IMAGE-BASED OBJECT DETECTION AND IDENTIFICATION SALIM MOHAMMED HUMAID ALWAILI A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Remote Sensing) Faculty of Geoinformation and Science Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia May 2007 PSZ 19:16 (Pind. 1/97) UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA BORANG PENGESAHAN STATUS TESISυ JUDUL: IMAGE-BASED OBJECT DETECTION AND IDENTIFICATION ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ SESI PENGAJIAN: Saya II(2006/2007) SALIM MOHAMMED HUMAID ALWAILI (HURUF BESAR) mengaku membenarkan tesis (PSM/Sarjana/Doktor Falsafah)* ini disimpan di Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dengan syarat-syarat kegunaan seperti berikut: 1. Tesis adalah hakmilik Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 2. Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dibenarkan membuat salinan untuk tujuan pengajian sahaja. 3. Perpustakaan dibenarkan membuat salinan tesis ini sebagai bahan pertukaran antara institusi pengajian tinggi. 4. ** Sila tandakan (4) 9 SULIT (Mengandungi maklumat yang berdarjah keselamatan atau kepentingan Malaysia seperti yang termaktub di alam AKTA RAHSIA RASMI 1972) TERHAD (Mengandungi maklumat TERHAD yang telah ditentukan oleh organisasi/badan di mana penyelidikan dijalankan) TIDAK TERHAD Disahkan oleh -------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- (TANDATANGAN PENULIS) (TANDATANGAN PENYELIA) Alamat Tetap: PO Box 113, PC 113 NATIONAL SURVEY AUTHORITY SULTANATE OF OMAN Tarikh: 15TH OF MAY 2007 CATATAN: EN. SAMSUDIN BIN AHMAD Nama Penyelia Tarikh: 15TH OF MAY 2007 * ** Potong yang tidak berkenaan. Jika tesis ini SULIT atau TERHAD, sila lampirkan surat daripada pihak berkuasa/organisasi berkenaan dengan menyatakan sekali sebab dan tempoh tesis ini perlu υ Tesis dimaksudkan sebagai tesis bagi Ijazah Doktor Falsafah dan Serjana secara penyelidikan, atau disertasi bagi pengajian secara kerja kursus dan penyelidikan, atau Laporan Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM). “I hereby declare that I have read this thesis and in my opinion this thesis is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of the degree of Masters of Science (Remote Sensing)” Signature : .......................................................... Name of Supervisor I : EN. SAMSUDIN BIN AHMAD Date : 15TH OF MAY 2007 ii I declare that this thesis entitled “Image-Based Object Detection and Identification” is the result of my own research except as cited in the references. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree. Signature :............................................................ Name : Salim Mohammed Humaid Alwaili Date :15th of May 2007 iii To the spirit of my beloved father, To my mother, To my wife Ziyana, And to my kids Bader, Ahmed, and Mohammed iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to express my sincere appreciation to the Head of Remote Sensing section Professor Dr. Mazlan Bin Hashim, for his encouragement, guidance, patience, and support. I will always be indebted to him for her persistence in ensuring that this thesis is up to the academic world standards. I am also very thankful to my supervisor En. Samsudin Bin Ahmad for his guidance. I am also thankful to the staff in the Faculty of Geoinformation and Science Engineering for their assistance during the past three semesters. Last, but not least, I am extremely grateful and indebted to my sponsors, the National Survey Authority. In particular, I would like to thank the Head of the NSA Brigadier Mohammed Said Al-Kharousi and the Director of Support Services. v ABSTRACT Object detection is a process of identifying and locating objects in image scene. It is a process of combining digital image processing and computer vision. There are two main approaches for object detection, namely contour-based and region-based detection for both approaches. Segmentation plays an important role in object-detection. Detection and extraction of the spatial and spectral responses of different targets of interest could only be carried out with different approaches. In this study, object-based detection is carried out to identify and recognize typical military targets (Plane1, Plane2, Tank) located on natural background using spectral and spatial approaches. This is useful in military intelligence or strategic planning where it assists in identifying the aforementioned targets. In the spectral-based object detection, the spectroradiometer readings of the targets are individually observed on different backgrounds (white platform used as calibration plane, sand and camouflage). These spectroradiometer observations are reduced and examined for forming the unique spectral signatures of the targets. Spatial-characteristics of the targets are also examined using object-based detection where multi-resolution segmentation were employed for this purpose. Results of the study obtained that all the three targets can be extracted with more than 20% differentiation, while the spectral characteristics of the targets are also good indications for object detection with overall accuracy of RMSE = ± 0.6. vi ABSTRAK Pengesanan objek daripada imej adalah satu proses di mana objek sasaran dikenalpasti dan ditentukan. Proses ini menggabungkan pemprosesan imej digital dengan ‘ computer vision’. Terdapat dua pendekatam utama dalam proses pengesanan objek iaitu Berdasarkan Kontur dan Berdasarkan Bahagian. Teknik Segmentasi merupakan teknik utama bagi kedua-dua pendekatan ini. Pengesanan penentuan elemen spatial dan spektral objek sasaran adalah fokus utama dalam kajian ini, di mana sasaran utama yang digunakan mempunyai kepentingan ketenteraan, iaitu Kapal Terbang Pejuang 1, Kapal Terbang Pejuang 2 dan Kereta Kebal. Bagi Pendekatan Spektral, cerapan alat spektroradiometer dijalankan bagi semua objek sasaran dengan pelbagai variasi latarbelakang. Terdiri daripada permukaan putih yang digunakan sebagai rujukan kalibrasi, latarbelakang pasir dan bahan penyamaran. Cerapan spektroradiometer ini kemudiannya dilaraskan sebelum pencarian ciri-ciri ‘spectral signatures’ sasaran dibuat. Penentuan ciri-ciri spatial objek dijalankan dengan menggunakan ‘multi-resolution segmentation’. Hasil daripada kajian ini mendapati kaedah spektral boleh digunakan untuk mengenalpasti sasaran yang diuji dengan ketepatan RMSE = ± 0.6. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 TITLE PAGE TITLE i DECLEARATION ii DEDICATION iii AKNOWLEDGMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LISTS OF TABLES ix LIST OF FIGURES x LIST OF APPENDIX xi INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 The Importance of Object Detection 1 1.2 Problem Statement 4 1.3 Objectives 4 1.4 Scope of the Study 5 1.5 Significance of the Research 6 1.6 Chapter Organization 6 OBJECT DETECTION APPROACHES AND APPLICATIONS 7 2.1 Introduction 7 2.2 Approaches to Object Detection and Recognition 7 2.3 Image Segmentation 11 2.3.1 Contour Segmentation 11 2.3.2 Region Segmentation 12 2.3.3 Object Oriented Approach 14 Reflectance and Object Detection 14 2.4 viii 3 2.5 Automatic Object Detection 15 2.6 Summary 17 METHODOLOGY 18 3.1 Introduction 18 3.2 Materials 20 3.2.1 Target Sets 20 3.2.2 The Data Capture 20 3.3 4 5 Digital Camera Nikon Coolpix 7900 21 Spectro-radiometer 21 Images of Target Sets 21 Reflectance Measurement 24 Data Pre-processing 25 3.3.1 Radiometer Correction 25 3.3.2 Geometric Rectification 27 3.3.3 Image Segmentation 28 3.3.4 Multiresolution Segmentation 29 Classification of Segmented Image 30 Classification Based Segmentation 33 Feature Space Optimization 34 RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 35 4.1 Introduction 35 4.2 Object Detection Based on Reflectance 36 4.3 Spectral Assessment 41 4.4 Segmentation Results 43 4.5 Assessment of Object Detection Based on Spatial Entities 46 4.6 Discussion 48 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 50 5.1 Conclusions 50 5.2 Recommendations 51 ix LIST OF TABLES TABLE No. 3.1 TITLE Descriptive statistics and the amount shift applied to the PAGE 26 red and blue bands to normalize radiometric effects 3.2 The result of rectification process 27 3.3 Signatures of the class of interest of the target set 32 4.1 Separation of spectral reflectance curve at RGB bands of 37 the targets for the white board set 4.2 Separation of spectral reflectance curve at RGB bands of 39 the targets for the sand background set 4.3 Separation of spectral reflectance curve at RGB bands of 41 the targets for the camouflage set 4.4 Assessment for the spectral reflectance curves for the 3 42 target sets for the RGB bands 4.5 Overall assessment for the spectral reflectance curves for 42 the 3 target sets for the RGB bands 4.6 Accuracy assessment for the segmentation process 45 4.7 Results of feature space optimization 45 4.8 A matrix for feature space optimization 46 4.9 Results of spatial assessment 48 x TABLE OF FIGURES FIGURE No. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Block diagram of object detection 10 2.2 Region-based segmentation diagram 13 2.3 Automatic Target Detection Process 16 3.1 Flow chart for the methodology carried out in the study 19 3.2 The target set 22 3.3 Configuration of spectro-radiometer with respect with 25 respect target platform for calibration purpose 3.4 The histograms for the RGB bands of the calibration 26 board 3.5 The image segmentation process in the eCognition 29 system adopted in the study 3.6 Image classification 32 4.1 Reflectance curve for the white board target set 36 4.2 Reflectance curve for the sand target set 38 4.3 Reflectance curve for the camouflage target set 40 4.4 Results of the object detection using image segmentation 43 4.5 Assessment of spatial entities based on generated 47 template xi LIST OF APPENDIXES APPENDIX No. APPENDIX I TITLE Description of Generic Shape Features PAGE 57 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Importance of Object Detection Object detection is a process of identifying and locating objects in a scene. It is a process of combining digital image processing and computer vision (Gonzalez et al, 2001). The main goal of an object detection process is to detect and identify objects in a scene. Selected parameters, which are commonly used for object detection such as the interpretation parameters aimed to recognizes and identify objects, will be described in the following sections. The commonly used parameters in object detection for remote sensing images are elaborated in the following section. Image-based object detection has been widely used in the remote sensing field. Skilled interpreter and computer-assisted interpretation are two essential factors in digital-recognition objects. In the manual-interpretation approach, seven interpretation elements are usually used to interpret images; namely size, shape, shadow, tone, color, texture and pattern. The size of an object is defined by the most commonly parameters such as length, area, perimeter, area and volume. The shape of an object is determined by its geometric characteristics such as linear, curvilinear, circular, elliptical, radial, square, etc. The shadow is a silhouette caused by sideilluminated objects, often. The image tone of an object refers to the gray scale of the image, typically ranging from bright to total dark. It is used in extracting the scene of the height or relief of the object of interest. The color tone is also used in the interpretation of color images. Texture is a group of small patterns often used in extracting groups of objects. Pattern is usually used in the spatial arrangement of 2 objects on the ground (systematic, unsystematic, etc.). Apart from the above seven interpretation elements, other elements are used in manual interpretation such as the associated relationships as the combination of the elements, geographic characteristics and configuration of the objects. A well-trained interpreter can interpret the image using the above elements easily as a dichotomous key (Jensen 2000). The use of digital interpretation approach is widely used in various applications. In this approach, the computer systems (including appropriate software) are used to extract object features using basic interpretation elements. The most common elements used for digital recognition are tone, color and texture. Tone and color of individuals in the scene are the two dominant interpretation elements used in the computer-based object detection based on statistical pattern recognition techniques (Hardin and Thomson, 1992). At present, both the manual and computerbased interpretation are used hand-in-hand, where each of these approaches compliment each other as fully computer-based interpretation is rather limited due to each of the dedicated systems being built for specific purposes. The image-based object detection has formed wide applications, which includes military and biomedical imaging. In military applications, recognizing and detecting of targets within specific areas has been the main focus. Such targets are crucial inputs into intelligence planning and monitoring. In the biomedical applications, object-detection has been carried out for assisting medical practitioners in diagnosis of diseases/sickness (Yuan-Hui Yu and Chin-Chen Chang, 2006). These include also recognition of fingerprints and eye pupil as biometric identification, apart from the study of human perception to vision and recognition ability. Image-based object detection and recognition is important, particularly for intelligence where it is widely used in the planning of military operations. It is also very important for assisting pilots, tanker operators, and shooters to detect and identify targets of interest. Using this technique the operator could identify the target of interest faster and more precisely. Computer-assisted object detection could be used for automatic detection of any object or target of interest. This is referred to as 3 automatic target recognition (ATR), which generally refers to the self-directed or aided target detection and recognition by computer processing of images from a variety of sensors such as forward looking infrared (FLIR), synthetic aperture radar (SAR), inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR), laser radar (LADAR), millimeter wave (MMW) radar, multispectral/ hyperspectral sensors, low-light television (LLTV), video, etc. ATR is an extremely important approach that is useful for targeting and surveillance missions of defense weapon systems operating from a variety of platforms (BHANU et al, 1997). Automatic target recognition aims to reduce the workload of human operators such as image analysts, pilots, and tankers, who are tasked with a large scope of activities ranging from assessing the battlefield/battlespace situation over large areas and volumes to targeting individual targets on land, sea, or air. It is also used to reacquire targets when used on unmanned lethal weapon systems such as missiles. The effectiveness and efficiency of locating and detecting targets is greatly increased with this application (Clark et al, 1997). In the context of medical imaging, object detection is widely used in detecting symptoms peculiar to disease or related to malfunction or strange organs. It uses the concept of detecting foreign bodies inside the human body. Yfantis et al. (2000) proposed an algorithm for detecting cancer using ultrasound image. The algorithm is based on calculating a number of attributes in the section of interest in the image and finding the distance in the multivariate space of the vector of attributes in the section from 2 predetermined centroids (cancerous and non-cancerous). If the distance from the non-cancerous centroid is smaller than the distance from the cancerous centroid the region is classified as non-cancerous, otherwise it is cancerous. Gender classification could be also done with the help of object detection using face detection and principal component analysis technique (Zehang et al, 2002). In this study, artificial steel objects on a sand background will be detected using the object-oriented approach and spectral reflectance characteristics. The image sets in this study are captured using digital optical camera in a controlled 4 laboratory environment where a specrtoradiometer device is used for acquiring reflectance measurements from the object targets. 1.2 Problem Statement Remotely sensed images are formed as the resultant of the interaction of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) with the earth surface. The magnitudes of these interactions are dependent on the wavelength of the EMR and the characteristics of the earth's surface. Extraction of any feature from these images can therefore be made based on the spectral and spatial entities of the EMR interactions. Two typical algorithms established for object detection in remote sensing were based on both these the spatial and spectral interactions. In this study, the region-based algorithm is used for detecting and identifying spatial entities (shape and area), while the spectral reflectance characteristics of the objects are used for recognizing the target of interest. 1.3 Objectives The objectives of this study are: (1) To detect and extract selected targets from remotely sensed images based on the spectral and spatial characteristics; (2) To perform accuracy assessment of the objects extracted in objective (1). 5 1.4 Scope of the Study The scopes of the study are as follows: (i) The images used are captured in the laboratory using a digital camera, of a set of known miniature military targets with sand background. The targets comprised two steel model air fighters (Plane1, Plane2) and one steel model tank. (ii) The images of the targets are captured within the visible spectrum of EMR at different sets: (a) The white board, captured as a control; (b) Targets on the white board (capturing reflectance for individual target); (c) Sand reflectance; (d) Camouflage reflectance; (e) Targets on sand (capturing reflectance for individual target); and (f) Reflectance for the targets covered with camouflage. (iii)The corresponding spectral responses of the targets with the background were also observed using spectroradiometer in the range of 400-700nm, equivalent to the wavelength of the camera used to capture the digital image. (iv) The spectral responses of the targets are reduced and analyzed for the absolute responses within the given wavelength range for determining the best differentiation among the targets. (v) The detection and extraction of objects using spectral entities is performed based on region growing and region merging algorithm where it has to satisfy the condition (Hsiao et al, 2005). 6 1.5 Significance of the Research Detection and extracting the spatial and spectral responses of different targets are usually done through different approaches. This research helps users to identify and recognize different kinds of targets (Plane1, Plane2, Tank), which are sited on natural background using spectral and spatial approaches. It is useful for military purposes and could be utilized in different applications. 1.6 Chapter Organization This report consists of five chapters. Chapter 1 is an introduction and background of the project. Chapter 2 reviews some previous similar works for animage-based object detection/recognition. This includes segmentation approaches, the importance of reflectance in object detection and automatic target detection. The methodology of the study is described in Chapter 3, where the materials and method used in this study is elaborated. The results of the study are presented, analyzed and discussed in Chapter 4. Finally, Chapter 5 concludes the findings of this study, apart from highlighting the future recommendations for improving this study. CHAPTER 2 OBJECT DETECTION APPROACHES AND APPLICATIONS 2.1 Introduction This chapter reviews some previous similar works on object detection. The review focuses on object-based approaches; namely contour-based, region-based, boundary-based and feature extraction and morphology operations. The image segmentation approaches are also reviewed, which cover contour segmentation and region segmentation. The relation between reflectance and object detection is also discussed in this chapter. 2.2 Approaches to Object Detection and Recognition Image-based object detection and recognition have been widely used for the identification of artificial targets in the natural environment. There are at least three main approaches for such detection, which are (i) contour-based (Caron et al, 2002), (ii) region-based approach (Ternovskiy et al., 2003; Rizon et al., 2006), (iii) boundary-based approach (Chen and Gao, 2005; Lau and Ozawa, 2004; Zouagui et al., 2003). There are some derived approaches such as the one that depends on feature extraction and morphological operation (Wang et al., 2005) and others depending on the statistical repartition (Vincent et al., 2000), which are used for different applications. 8 Contour-based object detection can be achieved using two common approaches: (i) high pass filtering, and (ii) matching technique. The first approach includes Canny filters and adaptive filtering, while the matching approach is based on matching the object contour with the geometrical models. Both these approaches work only when the shape of the object to be detected is known. It needs a contour template, which defines the object of interest (Caron et al., 2002). The main advantages of using the contour-based approach are: (a) it preserves most of the shape information about the object, which is necessary for identifying and recognizing objects; and (b) 3-D models can be made from 2-D models. The contour-based approach can be used to extract shapes and morphology for features such as the shape of any desired object. Most of the contour detection algorithms extract broken or incomplete boundaries due to poor imaging conditions. The second approach to object detection is based on region-based approach, which describes the regions within the image. It is used as shape-based detection. There are three steps in detecting objects using the region-based approach, namely: (i) Fitting method: uses a fixed number of rectangles to fit the shape of the object which represents the shape as vector of numeric parameters (ii) Eigenmodes of finite element model: the eigenmodes method uses the finite element model to represent the shape. Shape similarity computed as the modal deformation energy needed to align 2 objects (Sebastian and Kimia, 2001) (iii)Statistical calculation for the grey level: can be used by calculating mean and median of the grey level, the minimum and maximum gray level values and the number of pixels with values above and below the mean. The advantage of using region-based approach is the simplicity of identifying the topology and the texture of the objects (Chen and Gao, 2005). An example of region-based detection application is image classification using maximum likelihood analysis. Lastly, the boundary-based approach for object detection has been reported by Lau and Ozawa (2004), Chen and Gao (2005) and Zouagui et al., (2003). This 9 approach assumes that the pixel values change at the object's boundaries where they are then converted to those values to a closed region boundaries. The assumption that the adjacent pixels in the same region have similar visual features is also a basic primitive in the region-based approach. Boundary-based approach is the best for determining edge information, and this can be achieved in the following procedures: (i) by local filtering using Canny edge detector; (ii) Using snake model where an active contour model is used to minimize the energy; and (iii) Using a balloon model that is used to solve and generalized the problems encountered by the main method. It is a tool used for deducing the region in order to use it for region-based approach. The advantages of using boundary-based approach are: (i) the ease of getting information about the interior characteristics of the objects, and (ii) it does not require order boundary points to preserve the shape of objects. Apart from the three above-mentioned approaches, object detection can also be carried out using feature extraction and morphological operations (Wang et al., 2005). The main aim of feature extraction is to discriminate different regions by combining features within the image. Feature extraction is carried out in the sequence of procedures, such as: (i) initial segmentation, (ii) morphology processing; and (iii) object detection. The initial segmentation stage is essential to segment the image to regions before extracting features within images. This is performed using texture properties of the image. The image texture is described using either statistical or texture measurements based on the co-occurrence matrix. The result of this stage is a binary image where it is be used in the morphology processing stage (César et al., 2007) The morphology processing starts with the binary image that is obtained from the first stage. It consists of the following processes: (1) object selection; (2) label extraction; and (3) boundary decision. The goal of object selection is to remove the noise from the image using dilation and erosion operations. Label extraction is meant to identify the presence of homogenous regions. As a result, labeled image 10 can be obtained which can identify the objects numbers of the original image. The purpose of boundary decision is to find the contour for every object, allowing for easily locating the object in the original image. As such, object detection operation can be performed. An example of this approach is detecting artificial objects in a natural background (Wang et al., 2005). Figure 2.1 below illustrates object-detection using the morphological approach. Original image Initial segmentation Feature extraction Fuzzy c-mean clustering Mathematical morphology processing Selecting and labeling objects Finding location of objects in labeled image Locating the objects areas in original image Object detection Object detection Source: Wang et al, 2005 Figure 2.1: Block diagram of object detection 11 2.3 Image Segmentation Image segmentation is defined as the process of assigning pixels to regions having common properties. In other words, subdividing an image into constituent regions in order to locate and extract outlines of certain objects in the image. It is the first step in the object detection/recognition process. Meanwhile, the level to which the segmentation takes place depends on the application to be used for and the interesting objects to be detected (Zouagui et al., 2003; Lau and Ozawa, 2004). Image segmentation algorithms are generally based on two basic properties of the intensity values: (i) discontinuity and (ii) similarity. Using the first property, the approach is to subdivide an image based on rapid changes in the intensity values such as the edges of the image. The similarity property of the intensity is based on partitioning an image into regions that are similar according to the predefined criteria. Examples of the second category are region growing, region splitting and region splitting and merging. Image segmentation can be achieved using: (a) contour segmentation; (b) region segmentation; and (c) object-oriented approach (Gonzalez et al., 2002). 2.3.1 Contour Segmentation The contour-based segmentation approach is called the valley-following method or the snake method. It starts with edge detection followed by a linking process that seeks to make use of curvilinear continuity (Malik et al., 2001; Zagorchev et al., 2007). The information that could be taken from the boundaries of region segmentation, could define contours. Contours can be discrete or continuous. Discrete contours are defined by a sequence of points whereas continuous contours are defined by a parametric curve such as B-Splines and non-uniform rational BSplines. In the discrete representation of the contour segments, the adjacent contour points are connected to create a continuous boundary. As a result, the contour defined by a parametric curve represents a continuous boundary. This segmentation approach is widely used for medical analysis. Fear et al. (2000) use this approach for 12 cancer detection and cancer contour creation. Liang et al. (2006) also use this approach to analyze and interpret X-rays and MRI images. 2.3.2 Region Segmentation Region segmentation is commonly used to subdivide an image into its constituent regions or objects. The subdivision of the image into appropriate level depends on the problem or the dimension of the object to be detected. The subdivision stops once the objects of the interest have been isolated. It consists of processes in a sequence, such as: (i) region growing; (ii) region merging; and (iii) region splitting. Region growing is a procedure that groups pixels or sub regions into larger regions based on the predefined criteria. It has advantages such as the boundaries of the growing regions are perfectly thin and connected and the algorithm used is very stable (Gonzalez et al., 2002). Region merging segmentation simply merges regions that have similar characteristics. In other words, if there are two adjacent regions having similar properties, these two regions are merged. However, region splitting is a process that aims to divide regions that are heterogeneous. Further explanation on the other region segmentation is given in Gonzalez et al. (2002). Figure 2.2 illustrates region segmentation methods. Figure 2.2 (a) represents region growing method, while (b) illustrates region splitting method. Figures (c) and (d) show one of the splitting techniques. It has a representation called quadtree (which means a tree in which nodes have exactly four descendants). 13 (a) Region merging method (b) Region splitting method R R1 R2 R3 R41 (c) Quadtree R43 R44 source Gonzalez et al 2002 R1 R3 (d) Partitioning image R42 R4 R2 R41 R42 R43 R44 source Gonzalez et al 2002 Figure 2.2: (a) Region merging method, (b) Region splitting method , (c) Qadtree; and (d) Partitioning image 14 2.3.3 Object Oriented Approach The object-oriented approach depends mainly on image segments, and not on single pixels. The expected results of the object-oriented segmentation are real world objects with the proper shape and classification, which cannot be achieved by a pixel-based approach. This approach has the advantages of extracting additional information that can be derived based on image object, apart from giving meaningful statistics and textures. In the object-oriented approach, it is possible to take context and semantic information into account. The input and the output could be vectorbased. The final output could be carried out to analyze aerial images and to update to update GIS information (Benz et al, 2004). Quartel et al. (2006) use this approach to extract beach morphology using video images. Xu et al. (2004) also use this approach but for land cover mapping using Quick Bird images using eCognition software. 2.4 Reflectance and object detection Reflectance is an important property of an object by which one could differentiate object type and materials. There are some approaches that have been used to find relations between reflectance of objects and recognition. Different objects having different subjects result in different reflectance magnitudes. Accordingly, the characterization of earth surface features based on their reflectance is a central concept in remote sensing. Two approaches described below concerning the importance of reflectance in object detection are: (i) reflectance ratio computation, (ii) the shape and reflectance properties. Any object appearance depends on its shape, the optical properties of its surface (reflectance), the surrounding distribution of the light, the viewing position, roughness and material. A method for computing the ratio of the reflectance of a region to that of its background is one of the approaches to use reflectance for object detection within an image. This is in turn resulted in a physical region with each scene that is invariant to the shape of the object as well as the intensity and direction 15 of illumination. From this photometric invariant (reflectance ratio), valuable information could be used for recognition process. To do such a process the image is first segmented followed by computing the reflectance ratio for each individual segment with respect to their background. Shape and reflectance are two important properties for an object. Russell et al. (2007) use such properties to detect objects. The shape itself is not enough to recognize any objects as a result reflectance play important role in detecting and recognizing an object. Russell et al. (2007) use two different experiments in order to detect and recognize object, one using gray scale image and the other one using color image. From the two experiments used, good differentiation between the faces of the male and the female has been achieved. 2.5 Automatic Object Detection Automatic object detection (ATR) is the process of detecting and identifying objects in a scene. It has been widely used in the extracting appropriate information from a remote sensing data. There are many application of ATR such as image analysis and interpretation. It is used to assist operators in image analysis to reduce the workload. Advancement in computing contributed significantly toward ATR usage. Two main approaches commonly used in ATR are (i) image-based and (ii) model-based approaches (Bhanu et al, 1997). The image-based approach requires combining different views using small reference images. The model-based approach depends on boundary segmentation and planar surface extraction to describe the scene. Target detection is done using trained neural networks or generic algorithms (Vasile and Marino, 2005). Automatic target detection could also be achieved by the matching technique (Huttenlocher et al., 1997). This can be accomplished by matching target models with images as sets of oriented edge pixels. The matching method, however, is very tedious particularly for producing a meaningful match of high significance. It has a disadvantage of artifacts appearing if the image used a considerable inherent clutters. 16 In order to reduce such problem, the orientation and the location of pixels have to be carefully considered. Typical data-processing for any ATR approach uses the following sequence of steps: (i) detection of objects, (ii) discrimination of objects, (iii) classification of objects, (iv) recognition of objects; and (v) identification of objects. In the detection stage, the target is detected based on the presence of its signature captured in the image. While in the discrimination stage any artifacts or noise are removed. In the third stage, the targets are classified according to their signatures and how they are differentiated from each other and to what class they are classified. This stage need predefinition of the targets by image analyst. The fourth stage is recognition, which is meant to recognize targets by their class. The final stage is the identification stage, which is the ability to precisely define the targets (Paget et al., 2001). All the procedures for all ATR are shown Figure 2.3 below. Objects Detection Objects Discrimination Objects Classification Objects Recognition Objects Identification Source : Paget et al, (2001). Figure 2.3: Automatic Target Detection stages 17 2.6 Summary The approaches to image-based object detection and applications were reviewed. In this chapter, the object detection/recognition process has two main approaches, which are (i) contour-based, (ii) region-based. There are also hybrid approaches such as boundary-based approaches, feature extraction and morphological operations, which are derived from the above two main ones. The contour-based approach employs high pass filters and matching technique, whereas the region-based detection is achieved by the fitting method, eignmode of finite element model and statistical calculation of gray level. Object detection/recognition cannot be done without image segmentation, which is one of the crucial procedures in image analysis and interpretation. Accordingly, there are diverse segmentation approaches that can be used for object detection ranging from contour-based segmentation and region-based segmentation. Object detection, on the hand, can also be based on characteristics of the object of interest. Detection of objects can be done by computing reflectance ratio and by obtaining shape and reflectance properties of the object to be detected. Automatic target detection (ATR) was also reviewed in this chapter. CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction This chapter highlights the methodology carried out for the study. There are two main parts of the methodology, namely: (1) materials used; and (2) the method employed in the study. Detailed description of all materials used is given in the following sections along with a step-by-step explanation on the methods used in the object detection in this study. The flowchart of the methodology employed for the entire study is shown in Figure 3.1. 19 Image capture Spatial-based • Digital camera (RGB) • Lab-based spectroradiometer object detection object detection Image processing • Geometric correction • Spectral-based Spectral reflectance Radiometric correction Reduction of spectral observation Image segmentation • Region-growing approach • Object oriented Analyze of SRC's for target detection Template Evaluation • shape Evaluation Results on spatialbased object detection Results on spectral - End based object detection End Figure 3.1: Flowchart of the methodology carried out in the study 20 3.2 Materials There are four types of materials used in this study, which are: (a) Plane 1, (b) Plane 2, (c) Tanker; and (d) Sand used as natural background. 3.2.1 Target Set Specially-made miniaturized target sets are configured for this study. Figure 3.2 (a) illustrates the target set with selected targets, three steel miniaturized models, namely Planes (Palne1, Plane2) and tank are placed on a rectangular board as background. The dimension of the board are measured and demarcated, to identify the entire test points and the position of the object/targets. Plane 1 represents F-15 fighter with the dimension 36cm main length and wings of 12cm length, whereas Plane2 represents F-14 fighter with the length of 15cm wings of 6cm each side. The tanker is Sherman Tank M4A3 model with a length of 17cm and width of 8cm. 3.2.2 The Data Capture Two types of data capture are carried out in this study. Firstly, to capture digital image using digital camera positioned on a goniometer to produce an image of the target set. This image is used to examine the extraction of the known targets based on optical-based object detection algorithm. Configuration of the digital image capture is illustrated in Figure 3.2 (a), where the digital camera is used instead by spectro-radiometer. The second data capture is carried out using spectro-radiometer of the target set on the wavelength range of 400 -700 nm for the RGB of the visible wavelength. The data being captured for the reflectance is stored as txt file and are later analyzed using statistical analysis software. The technical descriptions of the digital camera and the specroradiometer are given in the following sections. 21 Digital Camera Nikon Coolpix 7900 The digital camera used in the study is Nikon model Coolpix 7900. It has data capture capability of 7 megapixel (7MP resolution) with 3x optical Zoom offering focal length of 38-114mm. Three types of image sizes can be acquired, which include: (i) 7 million pixels at 3072 x 2304 scene, (ii) 5 million pixels at 2592 x 1944scene; and (iii) 3 million pixels at 2048 x 1536 scene. Spectro-radiometer The spectro-radiometer is used for capturing the reflectance of the individual objects of the target sets with various background settings. The spectro-radiometer employed is ASD FieldSpec Pro JR, which is manufactured by Analytical Spectral Devices Inc. It has the ability to acquire the data for full spectrum range of 3502500nm with rapid data collected at 1/10th of the second per spectrum. It is a full workstation with field laptop and Gun to measure reflectance. This instrument is designed to collect solar reflectance, radiance and irradiance measurements. It can be used for different applications such as remote sensing, geology, ecology, forestry, plant physiology, and many others (ASD manual). Images of Target Set Figure 3.2 (a) represents the configuration of the specto-radiometer in the laboratory set up to measure the reflectance of the target. The goniometer is used for placement of spectro-radiometer with target to appropriate illumination geometry for the light source and objects of interest. Figure 3.2 (b) shows the white board used for calibration, fully grided for assisting geometric rectification. It is divided into 5 divisions in x-axes and 10 divisions in y-axes, respectively. Each division represents 22 10cm intervals. Figure 3.2 (c) shows camouflage used to cover the targets. On the mean time, Figure 3.2 (d) demonstrates the setting of the object on the white board. However, Figure 3.2 (e) shows the setting of the targets on the natural environment (sand). The axes origin (x,y) is set to the left bottom corner the background board. The orientation of the targets and the position of the control points used for rectification are shown in Figure 3.2 (f). (a) L R G x O y R: Radiometer O: Object set L: source of light, G: goniometer (b) 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Figure 3.2: the target set: (a) Configuration of target set placed on goniometer, (b) the white board background used for calibration…./continue 23 (c) (d) X Y (5,10) (e) Plane1 Plane Tank X (0,0) Y Figure 3.2: the target set: (c) the camouflage on the top of targets, (d) the targets sited on the white board background, (e) the targets sited on the sand background…./continue 24 (f) 4 3 7 Plane1 5 Tank Plane 1 6 2 X Y Figure 3.2: the target set: (f) the targets sited on the sand background with the control points used for rectification. Reflectance Measurement The reflectance measurement of the target set is made using spectroradiometer in the controlled environment. The captured reflectance sets are: (i) the white board which is used for calibration, (ii) targets (Plane1, Plane2,Tank) on the white board, (iii) camouflage only, (iv) sand only, (v) targets (Plane1, Plane2,Tank) on the sand; and (vi) targets (Plane1, Plane2,Tank) covered with camouflage. The output of this process is spectral reflectance curves for each set mentioned and for each target in different environment. This is done to establish spectral reflectance curves in order to discriminate between the reflectance behaviors for different target sets (refer to Figure 3.2 (c) - (f)). Calibration for reflectance measurement is performed by capturing the reflectance of objects of interest from different angles and taking the average as the ideal one for calibration. Figure 3.3 is a diagram representing calibration method been taken. Reflectance is captured from different angles (α, α1, α2) with constant height of the sensor (radiometer) from the background, i.e. 2 m. Then a graphical representation for the 3 reflectance readings are averaged as the calibrated spectral reflectance. 25 α, α1, α2 are the angles for Radiometer observation set for the spectral reflectance of background α2 α 2m α1 + Demarcated grid for geometric reference + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Target background Figure 3.3: configuration of spectro-radiometer with respect to target platform for calibration purpose 3.3 Data Pre-processing Image processing started with a data preprocessing stage where the image is radiometrically corrected and geometrically rectified. The preprocessed data is then subjected to segmentation approach adopted in the study is elaborated further in Section 3.3.3. 3.3.1 Radiometric Correction The radiometric correction is aimed to reduce radiometric errors or distortion. These are due to: (i) sensor sensitivity (the digital camera), (ii) the source of illumination, (iii) light fallout on object due to scattering, and (iv) absorption of radiation inside the laboratory. The histogram of the three bands of the digital data is shown in Figure 3.4 below, which shows the radiometric value of white background. The shift in the peaks of the red, green and blue bands is actually the amount of the "offset" values needed to radiometracally the data. A simple approach to normalize 26 these three bands for radiometric shift is carried out, such that the green band is set as the reference while the red and the blue are shifted by the amount of differentiation the center peak values with the green peak respectively. Table 3.1 below tabulates the descriptive statistics and the amount of shift applied to the red and blue bands to normalizing of radiometric effects. Once the "offset" for the red and blue bands is applied, the resultant image of white platform is totally "white" with one "superimposed" histogram for the RGB bands. Figure 3.4: The histograms for the RGB bands of the calibration board Table 3.1: descriptive statistics and the amount of shifted applied to the red and blue bands to normalizing of radiometric effects Band Min Max Mean Stdev Amount of radiometric shift to normalized radiometric effects 1 0 248 105.9 24.525952 105.9 -99.9 = 6 20.601978 106.5 -99.9 = 6.6 2 0 255 106.5 3 0 255 99.9 22.359181 Zero green) shift (reference 27 3.3.2 Geometric Rectification The Geometric rectification aims to assign absolute coordinates of the object to the digital image so accurate measurements of the image can be made. The image to map approach is used. The control points used are acquired from the target set for this study, which is the white board of (50cm x 100cm). This rectification process has two steps: (i) transformation of image into the map coordinate system, (ii) the resampling of the image brightness into the transformation coordinate system. The 1st degree polynomial equation (Equation 3.1) is used for transformation due to small size of the image used. The resampling method used the nearest neighbor strategy. It does not need a lot of computation and it preserves the original image from loosing original information. Table 3.2 shows the result of the rectification process. RMS for X is 0.14 pixels and RMS for Y is 0.01 pixels, with overall RMSXY of = (0.14) 2 + (0.01) 2 =0.14 pixels. X = a1 + a 2 x + a3 y Y = b1 + b2 x + b3 y } Equation 3.1 where, X, Y= are the absolute coordinates obtained from the template measurements, x,y = image coordinates of pixels, and a1 ,a2 , a3, b1 ,b2 , b3 are coefficients of transformation. Table 3.2: The result of rectification process ID X Y Xuncorrected Yuncorrected ΔX ΔY 1 2 1 441.97 1000.97 0.01 0 2 7 1 1983.98 1105.98 -0.02 0 3 9 4 194.06 2583.56 -0.02 0 4 1 4 116.50 25.50 0.02 0 28 5 6 3 1663.97 449.10 0.10 -.01 6 4 1 1059.03 1043.03 0.01 0 7 4 3 1047.02 407.02 -0.10 .01 RMSx 0.14 3.3.3 RMSy 0.01 RMSXY 0.14 Image Segmentation Image segmentation is the process of partitioning an image into segments or regions in order to analyze and interpret it. In this study, it is aimed to detect the shape of selected targets. The image segmentation of the eCognition system is used for this purpose and such process is achieved through the following procedures: (a) importing of the image; (b) multiresolution segmentation; (c) classification of the segmented image; (d) classification-based segmentation; and (e) feature space optimization. Figure 3.5 represents the flowchart segmentation process used in the study. 29 Load/import image/s and define working units Multiresolution Segmentation Classification process Classification Based Segmentation Feature Space Optimization Figure 3.5: The image segmentation process in the eCognition system adopted in the study 3.3.4 Multiresolution Segmentation Multiresolution segmentation is a method of generating image objects. It produces homogenous segments in any chosen image resolution. It is the bottom up region growing-based approach, where small pixels are merged into bigger ones. Multiresolution segmentation has the following parameters: (i) Image weight: used to define the layer weight for the selected image layers to define image importance, the higher the number the higher layer importance. (ii) Level: to determine which level the segmentation will be saved, and determines the hierarchy of the file. 30 (iii) Scale parameter: used to determine the heterogeneity of the output image. Increasing the value creates larger image object. The scale parameter refers to exclusively to the weights of the image layers (weight* scale parameter). Chosen the best scale parameters depend on the image and objects used. In this study, the scale parameter is 100. (iv) Compactness and smoothness: used to define how shape homogeneity is described. As the smoothness increases, compactness decreases. The total scale is 1. In this project, Compactness is 0.2 and the smoothness is 0.8. (v) Segmentation mode: there are 3 segmentation modes (a) normal, (b) sub- object line analysis; (c) spectral difference segmentation. Normal mode is the default mode where the scale parameters can be used to create sub-objects for calculation of line features. Whereas the spectral difference mode is to join neighboring objects according to color differences. The parameters to be used rely on the image used and object to be segmented. To get to the result, classification for the multiresolution segmentation must be done. Classification of Segmented Image The classification process is used to assign objects to certain classes according to the class's description. The class description for the main classes in this study (Plane1, Plane2, Tank and the background) uses the manual interpretation parameters to interpret and identify the objects. eCognition software used two main approaches: (i) knowledge-based, and (ii) fuzzy approach. The knowledge approach depends on knowledge of the interpreters about the object to be classified, whereas the fuzzy approach depends on the class description using fuzzy sets of object features defined by membership function. To achieve good classification, the approach to be used should combine both approaches. Classification can be performed either using supervised or unsupervised approaches. For the supervised approach, training sets for each class are generated before the classification takes place. While the unsupervised classification starts 31 with grouping of spectral classes using clustering method, labeling of spectral classes formed are needed for the final output. In the eCognition, system the classification uses the following sequence of steps: (a) Open class hierarchy: in order to start supervised classification and collecting training samples. (b) Insert class: for every feature has its own class to distinguish between different classes. (c) Select samples: In the case of target set (plane 1) the camouflage color of dark green is one class whereas the grey color of targets is another class, the rockets have different class etc. (d) Start classification using nearest neighbor which is used by the software. (e) Apply standard nearest neighbor to all classes (f) Classify: where the system take care to apply the classification according to training sets. Figure 3.6 (a) below shows the selection of training sets for classification. Samples as demarcated by the polygon for seven classes the signature of these classes is given in Table 3.3. The classes are marked according to the signature of the segmented item as it appears in Figure 3.6 (b) (class 2 (a), (b), etc.), where the results of classification are represented. As it appears, editing for the resulted classes is necessary to get the object of interest with the appointed class. 32 1 Background 2 Tank 3 Parts from Plane1 4 Plane2 5 Parts from Plane1 6 Parts from Plane1 7 Parts from the background (a) (b) Figure 3.6: (a) selected training sample, (b) the resultant classification Table 3.3: signatures of the class of interest of the target set Class Mean Std Dev R G B R G B 1(background) 112.20 109.85 102.42 14.19 12.93 13.36 2 (a) 35.04 54.39 51.92 15.75 14.58 16.24 2 (b) 57.38 60.52 55.65 16.58 16.21 15.98 2 (c) 60.02 68.81 57.99 19.23 21.14 22.44 2 (d) 35.57 54.63 58.30 15.58 11.35 10.83 3 (a) 105.27 128.42 120.62 21.78 22.63 27.90 3 (b) 117.02 143.33 138.44 20.26 20.84 26.38 3(c) 108.60 129.81 117.18 18.71 20.30 21.83 3 (d) 134.28 142.73 150 16.53 24.58 29.45 33 4 (a) 105.26 128.42 120.62 21.78 22.63 27.90 5 (a) 62.16 85.15 76.08 28.27 29.53 36.64 5 (b) 123.08 147.08 154.50 21.55 25.02 33.55 5 (c) 90.55 115.97 128.97 46.97 51.07 52.26 6 (a) 84.25 102.63 102.55 32.02 35.54 46.47 7 (a) 53.20 57.14 55.27 20.27 20.04 21.47 7 (b) 93.97 93.39 87.97 13.21 13.09 12.95 7 (c) 52.81 55.34 58.42 13.21 12.97 12.69 7 (d) 142.96 140.06 134.25 10.64 10.87 10.70 7 (e) 153.28 171.63 187.13 21.69 25.30 28.50 7 (f) 53.20 57.14 55.48 20.27 20.04 21.47 7 (g) 92.29 90.90 86.10 11.61 11.20 10.35 In order to perform the next process of segmentation, a structure group has to be defined. It is aimed to merge classes together to perform classification-based segmentation. This stage has two main steps: (i) definition of structure group (ii) object generation. The definition of structure groups aims to create image objects based on the classification. In this project, all classes of the same objects are joined in this stage. In the case of Plane 1, a single class formed by combining other classes that identify Plane 1. Classification Based Segmentation Classification based segmentation is another approach for object oriented segmentation which further segment the classified image. It differs from multiresolution segmentation in that the earlier method depends on the homogeneity whereas the latter segmentation uses knowledge base to generate object. This is done by editing structure groups, which was discussed earlier. 34 Feature Space Optimization Feature space optimization is a process to find a well-suited feature combination to separate classes in conjunction with a nearest neighbor classifier. It takes selected classes to be separated and results in a best separation with certain features. In order to do feature space optimization the criteria have to be initially selected to separate the objects. The features must be predefined before the generic shape features of the object of interest are identified. The following steps show feature space optimization processes in the eCognition: (1) Select the classes to calculate the optimal feature space: the objects of interest (2) Select the initial feature space to be reduced, the features to be optimized with (generic shape features) (3) Select the image object level: to what level shall be used (level2). (4) Enter the maximum dimension according to the features selected: how many features to be optimized e.g. 11 features. (5) Start the optimization (6) The result of this process shown in the optimized feature space which defines the best separation distance (the distance between closest samples of the chosen class) and the dimension used: what is best feature for optimizing between objects of interest (7) Separation reports of the optimized targets. In this study, the generic shape features used are based on Baat and Benz (2001) as the followings: (a) area, (b) length/width ratio, (c) length, (d) width, (e) border length, (f) shape index, (g) density, (h) asymmetry,(i) compactness, (j) elliptic fit, and (k) rectangular fit. Full description about those parameters is given in the Appendix 1. CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 4.1 Introduction Object detection from the captured images was performed using the spectral and spatial approaches. There are three main image sets used for reflectance capture, which include the following: (a) white board set consists of: (i) white board (calibration), (ii) Plane 1 on the white board, (iii) Plane 2 on the white board, (iv) Tank on the white board (b) Sand set, consists of: (i) Sand only, (ii) Plane 1 on the sand, (iii) Plane 2 on the sand, (iv) Tank on the sand (c) Camouflage set consists of: (i) Camouflage, (ii) Plane 1 covered with camouflage, (iii) Plane 2 covered with camouflage, (iv) Tank covered with camouflage. Image segmentation is carried out adopting region-based and object-oriented approaches. The image set used was captured with the sand background. For other image sets such as the camouflage, it is difficult to detect objects because of them being covered. Hence, this image set is not worth preserving for further analysis. The results of image-based object detection using reflectance and segmentation processes are presented in this Chapter. 36 4.2 Object Detection Based on Reflectance The following graphs show the results of the reflectance capture for the different target sets. The first set includes the results of: (a) calibration of the white board; and (b) Comparison of spectral reflectance curve for the objects on the white board background is shown in Figure 4.1. Calibration G B 1.4 R Reflectance 1.2 1 R1 R2 R3 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Wavelength (nm) (a) R1: the reflectance at α, R2: reflectance at α1, R3: reflectance at α 2 Comparison for the whiteboard targets 1.2 R G B Reflectance 1 Calibration 0.8 Plane1w 0.6 Plane2w 0.4 Tankw 0.2 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Wavelength (nm) (b) Figure 4.1: reflectance curve for the target sets: (a) reflectance of the white background used for calibration of RGB bands; and (b) comparison of object inserted on the white background. 37 The spectral reflectance represented for all the target sets are on the visible band of the spectrum, equivalent to the image capture using Nikon Coolpix 7900 digital camera operating in red, green and blue bands. Blue band corresponds to 400-500nm, while Green band has the wavelength of 500-600nm and Red band equivalent to 600-750nm wavelength. Figure 4.1 (a) shows the calibration where there are three RGB curves, which correspond to the positions captured in order to determine the amount of shift to normalize each band respectively. Speckles occurred in all the three RGB bands at wavelength of less than 450nm. Minimal and acceptable spectral curves occur after the 450nm range, with smoother curve in wavelength larger than 600nm. Figure 4.1 (b) shows all the three targets placed on the white background are well separated in the wavelength larger than 500nm with optimum separation in the larger wavelengths. This separation is minimal and non-uniform in the wavelengths less than 500 nm. These fluctuations are mainly due to the existence of noises as mentioned above. Separation between Plane 1 and Plane 2 is 10% and separation of these two plane targets to the tank is more than 20% due to their differing materials, as shown in Table 4.1. Table 4.1: separation of spectral reflectance curve at (a) Blue band, (b) Green band, (c) Red band for the white board target set λ = 500 Plane1 Plane2 Tank λ = 600 Plane1 Plane2 Tank Plane1 φ 10% 20% Plane1 φ 10% 20% Plane2 10% φ 30% Plane2 10% φ 30% Tank 20% 30% φ Tank 20% 30% φ (a) (b) λ = 700 Plane1 Plane2 Tank Plane1 φ 10% 20% Plane2 10% φ 30% Tank 20% 30% φ (c) 38 B 0.6 G Sand R Reflectance 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Wavelength (nm) (a) Comparison between the reflectance curves for targets B G R Reflectance 0.8 Sand 0.6 Plane1S 0.4 Plane2s TankS 0.2 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Wavelength (nm) (e) Figure 4.2: (a) Spectral reflectance Sand, (b) Comparison of spectral reflectance curve for the objects on the sand. Figure 4.2 (a) shows the reflectance response of the sand background with RGB bands. Speckles occurred mostly at wavelengths less than 500nm, the blue range. The reflectance smoothly increases with the green and red band ranges starting from the wavelength 500nm onwards. Figure 4.2 (b) shows all the three targets placed on the sand background are well separated in wavelengths larger than 500nm with optimum separation in the larger wavelengths. Fluctuations also appear in this target set, which is mainly because of noise existence. This separation is minimal and non-uniform in wavelengths less than 500 nm. Separation between Plane 1 and Tank is 30%, while 39 Plane 2 has the same reflectance curve as the sand background. Table 4.2 shows that Plane 2 and the tank have a separation of 40% at the 500nm wavelength, 15% at 600nm wavelength and 0% at 700nm. It also shows that the separation between Plane 2 and Plane1 is 10% at 500nm, 20% at 600nm and 30% at 700nm. Table 4.2 also shows that there is no separation between Plane 2 and the background, which is due to the smaller size of Plane 2 and the effects of sand reflectance as the background with respects to other materials. Table 4.2: separation of spectral reflectance curve at (a) Blue band, (b) Green band, (c) Red band for the sand background set λ = 500 Plane1 Plane2 Tank λ = 600 Plane1 Plane2 Tank Plane1 φ 10% 30% Plane1 φ 10% 20% Plane2 10% φ 40% Plane2 10% φ 15% Tank 30% 40% φ Tank 20% 15% φ (a) (b) λ = 700 Plane1 Plane2 Tank Plane1 φ 10% 30% Plane2 30% φ 0% Tank 20% 0% φ (c) 40 Camouflage G B 0.5 R Reflectance 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 w a velength (nm) (a) Comparison of the Camouflaged curves 0.5 B G R Reflectance 0.4 Camouflage 0.3 Plane1C 0.2 Plane2C TankC 0.1 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Wavelength (nm) (b) Figure 4.3: (a) spectral reflectance curve for Camouflage material, (b) Comparison of spectral reflectance curve of the objects covered with camouflage with camouflage Figure 4.3 (a) shows the reflectance response of the camouflage material with RGB bands. Speckles occurred mostly at wavelengths less than 500nm - the blue range - while speckles also continued with other bands. These noises appear more clearly in this target set due to camouflage material used. Figure 4.3 (b) shows all the three targets covered by camouflage on the sand background. They are well separated in wavelengths larger than 500nm with best separation in the larger wavelengths. The fluctuation also appears in this target set, which is mainly because of noise existence and the covering camouflage of material. Separation between Plane 1 and Plane 2 is 10% and separation of these two planes 41 targets to the tank is more than 10%, as shown in Table 4.3. This closer separation between the targets in this set is because of the effect of the camouflage on the reflectance at RGB bands. Table 4.3: separation of spectral reflectance curve at (a) Blue band, (b) Green band, (c) Red band for the camouflage set λ = 500 Plane1 Plane2 Tank λ = 600 Plane1 Plane2 Tank Plane1 φ 10% 10% Plane1 φ 10% 10% Plane2 10% φ 10% Plane2 10% φ 10% Tank 10% 10% φ Tank 10% 10% φ (a) (b) λ = 700 Plane1 Plane2 Tank Plane1 φ 10% 10% Plane2 10% φ 10% Tank 10% 10% φ (c) 4.3 Spectral Assessment Apart from the segmentation analysis mentioned in the next section, the absolute reflectance curves for the targets are also analyzed. Table 4.4 tabulates the reflectance capture for the three targets used. Table 4.5 represents the assessment for all RGB bands. Among those readings, Plane 1 covered with camouflage has the lowest reflectance where it has a mean reflectance of 0.0276 and the highest reflectance is for the calibration (white board with mean reflectance of 1.0047). From the standard deviation results for the reflectance curves, it appears all the curves are acceptable. 42 Table 4.4: Assessment for the spectral reflectance curves for the three target sets for RGB bands R Target Range G B Mean Std Dev Range Mean Std Dev Range Mean Std Dev White board set Plane1 0.35 0.1860 0.0629 0.07 0.2175 0.0109 0.03 0.210 0.0049 Plane2 0.41 0.3006 0.0770 0.06 0.3469 0.0131 .03 0.323 0.0064 Tank 0.29 0.0626 0.0468 0.07 0.0449 0.0116 0.03 0.035 0.0048 Plane1 0.35 0.1860 0.0629 0.07 0.2175 0.0109 0.03 0.210 0.0050 Plane2 0.35 .01254 0.0604 0.25 0.2610 0.0710 0.15 0.455 0.0409 Tank 0.64 0.4863 0.0722 0.03 0.4889 0.0086 0.04 0.484 0.0067 Sand set Camouflage set Plane1 0.14 0.0171 0.0270 0.04 0.0185 0.0104 0.05 0.027 0.0081 Plane2 0.35 0.1090 0.0540 0.09 .1418 0.0197 0.13 0.198 0.0297 Tank 0.19 0.0492 0.0430 0.07 .0508 0.0133 0.06 0.070 0.0114 Table 4.5: Overall assessment for the spectral reflectance curves for the three target sets for the RGB bands Object Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Calibration 0.98 1.05 1.0047 0.00932 Plane1w 0.17 0.25 0.2133 0.00796 Plane2w 0.31 0.38 0.3342 0.01467 Tankw 0.01 0.08 0.0380 0.00915 Sand 0.12 0.55 0.4048 0.12356 Plane1s 0.17 0.25 0.2133 0.00796 Plane2s 0.14 0.55 0.4043 0.11680 Tanks 0.46 0.51 0.4870 0.00780 Camouflage 0.11 0.38 0.2361 0.06867 Plane1c 0.00 0.06 0.0276 0.01265 Plane2c 0.08 0.33 0.1990 0.06292 Tankc 0.00 0.11 0.0694 0.02165 43 4.4 Segmentation Results There are four main outputs from the segmentation process, namely: (a) multiresolution segmentation, (b) classification of segments, (c) segmentation of defined segments; and (d) final classification of segmented image. Figure 4.4 shows the image of the outputs. The most component of the segmentation results is the final output of the process, as shown in Figure 4.4 (d). The ultimate shape of the tested targets against the background is shown in Figure 4.4 (d), which is the shape expected from the segmentation process. (a) (b) Figure 4.4: results of the object detection using image segmentation (a) the result of multiresolution segmentation, (b) the resulted image of the classification 44 (c) Legend Plane1 Plane2 Tank (d) Background Figure 4.4: results of the object detection using image segmentation (a) the result of multiresolution segmentation, (c) the resulted image of the classification based segmentation, (d) the image after classification (cont’d) Table 4.6 shows the details of final classification of the targets. It is clearly shown that all the three targets tested are segmented as one object, respectively. This indicates effectiveness of the adopted process. In Table 4.6, objects refer to the number of segments or regions detected within each of the tested targets. Plane 1, Plan 2 and the Tanker are identified as unique object, which is expected. The signature statistics of these three targets are also uniquely depicted by zero standard deviation. In case of the background, variations of 118 segments are normal as sand is used. In natural environment, these variations could be greater because of the 45 atmospheric effects. The main signature features of the targets with the sand (simulating the natural settings), the Tanker, the Plane 2 differs to sand by 10% and 30% respectively with variation of ± 20% from sand background. The Tanker is not likely to be successfully detected and identified. Adding the worst case of 10% obscuring by the atmospheric effects, the Tanker is confirmed as not being a good candidate for this detection approach. Taking the same natural setting and possible effects, Plane 2 is marginally detected, but with the weakest magnitude. Table 4.6: Accuracy assessment for the segmentation process Class Objects Mean StdDev Minimum Maximum Plane1 1 0 1 1 1 Background 118 0.6979 0.213 0.004926354 1 Plane2 1 0.2356 0 0.2356 0.2356 Tanker 1 0.7964 0 0.7964 0.7964 Feature space optimization is used to discriminate between different features/ objects. The generic shape features have been used after classification-based segmentation. The parameters have been mentioned earlier in Chapter 3. This process is done using the sets presented in Table 4.7. Table 4.7: Results of feature space optimization Optimization Set Detected and identified All objects together (Plane1, 11 (area, length, width, elliptic fit, rectangular fit, Plane2, Tank, Background) border length, asymmetry, density, shape index, length/width, compactness) Plane1 and the background 3 (area, border length, width) Plane2 and the background 10 (area, length, width, elliptic fit, rectangular fit, border length, asymmetry, density, shape index, length/width) Tank and the background 1 (area) Plane1 and plane2 3 (area, border length and width) Plane 1 and the tank 3 (area, border length and width). 46 Plane2 and the tank 5 (area, rectangular fit, elliptic fit compactness and asymmetry) Plane1, plane2 and the tank 5 (area, rectangular fit, elliptic fit compactness, asymmetry ) As it appears from the above table, different parameters are used for discriminating between the shapes of the targets. These parameters are the best ones for differentiation purposes. To discriminate between the three (Plane 1, Plane 2, Tank) targets and the background, 11 features can be used to differentiate between them. Among the 11 features, the area feature is the only feature, which is used in all sets. On the other hand, feature space optimization using generic shape feature could be represented by the matrix shown in Table 4.8. Table 4.8: A matrix for Feature Space Optimization Object Plane1 Plane2 Tank Background Plane1 0 3 3 3 Plane2 3 0 5 10 Tank 3 5 0 1 10 1 0 Background 3 4.5 Assessment of Object Detection Based on Spatial Entities The spatial assessments in this study focus on the analysis of shape of the tested targets (Plane1, Plane2, Tank). This is carried out by comparing the dimensions of the targets using a template (created in ground truth) with the segmented shape derived. Figure 4.5 shows the template used and the parameters for the assessment. Figure 4.5 (a) illustrates the template used to compare Plane1 and Plane2, which are identified by the main axis, minor axis1 for the right wing and minor axis2 for left wing. Tank is identified by major axis and a minor axis. From the comparison shown in Table 4.9 below, it appears that almost all objects fit the 47 template. There is a minute difference for the axis of Plane 1, which is because of the segmentation process and measurement analysis. d j a b l k c e m Plane1 f g h i n Tanker Plane 2 (a) Shape determinants: Plane1 Major axis is dbe, minor axis are ab, bc, Plane2 major axis is jgi, minor axis fg, gh, Tanker major axis is kl, and minor axis is mn. Major axis Major axis Major axis (b) Figure 4.5: Assessment of spatial entities based on generated template (a) the linear graphs typical to objects tested, (b) template overlaid the original image. 48 Major axis Major axis Major axis (c) Figure 4.5: Assessment of spatial entities based on generated template (c) the template overlaid on ultimate output of the segmentation approach (continued) Table 4.9: Results of spatial assessments Object Plane1 Georectified ΔMajor Δminor Δminor axis axis1 axis2 RMS Major Minor Minor Major Minor Minor axis axis1 axis2 axis axis1 axis2 36 12 (ab) 12 36.6 11.7(a'b') 11.7(b'c') 0.6 0.3 0.3 1.161895 (bc) (b'd'e') 6 (fg) 6 (gh) 15(j'g'i') 6 (f'g') 6 (g'h') 0 0 0 0 8 (mn) - 16.9 (k'l') 7.8 (m'n') 0.1 0.2 (bde) Plane2 Segmented image 15 (jgi) Tank 17 0.223607 (kl) 4.6 Discussion Spectral and spatial object detection approaches were used in this study. It concentrated mainly on region-merging and object oriented based segmentations (Gonzalez et al., 2002 ; Xu et al., 2004). As it appears in Section 4.4, the image is segmented to certain regions then these regions are classified using the supervised classification approach. Those segments are then merged to form objects using 49 classification-based segmentation, which uses the object-oriented approach to detect the shape of the three targets. Accordingly, the spectral approach was done using reflectance-based approach (Russell et al., 2007), where the objects could be detected from the spectral reflectance responses at the RGB band of the spectrum. For the three target sets - the white background, sand background and the camouflage sets the separations between the three targets are clear for all visible bands. CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Conclusions Following are the conclusions drawn from the study carried out: (a) The selected targets labeled using the object-based detection and identification using both spectral and spatial entities show good outputs. In the case of spectral approach, the segmentation of the three selected targets is very distinct in the visible range with optimum separation of 10% between Plane 1 and Plane 2 and 20% between the two planes and the Tanker. Even in the natural background such as sand, Plane 1 and the Tanker targets are recognizable at reasonably good separation of 30% at all visible band tested, while Plane 2 and other targets are separated by an average separation of 10%. However, the three targets are separated by 10% for all spectral RGB bands. (b) Spectral and spatial assessments have been carried out for the three targets derived from the segmentation process using the object-based approach. In the case of the targets sited on the white background, all targets have minimal standard deviations of less than 0.007 for all the RGB band of the spectrum. Even the natural background set of sand spectrally have good signature of less than 0.05 standard deviations for all the visible bands. The camouflage set shows good results for all targets from their standard deviation values of less than 0.03. The output objects have very good correlation with the original target set. The RMS values for Plane 1 is 1.1, Plane 2 is zero and 51 Tanker is 0.2. This is an indication of proper application of the spatial approach in this study. 5.2 Recommendations The recommendation and the outlooks for this study consist of: (i) Martial and environment. This recommendation is to use material and environment that simulate the real world. In the real world, the aircrafts are sited on airports where the background is made from asphalt. The environment used for this project is applicable for the tank case. It could be more beneficial for spectral capture using real material, i.e. using the models from the same materials used in reality. This could be done by contacting the Plane or the military equipment factories. If the reflectance measurements have to be done indoor, it is recommended to measure reflectance in a proper way, such as measuring in a dark room where there is no interfaces from other sources of light such as from the window or doors. The floor should be of a similar color and material to the background used in the study, in order to have good results without interference from other subjects. If the objects materials are from materials used in the real life, the reflectance should be better. Furthermore, the settings of the experiment should closely mimic the real world environment. (ii) Satellite image Satellite images will help significantly if used in this research. They will give experience of using satellite image whether they are RADAR images or highresolution optical images in object detection. (iii)Thermal Camera Another recommendation is to use a thermal camera to measure the temperature of the objects. Using the output of such a process could be combines with the results of the object-oriented approach to detect the shape of the object. This will incorporate the thermal characteristics of the objects into the analysis. 52 LIST OF REFERENCES Abe, Y. and Hagiwara, M.,(1997), Hierarchical Object Recognition from a 2D Image using a Genetic Algorithm, IEEE, International Conference on Computational Cybernetics and Simulations, 3: (2549 – 2554) Baatz, M., and Benz, U., (2001), Definciens Imaging, eCognition object oriented image analysis manual Benz, U. 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If the image data is georeferenced, the area of an image object is the true area covered by one pixel times the number of pixels forming the image object. (ii) Length/width: There are two ways to compute the length/width ratio of an image object. (a) The ratio length/width is identical to the ratio of the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix with the larger eigenvalue being the numerator of the fraction. γ = eig1 ( S ) l = , eig1 ( S ) > eig 2 ( S ) w eig 2 ( S ) (2) (b) The ratio length/width can also be approximated using the bounding box. Feature value range: (0;1) γ = l a 2 + ((1 − f ).b) 2 = w A (3) (iii)Length: The length can also be computed using the length-to-width ratio derived from a bounding box approximation. It is approximated as follows: l= A.γ (4) 58 Another possibility which works better for curved image objects is to calculate the length of an image object based on its sub-objects. Feature value range: (0 ; depending on shape of image object) (iv) Width: Also the width of an image object is approximated using the length-to width ratio. In eCognition the width is approximated as follows: w= A γ (5) Again, for curved image objects the use of sub-objects for the calculation is the superior method. Feature value range: (0 ; depending on shape of image object) (v) Border length: The border length e of an image object is defined as the sum of edges of the image object that are shared with other image objects or are situated on the edge of the entire scene. In nongeoreferenced data the length of a pixel edge is 1. Feature value range: (4 ; depending on shape of image object) (vi) Shape index: Mathematically the shape index is the border length e of the image object divided by four times the square root of its area A. Use the shape index s to describe the smoothness of the image object borders. The 59 more fractal an image object appears, the higher its shape index. Feature value range: (1 ; depending on shape of image object) s= (vii) e (7) 4. A Density: The density d can be expressed by the area covered by the image object divided by its radius. eCognition uses the following implementation, where n is the number of pixels forming the image object and the radius is approximated using the covariance matrix: d= n (8) 1 + var( X ) + Var (Y ) Use the density to describe the compactness of an image object. The ideal compact form on a pixel raster is the square. The more the form of an image object is like a square, the higher its density. Feature value range: (0; depending on shape of image object) (viii) Asymmetry: The lengthier an image object, the more asymmetric it is. For an image object, an ellipse is approximated which can be expressed by the ratio of the lengths of minor and major axes of this ellipse. The feature value increases with the asymmetry. Feature value range: (0 ; 1) K = 1− n m (10) (ix) Compactness: In eCognition the compactness c, used as a feature, is calculated by the product of the length m and the width n of the 60 corresponding Object and divided by the number of its inner pixels a. Feature value range: (0; inf ) c= n.m a (11) (x) Elliptic Fit: As a first step in the calculation of the elliptic fit is the creation of an ellipse with the same area as the considered object. In the calculation of the ellipse also the proportion of the length to the width of the Object is regarded. After this step the area of the object outside the ellipse is compared with the area inside the ellipse that is not filled out with the object. While 0 means no fit, 1 stands for a complete fitting object. Feature value range: (0; 1) (xi) Rectangular fit: A first step in the calculation of the rectangular fit is the creation of a rectangle with the same area as the considered object. In the calculation of the rectangle also the proportion of the length to the width of the object in regarded. After this step the area of the object outside the rectangle is compared with the area inside the rectangle, which is not filled out with the object. While 0 means no fit, 1 stands for a complete fitting object. Feature value range: (0; 1)