templates were incorporated with Co, Fe or Co/Fe catalyst, shown by the colour changes. The AAO supported catalysts preserve in the form of template after drying at 90 °C. All of the AAO-Co catalysts showed purple pinkish colour, whereas the AAO-Fe catalysts showed brownish colour and the bimetallic catalysts with light orange colour. The catalysts of 3.0 wt.% metal loading gave more intense colour compared to catalysts of 2.5 wt%. After calcination, the AAO-Co catalysts changed to dirty green and the AAO-Fe catalyst turned into dark orange as well as the AAO-Co/Fe catalysts became olive green. 99 5.2.2 X-ray Diffraction (XRD) Analysis The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns showed that all of the AAO supported catalysts exist as amorphous materials, as depicted in Figure 5.16. It is found that no peak can be assigned as the Co or Fe species present in the samples, the XRD patterns were full of interference. Therefore, the XRD analysis is not a suitable characterisation method for the AAO supported catalysts. Intensity (%) AAO-Co(0.5) 20 AAO template 30 50 40 60 70 2θ (°) Figure 5.18: X-ray diffractogram patterns of AAO template and AAO-Co(0.5) catalyst. 5.2.3 The As-Grown Carbon Deposition Yield and Physical Appearance The AAO template is brittle and has low thermal stability, thus after the decomposition at high temperature, the product was cracked into pieces. In all reaction, the carbon deposit on the AAO template catalyst was black in colour with different thickness and density. The difference of thickness and density provide general information about the activity of the catalysts. When the carbon deposit appeared thick and bulky with deposition of black powder, the catalyst is active in 100 forming CNT. If the carbon deposition on the template catalyst is thin and no powder deposition observed, indicates that the catalyst activity was low. The weight percent of carbon deposition yield, the physical appearance and the density of the as-grown CNT were shown in Table 5.7. The carbon deposition yield was calculated from Equation 4.1. Table 5.7: The AAO template supported catalysts and the yield (%), the physical appearance and density of the as-synthesized carbon deposit in CCVD of C2H2. Carbon Catalysts deposition yield (%) AAO-Co(0.5) -14.07 AAO-Co(0.5)Cal 18.07 AAO-Co(1.0) -12.89 AAO-Co(1.0)Cal 19.14 AAO-Fe(0.5) -11.41 AAO-Fe(0.5)Cal 4.68 AAO-Fe(1.0) -2.88 AAO-Fe(1.0)Cal 4.85 AAO-Co/Fe(0.5) -4.52 AAO-Co/Fe(0.5)Cal 46.15 Physical appearance Density ++ Thin carbon deposition, fine powder + Thin deposition, fine powder +++ Thick deposition, lots of fine powder + Thin deposition, no powder Thin deposition, no powder + Thin deposition, no powder + Thin deposition, fine powder ++ Thin deposition, no powder + ++ Thick deposition, fine powder Very thick deposition, lots of fine +++ powder AAO-Co/Fe(1.0) -5.59 Very thick deposition, lots of fine +++ powder AAO-Co/Fe(1.0)Cal 21.57 ++ Thick deposition, fine powder * Density of carbon deposition yield from observations; +: low density, ++: moderate density, +++: high density. From the physical appearance of the carbon deposit, we found that all of the AAO supported catalysts were capable of converting C2H2 into carbonaceous product. It is noticed that some of the carbon deposition yield (%) showed negative values. According to Kathyayini et al. (2004), the metal oxides support lost about 18 to 55 % of their initial weight under the flow of nitrogen at 700 °C, i.e. the temperature chosen for CNT production. For that reason, if the carbon deposit generated is less than the weight loss of the support, the deposition yield will show negative value. The catalysts showed carbon deposition yield (%) of positive values generated higher amount of deposition. 101 The density of the products demonstrated that the bimetallic catalysts produced greater quantity of carbon deposition compared to individual Co and Fe. The AAO-Fe catalysts produced lowest deposition yield. The ability of the catalysts to produce carbon deposit vary in the order of Co/Fe > Co > Fe catalysts. 5.2.4 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Analysis SEM Analysis of AAO Supported Cobalt Catalysts and the CNTs Yield The micrograph of anodic aluminium oxide (AAO) template (Figure 5.19) showed that the template is porous with pore diameters in the range of 190 to 220 nm. Figure 5.19: SEM micrograph of anodic aluminium oxide (AAO) template (20000 ×). Subsequent to the impregnation of Co catalyst, the pores became wider, as illustrated in micrograph of AAO-Co(0.5)Cal catalyst (Figure 5.20 (a)). Some of the walls of the pore collapsed and two pores combined to become a larger pore. This phenomenon occurred because the cobalt acetate solution used is slightly acidic and corrosive, it react with the AAO template to widen the pores. The non-calcined AAO-Co(0.5) catalyst has similar morphology. For the AAO-Co(1.0) catalyst, the wall thickness increased compared to the AAO-Co(0.5) catalyst, as seen in Figure 102 5.20 (b). It can be explained by the higher loading of Co catalyst (1.0 M) resulting in the higher deposition of Co on the template walls. (b) (a) Figure 5.20: SEM micrographs of AAO template supported Co catalysts: (a) AAOCo(0.5)Cal (20000 ×) and (b) AAO-Co(1.0)Cal (20000 ×). SEM micrographs of as-synthesized carbon deposits on different AAO-Co catalysts at 700 °C under the flow of C2H2/N2 mixture are shown in Figure 5.21 (a) – (h). The micrographs revealed that each sample produced CNTs with different density and configuration. The cross section view of carbon deposit on AAO-Co(0.5) catalyst are shown in Figure 5.21 (a). It was observed that CNTs were grown on the wall of the template. The CNTs are short and winding with uniform diameter. The diameter of the CNTs is much smaller than the nanopore diameter. Interestingly, there are carbon nanofibers (CNFs) growth over the AAO-Co(0.5) catalyst as depicted in Figure 5.19 (b). This product is classified as CNF because it has an average diameter of 0.56 µm. The straight CNFs are seen grown out from the nanochannels in the form of arrays. When the AAO-Co(0.5)Cal catalyst was used, the CNTs growth was improved (Figure 5.21 (c) and (d)). From the cross section view of Figure 5.21 (c), small quantity CNTs grown from the wall of the nanochannels are found to be twisted and short. In contrast, the density of CNTs grown on the surface of the catalyst template is high, as observed in Figure 5.21 (d). The CNTs bundles are fluffy and having regular diameter. There is no CNFs growth observed in this sample. 103 (a) (b) CNFs (c) (d) CNTs (e) (f) CNTs CNFs (g) (h) Coiled CNTs Figure 5.21: SEM micrographs of carbon deposit over various Co catalysts: (a) and (b) AAO-Co(0.5) (10000× and 2000×), (c) and (d) AAO-Co(0.5)Cal (10000×), (e) and (f) AAO-Co(1.0) (20000× and 10000×), (g) and (h) AAO-Co(1.0)Cal (10000×). 104 Figure 5.21 (e) revealed that the AAO-Co(1.0) catalyst showed higher activity in decomposition of C2H2, as the plenty of carbon deposition was obtained after the reaction. The CNTs fully covered up the catalyst surface, these CNTs are crooked and massive due to the amorphous carbon deposition. The cross section view of this sample is similar with Figure 5.19 (c), except for the length of the CNTs is higher. Figure 5.19 (f) showed that the AAO-Co(1.0) catalyst also active in forming CNFs arrays with average diameter of 0.86 µm. In between the CNFs, there were a few nanotubes observed, as pointed in the micrographs. These CNTs are long and winding, growing on the CNF surface. The CNTs were grown actively on the AAO-Co(1.0)Cal catalyst as illustrated in Figure 5.19 (g). The CNTs are high in density and purity, it is sinuous but possess uniform diameter. The length of CNTs also greatly improved. In Figure 5.19 (h), the forest of CNTs was detected on the surface of the catalyst without any side product, a few coiled CNTs were also observed. As reported by Lu et al. (2004b), the Co catalyst is used to grow coiled CNTs by catalytic decomposition of C2H2. The growth of CNFs is related to the big catalyst particles obtained from the dip coating of AAO template. As discussed by Liu, D.Y. et al. (2004), the big catalyst particles favour the growth of CNF instead of CNTs. In addition, the carbon deposition yield (%) of the AAO-Co(0.5)Cal and AAO-Co(1.0)Cal catalysts showed negative values. This indicates that the transformation of the carbon precursor to CNTs is less effective, therefore producing CNFs instead of CNTs. In conclusion, all of the AAO supported Co catalysts are active in forming CNTs with different effectiveness. 105 SEM Analysis of AAO Supported Ferrum Catalysts and the CNTs Yield The AAO-Fe catalysts have similar morphologies with the AAO-Co catalysts. The widening of nanopores and collapse of walls are also occurred with the AAO-Fe catalysts after the dip coating process, as observed in Figure 5.22 (a). Exceptionally, the AAO-Fe(1.0)Cal catalyst showed the deposition of Fe catalyst particles on the surface of AAO template. Figure 5.22 (b) showed the Fe particle clusters have undefined shape, it deposited on the surface of the template. (a) (b) Figure 5.22: SEM micrographs of different AAO-Fe catalysts: (a) AAO-Fe(0.5)Cal catalyst (20000×) and (b) AAO-Fe(1.0)Cal catalyst (5000×). The SEM micrographs of the AAO-Fe catalysts after decomposition of C2H2 have clearly attested the ability of these catalysts in producing CNTs. Figure 5.23 (a) is the image of as-grown CNTs over AAO-Co(0.5) catalyst, the density is high and the CNTs reached satisfactory length with no impurities observed. Analogously, the AAO-Fe(0.5)Cal catalyst also produced high density CNTs (Figure 5.23 (b)), the nanotubes possess uniform diameter of 59.65 nm. In addition, the AAO-Fe(1.0) catalyst seemed to have equal activity with the 0.5 M loading catalysts. In Figure 5.23 (c), the as-grown CNTs do not have significant different with the previous case. Conversely, some interesting images were captured from the yield of AAO-Fe(1.0)Cal catalyst. The nanotubes are seen to have grown from the Fe catalyst layer on the surface of AAO template, but it did not grow inside the nanochannel. This indicated that the dip coating of catalyst onto the walls of nanochannel is not 106 successful to direct the growth of CNTs within the nanochannels. Apparently, the catalytic activity of AAO-Fe catalysts is better than the AAO-Co catalysts as the AAO-Fe catalysts produced CNTs of high density without growth of CNF. (a) (b) (c) (d) Fe catalyst layer Figure 5.23: SEM micrographs of as-grown CNTs over various AAO-Fe catalysts: (a) AAO-Fe(0.5) (10000×), (b) AAO-Fe(0.5)Cal (10000×), (c) AAO-Fe(1.0) (10000×) and (d) AAO-Fe(1.0)Cal (10000×). SEM Analysis of AAO Supported Cobalt/Ferrum Catalysts and the CNTs Yield The AAO supported Co/Fe catalysts share the same morphology regardless of the catalyst loading and calcination. A representative SEM image of AAO-Co/Fe catalyst is shown in Figure 5.24 (a), where it was noticed that the catalyst particles were deposited inside the nanochannels. The coupling of Co and Fe catalyst is successful to deposit the catalyst into the nanochannels. In the case of bimetallic 107 catalyst, the formation of catalyst particles on the surface of the template became more dominant (Figure 5.24 (b)). These catalyst particles were observed on all of the bimetallic catalysts, except the AAO-Co/Fe(0.5) catalyst. (a) (b) Figure 5.24: Micrographs from SEM analysis of AAO supported bimetallic catalysts: (a) AAO-Co/Fe(0.5) (10000×) and (b) AAO-Co/Fe(1.0) (5000×). In relation to the high carbon deposition yield (%) and good physical appearance, the AAO supported bimetallic catalysts are predicted to perform better than the individual Co or Fe catalysts. Figure 5.23 (a) depicts that the AAO-Co/Fe(0.5) catalyst grown CNTs with high density. The catalyst surface was wrapped by a thick layer of CNTs, the CNTs grown in random direction with uniform diameter. The purity of the CNTs is high, no amorphous carbon was observed. The pairing of Co and Fe catalyst has found to promote the growing of long coiled CNTs with length more than 10 µm, as observed in Figure 5.23 (a). This is a new discovery as no researcher ever used bimetallic catalyst to produce coiled CNTs. According to Lu et al. (2004b), the inhomogeneous growth activity through the larger and irregular particle favours the formation of coiled nanotubes. 108 (a) (b) Long coiled CNTs (d) (c) CNT arrays AAO catalyst (f) (e) (g) Figure 5.25: SEM micrographs of CNTs grown over: (a) AAO-Co/Fe(0.5) (10000×), (b) and (c) AAO-Co/Fe(0.5)Cal (10000× and 5000×), (d) and (e) AAO-Co/Fe(1.0) (10000× and 5000×), (f) and (g) AAO-Co/Fe(1.0)Cal (5000× and 10000×). 109 After calcination, the CNTs yield of AAO-Co/Fe(0.5)Cal was greatly enhanced as shown in Figure 5.25 (b). Two different configurations of CNTs were obtained, i.e. the bundles and arrays. However, the graphitization degree of the CNTs is low which showed by the rough surface of the CNTs. The arrays of CNT are found to have grown out from the nanochannels of the template catalyst, as seen in Figure 5.25 (c). This is due to the deposition of the catalyst particles inside the nanochannels as depicted in Figure 5.24 (a). Interestingly, the AAO-Co/Fe(1.0) and AAO-Co/Fe(1.0)Cal catalysts behaved in the same way with the 0.5 M catalyst concentration. The AAO-Co/Fe(1.0) catalyst generated bundles of CNTs, as in Figure 5.25 (d) and (e). The nanotubes are high in density with acceptable purity. Similarly, the AAO-Co/Fe(1.0)Cal catalyst grew both the bundles (Figure 5.25 (f)) and arrays of CNTs (Figure 5.25 (g)), the arrays of CNTs were grown from the nanochannels. The density of the CNTs grown over AAO-Co/Fe(1.0)Cal catalyst is the highest. There are two types of growth mechanism observed from the bimetallic catalysts; (1), the CNTs bundles grown from the catalysts particles on the template surface; (2), the arrays of CNT grown over the catalyst inside the nanochannels of the template catalyst. Thus, the bimetallic catalysts produce higher amount of CNTs. Conclusion of SEM Analysis In general, all of the AAO supported catalysts are active in producing CNTs. The AAO-Co(0.5)Cal and AAO-Co(1.0)Cal catalysts showed less efficiency in converting precursor into CNTs and hence producing CNFs. The AAO supported Fe catalysts produced purely CNTs but the density and purity of the product is not good enough. The bimetallic catalysts not only showed high activity in producing CNTs but also coiled CNTs. Apparently, the bimetallic catalysts are the best catalysts compared to the individual Co and Fe catalysts. The attempt to synthesize aligned 110 CNTs which copy the shape of the nanochannels was partly achieved by the bimetallic catalysts. According to Scokart and Rouxhet, (1982), the alumina in AAO template itself is a catalyst in the hydrocarbon decomposition process due to the Lewis acid nature of its surface sites. Jing et al. (1998) reported that the CNTs are formed by the joint catalytic activities of metal particles and alumina walls. Subsequent to the decomposition of C2H2 initiated by the metal particles, the carbide transport along the surface of the metal nanoparticles to the alumina channel wall, where tube growth proceeds. In this study, this phenomenon was demonstrated in Figure 5.19 (c) and (g), 5.21 (a) as well as 5.23 (c) and (g), which the nanochannel walls was covered by carbon flakes that form a tube-like structure. 5.2.5 Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) Analysis The Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDAX) analysis was carried out to measure the surface compositions of the AAO supported catalyst. This information is about the fraction of the active metals dispersed over the surface of the catalyst. The analytical data for various catalysts is tabulated in Table 5.10. Initially, the oxygen (O) and aluminium (Al) were found as the main components in the AAO template. The Co and Fe elements do not exist in the AAO template. Subsequent to the dip coating of Co onto the AAO template, the Co catalyst was detected in all of the AAO-Co catalysts. The AAO-Co(0.5) catalyst contained 5.14 wt.% Co on the surface, the calcination increased the Co contents to 14.98 wt.%. However, the 1.0 M loading Co catalysts show dissimilar trend. The AAO-Co(1.0) catalyst has 12.11 wt.% of Co whereas the AAO-Co(1.0)Cal catalyst contained 7.45 wt.% of Co. The amount of Co increased after the decomposition of C2H2 suggest that the CNTs grown in the tip growth mode. The Co catalyst particles located at the tips when the CNTs grew and it appeared on the surface and resulting higher composition. 111 After the decomposition of C2H2, all of the AAO-Co catalysts were effectively converted the precursor into carbon materials, the C compositions of the yield were varied from 40.90 to 73.08 wt.%. This can be related to the physical appearance of the Co catalysts deposition yield, which are thick and powdery. The high content of the C is also attributed to the existence of CNFs. Table 5.10: EDX analysis data of surface compositions of various AAO supported catalysts before and after decomposition of C2H2. Surface Elements (wt.%) O Al Co Fe 8 AAO 32.99 67.01 8 29.01 65.85 5.14 AAO–Co(0.5) 9 7.93 12.84 11.69 8 23.51 61.51 14.98 AAO–Co(0.5)Cal 9 5.91 8.70 16.90 8 30.31 57.58 12.11 AAO–Co(1.0) 9 5.74 9.33 11.85 8 27.49 65.06 7.45 AAO–Co(1.0)Cal 9 6.72 39.22 13.16 8 32.38 63.21 4.41 AAO–Fe(0.5) 9 21.54 52.37 3.77 8 25.24 66.50 8.26 AAO–Fe(0.5)Cal 9 29.48 48.20 1.77 8 31.31 54.88 13.81 AAO–Fe(1.0) 9 11.94 48.42 5.47 8 23.64 42.49 33.87 AAO–Fe(1.0)Cal 9 20.47 56.21 4.59 8 25.38 64.82 6.89 2.91 AAO–Co/Fe(0.5) 9 8.28 36.40 4.89 2.14 8 25.39 64.54 5.16 4.91 AAO–Co/Fe(0.5)Cal 9 2.95 26.67 4.73 1.86 8 26.60 54.54 13.24 5.62 AAO–Co/Fe(1.0) 9 10.15 0.86 1.51 0.97 8 24.49 41.01 16.73 17.77 AAO–Co/Fe(1.0)Cal 9 1.97 28.68 3.61 1.71 * Reaction: decomposition of C2H2 at 700 °C for synthesis of CNTs. 8: before decomposition; 9: after decomposition. Samples Reaction* C 67.54 68.49 73.08 40.90 22.32 20.55 34.17 18.73 48.29 63.79 86.51 64.03 In the case of Fe catalysts, the amount of Fe increases regards of the increment of Fe loading, i.e. from 4.41 to 13.81 wt.%. The calcination also helps in raising the Fe contents, higher Fe compositions were detected in the calcined AAO- 112 Fe catalysts, as shown in Table 5.10. The formation of Fe catalyst particles as observed in SEM analyses, explained the high surface composition of Fe. However, the C contents of the yield of AAO supported Fe catalysts are relatively low, which range from 18.73 to 34.17 wt.%. The AAO-Fe catalysts produced CNTs without CNFs, therefore the C contents were not high. From the physical appearance observation, the carbon deposition yields of all Fe catalyst are thin and solid without powder. Referring to Table 5.10, the Co contents of the AAO-Co/Fe(0.5) catalyst were in the range of 5.16 to16.73 wt.%, whereas the Fe catalysts contained Fe composition of 2.91 to 17.77 wt.%. The amount of Co and Fe catalyst is almost equal and balance. By using these bimetallic catalysts, the decomposition of C2H2 yielded carbon contents of 48.29 to 86.51 wt.%. The high carbon contents were due to the high density CNTs produced by the bimetallic catalysts contributed by the two types of growth mechanism (as discussed in Section CHAPTER 6 PRODUCTION OF CARBON NANOTUBES (CNTs) OVER MOLECULAR SIEVES SUPPORTED CATALYSTS 6.1 Molecular Sieves Supported Catalysts Molecular sieves (MS) are crystalline metal alumino-silicates having a three dimensional interconnecting network of silica and alumina tetrahedral. The structure of MS are alike a sponge on a molecular scale. Natural water of hydration is removed from this network by heating to produce uniform cavities. MS have a solid framework, defined by large internal cavities where molecules can be adsorbed. These cavities are interconnected by pore openings which molecules can pass through, and because of their crystalline nature, the pores and cavities are all precisely the same size. Depending on the size of the openings, they can adsorb molecules readily, slowly, or not at all, thus functioning as ‘molecular sieves’ by adsorbing molecules of certain sizes while rejecting larger ones. Synthetic MS possess the unique ability to selectively adsorb molecules by size. The MS utilised in this study is type 3A with 4 – 8 mesh particle size. The Co, Fe and mixture of Co and Fe are selected as metal catalysts and the acetate salt of these metals is utilized as the precursor of the metal oxide in the supported catalysts. Jong et al. (2002) discovered that Cu metal is not suitable to be used as the 114 catalyst and the Ni/Cu mixture catalyst was found showing less effectiveness towards the growth of CNTs The metal catalysts (Co or Fe) loadings of supported catalysts were set in the range of 2.5 – 3.0 wt %. As the particle size of the metal cluster increases with increase of metal loading (Shajahan et al., 2004). For that reason, the metal catalysts loading used in this work is low so that the size of the metal clusters is small enough to be adsorb into the cavities of MS. Fonseca et al. (1996) described that catalyst particles inside the pores of support can react slowly with the C2H2 molecules during the decomposition, producing thin nanotubes with lower amount of amorphous carbon. The impregnation method was applied in order to integrate the metal catalyst onto the MS support because Perez-Cabero et al. (2004) found that the impregnation method allows more homogeneous metallic dispersion on the support compared to the deposition-precipitation method. 6.2 Physical Appearance of Molecular Sieves Supported Catalysts Subsequent to the drying at 90 °C, the impregnated MS catalysts remained in beads form and not hygroscopic. The MS support is originally light beige colour. After incorporated with either individual Co or Fe or Co/Fe metal catalyst, the support exhibited different colours. The MS supported Co catalysts showed blue purplish colour, while the MS supported Fe catalysts showed brownish colour. The colour of the MS-Co/Fe catalysts is light brown. Commonly, the MS supported catalysts containing 3.0 wt.% metal showed more intense colour compared to the catalysts with 2.5 wt.% metal loading. However, the colour of the catalysts changed after the calcination at 450 °C. The calcined MS-Co catalysts turn into olive green, whereas the MS-Fe catalysts turned 115 into dark brown colour and MS-Co/Fe catalysts changed to dark dirty green. This indicates that the incorporation of the metal catalysts onto the MS support showed different colours. 6.3 X-ray Diffraction (XRD) Analyses The X-ray diffraction analyses of the molecular sieves support and series of molecular sieves supported catalysts were carried out in order to determine the active phases that contribute to a high catalytic property in the synthesis of CNTs. The effect of preparation parameters such as types of metal catalysts, amount of metal catalyst loading and effect of calcination have been studied too. Thus, a contributing factor that resulted in the variation of catalysts activities could be reasoned out. The structural and phase of the catalysts were identified by comparing the 2θ and d values of the studied catalysts with that of reference materials from the powder diffraction file (PDF 2001). 6.3.1 XRD Analysis of Molecular Sieves Supported Cobalt Catalysts The XRD diffractograms of dried MS support and series of MS supported Co catalysts are shown in Figure 6.1, the 2θ and d values are tabulated in Table 6.1. The MS support was observed as NaSiAlO4 face-centred cubic. The NaSiAlO4 facecentred cubic phase was observed at 2θ values of 7.100, 10.127 and 12.431° or d values of 12.4406, 8.7276 and 7.1144 Å (PDF 2001 d values (Å): 12.3113, 8.7054 and 7.1079). In the MS-Co(2.5) catalyst, the existence of Co.333Na.333(AlSiO4)(H2O)2.92 cubic as well as the NaSiAlO4 face-centred cubic phase have been detected. The Co.333Na.333(AlSiO4)(H2O)2.92 cubic phase was observed at 2θ values of 7.146, 10.150 and 23.939° or d values of 12.3594, 8.7077 and 3.7142 Å (PDF 2001 d 116 values (Å): 12.2670, 8.6741 and 3.6986). Meanwhile, the MS support remained in the same phase. As shown in Figure 6.1, the Co.333Na.333(AlSiO4)(H2O)2.92 cubic phase overlapping with the NaSiAlO4 face-centred cubic phase, as a result the intensity of the peaks increased. Calcination at 450 °C did not result any changes to the Co.333Na.333(AlSiO4)(H2O)2.92 cubic phase except decrement of peaks intensity. The 2θ and d values of MS-Co(2.5)Cal catalyst are summarised in Table 6.1. The diffractograms depicted the MS support and MS-Co catalyst to be of crystalline structure. When the Co loading increased to 3.0 wt.%, there was no major changes to the XRD diffractograms. The peaks at 2θ values of 7.124, 10.148 and 23.981° or d values of 12.3976, 8.7097 and 3.7078 Å (PDF 2001 d values (Å): 12.2670, 8.6741 and 3.6986) was distinctive of Co.333Na.333(AlSiO4)(H2O)2.92 cubic phase. It was also observed that the main peaks of NaSiAlO4 face-centred cubic phase combined with the peaks of Co.333Na.333(AlSiO4)(H2O)2.92 cubic, excluding the peak at 2θ = 12.426° with d value of 7.1176 Å (dref. : 7.1079 Å). Despite calcination, there was no structural transformation observed in the MS-Co(3.0)Cal catalysts. The Co.333Na.333(AlSiO4)(H2O)2.92 cubic and NaSiAlO4 face-centred cubic phase were preserved but the intensity of Co.333Na.333(AlSiO4)(H2O)2.92 cubic phase had decreased, as depicted in Figure 5.1. By comparing the XRD diffraction pattern of the MS support to that of the Co catalysts, there are similarity in the peak positions. It is elucidated that Co cations from cobalt acetate had substituted the Na ions in the NaSiAlO4 structure, resulting the Co.333Na.333(AlSiO4)(H2O)2.92 phase. Through this interaction, the MS support plays an important role in dispersion of the Co catalyst and control the catalytic cracking of the hydrocarbon. 117 MS-Co(3.0)Cal Intensity (%) MS-Co(3.0) MS-Co(2.5)Cal MS-Co(2.5) MS 5 Figure 6.1: 10 X-ray 40 2θ (°) diffractogram patterns 20 30 60 50 of MS 70 support, MS-Co(2.5), MS-Co(2.5)Cal, MS-Co(3.0) and MS-Co(3.0)Cal catalysts. ¡: NaSiAlO4 facecentred cubic and T: Co.333Na.333(AlSiO4)(H2O)2.92 cubic phase. 118 Table 6.1: Phases, peak position (2θ) and d values (Å) in the X-ray diffractogram patterns of the MS support, MS-Co(2.5) and MS-Co(2.5)Cal catalysts. Samples Phase Structure 2θ (°) 7.100 MS 10.127 12.431 7.146 NaSiAlO4 10.150 face-centred cubic 12.446 MS-Co(2.5) 7.146 Co.333Na.333(AlSiO4)(H2O)2.92 10.150 cubic 23.939 7.116 NaSiAlO4 10.147 face-centred cubic 12.400 MS-Co(2.5)Cal 7.116 Co.333Na.333(AlSiO4)(H2O)2.92 10.147 cubic 23.954 * dobs : d spacing values obtained from XRD analyses. dref : d spacing values obtained from the reference. NaSiAlO4 face-centred cubic dobs* (Å) 12.4406 8.7276 7.1144 12.3594 8.7077 7.1063 12.3594 8.7077 3.7142 12.4118 8.7100 7.1323 12.4118 8.7101 3.7119 dref * (Å) (PDF 2001) 12.3113 8.7054 7.1079 12.3113 8.7054 7.1079 12.2670 8.6741 3.6986 12.3113 8.7054 7.1079 12.2670 8.6741 3.6986 With the purpose to determine the active catalyst phases individually, a MS supported catalyst with 40 wt.% of Co loading were prepared for the XRD analyses. The MS-Co(40.0) catalyst was calcined at two temperatures, i.e. 450 °C for 17 hours and 750 °C for 5 hours. The reason to carry out the calcination at 750 °C is to verify the active catalyst phase appeared during the CNTs synthesis at 700 °C. The high loading of Co catalyst (40.0 wt.%) showed high intensity peaks in the XRD patterns. The XRD patterns of MS-Co(40.0)Cal were shown in Figure 6.2 and the data were tabulated in Table 6.2. From XRD pattern of MS-Co(40.0)Cal catalyst (calcined at 450 °C), peaks at 2θ values of 36.882, 31.267 and 65.356° with d values of 2.4350, 2.8584 and 1.4267 Å were assigned as Co3O4 face-centred cubic phase (PDF 2001 d values (Å): 1.3996, 1.3959 and 2.7280). Similarly, the XRD pattern of MS-Co(40.0)Cal catalyst (calcined at 750 °C), the main peaks of Co3O4 face-centred cubic phase appeared at 119 2θ values of 36.883, 31.264 and 65.362° with d values of 2.4350, 2.8587 and 1.4266 Å, as in Table 6.2. The MS support cannot be identified in the diffractograsms, because the high loading of Co catalyst (40 wt.%) resulting high concentration of Co metal and subsequently over saturated the MS support. However, this result did not represent the actual catalysts used in the synthesis of CNTs, because there are no interaction occurred between the MS support and the Co metal. Intensity (%) Calcination: 750 °C / 5 h Calcination: 450 °C / 17 h 5 10 20 30 40 2θ (°) 50 60 70 Figure 6.2: XRD patterns of MS-Co(40.0)Cal catalyst calcined at 450 °C / 17 h and 750 °C / 17 h. T: Co3O4 face-centred cubic. 120 Table 6.2: Phase, peak position (2θ) and d values (Å) in the X-ray diffractogram patterns of MS-Co(40.0)Cal catalyst calcined at 450 °C / 17 h and 750 °C / 17 h. Sample Calcination Phase Structure 2θ (°) 36.882 31.267 450 °C / 17 h 65.356 Co(40.0) 36.883 Co3O4 face31.264 750 °C / 5 h centred cubic 65.362 * dobs : d spacing values obtained from XRD analyses. dref : d spacing values obtained from the reference. Co3O4 facecentred cubic 6.3.2 dobs* (Å) 2.4350 2.8584 1.4267 2.4350 2.8587 1.4266 dref * (Å) (PDF 2001) 2.4370 2.8580 1.4290 2.4370 2.8580 1.4290 XRD Analysis of Molecular Sieves Supported Ferrum Catalysts The XRD analyses of the MS-Fe catalysts of 2.5 wt.% and 3.0wt.% loadings and MS support are shown in Figure 6.3. The data are tabulated in Table 6.3. The MS support and MS-Fe catalysts are found to be highly crystalline. The MS-Fe(2.5) catalysts were detected as Fe2.7Na2.0(Si12Al12O48)(H2O)14.8 cubic phase. The peaks were at 2θ values of 7.146, 10.127 and 23.992° or d values of 12.3595, 8.7273 and 3.7061 Å (PDF 2001 d values (Å): 12.2380, 8.6536 and 3.6899). The two main peaks of the Fe2.7Na2.0(Si12Al12O48)(H2O)14.8 cubic phase showed similar position with the NaSiAlO4 face-centred cubic phase of MS support, as observed in the diffractograms (Figure 6.3). The integration of Fe catalyst to the MS support increased the intensities of peaks at 2θ of 7.146 and 10.127°. However, calcination at 450 °C had deteriorated the intensity of peak at 2θ of 23.960° even though the Fe2.7Na2.0(Si12Al12O48)(H2O)14.8 cubic phase was maintained. The Fe2.7Na2.0(Si12Al12O48)(H2O)14.8 cubic phase in MS-Fe(2.5)Cal catalyst were assigned at 2θ values of 7.116, 10.105 and 23.960° with d values of 12.4123, 8.7460 and 3.7110 Å. 121 MS-Fe(3.0)Cal Intensity (%) MS-Fe(3.0) MS-Fe(2.5)Cal MS-Fe(2.5) MS 5 10 60 50 40 70 2θ (°) Figure 6.3: XRD patterns of various MS-Fe catalysts together with MS support. ¡: 20 30 NaSiAlO4 face-centred cubic and Ø: Fe2.7Na2.0(Si12Al12O48)(H2O)14.8 cubic phase. 122 Table 6.3: Phases, peak position (2θ) and d values (Å) in the X-ray diffractogram patterns of the MS support, MS-Fe(2.5) and MS-Fe(2.5)Cal catalysts. Samples Phase Structure 2θ (°) 7.100 MS 10.127 12.431 7.146 NaSiAlO4 10.127 face-centred cubic 12.394 MS–Fe(2.5) 7.146 Fe2.7Na2.0(Si12Al12O48)(H2O)14.8 10.127 cubic 23.992 7.116 NaSiAlO4 10.105 face-centred cubic MS– 12.434 Fe(2.5)Cal 7.116 Fe2.7Na2.0(Si12Al12O48)(H2O)14.8 10.105 cubic 23.960 * dobs : d spacing values obtained from XRD analyses. dref : d spacing values obtained from the reference. NaSiAlO4 face-centred cubic dobs* (Å) 12.4406 8.7276 7.1144 12.3595 8.7273 7.1356 12.3595 8.7273 3.7061 12.4123 8.7460 7.1126 12.4123 8.7460 3.7110 dref * (Å) (PDF 2001) 12.3113 8.7054 7.1079 12.3113 8.7054 7.1079 12.2380 8.6536 3.6899 12.3113 8.7054 7.1079 12.2380 8.6536 3.6899 As observed in Figure 6.3, the increment of Fe catalyst loading did not differ the X-ray diffraction pattern of the MS-Fe(3.0) catalyst. The Fe2.7Na2.0(Si12Al12O48)(H2O)14.8 cubic and NaSiAlO4 face-centred cubic phase were remained the same. The 2θ values of 7.159, 10.131 and 23.913° with d values of 12.3381, 8.7243 and 3.7181 Å corresponded to the Fe2.7Na2.0(Si12Al12O48)(H2O)14.8 cubic phase. The NaSiAlO4 face-centred cubic phase is sharing the same peaks as Fe2.7Na2.0(Si12Al12O48)(H2O)14.8 cubic phase at 2θ positions of 7.159 and 10.131°. As a result of the calcination, the MS-Co(3.0)Cal catalyst had slightly increased the intensities of Fe2.7Na2.0(Si12Al12O48)(H2O)14.8 cubic peaks at 2θ of 7.097, 10.136 and 23.909° or d values of 12.4446, 8.7200 and 3.7188 Å (Tee et al., 2004a). It is discovered that the Fe cations from ferrum acetate are replacing the Na ions in the NaSiAlO4 structure resulting the Fe2.7Na2.0(Si12Al12O48)(H2O)14.8 cubic phase without changing the structure of the alumino-silicate cages in MS. Therefore, 123 the peaks of these two phases appeared at the same position in the XRD patterns. This interaction holds the Fe nanoparticles in place and increases the dispersion of the catalyst particles. For the purpose of XRD analyses, a MS supported Fe catalyst with Fe loading of 30.0 wt.% was prepared and calcined at 450 °C / 17 h, 750 °C / 5 h and 1000 °C / 5 h. From the X-ray diffractograms, the MS-Fe(30.0)Cal which calcined at 450 °C and 750 °C were found to be amorphous and no phase can be detected, therefore the calcination temperature was further increased to 1000 °C. The XRD patterns of MS-Fe(30.0)Cal calcined at 750 and 1000 °C were shown in Figure 6.4. The XRD pattern of MS-Fe(30.0)Cal catalyst (1000 °C) was highly crystalline and Fe2O3 rhombohedral phase was detected at 2θ values of 33.193, 35.848 and 54.218° or d values of 2.6968, 2.5029 and 1.6904 Å (PDF 2001 d values (Å): 2.6900, 2.5100 and 1.6900) as tabulated in Table 6.4. Thus, it is verified that the Fe species is Fe2O3 rhombohedral without interaction with the support. 124 Intensity (%) Calcination: 1000 °C / 5 h Calcination: 750 °C / 5 h 5 10 20 30 40 2θ (°) 50 60 70 Figure 6.4: XRD patterns of MS-Fe(30.0)Cal catalyst calcined at 750 °C and 1000 °C for 5 hours. Ø: Fe2O3 rhombohedral. Table 6.4: Phase, peak position (2θ) and d values (Å) in the X-ray diffractogram patterns of MS-Fe(30.0)Cal catalyst calcined at 750 and 1000 °C for 5 hours. Sample Fe(30.0)Cal Calcination Phase Structure 2θ (°) dobs* (Å) 1000 °C / 5 h Fe2O3 rhombohedral 33.193 35.848 54.218 2.6968 2.5029 1.6904 dref * (Å) (PDF 2001) 2.6900 2.5100 1.6900 125 6.3.3 XRD Analysis of Molecular Sieves Supported Cobalt/Ferrum Catalysts The X-ray diffraction patterns of series of MS supported bimetallic catalysts are shown in Figure 6.5. Table 6.5 showed the 2θ and d values of these diffractograms. The incorporation of Co and Fe onto the MS support was achieved because the peaks in the diffractograms of MS-Co/Fe catalysts increased dramatically. All of the bimetallic catalysts possessed high degree of crystallinity by showing sharp peaks in the diffractograms. In all cases, the MS support was still detected as the NaSiAlO4 face-centred cubic phase. In MS-Co/Fe(2.5) catalyst, the 2θ values at 7.114, 10.094 and 23.957° or d values of 12.4154, 8.7563 and 3.7114 Å are attributed to the Co.333Na.333(AlSiO4)(H2O)2.92 cubic and Fe2.7Na2.0(Si12Al12O48)(H2O)14.8 cubic phase. The PDF 2001 d values are shown in Table 6.3. The calcination at 450 °C did not give any changes to the diffractogram of MS-Co/Fe(2.5)Cal catalyst. The detection of the MS-Co/Fe(3.0) catalyst begun with the intense peaks at 2θ values of approximately 7.134, 10.067 and 23.976° or d values of 12.3816, 8.7794 and 3.7085 Å that were spotted as the Co.333Na.333(AlSiO4)(H2O)2.92 cubic and the Fe2.7Na2.0(Si12Al12O48)(H2O)14.8 cubic phase. The diffractograms of MS-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal was identical to the non-calcined sample, with no significant changes observed. The Co.333Na.333(AlSiO4)(H2O)2.92 cubic and Fe2.7Na2.0(Si12Al12O48)(H2O)14.8 cubic phase have analogous structure. For that reason they shared the same diffraction pattern by showing intense peaks at the same positions. These two metal interact with the NaSiAlO4 face-centred cubic phase in the same manner, in which their ions substituted the Na ions in the support structure. 126 MS-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal Intensity (%) MS-Co/Fe(3.0) MS-Co/Fe(2.5)Cal MS-Co/Fe(2.5) MS 5 10 20 30 40 2θ (°) 50 60 70 Figure 6.5: X-ray diffractogram patterns of MS support and series of MS-Co/Fe catalysts. ¡: NaSiAlO4 face-centred cubic, T: Co.333Na.333(AlSiO4)(H2O)2.92 cubic and Ø: Fe2.7Na2.0(Si12Al12O48)(H2O)14.8 cubic phase. 127 Table 6.5: Phases, peak position (2θ) and d values (Å) in the X-ray diffractogram patterns of the MS support, MS-Co/Fe(2.5) and MS-Co/Fe(2.5)Cal catalysts. Samples Phase Structure 2θ (°) 7.100 MS 10.127 12.431 7.114 NaSiAlO4 10.094 face-centred cubic 12.433 7.114 MS– Co.333Na.333(AlSiO4)(H2O)2.92 Co/Fe(2.5) 10.094 cubic 23.957 7.114 Fe2.7Na2.0(Si12Al12O48)(H2O)14.8 10.094 cubic 23.957 7.149 NaSiAlO4 10.143 face-centred cubic 12.424 7.149 MS– Co.333Na.333(AlSiO4)(H2O)2.92 10.143 Co/Fe(2.5)Cal cubic 23.995 7.149 Fe2.7Na2.0(Si12Al12O48)(H2O)14.8 10.143 cubic 23.995 * dobs : d spacing values obtained from XRD analyses. dref : d spacing values obtained from the reference. NaSiAlO4 face-centred cubic 6.3.4 dobs* (Å) 12.4406 8.7276 7.1144 12.4154 8.7563 7.1135 12.4154 8.7563 3.7114 12.4154 8.7563 3.7114 12.3548 8.7139 7.1184 12.3548 8.7139 3.7056 12.3548 8.7139 3.7056 dref * (Å) (PDF 2001) 12.3113 8.7054 7.1079 12.3113 8.7054 7.1079 12.2670 8.6741 3.6986 12.2380 8.6536 3.6899 12.3113 8.7054 7.1079 12.2670 8.6741 3.6986 12.2380 8.6536 3.6899 Particle Size of Molecular Sieves Supported Catalysts The particle size of the MS supported catalysts were measured by Scherrer Equation (Equation 4.3) using full width at half maximum peak intensity (FWHM) obtained from the XRD analyses. There is only a particle size (d) value obtained for each catalyst due to the diffraction patterns of Co.333Na.333(AlSiO4)(H2O)2.92 cubic and Fe2.7Na2.0(Si12Al12O48)(H2O)14.8 cubic phase in the bimetallic catalysts were detected at identical peak position. The particle sizes (d) of MS supported bimetallic catalysts were tabulated in Table 6.6, while the example of calculation was shown in Appendix C. 128 Table 6.6: The particle size (d) of Co.333Na.333(AlSiO4)(H2O)2.92 cubic and Fe2.7Na2.0(Si12Al12O48)(H2O)14.8 cubic phase in MS supported bimetallic catalysts. Catalysts Particle size, d (nm) MS-Co/Fe(2.5) 75.74 MS-Co/Fe(2.5)Cal 74.18 MS-Co/Fe(3.0) 71.76 MS-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal 74.56 The particle sizes of the MS-Co/Fe catalysts are in the range of 71 – 76 nm. The particle sizes are almost the same and are not affected by either the increment of metal catalyst loading or the calcination process (Tee et al., 2004b). The Co and Fe ions were clarified as the replacement ions of the Na ions in the NaSiAlO4 structure, thus the particle sizes of the Co or Fe supported catalysts are in a narrow range. The similar particle sizes of the bimetallic catalysts signify that the catalyst particles are evenly dispersed on the MS support. The diameter of CNTs growing on a metal particle mainly depends on the dispersion of the metal particles on the support (Nagaraju et al., 2002). 6.3.5 Conclusion of XRD Analysis The XRD patterns of the MS supported catalysts showed that the Co, Fe and mixture of Co and Fe were successfully incorporated onto the MS support. The diffractograms of MS support and all MS support catalyst showed sharp peaks indicated high crystallinity properties of these materials. Essentially, the MS support was detected as NaSiAlO4 face-centred cubic phase, meanwhile the Co catalysts were identified as Co.333Na.333(AlSiO4)(H2O)2.92 cubic phase and the Fe catalysts were assigned as Fe2.7Na2.0(Si12Al12O48)(H2O)14.8 cubic phase. In the bimetallic catalysts, the Co and Fe catalysts showed the same phase as the individual Co or Fe catalysts. 129 The X-ray diffractogram patterns of the MS supported catalysts have comparable patterns independent of the catalyst loadings and the calcination at 450 °C. It is because the Co.333Na.333(AlSiO4)(H2O)2.92 cubic and the Fe2.7Na2.0(Si12Al12O48)(H2O)14.8 cubic phase have analogous structure with the NaSiAlO4 face-centred cubic phase, which attributed to the Na ions exchanged by the Co and Fe ions. The interaction between the MS support and metal catalysts are strong as the metal ions were doped into the alumino-silicate structure of MS. The particle sizes of the bimetallic catalysts are approximately 70 nm since the entire bimetallic catalysts have same molecular structure. In all MS supported catalysts, the dispersion of the Co and Fe catalysts on the MS supports is high and contributes to better activity towards the synthesis of CNTs. 6.4 As-Grown Carbon Deposition Yield and Physical Appearance The catalytic decomposition of C2H2 was carried out with C2H2 flow rate of 15 sccm at 700 °C for 30 min. The MS supported catalysts generated black colour carbon deposits with distinctly different texture. The yields were deposited on the MS supported catalyst beads and some of the catalysts were able to produce carbonaceous powder within the container of the catalyst beads. From the textures of the carbon deposits, we can get an idea regarding activity of a particular catalyst in producing CNTs. In general, when the carbon deposit appeared spongy with deposition of black fluffy powder, the catalyst was superior in CNT production. In contrast, if the yield remained in beads form with only black settlement on its surface without powder deposition, the activity was relatively low. The percent of carbon deposition yield of the reaction using MS supported catalysts and the physical appearances as well as the density of the as-synthesis carbon deposit were tabulated in Table 6.7. From Table 6.7, it is noticed that some of the carbon deposition yield (%) showed negative values. According to Kathyayini et al. (2004), the metal oxides 130 support lost about 18 to 55 % of their initial weight under the flow of nitrogen at 700 °C. Thus, if the carbon deposit generated is less than the weight loss of the support, the deposition yield will show negative value. The catalysts that have shown positive carbon deposition yield (%) would generate higher amount of deposition. Table 6.7: The MS supported catalysts and the carbon deposition yield (%), the physical appearance and density of the as-synthesized carbon deposit. Carbon deposition Physical appearances Density yield (%) MS-Co(2.5) -3.64 Not spongy + MS-Co(2.5)Cal -23.44 Not spongy + MS-Co(3.0) -5.61 Not spongy + MS-Co(3.0)Cal -2.98 Not spongy, small amount of powder + MS-Fe(2.5) 4.59 Spongy, lots of powder ++ MS-Fe(2.5)Cal 9.09 Spongy, lots of powder ++ Slightly spongy, small amount powder MS-Fe(3.0) -7.63 ++ MS-Fe(3.0)Cal -6.14 Not spongy + MS-Co/Fe(2.5) 26.63 Very spongy, plenty of powder +++ MS-Co/Fe(2.5)Cal 35.30 Extremely spongy, plenty of powder +++ MS-Co/Fe(3.0) 27.15 Very spongy, plenty of powder +++ MS-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal 46.37 Extremely spongy, plenty of powder +++ * Density of carbon deposition yield from observations; +: low density, ++: moderate density, +++: high density. Catalysts The MS-Co catalysts showed low density of carbon deposition, the texture of the yield was not fluffy. The carbon deposition yields (%) of these catalysts are in between -23.44 and -2.98 %, suggested the conversion of C2H2 to carbonaceous materials was ineffective. When the MS-Fe catalysts were used, the textures and density of carbon depositions have improved with the carbon deposition yields varying from -7.63 to 9.09 %. The MS-Fe catalysts produced modest spongy yield and small amount of carbonaceous powder. The density and physical appearance of the products indicate that the bimetallic catalysts are the best catalysts compared to the MS-Co and MS-Fe 131 catalysts. The carbon deposits grown over MS-Co/Fe catalysts were highly dense with plenty of carbon powder obtained. The carbon deposition yield of MS-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst are found to be as high as 46.37 %, whereas other Co/Fe catalysts manage to generate around 30 % yield. The ability to produce carbon deposit vary in the order of catalyst used as Co/Fe > Co > Fe. 6.5 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Analysis 6.5.1 SEM Analysis of Molecular Sieves Supported Cobalt Catalysts and the CNTs Yield Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images of dried MS support is shown in Figure 6.6. The support surface was flat and powdery with rough texture. After the impregnation of cobalt acetate solution, the MS-Co(2.5)Cal catalyst surface was completely covered by the irregular shaped Co particles, as seen in Figure 6.7 (a). The average size of the Co particles was estimated as 2.5 µm. The example of particle size calculation is shown in Appendix D.1. Figure 6.6: SEM micrograph of dried molecular sieves (MS) support (1000×). The MS-Co(2.5) catalyst has similar morphology because the calcination at 450 °C did not change the morphology of the non-calcined and calcined samples. From Figure 6.7 (b), it is observed that MS-Co(3.0) catalyst showed similar 132 morphology as the 2.5 wt. % catalysts except for the higher density of the Co particles. The higher loading of Co (3.0 wt.%) contributes to the high density of catalyst particles on the catalyst surface. The Co particles possessed average size of 2.3 µm. The existance of Co catalyst particles on the support reveals that the support had physically interacted with the Co particles by dispersing and holding the particle on the surface (Tauster et al., 1978 and Yudanov et al., 1997). (b) (a) Figure 6.7: SEM micrographs of MS supported Co catalysts: (a) MS-Co(2.5)Cal (1000×) and (b) MS-Co(3.0) (1000×). SEM micrographs of as-grown CNTs over different MS-Co catalysts are shown in Figure 6.8 (a) – (f). The SEM analyses discovered that all of the Co catalysts were active in producing CNTs with different density. In Figure 6.8 (a), it is noticeable that the MS-Co(2.5) catalyst grown CNTs with adequate density. The asgrown CNTs are winding and some assembled to form bundles of CNTs. The CNTs are seen to have grown from the catalyst particles. From the high magnification micrograph (Figure 6.8 (b)), the average diameter of the as-grown CNTs over MSCo(2.5) catalyst is nearly 100 nm. The calculation of CNTs diameter of is shown in Appendix D.2. The surface of the nanotubes is smooth without deposition of amorphous carbon. A few coiled CNTs were also observed in the micrograph. In Figure 6.8 (c), the growth of CNTs over MS-Co(2.5)Cal catalyst is obvious. The density of the nanotubes was higher compared to the previous case; the surface of the catalyst was covered by a thick layer of CNTs. The as-grown CNTs have uniform diameter of approximately 71.4 nm. The CNTs grown in unsystematic 133 direction and assemble in bundles. In contrast, the MS-Co(3.0) catalyst only grown CNTs with fair density as depicted in Figure 6.8 (d). The surface of the catalyst did not fully covered by the nanotubes. The length of the nanotubes is extended to 6 µm. (a) (b) Coiled CNTs (d) (c) (e) Coiled CNTs (f) Figure 6.8: SEM micrographs of as-grown CNTs over various MS supported Co catalysts: (a) and (b) MS-Co(2.5) (5000× and 10000×), (c) MS-Co(2.5)Cal (5000×), (d) MS-Co(3.0) (10000×), (e) and (f) MS-Co(3.0)Cal (10000×). Interestingly, the growth of CNTs greatly improved when the MS-Co(3.0)Cal catalyst was used, as illustrated in Figure 6.8 (e) and (f). The CNTs can be seen as 134 bundles with fluffy and spongy texture. The CNTs possess high quality as no amorphous carbon or carbonaceous particle was observed in Figure 6.8 (f). The average diameter was calculated as 71.4 nm. This catalyst was able to form very long coiled CNTs as spotted by the circle in Figure 6.8 (e). According to Lu et al. (2004b), the supported Co particles able to grow coiled CNTs through CCVD of C2H2. Piedigrosso et al. (2000) also reported the growth of coiled CNTs over a Co-silica catalyst. Here, we can draw a conclusion that the Co catalysts were accountable to the growth of coiled CNT regardless to the types of support. In general, the MS supported Co catalysts are active in synthesizing CNTs with different effectiveness. The SEM analyses were parallel with the carbon deposition yield (%) discussed in Section 6.3, which the MS-Co(3.0)Cal catalyst showed the highest yield amongst the Co catalysts. 6.5.2 SEM Analysis of Molecular Sieves Supported Ferrum Catalysts and the CNTs Yield From the SEM micrographs of MS-Fe(3.0) (Figure 6.7 (a)), the Fe particles with cubic shape can be observed and the particle size is about 1.8 µm. The morphology show that the MS-Fe(3.0) catalyst is highly crystalline. The Fe particle morphology agreed with the results of Liu, D.Y. et al. (2004). Further, Hernadi et al. (1996a) reported that the Fe particles are the acetate salt crystal. However, the cubic Fe particles collapsed after the calcination at 450 °C shown in Figure 6.9 (b). The cubic Fe particles had shrinked and became unclear. From the micrographs of carbonaceous powder produced by MS-Fe(2.5) catalyst (Figure 6.10 (a)), the nanotubes grown in bundles with fluffy texture. The density of as-grown CNTs is high. However, the CNTs grown on the surface of catalyst beads showed different morphology, as illustrated in Figure 6.10 (b). The nanotubes are seen grown from the catalyst particles discreetly (Ismail et al., 2004b). The average diameter of the as-grown CNTs is 72.7 nm. The MS-Fe(2.5) catalyst 135 grown a lots of CNTs and part of the nanotubes fall off from the surface of the catalyst forming the powder yield. (b) (a) Figure 6.9: SEM micrographs of MS supported Fe catalysts: (a) MS-Fe(3.0) (1000×) and (b) MS-Fe(3.0)Cal (1000×). The ability of producing CNTs was improved by calcination, as observed in the micrographs of CNTs over MS-Fe(2.5)Cal catalyst, i.e. Figure 6.10 (c) and (d). The winding CNTs possessed uniform diameter of 65.5 nm. The purity of the CNTs is high as no amorphous carbon was observed. The powder yield over the MS-Fe(2.5)cal catalyst showed wavy configuration and assembled in bundles with feathery texture as depicted in Figure 6.10 (d). When the loading of catalyst was increased to 3.0 wt.%, the activity of the MS-Fe(3.0) catalyst was also increased. The high density CNT bundles grown over MS-Fe(3.0) catalyst were shown in Figure 6.10 (e). The nanotubes are twisted and high in purity; the average diameter is approximately 70.8 nm. Interestingly, in the micrograph of powder deposition (Figure 6.8 (f)), a newly discovered carbon nanomaterial was observed grown in between the bundles of nanotubes, it is called carbon nanowalls (CNWs). The morphology of CNTs grown over MS-Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst was similar to the MS-Fe(3.0) catalyst as seen in Figure 6.10 (g) and (h). This indicates that calcination does not improve the activity of the catalyst. The CNTs grown over this catalyst are rather thick with diameter of about 90.9 nm. 136 (a) (b) (c) (d) Wavy CNTs (e) (f) Carbon nanowalls (CNWs) (g) (h) Figure 6.10: SEM micrographs of as-grown CNTs over series of MS-Fe catalysts: (a) and (b) MS-Fe(2.5) (10000×), (c) and (d) MS-Fe(2.5)Cal (10000×), (e) and (f) MS-Fe(3.0) (10000×), (g) and (h) MS-Fe(3.0)Cal (5000× and 10000×). 137 The morphologies of the as-grown CNTs are in agreement with the carbon deposition yield and physical appearance discussed previously. The SEM micrographs reflected that MS supported Fe catalysts have higher efficiency in producing CNTs compared to the Co catalysts, where the MS-Fe(2.5)Cal catalyst showed highest activity amongst the Fe catalysts. The MS-Fe catalysts do not produce coiled CNTs which in agreement with Hernadi et al. (1996a) results. 6.5.3 SEM Analysis of Molecular Sieves Supported Cobalt/Ferrum Catalysts and the CNTs Yield The surface of MS-Co/Fe(3.0) catalyst was covered by a layer of rough particles as observed in Figure 6.11 (a). There was also a few discreet particles dispersed on the catalyst surface. The loading of Co and Fe in this catalyst is 1.5 wt.% respectively, which is lower than the individual Co or Fe catalysts loadings of 2.5 or 3.0 wt.%. Therefore, lower concentration of catalyst impregnated on the surface of support resulting lesser catalyst particles. The morphology of the MSCo/Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst was flatter compared to the non-calcined sample, due to the shrinkage of catalyst particles. (a) (b) Figure 6.11: SEM micrographs of MS supported Fe catalysts: (a) MS-Fe(3.0) (1000×) and (b) MS-Fe(3.0)Cal (1000×). 138 According to the high carbon deposition yield (26.63 – 46.37 wt.%) and good physical appearance, the bimetallic catalysts are likely to produce the best yield of CNTs. CNTs grown on the MS-Co/Fe(2.5) catalyst showed high density as observed in Figure 6.12 (a). The snaky CNTs achieved satisfactory length of about 5 µm with its surface free from amorphous carbon. Interestingly, the nanotubes are observed to be attached to the catalyst particles as in Figure 6.12 (b), which a coiled CNT is seen to be bridging a CNT bundle and another catalyst particle. The coiled CNT has different coil diameter and coil pitch, the tip was a loop wire of nanotube and the bottom showed wavy configuration. We proposed that the Fe catalyst enhanced the yield of CNTs and the Co catalyst responsible for the present of the coiled CNT. As a result of calcination, the activity of MS-Co/Fe(2.5)Cal catalyst had improved. This catalyst not only grew CNTs bundles but also arrays of CNTs as illustrated in Figure 6.12 (c). The quasi-aligned CNTs was curved and showed ‘S’ shape. This image was identical to the micrographs of zeolite supported Co/Fe catalyst in Mukhopadhyay and Mathur (2003) work. The nanotubes are fine and having uniform diameter. An interesting occurrence was observed in Figure 6.12 (d), where the CNTs grown in between two catalyst particles. The two catalyst particles were close to each other and the growing nanotubes was linked and forming straight CNTs. The activity of the MS-Co/Fe(3.0) catalyst was equivalent with the MSCo/Fe(2.5) catalyst as it produced bundles of CNTs as seen in Figure 6.12 (e). The diameter of the nanotubes was consistent with average of 61.9 nm. From the micrograph of the powdery yield (Figure 6.12 (f)), it is discovered that this catalyst also produce small amount of CNFs. The CNFs were aligned but showed heterogeneous diameter. 139 (a) (b) Loop wire Wavy nanotubes (c) (d) CNT bridges CNT bundles (e) (f) CNFs (g) (h) Figure 6.12: SEM micrographs of CNTs grown over the bimetallic catalysts: (a) and (b) MS-Co/Fe(2.5) (10000×), (c) and (d) MS-Co/Fe(2.5)Cal (5000× and 2000×), (e) and (f) MS-Co/Fe(3.0) (10000× and 300×), (g) and (h) MS-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal (5000×). 140 The MS-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst grew very high density of CNTs as observed in Figure 6.12 (g). The CNT yield was thick and they twisted to form bundles. While, Figure 6.12 (h) showed the packing of the CNTs with furry texture and high density. The micrographs of CNTs over this catalyst also showed bridging CNTs as in Figure 6.12 (d), but the micrographs was not shown here. The morphology of the CNTs yield showed that the MS-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst has highest activity among the bimetallic catalysts. 6.5.4 Conclusion of SEM Analysis Collectively, the activity of MS supported catalysts in synthesizing CNTs are measurable and the MS supported bimetallic catalysts showed the best performance amongst the MS supported catalysts. A variety of CNT configurations were observed from the micrographs of as-grown CNTs over MS supported catalysts, i.e. bundles, arrays, bridge, coil etc. The MS-Co(3.0)Cal, MS-Fe(2.5)Cal and MS-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal are amongst the best catalysts. According to the results from XRD and SEM analyses, the interaction between the MS support and the catalyst nanoparticles are classified as strong metalsupport interaction (SMSI) as discussed by Vander Wal et al. (2001). This strong interaction arise from the metal cations of the support donating the partial negative charge to the supported metal particles. This strong interaction can enhance the catalytic activity by strengthening back donation of electron density into the antibonding orbitals of the hydrocarbon molecules and subsequently weakens the bonding within the molecules results in the dissociation of the hydrocarbon molecules (Davis and Klabunde, 1982). According to Ando et al. (2004), when the metal-support interaction is strong, the CNTs tend to grow up with the catalyst particle rooted at its base (base growth model). 141 6.6 Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM) Analysis The as-grown CNTs over MS-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal was examined by FieldEmission Scanning Electron Microscope, the micrographs were shown in Figure 6.13 (a) and (b). At low resolution (Figure 6.13 (a)), the CNTs were seen assembling in bundles, some of the nanotubes have length up to 6µm. The nanotubes were entangled and sinuous. There is no by product deposited on the CNTs, designated that as-grown CNTs is pure without any purification. Further, from the high resolution micrograph, the growth of CNTs is verified. The hollow structure of the CNTs can be clearly observed, the wall of the nanotubes is smooth which proved the high degree of graphitization. The outer diameter of the CNTs is calculated as 14.29 nm. There is no catalyst particle found on the tip of tubes, proved that the growth mechanism followed the base growth model. (a) (b) Figure 6.13: FE-SEM micrographs of as-grown CNTs over MS-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst, (a) 60000× magnification and (b) 250000× magnification. 142 6.7 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Analysis The transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis is used to convey the graphitization quality, defection, purity and wall structure of CNT yield. The TEM micrographs facilitate the classification of SWNT and MWNT. Figure 6.14 (a) and (b) presented the TEM micrographs of CNTs grown over MS-Co(3.0)Cal catalyst. In figure 6.14 (a), the CNT has straight and turbostratic walls, it consists of 18 graphene layers. No defect was observed in the wall structure, except the most external layer was jagged and curved; reveal a high degree of graphitization. The outer diameter of the nanotube was 33.55 nm, while the inner diameter was approximately 13.44 nm. Further, another micrograph (Figure 6.14 (b)) showed that some by products of decomposition attached on the surface of the CNT, the substance was amorphous as the layers of the atoms are randomly displaced and it is kind of amorphous carbon. (a) (b) Multi-layers graphene wall Amorphous carbon Turbostratic nanotubes Figure 6.14: TEM micrographs of the as-grown MWNTs over MS-Co(3.0)Cal catalyst, (a) and (b) scale bar: 10 nm. The TEM micrographs of CNTs grown over MS supported Fe catalysts were presented in Figure 6.15 (a) - (d). As observed from Figure 6.15 (a), the MWNT has lower quality because the walls were wavy and not parallel. The walls of the CNTs were not continuous and contain some defects. A layer of amorphous carbon was wrapping the MWNT. However, in Figure 6.15 (b) a better quality MWNT was spotted. This CNT was constructed by 21 graphene layers of turbostratic 143 arrangement which were straight, parallel and free from defect. Adjacent to this nanotube, there were a big mass of amorphous carbon. (a) (b) Defects Turbostratic graphene layers Amorphous carbon Amorphous carbon . (c) (d) End cap of MWNT Figure 6.15: TEM micrographs of as-grown MWNTs from: (a) and (b) MS-Fe(2.5)Cal catalyst, (c) and (d) MS-Fe(3.0) catalyst (for all images scale bar: 10nm). From Figure 6.15 (c), the CNTs grown over MS-Fe(3.0) catalyst was observed as a crooked MWNT, its walls were curved and not parallel. This MWNT has similar quality as the CNT observed in Figure 6.15 (a) but with fewer layers of walls. There was an internal compartment entrapped inside the longer tube, the end cap of the short nanotubes can be clearly seen. In a close up image (Figure 6.15(d)), 144 the walls of the MWNT are uneven, suggested that the degree of graphitization is low. The TEM images of CNTs grown over MS-Co/Fe(2.5) catalyst were presented in Figure 6.16 (a) – (c). From the low resolution image (Figure 6.16 (a)), apparently the as-grown CNTs were high in quality and density. The CNTs were observed elongated out from a catalyst particle and grew up to several microns. A few open end of the nanotubes were detected, implied that the MS-Co/Fe(2.5) catalyst grew CNTs in base growth mechanism. (b) (a) Amorphous carbon Open ends of nanotubes Catalyst particle (c) Cross section view Figure 6.16: TEM micrographs of as-grown MWNTs from MS-Co/Fe(2.5) catalyst, (a) scale bar: 100 nm, (b) scale bar: 10 nm and (c) scale bar: 10 nm. 145 In Figure 6.16 (b), the yield from the MS-Co/Fe(2.5) catalyst were assured as the MWNT. The MWNT have more than 15 layers of graphene walls and same layers in each side of the hollow structure. The walls are parallel and well-arranged, no defect was identified. The inner and outer diameters of the MWNT measured from the micrographs were 5.31 nm and 25.63 nm respectively. The cross section view of the MWNT can be seen in Figure 6.16 (c), the layers of the nanotube wall are concentric and well-arranged. The TEM micrographs of MS-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst grown MWNTs are shown in Figure 6.17 (a) and (b). Figure 6.17 (a) attested that the as-grown MWNT has superb characteristic. The purity and the graphitization of the MWNT are very high. The carbon building units arranged in well order to produce extremely turbostratic and defect-free graphene layers. The inner diameter is 3.57 nm whereas the outer diameter is 11.43 nm. The distance between layers is measured as 0.33 nm, which is in agreement with inter-layer distance of graphite. In Figure 6.17 (b), it is noticeable that the MWNT were wrapped by a layer of amorphous carbon, but the MWNT still possessing good quality. The TEM micrographs revealed that the MS supported catalysts are capable in producing MWNT with different quality and quantity. (a) (b) Amorphous carbon Figure 6.17: TEM micrographs of as-synthesized MWNT over MS-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal catalyst, both of the micrographs have scale bar of 5 nm. 146 6.8 Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) Analysis The energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis was utilised to quantify the surface compositions of the catalysts. The EDX analysis data were shown in Table 6.8. It is known that the molecular sieves (MS) are metal alumino-silicates, so it is reasonable that the main component in the MS support are oxygen (O), aluminium (Al) and silicon (Si). In addition to the main elements, there are traces amount of natrium (Na), magnesium (Mg), chlorine (Cl) and kalium (K). These elements were collectively group as E in Table 6.6, because their existences are not significant. The MS support is free from cobalt (Co) or ferrum (Fe) before the impregnation step. The impregnation of Co onto the MS support was achieved as the Co element was detected in all MS-Co catalysts in the range of 4.81 – 14.44 wt.%. It is observed that the calcination at 450 °C reduced the amount of Co elements in both of the MS-Co/Fe(2.5)Cal and MS-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal catalysts. This is owing to the high temperature during the calcination facilitating the surface Co to be incorporated into the structure of MS, thus reducing the surface Co. The incorporation of Fe onto the MS support were demonstrated by the detection of Fe element which range from 6.80 – 18.32 wt.%. The amount of Fe element did not show an exact trend. In the case of bimetallic catalysts, the amount of Fe element is higher than the Co element. The composition of Co and Fe were reduced by calcination process. The MS supported catalysts were effective in converting C2H2 into CNTs as the carbon (C) content of the catalysts varied from 24.84 to 61.84 wt.%. The MS-Co catalysts generated modest quantity of carbon as a reflection of the lower activity in the synthesis of CNTs. Meanwhile the Fe catalysts produced higher carbon content, as in Table 6.8. This is concurring to the carbon deposition yield (%) and SEM micrographs. Throughout the characterisations, the MS supported bimetallic catalysts were recognized as the best catalyst as these catalysts produced high graphitization and purity. The MS-Co/Fe(2.5) and MS-Co/Fe(2.5)Cal catalysts gave the highest carbon 147 content. It might due to the higher amount of amorphous carbon in the samples as shown in TEM micrographs. From the C contents, we can draw a conclusion that the activity of the bimetallic catalyst is the highest, followed by MS-Fe catalysts and the MS-Co catalysts. The carbon contents are in agreement with the physical appearance observation (Section 6.4). Table 6.8: EDX analysis data of surface compositions of various MS supported catalysts before and after decomposition of C2H2. Surface Elements (wt.%) O Al Si Co Fe E# 8 36.50 16.57 23.64 MS 23.29 8 33.90 14.01 19.01 12.47 20.61 MS–Co(2.5) 9 15.53 12.95 20.17 9.12 17.18 8 29.00 17.92 27.37 4.81 20.90 MS–Co(2.5)Cal 9 22.73 11.63 16.24 5.97 15.38 8 34.82 13.08 18.08 14.44 19.58 MS–Co(3.0) 9 14.84 13.73 21.33 7.29 17.97 8 25.98 15.46 24.15 12.44 21.97 MS–Co(3.0)Cal 9 14.68 12.17 17.77 8.76 14.27 8 33.18 12.52 18.55 15.35 20.40 MS–Fe(2.5) 9 16.14 11.79 18.65 7.09 15.90 8 23.05 14.52 25.63 18.32 18.48 MS–Fe(2.5)Cal 9 9.15 9.36 14.37 8.07 11.08 8 24.54 16.65 27.19 12.89 18.73 MS–Fe(3.0) 9 13.03 10.51 17.05 8.54 18.18 8 27.56 16.75 26.48 6.80 22.41 MS–Fe(3.0)Cal 9 8.63 8.75 13.54 12.41 11.57 8 24.88 14.06 22.20 4.81 13.21 20.84 MS–Co/Fe(2.5) 9 6.18 6.83 10.41 2.66 4.76 7.32 8 22.98 17.20 27.70 5.11 6.14 20.87 MS– Co/Fe(2.5)Cal 9 10.36 8.43 12.89 2.36 1.57 9.60 8 24.72 16.23 26.22 5.42 7.64 19.77 MS–Co/Fe(3.0) 9 14.64 10.12 13.99 2.14 0.84 10.60 8 21.52 16.74 27.73 4.20 6.46 23.35 MS– Co/Fe(3.0)Cal 9 12.83 10.21 14.29 2.08 1.23 10.86 * Reaction (R): decomposition of C2H2 at 700 °C for synthesis of CNTs. # E: Elements included Na, Mg, Cl and K. 8: Before decomposition; 9: after decomposition. Samples R* C 25.05 28.05 24.84 32.35 30.43 47.97 32.69 45.10 61.84 54.79 47.67 48.50 CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSION 7.1 Overall Conclusion In this research, a high performance Catalytic Chemical Vapour Deposition (CCVD) system was designed and built. The CCVD system consists of high temperature tube furnace, fixed bed flow reactor and gas sources. The system is useful and suitable for the synthesis of carbon nanotubes (CNTs). All supported catalysts were successfully prepared by impregnation method, which the alumina (Al2O3) and MS supported catalysts were prepared by the soaking technique, whereas the anodic aluminium oxide (AAO) template supported catalysts were prepared by dip coating technique. The cobalt (Co) and ferrum (Fe) metal were effectively incorporated into the supports to form single or bimetallic supported catalysts as indicated by the colour changes of the supported catalysts. The X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) characterization has successfully identified the crystallographic phases present in the Al2O3 and MS supported catalysts. However, the XRD analysis was inappropriate for AAO supported catalysts as the materials are amorphous. From the XRD pattern, the Al2O3 support was observed as Al2O3 tetragonal phase. In the Al2O3 supported catalysts, the presence of Co3O4 facecentred cubic phase and Fe2O3 rhombohedral phase were detected in the Co catalysts and Fe catalysts respectively, while the bimetallic catalysts consist both of the active 149 catalyst phases. Meanwhile, the MS support was observed as NaSiAlO4 face-centred cubic phase from the X-ray diffractogram. Whereas the MS-Co catalysts were detected as Co.333Na.333(AlSiO4)(H2O)2.92 cubic phase and the MS-Fe catalysts existed in Fe2.7Na2.0(Si12Al12O48) (H2O)14.8 cubic phase. The XRD patterns showed that the bimetallic catalysts supported on Al2O3 and MS showed best diffraction patterns. In Al-Co/Fe catalysts, the particle sizes of Co3O4 face-centred cubic phase were in the range of 28.26 – 38.64 nm and the particle sizes of Fe2O3 monoclinic phase were varied form 22.35 to 29.89 nm. Nevertheless, The MS-Co/Fe catalysts have only one particle size value for both of the active catalyst phases, i.e. Co.333Na.333(AlSiO4)(H2O)2.92 cubic phase and Fe2.7Na2.0(Si12Al12O48) (H2O)14.8 cubic phase, which are approximately 70 nm. The carbon precursor chosen are pure acetylene (C2H2) and the catalytic decomposition of C2H2 was carried out at 700 °C (ramping rate 5 °C/min) for 30 min under the flow of C2H2/N2 at 15/120 sscm. The combination of precursor, catalysts and parameters in this research was superb and producing excellent CNTs yield. The Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) analyses gave comprehensible images of the as-grown CNTs over series of catalysts. The physical appearance of the catalysts and CNTs produced provided brief information about the samples. From the electron microscopy analyses, the Al-Co catalysts are active in the formation of CNTs with different efficiency except the Al-Co(2.5) catalyst. Amongst the Al2O3 catalysts, the Al-Co(3.0), Al-Fe(3.0)Cal and Al-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal are the best catalysts in terms of growing high quality and purity CNTs. The Al2O3 supported catalysts produced MWNTs but did not favour the growth of coiled CNTs. The quality and quantity of the as-grown CNTs were summarized in Table 7.1. All of the AAO supported catalysts are able to grow CNTs in different configuration and 150 density. The AAO-Co(1.0)Cal, AAO-Fe(1.0) as well as AAO-Co/Fe(1.0)Cal are more effective catalysts in synthesing CNTs. The details of the CNTs yield are tabulated in Table 7.1. Table 7.1: Comparison of purity, density and configurations of as-grown CNTs and CNFs over various supported catalysts. Configurations of CNTs # Bundles Alignment Coil Al-Co(2.5) 9 Al-Co(2.5)Cal 1 1 9 Al-Co(3.0) 4 4 9 Al-Co(3.0)Cal 2 2 9 Al-Fe(2.5) 3 3 9 Al-Fe(2.5)Cal 2 3 9 Al-Fe(3.0) 2 1 9 Al-Fe(3.0)Cal 4 4 9 Al-Co/Fe(2.5) 3 2 9 Al-Co/Fe(2.5)Cal 3 3 9 9 Al-Co/Fe(3.0) 4 4 9 9 Al-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal 5 5 9 AAO-Co(0.5) 1 2 9 AAO-Co(0.5)Cal 2 3 9 9 AAO-Co(1.0) 3 3 9 9 AAO-Co(1.0)Cal 4 4 9 AAO-Fe(0.5) 3 3 9 AAO-Fe(0.5)Cal 4 4 9 AAO-Fe(1.0) 4 4 9 AAO-Fe(1.0)Cal 3 2 9 9 AAO-Co/Fe(0.5) 4 4 9 9 AAO-Co/Fe(0.5)Cal 4 4 9 AAO-Co/Fe(1.0) 3 4 9 9 AAO-Co/Fe(1.0)Cal 5 5 9 9 MS-Co(2.5) 3 4 9 9 MS-Co(2.5)Cal 2 3 9 9 MS-Co(3.0) 3 2 9 9 MS-Co(3.0)Cal 5 5 9 MS-Fe(2.5) 3 4 9 MS-Fe(2.5)Cal 5 5 9 MS-Fe(3.0) 4 4 9 MS-Fe(3.0)Cal 4 4 9 9 MS-Co/Fe(2.5) 4 4 9 9 MS-Co/Fe(2.5)Cal 4 5 9 9 9 MS-Co/Fe(3.0) 3 4 9 9 MS-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal 5 5 * Relative rating of purity and density: 1 – lowest and 5 – highest. # 9 - Existance of CNT bundles, alignment and coils. Catalysts Purity* Density* CNFs - 9 9 9 151 From the quality and density of as-grown CNTs, all of the MS supported catalysts showed very outstanding performance, in which the MS-Co(3.0)Cal, MS-Fe(2.5)Cal and MS-Co/Fe(3.0)Cal were identified as the best catalysts. The descriptions of the MWNTs are tabulated in Table 7.1. Referring to Table 7.1, despite to the types of support, the ability to produce CNTs was vary in the order of Co/Fe > Co > Fe catalysts. The Co catalysts are effective in forming coiled CNTs whereas the bimetallic catalysts are accountable for the alignment of CNTs. In general, the Co catalysts produced good quality nanotubes, while the Fe catalysts are efficient of C2H2 decomposition in giving higher carbon deposition yield, thus, the bimetallic catalysts showed the best performance in producing high quality and quantity CNTs. The Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) Analysis provided useful information about the composition of the supported catalysts and carbon deposits. The Co, Fe and Co/Fe metals were successfully incorporated into the supports with sufficient amount to initiate the growth of CNTs. The Al2O3 supported catalysts produced carbon contents of 25.00 – 73.76 wt.%, the AAO supported catalysts produced 18.73 – 86.51 wt.% carbon as well as the MS supported catalysts generated 25.05 – 61.84 wt.% of carbon. Collectively, the performance of a catalyst in growing CNTs mainly depends on the types of metal catalysts and quantity of the catalysts. From the experimental data, we found that the bimetallic catalysts produced great quality and quantity CNTs regardless to the types of support. The higher loading catalysts also enhanced the growth of CNTs. The activity of CNTs production seems not strongly affected by the types of support, it is noticed that the supports merely play a role in providing a platform for the dispersion of catalyst particles and growth of CNTs. In addition, the calcination treatment was found to be less significant in improving the activity of the catalysts towards the synthesis of CNTs. Through the observation of micrographs, the growth mechanism of the CNTs can be suggested. The Al2O3 support interacts with the metal catalysts through Lewis base sites (weak metal-support interaction), whereas the MS supported catalysts have 152 strong metal-support interaction (SMSI). Therefore, it can be concluded that the Al2O3 supported catalysts grow CNTs through the tip growth mechanism while the MS supported catalysts follow the base growth mechanism. 7.2 Future Works The research on the synthesis of CNTs is still new in Malaysia, more works need to be carried out in order to improve and control the synthesis method for the production of CNTs with required structures. Some of the recommendations are: 1. The Catalytic Chemical Vapour Deposition (CCVD) system can be modified to increase the production quantity. Replace the fixed bed flow reactor with the floating catalyst reactor and investigate the CNTs synthesis. 2. Diversify the types of supports in preparation of supported catalysts as the support can affect the metal-support interaction in the system. Supports such as MgO and CaCO3 are potential catalyst supports. 3. Introducing transition metals such as Ni, V and Mo as catalysts in the preparation of supported catalysts. The bimetallic and trimetallic combinations of these metals need to be studied. The mixture of Co or Fe with these metals are an interesting study to be investigated. 4. Utilise other characterization methods to study the supported catalysts and carbon deposition yield comprehensively. The active catalyst sites in the supported catalysts can be identified accurately using X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and the as-grown MWNTs can be verified through Raman Scattering analysis. 5. Other compounds such as methane, benzene, alcohol and carbon dioxide are potential carbon precursors for the synthesis of CNTs. The parameters of 153 catalytic decomposition should be customized according to the properties of the precursor. REFERENCES Ando, Y., Zhao, X., Sugai, T. and Kumar, M. (2004). Growing Carbon Nanotubes. Materials Today. Review Feature: 22 – 29. Andrews, R., Jacques, D., Rao, A.M., Rantell, T., Derbyshire, F. Chen, Y., Chen, J. and Haddon, R.C. (1999). Nanotube composite carbon fibers. Applied Physics Letters. 75: 1329. Andrews, R., Jacques, D., Dickey, E.C. and Qian, D. (2003). Synthesis and Growth Mechanisms of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes. Kentucky/University of Kentucky. unpublished. ( Baker, R. T. K., Chludzinski Jr., J. J. and Lund, C. R. F. (1987). Further Studies of the Formation of Filamentous Carbon from the Interaction of Supported Iron Particles with Acetylene. Carbon. 25: 295 – 303. 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APPENDIX A MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSIONS FOR STOICHIOMETRIC AMOUNT OF METAL SALT USED IN WET IMPREGNATION A.1 2.5 wt. % of Co Relative to 1.00 g of Support = 58.93 g mole-1 Atomic weight of Co Molecular weight of Co(CH3COO)2.4H2O = 248.93 g mole-1 Weight of support used = 1.00 g Support : Co (wt. %) = 97.5 : 2.5 = 97.5 / 97.5 : 2.5 / 97.5 = 1 : 0.02564 Weight of Co on 1.00 g of support = 1.00 g × 0.02564 = 0.02564 g Mole of Co = 0.02564 g / 58.93 g mole-1 ≈ 0.0004351 mol 1 mole of Co ≡ 1 mole of Co(CH3COO)2.4H2O 0.0004351 mole of Co ≡ 0.0004351 mole of Co(CH3COO)2.4H2O Stoichiometric amount of Co(CH3COO)2.4H2O = 0.0004351 mole × 248.93 g mole-1 = 0.1083 g ≈ 0.11 g 166 A.2 2.5 wt. % of Fe Relative to 1.00 g of Support = 55.85 g mole-1 Atomic weight of Fe Molecular weight of Fe(CH3COO)2 = 173.94 g mole-1 Weight of support used = 1.00 g Support : Fe (wt. %) = 97.5 : 2.5 = 97.5 / 97.5 : 2.5 / 97.5 = 1 : 0.02564 Weight of Fe on 1.00 g of support = 1.00 g × 0.02564 = 0.02564 g Mole of Fe = 0.02564 g / 55.85 g mole-1 ≈ 0.0004591 mol 1 mole of Fe ≡ 1 mole of Fe(CH3COO)2 0.0004591 mole of Fe ≡ 0.0004591 mole of Fe(CH3COO)2 Stoichiometric amount of Fe(CH3COO)2 = 0.0004591 mole × 173.94 g mole-1 = 0.07986 g ≈ 0.08 g A.3 2.5 wt. % of Co/Fe Relative to 1.00 g of Support Weight of support used = 1.00 g Support : Co : Fe(wt. %) = 97.5 : 1.25 : 1.25 = 97.5 / 97.5 : 1.25 / 97.5 : 1.25 / 97.5 = 1 : 0.01282 : 0.01282 167 Weight of Co on 1.00 g of support = 1.00 g × 0.01282 = 0.01282 g Mole of Co = 0.01282 g / 58.93 g mole-1 ≈ 0.0002175 mol 1 mole of Co ≡ 1 mole of Co(CH3COO)2.4H2O 0.0002175 mole of Co ≡ 0.0002175 mole of Co(CH3COO)2.4H2O Stoichiometric amount of Co(CH3COO)2.4H2O = 0.0002175 mole × 248.93 g mole-1 = 0.05414 g ≈ 0.05 g Weight of Fe on 1.00 g of support = 1.00 g × 0.01282 = 0.01282 g Mole of Fe = 0.01282 g / 55.85 g mole-1 ≈ 0.0002295 mol 1 mole of Fe ≡ 1 mole of Fe(CH3COO)2 0.0002295 mole of Fe ≡ 0.0002295 mole of Fe(CH3COO)2 Stoichiometric amount of Fe(CH3COO)2 = 0.0002295 mole × 173.94 g mole-1 = 0.03992 g ≈ 0.04 g APPENDIX B MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSIONS FOR STOICHIOMETRIC AMOUNT OF METAL SALT USED IN DIP COATING B.1 0.5 M of Cobalt Acetate Aqueous Solution Molecular weight of Co(CH3COO)2.4H2O = 248.93 g mole-1 Concentration of Co aqueous solution = 0.5 M Volume of solution = 25 mL = 0.025 L 0.5 mole of Co ≡ 1 L of solution X mole of Co ≡ 0.025 L of solution X = 0.025 × 0.5 = 0.0125 mole Stoichiometric amount of Co(CH3COO)2.4H2O = 0.0125 mole × 248.93 g mole-1 = 3.1116 g ≈ 3.11 g 169 B.2 0.5 M of Ferrum Acetate Aqueous Solution Molecular weight of Fe(CH3COO)2 = 173.94 g mole-1 Concentration of Fe aqueous solution = 0.5 M Volume of solution = 25 mL = 0.025 L 0.5 mole of Fe ≡ 1 L of solution Y mole of Fe ≡ 0.025 L of solution Y = 0.025 × 0.5 = 0.0125 mole Stoichiometric amount of Fe(CH3COO)2 = 0.0125 mole × 173.94 g mole-1 = 2.1743 g ≈ 2.17 g B.3 0.5 M of Co/Fe Acetate Aqueous Solution Concentration of Co aqueous solution = 0.25 M Volume of solution = 25 mL = 0.025 L 0.25 mole of Co ≡ 1 L of solution X mole of Co ≡ 0.025 L of solution X = 0.025 × 0.25 = 0.00625 mole Stoichiometric amount of Co(CH3COO)2.4H2O = 0.00625 mole × 248.93 g mole-1 = 1.5558 g ≈ 1.56 g Concentration of Fe aqueous solution = 0.25 M Volume of solution = 25 mL = 0.025 L 170 0.25 mole of Fe ≡ 1 L of solution Y mole of Fe ≡ 0.025 L of solution Y = 0.025 × 0.25 = 0.00625 mole Stoichiometric amount of Fe(CH3COO)2 = 0.00625 mole × 173.94 g mole-1 = 1.0871 g ≈ 1.09 g APPENDIX C MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSIONS FOR CRYSTALLITE SIZE OF Co3O4 CUBIC CRYSTAL USING SCHERRER EQUATION C.1 Co3O4 Cubic Crystal in Al-Co/Fe(2.5) Catalyst d= where d Kλ FWHM cos θ (Equation 4.3) = Crystallite size (Å) K = Unit cell geometry dependent constant (0.94) λ = Wavelength of X-rays (Å) FWHM = Full width at half maximum peak intensity (radians) θ = Bragg angle (°) Peak 1: d = 1 . 4482 0 . 003665 cos (15 . 6485 ) = 410 . 37 Å Peak 2: d = 1 . 4482 0 . 004294 cos (18 . 4870 ) = 355 . 61 Å 172 Peak 3: d = 1 . 4482 0 . 006999 cos ( 32 . 6170 ) = 245 . 80 Å 410.37 + 355.61 + 245.80 Å 3 = 337.26 Å d average = = 33.73 nm APPENDIX D MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSIONS FOR PARTICLE SIZE, LENGTH AND DIAMETER FROM THE SEM MICROGRAPHS D.1 Calculation of Particle Size of Catalyst measurement of particle diameter from micrograph × scale bar unit measurement of scale bar 14 mm = × 20 µm 44 mm = 6.36 µm Particle size = ≈ 6.4 µm D.2 Calculation of CNTs Length Length = measuremen t of CNTs length from micrograph measuremen t of scale bar 2.5 mm = × 2 µm 56 mm = 0.0893 µm ≈ 89.3 nm × scale bar unit APPENDIX E PUBLICATIONS Buang, N.A., Aziz, M., Sanip, S., Tee, J.C., Abidin, Z. and Ismail, A.F. (2005). Effect of Pretreatment of Synthetic and Natural Carbons as Starting Materials for Carbon Nanotubes. Journal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials. 23: 285 – 288. ( Ismail, A.F., Tee, J.C., Buang, N.A., and Sanip, S.M. (2004). Effect of Catalyst Supports on the Growth of CNTs. 3rd Annual Conference of the Asia Pacific Nanotechnology Forum and 2nd Shanghai International Nanotechnology Cooperation Synposium. 9 – 12 December 2004. Sydney, Australia: APNF, Inc, 150 – 155. Ismail, A.F., Tee, J.C., Buang, N.A., and Sanip, S.M. (2004). Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Analysis of As-Grown CNTs over Supported Catalysts. 3rd Annual Conference of the Asia Pacific Nanotechnology Forum and 2nd Shanghai International Nanotechnology Cooperation Synposium. 9 – 12 December 2004. Sydney, Australia: APNF, Inc, 48 – 52. Tee, J.C., Buang, N.A., Sanip, S.M. and Ismail, A.F. (2004). Characterization on Series of Supported Metal Oxides Catalysts for the Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs). Journal of Solid State Science and Technology Letters (Supplement). 11(2): 34. 175 Tee, J.C., Buang, N.A. and Sanip, S.M. (2003), Heat Treatment Studies on Activated Carbon and Charcoal for Carbon Nanotube Synthesis. The Proceedings of Annual Fundamental Science Seminar (AFSS), 2003. 20 – 21 May 2003. UTM Skudai, Malaysia: Ibnu Sina Institute, 134 – 141. Tee, J.C., Buang, N.A., Aziz. M., Sanip, S.M. and Ismail, A.F. (2003). Heat Treatment Studies on Activated Carbon and Charcoal for Carbon Nanotubes Synthesis. Advances in Malaysian Fual Cell Research and Development. 27 – 30 June 2003., Bangi, Malaysia: Faculty of Engineering, UKM, 187 – 196. Ismail, A.F., Aziz, M., Buang, N.A., Husin, R., Saidin, M.K., Arshad, K.A., Tee J.C., Sanip, S.M., Abidin, Z.R.Z. and Razak, N.A. (2003). Morphological Studies of Pretreated Carbon Materials for Carbon Nanotubes Synthesis. National Symposium on Science and Technology (NSST). 28 – 30 July 2003. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: MOSTI. Tee, J.C., Buang, N.A. and Ismail, A.F. (2004). Synthesis and Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes Using Supported Catalyst Methods. Colloquium of Fuel Cell - Carbon Nanotubes. 18 May 2004. UTM Skudai: CNT Reaserch Group, 10 – 15. Tee, J.C., Buang, N.A., Sanip, S.M. and Ismail, A.F. (2004). Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) Using Supported Catalysts. Advances in Fual Cell Research and Development in Malaysia. 3 – 5 December 2004. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: BATC, UTM, 170 – 179. Tee, J.C., Buang, N.A., Ismail, A.F., Majid, Z.A., Aziz, M. and Sanip, S.M. (2005). Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) via Custom Built Catalytic Chemical Vapour Deposition (CCVD) System. Annual Fundamental Science Seminar (AFSS), 2005. 4 – 6 July 2005. UTM Skudai, Malaysia: Ibnu Sina Institute. Tee Jia Chee. Kajian Awal terhadap Struktur Fizikal dan Komposisi Bahan Berasaskan Karbon bagi Penghasilan Karbon Nanotiub untuk Sistem Penyimpanan Hidrogen. B.Sc. Thesis. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia; 2003.