DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEM FOR MANUFACTURING PROCESS PROBLEMS (DSMPP) OKFALISA UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA iii To my beloved husband. To my honorable mother and father iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to thank my supervisor PM.Dr.Naomie Salim and my co supervisor Dr.Wong Kuan Yew for the help and advice they have offered me during my studies. I am also grateful for the examiners PM.Wardah and Dr.Razak for correction and suggestions. I would like to give a very special thank to Mr.Jamaludin bin Parmin, Mr.Zulkifli, Miss. Hayati and Mr. Firdaus Saleh from White Horse Ceramics for the data and discussion. I also wish to thank to Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau and Pemerintahan Daerah Propinsi Riau for the sponsorships. My thanks go as well to my family, especially for my beloved husband, my daughter “Rara”, my father and my mother for the supporting and praying. I also wish to thank my friends, Fikri, Imam, Hafiz, Zarnelly, Mimi and Wiwied for the discussion and friendship. v ABSTRACT Facing the market competition, fulfilling the customer satisfaction and increasing the product quality in manufacturing firms motivated investigation and diagnosis in their production output failure. To gain correct and accurate diagnostic, the entire process must be recorded and controlled in every step of manufacturing. In this project, a prototype system has been developed to record the knowledge base that was used to diagnose the source of tiles defects and to recommend action to solve the problems. This system consists of two main components, the knowledge base component and the inference engines. The knowledge base has been developed by analyzing the data and information that is related to the tiles defect, such as symptoms, probable causes, types of defect, processes, sub processes, tile classifications and recommended actions. On the other hand, the inference engines has been built by implementing the forward chaining method to root the causes of defect and depth first search in searching procedures. The analysis proves that this system can help workers in the company to diagnose tiles defect and solve problems regarding the defect. Besides that, the system can also help share and transfer knowledge among knowledge workers in manufacturing firm. vi ABSTRAK Bagi menghadapi persaingan pasaran, memenuhi kepuasan pengguna dan meningkatkan kualiti produk di sektor pembuatan, kajian terhadap punca kegagalan produk perlu dilakukan. Untuk mengenal pasti kegagalan produk, keseluruhan rantaian proses pembuatan perlu direkod dan dikawal setiap saat. Didalam project ini, satu prototipe sistem telah dibangun untuk merekodkan pengetahuan berkenaan dengan punca-punca kerosakan jubin dan langkah-langkah perbaikkan yang boleh diambil. Sistem ini terdiri dari dua bahagian, yaitu pangkalan pengetahuan dan engine carian. Pangkalan pengetahuan dibangun dengan menganalisa setiap data maupun informasi berkaitan dengan kerosakan jubin, berupa informasi gejala kerosakan, penyebab kerosakan, jenis-jenis kerosakan, proses pembuatan yang mengalami kerosakan, klasifikasi jubin dan cadangan penyelesaian untuk setiap kerosakan. Sementara itu engines carian dibangun dengan menerapkan kaidah rantaian kehadapan dan pencaharian pertama kedalaman. Analisa menunjukkan bahwa sistem ini dapat membantu para pekerja untuk mendiagnosis kerusakan jubin dan mengatasi setiap kerosakan yang dijumpai dalam proses pembuatan. Selain itu, sistem ini juga dapat membantu proses penyebaran pengetahuan dikalangan pekerja profesional dalam suatu perusahaan. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xii LIST OF APPENDICES xiv 1. 2. CHAPTER 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.1 Introduction 1.2 The Background of the Study 1.3 Statement of the problem 1.4 Objective of the project 1.5 Scope of the project 1.6 Importance of project 1.7 Summary 1 3 4 5 5 6 7 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Knowledge Base System 2.2.1 Knowledge Base Definition of Knowledge Base Type of Knowledge Base 2.2.2 Expert System Definition of Expert System Key component of an Expert System 8 9 9 9 11 12 12 13 viii 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3. 2.2.3 Reasoning in ruled base systems 2.2.4 Comparison of chaining methods 2.2.5 Search Strategies used in Problem Solving 2.2.6 Type of Task Carried Out by Expert System 2.2.7 Advantages of Expert System Knowledge Management System 2.3.1 Definition 2.3.2 The purpose of KMS 2.3.3 Knowledge Management Architecture 2.3.4 Impacts KMS to Organizational Effectiveness 2.3.5 Knowledge strategy goals Manufacturing Process 2.4.1 Definition 2.4.2 Manufacturing systems Production Characteristics Mechanization and Automation Assembly Quality Control Function of Quality Control Benchmarking Study 2.5.1 Integrated Diagnostic system for production and service 2.5.2 Knowledge-based expert system in manufacturing 2.5.3 An On-Line Diagnostic Expert System for Intelligent Manufacturing Summary CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction 3.2 System Framework 3.3 Project Methodology 3.2.1 Planning Phase Project Initiation Project Management 3.2.2 Analysis Phase Analysis Strategy Requirements Gathering System Proposal 3.2.3 Design Phase Design Strategy Architecture Design Designing Database and file specification The Program Design 3.2.4 Implementation Phase System Construction Installations 15 16 17 20 21 23 23 24 24 26 27 28 28 29 29 30 31 31 32 33 33 34 35 37 38 38 40 40 41 41 41 42 42 42 43 43 43 44 44 44 44 45 ix 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 4. 5. Support Plan System Development Methodology Hardware and Software Requirements Project Schedule Summary 45 51 51 53 53 CHAPTER 4 ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Organization Analysis 4.3 As Is Process 4.3.1 Production Process Operation Flowchart Operation Process 4.3.2 Detection the Tiles Defects 4.3.3 Production Classification Grade A Grade B Grade C 4.3.4 The Tiles Inspection 4.3.5 Identify the knowledge base The Tiles Defect and Probable causes The Tiles Defect and Classification 4.3.6 Knowledge Representation Rule Base Decision Three The User Interface 4.3.7 Knowledge Management 4.4 To-be-Process 4.5 System Architecture 4.6 Physical Design 4.6.1 Database Design 4.6.2 Program (Structure) Chart 4.6.3 User Interface Design 4.7 Summery 57 57 59 59 59 62 62 63 64 64 65 66 66 67 69 70 74 76 84 86 92 94 95 95 97 99 IMPLEMENTING AND TESTING 5.1 Introduction 5.2 System Implementation 5.2.1 Database Development 5.2.2 System Development Product Symptom Defect Causes Process Sub Process 100 100 101 104 106 107 108 110 112 112 x 6. 7. Recommendation Question Answer Rule Base Diagnose Login 5.3 Test Result/System Evaluation 5.3.1 Unit Testing 5.3.2 Black box Testing 5.3.3 White box Testing 5.3.4 Usability Testing 5.4 User Manual 5.5 Summery 112 113 113 113 115 116 116 117 117 124 125 126 126 ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGY 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Roll Out Strategy 6.2.1 Installation of Infrastructure Process 6.2.2 Trainings 6.2.3 System Implementation Process 6.2.4 The Organizational Support 6.3 Summery 127 128 128 129 130 130 130 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Achievements 7.3 Constraints and Challenges 7.4 Aspiration 7.5 Summery 132 132 133 135 135 REFFERENCES APPENDICES A-K 137 139 - 250 xi LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO TITLE PAGE 3.1 Activities in Project Development Phase 46 3.3 Software required to developing the system 52 4.2 Hardware and Software Specification 94 5.1 Table Black box Testing Process 118 xii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURES NO 2.1 TITLE Key Component of an Expert System PAGE 14 2.2 A Depth First Search 18 2.3 A Breadth First Search 19 2.4 Heuristic Search 19 2.5 Knowledge Management Architecture 25 2.6. The KM/OM/OL Model (Jennex-Olfman, 2002) 27 2.7 29 2.8 Major Interaction between manufacturing and other industrial activities Principle of Integrated Quality control 2.9 Architecture of Integrated DES 34 2.10 36 3.1. Simplified frameworks in influence diagram Knowledge base System Framework 3.2 Gantt chart 55 4.1 Production Process Flowchart 60 4.4 Examples of defects-1 67 4.5 Examples of defects-2 68 4.6 Examples of defects-3 68 4.7 Examples of defects-4 69 4.8 The Rule Base Process 70 4.9 The semantic Network 71 4.10 Decisions Three Diagram 75 4.11 The structure of DSMPP system 77 32 39 xiii 4.12 Dialogues route analysis process 78 4.13 Knowledge Management Structure 85 4.14 Use Case Diagram 87 4.62 Class Diagram 89 4.63 State Chart Diagram: User Class 90 4.64 State Chart Diagram: Tile Class 91 4.65 DSMPP System Architecture 92 4.66 The Structure Chart of DSMPP System 96 4.67 Window Navigation Diagram for DSMPP System 98 5.1 Knowledge base relationship 101 5.2 Rule base relationships 102 5.3 The symptom page 107 5.4 The symptom_def page 108 5.5 The Defect Page 109 5.6 The Defect Relation Page 110 5.7 The Cause Page 111 5.8 The Cause Relation Page 111 5.9 The Rule Base Page 115 5.10 Login Page 116 5.34 Diagnose Page 188 5.35 Result Page 189 5.36 Diagnose-causes Page 189 xiv LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A Quality Control Plan and Form Report 139 B Manual ways to detect the defect 144 C Sequences Diagram 146 D Tiles Defect and Probable Causes Table 176 E Organization Chart of White Horse Ceramic 191 F Usability Testing Form 192 G Rule Base 194 H Use Case Description 198 I Class Diagram 224 J Database Design 234 K User Manual 238 CHAPTER 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.1 Introduction The ability to mechanize or automate has become a major requirement of those manufacturing fields that are planning to compete well into the future that combines process expertise, advanced software and mechanical systems in unique and creative ways. Regardless of the precautions and best efforts of all management in the company, a time may come when one of the products dies in the field. Usually the cause is either improper use or the failure of a part. Safety concerns have become more important in product design and how to produce well of product quality. But the great pressure is to develop new products fast. So developers often lack the time to fully test product-quality features. As a result, the manufacturing companies must be sure that the companies have a program in place to effectively and efficiently respond to product failures. Otherwise the rush to market may levy a "pay me now or pay me later" tax on company profits. The manufacturing companies must be prepared to react quickly to hazards that might arise when one of its products fails. It must also be ready to give customers enough information to correct the problem. Unfortunately, many manufacturing companies lack a program that outlines how to investigate and diagnose product failures. An incident can have serious consequences. There must be a prompt investigation to diagnose its root causes. 2 After a failure, it is imperative that a representative of the manufacturer quickly visit the site of the incident. The representative should ask some basic questions during the diagnostic, including: - Was the product defect? - What is the product defect? - How does the defect product conditions? - What the common causes of the product defect? - How to manage or solve the problem occurred? - Which parts of the manufacturing process causes the defects? Actually all the problems especially in production must be communicated to all employees. Personnel must be aware of their responsibilities if a product fails. Sometimes the causes are in the machine problems but it is not impossible that the causes are the human factors, dereliction of duty. Knowing the root causes of the defect or fail product needs special skill, experiences and knowledge base from the experts in manufacturing area including machines, manufacturing process, specification standard production process (ISO) and controlling. To gain the correct and accurate diagnostic, the entire processing root must be recorded and controlled on every step of manufacturing process, from the incoming raw material in mixing or grinder process, preparation/semi manufacturing, building/assembly, curing, inspection until product claims after sales service. Lines of knowledge base obtained from the experts should be communicated, from top management downwards because it will be reflected to the product quality, management process, company profit and responds to the critical competitor. In this study, the researcher proposes a prototype of the management system that aid to diagnose the source of product defect in manufacturing and besides troubleshooting information for any type failure production by studying the defect characteristic of knowledge management in manufacturing process, the quality of the product can be controlled. 3 In order to capture the domain knowledge base concepts in diagnostics system for manufacturing process problems (DSMPP), case study is doing on manufacturing company in Johor Bahru, White Horse Ceramics Industries Sdn.Bhd located in Pasir Gudang. The remaining part of the study is divided into three chapters. The second chapter presents the literature review; while the third presents the research methodology. The initial findings and analysis are discussed in chapter four. 1.2 The Background of the Study The manufacturing industries are facing a rapidly changing landscape and new challenges are evolving. The competitive edges and innovation that can be developed include integrating quality services into well - established manufacturing processes for efficiency and effectiveness. The manufacturing challenges for the industrial practices in the twenty first century are concerned with the manufacturing solution, not just products and machines and build with confidence and guaranteed performance but also industries are giving tighter specifications and are asking for manufacturers to be responsible for the manufacturing losses caused by the failure of the manufacturing product. To ensure the production quality and fulfill the customer satisfaction, technologies are needed to monitor the performance of manufacturing process and the flow of activity run based on the procedure. The problems occurred in manufacturing are caused by the defect in the machines or human factor problems such as the operator of the machines mechanism. When an unknown error is resident in a production, others trust and build upon it. The longer it goes undiscovered, the more disruptive the effect to other processes. 4 The proposed of this project, Diagnostics System for Manufacturing Process Problems (DSMPP) is to help by diagnose the sources of product defects and gives the solutions to suggest troubleshooting to manage and maintain the defects. Diagnostic of cause the defect is obtained from the expertise’s knowledge and managed in a database system for knowledge management sharing for all components in the manufacturing firm. The defect knowledge management is hoped to reduce the problems and increase the effectiveness and efficiency in manufacturing process. 1.3. Statement of the problem. The problem statements of this project are: 1. What are the characteristics of the system that can aid diagnostics of product defects in manufacturing firm? 2. How can a system to diagnose the source of defect product for manufacturing firm be building knowledge base with forward chaining in inference engines? 3. How effective is a system to diagnose the product defect help in manufacturing firm? This study attempts to provide answers to these questions and other related ones. The researcher intends to use a relevant system development methodology to develop a prototype of diagnostic system for manufacturing process problems which use knowledge base with forward chaining concept method rules in inference engines procedure. The system which enhances to diagnose source of defect problems and support problem solving to manages and handles the process problems. The tool will be tested at White Horse Ceramics Industries Sdn.Bhd. 5 1.4. Objective of the project The main objective of the project is to build a prototype of system to diagnose the source of product defect in manufacturing process problems, another objective are: · To study the characteristics of defect knowledge management in manufacturing process. · To build a prototype of management system that can help to diagnose the source of product defect in manufacturing firm. · To test the prototype of the system that can help to diagnose the product defect in manufacturing firm. 1.5. Scope of the project In developing this project, I have determined and set the limit and scope for the case study of this project. The scopes are: i. The manufacturing process special for automate machine problems defects ii. The prototype of the system are limited for use in ceramic industries manufacturing iii. The diagnostic of defect problem is to be traced to glazing and firing processes. iv. The defect or rejected product is only regarding to line production for certain type of ceramic tiles. v. The diagnostics for the sources of product defects is through forward chaining concept method rules in inference engines procedure. vi. The system that will be developed will only be used by top level management, quality control department and research & development department. 6 1.6. Importance of project By implementing ICT strategies in manufacturing company, specifically DSMPP system, it is hoped that it can bring some effective and efficient improvement to company for managing the product defect in manufacturing process problems. The project will give a new way management concept to face the competitor in business field. Some benefits of the system for the organizations, manufacturing firms, engineers, Quality Assurance personnel are: 1. Organization: i. ii. Propose effective management strategies to the top management. Give the business a superior competitive advantage, and offer better service and improve customer satisfaction by producing the good quality of the product. iii. Pervade information technology and communication (ICT) concept in business organization. 2. Manufacturing Firms: i. Help in reducing the defect products in manufacturing production. ii. Help in diagnosing the product defects which influencing in manufacturing process and production. 3. Engineers i. Manage the knowledge sharing in the company after the experts left. ii. Manage the expertise’s knowledge and skill to diagnose the product defect. iii. Sharing the knowledge for the new worker. 4. Quality Assurance , Quality Control, R&D personnel i. Give the solving problems for each causes of the defect for maintenance in effectiveness and efficiency. ii. Help in diagnosing the defect problems in production processes. iii. Sharing the knowledge representation for reducing the defects. 7 1.7 Summary In this first chapter a brief introduction about the project and how the project is going to be implemented has been discussed. The problem background and statement has also been discussed in this chapter to give an introduction of the project and to explain why this project has been proposed. The objective, scope and the importance of this project have also been pointed out. Hopefully, by developing the project successfully, the objective and aim of the project can be achieved. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction In the second chapter, the study centers on the review of the literature on this subject. The chapter presents a brief introduction and information to the curious readers and researchers on the area of diagnostic the defect product in manufacturing process. The aim is to broaden the understanding of the interested readers and also unfold the uncovered areas in literature which the study attempts to make a useful contribution. To reach the objectives of this project, the main concepts of knowledge base which uses as a method to solve the defect problems in diagnostics, the way of knowledge management system maintains the knowledge worker and sharing information among the expertise and ceramics production in manufacturing firms must be understood well. The sub-topics that will be discussed in this chapter are: i. Knowledge Base System ii. Knowledge Management System iii. Manufacturing Process iv. Benchmarking Study 9 The aspects will be analyzed and discussed in each sub-topic. All the information gathered will be used as guide in developing the prototype system necessary in execution of the whole project. This information was helpful in establishing the theoretical background of knowledge base for diagnostics of defects. 2.2. Knowledge Base system The knowledge base system that has been chosen and implemented as method in this project has been explained detail in this chapter. 2.2.1. Knowledge Base Knowledge base systems or expert systems are computer programs embodying knowledge about a narrow domain for solving problems related to that domain. Definitions of Knowledge Base Knowledge base is defined as is a special kind of database for knowledge management which provides the means for the computerized collection, organization, and retrieval o f knowledge(wikipedia). The Knowledge base can also be defined a s encoded knowledge for an expert system and in a rule-based expert system, a knowledge base typically incorporates definitions of attributes and rules along with 10 control information (expert system glossary). Knowledge base format is specific to the expert system shell or other software for system implementation. Knowledge understanding is gained through experience or study, it is know-how or a familiarity with the way to do something that enables a person to perform a task. It may also be an accumulation of fact, procedural rules, or heuristics (Awad, 1996). These things are defined as follow: · A Fact is a statement of some element of truth about a subject matter or a domain. · A procedural rule is a rule that describes a sequence of relations relative to domain. · A Heuristic is a rule of thumb base on years of experience. Knowledge is concepts, experiences and insight that provide a framework for creating, evaluating and using information (Laudon-Laudon, p. 373). Regarding to (Frost, 1986) knowledge base system is a set of resources hardware, software, and possible human – whose collective responsibility include storing the knowledge base, maintaining the security and integrity and providing user with the required input/output routines, including deductive retrieval facilities, so that the knowledge base can be accessed as required. Knowledge base contains domain knowledge which may be expressed as any combination of “If- Then” rules, factual statements, frames, objects, procedures and cases. The inference mechanism is that part of an expert system that manipulates the stored knowledge to produce solutions to problem (Cakir-Cavdar ,2005). 11 Type of Knowledge base Knowledge is classified into variety of types, including: · Shallow and Deep Knowledge Swallow, or radically recalled surface, knowledge indicates minimal understanding of the problem domain. Deep knowledge acquired through years of experience would be required to decide some decision. · Knowledge as Know- how It accumulate lessons of practical experience, is what is needed for building expert system. Know-how distinguishes an expert from a novice, especially when building an expert system base on an expert judgment. · Common Sense as knowledge The type of knowledge that all human beings possessed in varying forms and/or and varying amounts. It is collection of personal experiences and facts acquired over time and type of knowledge that human tends to take for granted. · From Procedural to Episodic knowledge Procedural Knowledge: an understanding of how to do task to carry out a procedure, it usually involves psychomotor skills; Declarative Knowledge: is information that experts can easily talk about. On the other hand, procedural knowledge is awareness knowledge or routine knowledge of which the expert is conscious about semantic knowledge: is deeper kind of knowledge which is organized into chunked knowledge that reside in long term memory; Episodic knowledge is a knowledge base on experiential information or episodes, the longer an expert takes to explain or verbalize his or her knowledge, the more semantic or episodic it is. 12 From the literature about the knowledge base, the author can conclude that the knowledge is data and information that collected in databases which could act the domain facts by using the “if then” rules procedure to provide the solution to problems. Regarding to this project the knowledge base are the information or any facts of defects problems founded in glazing and firing process, the network defects, causes of problems, sysmptom and recommendation given to solve the problems by using the “if then” rules procedures. 2.2.2. Expert System The expert system consept that have been adopted in this project are discussion in this section. Definitions of Expert System What's an expert? An expert is one who possesses specialized skill, experience, and knowledge that most people do not have along with the ability to apply this knowledge using tricks, shortcuts, and rules-of-thumb to resolve a problem efficiently ( Harmon-King, 1985). An expert's advice has to be good enough most of the time for the expert to keep his or her reputation, but is not expected to be perfect or even the globally best available to be considered useful ( Hayes-Roth, 1983). There are a lot of attributes of effective consultants and consulting: consulting is goal oriented, a good consultant is efficient, a consultation is adaptive, consultants are able to work with imperfect information, and good consultants justify their recommendations by explaining their reasoning. 13 An Expert System is a knowledge-intensive computer program that captures the expertise of one or more humans in limited domains of knowledge (Laudon & Laudon, 2005) An Expert system is a system which is capable of carrying out a task generally regarded as being difficult and requiring some degree of human expertise (Frost, 1986) Regarding to this project the experts are the person who are the knowledge absorbed in specific skills for managing and controlling the productions process, such as engineers, the quality assurance personnel, quality control and R&D personnel. Key component of an Expert System An Expert system has four components (refers to Figure 2.1): · Knowledge base The knowledge base is the repository of the rules, facts and knowledge acquired from the human expert. Most expert system use production rules, which is why expert system are often referred to as a rule base systems. · Inference Engine The inference engine is a cluster of computer programs that coordinate the reasoning and inference based on the rules of the knowledge base to come up with solution. When the system searches for an appropriate rule, it may not arrive at a single conclusion, but number of possibilities having different degrees of certainty. Depending on the domain, the inference engine may use backward chaining or forward chaining. 14 · Justifier/Scheduler Part of the inference engine, the scheduler is set up to coordinate and control the sequencing of the rules. It is important because it coordinates and ensures efficient use of knowledge base. · User Interface It facilitates all communication between the user and the system. The system asks for information through questions or multiple choice menus, and the user answers by typing on the keyboard. User Invironment USER INTERFACE INFERENCE ENGINE JUSTIFIER (Explain the “how” and “why” of an answer in plain English ) Operational Invironment (The Problem Solving Mechanism ) 1. Reasoning 2. Inferencing 3. Searching 4. Conclusion SCHEDULER (Coordinates and controls rule processing ) KNOWLEDGE BASE (Domain Knowledge 1. Facts 2. Rules Facts Developmental Invironment Rules KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION ( Interaction between knowledge engineer and domain expert ) 1. Rule definition 2. Verification / validation of knowledge acquired Figure 2.1 Key Component of an Expert System 15 2.2.3. Reasoning in ruled base systems The rule base contains rules called production rules to represent general knowledge about the problem domain. The condition part of rule is established by reference to the database and/or by questioning the user of the production system. The ruled base methodology was originally proposed by Post (1943) and has since been used in various application, the rule base approach was used in construction of expert systems such as DENDRAL (Buchanan et al, 1969), and MYCIN (Shortliffe, 1976) and in the HEARSAY speech recognition system (Lesser et al, 1975).Since then, the rule base approach has been used extensively in the construction of “intelligent systems”. The reasoning models or approaches to problem solving which are typically implemented in rule-based expert systems are: · Forward chaining (The Data-Driven Approach). The Forward chaining methods begins with a set of known facts or attribute values and applies these values to rules that use them in their premise. Any rules that are proven true fire and produce additional facts that are again applied to relevant rules. The process continues until no new facts are produced or a value for the goal is obtained. This approach works well when it is natural to gather multiple facts before trying to draw any conclusions and when there are many possible conclusions to be drawn from the facts. · Backward chaining (Goal driven approach). An alternative approach begins with a rule that could conclude the goal for the consultation tries to obtain values for the attributes used in the rule's premise, then backtracks through additional rules if necessary to determine a value of the goal attribute. When there are many attributes employed in many rules, the backward chaining mechanism produces a more efficient interview than forward chaining because it will not be necessary to ask the user to input values of all of the facts. 16 · Mixed Method Data driven and Goal driven approach can be combined in various ways. An expert system's reasoning mechanism might employ either or both chaining techniques. Knowledge representation and reasoning mechanisms are combined with a user interface in software that represents the complete expert system. 2.2.4. Comparison of chaining methods · Backward chaining which has goal oriented behavior is efficient because it avoids requests for input hat won’t contribute to determining the value of the consultation’s goal. As a result, it provides the foundation for most rule based expert systems. Backward chaining systems are described as hypothesis driven because they operate by selecting successive that can determine the value of a goal or sub goal: this value becomes the hypothesis to be proven or disproved. · In some interview scenarios it is natural collect data in advance, perhaps using a paper questionnaire. In other cases input to an expert system is collected automatically, perhaps using sensors on a machine. For these two situations the forward chaining approach makes sense. Forward chaining systems are described as data driven because they deduce everything they can from an asset of data rather than working backward from a hypothesis. · To provide the most flexibility, many expert system shells support both forward and backward chaining even in the same interview. For example, some initial data might be requested and forward chained before the backward chaining operation of the inference engine is started. The inference engine's control capabilities enable this flexibility. Expert systems are often able to deal with attributes that are assigned values with some degree of uncertainty 17 Relate to point 2.2.3 and 2.2.4, the rule base approach that has been chosen in developing the prototype of DSMPP system is forward chaining, because regarding to the expert’s interviews that has been done by the author, the first way to diagnose the defect problems in tiles productions is by doing some inspections of the probable causes and symptom. The author collects the entire facts of defect problems from the experts before makes some conclusion and recommendation with the product defect. 2.2.5 Search Strategies used in Problem Solving The data driven and goal driven approaches may both be regarded as attempts to find a path linking the initial problem state to the goal state. In the data driven approach (forward chaining) the system searches for a path by identifying sets of applicable rules whose condition parts are satisfied by database and applying rules from these sets. In the Goal driven approach (backward chaining) the system searches for a path by identifying sets of applicable rules from these sets as sub goals which it then attempts to establish. In forward chaining the search moves from the initial problem state to the goal. In the backward chaining the search moves in the opposite direction. In both cases the system has to make decisions which have not yet been considered in any details. This decision is determined by conflict revolution strategy, which is use by scheduler. Other decision involve consideration of backtracking, depth first, bread first or heuristics. The search strategies uses are: · The Conflict Resolution Strategy The way in which a rule is selected from a set of applicable rules. It’s based on the following principles: select rules arbitrarily; select a different rule in successive stages; select the first applicable rule identified; rules are given values which are used to determine which one to select. 18 · Backtracking It executes in the forward chaining and uses sub goal in backward chaining, the rules can be identified and path is established linking the initial problem state to the goal. · Depth First / Breadth First / Heuristics Search Depth First Search is searching processes start at the root of the problem space three and work down the leftmost branch to the end node before they embark on any other branch, the advantages of depth first search is the simplicity with which it can be implemented, another advantage is that requires less memory than the alternative, breadth first search. See Figure 2.2. Figure 2.2 a Depth First Search Breadth First Search: This method can have huge overhead, at any stage, all nodes to the left and all nodes above the node being develop must be memorized. 19 All of the nodes in the problem space three at depth leftmost are develop first then all the nodes at depth right are develop and so on. See Figure 2.3. 1 3 8 2 4 5 depth 1 6 7 9 depth 2 depth 3 Figure 2.3 a Breadth First Search Heuristic Search: It uses meta rules to determine which node to develop next. A meta rules might then be used which state that if a choice exist, the rule with the highest score should be applied. The resulting search will be neither depth first nor breadth first. For the more explanation see Figure 2.4. Figure 2.4 Heuristic Search 20 · The Explicit Representation of Control Knowledge The search strategy is coded as a procedure or function and control knowledge is embedded in the code. Implementing the scheduler process (refers to Figure 2.1), the DSMPP with forward chaining rules, searches for a path by identifying sets of applicable rules whose condition parts are satisfied by database. The searching rules apply on these sets start from the root of the problem then work down the leftmost branch until the end node. DSMPP’s searching process begins with the common question as the root, responding the user interface (similar to binary search) then the applicable rules will search another question that support the conclusion, the root embarks from right to left until the end node. In the forward chaining for DSMPP this is the best and easier ways to determine the searching strategy. 2.2.6. Type of Task Carried Out by Expert System Most Expert tasks fall into one or other of the following categories: · Design: which involves the specification of a system or object such that the system or object satisfies some given set of requirements and can be built using some given set of resources · Diagnosis: which involves fault finding in a system given some sets of symptoms · Interpretation: which involves the analysis of data to determine its meaning · Monitoring: which involves the continuous analysis of signal and the invocation of action and/or alarm as appropriates. · Planning: This involves the creation of a plan of actions to achieve a given goal. 21 2.2.7. Advantages of Expert System Expert systems have a number of attractive features (Giarratano-Riley, 1989): · Increased Availability Expertise is available on any suitable computer hardware. In a very real sense, an expert system is the mass production of expertise. · Reduce Cost The cost of providing the expertise per user is greatly lowered · Reduce Danger Expert system can be used in environments that might be hazardous for human · Permanent The Expertise is permanent. Unlike human experts who was retired, quit or die, the expert system knowledge will last indefinitely. · Multiple Expertise The knowledge of multiple experts can be available to work simultaneously and continuously on a problem at anytime of day or night. The level of expertise combined from several experts may exceed that of a single human expert (Harmon, 1985) · Increase Reliability Expert system increase confidence that the correct decision was made by providing a second opinion to human expert to break a tie in case won’t work if the expert system was programmed by one of the experts. 22 The expert system should always agree with the expert, unless a mistake was made by the expert. However this may happen if the human expert is tired or under stress. · Explanation The expert system can explicitly explain in detail the reasoning that led to a conclusion. A human may be too tired, unwilling or unable to do this all the time. This increases the confidence that the correct decision is made. · Fast Response Fast or real time response may be necessary for some applications. Depending on the software and hardware used, an expert system may response faster and be more available than the human expert. Some emergency situation may requires responses faster than a human and so a real time expert system is a good choice (Hug, 1988) (Ennis, 1986) · Steady, unemotional and complete response at all the times This may be very important in real time and emergency situation when a human expert may not operate at speak efficiency because of stress or fatigue. · Intelligent tutor The expert system may act as an intelligent tutor by letting the student run sample program and explaining the system’s reasoning. · Intelligent Database Expert system can be used to access database in an intelligent manner (Kerschberg, 1986) (Schur, 1988). 23 2.3. Knowledge Management System 2.3.1. Definition (Alavi- Leidner, 2001) defined a Knowledge Management System as “IT (Information Technology)-based systems developed to support and enhance the organizational processes of knowledge creation, storage/retrieval, transfer, and application. (Maier, 2002) expanded on the IT concept for the Knowledge Management System by calling it an ICT (Information and Communication Technology) system that supported the functions of knowledge creation, construction, identification, capturing, acquisition, selection, valuation, organization, linking, structuring, formalization, visualization, distribution, retention, maintenance, refinement, evolution, accessing, search, and application. (Stein-Zwass,1995) define an Organizational Memory Information System (OMS) as the processes and IT components necessary to capture, store, and apply knowledge created in the past on decisions currently being made. Regarding to the literature of knowledge management system, the author concludes the definition of knowledge management system is DSMPP system as a tools that is developed to support the manufacturing processes of knowledge creation, capturing, acquisition, selection, valuation, sharing, accessing and applications to improve the production effectiveness and efficiency in White Horse Ceramics. 24 2.3.2. The purpose of KMS Organizations engage in Knowledge Management in order to enhance: · The productivity and quality, through innovation; · The stock of intellectual capital; · The relationships with customers, suppliers, shareholders, regulators; · The strategic decision- making; · The competitiveness; and/or · The profitability 2.3.3. Knowledge Management Architecture Knowledge Management Architecture (Borghoff-Pareschi ,1998) see Figure 2.4. · Knowledge Repositories& Libraries : Documents · Knowledge Cartography consist of Knowledge Navigation, &Simulation · Communities of Knowledge Workers: People Mapping, 25 Knowledge Repositories & Libraries Flow of Knowledge Communities of Knowledge Workers Documents Distribution & Sharing People Knowledge Cartography Knowledge Navigation, Mapping, & Simulation Figure 2.5. Knowledge Management Architecture The Knowledge Management System (KMS) consists of processes and technologies for identifying and capturing knowledge, knowledge repositories, processes for storing, searching, retrieving, and displaying knowledge, and users. The first represents manual capture by individuals who identify knowledge to be retained and then take the necessary steps to place the knowledge in a repository. The second is a capture process integrated into automated processes. An automated capture process requires that someone identify knowledge products or artifacts of the process up front so that system designers can build databases and automated processes into the system to capture the knowledge (simulation). As knowledge is used its impact should be monitored and assessed. Knowledge found to improve organizational effectiveness should be retained and possibly expanded. The knowledge workers as users are emphasized since they are the ones using knowledge. 26 Implementing the knowledge management architecture in White Horse Ceramics refers to Figure 2.5, the knowledge repositories and libraries are documented in database at DSMPP system. The system absorbs the knowledge from the knowledge worker (engineer, QA, QC and R&D personnel) or experts and builds the knowledge base, rules and inference machines to diagnose the defect problems. The entire resources are restored in database and will be distributed or shared among the personnel in the organizations. 2.3.4. Impacts KMS to Organizational Effectiveness To better understand KM, it needs to define the concepts of Organizational Memory (OM) and Organizational Learning (OL). (Jennex-Olfman, 2002) found that these three concepts are related and have an impact on organizational effectiveness. Organizational effectiveness is measured by how well the organization performs those activities critical to producing what the organization sells. OL is the process the organization uses to learn how to perform these activities better. OL results when users utilize knowledge. That OL may not always produce positive results can be determined by monitoring organizational effectiveness. Effectiveness can improve, get worse or remain the same. How effectiveness changes influences the feedback provided to the organization using the knowledge. KM and OM are the processes used to identify and capture critical knowledge. Knowledge workers and their organizations 'do' KM; they identify key knowledge artifacts for retention and establish processes for capturing the knowledge. OM is what IT support organizations 'do'; they provide the infrastructure and support for storing, searching and retrieving knowledge artifacts. 27 Figure 2.6 illustrates these relationships and the following sections expand on these concepts. Figure 2.6. The KM/OM/OL Model (Jennex-Olfman, 2002) 2.3.5. Knowledge strategy goals · Agility: The early warning system – to spot trends and act quickly. · Collaboration: Two minds are better than one which the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. · Decision- making: Real-time support for quality decisions that are widely owned. · Coherence: Collective sense- making that engenders continuous, dynamic alignment. · Innovation: Creating value by building on each other’s ideas to offer better solutions. 28 As the knowledge strategy goals of DSMPP that will be implemented in White Horse Ceramics (refers to point 2.3.3) are the collaboration of the knowledge worker developments in the organizations and the innovations to increase profit, effectiveness and efficiency. 2.4. Manufacturing Process 2.4.1 Definition Manufacturing is a human activity that pervades all phases of life. It has been defined as “the making of goods and articles by hand or especially by machinery often on the large scale and with division of labor (Schey, 2000). The growth of industry which parallels the growth of manufacturing has since led to undeniable advances, not only in providing an abundance of material possessions, but also in creating economic basis for genuine improvements in the quality of life. Manufacturing process is a series of complex interactions between materials, machines, energy, and people. It begins with the creation of individual parts that finally make up a finished product. The finished parts will have to be made into an end product through assembly operations. In both unit assembly and unit operations, automation and computer control play increasingly important roles. Technical improvements are meaningful only if costs are also controlled along with the quality, and this requires efficient organization of all phase of manufacture. Organizational and management aspect can be neglected or ignore only at the expense of the competitiveness of the entire manufacturing activity. 29 The multiple interactions indicated above require that many engineers and technologist (including manufacturing, material, mechanical, industrial and system specialist) who make up manufacturing team.(refers to Figure 2.7) Figure 2.7 Major Interaction between manufacturing and other industrial activities 2.4.2. Manufacturing systems Production Characteristics Two important factors in the choice of process are: · Total number of parts produced · The rate of production The rate of production is the number of unit produce in a time period such as an hour, month or a year). When the total production quantity is insufficient to keep production unit continuously occupied, the lot size will be determined by weighing the cost of setting up 30 (changing over) against the costs of stocking (warehousing) parts between production runs. All these decisions effect costs, profitability and productivity. In terms of production characteristics, DSMPP system is limited the process in one line production (line A), the reasons are because line A has the highest rate of productions and the biggest total number in this type of tiles regarding to customer demands. Mechanization and Automation Mechanization means that something is done or operated by machinery and not by hand, industrial development has been mostly a story of mechanization. Feedback is not provided and thus one deals with open loop systems (Schey, 2000) Automation means a system in which many or all of the processes in the production movement and inspection of part and materials are automatically performed or controlled by self operating devices. This implies the essential elements of automation include in addition to mechanization-sensing and feedback devices and some degree of decisions making, thus a close loop system is created. Frequently, the meaning of automation is loosely expanded to encompass mechanization, and then the terms describe all action that make the life of the worker easier while also increasing productivity. Automation reduces the number of operators and also demands a different mix of skills, shifting some of production functions to specialists while removing certain special skills from the operator level, or replacing the operator with a machine supervisor. 31 Assembly The final phases of manufacturing, individual components are assembled into the end product, the wide range of problems depending on production quantities. In assembling a complex machine, great process can be made by breaking down the operation into smaller unit, this also facilitates material handling by assuring that all parts can be supplied the proper place and sequence. Quality Control Quality control is a task must be shared by everyone involved in manufacturing. Certain functions can and usually are centralized in quality control department. These functions include examination of incoming materials and parts and of finished products for conformance to specifications and may require extensive instrumentation and laboratory facility facilities. The operators have to check all visible or measurable manifestation of quality and it necessary to arrive at sampling strategy. Sampling strategy is checking randomly the parts of production. Ideally all parts and assemblies should be inspected at every important stage and economically accomplished with automatic inspection techniques. For details information of quality control plans in White Horse Ceramics refers Appendix A at Table 2.1, the inspection steps in glazing and firing process. 32 Function of Quality Control Quality is the sum of all attributes and characteristics of a product or an activity which contributes to the usability of these to perform a specified function (Rembold, 1985). It is clear that quality control is a regulatory process through which actual quality performance is measured, compared with standards and if necessary corrective action is taken. The backbone of quality control system is the company’s internal, national and international’s standards, which become a contractual object between the manufacturer and customer. For detail information see Figure 2.8 Reference Input Specification , Development and Manufacturing , Records , Standards Error + Controller Manipulated Variables Actuator manufacturing Planning and Scheduling Plant Control Manufacturing - Quality Control Acquisition Measuring systems , Measured Quality Quality Control Figure 2.8 Principle of Integrated Quality control. Method Material Man Machine Disturbances Customer 33 2.5. Benchmarking Study There are some research and projects that already using the diagnostics system to solve many problems in manufacturing process. This system’s main purpose is to detect the defect of the problems occurred in processing and aim to solve the problems. Some of the researches and projects are: 2.5.1 Integrated Diagnostic system for production and service In order to properly diagnose a defect in any manufacturing firms, as the starting point is the raw materials inspection result, going through all manufacturing steps, to the final inspection results and customer claims. To gain the customer satisfaction and increase the product quality, the zero defects must be produced in all manufacturing steps. Therefore, a study of this research is to develop the system that is able to diagnose the probable cause(s) of the defect by tracing the quality and production information at the various steps of tire manufacturing processes. The ways to identify defect root cause(s) is essential in reducing scraps amounts as well as defining the corrective and preventive actions. This process requires input from many disciplines. It is always practiced through brainstorming session and interpreted using cause-and-defect diagrams (Ali-Khamis, 2003). It is really helpful when the author performs the knowledge base, through a number of interviews, by collecting and articulating related knowledge. Building an integrated diagnose expert system (DES) in manufacturing firms, this research divides it into two distinct sub systems: a DES and a database management system. 34 The basic components of DES are: knowledge base, an inference engine and user interface (Wolfgram,Dear&Galbraith, 1987). Figure. 2.9 Architecture of Integrated DES This study follows the DES steps when developing a system. Acquiring and formalizing the related knowledge, design and development of different knowledge bases using the particular technique provided by the development tool and the last step is testing the knowledge base for validation. During the knowledge rule processing, this study uses two methods of inference engines, the backward and forward chaining. The backward chaining is appropriate for diagnostics reasoning. 2.5.2 Knowledge-based expert system in manufacturing The objective of modern manufacturing is to have efficient control over the organizational facilities in order to produce high quality products at lower prices within shorter time period. To achieve better quality at a lesser price, every attention has to be paid in the entire manufacturing division, employing better tools and high precision 35 machines (Cakir-Cavdar, 2005). From this study, there are certain types of wear mechanisms on different types of problems. The ways to analyze a problem are by defining precisely and determining well the possible causes. The Information that is gotten from the experts must be maintained well. This study explains the advantages of the expert systems and how they come to their solutions to solve the problems, set the rules, and as the strong benefit of the expert system is being able to accumulate the knowledge of several widely separated experts in one place. This study represents that the sources of knowledge base are from two main resources, first from human experts working in the field of manufacturing and second from technical documents, catalogues or handbooks of their tool producing companies. 2.5.3 An On-Line Diagnostic Expert System for Intelligent Manufacturing The operator’s decision can be very critical in both an economical and preventive point of view, because the decision comes from the preferences and experiences. In order to guarantee the decision based on the similar information, this study seeks a way of using a computer to mimic human reasoning by using the expert system technology to analyze experts' reasoning under a certain circumstance and implement this knowledge to the computer in a form of rules, data base, etc. Sensor validation plays a vital role in the ability of the overall system to correctly determine the state of a system monitored by imperfect sensors (Kim, 1995). This study divides the system into two subsystems which are algorithmic (ASV) and heuristic (HSV) sensor validation. Uncertain information in sensory values is represented through probability assignments on three discrete states, "high," "normal," and "low," and additional sensor confidence measures in ASV. HSV exploits deeper knowledge about parameter interaction within the system to cull sensor faults from the data stream. 36 The importance of sensor validation performs and the reasons under uncertainty in expert systems evoke this study to purpose a framework in the interrelated functions diagnostics. Finally, the framework produce validated data as input to the reasoning scheme and the influence diagram as the output which represents the backbone of reasoning under uncertainty in the knowledge base. This Study shows the relationship between symptoms, sensor behaviors and the defect causes in a causal direction to root the probable cause(s). The output of the influence diagram is a diagnostic mapping from the symptoms or sensor readings to a determination of likely failure modes. Once likely failure modes are identified, a detailed diagnostic knowledge base suggests corrective actions to improve performance. This framework provides sensor validation and reasoning under uncertainty applies in a milling machine process diagnosis. This framework has implications for how to build the relationship between the symptom and cause of failure in the knowledge base even thought the input comes from sensor or manual. Figure 2.10 Simplified frameworks in influence diagram Knowledge base This Influence diagrams have proven successful in complex decision making problems with uncertainty by graphically representing the diagnostic problem domain 37 through simple topological symbols and arcs between them (Pearl, 1988). Knowledge engineering schemes (Moore, 1985), allow exploiting both first principle knowledge of a system along with subjective assessments based on experiential knowledge and Bayes' Theorem is the backbone of the influence diagram inference procedure. 2.6. Summary In this chapter, we have identified the literature review that support the DSMPP system, the brief definitions and understanding of knowledge base, expert system, key components of expert system, rules base reasoning method, searching approaches to root the rule base and any information that are related to this project. To achieve objectives and understand the methods that used for diagnosing the defect problems in manufacturing process, benchmarking study purpose the principle concept to solve the problems. Hopefully by getting and studying the literature review will serve as guide to develop DSMPP system prototype. CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1. Introduction Based on the discussion in chapter 2, the methodology used in developing Diagnostics system for Manufacturing Process Problem (DSMPP) is knowledge base. The rule base procedure approaches forward chaining concept. For the searching strategy in rule procedure, the system uses DSF Search concept. To develop the prototype of DSMPP system, the Object Oriented approach has been chosen. The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) has been used as a guide in developing the system. The development process must follow the SDLC. 3.2. System Framework To develop the prototype of DSMPP system and base on the discussion in chapter 2 as the concept, in chapter 3 we produce system framework that shows the flows of activities to build the system. 39 It’s components as depicted in the framework (see Figure 3.1) with regard to: · Project Methodology and · System Development Figure 3.1. System Framework 40 3.3. Project Methodology The project development life cycle (SDLC) (Dennis et al, 2005) is central development of an efficient information system. The project development life cycle consists of four main stages or phase: Phase 1: Planning Phase Phase 2: Analysis Phase Phase 3: Design Phase Phase 4: Implementation and Operation. 3.2.1 Planning Phase The first phase of the systems development life cycle is system planning phase. The planning phase is the fundamental process of understanding the why an information system should be built and determining how the project will go about it. This phase also deals with process of identifying, selecting, initiating, and planning of system at which an organization creates and assesses the original goals and expectation for a new system. 41 There are two primary activities in planning phase; Project Initiation During this activity, we will identify and select projects, discussion appropriate projects and literature. As the output of this activity is system request that presents a brief summary of business needs, and explain how the system that support the need will create the business value in manufacturing firms, the other output is feasibility analysis which examines the key aspect of the proposed project. Project Management Once the project is approved, it enters the project management. During this activity we create a work plan and techniques to help and control the project through the entire SDLC. As the output of this activity is Gantt chart (Refers to Figure 3.2) 3.2.2 Analysis Phase System analysis is the part of the system development life cycle in which will determine who will use the system, what the system will do, and where and when it will be used. During this phase the activities involved are investigating the current system, 42 identifies improvement opportunities, and develops a concept for the new system. This phase has three steps: Analysis Strategy An Analysis strategy is developed to guide the project, usually includes an analysis of the current system (called as-is system) and its problem, and the ways to design the new system (called the to-be system). As the output of this phase are problem identification and feasibility determination. Requirements Gathering The analysis of the information in conjunction with input from many other people, leads the development of the concept for a new system, the output of this steps is analysis models that describes how the business will operate if the new system will develop and the models represent the data and process necessary to support the underlying business process. System Proposal In this phase combined the analysis, system concept, and models into a document. 43 3.2.3 Design Phase The Design Phase decides how the system will operate, in terms of hardware, software and network infrastructure, the user interface, forms and reports, and the specific programs, databases, and files that will be needed. This is a phase, where we will design the new system according to the result from analysis phase and determine exactly how the system will operate. The system design phase consists of four main activities; Design Strategy This clarifies how the system will be developed and resources that support the system development. Architecture Design This step describes the hardware, software and network infrastructure that will be used. In this step including the interface design which specifies how the user will move through the system, the forms and reports that the system will be used. 44 Designing Database and file specification These define exactly what data will be stored and where they will be stored. The Program Design During this activity we will define the program that need to be written and exactly what each program will do. 3.2.4 Implementation Phase The implementation phase of the system development life cycle is the most expensive and time-consuming phase because all the work that has to be completed through the entire life of the system. This phase has three steps: Construction The system is built and tested to ensure it perform as designed. Since the cost of bugs can be immense, testing is one of the most critical steps in implementation. 45 Installations is the process by which the old system is turned off and the new system one is turned on, it might include a direct cutover approach, a parallel conversion approach or phase convention strategy. One of the most importance aspects of conversion is the development of training plan to teach the users how to use the new system. Plan This plan usually includes a formal or informal post implementation review, as well as systematic way for identifying major and minor changes needed for the system. 46 Table 3.1: Activities in Project Development Phase Project Activities Activities that have done in DSMPP Development Phase Planning Phase 1. Project Initiation 1. List down all the project title that i. Identify and select projects. Make system request and the system that support the business value, ii. Produce feasibility analysis 2. Discuss with supervisor and choose an appropriate project title. which examines the key aspect of the proposed project. 2. Project Management i. Produce a work plan, techniques and schedule to control SDLC. has been suggested. 3. Project DSMPP has been chosen. 4. Identify the background problem of Company involved (Ceramic Horse) 5. Determine project scope, objective and importance. 6. Determine business the business requirements, need, business value, special issue and constraints documented in system request 7. Produce system request 8. Produce the feasibility analysis 9. Produce the work plan to schedule the project using Gantt Chart (see 47 Figure 3.2) Analysis Phase 1. Analysis Strategy 1. Interview the staffs and officers in different departments (Research and i. Analyze the current system (called as- is system). ii. Identify the problem and determine the feasibility 2. Requirements Gathering Development Department, Quality Control Assurance Department, Quality Department) in the company about the diagnostics and identify the defect problems. 2. Choose the experts. i. ii. iii. iv. Gather information on what the system 3. Identify the inspection procedure should do from as many sources as hold by quality control and research possible. (Users of the current system, development (Refers to Appendix reports, forms and procedures.) table 2.1. Appendix A, The White Produce the knowledge acquisition Horse Ceramics Quality Control from interview, case studies, protocol Plan) for glazing processing and analysis, brainstorming, etc. Firing. Produce analysis models and process 4. Identify the defects problems on the necessary to support the underlying ceramics business process using UML. Appendix A, table 3.2 Form Target Produce the knowledge representation. and Tiles Problem). 5. Identify industries the (refers t o classification of 48 3. System Proposal production in grade A, B and C. 6. Identify and analyze the symptom of i. Document the analysis, system concept, and models. the tiles problems regarding to the information get from the experts. 7. Identify and study the tiles defect problems and all the specification of it. 8. Study how the experts conclude and find the defects. (refers to Appendix B, Figure. 3.3 ) 9. Transform analysis data and models in Object Oriented method using UML. 10. Produce Use Case Diagram, Class Diagram, Sequence Diagram and Activity Diagram by using UML. 11. Produce knowledge representation by developing the rules base on the facts. 12. Build the reasoning in rule base system using forward chaining. 13. Produce the three or semantic 49 network using DSF Search to find the search strategies. 14. Identify and study the user interface design to develop the DSMPP system. Design Phase 1. Design Strategy 1. Identify and learn the hardware and software 2. Architecture Design i. Design the hardware, software. ii. Design the interface iii. Document the forms and reports that the system will be use. needed to design the DSMPP system 2. Design the questions for the user that describes the root cause of the defect product in DSMPP system 3. Design the interface of the DSMPP system by using macromedia as tools 3. Design Database and file specification and design base on the Object Oriented Methodology Produce the databases. 4. The Program Design 4. Design the database for DSMPP system by using MySQL Server to represent the data. Design the entire program of the system 5. Report or document the design and dialogue use in the DSMPP system. 50 Implementation 1. System Construction Phase 1. Implement the analysis and designs by using PHP programming. The system is built and tested to ensure it perform as designed. Verify and Validate the system with the experts. 2. Discuss and test the result of diagnostic process with the experts. 3. Discuss and test the recommendations that have provided 2. Installations by the system. 4. Discuss and test the entire result of Do some installation, document and training to support the system. 3. Support Plan system to the experts. 5. Discuss the effectiveness test 6. Install the prototype of DSMPP system. Formal or informal post implementation 7. Document the implementation steps review, as well as systematic way for 8. Produce questionnaire to get the identifying major and minor changes needed feedback according to the system for the system and doing maintenance. prototype. 9. Do some training for the user of DSMPP system (QA,QC and R&D Personnel) 51 3.4. System Development Methodology Knowledge base was used to develop a prototype of Diagnostic System for Manufacturing Process Problems (DSMPP). This development tools uses an Object Oriented knowledge representation formalism as well as production rules. It also features an inference engine of the order capable of forward chaining. This mode was used in present the prototype in order to solve the manufacturing process problems in a deductive way. Furthermore the ‘DSF’ searching option was preferred over the depth first in order to diagnose numbers of problems before chaining stops. Prototyping is known as designing and building a scaled-down but workable version of desired system. Figure 3.1 illustrated prototyping. The first step in prototyping is to determine the initial or basic requirements of the systems. After the problem is identified, the system prototype will be build. When the prototype is complete, the users will work with it and will come out with their opinion on the system. According to this feedback, the prototype will be improved and the new version will be given to the users again. This iterative process continues until the users are relatively satisfied with the system (see Appendix B, Figure.3.4) Figure 3.4: The Prototyping Method 3.5. Hardware and Software Requirements Some hardware and software are required to help us in developing the DSMPP efficiently, systematically, and effectively. Table 3.3 shows the software that needed to develop the system and the purpose or function of it. 52 Table 3.3: Software required to developing the system. Software Purpose 1. Microsoft Project 2002 Microsoft project used to generate Gantt and Pert chart that used as a tool to schedule the project development. 2. Rational Rose 2002 Rational Rose is software for UML modeling. This software will be used as a helping tool to model the system. Example: Use case diagram, Class Diagram, Sequence Diagram and etc. 3. Microsoft Office Visio 2003 Microsoft Visio is used to draw diagrams. 4. Macromedia Dream weaver MX This software is used to design, build and 2004 develop the system. This software provides a combination of visual layout tools, application development features, and code editing support. 5. Macromedia Flash MX 2004 This software is used to create some animation features that will be included in system. 6. Adobe Photoshop 7.0 This software used to create and edit images. 7. PHP Programming This is a programming language that will be used to program and develop the system. 8. MySQL Server SQL server will be used to develop the database for the system. 9. Internet Explorer Used to view the WebPages. 53 Hardware that are needed to develop the system: 1. Computer Processor : Intel Pentium 3 or Intel Pentium 4 MAinboard, Clock Speed 1.80GHz, 256MB DDR 400 RAM, 80GB 7200rpm Harddisk, 52x CDROM Drive and 15” Monitor 2. Printer 3. Scanner 3.6. Project Schedule The project schedule, as shown in Figure 3.2 Gantt chart, scheduled all the activities that will be done to develop the project according to the development phase. The project schedule covers the period of 32 weeks. The studies started in the first week of July, 2006 with preliminary search and identify the project that will be proposed. The development process hoped to be end on second week of February 2006 in Implementation and Testing phase. 3.7. Summary In this chapter we have identified the project development methodology and methods or approaches to develop the system. The flow of development activities through the SDLC has been highlighted. The project schedule is also has been elucidated in this chapter. The chapter laid down the methodology on how this project will be conducted and how to systematically pursue and achieve the research objectives. 54 We hope that the identified methodology will serve as a guide to develop intangible information asset valuation system prototype. CHAPTER 4 ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 4.1. Introduction This chapter discusses initial findings, organization analysis, as- is process, to-be process and data model, process design for the proposed system. The initial findings and analysis that have been developed, regard to the discussion in the previous chapter. The discussion was used to come out with the solutions to the problems in White Horse Ceramics. 4.2. Organization Analysis In 1992, three parties from Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore joined forces to create a new company (White Horse Ceramic Industries Sdn Bhd) that would set a standard for the region's ceramic tile manufacturing industry. The company was established in Pasir Gudang, Malaysia. The vision of the company is “To be a world-class manufacturer producing premium-grade building materials that will uplift the construction industry”. 58 Propelled by the goal, the company consciously put in the best and latest technology in every area of operation, from management to staff training and development. They emphasize on employee involvement and teamwork in the organization. The White Horse Ceramic offers exquisite tile layout design services to further enhance customer satisfaction, adhering to the service motto: ”Providing the Best to Our Customer". To achieve the company’s vision, and provide the best to their customer, the White Ceramics Horse increases the product quality and does some innovations which involve the combination of technical expertise and creative excellence. The product quality with zero defects as measures has brought the company into being the world market leaders in tiles industries. The products quality is being responsible to overall employee and department. Therefore the knowledge about defect products must be shared and maintained well. Sometimes, the defect problems were caused by the machine problems, fault operations, the component standards problems (not accurate) or even the human factor errors. That’s why by rooting the probable causes will reduce the defect problems and maintain the operational production. It influences and contributes to the management system in the company. The White Horse Ceramic produces several types of products: · Ceramic Floor Tiles · Ceramic Wall Tiles · Homogenous Tiles They market their products to Australia, Austria, Brunei, Cambodia, Fiji, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Maldives, Myanmar, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, U.S.A. and Vietnam. 59 4.3. As Is Process White Horse Ceramic divides ceramic tiles into two categories regarding to the processing: · Dust Press Ceramic Floor Tiles Dust Press Ceramic floor tiles is a thin ceramics made from clay which changes continuously, coloring and comes from natured. It is used to cover the Floor, wall or front of building, it is provided through grinder, filter, mixing, muddy and so on which is formed by pressing, bumping, printing and other processing. This process is conducted at room temperature. It is followed by drying and firing process in the oven at high temperature. Ceramic tiles are maybe had glaze, homogenously and not homogenously. It is not burnt or fired and did not give any defects through lighting. · Glazed Ceramic Tiles for Internal Wall Glazed Ceramic Tiles for Internal Wall is a unit used to form rectangles or oval. It is provided by combination of clay, silicate or other processes, at least one firing process at high temperature and one glazing layer. 4.3.1. Production Process Operation Operation Process To identify the defects problems in process production, the flow of activities in operation process must be understood well. It helps to find and root the probable causes 60 of each defect. Starting from the raw material, mixing process, spray dryer, press machine, glazing and firing until packaging process (refers to Figure 4.1). Raw material Crusher and Grinder mixer / Wastewater Distributor Spray Dryer Wastewater Silo for Storage of Process Powder Press mechine Accessory Section Homogeneous /ceramic tiles for glazing Unglazed homogenous ceramic tiles Rotor Color glazing machine Glazing / Mobile Storage container Wastewater Mobile Storage containers Roller Kiln Trolley Storage Container Roller Kiln Storage and packing Roller Kiln Storage and packing Printing Colors Wastewater Storage and packing Figure.4.1 Production Process Flowchart White Horse Ceramic uses raw material which exports clay from Hong Kong, white clay, kaolin clay, feldspar, profilit glazed porcelain stone, feldspar diopsid, talcum stone and balling clay. The overall raw materials will be mixed to produce mud in ball 61 milling section. In muddy processing, they use crusher grinder machines which has processing time of around 8 hours and speeds around 11000-15000 Rpm. The muddy clay that has been produced will be examined by Quality Assistance Department for inspecting the quality of mud regarding to the specification standard (ISO), if mud quality does not fulfill the standard, mud must be remixed in ball milling. In the next step, mud will be saved in silos by using hydraulics pump and will be continued by the Spray Dryer section. The Spray Dryer section produces 8 tons dusts/hour. The dusts that have been produced will be examined according to the specification standard. The Dusts which is saved in silos container, will be prepared for Mould Press section. Mould Press Section uses conveyer which is operated by computer programmed. Mould Press provides guidance for tiles bases on the size and models requirements. The tiles that have been produced are still fragile, it will be sent to the Vertical Dryer machine for pre drying process. The drying process takes time for 35 until 45 second bases on the models requirements. For the next step, tiles will be sent to the glazing section for the tiles glazing process and will be given some decoration then the tiles will be saved in mobile storage. By using the box it will be sent to the Kiln roller for firing processes, it takes time 40 until 45 seconds. At least the tiles will be divided by grade specification: A, B or C which will be destroyed or throw away. 62 4.3.2. Detection the Tiles Defects The Defect of tiles is defined as any strange or abnormal substances existing to tiles compared to ideal or standard one. · The surface defects The abnormal substances could be seen by naked eyes. The examples are the surface of tiles is rough to the touch, the body’s surface is bent, the surface appears no glaze when the light comes , appears some black spot on the surface, the body’s performance failures, the surface has chipped, appears some small holes and so on. · The structures defects The Inspection will be examined by naked eyes or tested using the laboratory instruments. The examples are the structure is bent, the problems found in curve in/out process, the structure of tiles are bending to divergence and convergence, the structure’s size is not balance, cutting process is not manageable or controlled well. 4.3.3. Production Classification By setting the rules and procedures for guiding the workers to analyze and classify the products defects, the knowledge of grade classification is divided into: 63 A The production in grade A, sets as a perfect product based on the rules and conditions (dimension, surface, chemical resistance, and physical). The grade A has passed the whole inspection by QA and QC regarding the specification, such as water absorption test, modulus of rupture, sizing test, thickness test, curvature test, straightness of sides, polishing gloss test and rectangularity test. The information was found, must fulfill the specification standard. Inspection of the surface state in grade A, must be in a perfect manner and no defects are found from the cracks, the short glazing, the surface’s pin hole, the surface has no sunny glaze , the surface’s black spot , the nipped edges, nipped corner, screen printing and powder. All the products regard standard sample. · The Dimension State The Dimension of tiles in grade A has to be in a perfect manner and no defect is found in dimensions, thickness, the straightness of side (curve in/out), rectangularity, center curvature, edge curvature and warp age. · Physical and Chemical Requirement The Production in grade A has passed physical test and the chemical test. Examples of physical test are water absorption, modulus of rupture, scratch hardness of surface and abrasion resistance. The resistance of chemical test is resistance of dirtiness, chemical substances used at home, a cleaner of swimming pool and the resistance from acid and alkali. 64 Grade B The Production in grade B classification is a product with little defect problems, the overall product has fulfilled the specification standard but little defect found. To pass for grade B, a tile has to follow water absorption test, modulus of rupture test, sizing test, thickness test, curvature test, straightness of sides, polishing glaze test, and rectangular test. Inspection to the surface state in grade B must be in a perfect manner and just little defect found from small holes, small chipped, the surface is bent, on the surface appears little dusty or powder which doesn’t much effect on it, little black spot and cracker glazing. · The Dimension State The dimension of tiles in grade B has to be in a perfect manner with little defect found in dimensions, size, thickness, the straightness of side (curve in/out), rectangularity, center curvature, edge curvature and warp age. C The Production in grade C classification is a product which has not fulfilled the specification standard and a lot of defects found. The production in grade C does not pass the surface inspection particularly. The examples of defects are found in the colorings, screen printing, glaze and powder process. 65 The Dimension state of tiles in grade C has not be in a perfect state, many defects found in dimensions, size, thickness, the straightness of side (curve in/out), rectangularity, center curvature, edge curvature and warp age. 4.3.4. The Tiles Inspection · Visual Inspection (refers to Appendix B Figure 3.3 for visual inspection) - The Inspection is starting from the surface, front and back of tiles, example: edge crack, crack, dusty tiles and the basic tiles. - The visual inspection is used in order to obtain the dimension test, example: the curve’s inspection. - Compare the tiles condition (coloring, glaze, the surface’s state) with the standard one, if the sample has almost the same condition with the standard, it will be grouped in the same quality control number, and the other hand if it has a lot of differences, the QA or QC needs to be categorized in other quality number. · Laboratory inspection (refers to Appendix B Figure 4.2 and Figure 4.3 for examples of Laboratory inspection). - Distance inspection - Lighting inspection - Put the tiles into the table at 1 meter - Look into the tiles by naked eyes - Controlling the worker inspection which have not carried out by similar person (check the human error or the neglect worker) - The intentional action on the surface has not to be classified as defect. 66 4.3.5. Identify the knowledge base Controlling the whole production process in White Horse Ceramics is under the responsibility of Quality Control Department. As shown in Appendix B Table.2.1 for quality control plan, the inspection of this project is limited by glazing and firing process. The reasons to decide the glazing and firing process are because on those steps have been found the most defects problems, especially in firing process. The knowledge of defects were obtained from the knowledge worker (experts) QA,QC and R&D. Many interviews and case studies regarding to diagnostic defect problems, have been obtained from the experts. The Tiles Defect and Probable causes As mention in the constraint of this project, the research is limited on line A production, and the type of tiles is ceramic tiles 30 x 30. Information of the knowledge defects has been brainstormed and analyzed as sources of knowledge base. The first stage of the knowledge base was shown in Table 4.1 for the tiles defect and probable causes, symptom, recommendation that can be taken to solve the problems and also the process and sub process that shows the defects or the problems. In the proposed system (DSMPP), the output does not just constraint on the defect problems and probable causes, the recommendation also proposed to solve the problems regarded to the diagnostic result. As the example is the defect in firing process “water absorption”, the recommendation to solve the problems is “the product must be adjusted, if the size fulfills the standard, re- fired the tiles, but if the size does not fulfill the standard, the tiles must be mould adjusted”. 67 For the detail information about the tiles defect and probable causes can be referred from the Table 4.1 at appendix d. Tiles Defect and Classification Besides the recommendation proposed the solving problems, it also classifies the tiles production when it can not be adjusted any more. From the classification, we know the quality of the tiles, and how to maintain it. The quantity and quality in grade A will influence the profits and market trading in this company. The tiles defect and classification in White Horse Ceramics can be referred to Table 4.1. at appendix d. The condition and symptom of defects found can be shown in Figure 4.4, Figure 4.5, Figure 4.6 and Figure 4.7 as examples of defects. Figure 4.4 Examples of defects-1 68 Figure 4.5 Examples of defects-2 Figure 4.6 Examples of defects-3 69 Figure 4.7 Examples of defects-4 These figures describe the types, physical condition and characteristics defect found in production process, for examples are crack, mould, pin hole, dip sink, glazing problems, tiles dust, dirty dust etc. 4.3.6. Knowledge Representation The knowledge representation has been build to represent the rules. There are two main parts of the rule base, “the premise” and “the conclusion”. Premise consists of the conditional “IF” and logical expression with one or more objects attribute value connected by logical operators “AND” and “OR”. The conclusion is composed of the adverb “THEN” and logical expression. 70 Rule base The rule base step in DSMPP system is implemented by the forward chaining procedure for searching strategies in the problem solving process and can be described from Figure 4.8 Figure 4.8 The rule base process In DSMPP system, the rule base has produced by starting to diagnose the defects of the tiles. The tiles defects can be concluded from the symptom of the tiles defects. After diagnosing the defects, the rule base will investigate related the sub process and process which contains the probable causes of defects. The final result for the diagnostics is the output that will make some conclusion of the defects, source problems, grade classification and solution or recommendation as the corrective action for the defects found. 71 The semantic network for that process can be described from the diagram in Figure 4.9 Figure 4.9. The semantic Network This semantic network represents the searching network processing for the diagnostic system. The searching processes are starting by examining the symptoms and causes of defects where many symptoms and causes have many defects and many defects have many symptoms and causes. Then, the defect found will be examined to check the sub process and process where the defect can be found. The sub process may have many defects. And the process also have many sub process and many defects. Developing the rule base in DSMPP system, can be starting with this rule base pattern as described below: Rule base pattern : R1 : IF (The symptom-1)=” A ” AND (symptom-2) = “ B “ THEN causes1 R2 : IF causes1 = “a” AND (symptom-3)=”C” OR (symptom-4)=”D” THEN causes2 R3………. RN RN : IF causes2 =”b” AND (symptom-5)=”E” THEN defects=”I” AND sub process = “I” AND process= “I” AND rec =”1” AND grade=”1” 72 This rule base pattern is used to build the overall rules base in the diagnostic system. It is helping in searching process development (implementing DSF) to build the engines machines. The rule base consists of several components in the knowledge base, such as symptom, causes and for the result consists of defect, process, sub process, recommendation and grade. For the example of the rule base from the DSMPP system are can be listed bellows: The defects: Pin Hole (I) R1 : IF The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) AND (There is small hole on the tiles surface, commonly on the edge of tile (5) OR the small hole in the graphics design of tiles (it will appear clearly before firing process) (6)) THEN Check temperature (b). R2 : IF Check temperature (b) AND Temperature 80 – 100 degree Celsius (3) AND Check machine speed (not base on the specification) (4) THEN check the water spraying (a) R3 : IF The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) AND the small hole in the graphics design of tiles (it will appear clearly before firing process) (6) THEN check the firing inspection report (d) R4 : IF check the firing inspection report (7) AND any defects were found in firing inspection report (136) THEN Check the water spraying (a) R5 : IF Check the water spraying (a) AND Water spraying weight less than spec (1) AND Nozzle is clogged up 99) AND Picture ( 8) THEN Pin Hole [ I ] AND Sub Process = Water Spraying (1) in Process =Glazing (1) The defects: Dipsink (II) R6 : IF The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) AND defects were found in the glaze of tiles (83) THEN Check Glaze level (e) OR Check viscosity of glaze (g) OR Check weight of glaze (f) OR Check Density of glaze (h) 73 R7 : IF Check Glaze level (f) AND Glaze level less than spec (15) AND there are some problems on the curvature reports THEN Dip sink [II] AND Sub Process is Water Spraying (1) AND Process glazing (1) R8 : IF Check viscosity of glaze (g) AND (Viscosity less than specification (9) OR Viscosity more than spec (10)) ) AND There are some problems on the curvature reports THEN Dip sink [II] AND Sub Process is Water Spraying (1) AND Process= glazing (1) R9 : IF check weight of glaze (f) AND Glaze weight less than spec (12) OR Glaze weight more than spec (14) ) AND There are some problems on the curvature reports THEN Dip sink [II] AND Sub Process is Water Spraying (1) AND Process=glazing (1) R10 : IF Check Density of glaze (h) AND Density less than spec (11) OR Density more than spec (13) ) AND There are some problems on the curvature reports THEN Dip sinks [II] AND Sub Process is Water Spraying (1) AND Process= glazing (1) R11 : IF the defects were found behind of the tiles (42) AND there are number of windy holes. (40) AND it influences the problems of windy holes at the back of tiles. (41) ) THEN check aluminums slip condition (m) R12 : IF check aluminums slip condition (m) AND No Aluminums slip.(39) THEN Dip sink [II] AND Sub Process is Aluminum Slip (3) AND Process= Glazing (1) The defects: Dirty Dust (IV) R16 : IF The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) AND There is some dust on the tiles surface (19) AND the dust didn’t impact much on the tiles surface (48) THEN check the sieve condition (i) R17 : IF Check the sieve condition (i) AND The sieve has been broken (16) AND Mesh is worn out (17) THEN Dirty Dust [ IV ] AND Sub Process is Sieve(2) AND Process= glazing (1) For the detail rule base and normalization, see appendix g. 74 Decision Three To support the rule base process that has been produced, DSF in searching process procedure for the rule base is implemented. It can be explained by this decision three diagram in the Figure 4.10 75 37 19 42 5 6 20 4 16 17 e 136 3 i 40 d b 21 83 g 15 h 9 1 3 99 1 23 24 8 25 4 III I II 2 1 1 1 Symbol for symptoms 1 1 Symbol for defect Symbol for Sub Process Symbol for Process Figure 4.10 Decisions Three Diagram 11 41 13 12 14 m 39 II 1 33 10 200 a j f 76 The decision tree diagram shows the DFS searching process in the engines machines which implements the rule base. It was starting from the root of the three (set root=0) than it was following by the common symptom (37), than checks the entire symptom on the left sides, if it fulfills the rule base requirements, continues to the right sides. It follows the decision tree diagram until finds the defect. As the result, the defect, the sub process and the process will be found. The User Interface The user interface has been built as the explanation facilities form for the user to make sure or to test that the rule base runs properly. The user interface receives the inference engine process that will produce the conclusion and gives the recommended action for the defects found. For that the user interface has been built in terms of questions and symptom entering that the user must answer and choose correctly. 77 The detail user interface process can be explained from Figure 4.11: Figure 4.11. The structure of DSMPP system This structure explains how the DSMPP system works. The DSMPP system can be divided by two environments. One is consulting environment. The other is knowledge development environment. Starting from the knowledge development environment, the knowledge bases were built and analyzed in this part. The knowledge was absorbed from knowledge engineers in the contexts of symptom, causes, defect, sub process, recommendation, grade and any facts related to the tiles defect. Therefore, the knowledge acquisition and the knowledge managements are taking parts on this environment. Admin acts as operator to entry the knowledge base. All the activities in knowledge development will support the inference engines developments. To test the inference engines in diagnostic process, the consultation environment has been built in terms of symptom entering and question forms. 78 The types of questions and optional answers produced by the system are based on the expert’s information about the rules or route to diagnose the product defect such as describes in Figure 4.10 (Decision Tree Diagram). Accordingly, the analysis step process will be described from this diagram below: Figure 4.12. Dialogues route analysis process The route analysis process in the consultation environments were starting from the location of defect, such as in the tile surface, tile sides, tile back and all location. After finishing the location, check the condition, in terms of color and machines condition (speed, temperature and component/equipment). Finally, the system will check the report, such as the pressing report, glazing report, printing report and curvature report etc. 79 The examples of dialogues can be listed below. The user must declare and choose their answer based on the physical defects found to gain the correct conclusion for the diagnostics process. 1. Where is the location of the defects find? 0 The defects are on the surface of tiles 0 When it is looked in each sides 0 The defects are found on the back of tiles 0 $OO 0 Not on the optional 2. How does the defects on the tiles surface look like ? 0 There is small hole on the tiles surface, commonly on the edge of tile 0 There is small hole in the graphics design of tiles (it will appear clearly before firing process) 0 The defects were found in the glaze of tiles 0 It seems the different color in one kinds of tiles 0 There is some dust on the tiles surface 0 There are some drop glazing on the tiles 0 There are some accumulation glazing on the tiles surface 0 There are number of scratches on the tiles surface 0 Glaze problems 0 The color of tiles not base on the spec 0 The surface of tiles are little bit fluctuate 0 There are some hollow on the tiles surface 0 The tiles surface seems billow up 0 It seems many chipped on the edge of tiles 0 There are some crack on the tiles surface 0 Size not base on the spec 0 The tiles seem too shinning 0 It is not base on the spec when it compare with the standard tiles 0 The tile’s design not on the spec 80 0 When it looked by naked eye for the distance around 1 meter, there is some hump or outgrowth on the tiles surface. 0 When handy touched, the surface of tiles are covered with bumps or bruised. 0 After the tiles washing process, there are the water shadow on the surface of tiles in 1 m distance 3. How is the defects condition when it looks at from each sides? 0 The tiles are not symmetric 0 The tiles are swelling up shape or wrinkled shape in the firing process 0 The curve in and out process not base on the spec 0 Size not base on the spec 0 Tiles condition is dome shape 0 Curvature has problem 0 The glaze surface fluctuates or it seems not flat. 0 The surface of tiles are little bit fluctuate 0 The tiles surface is not flat 0 There are number of windy holes 0 All 0 Not on the optional 4. How is the machine condition? 0 Machines speeds normal 0 Machine speed not base on the specification 0 Temperature 80 – 100 degree Celsius or more than spec 0 Temperature is less than spec 0 The water spraying problems 0 The sieve problems 0 The brush problems 0 Motor belting speed not base on the spec 0 Support bracket condition has a problem 81 0 Machine belting glaze has problems 0 Machine printing problem 0 Roller problem 0 Ball milling processing has problem 0 The skin has problems 0 The skin position not base on the spec 0 The gas pressure is not base on the spec 0 The air pressure not base on the spec 0 The Aluminums slip problems 0 All 0 Not on the optional 5. How is the sieve condition? 0 Normal 0 The sieve has been broken 0 Mesh is worn out 0 Mesh is coarse or rough to touch 0 Picture (23 0 Picture (24) 0 Picture (25) 0 All 0 Not on the optional 6. How is the water spraying conditions? 0 Water spraying weight less than spec 0 Water spraying weight more than spec 0 The water spraying is not full enough to spray into the tiles 0 Nozzle is clogged up 0 All 0 Not on the optional 82 7. How is the brush condition? 0 Brush is not flat 0 Condition of brush is not on the spec standard 0 The weight of brush is not base on the spec 0 Some problems are found on the brushing loss 0 All 0 Not on the optional 8. Which kinds of investigation report that finds the problems? 0 There are some problems in press investigation report 0 There are some problems on the firing inspection report 0 There are some problems on the printing process report. 0 There are some problems on the glazing report 0 There are some problems on the roller problems report 0 There are some problems on the curvature reports 0 All 0 Not on the optional 9. How is the condition of tiles in terms of its color? 0 The color of tiles not base on the spec 0 It seems the different color in one kinds of tiles 0 The color is not balance 0 shading problems 0 It seems blur (darken) 0 The tiles seem too shinning 0 The tiles is mate tiles 0 All 0 Not on the optional 83 10. Any problems on the press investigation report? 0 there is some defect report on press investigation report 11. Any problems on the firing inspection report? 0 Some defects were found in firing inspection report 0 The tiles are swelling up shape or wrinkled shape in the firing process. 0 The small holes in the graphics design of tiles 0 All 0 Not on the optional 12. Any problems on the printing process report? 0 Machine printing problems 0 There is some verification of shade/shading problems 0 All 0 Not on the optional 13. Any problems on the glazing report? 0 The glazing surface looks not flat 0 Glaze weight less than spec 0 Glaze weight more than spec 0 Glaze level less than spec 0 Glaze Problems 0 There are some accumulation glazing on the tiles surface 0 The accumulations of glazing are influencing the tiles performance 0 The surface of glaze is not flat and it influences the structure of tiles 0 The un- flattened glazing will influence the tile structure and performance 0 It seems the different texture of glaze 0 Machine belting glaze has problems 0 Screen problem 0 All 0 Not on the optional 84 14. Any problems on the roller problems report? 0 There are some tiles that get caught on the roller kiln 0 Roller problem 0 The roller has broken 0 there is some problems in roller kiln 0 All 0 Not on the optional 15. Any problems on the curvature report? 0 Viscosity less than specification 0 Viscosity more than spec 0 Density less than spec 0 Density more than spec 0 The tiles are not symmetric 0 The curve in and out process not base on the spec 0 Size not base on the spec 4.3.7. Knowledge Management The knowledge management in the DSMPP system is used to manage the know ledges from many experts or many knowledge engineers in that company. Every knowledge engineer in that company has the same access to edit and manipulate the knowledge base in the system. For that reason, every knowledge engineer can share their knowledge and produce the best and complete knowledge base. 85 Detail information about the knowledge management in DSMPP system can be shown in the Figure 4.13 Recommended Action Solution / Knowledge Base Facts : the symptom , the defects , the probable causes and the relations Rules : Logical inferences Grade Classification Knowledge Management Knowledge Acquisition Knolwedge Enginner Knolwedge Enginner Knolwedge Enginner Experts Figure 4.13 Knowledge Management Structure By using this system, the concept of knowledge management can be built where every knowledge engineer can share and increase their current knowledge by modified the knowledge base and the rule base procedures. As the result, every knowledge engineer is responsible with their knowledge and expertise. 86 4.4. To-Be Process All the activities and process that are involved in diagnostic system has been modeled using Use Case Diagram and Sequence Diagram. Data involved in each process or activity is illustrated using Class Diagram and Sequence Diagram. 1. Use case Diagram Figure 4.14 shows use case diagram for Diagnostics System for Manufacturing Process Problem (DSMPP). The admin will record all the information needed by the system such as information of tiles, the defects in the ceramics industries, and the symptoms that probably cause the defects and the recommendations for solving the defect problems. The knowledge engineer will manage the rule base system, edit and validate the rule base and do some acquisition. The User who could be the Quality Control or Quality Assistance or even the Research and Development will do some diagnoses to find the source of defect. The User Interface in diagnostics system uses dialogue format to obtain the problems. It will provide the answer to defect problems and recommendations to solve the problems or classification information of tiles (tiles in grade A, B or C). 87 ViewCompanyInfo <<extend>> Diagnose User EditAnswer <<include>> ViewTheResult ViewProduct ViewAll EditRulebase ViewProcess ViewCauses ViewRulebase ListAll ViewSymptom <<include>> <<include>> <<include>> ViewSubProcess <<include>> Admin Searching <<include>> ViewRec LoadDefect Logout Login EditRec EditSubProcess EditProcess Knowledge Engineer EditSymptom ViewDefects EditProduct ViewQuestion <<include>> LoadQ_A <<include>> EditDefect EditCauses ViewAnswer EditQuestion Figure 4.14: Use Case Diagram 88 2. Use Case Description Use Case description is created based on use cases in use case diagram. There are thirty use cases involve in DSMPP Figure, 4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18, 4.19, 4.20, 4.21, 4.22, 4.23, 4.24, 4.25, 4.26, 4.27, 4.28, 4.29, 4.30, 4.31, 4.32, 4.33, 4.34, 4.35, 4.36, 4.37, 4.38, 4.39, 4.40, 4.41, 4.42, 4.43 and 4.44 shows the use case description for each use case. See appendix h for the use cases description. 3. Class Responsibility Collaboration (CRC cards) Class-Responsibility-Collaboration (CRC) cards are created to point out the responsibilities and collaborations of a class. Figure 4.45, 4.46, 4.47, 4.48, 4.49, 4.50, 4.51, 4.52, 4.53, 4.54, 4.55, 4.56, 4.57, 4.58, 4.59, 4.60 and 4.61 at appendix i shows CRC cards for each class involves in class diagram. 4. Class Diagram Figure 4.62 shows class diagram of Diagnostic System for Manufacturing Process Problems, it categorizes the users in three types, user, knowledge engineer and admin. The systems also record the information of the tiles, grade, symptom or probable causes, defects and recommendation. The main process in managing the knowledge worker (experts) is restoring in rule base database. The rule base shows the relationship of the defects, symptom, grade, tiles and recommendation. The Result provides information of defect, grade classification and recommendation purposed (see Figure 4.62) 89 Admin id password +1 User EditProduct() EditSymptom() EditCauses() EditProcess() EditSubProcess() Edit Grade() Edit Defect() Edit Rec() EditAnswer() EditQuestion() EditRulebase() Searching() ListAll() ViewProduct() ViewSymptom() ViewDefect() VeiwCauses() ViewProcess() ViewSubProcess() ViiewAnswer() ViewQuestion() ViewRec() id password +1 +1 +1 +1 Users Load diagnose() Load Result() ViewAll() ViewProcess() ViewSymptom() ViewCauses() ViewSubProcess() ViewRec() ViewCompanyInfo() Load Defect() +1 uses uses mantain +1 +1 maintain mantain mantain +0..* +0..* Symptom +1 +1 id_sym Name_sym veryfiedby date maintain maintain +0..* Grade +0..* has id_Def Name_Def veriyfiedby date +0..* Tiles id_Tiles Name_Tiles Information Price Image veryfiedby date display +0..* +1..* +0..* id_question name_question veryfiedby date id_subproc name_subproc veryfiedby date has +0..* Question mantain SubProcess has +0..* +0..* Login() Logout() View() has +0..* +0..* +0..* Websites +1..* has Defect +0..* Proces id_process name_process veryfiedby +0..* date has id_Grade name veryfiedby date +0..* Answer id_answer name_answer +1..* veryfiedby date mantain +0..* maintain +1 Result caused by mantain Rec id_Rec +0..* Name_Rec veryfiedby date Causes id_causes name_causes veryfiedby date mantain mantain Give Result() Load diagnose() +0..* +1 mantain +0..* mantain +0..* proposed mantain mantain source of +1..* +1..* KE id password mantain +1..* +1..* +1..* mantain +1..* +1..* Edit Rule base() +1..* EditSymptom() +1..* EditCauses() +1..* EditDefect() EditProcess() +1..* EditSubProcess() EditRec() +1..* EditGrade() EditAnswer() EditQuestion() Searching() +1..* ListAll() ViewProduct() ViewRulebase() ViewSymptom() ViewCauses() ViewDefect() ViewSubProcess() ViewRec() ViewGrade() Rule base +0..* id_rulebase id rules generate Manage Rule base() inference for Figure 4.62: Class Diagram uses 90 5. Sequence Diagram Sequence diagram is developed to show the interaction that involve in DSMPP. Appendix C illustrates how the users interact with the DSMPP to diagnose and manage the defects problems. The Sequence Diagrams are: Login, Logout, Searching, EditProduct, EditSymptom, EditSubProcess, EditDefect, EditRuleBase, EditCauses, EditQuestion, EditRec, EditAnswer, EditProcess, ViewSymptom, ViewProduct, ViewCauses, ViewProcess, ViewSubProcess, ViewRec, ViewAnswer, ViewQuestion, ViewDefect, ViewAll, ViewTheResult, ViewCompanyInfo, ViewRuleBase, ViewListAll, LoadDefect, Diagnose, LoadQ_A. 6. State-chart Diagram The state chart diagram represents a dynamic model that shows the different states that a single object passes through during its life in response to events, along with its responses and actions. For the DSMPP system, the state chart diagram for class user and class tiles have been produced. See Figure 4.63 and Figure 4.64. enters the system Entering userInput Symptom SymptomSelected Question and Answer Dialogues AnswerSelected Diagnose check in Release Conclusion RuleBase displayResult Figure 4.63 State Chart Diagram: User Class 91 Figure 4.63 shows the state chart diagram for class user as the person who do some diagnostics. When the users (QA/QC/R&D, it could be experts, knowledge engineer, admin or common users) use this system to diagnose the defect of the products. The system provides three types of diagnostic form, first by inserting the physically symptom found, the second is doing some dialogues by answering the questions that relevance to the symptom found and the third step is combination of two types. The diagnostic processes will be conducted by checking the rule base and the knowledge base. Finally it will release the conclusion as the result that contains the whole information, such as the defect, the process, the sub process, the grade and the recommendation. symptom chosen/entered user submits the symptom list In Process check and route the inference engines diagnostics Rule Base check the knowledge base The rest symptom are released Answer Result doesn't reach 100% checked Question Form Process display result 100% checked display result for=100% or not Relase Conclusion Give Report Figure 4.64 State Chart Diagram: Tile Class Figure 4.64 shows the activities or diagnostic process to detect the tile defect in the DSMPP system. The user will insert the symptom or physical defect found in the tile. 92 Then, the inference engines will check and process the entered symptom until it releases the conclusion. If the result 100% bases on the rule base, the conclusion will be given, unless the user must answer the question form. In that situation, if the question form did not fill 100% rule base, the result and conclusion must be displayed and reported as the final conclusion. 4.5. System Architecture To describe the entire system in DSMPP, the system architecture has been built to explain as shown in this Figure 4.65. Knowledge Engineer Admin 1 Entry knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Engineer knowledge Knowledge Meta data Server SQL Database , PHP , Internet Technology for connection DSMPP System User 1/ Worker (Consultation Environment User 2/ Worker ) User 3/ Worker Figure 4.65 DSMPP System Architecture 2 93 DSMPP system is used by three categories user, the knowledge engineer as the expert, the admin as operator and workers as common users. The knowledge engineers entry their knowledge in the system, they can entry the knowledge base by themselves or even by admin. By implementing the technology and certain query processing for the knowledge base, the diagnostics system will be produced. It helps the workers to diagnose the tile defects. Some technologies and platform that support the DSMPP system are listed: · The technological architecture of the DSMPP system – tiers, communication links, etc. · Hardware platforms used - server machines, disk subsystems, load balancers and other hardware resources, etc. · Software platforms used (e.g. operating systems, web servers, application servers, database servers and servers) · Communication equipment used – networks, routers, firewalls, switches, etc. · Communication protocols used- (HTTP) 94 Hardware and Software Specification to support the DSMPP system: Hardware Software · Web Browser: Intel Pentium 3 or Intel Pentium 4 Mainboard · Microsoft Internet Explorer v5.0+ · 256MB DDR 400 RAM · Netscape v6.2+ · 80GB 7200rpm Harddisk · Mozilla v1.0+ · 52x CDROM Drive · 15” Monitor Network Security · Network Packet Filter · Firewall Operating System · Windows XP Programming Language · PHP Programming Database · MySQL (PhpMyAdmin) Text Editor · Macromedia Dreamweaver Table 4.2. Hardware and Software Specification Table 4.2 is used to explain the hardware and software specification to develop the DSMPP system. 4.6. Physical Design The physical design for DSMPP system contains the database design, program structure chart, interface chart and test plan. 95 4.6.1. Database Design The DSMPP system consists of the tables as described in Table 4.3, Table 4.4, Table 4.5, Table 4.6, Table 4.7, Table 4.8, Table 4.9, Table 4.10, Table 4.11, Table 4.12, Table 4.13, Table 4.14, Table 4.15, Table 4.16, Table 4.17, Table 4.18, Table 4.19, Table 4.20, Table 4.21, Table 4.22, Table 4.23, Table 4.24 and Table 4.25. The entire tables are saved in diagnose database and for the database design refers to appendix j. 4.6.2. Program (Structure) Chart DSMPP system is divided by the three categories of user, first is admin as the operator that can add, edit and manipulate the knowledge base and the user information, the second is knowledge engineers that can add, edit and manipulate the knowledge base and the rule base and the last user is user as a common user that can use the system to do some diagnoses to know the source defects of the tiles. 96 The entire system structure in DSMPP can be shown from this structure chart: DSMPP System Login Admin Company Info Diagnose Knowledge Engineer (KE ) Product Product Symptom Symptom Reccomendation Reccomendation Defects Defects Causes Causes Rule base Rule base Process Process SubProcess SubProcess Question Question Answer Answer ListAll ListAll Logout Logout The Result : The Defects : Grade : Recommendation : The Process The SubProcess Figure 4.66 The Structure Chart of DSMPP System 97 The structure chart has been created by implementing the overall module in the analysis step. As explained in the previous chapter that the DSMPP system contains two type of environment, first is knowledge development environment and the second is the consultation environment. In part of knowledge development environment, just the authenticate user can access this modules whereby they can manipulate the knowledge base or even the rule base. For the consultation environment, there is no specification user can use or access this function. At this part, the user can diagnose the tile defect and get the result as the recommendation action to solve the problems. 4.6.3. User Interface Design The goal of the user interface design is to present information to users so they can accurately understand it with the least effort. The fundamental principles for the interface design reflect how the interfaces are used and ways to make it simpler for user to understand them. There are many tools to describe the interface design. Here the author uses window navigation diagrams to simulate the whole system. The window navigation diagram of DSMPP system can be seen in Figure 4.67 98 Figure 4.67 Window Navigation Diagram for DSMPP System 99 4.7. Summary This chapter discusses about some introduction or company profiles of Ceramic Horse, “as is process” as explanations of the current processes and “to be process” as explanations of DSMPP flows step system developments. Therefore, system analysis and designs have been developed by implementing the whole method and theories that have been explained in chapter 2 and chapter 3. Besides, this analysis and design have been used and implemented many tools to develop the system, for examples are UML to object oriented system developments and PhPMyAdmin for database designed. For this reasons, the chapter 4 can be used as a guide to implement and test the system. CHAPTER 5 IMPLEMENTING AND TESTING 5.1. Introduction Basic coverage and boundary testing has been performed all the way through the creation of code. After each class was completed, the boundaries of the loops were checked and print statements were used to make sure that every element of the class is exercised by at least one use case. The main documentation has been generated during the testing of the completed system. The test cases in the next section represent the results of black box (functional) testing, where each use case is executed and the actual results are compared to the real results. Each test that has been conducted is given a pass or fails status. This chapter not really explains about the testing phase but also system implementation phase. 5.2. System Implementation The analysis and design that has been produced in chapter 4 was created as a guide to develop the system in implementation section. As explained in the previous chapter, DSMPP system has been developed by using PHP (AppServ) and Macromedia Dreamweaver version 7. For databases development MySQL PhpMyAdmin was used. 101 5.2.1. Database Development Databases development in DSMPP system focuses on the knowledge base structure development and inference engines process development. Both processes developments will form the diagnostics process to solve the defect problems. For that reasons, relationship must be built among tables, such as: defect, symptom, causes, process, subprocess, recommendation, grade, question and answer. The tables relationships can be seen in the Figure 5.1 Figure 5.1. Knowledge base relationship As it is explained above, besides the knowledge base developments, the inference engines machines must be produced. It involves the whole databases in the knowledge base and includes the table rule base. 102 This table is used to record the rules base in DSMPP system. For detail information see Figure 5.2 Figure 5.2 Rule base relationships Every rule base that has been produced will give the information about the defect, the process, the sub process, the grade and the recommendation as the final conclusion. The rule bases it selves, are developed by symptom and causes components base on the pattern that has been explained in chapter 4. 103 Rule base pattern : R1 : IF (The symptom-1)=” A ” AND (symptom-2) = “ B “ THEN causes1 R2 : IF causes1 = “a” AND (symptom-3)=”C” OR (symptom-4)=”D” THEN causes2 R3………. RN RN : IF causes2 =”b” AND (symptom-5)=”E” THEN defects=”I” AND sub process = “I” AND process= “I” AND rec =”1” AND grade=”1” The defects: Pin Hole (I) R1 : IF The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) AND (There is small hole on the tiles surface, commonly on the edge of tile (5) OR the small hole in the graphics design of tiles (it will appear clearly before firing process) (6)) THEN Check temperature (b). R2 : IF Check temperature (b) AND Temperature 80 – 100 degree Celsius (3) AND Check machine speed (not base on the specification) (4) THEN check the water spraying (a) R3 : IF The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) AND the small hole in the graphics design of tiles (it will appear clearly before firing process) (6) THEN check the firing inspection report (d) R4 : IF check the firing inspection report (7) AND any defects were found in firing inspection report (136) THEN Check the water spraying (a) R5 : IF Check the water spraying (a) AND Water spraying weight less than spec (1) AND Nozzle is clogged up 99) AND Picture ( 8) THEN Pin Hole [ I ] AND Sub Process = Water Spraying (1) in Process =Glazing (1) 104 Therefore, to be easily in system developments by implementing DSF searching process, the rule base can be normalized as described below: Rule base for Defect: Pin Hole. v The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) AND There is small hole on the tiles surface, commonly on the edge of tile (5) AND Temperature 80 – 100 degree Celsius (3) AND machine speed (not base on the specification) (4) AND Water spraying weight less than spec (1) AND Nozzle is clogged up 99) AND Picture ( 8) THEN Pin Hole [ I ] AND Sub Process = Water Spraying (1) in Process =Glazing (1) AND Recommendation AND Grade v The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) AND the small hole in the graphics design of tiles (it will appear clearly before firing process) (6) AND any defects were found in firing inspection report (136) AND Water spraying weight less than spec (1) AND Nozzle is clogged up 99) AND Picture ( 8) THEN Pin Hole [ I ] AND Sub Process = Water Spraying (1) in Process =Glazing (1) AND Recommendation AND Grade 5.2.2. System Development Regarding to the DSMPP system structures that have been developed in chapter 4, the entire DSMPP system development can be divided into 4 main components. (i) Login as security function (ii) Knowledge Base Development (iii) Inference Engine Development (iv) User Interface Development 105 For the knowledge base development steps, there are some entities that are used as the knowledge base basics. Therefore, the whole knowledge bases that have been produced will be a basis for the rule base development and inference engines machines of DSMPP system. The knowledge base part i n system development can be used by two user categories, first is admin as system operator and knowledge engineer that acts as the experts. The users of this system apply the login system as security platform to manipulate the knowledge bases, in terms of insert process, update or even delete the knowledge base records. However, the manipulation will be recorded by using the verified and date system. Some of the knowledge base categories are listed below: (i) Product (vi) SubProcess (ii) Symptom (vii) Recommendation (iii) Defect (viii) Question (iv) Causes (ix) Answer (v) Process (x) Rule Base Some functions that are involved in knowledge base operation, besides insert, update and delete records are: (i) Searching : This function is used to search any information in the knowledge base by entering the keyword. (ii) ListAll : This function is used to display the list of information on the knowledge base, based on the knowledge base categories, such as defect, symptom, causes, process, sub process and recommendation. For the Inference Engines Development steps, there are some entities that are involved in, such as the rule base system and the knowledge base. This helps the machine inferences to produce the solution base on the main objectives of the system. 106 The main goal of this system is to diagnose the tiles defect and give some corrective actions to solve the problems. The User Interface development part in consultation environment has been developed as a testing process on the diagnostic or improvement of the inference engines process. Therefore, the user of this part or this function is free and no specialize category user and no need the security platform. Therefore, the admin, the KE (Knowledge Engineer/ the experts) and the common user (staff in QA, R&D and QC) can use this function. This functional system produces some features or facilities, such as: (i) Display information about t h e c a u s e s , symptoms, processes, s u b processes, recommendations and combinations in knowledge base. This system also provides the relationship between the defects to the entire part of knowledge base. (ii) Dialogues : On this step, the system provides two types of dialogues form, input symptom process and question-answer form. First, the input system process, the user inserts the symptom by choosing any kinds of symptom found on the tiles defects. The second, the question-answer form will be used to root the symptom and tiles defect for the extended diagnostic to gain the 100% result. Product Product is part of the knowledge base category. It has been developed to provide the information about the tiles production in the Ceramic Horse Company. Admin and knowledge engineer have accesses to manipulate the data in this function. 107 The product page provides some information about the tiles, such as: name of tiles, prices, type of tiles and picture. Symptom Symptom is part of the knowledge base category. It has been developed to provide the information about any symptom found on the tiles defect, especially in physical form, such as brush is not flat, the aluminums slips and the sieve has been broken, etc. the symptom bases on the situation of tiles defect and roots of manufacturing processes. Every symptom will be related to the defect. The query for those system symptom-defect developments is: SELECT * FROM def_sym, defect WHERE id_s = 'colname' AND def_sym.id_d = defect.id_def The output page for symptom processes can be seen on the Figure 5.3 and Figure 5.4: Figure 5.3 The symptom page 108 Figure 5.4 The symptom_def page Defect The Defect is part of the knowledge base category. It has been developed to provide the information about any defect found on the tiles production, especially in physical form, such as pin hole, crack, glazing peel and deep sink, etc. Every defect will be related to the symptom, the grade, the causes, the recommendation, the process and the sub process. The queries for those system developments are: For defect-causes: SELECT * SELECT * FROM def_sym, symptom FROM cause_defect, causes WHERE id_d='$id' AND def_sym.id_s = symptom.id_sym WHERE id_d = 'colname' AND cause_defect.id_c = causes.id_cause For defect-sub process: SELECT * For defect-symptom: 109 FROM def_subproc, subprocess SELECT * WHERE id_d= '$id' AND def_subproc.id_sp = subprocess.id_subproc FROM def_grade, grade WHERE id_d = 'colname' AND def_grade.id_g = grade.id_grade For defect-process: For defect-rec: SELECT * SELECT * FROM def_proc, process FROM rec_def, rec WHERE id_d='$id' AND def_proc.id_p AND process.id_proces WHERE id_d = 'colname' AND r ec.id_rec = rec_def.id_d For defect- grade: The defect page can be seen on the Figure 5.5 and Figure 5.6: Figure 5.5 The Defect Page 110 Figure 5.6 The Defect Relation Page Causes The Causes is part of the knowledge base category. It has been developed to provide the information about any causes found on the tiles defect or probably causes of defect by rooting the root in manufacturing process. The probable causes of defects are check machine speed, check the temperature, check the sieve maintenance and etc. Every cause will be related to the defect. The query for those system causes-defect developments is: SELECT * FROM cause_defect, defect WHERE id_c = 'colname' AND defect.id_def = cause_defect.id_d 111 The cause page can be seen on the Figure 5.7 and Figure 5.8: Figure 5.7 The Cause Page Figure 5.8. The Cause Relation Page 112 Process The Process is part of the knowledge base category. It has been developed to provide the information about any process in manufacturing process that probably causes the defect. The processes in this DSMPP system are limited by Glazing and firing process. Every process will be related to the defect. SubProcess The Sub Process is part of the knowledge base category. It has been developed to provide the information about any sub process in manufacturing process that probably causes the defect. The sub processes in this DSMPP system are water spraying, aluminums slip, sieve, row bodies and brushing loss. Every process will be related to the defect. Recommendation The Recommendation is part of the knowledge base category. It has been developed to provide the information about any recommendation or corrective action to solve the defect found. Every recommendation will be related to the defect. 113 Question The question is part of the user interface development. It is useful to develop the dialogues that will provide the interactive diagnostics. All the questions are following the symptom and causes of defect found in knowledge base area. This dialogue is used when the diagnostics process by inputting the symptom can not give 100% solution. Answer The answer is part of the user interface development. It is useful to develop the dialogues that will provide the interactive diagnostics. All the answers are following the symptom and causes of defect found in knowledge base area. This dialogue is used when the diagnostics process by inputting the symptom, can not give 100% solution. For that reasons the user must choose the correct answers from the whole questions given. Admin and knowledge engineer can manipulate the answers and the question. Rulebase Rule base is part of inference engines development. As explained above, the rule base was built regarding to rules of this system. That rules come from the symptom, the causes and the defect as the solution of the rule base process. The rule bases are implementing the DSF searching process to gain the objectives of this diagnostics. 114 The query or the snap shot code for this module is listed below: <? $query_rule = "SELECT * FROM `rule base` AS rb, defect, subprocess, process, rec, grade WHERE rb.id_def=defect.id_def AND rb.id_subproc=subprocess.id_subproc AND rb.id_proces=process.id_proces AND rb.id_rec=rec.id_rec AND rb.id_grade=grade.id_grade "; $rule = mysql_query($query_rule, $lisa) or die(mysql_error()); $row_rule = mysql_fetch_assoc($rule); $totalRows_rule = mysql_num_rows($rule); ?> <?do { if ($row_rule['id_rb']!="") {?> <tr> <td valign="top"><?php echo $row_rule['id_rb']; ?></td><td valign="top"> <? $sym = explode(",", $row_rule['id_listsym']); for ($i = 0; $i < count($sym); $i++) { if ($sym[$i]!="") { $query_symptom = "SELECT * FROM symptom WHERE id_sym=".$sym[$i]; die(mysql_error()); $symptom = mysql_query($query_symptom, $row_symptom = mysql_fetch_assoc($symptom); (".$row_symptom["id_sym"].") ".ucfirst(strtolower($row_symptom["name_sym"]))."<br>";}} ?> $lisa) or echo "- 115 The detail processes in the rule base module is described in the Figure 5.9 below: Figure 5.9. The Rule Base Page Diagnose The diagnose function are used to test the diagnostics process in DSMPP system. By doing the diagnostic, the solution will be produced as the result of the system, such as: the defect of tiles, the process and the sub process that probable cause of defect, the grade classification that showing the quality of tiles and finally the recommendation as the corrective action to solve the problems. 116 Login Login is used as security mode for accessing this DSMPP system. Therefore, the login users are divided into several categories user, for examples are admin and knowledge engineer that could be KE 1 and KE 2. By using this authority, the users can share and update the data or record in the database system. The login form can be seen in the Figure 5.10 below. Figure 5.10 .Login Page 5.3. Test Result / System Evaluation System evaluation is used by implementing many testing approaches in system development, such as unit testing, black box testing, white box testing and usability testing. The overall chosen testing approaches are used to test the system correctness, and to make sure that the system is running properly regards to system objectives and the user requirements. 117 5.3.1. Unit Testing Unit is the smallest modules in system development. This unit testing is focusing on the coding testing to make sure that the system is running properly. The testing processes in implementing phase are running by inserting the data values on the functional system until it find no error in the testing implementation. Thus, helps the DSMPP system development. The unit testing is applying two types of testing processes, the black box testing and white box testing. 5.3.2. Black box Testing The black box testing is used to test the system output. This approach is more focusing on the system output then the processes structure of the system. Whether the system are running base on use cases analysis process and producing the correct output regards to the user requirements. 118 The black box testing processes can be explained in the Table 5.1 below: Table 5.1 .Black Box Testing Process Use Case Normal Input Values Expected Results Login Admin and KE are able (Admin , KE) to login and manipulate Actual Results Pass (As expected) the DSMPP homepage Logout Admin and KE are able (Admin , KE ) to logout and back to Pass (As expected) main menu View CompanyInfo User can view the (User) company info, such as Pass (As expected) the organization info, the founder, the factories, the branches and the resident. View The Result User can view the (User) diagnostic result. The conclusion for the overall system, about the defect, the process, the sub process, the grade and the recommendation for the defect found. Pass (As expected) 119 Use Case Normal Input Values Expected Results View All All users can view all (User ,Admin, KE ) information about the Actual Results Pass (As expected) process, the sub process, the symptom, the causes and the recommendation regards to the defect found. View Process All users can view the (User, Admin , KE) information about the Pass (As expected) process in manufacturing firm regards to the defect found. View Sub Process All users can view the (User , Admin, KE) information about the sub Pass (As expected) process in manufacturing firm regards to the defect found. View The Defect Admin and KE can view (Admin, KE) the information about the defect and relationship with the symptom, causes, grade, process, sub process and recommendation. Pass (As expected) 120 Use Case Normal Input Values Expected Results View Causes All users can view the (User,Admin, KE) information about the Actual Results Pass (As expected) causes of defect regards to the defect found. View Symptom All users can view the (User,Admin, KE) information about the Pass (As expected) symptom of defect regards to the defect found. View Rec All users can view the (User,Admin, KE) information about the Pass (As expected) recommendation of tiles defect regards to the defect found. View Product All users can view the (Admin, KE) information about the Pass (As expected) tiles product. View Answer Admin and KE can view (Admin, KE) the answers for dialogues process regards to the symptom and questions. Pass (As expected) 121 Use Case Normal Input Values Expected Results View Question Admin and KE can view (Admin, KE) the questions for Actual Results Pass (As expected) dialogues process regards to the symptom and answers. View Rule base Admin and KE can view (Admin, KE) the rule base DSMPP Pass (As expected) system. Load Defect User, Admin and KE can (User,Admin, KE) load the defect regards to Pass (As expected) the symptom, the causes, the process, the sub process and the recommendation of tiles defect. Diagnose User can diagnose the (User) tiles defect by inputting Pass (As expected) the symptom and answers some questions. List All Admin and KE can list (Admin, KE) all the data in knowledge base system. Pass (As expected) 122 Use Case Normal Input Values Expected Results Searching Admin and KE can (Admin, KE) search the tiles Actual Results Pass (As expected) information by typing the keyword. Load Q_A Admin and KE can load (Admin, KE) the question and answers. Edit Rule Base Admin and KE can (Admin, KE) manipulate the rule base Pass (As expected) Pass (As expected) by doing some processing, such as insert, delete and edit. Edit Answer Admin and KE can (Admin, KE) manipulate the answers Pass (As expected) by doing some processing, such as insert, delete and edit. Edit causes Admin and KE can (Admin, KE) manipulate the causes by doing some processing, such as insert, delete and edit. Pass (As expected) 123 Use Case Normal Input Values Expected Results Edit symptom Admin and KE can (Admin, KE) manipulate the symptom Actual Results Pass (As expected) by doing some processing, such as insert, delete and edit. Edit process Admin and KE can (Admin, KE) manipulate the process Pass (As expected) by doing some processing, such as insert, delete and edit. Edit sub process Admin and KE can (Admin, KE) manipulate the sub Pass (As expected) process by doing some processing, such as insert, delete and edit. Edit rec Admin and KE can (Admin, KE) manipulate the recommendation by doing some processing, such as insert, delete and edit. Pass (As expected) 124 Use Case Normal Input Values Expected Results Edit Product Admin and KE can (Admin, KE) manipulate the product Actual Results Pass (As expected) by doing some processing, such as insert, delete and edit. Edit Question Admin and KE can (Admin, KE) manipulate the question Pass (As expected) by doing some processing, such as insert, delete and edit. 5.3.3. White box Testing White box testing is used base on the method specifications associated with the class. However, white box testing has had limited impact in object oriented development. This is due to the rather small size of the individual methods in class. As such, most approaches to testing classes use black box testing to assure the correctness. As the result, the white box testing process in DSMPP are focusing on the coding, functional and method for the overall class in DSMPP system and to make sure that every line of code execute at least once. Fortunately this DSMPP system can identify the starting state and stopping state base on the requirements. For examples are: (i). Starting-state: Authentication credentials (username and password) in login case, Stopping-state: session-token (cookie) used as proof of authentication. (ii). Starting-state: Logout signal, Stopping-state: system logout. (iii). Starting-state: Product entry, Stopping-state: the product values are recorded in database. 125 (iv). Starting-state: diagnose the defect found, Stopping-state: give the final result as conclusions. 5.3.4. Usability Testing Usability testing is an important part of the process, in light of the user interface problems the Ceramic Horse Company as the user of this system, has experienced with this DSMPP system. The usability of the interface was assessed by issuing a taskorientated questionnaire to a sample of six prospective users of varying computer and Internet literacy. Each user was asked to work and act as the categories users, such as admin, knowledge engineer and the common users. After each scenario, the user was asked to answer the following questions about their experience of the system interface, system validation, system security and Management Company. The overall questioners can be seen in appendix f. (i). Does the DSMPP system produce the valid information for each process? (ii). Does the DSMPP system respond at each stage of error processing? (iii). Does this system help and implement the information sharing or knowledge sharing in the company? (iv). Does this system implicitly help to increase the company profit? As the result, the feedback from the usability sessions was positive. The users felt that the new system was a considerable improvement on their existing methods and increased their knowledge related to the tiles defect in the manufacturing firm. More specifically, the questionnaires revealed the following strengths and some areas where improvements could be made before the system is released. 126 5.4. User Manual To access the DSMPP system, these user manuals will help the user or administrator or KE to operate this system, the flow activities for this system manual are explained in appendix k (see appendix k). 5.5. Summary After conducting the initial finding, analysis-design of knowledge base concept and implementing the expert system as an interactive computer based system. Finally, many concept approaches have been implemented in DSMPP system development for instances are black box testing, white box testing and usability testing. The testing and implementing phase are used to examine the implementation of basic concept in knowledge base and knowledge management area. Thus, relate to the forward chaining method to root the probable causes of defect and implement the depth first search concepts in rule base searching process. Besides, the overall testing helps the system to reach the system objectives and fulfill the user requirements. CHAPTER 6 ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGY 6.1. Introduction Knowledge management in manufacturing process, not just involve in one department in the company. To produce and increase the quality of process production has been responsibility for the overall components, such as quality control department, quality assurance, research and development department, etc. Therefore, it needs good management in form of managing and maintenance the knowledge worker in that company. The information that are related to the diagnostics process of tiles defects and the probable causes root of defects found in manufacturing process, must be shared to the entire workers in that company, specially for the new workers, knowledge workers and experts in each departments. This chapter proposed the method or strategy that can be undertaken by organization in order to implement the prototype of DSMPP system that can help the worker or knowledge worker to diagnose the tiles defects and root the sources of product defect in manufacturing firm. It is starting from the equipping the system infrastructure, system implementation, training or workshop for the workers, knowledge workers (the users of the system) and organizational support to implement this system. 128 6.2. Roll Out Strategy For effective implementation, there are some steps processes that can be undertaken by the organization. 6.2.1. Installation of Infrastructure Process In this step process, the company must be completed by the system requirements, hardware and software specification. For the first step, implementation of DSMPP system needs 1 (one) computer and 1 (one) printer, which has some standard computer specification as listed below: Table 4.2 Hardware and Software Specification Hardware Software · Intel Pentium 3 or Intel Web Browser: Pentium 4 Mainboard Microsoft Internet Explorer v5.0+/ Mozilla · 256MB DDR 400 RAM v1.0+ · 80GB 7200rpm Harddisk Network Security · 52x CDROM Drive · 15” Monitor · Network Packet Filter/Firewall Operating System · Windows XP Programming Language · PHP Programming Database · MySQL (PhpMyAdmin) Text Editor · Macromedia Dreamweaver 129 This system was designed under web base design programming. The implementation can be connected to the internet or intranet. Therefore for the next step equipping the infrastructure process can be completed by server and internet connection devices. By using the internet or intranet, the DSMPP system can be accessed by the entire workers and knowledge workers where ever they are, anyway, anytime and any places. 6.2.2. Trainings After finishing the i nfrastructure installation, the next step is starting with the workshop. Fortunately, t h e White Horse Ceramics always does some trainings and workshops for the new workers and all the staff. The workshop more explains about the ways to increase the product quality and how to classify the tiles base on the quality and defect found, but all the information given uses manual tools and standard equipments such as slides, documents, etc. By using the DSMPP system, the workshop can be modified and more computerize wherever DSMPP system will help the trainee how to recognize the tiles defects, probable causes of defects and defects maintenance. For the trainee who has been classified as workers, the information given is limited just for helping to diagnose the tiles defects and understanding well the way to solve the problems. Meanwhile, the trainee who has been classified as knowledge workers or even the experts in each department, will be trained to operate the whole function in the DSMPP system, therefore they will understand how this system helps their work to detect the defects, increase the tiles production and decrease the defects problems in manufacturing process firm. For the user who had been categorized as admin or operator, the workshop given more concentrates to operate the system that is under commanded the knowledge worker or the experts. 130 6.2.3. System Implementation Process System Implementation process starts by implementing the system in their daily activities in manufacturing firm. It is more to cultivate the staff and workers with DSMPP system. The knowledge workers start to do their duty by creating the new knowledge base and admin starts to insert the new data in this system, therefore this system is always upgraded and up-to-dated. The new information of knowledge bases can be shared to the whole knowledge workers in that company. It means there is some knowledge management implementation in terms of knowledge transferring and sharing process in manufacturing firm. 6.2.4. The Organizational Support The transitional system in the organization, needs big support from the whole management form in that organizations, especially the people who are directly involved as the user of the system, such as the experts or knowledge workers, workers and admin as operator. The entire categorized user will be directed by the organizations. To support that system, the organization must be made this DSMPP system as obligatory tools to help them work in the manufacturing firm. 6.3. Summary Many ways, many strategies and many approaches had been done to reach the main objectives of DSMPP system. Of course the successful of this system depends on the entire parts in the organizations, starting from the researcher, the staff and all 131 elements in that organization to apply this system in their work activities. All the obstruction and challenges can be well settled if it gets full support from the whole part in that organizations especially support from the high level management. CHAPTER 7 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 7.1. Introduction After passing by the overall system development in this project, starting from the project 1 that explained the project review, literature review, methodology, initial findings and ending by project 2 that discussed about the advanced analysis and design, system implementation on method and tools application, system testing and finally the organizational strategy which produces the strategic planning to apply the system environment in that company. Therefore in this chapter, t h e discussions are more focusing on project achievement, constraints, challenges and new aspiration for the future system development. 7.2. Achievements As discussed in the previous chapter, a basic concept and theory of this research had been recognized and identified. 133 The main findings that had been highlighted in this project are listed below: 1. The basic concepts of knowledge base and expert system as an interactive computer based system that helps to diagnose the defect problems in manufacturing process had been applied in this project. 2. The idea of forward chaining method and depth first searching to root the probable causes of defects, starting by recognizing the knowledge base, data, information and physically facts of tiles defect and ending by the diagnostic result as a conclusion of the system had been implemented well which related to the method explained in the previous chapter. 3. The concept of knowledge management in this project are focusing on the knowledge sharing of the data, the fact, the knowledge base and the rule bases among the knowledge worker or experts. Hence, by using this system KE and admin can manipulate the knowledge. 4. How’s big the defects will influence the production quality in the manufacturing firm and How’s the system can reduce the defect problems. 7.3. Constrains and Challenges There were some constrains and challenges that had been faced while conducting the research process for the analysis phase and implementation phase. Some of the constraints were: 1. The case study organization is unable to provide all the real information about the specifications standard that needed for the research because some of the information was private and confidential. 134 2. This system involves many knowledge workers in the difference background of knowledge and department. Therefore, it is quite difficult to absorb and brainstorm the knowledge workers on the same views and perspectives in the diagnostic processes. 3. In the diagnostic system did not use the lingual languages dialogues. Therefore, the knowledge base was entered by chosen symptom or causes in database. 4. DSMPP System is limited by 100% possibility for the diagnostics solution of course it is related to the knowledge base and rule bases in this system. The conclusion was produced with 1 or 0 defect found. 5. Time constrains, as it took a long time to identify and analyze the process that involved in White Horse Ceramics. 6. Taking too much time in absorbing the knowledge. The challenges are as follow: i. Object Oriented Methodology has been chosen as the accurate system development model as a guide in developing this project. Choosing the wrong model, can lead to improper project development and this will cause a longer period to develop the project. ii. Modeling the to-be process for DSMPP. The to-be processes should be designed carefully because it will be the guidelines to develop the system later. iii. The Good co operations of the experts help the researcher in absorbing and transferring the knowledge. iv. Implementing the knowledge management sharing towards the implementation of IS knowledge management concept in that company. 135 7.4. Aspiration Following the procedures of system development, finally it is hoped that: i. All the objectives of the system that have been outlined in the beginning of the project are achieved. ii. The rule base has been implemented successfully in the system. iii. The DSMPP has been developed and implemented successfully. The user can accept the system. iv. The DSMPP system can be used to help the new workers. v. To develop future system, the diagnostics processes in DSMPP system can be applied by implementing the artificial intelligent concept which is more focusing on the lingual language dialogues. vi. The future DSMPP system can be applied a logical fuzzy concept. That concept has possibility of defect found between 1 and 0. vii. The DSMPP system can be developed by implementing others concept of knowledge base, such as backward chaining, combination backward-forward chaining and matching search concept. 7.5. Summary As a conclusion, all the activities that should be completed in Project 1 and Project 2 had been successfully completed, starting from initial phase and followed by analysis phase. The designing phase of t he project also had been implemented well, where the to-be processes had been modeled in chapter 4, implementing and testing was completed, organizational strategy to implement this system had been discussed and finally the conclusion for the overall system development had been produced. 136 Besides, the strength area and system achievements, this chapter also discuss the weakness of DSMPP system mainly the system implementation that not fulfilled the user requirement. Many aspirations for the future system development have been produced, in a sense to increase the system quality in terms of method application. 137 REFFERENCES Elias M.Awad (1996), Building Expert Systems, Principles, Procedures and Applications. America: West Publishing Company Richard Frost (1986), Introduction to Knowledge Base System, America: Macmillan Publishing M. Cemal Cakir , Kadir Cavdar (2005), Development of a knowledge-based expert system for solving metal cutting problems, Uludag University, Mechanical Engineering Department, Gorukle 16059, Bursa, Turkey Giarratano/Riley (1989), Expert System, Principles and Programming, Boston, PWSKENT Publishing Company. John A Schey(2000), Inttroduction to Manufacturing Process, London:Mc.Graw Hill M.G. Abou-Alia, M. Khamisb (2003), TIREDDX: an integrated intelligent defects diagnostic system for tire production and service, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Alexandria and University of Akron, Akron, OH, USA Young-Jin Kim(1995) , A Framework for an On-Line Diagnostic Expert System for Intelligent manufacturing, Kyunghee University, Kyung-Gi-Do, Korea Dennis (2005), System Analysis and Design with UML Version 2.0, USA: John Wiley and Son, Inc. Et Keravnou and L.Johson (1996), Competent Expert Systems, A case Study in Fault diagnosis, Mc.Graw Hill. Alavi, Maryam, Leidner, Dorothy E. (2001), Review: Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management Systems: Conceptual Foundations and Research Issues, MIS Quarterly, 25 (1) Mar., pp. 107-136. Luke Welling, Laura Thomson, Second Edition (2003), PHP and MySQL Web Development, Sam Publishings. Jason T.Roff (2003), UML: A beginner’s Guide, Mc.Graw-Hill/Osborne 138 Jeffery L.Whitten, Loonie D.Benthley, Kevin C.Dittman ,Six Edition (2004), Metode Desain and Analisis sistem, Mc.GrawHill- Education, translated by Penerbit ANDI-Indonesia. Jay Liebowitz, LylenC.Wilcox (1997), Knowledge Management and Its Integrative Elements, CRC Press, Boca Raton-New York. James W.Cortada, John A.Woods (2000), The Knowledge Management Yearbook 20002001, Butterworth Heinemann. C.S. Krishnamoorthy; S. Rajeev (1996), Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems for Engineers, CRC Press, CRC Press LLC Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig (1995), Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 139 Table 2.1 Quality Control Plan White Horse Quality Control Plan Production Stage: Glazing Operation No Type/Category 1 Inspection Item Weight Condition Water Spraying Height 2 Glaze Slip Density Viscosity Glazing Weight Responsible Unit Glazing QA Inspection Frequency Sample Size Form Used Reference Standard At least 1/hour At least 2/shift at every line At least 1/hour At least 2/shift at every line At least 2/shift At least 2/shift at every line At least 1/hour At least 2/shift at every line At least 1/hour At least 2/shift at every line At least 1 steel plate Glazing In process section glaze Test Report specification Water weight of glazing Spry Gun Height specification of glazing 1 capacity of a density cup 1 capacity of a viscosity cup 1 steel Referen ce (Proced ure W.I) Glazing Operatio n Procedur e QA in process procedur e In Process Glazing Inspectio n 140 Glaze Level 3 4 Sieve Aluminum Slip Condition Density Weight Conditions 5 Brushing Loss Weight Thickness 1/hour At least 2/shift at every line At least 1/hour At least 2/shift at every line At least 1/hour At least 2/shift at every line At least 1/hour At least 2/shift at every line At least 2/shift At least 2/shift at every line At least 1/hour At least 2/shift at every line At least 1/hour At least 2/shift at every line At least 1/hour plate - - - - 1 capacity of a density cup 1 pc Aluminum slip density and weight of glazing - - 1 pc 1 pc Glazing section Test Report - - 141 6 7 Tile Edges Raw Bodies No Type/Category 1 Finished Product At least 2/shift at every line Trimming At least 1 pc 1/hour At least 2/shift at every line Appearance At least 1 pc 1/hour At least 2/shift at every line Body At least ³ 1 pc Temperature 1/hour At least 2/shift White Horse Quality Control Plan Production Stage: Finished Product Inspection for Firing Inspection Responsible Inspection Sample Form Item Unit Frequency Size Used Firing Q A Curved In Sample taken form each line on every shift, if the models The QC numbers or sizes has been changed during a 5 pc Finished good sizing curve in/out, rectangular ity and gloss inspection record. The printing body temperature specification Reference Standard Firing finished goods for wall tiles, homogenous, ceramic tiles. Refer ence (Proc edure W.I) 142 Firing Section size Visual Sampling Shading Comparison Chemical Resistance(hou sehold, swimming pool salts, acid, alkalis) Glaze tiles crazing Stain Resistance shift, samples will be taken again ³ 30 x 30 cm once per shift base on the size. Every pallet 1 cartoon Finished good Inspection record 1 pc Ceramic 5 pc tiles, wall tiles, homogenou s tiles and homogenou s special sample taken once a week For whole 5 pc tiles sample taken in 1 day Ceramic 5 pc tiles, wall tiles, homogenou Laporan Uji Kaji Ketahanan Jubin terhadap kotoran dan bahan kimia Glaze Tiles crazing Resistance Test Report Laporan Uji Kaji Ketahanan Jubin Finished tiles Visual sampling test specification Model Standard sample 143 Perform abrasions 2 Pneumatic Press Air Pressure 3 Packaging Packaging verification s tiles and homogenou s special sample taken once a week Once three 11 pc month for all type of tiles Once per shift Every pallet 1 cartoon Table 3.2 Form Target and Tiles Problem terhadap kotoran dan bahan kimia Glaze tiles surface abrasions Resistance Test Report Finished Good inspection record 146 1:mainMenu : Admin : Knowledge Engineer 2:loginPage 3:adminPage 4:kePage 5:userPage : User browse browse browse login validateLogin successLogin sucsessLogin successLogin unsuccesfullLogin Sequence Diagram: Login 147 1:adminPage : Admin : Knowledge Engineer 2:kePage 3:userPage 4:logoutPage 5:mainMenu : User browse browse browse logout logout logout validate logout back to Sequence Diagram: Logout 148 KEPage : Knowledge Engineer AdminPage SearchingPage : Admin browse browse insertKeyWord insertKeyWord SearchingResult Sequence Diagram: Searching 149 1:displayScreen : Knowledge Engineer 2:deleteProductPage 3: insertProductPage 4:updateTilesPage 5:ConfirmPage 6:messageDisplay : Admin KEviewProduct KEselectProduct AdminviewProduct AdminselectProduct deleteProduct InsertProduct updateProduct confirmMessage validateEdit successEdit save Sequence Diagram: EditProduct 7:ProductDB 150 1:displayScreen : Knowledge Engineer : Knowledge Engineer 2: deleteSymptomPage 3: insertSymptomPage 4: updateSymptomPage 5:ConfirmPage 6:messageDisplay : Admin KEviewSymptom KEselectSymptom AdminviewSymptom AdminselectSymptom deleteSymptom InsertSymptom updateSymptom confirmMessage validateEdit successEdit save Sequence Diagram: EditSymptom 7:SymptomDB 151 1:displayScreen : Knowledge Engineer 2:deleteDefectPage 3:insertDefectPage 4:updateDefectPage 5:ConfirmPage 6:messageDisplay : Admin KEviewDefect KEselectDefect AdminviewDefect AdminselectDefect deleteDefect InsertDefect updateDefect confirmMessage validateEdit successEdit save Sequence Diagram: EditDefect 7:DefectDB 152 1:displayScreen : Knowledge Engineer 2:deleteRecPage 3:insertRecPage 4:updateRecPage 5:ConfirmPage 6:messageDisplay : Admin KEviewRec KEselectRec AdminviewRec AdminselectRec deleteRec InsertRec updateRec confirmMessage validateEdit successEdit save Sequence Diagram: EditRec 7:RecDB 153 1:displayScreen : Knowledge Engineer 2:deleteCausesPage 3: insertCausesPage 4:updateCausesPage 5:ConfirmPage 6:messageDisplay : Admin KEviewCauses KEselectCauses AdminviewCauses AdminselectCauses deleteCauses InsertCauses updateCauses confirmMessage validateEdit successEdit save Sequence Diagram: EditCauses 7:CausesDB 154 1:displayScreen 2:deleteProcessPage 3: insertProcessPage 4: updateProcessPage 5:ConfirmPage 6:messageDisplay : Admin : Knowledge Engineer KEviewProcess KEselectProcess AdminviewProcess AdminselectProcess deleteProcess InsertProcess updateProcess confirmMessage validateEdit successEdit save Sequence Diagram: EditProcess 7:ProcessDB 155 1:displayScreen : Knowledge Engineer 2: deleteSubProcessPage 3: 4: insertSubProcessPage updateSubProcessPage 5:ConfirmPage 6:messageDisplay : Admin KEviewSubProcess KEselectSubProcess AdminviewSubProcess AdminselectSubProcess deleteSubProcess InsertSubProcess updateSubProcess confirmMessage validateEdit successEdit save Sequence Diagram: EditSubProcess 7: SubProcessDB 156 1:displayScreen : Knowledge Engineer 2:deleteRulebasePage 3:insertRuleBasePage 4:updateRuleBasePage 5:ConfirmPage 6:messageDisplay : Admin KEviewRuleBase KEselectRuleBase AdminviewRuleBase AdminselectRuleBase deleteRuleBase InsertRuleBase updateRuleBase confirmMessage validateEdit successEdit save Sequence Diagram: Edit Rule Base 7:RuleBaseDB 157 1:displayScreen : Knowledge Engineer 2:deleteQuestionPage 3:insertQuestionPage 4:updateQuestionPage 5:ConfirmPage 6:messageDisplay : Admin KEviewQuestion KEselectQuestion AdminviewQuestion AdminselectQuestion deleteQuestion InsertQuestion updateQuestion confirmMessage validateEdit successEdit save Sequence Diagram: EditQuestion 7:QuestionDB 158 1:displayScreen : Knowledge Engineer 2:deleteAnswerPage 3:insertAnswerPage 4:updateAnswerPage 5:ConfirmPage 6:messageDisplay : Admin KEviewAnswer KEselectAnswer AdminviewAnswer AdminselectAnswer deleteAnswer InsertAnswer updateAnswer confirmMessage validateEdit successEdit save Sequence Diagram: EditAnswer 7:AnswerDB 159 KEPage : Knowledge Engineer : Admin AdminPage UserPage SymptomtPage : User browse browse browse KESubscribeSymptom AdminSubscribeSymptom SymptomShow Sequence Diagram: ViewSymptom 160 KEPage : Knowledge Engineer AdminPage ProductPage : Admin browse browse KESubscribeProduct AdminSubscribeProduct ProductShow Sequence Diagram: ViewProduct 161 KEPage : Knowledge Engineer : Admin AdminPage UserPage CausestPage : User browse browse browse KESubscribeCauses AdminSubscribeCauses CausesShow Sequence Diagram: ViewCauses 162 KEPage : Knowledge Engineer : Admin AdminPage UserPage ProcessPage : User browse browse browse KESubscribeProcess AdminSubscribeProcess ProcessShow Sequence Diagram: ViewProcess 163 KEPage : Knowledge Engineer : Admin AdminPage UserPage SubProcessPa ge : User browse browse browse KESubscribeSubProcess AdminSubscribeSubProcess SubProcessShow Sequence Diagram: ViewSubProcess 164 KEPage : Knowledge Engineer : Admin AdminPage UserPage : User browse browse browse KESubscribeRec AdminSubscribeRec RecShow Sequence Diagram: ViewRec RectPage 165 KEPage : Knowledge Engineer AdminPage AnswerPage : Admin browse browse KESubscribeAnswer AdminSubscribeAnswer AnswerShow Sequence Diagram: ViewAnswer 166 KEPage : Knowledge Engineer AdminPage QuestionPage : Admin browse browse KESubscribeQuestion AdminSubscribeQuestion QuestionShow Sequence Diagram: ViewQuestion 167 KEPage : Knowledge Engineer AdminPage DefectPage : Admin browse browse KESubscribeDefects AdminSubscribeDefects DefectsShow Sequence Diagram: ViewDefects 168 UserPage AllPage : User browse UserSubscribeAll AllShow Sequence Diagram: ViewAll 169 diagnosePage resultPage : User diagnose view result resultInfo print Sequence Diagram: ViewTheResult printPage 170 UserPage CompanyInfoPa ge : User browse UserSubscribeCompanyInfo CompanyInfoShow Sequence Diagram: ViewCompanyInfo 171 KEPage : Knowledge Engineer AdminPage ListAllPage : Admin browse browse KESubscribeAll AdminSubscribeAll AllInfoShow Sequence Diagram: ViewListAll 172 KEPage : Knowledge Engineer AdminPage RuleBasePage : Admin browse browse KESubscribeRuleBase AdminSubscribeRuleBase RuleBaseShow Sequence Diagram: ViewRuleBase 173 KEPage : Knowledge Engineer : Admin AdminPage UserPage SymptomPage Sym_def ProcessPage Process_def CausesPage Causes_def : User SubProcessPa ge SubProcess_d ef RecPage Rec_def browse browse browse chooseSymptom chooseSymptom chooseSymptom select_defect sym_defInfo chooseProcess chooseProcess chooseProcess select_defect process_defInfo chooseCauses chooseCauses chooseCauses select_defect causes_defInfo chooseSubProcess chooseSubProcess chooseSubProcess select_defect subProcess_defInfo chooseRec chooseRec chooseRec select_defect Rec_defectInfo Sequence Diagram: LoadDefect 174 UserPage DiagnosePage : User ConfirmMessag e ResultPage browse inputSymptom ConfirmSymptom validateSymptom question answer ConfirmAnswer validateAnswer getTheResult ResultInfo Sequence Diagram: Diagnose 175 KEPage : Knowledge Engineer AdminPage QuestionPage AnswerPage Question_Answ erPage : Admin browse browse chooseQuestion select_Answer Q_AInfo chooseAnswer select_question Q_AInfo chooseQuestion select_Answer Q_AInfo chooseAnswer select_question Q_AInfo Sequence Diagram: LoadQ_A 176 Process Glazing (1) Sub Process Water Spraying (1) Defect Pin Hole (I) Table 4.1 Tiles Defect and Probable causes Causes Symptom -Check the water spraying condition(a) -Check temperature (b) -Check machine speed (normal or not or base on the specification?) (c) - Check the firing inspection report (d) Grade - The defects are on the B surface of tiles (37) -There is small hole on the tiles surface, commonly on the edge of tile (5) -The small holes in the graphics design of tiles (it will appear clearly before firing process) (6) -Nozzle is clogged up (99) -Water spraying weight less than (1) spec - the water spraying is not full enough to spray into the tiles (2) -Temperature 80 – 100 degree Celsius (3) -machine speed (normal or not or base on the specification?) (4) - Any defects were found in firing inspection report (136) - Picture ( 8) Solution/Corrective Action -If the hole is small then categorized in B - If the water spraying weight less than spec so adjust “ball valve” by closing it until get the specification needed. -if the water spraying condition is not full enough to spray into the tiles so : 1. Open the water nozzle, clean it and plug in again 2. Change the nozzle with the new one -if body temperature more than spec so 1. throw away tiles from the line 2. Open the fan blower, suction fan A ,axis fan 3. Inform the press department to adjust temperature of tiles. If body temperature less than spec: do the same things. 177 Dip sink (glaze slip) (II) -Check Glaze level (e) -Check weight of glaze (f) -Check viscosity of glaze(g) -Check Density of glaze (h) - Check the curvature report -Viscosity less than specification (9) -Viscosity more than spec (10) -Density less than spec(11) -Glaze weight less than spec (12) -Density more than spec(13) -Glaze weight more than spec(14) -Glaze level less than spec(15) -Glaze Problems (83) - The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) B/C -If density more than spec : add the water and mix up base on the spec needed -if density less than spec: add the similar glaze slip and mix up until get the spec needed. -If glaze slip viscosity more than spec: add some water and mix up until get the spec needed. -If glaze slip viscosity less than spec: add some similar glaze slip until get the spec needed -if glaze weight more than spec: close the “ball valve” until get the weight base on the spec -if the glaze weight less than spec: open the “ball valve” until get the weight needed. -if glaze level less than spec add the glaze more than the spec.(until get the spec needed) 178 Sieve(2) Tiles Dust (III) -Check the sieve condition (i) -Check sieve maintenance (j) Dirty Dust (IV) -Check the sieve condition (i) -Check sieve maintenance (j) -loss control in sieve maintenance (l) -The sieve has been B/C broken (16) -Mesh is worn out (17) - The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) -There is some dust on the tiles surface (can be categorized in B) (19) - When handy touched, the surface of tiles are covered with bumps or bruised. (20) -When it looked by naked eye for the distance around 1 meter, there is some hump or outgrowth on the tiles surface. (21) - If the hump more than 2 it is categorized grade C (22) -loss control in sieve maintenance (33) -Picture1 (23) -Picture 2 (24) -Picture3 (25) - The sieve has been B/C broken (16) - Mesh is worn out (17) - There is some dust on the tiles surface (can be categorized in B) (19) -The defects are on the -check the sieve condition -Change the sieve with the new one -check the sieve condition -Change the sieve with the new one 179 Alumuniu m Slip(3) Drop Glazing( V) -Check the sieve condition (i) -Check sieve maintenance (j) -human factor error (k) - loss control in sieve maintenance (l) Crack Glazing (VI) -check aluminum slip condition (m) -Check the weight of tiles (n) surface of tiles (37) - the dirty dust didn’t impact on the tiles surface, it can be categorize grade B, if not grade C (27) -Picture (28) -There are some drop glazing on the tiles (29) - The sieve has been broken (16) - Mesh is worn out (17) -Mesh is coarse or rough to touch (30) -there are some accumulation glazing on the tiles surface (31) - The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) - the accumulations of glazing are influencing the tiles performance (32) -the surface of glaze is not flat and it influences the structure of tiles. (64) - glaze problems (83) -Aluminums slips on the tiles (138) -Weight of tiles is more than spec (35) C B/C -check the sieve condition -change the sieve with the new one - Check the aluminums components in the aluminums 180 -Weight and density of aluminum is not base on the spec (density 111113g and weight 1.0g) (36) - The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) -there are number of scratches on the tiles surface.(38) - glaze problems (83) Dip sink (II) Brushing Loss (4) -check aluminum slip condition (m) -Check behind of the tiles (o) Changing - the brush problems color(VII -human factor error ) (k) -Check brush condition (p) - Check Brush setting (q) -Check weight and thickness of brushing loss.(r) -No Aluminums slip .(39) -there are number of windy holes. (40) -the defects influences the problems of windy holes at the back of tiles.(41) - C -Brush is not flat (43) B/C -Condition of brush is not on the spec standard (44) -The weight of brush is not base on the spec(132) -The color of tiles not base on the spec (48) -it seems the different color in one kinds of tiles (49) -The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) machine, full enough or not? Adjust aluminum machines until the back of tiles are touched by aluminum. -Check Aluminum slip condition -if the brushing loss is less than spec: adjust brushing machine and falling down the brush to get the weight base on the standard. -if the thickness brushing loss is more than spec: adjust machine brushing by increasing the brushing loss position to get the 181 The tiles surface is not flat (VIII) Glaze is not flat (IX) -human factor error (k) -Check brush condition (p) - Check Brush setting (q) -Check weight and thickness of brushing loss.(r) -check the sides of the tiles - pin hole (I) commonly happened in glazing process(s) -screen problem (50) -picture (132) -picture (133) -Brush is not flat (43) - Condition of brush is not on the spec standard (44) - The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) - The color of tiles not base on the spec (48) - the surface of tiles are little bit fluctuate (53) -the tiles are not symmetric, when it is looked in each sides (54) - the glaze surface fluctuates or it seems not flat. (55) -there are some hollow on the tiles surface (56) -the tiles surface seems billow up (57) -when it is touched, the surface is not flat(58) -Picture(59) - Glaze problems(83) - screen problem(50) - shading problems(62) - The color is not weight base on the standard or the spec. B/C C -if the brushing loss is less than spec: adjust brushing machine and falling down the brush to get the weight base on the standard. -if the thickness brushing loss is more than spec: adjust machine brushing by increasing the brushing loss position to get the weight base on the standard or the spec. - if the common problems is shading problems, so refers to printing process and report. 182 Tiles Edges (5) The overlappi -the chipped are caused by overlapping balance (60) - The color of tiles not base on the spec (48) - The design is not base on the spec/sample (61) - The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) the un-flattened glazing will influence the tile structure and performance (64) - the glazing surface looks not flat (65) -it seems the different color in one kinds of tiles (49) - it seems the different texture of glaze (66) - the un-flattened glazing will not influence the tile structure and performance (67) - Picture(68) - Picture (69) - Picture(70) - Picture (71) -there are some tiles that B/C get caught on the roller - - For the glazing problems refers to glazing report. -If there is shading problems, the light color tiles can not be mixed with the dark color tiles (if it is still categorized grade B) -tends to grade C - Adjust trimming 183 ng tiles/chip ped Tiles (X) tiles (t) -Tiles are overlapping (u) -check the roller problems report(v) -the blocking condition (w) -it can cause the pin hole (I) -Check Trimming(x) kiln (74) -it seems many chipped on the edge of tiles (77) - The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) - the chipped are on the edge of tiles(78) - support bracket condition has a problems (79) - motor belting speed not base on the spec(80) -Picture(81) -Picture (82 Glazing peel (XI) -Check belting in machine glaze (y) -Check Glaze level (e) -Check weight of glaze (f) -Check viscosity of glaze(g) -Check Density of glaze (h) - Check the curvature report -Tiles are overlapping (84) -glaze problems (83) -Viscosity less than specification (9) -Viscosity more than spec (10) -Density less than spec(11) -Glaze weight less than spec (12) -Density more than spec(13) -Glaze weight more than spec(14) -Glaze level less than spec(15) C machine until it cleans the glaze slip. -Check the edge of support bracket, does it adjust correctly or not? -the speed of motor belting must be on the spec. - -Check stepping motor belt in the printing machines, does it too tight or not, ensure the skin is on its rolling way. 1. Check density, weight, viscosity glaze slip 2. Check disco machine, it is clean or not 3. if there are some line or scratches in the glazing fountain, it must be cleaned by sponge. If it doesn’t work, cleans the machine. 184 Row bodies (6) Crack (XII) -bad quality of raw material (z) -Tiles are overlapping (u) -Check temperature (b) -check press investigation report (aa) -check motor belting speed (bb) - belting in machine glaze has problems(86) - there are number of scratches on the tiles surface.(38) -there are some glazing chipped on it (87) -the position of glazing chipped are just on the edge of tiles.(88) -Temperature less than B spec (89) -there are some crack on the tiles surface (91) -the crack influences the tiles structure (92) - The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) -there are number of scratches on the tiles surface.(38) -it is still in a good condition when knocks on (102) - motor belting speed not base on the spec(80) -machine printing problems (94) -Picture (95) -Picture (96) -Picture (97) - Clean the back of tiles where there are some glazes on it, and clean the machine glaze belting -if body temperature more than spec so 1. throw away tiles from the line 2. Open the fan blower, suction fan A ,axis fan 3. Inform the press department to adjust temperature of tiles. If body temperature less than spec: do the same things. -if the problems comes from section press, inform to press department -if it is happened when the glazing is overlapping, adjust motor belting speed -If the problems are in machine printing, adjust the basement of 185 Bend (XIII) -human factor error (k) -Check temperature (b) -check the raw material (z) -check roller kiln (cc) -check the roller problems report - check the sides of the tiles Easy broken (XIV) -check the raw material (z) -Check temperature (b) -human factor error (k) -Check ball milling process (dd) -Check machine problems (ee) -Less time control (ff) Temperature less than B spec (89) -Temperature more than spec (3) -bad quality of raw material (90) - roller problem(52) -the roller has broken (133) -the tiles are not symmetric, when it is looked in each sides (54) - The defect are found When it is looked in each sides. -Temperature less than C spec (89) - the crack influences the tiles structure (92) - The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) -there are number of scratches on the tiles surface.(38) -it will broken when knocks on (101) -there is some defect report on press investigation report (93) -ball milling processing printing machine until it touches the back of tiles. -if body temperature more than spec so 1. throw away tiles from the line 2. Open the fan blower, suction fan A ,axis fan 3. Inform the press department to adjust temperature of tiles. If body temperature less than spec: do the same things. -if body temperature more than spec so 1. throw away tiles from the line 2. Open the fan blower, suction fan A ,axis fan 3. Inform the press department to adjust temperature of tiles. If body temperature less than spec: do the same things. 186 Printing Problems (XV) Firing(2 ) Finished Size Product (1) (XVI) - Check machine printing condition? (gg) - Use grease printing that base on the QA requirement (hh) - Check the skin position (ii) -Check the skin condition (jj) -loss Control in pressing process (kk) - time Control when pressing process (ll) has problem (104) - machine has problems (105) -raw material not base on the spec (98) -Temperature more than spec (3) -easy broken or fragile (107) -The color of tiles not B/C base on the spec (48) -it seems the different color in one kinds of tiles (49) - The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) - The tile’s design not on the spec (108) - the skin position not base on the spec (110) - the skin has problems (111) -the gas pressure is not base on the spec (112) -Raw material are not base on the spec (98) B/C 1. Check printing machine, does the machine work? And adjust in the right ways, before using the grease printing that base on the QA requirements. 2. Check the skin installing direction or use the right skin. 3. Adjust printing machine until the skin are full enough with the tiles surface. -The overall sizing differences in one batch can not be greater than 2.00 mm 187 Bend (XIII) -it can cause the chipped tiles (X) -Check temperature (b) -check gas pressure (mm) -check curvature (nn) -check verification of shade/shading problems (oo) -Check Size (qq) -machines problems (105) - curvature has problem (48) -there is some verification of shade/shading problems (62) -Loss control in glazing process (pp) -Check temperature (b) -Check curve in and out process (nn) -Check Size (qq) -Check the weight of the tiles (f) -Temperature is less than spec (89) -Temperature more than spec(3) -Tiles condition is dome shape (115) - the surface of tiles are little bit fluctuate (53) -the tiles are not symmetric, when it is looked in each sides (54) -the curve in and out process not base on the spec(48) -Size not base on the spec (XVI) - the weight of the tiles not base on the spec (114) -The defect are found When it is looked in each -Sizing differences in one piece of tile can not be greater than 1.2 mm -Diagonal sizing differences in one pieces of tile can not be greater than 1 mm. B -if body temperature more than spec so 1. throw away tiles from the line 2. Open the fan blower, suction fan A ,axis fan 3. Inform the press department to adjust temperature of tiles. If body temperature less than spec: do the same things. -if the problems are in glazing process Check density, viscosity weight and level of glaze. 188 The maturity tiles/the overripe tiles (XVII) -Loss Control in firing process (rr) - Check the firing inspection report (d) -Check temperature (b) - check the raw material Water absorptio n (XVIII) -the deep of molded (tt) -Check Temperature (b) The shinning tiles (XIX) -Check or compare with the standard tiles (ss) -Check temperature sides. - there is problems on the firing inspection report (7) -Temperature less than spec(89) -Raw material ( the components are not regarding to the spec) (90) -Bad Quality of powder (103) - it will broken when knocks on (101) C -the raw material B/C composition is not on the spec (90) -the molded size is not on the spec (118) - The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) -After the tiles washing process, there are the water shadow on the surface of tiles in 1 m distance (119) -Picture (120) -the tiles seem too B/C shinning (121) - Temperature more than spec(3) -if body temperature more than spec so 1. throw away tiles from the line 2. Open the fan blower, suction fan A ,axis fan 3. Inform the press department to adjust temperature of tiles. If body temperature less than spec: do the same things. -Inform to QA to check the quality of powder or raw materials -Adjust temperature -Check water absorption -check the chemical resistance -Adjust temperature -Check water absorption -check the chemical 189 (b) Pneumatic Press (2) The darken tiles (XX) -Check temperature (b) The overlappi ng tiles/chip ped Tiles (X) -Tiles are overlapping (u) -Machine problems(machine unloading) (ee) -Human factor (k) -Check roller kiln The windy layer (XXI) -loss Control in pressing process (kk) -check press investigation report (aa) - Check the firing inspection report (d) -Check the sides of the tiles (uu) -Check air pressure (vv) -it is not base on the spec when it compare with the standard tiles (122) -the tiles is mate tiles (123) -Temperature is less than spec (89) -Temperature is high, it seems blur (darken) (124) -the chipped are on the center of tiles surface (125) -the chipped is small (126) -it detects in row body checking process) (37) -the defect or problems found in the roller report(52) -there is some problems in roller kiln (134) -there are some problems in press investigation report (93) - there are some problems on the firing inspection report (7) -the tiles are swelling up shape or wrinkled shape in the firing process. (128) -it influences the resistance B -adjust temperature B -Check machine -Check roller kiln C -Inform press section to solve those problems. 190 -loss control in firing process Packaging (3) The overlappi ng tiles/chip ped Tiles (X) -Machine problem (c) -human factor error (k) -Check when mobile into the box (ww) problems of windy holes at the back of tiles.(41) -it detects in row body checking process) (37) -the tiles are not symmetric, when it is looked in each sides (54) - the chipped is small (126) -the tiles surface is not flat (58) -there are number of windy holes. (40) -the air pressure not base on the spec (129) -Picture (130) - Picture - the tiles was overlapping when mobile into the box (131) - the chipped is small (126) B -Packaging verification -Check machine 191 Ceramic Horse Organization Chart 192 Usability Testing Form Application Name : Diagnostic System for Manufacturing Process Problems (DSMPP) Company Name : White Horse Ceramics Category User : 1. Admin 2. Knowledge Engineer 3. Common User (Staff) System Performance Rating : 5 – Very Good 4 – Good 3 – Fair 2 – Poor 1 – Very Poor System Interface: 1. Is the DSMPP system interface interesting? 2. Is the DSMPP system easy to use? 3. Does the DSMPP system produce the valid information for each process? 4. Does the DSMPP system respond at each stage of error processing? 5. Does the error message that is produced by the system can help the user? 6. Does the interface of DSMPP system fulfill the user requirement? 193 System Validation 7. Does the system produce the correct answer for each diagnostic tile process? 8. Does the database system up-to-date? 9. Is the system root processing valid? 10. Is the dialogues in term of questioning and answering form that displays in the diagnose module correct? 11. Is the overall system procedure valid? Security 12. Is the system security performance good? 13. Has the overall database system manipulated by the authority user? 14. Has the database system been built regards to the right knowledge base system development? Management Company 15. Does this system help the overall management in the company? 16. Does this system help and implement the information sharing or knowledge sharing in the company? 17. Can this DSMPP system reduce the tiles defect in manufacturing firm? 18. Does this system implicitly help to increase the company profit? 19. Does the system help the employee to detect and diagnose the tiles defect? 20. Can this system help the company to manage their knowledge? 21. Can this system help the expert to manage and share t h e ir knowledge? 194 The defects: Pin Hole (I) R1 : IF The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) AND (There is small hole on the tiles surface, commonly on the edge of tile (5) OR the small hole in the graphics design of tiles (it will appear clearly before firing process) (6)) THEN Check temperature (b). R2 : IF Check temperature (b) AND Temperature 80 – 100 degree Celsius (3) AND Check machine speed (not base on the specification) (4) THEN check the water spraying (a) R3 : IF The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) AND the small hole in the graphics design of tiles (it will appear clearly before firing process) (6) THEN check the firing inspection report (d) R4 : IF check the firing inspection report (7) AND any defects were found in firing inspection report (136) THEN Check the water spraying (a) R5 : IF Check the water spraying (a) AND Water spraying weight less than spec (1) AND Nozzle is clogged up 99) AND Picture ( 8) THEN Pin Hole [ I ] AND Sub Process = Water Spraying (1) in Process =Glazing (1) The normalization for the Pin Hole: R1 : IF The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) AND (There is small hole on the tiles surface, commonly on the edge of tile (5) AND Temperature 80 – 100 degree Celsius (3) AND Check machine speed (not base on the specification) (4) AND Water spraying weight less than spec (1) AND Nozzle is clogged up 99) AND Picture ( 8) THEN Pin Hole [ I ] AND Sub Process = Water Spraying (1) in Process =Glazing (1) R2 : IF The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) AND the small hole in the graphics design of tiles (it will appear clearly before firing process) (6)) AND any defects were found in firing inspection report (136) AND Water spraying 195 weight less than spec (1) AND Nozzle is clogged up 99) AND Picture ( 8) THEN Pin Hole [ I ] AND Sub Process = Water Spraying (1) in Process =Glazing (1) The defects: Dipsink (II) R6 : IF The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) AND defects were found in the glaze of tiles (83) THEN Check Glaze level (e) OR Check viscosity of glaze (g) OR Check weight of glaze (f) OR Check Density of glaze (h) R7 : IF Check Glaze level (f) AND Glaze level less than spec (15) AND there are some problems on the curvature reports (200) THEN Dip sink [II] AND Sub Process is Water Spraying (1) AND Process glazing (1) R8 : IF Check viscosity of glaze (g) AND (Viscosity less than specification (9) OR Viscosity more than spec (10)) ) AND There are some problems on the curvature reports (200) THEN Dip sink [II] AND Sub Process is Water Spraying (1) AND Process= glazing (1) R9 : IF check weight of glaze (f) AND Glaze weight less than spec (12) OR Glaze weight more than spec (14) ) AND There are some problems on the curvature reports (200) THEN Dip sink [II] AND Sub Process is Water Spraying (1) AND Process=glazing (1) R10 : IF Check Density of glaze (h) AND Density less than spec (11) OR Density more than spec (13) ) AND There are some problems on the curvature reports (200)THEN Dip sinks [II] AND Sub Process is Water Spraying (1) AND Process= glazing (1) R11 : IF the defects were found behind of the tiles (42) AND there are number of windy holes. (40) AND it influences the problems of windy holes at the back of tiles. (41) ) THEN check aluminums slip condition (m) R12 : IF check aluminums slip condition (m) AND No Aluminums slip.(39) THEN Dip sink [II] AND Sub Process is Aluminum Slip (3) AND Process= Glazing (1) 196 The normalization for the Dipsink: R1 : IF The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) AND defects were found in the glaze of tiles (83) AND Glaze level less than spec (15) THEN Dip sink [II] AND Sub Process is Water Spraying (1) AND Process glazing (1) R2 : IF The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) AND defects were found in the glaze of tiles (83) AND (Viscosity less than specification (9) THEN Dip sink [II] AND Sub Process is Water Spraying (1) AND Process= glazing (1) R3 : IF The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) AND defects were found in the glaze of tiles (83) AND Glaze weight less than spec (12) THEN Dip sink [II] AND Sub Process is Water Spraying (1) AND Process=glazing (1) R4 : IF The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) AND defects were found in the glaze of tiles (83) AND Density less than spec (11) THEN Dip sinks [II] AND Sub Process is Water Spraying (1) AND Process= glazing (1) R5 : IF the defects were found behind of the tiles (42) AND there are number of windy holes. (40) AND it influences the problems of windy holes at the back of tiles. AND No Aluminums slip.(39) THEN Dip sink [II] AND Sub Process is Aluminum Slip (3) AND Process= Glazing (1) The defects: Tiles Dust (III) R13 : IF The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) AND There is some dust on the tiles surface (19) AND When handy touched, the surface of tiles are covered with bumps or bruised.. (20) AND when it looked by naked eye for the distance around 1 meter, there is some hump or outgrowth on the tiles surface. (21) THEN Check the sieve condition (i) R14 : IF Check the sieve condition (i) AND The sieve has been broken (16) OR Mesh is worn out (17) THEN Check the sieve maintenance (j) 197 R15 : IF Check the sieve maintenance (j) AND loss control in sieve maintenance (33) AND (Picture (23) OR Picture (24) OR Picture (25)) THEN Tiles Dust [ III ] AND Sub Process is Sieve(2) AND Process = glazing (1) The normalization for the Tiles Dust: R1 : IF The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) AND There is some dust on the tiles surface (19) AND When handy touched, the surface of tiles are covered with bumps or bruised.. (20) AND when it looked by naked eye for the distance around 1 meter, there is some hump or outgrowth on the tiles surface. (21) AND The sieve has been broken (16) AND loss control in sieve maintenance (33) AND (Picture (23) THEN Tiles Dust [ III ] AND Sub Process is Sieve(2) AND Process = glazing (1) R2 : IF The defects are on the surface of tiles (37) AND There is some dust on the tiles surface (19) AND When handy touched, the surface of tiles are covered with bumps or bruised.. (20) AND when it looked by naked eye for the distance around 1 meter, there is some hump or outgrowth on the tiles surface. (21) Mesh is worn out (17) AND loss control in sieve maintenance (33) AND (Picture (23) THEN Tiles Dust [ III ] AND Sub Process is Sieve(2) AND Process = glazing (1) 198 Use case name : Login Primary Actor : User, Knowledge Engineer Stakeholders and Interest : ID : 1 Importance Level : High Admin, Use case type : Detail, essential User- Login the system by using their own id Admin- Login before entry the information needed by the system Knowledge Engineer-Login the system by using their own id for security Brief Description - This use case describes the login process for all the users. Trigger : The users entry their id and password to using the system Type : Internal Relationships : Association : User, Knowledge Engineer, Admin Include : Extend : Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 1. The users insert their id and password. 2. if their id and password has been recorded in database, the user can access the system, else the user can not use the system, 3. The login looping process was limited with three times execution. Sub flows: Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.15. Use Case Description for Login 199 Use case name : Logout Primary Actor : User, Knowledge Engineer Stakeholders and Interest : ID : 2 Importance Level : High Admin, Use case type : Detail, essential User- Logout the system. Admin- Logout after access the system Knowledge Engineer-Login the system. Brief Description - This use case describes the logout process for all the users. Trigger : The users exit the system Type : Internal Relationships : Association : User, Knowledge Engineer, Admin Include : Extend : Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 1. After finishing access the system, the users will logout the system. It is more for the security. 2. After Log out, the user back to main menu. Sub flows: Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.16: Use Case Description for Logout 200 Use case name : Searching ID : 3 Importance Level : High Primary Actor : Knowledge Engineer, Use case type : Detail, essential Admin Stakeholders and Interest : Knowledge engineer and admin are using this page to get or search some data in database by inserting the keyword Brief Description - This use case provides the searching process services where the Knowledge engineer and admin can search any information in database system Trigger: The Knowledge Engineer and admin type some keyword on this page Type : Internal Relationships : Association : Knowledge engineer, Admin Include : Extend : Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Knowledge engineer browse his page The Admin browse his page The searching page will be displayed They type the keyword, example is “glaze” The system will display all information in database that relates to the word “glaze” Sub flows: Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.17: Use Case Description for Searching Use case name : EditProduct ID : 4 Importance Level : High Primary Actor : Admin, Knowledge Use case type : Detail, essential Engineer Stakeholders and Interest : Admin and Knowledge engineer– edit, delete, insert the tiles information Brief Description - This use case describes how the admin and KE can edit, delete and add the tile product regarding to the information of tiles, such as: 201 id+name+image+information+prices (as shown in Class Diagram, tiles table) Trigger : insert, edit , delete the tiles information Type : Internal Relationships : Association : Admin, KE Include : Extend : Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Admin and Knowledge Engineer browse their own page They manage the product information They edit, insert, delete the product information The system validates all the action The system will display the updated data The tiles database will be changed Sub flows: Alternative/Exceptional Flows : - Figure 4.18: Use Case Description for EditProduct Use case name : EditSymptom ID : 5 Importance Level : High Primary Actor : Admin, Knowledge Use case type : Detail, essential Engineer Stakeholders and Interest : Admin and Knowledge engineer– edit, delete, insert the symptom Brief Description - This use case describes how the admin and KE can edit, delete and add the tile product regarding to the symptom Trigger : insert, edit , delete the tiles information Type : Internal Relationships : Association : Admin, KE 202 Include : Extend : Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Admin and Knowledge Engineer browse their own page They manage the symptom They edit, insert, delete the symptom The system validates all the action The system will display the updated data The symptom database will be changed Sub flows: Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.19: Use Case Description for EditSymptom Use case name : EditDefect ID : 6 Importance Level : High Primary Actor : Admin, Knowledge Use case type : Detail, essential Engineer Stakeholders and Interest : Admin and Knowledge engineer– edit, delete, insert the defect Brief Description - This use case describes how the admin and KE can edit, delete and add the defect Trigger : insert, edit , delete the defect Type : Internal Relationships : Association : Admin, KE Include : Extend : Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 1. Admin and Knowledge Engineer browse their own page 203 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. They manage the defect information They edit, insert, delete the defect The system validates all the action The system will display the updated data The defect database will be changed Sub flows: Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.20: Use Case Description for EditDefect Use case name : EditRec ID : 7 Importance Level : High Primary Actor : Admin, Knowledge Use case type : Detail, essential Engineer Stakeholders and Interest : Admin and Knowledge engineer– edit, delete, insert the recommendation Brief Description - This use case describes how the admin and KE can edit, delete and add the recommendation for each defect found Trigger : insert, edit , delete the recommendation Type : Internal Relationships : Association : Admin, KE Include : Extend : Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Admin and Knowledge Engineer browse their own page They manage the recommendation They edit, insert, delete the recommendation The system validates all the action The system will display the updated data The recommendation database will be changed Sub flows: Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.21: Use Case Description for EditRec 204 Use case name : EditCauses ID : 8 Importance Level : High Primary Actor : Admin, Knowledge Use case type : Detail, essential Engineer Stakeholders and Interest : Admin and Knowledge engineer– edit, delete, insert the causes Brief Description - This use case describes how the admin and KE can edit, delete and add the causes of defects Trigger : insert, edit , delete the causes Type : Internal Relationships : Association : Admin, KE Include : Extend : Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Admin and Knowledge Engineer browse their own page They manage the causes of defects They edit, insert, delete the causes The system validates all the action The system will display the updated data The causes database will be changed Sub flows: Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.22: Use Case Description for EditCauses Use case name : EditProcess ID : 9 Importance Level : High Primary Actor : Admin, Knowledge Use case type : Detail, essential Engineer Stakeholders and Interest : Admin and Knowledge engineer– edit, delete, insert the process Brief Description - This use case describes how the admin and KE can edit, delete and add the process in manufacturing that probable causes the defect Trigger : insert, edit , delete the causes 205 Type : Internal Relationships : Association : Admin, KE Include : Extend : Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Admin and Knowledge Engineer browse their own page They manage the process of defects They edit, insert, delete the process The system validates all the action The system will display the updated data The process database will be changed Sub flows: Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.23: Use Case Description for EditProcess Use case name : EditSubProcess ID : 10 Importance Level : High Primary Actor : Admin, K n o wledge Use case type : Detail, essential Engineer Stakeholders and Interest : Admin and Knowledge engineer– edit, delete, insert the SubProcess Brief Description - This use case describes how the admin and KE can edit, delete and add the SubProcess in manufacturing form that causes the defects Trigger : insert, edit , delete the SubProcess Type : Internal Relationships : Association : Admin, KE Include : Extend : - 206 Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Admin and Knowledge Engineer browse their own page They manage the subprocess of defects They edit, insert, delete the sub process The system validates all the action The system will display the updated data The sub process database will be changed Sub flows: Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.24: Use Case Description for EditSubProcess Use case name : EditRuleBase ID : 11 Importance Level : High Primary Actor : Admin, Knowledge Use case type : Detail, essential Engineer Stakeholders and Interest : Admin and Knowledge engineer– edit, delete, insert the rulebase Brief Description - This use case describes how the admin and KE can edit, delete and add the rule base Trigger : insert, edit , delete the rulebase Type : Internal Relationships : Association : Admin, KE Include : Diagnose Extend : Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Admin and Knowledge Engineer browse their own page They manage the rule base They edit, insert, delete the causes The system validates all the action The system will display the updated data The causes database will be changed 207 Sub flows: 2.a. Inserts amount of rules that they want to add or insert b. Types or inserts their rules base on the rulebase pattern c. Looping until all the rule bases have been added or inserted. Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.25: Use Case Description for EditRuleBase Use case name : EditQuestion ID : 12 Importance Level : High Primary Actor : Admin, Knowledge Use case type : Detail, essential Engineer Stakeholders and Interest : Admin and Knowledge engineer– edit, delete, insert the question Brief Description - This use case describes how the admin and KE can edit, delete and add the questions that will be used to test the diagnostics system. Trigger : insert, edit , delete the question Type : Internal Relationships : Association : Admin, KE Include : Extend : Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Admin and Knowledge Engineer browse their own page They manage the question They edit, insert, delete the question The system validates all the action The system will display the updated data The question database will be changed Sub flows: Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.26: Use Case Description for EditQuestion Use case name : EditAnswer ID : 13 Importance Level : High Primary Actor : Admin, Knowledge Use case type : Detail, essential 208 Engineer Stakeholders and Interest : Admin and Knowledge engineer– edit, delete, insert the answer Brief Description - This use case describes how the admin and KE can edit, delete and add the answer from the dialogues page. Trigger : insert, edit , delete the answer Type : Internal Relationships : Association : Admin, KE Include : Extend : Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Admin and Knowledge Engineer browse their own page They manage the answer They edit, insert, delete the answer The system validates all the action The system will display the updated data The answer database will be changed Sub flows: Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.27: Use Case Description for EditAnswer Use case name : ViewSymptom ID : 14 Importance Level : High Primary Actor : Admin, Knowledge Use case type : Detail, essential Engineer, User Stakeholders and Interest : Admin, User and Knowledge Engineer– browse the symptom Brief Description - This use case describes how the admin, user and knowledge engineer can browse or view the symptom Trigger : admin, user and knowledge engineer are viewing and searching the symptom Type : Internal 209 Relationships : Association : Admin, Knowledge Engineer,User Include : LoadDefect Extend : Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 1. Admin, User and Knowledge Engineer lookup the symptom on their own page 2. The web site will display the symptom list. 3. Admin, User and Knowledge retrieves the symptom 4. The system will display the symptom base on the defect found (defect chosen) Sub flows: Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.28: Use Case Description for ViewSymptom Use case name : ViewProduct ID : 15 Importance Level : High Primary Actor : Admin, Knowledge Use case type : Detail, essential Engineer, User Stakeholders and Interest : Admin and Knowledge Engineer– browse the product Brief Description - This use case describes how the admin and knowledge engineer can browse or view the product Trigger : admin and knowledge engineer are viewing and searching the product Type : Internal Relationships : Association : Admin, Knowledge Engineer Include : Extend : Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 210 1. Admin and Knowledge Engineer lookup the product on their own page 2. The web site will display the product list. 3. Admin, User and Knowledge retrieves the product Sub flows: Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.29: Use Case Description for ViewProduct Use case name : ViewCauses ID : 16 Importance Level : High Primary Actor : Admin, Knowledge Use case type : Detail, essential Engineer, User Stakeholders and Interest : Admin, User and Knowledge Engineer– browse the causes Brief Description - This use case describes how the admin, user and knowledge engineer can browse or view the causes of defects Trigger : admin, user and knowledge engineer are viewing and searching the causes informtion Type : Internal Relationships : Association : Admin, Knowledge Engineer, User Include : LoadDefect Extend : Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 1 2 3 4 Admin, User and Knowledge Engineer lookup the causes on their own page The web site will display the causes list. Admin, User and Knowledge retrieves the causes The system will display the causes base on the defect found (defect chosen) Sub flows: Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.30 Use Case Descriptions for ViewCauses 211 Use case name : ViewProcess ID : 17 Importance Level : High Primary Actor : Admin, Knowledge Use case type : Detail, essential Engineer, User Stakeholders and Interest : Admin, User and Knowledge Engineer– browse the process Brief Description - This use case describes how the admin, user and knowledge engineer can browse or view the process Trigger : admin, user and knowledge engineer are viewing and searching the process Type : Internal Relationships : Association : Admin, Knowledge Engineer, User Include : LoadDefect Extend : Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 1 2 3 4 Admin, User and Knowledge Engineer lookup the causes on their own page The web site will display the causes list. Admin, User and Knowledge retrieves the causes The system will display the causes base on the defect found (defect chosen) Sub flows: Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.31 Use Case Descriptions for ViewProcess Use case name : ViewSubProcess ID : 18 Importance Level : High Primary Actor : Admin, Knowledge Use case type : Detail, essential Engineer, User Stakeholders and Interest : Admin, User and Knowledge Engineer– browse the SubProcess Brief Description - This use case describes how the admin, user and knowledge engineer can browse or view the sub process 212 Trigger : admin, user and knowledge engineer are viewing and searching the sub process Type : Internal Relationships : Association : Admin, Knowledge Engineer,User Include : LoadDefect Extend : Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 1. Admin, User and Knowledge Engineer lookup the sub process on their own page 2. The web site will display the sub process list. 3. Admin, User and Knowledge retrieves the sub process 4. The system will display the sub process base on the defect found (defect chosen) Sub flows: Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.32 Use Case Descriptions for ViewSubProcess Use case name : ViewRec ID : 19 Importance Level : High Primary Actor : Admin, Knowledge Use case type : Detail, essential Engineer, User Stakeholders and Interest : Admin, User and Knowledge Engineer– browse the recommandation Brief Description - This use case describes how the admin, user and knowledge engineer can browse or view the recommendation list and the recommendation base on the defect chosen. Trigger : admin, user and knowledge engineer are v i e w ing and searching the recommendation Type : Internal Relationships : Association : Admin, Knowledge Engineer,User 213 Include : LoadDefect Extend : Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 1. Admin, User and Knowledge Engineer lookup the recommendation on their own page 2. The web site will display the recommendation list. 3. Admin, User and Knowledge retrieves the recommendation 4. The system will display the recommendation base on the defect found (defect chosen) Sub flows: Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.33 Use Case Descriptions for ViewRec Use case name : ViewAnswer ID : 20 Importance Level : High Primary Actor : Admin, Knowledge Use case type : Detail, essential Engineer Stakeholders and Interest : Admin and Knowledge Engineer– browse the Answer Brief Description - This use case describes how the admin and knowledge engineer can browse or view the Answer Trigger : admin and knowledge engineer are viewing and searching the Answer Type : Internal Relationships : Association : Admin, Knowledge Engineer Include : LoadQ_A Extend : Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 1. Admin and Knowledge Engineer lookup the answer on their own page 2. The web site will display the answer list. 3. Admin and Knowledge retrieves the answer 214 4. The system will display the answer base on question chosen. Sub flows: Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.34 Use Case Descriptions for ViewAnswer Use case name : ViewQuestion ID : 21 Importance Level : High Primary Actor : Admin, Knowledge Use case type : Detail, essential Engineer Stakeholders and Interest : Admin and Knowledge Engineer– browse the Question Brief Description - This use case describes how the admin and knowledge engineer can browse or view the Question Trigger : admin and knowledge engineer are viewing and searching the Question Type : Internal Relationships : Association : Admin, Knowledge Engineer Include : LoadQ_A Extend : Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 1. 2. 3. 4. Admin and Knowledge Engineer lookup the question on their own page The web site will display the question list. Admin and Knowledge retrieves the question The system will display the question base on answer chosen. Sub flows: Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.35 Use Case Descriptions for ViewQuestion Use case name : ViewDefects ID : 22 Importance Level : High Primary Actor : Admin, Knowledge Use case type : Detail, essential Engineer Stakeholders and Interest : 215 Admin and Knowledge Engineer– browse the Defects Brief Description - This use case describes how the admin and knowledge engineer can browse or view the Defects of tiles Trigger : admin and knowledge engineer are viewing and searching the Defect Type : Internal Relationships : Association : Admin, Knowledge Engineer Include : Extend : Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 1. 2. 3. 4. Admin and Knowledge Engineer lookup the defects on their own page The web site will display the defects list. Admin and Knowledge retrieves the defects The system will display the defect base on the grade, the symptom, the process, the sub process, the causes and the recommendation. Sub flows: Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.36 Use Case Descriptions for ViewDefects Use case name : ViewAll Primary Actor : User ID : 23 Importance Level : High Use case type : Detail, essential Stakeholders and Interest : User– browse the whole information Brief Description - This use case describes how the use can browse or view the entire information, such as the defects, the symptom, the causes, the process, the sub process and the recommendation. Trigger : users are viewing and searching the entire information Type : Internal 216 Relationships : Association : User Include : Extend : Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 1. User looks up the All information on their own page 2. The web site will display the information list, such as the defect, the symptom, the causes, the process, the sub process and the recommendation. 3. User retrieves the All information 4. The system will display the all information. Sub flows: Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.37 Use Case Descriptions for ViewAll Use case name : ViewtheResult ID : 24 Importance Level : High Primary Actor : User Use case type : Detail, essential Stakeholders and Interest : Quality control/Quality Assurance/R&D – After Using the diagnose page the system will provide the result to solve the problems Brief Description – This use case describes how the system gives some solving problems regarding to the defects and probable cause found on the dialogue page.(diagnose use case) Trigger : subscribe the result information Type : Internal Relationships : Association : user Include : Extend : diagnose Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 217 1. The user look up the result on the web sites 2. The system provides the result regarding to the diagnostic conclusion from the diagnoses use case While the dialogue page has been finished (the result button has been checked) If the all rule base procedure has been tracing then The defect is proposed (ex. The defect=”crack”) Probable cause is proposed, the recommendation, the process, the sub process, the grade are proposed 3. The user retrieve the result 4. If the user want to print the result, just choose print button to print out Sub flows: Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.38 Use Case Descriptions for ViewTheResult Use case name : View CompanyInfo ID : 25 Importance Level : High Primary Actor : User Use case type : Detail, essential Stakeholders and Interest : Quality control/Quality Assurance/R&D (User)– can get all information about the company Brief Description – This use case describes how the user can browse the company information Trigger : view the company information Type : Internal Relationships : Association : user Include : Extend : Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 1. The user look up the company information on the web sites 218 2. The web site will display the company information, such as the founder, their company profiles, the location and map, etc. 3. User retrieves the Company information 4. The system will display company information Sub flows: Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.39 Use Case Descriptions for ViewCompanyInfo Use case name : ViewListAll ID : 26 Importance Level : High Primary Actor : Admin, Knowledge Use case type : Detail, essential Engineer Stakeholders and Interest : Admin and Knowledge Engineer– browse the All information Brief Description - This use case describes how the admin and knowledge engineer can browse or view the All Information Trigger : admin and knowledge engineer are viewing and searching the All information Type : Internal Relationships : Association : Admin, Knowledge Engineer Include : Extend : Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 1. Admin and Knowledge Engineer lookup the all information on their own page 2. The web site will display the information list, such as the defect, the causes, the symptom, the process, the sub process and the recommendation. 3. Admin and Knowledge retrieves the All information 4. The system will display the entire information. Sub flows: Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.40 Use Case Descriptions for ViewListAll 219 Use case name : ViewRuleBase Primary Actor : Knowledge engineer Stakeholders and Interest : ID : 27 Importance Level : High Use case type : Detail, essential Admin, Knowledge engineer – view the rule base Brief Description – This use case describes how the system gives the rule base information to the knowledge engineer and admin, it helps the KE and admin to manage the rule base Trigger : subscribe the rule base information Type : Internal Relationships : Association : knowledge engineer, admin Include : Extend : Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 1. The KE lookup the rule base on the web sites 2. The web site displays the rule base list. 3. The KE retrieves the rule base. Sub flows: Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.41 Use Case Descriptions for ViewRuleBase Use case name : LoadDefect ID : 28 Importance Level : High Primary Actor : Knowledge engineer, Use case type : Detail, essential Admin,User Stakeholders and Interest : Knowledge engineer, Admin, User – load the defect base on the input Brief Description – This use case describes how the system provides the defect loaded regarding the symptom, the causes, the process, the sub process and the recommendation chosen Trigger : load the defect Type : Internal Relationships : Association : knowledge engineer,admin,user Include : ViewSymptom,ViewCauses, ViewProcess, ViewSubProcess, ViewRec Extend : - 220 Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 1. The Admin, KE and User browse their own site If they browse the symptom page then Choose the symptom and select the defect base on the symptom If they browse the process page then Choose the process and select the defect base on the process If they browse the Sub Process page then Choose the Sub Process and select the defect base on the Sub Process If they browse the causes page then Choose the causes and select the defect base on the causes If they browse the recommendation page then Choose the recommendation and select the defect base on the recommendation 2. The web site displays subprocess_def, rec_def the sym_def, causes_def, process_def, 4. The KE, Admin and user retrieves the defect Sub flows: Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.42 Use Case Descriptions for LoadDefect 221 Use case name : Diagnose Primary Actor : User Stakeholders and Interest : ID : 29 Importance Level : High Use case type : Detail, essential Quality control/Quality Assurance/R&D (User) – Using the web sites in dialogue pages to diagnose the defect problems. Brief Description - This use case describes how the system solves the defect problems found by the user (the users could be QC, QA or R&D personnel). The system provides, the page where the user can input the symptom they found, the dialogue format in term of question and answer and combination of it. The system will produce the result and recommendation to solve the defect problems. Trigger: The users input the symptom and answer the questions that provided by the systems. Type : Internal Relationships : Association : User Include : EditRulebase Extend : ViewResult Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 1. The user browses the diagnose page in the web sites. 2. The system will provide the pages with all information that relates to the defects, such as from causes view, process view, sub process view, symptom view and recommendation view. 3. The User can input any symptom that they found from the tiles defect If the system can conclude the result base on the user input Then The result will be displayed Else The User must answer the questions 4. The User answers the questions. 5. After finishing the answer and question dialogue, the system will conclude and 222 refer to knowledge base rules. while the users answer the question (by checking the button) do if the answer1=”user_answers” then check the probable_causes_for _answer1 and proposed the question2 if the answer2=”user_answer” then check the probable_causes_for answer2 and proposed question3…(etc) Tracing base on the rule base, continue until the result found. 6. The system will provide the result that comes from the knowledge rule base and inference engines. 7. The system also provides the recommendations regards to the defect found as the solving problems. While the defect_found do If defect=”Crack” then The process that causes the defect will be proposed The sub process that causes the defect will be proposed The recommendation for that defect was proposed. The classification was proposed 8. All the information obtained by the user can be printed. Sub flows: - Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.43 Use Case Descriptions for Diagnose 223 Use case name : LoadQ_A ID : 30 Importance Level : High Primary Actor : Knowledge engineer, Use case type : Detail, essential Admin Stakeholders and Interest : Knowledge engineer, Admin– load the question base on the answer, and load the answer base on the question Brief Description – This use case describes how the system provides the Q_A loaded regarding the user requirement Trigger : load the question and answer Type : Internal Relationships : Association : knowledge engineer,admin Include : ViewQuestion, ViewAnswer Extend : Generalization : Normal Flow of Events : 1. The Admin, KE browse their own site If they browse the question page then Choose the question and select the answer base on the question If they browse the answer page then Choose the answer and select the question base on the answer 3. The web site displays the q_a information 5. The KE, Admin and user retrieves the question and answer Sub flows: Alternative/Exceptional Flows : Figure 4.44 Use Case Descriptions for LoadQ_A 224 Front: Class Name: Admin ID: 1 Type: Concrete, Domain Description: The person who can entry the Associates Use Cases: information needed to diagnose the defects problems Responsibilities Collaborators EditProduct Tiles EditSymptom Symptom EditDefect Defect EditRec Rec EditGrade Grade EditProcess Web sites EditCauses Causes EditSubProcess Process EditAnswer SubProcess EditQuestion Question EditRuleBase Answer Searching ListAll ViewProduct ViewSymptom ViewDefect ViewCauses ViewProcess ViewSubProcess ViewAnswer ViewQuestion ViewRec Back: Attributes id(text) password (text) Relationships: Generalization (a-kind-of): users Aggregation (has-parts): Other associations: - Figure 4.45: CRC cards for Admin 225 Front: Class Name: User ID: 2 Type: Concrete, Domain Description: The person who can access the Associates Use Cases: system and diagnose the defects problems (could be QA,QC, R&D, Admin or Knowledge Engineer) Responsibilities Collaborators Load Diagnose Web Sites Load Result Load Defect ViewAll ViewProcess ViewSubProcess ViewRec ViewSymptom ViewCauses ViewCompanyInfo Back: Attributes id(text) password (text) Relationships: Generalization (a-kind-of): users Aggregation (has-parts): Other associations: Figure 4.46: CRC cards for User Front: Class Name: Knowledge engineer ID: 3 Type: Concrete, Domain Description: The person who can manage the Associates Use Cases: rule base engines and edit the knowledge base Responsibilities Collaborators EditSymptom Tiles EditDefect Symptom EditRec Defect EditGrade Rec EditProcess Grade EditCauses Web sites EditSubProcess Causes EditAnswer Process 226 EditQuestion EditRuleBase Searching ListAll ViewProduct ViewSymptom ViewDefect ViewCauses ViewProcess ViewSubProcess ViewAnswer ViewQuestion ViewRec SubProcess Question Answer Back: Attributes id(text) password (text) Relationships: Generalization (a-kind-of): users Aggregation (has-parts): Other associations: Figure 4.47: CRC cards for Knowledge Engineer Front: Class Name: Rule Base ID: 4 Type: Concrete, Domain Description: The inference engines to trigger Associates Use Cases: the rules for solving the defects problems Responsibilities Collaborators Manage Rule Base Defect Result RuleBase Knowledge Engineer Admin Back: Attributes Id_rulebase(int) Id(int) Rules(varchar) 227 Relationships: Generalization (a-kind-of): Aggregation (has-parts): Other associations: Figure 4.48: CRC cards for Rule Base Front: Class Name: Tiles ID: 5 Type: Concrete, Domain Description: The Information of the product. Associates Use Cases: Responsibilities Collaborators Record all the product information Admin Knowledge Engineer Back: Attributes Id_Tiles(int) Name_Tiles(vachar) information(varchar) price(varchar) image(jpeg) veryfiedby(varchar) date(datestamp) Relationships: Generalization (a-kind-of): Aggregation (has-parts): Other associations: Figure 4.49: CRC cards for Tiles Front: Class Name: Symptom ID: 6 Type: Concrete, Domain Description: The Information of the symptom Associates Use Cases: and probable causes of the defects problem Responsibilities Collaborators Record the symptom Admin Knowledge Engineer Defect Back: Attributes 228 Id_Sym(int) Name_Sym (varchar) Veryfiedby(varchar) Date(datestamp) Relationships: Generalization (a-kind-of): Aggregation (has-parts): Other associations: Figure 4.50: CRC cards for Symptom Front: Class Name: Defect ID: 7 Type: Concrete, Domain Description: The Information of the defects Associates Use Cases: problem Responsibilities Collaborators Record the defects Admin Knowledge Engineer Rule base Defect Symptom Causes Process SubProcess Rec Back: Attributes Id_Def(int) Name_Def (varchar) Veryfiedby(varchar) Date(datestamp) Relationships: Generalization (a-kind-of): Aggregation (has-parts): Other associations: Figure 4.51: CRC cards for Defect Front: Class Name: Causes ID: 8 Type: Concrete, Domain Description: The Information of and probable Associates Use Cases: causes of the defects problem 229 Responsibilities Record the causes Collaborators Admin Knowledge Engineer Defect Back: Attributes Id_causes(int) Name_causes (varchar) Veryfiedby(varchar) Date(datestamp) Relationships: Generalization (a-kind-of): Aggregation (has-parts): Other associations: Figure 4.52: CRC cards for Causes Front: Class Name: Process ID: 9 Type: Concrete, Domain Description: The Information of the process in Associates Use Cases: manufacturing firm that causes the defect Responsibilities Collaborators Record the process Admin Knowledge Engineer Defect Back: Attributes Id_process(int) Name_process (varchar) Veryfiedby(varchar) Date(datestamp) Relationships: Generalization (a-kind-of): Aggregation (has-parts): Other associations: Figure 4.53: CRC cards for Process 230 Front: Class Name: SubProcess ID: 10 Type: Concrete, Domain Description: The Information of the SubProcess Associates Use Cases: in manufacturing firm that causes the defects or problems Responsibilities Collaborators Record the subprocess Admin Knowledge Engineer Defect Back: Attributes Id_subproc(int) Name_subproc(varchar) Veryfiedby(varchar) Date(datestamp) Relationships: Generalization (a-kind-of): Aggregation (has-parts): Other associations: Figure 4.54: CRC cards for SubProcess Front: Class Name: Question ID: 11 Type: Concrete, Domain Description: The Information of the question Associates Use Cases: that will be used for diagnostics dialogue Responsibilities Collaborators Record the question Admin Knowledge Engineer Answer Back: Attributes Id_question(int) Name_question (varchar) Veryfiedby(varchar) Date(datestamp) Relationships: Generalization (a-kind-of): Aggregation (has-parts): Other associations: Figure 4.55: CRC cards for Question 231 Front: Class Name: Answer ID: 12 Type: Concrete, Domain Description: The Information of the answer that Associates Use Cases: will be used for diagnostics dialogue Responsibilities Collaborators Record the answer Admin Knowledge Engineer Question Back: Attributes Id_answer(int) Name_answer (varchar) Veryfiedby(varchar) Date(datestamp) Relationships: Generalization (a-kind-of): Aggregation (has-parts): Other associations: Figure 4.56: CRC cards for Answer Front: Class Name: Rec ID: 13 Type: Concrete, Domain Description: The Information of the Associates Use Cases: Recommendation to solve the defects Responsibilities Collaborators Record the recommendations Admin Knowledge Engineer Defect Back: Attributes Id_Rec(int) Name_Rec (varchar) Veryfiedby(varchar) Date(datestamp) Relationships: Generalization (a-kind-of): Aggregation (has-parts): Other associations: Figure 4.57: CRC cards for Rec 232 Front: Class Name: Web Sites ID: 14 Type: Concrete, Domain Description: System Interface (web page menu) Associates Use Cases: Responsibilities Collaborators Login User Logout Admin View Knowledge Engineer Result Back: Attributes Relationships: Generalization (a-kind-of): Aggregation (has-parts): Other associations: Figure 4.58: CRC cards for Websites Front: Class Name: Result ID: 15 Type: Concrete, Domain Description: The Result of diagnostic system Associates Use Cases: Responsibilities Collaborators Give Result Rule base Load Diagnose Web sites Question Back: Attributes Relationships: Generalization (a-kind-of): Aggregation (has-parts): Other associations: Figure 4.59: CRC cards for Result Front: Class Name: Users ID: 16 Type: Concrete, Domain Description: The person who can access the Associates Use Cases: system and diagnose the defects problems (could be QA,QC, R&D, Admin or Knowledge Engineer) Responsibilities Collaborators Back: Attributes - 233 Relationships: Generalization (a-kind-of): Aggregation (has-parts): Admin, User and Knowledge Engineer Other associations: Figure 4.60: CRC cards for Users Front: Class Name: Grade ID: 17 Type: Concrete, Domain Description: The Information of Grade and Associates Use Cases: qualification of product defect Responsibilities Collaborators Record the grade Admin Knowledge Engineer Defect Back: Attributes Id_grade(int) Name_grade (varchar) Relationships: Generalization (a-kind-of): Aggregation (has-parts): Other associations: Figure 4.61: CRC cards for Grade 234 Table 4.3 admin table Table 4.4 All table Table 4.5 Answer table Table 4.6 Cause_defect table Table 4.7 Causes table Table 4.8 def_grade table 235 Table 4.9 def_proc table Table 4.10 def_subproc table Table 4.11 def_sym table Table 4.12 defect table Table 4.13 grade table Table 4.14 id_rulebase table 236 Table 4.15 process table Table 4.16 q_a table Table 4.17 question table Table 4.18 rec table Table 4.19 rec_def table Table 4.20 rulebase table 237 Table 4.21 subprocess table Table 4.22 symptom table Table 4.23 tiles table Table 4.24 tiles_type table Table 4.25 rule_summery table 238 1. Browse Internet Explorer, type: http://localhost/diagnose3/index.php. The system, will display the main menu page as describes in this figure. Figure 5.11 DSMPP main page On this page the user can operate some function such as login process, diagnose and company information. 2. By using the login page, the admin and KE can do some manipulation on the knowledge base, such as for manipulating the tiles production, symptom, defects, rule base, causes, recommendation and all categories, as described in the figure below: Figure 5.12 .Login Page 239 Figure 5.13 .Admin/KE page after login 3. By using this page, admin can add, update or even delete the information or data about the tiles production. The tiles information also is listed from this page Figure 5.14 .Admin/KE page for product 4. By using this page, admin can add, update or even delete the information or data about the symptom. The symptom information also is listed from this page. 240 Figure 5.15 .Admin/KE page for symptom 5. By using the symptom page, the relationship between the symptom and defect can be managed in this page. Figure 5.16 .Admin/KE page for symptom-defect 241 6. By using this page, admin can add, update or even delete the information or data about the defects. The defects information also is listed from this page. Figure 5.17 .Admin/KE page for defects 7. By using the defect page, the relationship among the defect and the symptom, the grade, the causes, the process, the sub process and the recommendation can be managed in this page. Figure 5.18 .Admin/KE page for defects-causes 242 8. By using this page, admin can add, update or even delete the information or data about the causes of defects. The causes information also are listed from this page Figure 5.19 .Admin/KE page for causes 9. By using the cause page, the relationship between the causes and defect can be managed in this page. Figure 5.20 Admin/KE page for causes-defect 243 10. By using this page, admin can add, update or even delete the information or data about the process. The process information also is listed from this page. Figure 5.21 .Admin/KE page for process 11. By using the process page, the relationship between the process and defect can be managed in this page. Figure 5.22 .Admin/KE page for process-defect 244 12. By using this page, admin can add, update or even delete the information or data about the sub process. The process information also is listed from this page Figure 5.23 .Admin/KE page for sub process 13. By using the process page, the relationship between the sub process and defect can be managed in this page. Figure 5.24 .Admin/KE page for sub process-defect 245 14. By using this page, admin can add, update or even delete the information or data about the recommendation. The recommendation also is listed from this page. Figure 5.25 .Admin/KE page for the recommendation 15. By using the process page, the relationship between the recommendation and defect can be managed in this page. Figure 5.26 .Admin/KE page for the recommendation-defect 246 16. By using this page, admin can add, update or even delete the information or data about the question. The question also is listed from this page. Figure 5.27 .Admin/KE page for question 17. By using the question page, the relationship between the question and answer can be managed in this page. Figure 5.28 .Admin/KE page for question-answer 247 18. By using this page, admin can add, update or even delete the information or data about the answer. The answer also is listed from this page. Figure 5.29 .Admin/KE page for answer 19. By using the answer page, the relationship between the question and answer can be managed in this page. Figure 5.30 .Admin/KE page for answer-question 248 20. By using this page, admin and KE can manipulate, add, delete and update the information or data about the rule base. The rule base information that has been built in DSMPP system is listed from this page. Figure 5.31 .Admin/KE page for rule base 21. By using this page, admin and KE can list all information about the knowledge base regards to each category. The page can be seen in the figure below: Figure 5.32 .Admin/KE page for listAll 249 22. By using this page, all users can get the company information, such as the organization information, the founder, the office, the resident and the branches. See this figure. Figure 5.33 .Company Info Page 23. By using this page, all users can diagnose the defect found from the tiles production, the diagnostics was begun by inputting the symptom of the tiles defect, and finally the system will provides the solution. See the figure below: Figure 5.34 .Diagnose Page 24. By using this page, the DSMPP system provides the solution of diagnostics process for the tile defect, including the type of defect found, the process that 250 causes the problems, the sub process, the recommendation and the tile grade classification. Figure 5.35 .Result Page 25. By using this page, all users can get the information about the causes, the symptom, the recommendation, the process and the sub process regards to the defect chosen. See figure below for the detail information. Figure 5.36 .Diagnose-causes Page