A GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) AND MULTI-CRITERIA ANALYSIS FOR SUSTAINABLE TOURISM PLANNING MANSIR AMINU A project submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Planning-Information Technology) FACULTY OF BUILT ENVIRONMENT UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA April, 2007 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA BORANG PENGESAHAN STATUS TESISυ JUDUL : A Geographic Information System (GIS) and Multi-Criteria Analysis for Sustainable Tourism Planning SESI PENGAJIAN : 2006/2007 Saya Mansir Aminu (HURUF BESAR) Mengaku membenarkan tesis (PSM/Sarjana/Doktor Falsafah)* ini disimpan di Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dengan syarat-syarat kegunaan seperti berikut :1. 2. 3. 4. Tesis adalah hakmilik Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dibenarkan membuat salinan untuk tujuan pengajian sahaja. Perpustakaan dibenarkan membuat salinan tesisi ini sebagai bahan pertukaran antara institusi pengajian tinggi. **Sila tandakan ( 3 ) SULIT (Mengandungi maklumat yang berdarjah keselamatan atau kepentingan Malaysia seperti yang termaktub di dalam AKTA RAHSIA RASMI 1972) (Mengandungi maklumat TERHAD yang telah TERHAD ditentukan oleh organisasi/badan di mana penyelidikan dijalankan) 9 TIDAK TERHAD Disahkan oleh (TANDATANGAN PENULIS) (TANDATANGAN PENYELIA) Alamat Tetap : Block C Flat 7 NITEL Staff Quarters, Plot 570 Durban Street, Off Adetokumbo Ademola Crescent, Wuse II, Abuja, Nigeria. Tarikh : 27 CATATAN : th April 2007 * ** ♦ Prof. Dr. Ahris Bin Yaakup Nama Penyelia Tarikh : 27 th April 2007 Potong yang tidak berkenaan Jika tesis ini SULIT atau TERHAD, sila lampirkan surat daripada pihak berkuasa/organisasi berkenaan dengan menyatakan sekali sebab dan tempoh tesis ini perlu dikelaskan sebagai SULIT atau TERHAD Tesis dimaksudkan sebagai tesis bagi Ijazah Doktor Falsafah dan Sarjana secara penyelidikan, atau disertasi bagi pengajian secara kerja kursus dan penyelidikan, atau Laporan Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM) “We hereby declare that we have read this project report and in our opinion this project report is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Planning-Information Technology)” Signature : ______________________ Name of Supervisor I : Prof. Dr. Ahris Bin Yaakup Date : ______________________ Signature : ________________________________________ Name of Supervisor II : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Nazri B. Muhamad Ludin Date : ________________________________________ ii DECLARATION I declare that this project report entitled “A Geographic Information System (GIS) and Multi-Criteria Analysis for Sustainable Tourism Planning”, is the result of my own research except as cited in the references. The project report has not been accepted for any degree and not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree. Signature : ________________________ Name of Student : Mansir Aminu__________ Date : 27th April, 2007_________ iii This project is dedicated to the entire members of my family iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to express my profound gratitude to the Almighty Allah for his blessing and guidance throughout my master’s programme. My appreciation goes to my parents whose support and affection can never be quantified. I would like to seize this opportunity in thanking my brothers Abdullahi, Ibrahim and Nasiru for their financial and moral support all through my stay here, may Allah continue to guide and bless them. My sincere gratitude goes to my supervisors Prof. Dr. Ahris Bin Yaakup and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Nazri B. Muhamad Ludin for their constructive criticisms, patience and understanding that facilitated me through all phases of my study. I am also indebted to all my lecturers and non-teaching staff that have contributed in the course of writing this project. Finally, I want to thank all my friends and well wishers who directly or indirectly played a role towards the completion of my study. v ABSTRACT The need for a sustainable approach in tourism development is very often addressed among the academia, the authorities and the stakeholders, as well as the apparent need for tools which will guide the decision environment in evaluation and planning. This project aims to identify conservation and compatible areas for tourism development in Johor Ramsar site, using spatial modeling in Geographic Information System (GIS). The study describes a methodological approach based on the integrated use of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Multi Criteria Decision Model (MCDM) to identify nature conservation and development priorities among the wetland areas. A set of criteria were defined to evaluate wetlands biodiversity conservation and development; the criteria include tree age class, harvesting season, size of endangered fauna, habitat’s proximity to natural land use/ land cover, habitat area and water quality. Having defined the criteria, the next step was selecting suitable indicators and variables to measure the selected criteria. Subsequently the criteria were evaluated from conservation and tourism development point of view. These criteria were then ranked using the pair wise comparison technique of multi criteria analysis (MCA) and the results integrated into GIS. Several conservation scenarios are generated so as to simulate different evaluation perspectives. The scenarios are then compared to highlight the most feasible and to propose a conservation and development strategy for the wetlands area. The generation and comparison of conservation and development scenarios highlighted the critical issues of the decision problem, i.e. the wetland ecosystems whose conservation and development relevance is most sensitive to changes in the evaluation perspective. This study represents an important contribution to effective decision-making because it allows one to gradually narrow down a problem. vi ABSTRAK Kepentingan pendekatan mampan di dalam pembangunan pelancongan kerap kali di tekankan oleh golongan akademik, pihak berkuasa dan pemegang hakmilik tanah, begitu juga keperluan yang jelas untuk kaedah bagi menentukan cara membuat keputusan di dalam penilaian dan perancangan. Tesis ini bertujuan mengenalpasti kawasan pemuliharaan yang sesuai sebagai kawasan pembangunan pelancongan di kawasan RAMSAR Johor, dengan menggunakan model spatial dalam Sistem Maklumat Geografi (GIS). Kajian ini menerangkan pendekatan metodologi berdasarkan kepada penggunaan bersepadu GIS dan ‘Multi Criteria Decision Model’ (MCDM) untuk mengenalpasti pemuliharaan alam semulajadi dan keutamaan pembangunan di kawasan paya bakau. Satu set kriteria telah dikenalpasti dalam penialaian pemuliharaan biodiversiti dan pembangunan; kriteria-kriteria adalah seperti kelas umur/kematangan pokok, musim penebansan, saiz haiwan yang terancam, habitat berhampiran dengan gunatanah semulajadi, kawasan habitat dan kualiti air. Melalui pengkelasan kriteria, langkah seterusnya adalah dengan memilih pendekatan/penunjuk bersesuaian dan kepelbagaian untuk mengukur kriteria terpilih. Seterusnya, kriteria-kriteria ini akan di nilai melalui aspek dan pandangan pemuliharaan dan pembangunan pelancongan. Kriteria-kriteria ini akan di susun mengikut carta menggunakan teknik perbandingan cara berpasangan dari ‘multi criteria analysis’ (MCA) dan keputusan digabungkan di dalam GIS. Beberapa jenis senario pemuliharaan telah di hasilkan seperti untuk kesamaan perbezaan perspektif penilaian. Perbandingan senario dilakukan bagi mengetengahkan strategi pemuliharaan dan pembangunan yang berpotensi untuk dilaksanankan di kawasan paya. Penghasilan dan perbandingan bagi senario pemuliharaan dan pembangunan menekankan isu-isu kritikal dalam masalah keputusan, i.e. kawasan paya yang mana pemuliharaan dan pembangunan berkaitan adalah sangat sensitif untuk sebarang perubahan di dalam perspektif penilaian. Kajian ini menjelaskan sumbangan penting bagi penghasilan keputusan yang efektif kerana ia membantu untuk menyelesaikan masalah dengan lebih fokus dan mudah. vii TABLE OF CONTENT Page Declaration ii Dedication iii Acknowledgement iv Abstract v Abstrak vi Table of Content vii List of Tables xii List of Figures xiii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Statement of research problem 3 1.3 Aim of the study 5 1.4 Objectives of the study 5 viii 1.5 Significance of the study 5 1.6 Scope of study & methodology 7 1.7 Limitations of the study 10 CHAPTER 2 GIS and Decision Support Systems in Sustainable Tourism 2.1 Concept of sustainable tourism 11 2.2 Wetlands assessment 14 2.3 Spatial modeling environments 18 2.4 Geographic Information System (GIS) in sustainable Tourism planning 22 2.5 Multi Criteria Decision Making and Natural resources Management 25 2.6 Multi criteria decision making (MCDM) 27 2.6.1 Multiple criteria decision making – an overview 27 2.6.2 Multi-criteria decision making and GIS 30 Evaluation criteria 32 Criterion maps 35 Criterion standardization 36 Assigning weights 38 Decision rules 44 Error assessment 45 ix CHAPTER 3 3.1 Wetlands Assessment using multi-criteria decision model The study area 48 3.1.1 Pulau Kukup 48 3.1.2 Sungai Pulai 50 3.1.3 Tanjung Piai 51 3.2 Data collection 54 3.3 Database development for wetland assessment 54 3.3.1 56 3.4 Data layers for the study Land use 56 Harvesting 57 Endangered Species 59 Tree age class 60 Management 61 Pulai River 62 Habitat area 64 Evaluating existing developments to the wetlands 66 3.4.1 66 Threat analysis Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP) 66 Tenaga Nasional Power Transmission lines (PTL) through the Sungai Pulai 68 3.4.2 69 Tourism issues x 3.5 Main steps of the approach 70 3.5.1 Definition of criteria 71 3.5.2 Evaluation of conservation and development criteria 72 3.5.3 Multi criteria analysis and priority ranking 79 Pairwise comparison method 79 3.5.4 98 Generation and analysis of conservation/ development scenarios Tourism development scenario 1 98 Tourism development scenario 2 100 Economic development scenario 100 Conservation scenarios 102 CHAPTER 4 WETLANDS ASSESSMENT AND RESULT 4.1 Introduction 105 4.2 Wetlands conservation 107 Habitat area 107 Endangered fauna 108 Wetland’s proximity to natural land cover 110 Tree age class 112 Harvesting season 114 Water quality 115 Conversion of data layers 118 Reclassification of data layers 119 xi 4.2.2 4.3 4.4 Conservation scenarios 119 Raster calculations of the data layers 120 Comparison of conservation scenarios 132 Wetlands Development 134 4.3.1 135 Tourism development Habitat area 136 Threatened fauna 137 Habitat’s proximity to natural land cover 139 Water quality 141 4.3.2 144 Economic development Tree age class 145 Harvesting season 146 Water quality 148 4.3.3 Comparison of development scenarios 150 Comparison of conservation and development scenarios 153 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE RESEARCH 5.1 Conclusion 157 5.2 Future research 161 REFERENCES xii LIST OF TABLES Table No Page Table 2.1: Example of straight rank weighting procedure 39 Table 2.2: Assessing weights by ratio estimation procedure 40 Table 2.3: Illustration of pairwise comparison method 41 Table 3.1: Data inventory for the project 55 Table 3.2: Water quality parameters of Pulai River sampling stations 63 Table 3.3: Study criteria and indicators 73 Table 3.4: Illustration of pairwise comparison method 81 Table 3.5: Tourism development criteria and indicators 99 Table 3.6: Economic development criteria and indicators 101 Table 3.7: Conservation criteria and indicators 102 Table 4.1: Water quality Sub-index 116 Table 4.2: Comparison of conservation scenarios (%) 133 Table 4.3: Comparison of development scenarios (%) 151 xiii LIST OF FIGURES Figure No Page Figure 1.1 : Conceptual framework of the study 9 Figure 2.1 : A general model of MCDM (after Jankowski 1995) 29 Figure 2.2 : Spatial multicriteria evaluation 32 Figure 2.3 : Spatial multicriteria analysis in GIS after Malczewski (1999), modified. 34 Figure 2.4 : Score range procedure in GIS 38 Figure 2.5 : The General Structure of the Super matrix 43 Figure 2.6 : Simple additive weighting method performed in GIS on raster data 45 Figure 3.1 : Study area 49 Figure 3.2 : Land use map 56 Figure 3.3 : Harvesting schedule 58 Figure 3.4 : Endangered species 59 Figure 3.5 : Tree age class 61 Figure 3.6 : Management 62 Figure 3.7 : Pulai River 63 xiv Figure 3.8 : Species habitat 65 Figure 3.9 : Schematic research approach 71 Figure 3.10: Steps in pairwise comparison method 82 Figure 3.11: Tourism development suitability model 99 Figure 3.12: Economic development model 101 Figure 3.13: Wetland’s conservation model 103 Figure 4.1 : Habitat area (reclassified) 108 Figure 4.2 : Endangered fauna (reclassified) 109 Figure 4.3 : Multiple ring buffer 110 Figure 4.4 : Habitat’s proximity to upland/ natural land cover (reclassified) 111 Figure 4.5 : Habitat’s proximity to upland/ natural land cover (enlarged area) 112 Figure 4.6 : Tree age class (reclassified) 113 Figure 4.7 : Harvesting (reclassified) 115 Figure 4.8 : Water quality (reclassified) 117 Figure 4.9 : Spatial analyst (Features to Raster) 118 Figure 4.10: Spatial analyst (Reclassify) 119 Figure 4.11: Raster calculations 120 Figure 4.12: Conservation model 121 Figure 4.13: scenario 1 (Conservation) 122 Figure 4.14: Scenario 2 (Conservation) 124 Figure 4.15: Scenario 3 (Conservation) 125 Figure 4.16: Scenario 4 (Conservation) 127 Figure 4.17: Scenario 5 (Conservation) 129 xv Figure 4.18: Scenario 6 (Conservation) 130 Figure 4.19: Comparison of conservation scenarios 132 Figure 4.20: Tourism development model 136 Figure 4.21: Habitat area (reclassified) 137 Figure 4.22: Endangered fauna (reclassified) 138 Figure 4.23: Habitat’s proximity to upland/ natural land cover (reclassified) 139 Figure 4.24: Habitat’s proximity to upland/ natural land cover (enlarged area) 140 Figure 4.25: Water quality (reclassified) 141 Figure 4.26: Scenario 1 (Tourism development) 142 Figure 4.27: Scenario 2 (Tourism development) 143 Figure 4.28: Economic development model 145 Figure 4.29: Tree age class (reclassified) 146 Figure 4.30: Harvesting (reclassified) 147 Figure 4.31: Water quality 148 Figure 4.32: Scenario 3 (Economic development) 149 Figure 4.33: Comparison of development scenarios 151 Figure 4.34: Comparison of Conservation and development scenarios 153 Figure 4.35: Schematic description of activities 156 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background The proliferation of mass tourism over the last 50 years has often occurred with little concern for environmental and cultural protection. As outlined by Inskeep (1991) the coastal resorts of the Mediterranean and tourism development in the Caribbean bear witness to this uncontrolled planning and development process. Most of the tourism destinations in developing countries, try to make the best out of this, taking everything out of the environment and causing damage to their land that sometimes can be permanent. Throng tourism has been responsible for the destruction of valuable wetlands and threatening water supplies in the Mediterranean (World Wildlife Fund, 2005). It warns an expected boom over the next 20 years, with tourist numbers set to reach 655 million people annually by 2025, will strain supplies further. France, Greece, Italy and Spain have already lost half of their original wetland areas. In the case of Spain, tourism expansion near Donana National Park can be seen to compete with the park's wetlands 2 for already scarce resources. It is further stated that resorts planned on the Moulouya estuary in Morocco could further threaten the endangered monk seal and the slenderbilled curlew, one of the rarest birds in Europe. These problems have been responsible for pollution, shrinkage of wetlands and the tapping of non-renewable groundwater in some regions (World Wildlife Fund, 2005). Not only do they use up their natural resources to support the growing tourism industry, but they also deprive local population of what is rightfully theirs. Yet, all they do is taking without putting much back in. Unless appropriate action is taken, continued growth of tourism will further damage such ecosystems with serious consequences in sustaining long term development and human well being. Most significantly, however, tourism planning processes have lacked the refined modeling and simulation tools now available to predict potential outcomes from the medium to long term. Similarly, the authorities in charge have lacked tools that can provide them with value-added information that is information about remote locations and unexploited potentials. Geographic Information System (GIS) are valuable instruments to resource managers in identifying "hot spots" or problem areas needing immediate work, and allow experimentation with various management approaches to working with those resources, without risking those resources in experimentation. Decision support systems, ecosystem modeling, and resource assessment allow users to put GIS data bases to their full use for individualized applications or research studies. GIS is now recognized widely as a valuable tool for managing, analyzing, and displaying large volumes of diverse data pertinent to many local and regional planning activities. Its use in environmental planning is rapidly increasing. Tourism is an activity highly dependent on environmental resources. Hence, the strength of sustainable tourism planning can be enhanced by GIS applications. 3 1.2 Statement of research problem Wetland ecosystems are often mistakenly undervalued. Few people realize the range of products derived from freshwater habitats such as wetlands - food such as fish, rice and cranberries, medicinal plants, peat for fuel and gardens, poles for building materials, and grasses and reeds for making mats and baskets and thatching houses. These complex habitats act as giant sponges, absorbing rainfall and slowly releasing it over time. Wetlands are like highly efficient sewage treatment works, absorbing chemicals, filtering pollutants and sediments, breaking down suspended solids and neutralizing harmful bacteria (World Wildlife Fund, 2005). Yet half of the world's wetlands have already been destroyed in the past 100 years alone (World Wildlife Fund, 2005). Conversion of swamps, marshes, lakes and floodplains for large-scale irrigated agriculture, ill-planned housing and industrial schemes, toxic pollutants from industrial waste and agricultural run-off high in nitrogen and phosphorous pose some of the main threats to wetlands. Among threatened species are several river dolphins, manatees, fish, amphibians, birds and plants. In addition, alien 'invasive' species brought from ecosystems in foreign lands disrupt functions in native ecosystems. Africa alone spends about US$60 million annually to control aquatic invasive species (World Wildlife Fund, 2005). Johor wetland reflects an extraordinary diversity of Malaysia: a region of lakes, mangroves, and woodlands. Owing to a variety of habitats with fascinating landscape, the wetlands support an incredibly high species biodiversity with a high level of endemism. It has been a major source of attraction to visitors from all over the world. However, tourism development is taking place rapidly in this sensitive wetlands environment with modest concern on the environment. For example the threats faced by the Sungai Pulai mangrove forest around the Port Tanjung Pelapas (PTP) area, it is 4 alarming to note that the site is surrounded by development, which has encroached into the locale; in addition to this is the continuous logging of its forest in an unsustainable manner. Rapid and unsustainable development of these wetlands and the river basins especially the construction of a new port at the river estuary represent a direct impact on the wetland ecosystem, causing coastal erosion, water pollution and natural habitat destruction from associated dredging and reclamation works and traffic which has led to the disruption of natural hydrological cycles. The degradation and loss of wetlands and their biodiversity has imposed major economic and social losses; and costs to the human populations of these river basins. Thus, appropriate protection and management of the wetlands is essential to enable these ecosystems to survive and continue to provide important goods and services to the local communities. The main threat to Pulau Kukup comes from the agricultural activities in the straits, coupled with unplanned tourism, hunting, and water activities. In view of these problems spatial modeling and Geographic Information System (GIS) can be regarded as powerful tools that facilitate mapping of wetland conditions, which is useful in varied monitoring and assessment capacities. More importantly, the predictive capability of modeling provides a rigorous statistical framework for directing management and conservation activities by enabling characterization of wetland structure at any point on the landscape. Spatial (environmental) data can be used to explore conflicts, examine impacts and assist decision-making. Impact assessment and simulation are increasingly important to tourism development in wetland areas, and GIS can play a role in examining the suitability of locations for proposed developments, identifying conflicting interests and modeling relationships. Systematic evaluation of environmental impact is often hindered by information deficiencies. GIS seems particularly suited to this task. 5 1.3 Aim of the study The study aims to identify conservation and compatible areas for tourism development in Johor Ramsar site, using spatial modeling of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Multi Criteria Decision Model (MCDM). 1.4 Objectives of the study 1. To study the concept and principles to sustainable tourism/ wetland assessment, environmental modeling and multi criteria evaluation. 2. To identify suitable areas for tourism and economic development in Ramsar site. 3. To conserve unsuitable areas for tourism development in Ramsar site. 4. To develop a GIS and multi criteria evaluation model for the conservation and development of Ramsar site. 1.4 Significance of the study The study area comprises of Johor wetlands that have been declared as wetlands of international importance at the Ramsar convention, namely Sungai Pulai, Tanjung Piai and Pulau Kukup; all in Southern Johor State not far from Singapore, particularly rich in mangroves and inter-tidal mudflats. These coastal and estuarine sites support a 6 large number of species, notably vulnerable and threatened species, and provide both livelihoods and important functions for the local population. These study areas are chosen because of their ecological significance, serving a source of food and water, a place for recreation, education and science and most importantly, a home for the many plants and animals which need wetlands to survive. As well as providing a buffer against coastal erosion, storm surges and flooding; they also provide breeding and roosting sites for migratory birds and local water birds. Wetland plants shelter many animals and birds and are vital for the survival of many threatened species. Information on the location and conservation value of existing wetlands is valuable for anyone, particularly those who are involved in coastal activities including management, recreation and living on the coast. These study sites are selected among others in view of the problems they face despite their declaration as wetlands of international significance at the Ramsar convention. The Convention on Wetlands, signed in Ramsar, Iran, in 1971, is an intergovernmental treaty which provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources. There are presently 154 Contracting Parties to the Convention, with 1650 wetland sites, totaling 149.6 million hectares, designated for inclusion in the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance. Study will attempt to utilize spatial modeling tools in GIS software, which can be used for tourism development and conservation in the wetland areas. The use of GIS in sustainable tourism development and planning demands the development of indicators of sustainable tourism. This study will be carried out because most previous research have only focused on identifying potentials of the area with regard to tourism, without 7 looking at its environmental effects. On the other hand a significant number of preceding researches have tended to use the conventional methods of planning and evaluation. Therefore, Geographic Information System (GIS) application in this respect will be of significant benefit. Since, most environmental planning problems can be shown to have spatial or geographical characteristics and tend to be increasingly multidimensional and complex, it is likely that such a project could be more accurately managed using the techniques and tools found in a GIS environment. The study intends to apply GIS tools and techniques to bring significant value in tourism planning; (a) emphasis remote localities or situations where tourism development is only at the consideration stage and (b) where issues of sustainability are on the planning agenda because the environment remains largely unprotected. The result of this research will aid in exploiting hidden potentials for tourism development, also it will help in preventing conflict between environmentally sensitive areas and the areas to be developed for tourism. Moreover the authorities will be able to monitor developmental activities, to ensure compliance. This in the long run will ensure a sustainable tourism development. 1.6 Scope of study & methodology The study will focus only on the physical assessment of the wetlands i.e biodiversity value of the study area using spatial modeling techniques and Multi Criteria Decision Model (MCDM). It will centre on identifying potential tourism areas and areas that needs to be conserved in the wetland area. This study is to understand how GIS can be used to identify potential areas for tourism development; at the same time locating environmentally sensitive areas that needs to be conserved. 8 Considering the project objectives, the methodology will be looked at from two perspectives i.e conservation and development. The data collection procedure will mainly be based on secondary sources with partial primary investigation of the study sites. The data collected will be processed by the use of Multi Criteria Decision Making model (MCDM) and Geographic Information System (GIS). In order to assess the relevance for wetlands conservation and development, a set of evaluation criteria will be selected and suitable indicators to measure the selected criteria. These criteria will be represented inform of data layers, representing different needs for conservation and development. Subsequently the criteria will be evaluated by reclassifying the data layers; they will be evaluated from conservation point of view by considering areas of high biodiversity as most relevant for conservation and low biodiversity areas most appropriate for development. This will be computed by using typical functionalities of raster-based GIS; such as distance operators, conversion and reclassification functions. The GIS package ArcGIS 9.0 will be used because it is provided with tools for analysis and transformation of raster data. Pair wise comparison method of Multi Criteria Evaluation will be used in order to support solution of a decision problem by evaluating possible alternatives from different perspectives. The pair wise comparison will be developed in Microsoft Excel and results transferred into ArcGIS framework. Alternatives to be evaluated and ranked will be represented by different criterion maps. As different criteria are usually characterized by different importance levels, the subsequent step of MCE will be the prioritization of the criteria by means of pair wise technique; which allows for the comparison of two criteria at a time. This can be achieved through the assignment of a weight to each criterion that indicates its importance relatively to the other criteria under consideration. Conservation and development scenarios will be generated, with each scenario representing the best solution to decision problem, according to the assessment perspective adopted. Map scenarios reflecting the opinion of different experts or 9 stakeholders involved will be compared using the Boolean overlay approach of GIS, in order to highlight the robustness of the solution and support decision making (Figure 1.1) Issues and problems Aim and objectives Setting-up of criteria and parameters Database design and development Feed back Model development Wetlands conservation model Wetlands development model Conservation and development scenarios Assessment of conservation and development scenarios Figure 1.1: Conceptual framework of the study 10 1.7 Limitations of the study This project will be restricted to identifying potential tourism and conservation areas only and will not be dealing with other aspects of tourism as; travel cost, perception, definition of wilderness and other principles inherent to sustainable tourism. Also the study will dependent on secondary data, with partial primary investigation of the study sites. Another limitation is in the technique to be used in data analysis. This technique (pair wise comparison method) has the capacity of comparing only two criteria’s at a time. Also the highly subjective nature of preference weights and rapid elicitation of the method can lead to questions of validity. Moreover problems with inconsistencies in preferences between objectives sometimes arise. CHAPTER 2 GIS AND DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS IN SUSTAINABLE TOURISM 2.1 Concept of sustainable tourism The World Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, declared that there is a need for a more balanced approach in development planning and outlined a framework in which economic, socio-cultural and environmental aspects are equally important for a sustainable future. Ever since, governmental and non-governmental organizations, international, national and regional authorities and the academic community have been trying to interpret the term sustainable development and take action. One approach for doing this is to examine the concept of sustainability and ascertain how it applies in the different sectors of the economy. Tourism is an economic activity and cannot be marginalized as its development and prosperity strongly depends on the environmental and socio-cultural resources in each destination. A definition of sustainable tourism is rather clear; Sustainable tourism may be thought of as "tourism which is in a form which can maintain its viability in an area for 12 an indefinite period of time" (Butler, 1993). The definition of sustainable tourism development is quite different and more elusive; as it is a relatively recent concept whose definitions win continue to evolve. Yet, a number of notions advanced by the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) contribute to the definition. Inskeep (1991) thought of sustainable tourism development as "meeting the needs of present tourism and host regions while protecting and enhancing opportunity for the future". Sustainable tourism development involves management of all resources in such a way that "economic, social and aesthetic needs are fulfilled while maintaining cultural integrity, essential ecological processes, biological diversity and life support systems". It involves the minimization of negative impacts and the maximization of positive impacts. Yet, while sustainable tourism may therefore be regarded as a form of sustainable development as well as vehicle for achieving the latter, there is not as direct a relationship between the two terms as might be expected. The Brundtland Report, curiously, makes no mention of tourism even though the latter had already attained ‘megasector’ status by the mid 1980’s. This neglect was evident several years later in the agenda 21 strategy document that emerged from the seminal Rio Earth Summit in 1992, which made only few incidental references to tourism as both a cause and potential ameliorator of environmental and social problems (UNCED, 1992). Budowski’s (1976) defines sustainable tourism as tourism that wisely uses and conserves resources in order to maintain their long-term viability. Butler (1993) believed that a working definition of sustainable development in the context of tourism could be taken as tourism which remains viable over an indefinite period and does not degrade or alter the environment (human and physical) in which it exists to such a degree that it prohibits the successful development and well-being of other activities and processes". 13 The concept of tourism sustainability points to the need for better spatial, environmental, and economic balance of tourism development, requiring new integrative public-private approaches and policies in the future. When the principle of sustainability is applied to new tourism development, it would mean that coastal hotels would not pollute their water bodies with raw sewage, that hillside resort will not incite soil erosion, and that sites of fragile and rare vegetation or wildlife would not be used for tourism except as scenery and interpretation. Tourist businesses can benefit by land use decision making that offers long-range protection of resources. Only by accepting such responsibility will tourism be assured a continuing quality future. Some of the guidelines, approaches and principles to sustainable tourism development include; Tourism should provide real opportunities to reduce poverty; create quality employment to the community residents and stimulate regional development. Prospects for economic development and employment should be enhanced while maintaining protection of the environment. Linkage between the local businesses and tourism should be established. This is aimed at improving the quality of life in local communities. Tourism should also conserve the natural and cultural assets; it should guarantee the protection of nature, local and the indigenous cultures. The relationship between tourism and the environment, both natural and cultural, must be managed so that it is sustainable in the long term. Tourism should enhance and complement the unique natural and cultural features of its area. It should provide mechanisms to preserve threatened areas that could protect wildlife; and also preserve the historic heritage, authentic culture and traditions. In addition, tourism should ensure that the local or regional plans contain a set of development guidelines for the sustainable use of natural resources and land; and are consistent with overall objectives of sustainable development. These plans should establish a code of practice for tourism at all levels; national, regional, and local, based on internationally accepted standards. Guidelines for tourism operations, impact assessment, monitoring of cumulative impacts, and limits to acceptable change should be established and. 14 Tourism should minimize the pollution of air, water, land and the generation of waste by tourism enterprises and visitors. This is about outputs from the tourism sector, minimizing pollution in the interests of both the global and the local environment. Some key issues for tourism include promoting less polluting forms of transport as well as minimizing and controlling discharges of sewage into sensitive environments. Integrated management approaches should be used to carry out restoration programmes effectively in areas that have been damaged or degraded by past activities. 2.2 Wetlands assessment In physical geography, a wetland is an environment at the interface between truly terrestrial ecosystems and truly aquatic systems making them different from each yet highly dependent on both (Mitsch & Gosselink, 1986). In essence, wetlands are ecotones. Wetlands are typically highly productive habitats, often hosting considerable biodiversity and endemism. In many locations such as the United Kingdom and USA they are the subject of conservation efforts and Biodiversity Action Plans. The United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Environmental Protection Agency (1987) jointly define wetlands as: Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas. In the 1970s, a growing number of scientists, ecologists, and conservationists began to articulate the values of wetlands. During the last three decades, dozens of international, national, and state wetland related policies, agreements, and initiatives were brought into effect. Actions like the Convention on Wetlands, signed in Ramsar, Iran, in 1971, which is an intergovernmental treaty which provides the framework for 15 national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources. There are presently 154 Contracting Parties to the Convention, with 1650 wetland sites, totaling 149.6 million hectares, designated for inclusion in the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance. This treaty demonstrates a community understanding of the need to protect and rehabilitate wetlands. However, the growing community desire to rehabilitate wetland areas is being hampered by a general lack of objective knowledge on wetland condition at appropriate scales, where the condition is defined as the relative ability of a wetland to support and maintain its complexity and capacity for self-organization with respect to species composition, physio-chemical characteristics, and functional processes as compared to wetlands of a similar class without human alterations (Fennessy et al. 2004). In the United States, this has produced changes in national policy, which include increased regulation of wetlands as well as both public and private conservation efforts to protect, acquire, enhance and restore these resources. At the same time, wetland areas are under increasing pressure from development and urbanization within watersheds. Both resource management concerns, as well as regulatory needs, often force choices among the different, sometimes conflicting uses. The need to make decisions about wetlands has thus created a need for information on the value, both from an ecological and a societal standpoint, of these wetland resources; hence the need for wetland assessment. Here the United States (US) is being used as a case to examine methods available for wetland assessment, evaluates their applications and shortcomings. The United States Congress directed the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) in 1996 to develop a nationwide inventory of wetlands, in order to provide information to the public and to the government on the location and types of wetlands in the US. This National Wetlands Inventory (NWI), which is approximately 89% complete (USFWS, 1996) has identified the location of wetlands in the US using stereoscopic pairs of infrared photographs. Fieldwork is then performed to confirm, or ‘ground-truth’ 16 photographic data and collect additional data, from which the wetlands are ultimately mapped. The inventory further classifies wetlands by type based on substrate or soil type, dominant hydrologic regime, vegetation community and aquatic habitat type, among other things (USFWS, 1996). NWI maps are not intended to provide wetland boundaries for regulatory purposes, but rather to provide information to the public about the possible locations and types of wetlands in a given geographic area. Information arising from the National Wetlands Inventory indicates that the United States has lost over half of the wetlands which historically existed in the lower 48 states, most frequently as a result of drainage for agriculture (Dahl 1990). The development of inventory data is a type of assessment which provides information identifying the locations, areal extent and types of wetlands existing within a landscape. The term assessment, however, as it is most commonly used, implies a more detailed evaluation of how a specific wetland or range of wetlands functions. Assessment may also involve an evaluation of the condition, or ecological integrity, of the wetland system. In discussing wetland assessment, it is often discussed in terms of wetland functions and wetland values. Wetland functions are defined as physical, chemical, or biological processes occurring within wetland systems. Wetland values are attributes of wetlands which are perceived as valuable to society. Wetland functions are therefore able to be more objectively assessed or measured, while wetland values are inherently subjective and may be difficult to assess. Nevertheless, decision making is a valuative process and consequently must consider wetland values in weighing decision alternatives and consequences. Consideration of wetland value is often indirectly imbedded in the assessment process as well, because the choice of which functions to assess is often made based on the perception of which wetland functions are most important. There are a wide variety of applications for which information on wetland function and condition may be used. The most common uses of assessment have been: 17 1) The evaluation of wetlands proposed for fill development; 2) Evaluation of impacts for planning purposes; 3) Evaluation of wetland restoration potential for conservation programs; 4) Determining wildlife habitat potential for properties proposed for acquisition for wildlife management purposes, or where changes in land management are proposed to occur. In response to the desire to achieve the goal of no net loss of wetland function, there have been over forty different methods developed in the last decade alone which are designed to assess wetlands (Bartoldus, 1999). They range in level of rigor from those based on ad hoc consensus among professionals to more sophisticated peerreviewed mechanistic models. Consequently, these techniques differ greatly in the level of detail, objectivity and repeatability of the results. There is also considerable variability in the range of wetland functions that are considered by any given technique. Some methodologies are narrowly focused and may only consider a single or a small related group of functions such as fish habitat, bird habitat, wildlife habitat, flood storage, etc (USFWS, 1996); others look at a broader range of wetlands functions concurrently, such as flood storage capacity, sediment stabilization, nutrient uptake, primary production export, fish and wildlife habitat (Adamus et al. 1987, Bartoldus, 1999). Some of these techniques have components to consider wetland values as well as functions. Because wetlands are such complex systems, however, there is no single technique, no matter how comprehensive, which can evaluate all functions performed by a given wetland. Generally speaking, assessment methods fall into approximately four general types of approaches: 1. Inventory and classification. These are objective techniques which describe the areal extent and/or types of wetlands within a given landscape. This includes such information as the National Wetland Inventory maps. 18 2. Rapid Assessment Protocols. These are mostly low-cost techniques in which the data necessary to perform the assessment may be gathered in a short period of time. Rapid assessment protocols tend to focus mostly on single wetlands or small populations of wetlands. The results are likely to be either completely qualitative, or involve a large extent of subjective (best professional judgment) information. 3. Data-driven Assessment Methods. These are usually expensive to develop, often model based, but provide a high degree of reproducibility. The results often have predictive value. 4. Bio-indicators/Indices of Biotic Integrity. These techniques involve a selected set of variables, which are measured across wetland types. The variables may be evaluated separately, or used to develop multi-metric indices, which can be used to measure the condition or ecological integrity of a wetland and can be used as environmental triggers to identify long-term changes. However, these methods have lacked the predictive capability of spatial modeling in GIS. Spatial modeling provides a rigorous statistical framework for directing management and conservation activities by enabling characterization of wetland structure at any point on the landscape. Spatial (environmental) data can be used to explore conflicts, examine impacts and assist decision-making. 2.3 Spatial modeling environments In general, a spatial modeling environment may be thought of as an integrated set of software tools providing the computer facilities needed to develop and execute spatially explicit simulations and display model results. These integrated environments have been designed to support modeling efforts of groups engaged in activities as varied 19 in scope as global climate change research, watershed management, and urban planning. Various approaches have been undertaken to integrate spatial modeling with GISs. These approaches have been described relative to intensity of coupling, as well as degree of modeling flexibility Albrecht et al. (1997). A number of these efforts have resulted in methods for modeling environmental processes such as forest dynamics and hydrologic processes. Other developments have introduced graphical user interfaces with sliders to modify weightings within models. While these method allows exploration of alternative scenarios, they are domain specific and do not support generic spatial model development. Other approaches to spatial modeling and GIS integration have required users to write code in a formal programming language or assisted users to specify model structure either through guided question and answer sessions Robertson et al. (1991) or using pseudo-English to generate code (Lowes and Walker, 1995). Albrecht et al. (1997), in pointing out limitations of these approaches, have noted that they tend to be domain-specific, require users to learn a specific programming language, may be difficult to follow through model implementation, and importantly, do not support creative conceptual model development. Another approach to integrating spatial modeling and GIS is diagrammatic, that is, spatial models are represented as process flow diagrams that graphically illustrate relationships among input data, geo-processing functions, and output or derived data. Applications of this approach range from image analysis (ERDAS IMAGINE Professional 8.4, Spatial Modeler) to static cartographic modeling (Virtual GIS or VGIS prototype described by Albrecht et al., (1997), and ESRI's ModelBuilder in the Spatial Analyst 2.0 extension to ArcView GIS) to dynamic simulation modeling (Spatial Modeling Environment, SME). This approach has a number of advantages. First, these types of flow diagrams frequently appear in various disciplines and therefore represent a common conceptual framework. In fact, such flow charts are a standard process-oriented 20 tool in visual programming Chang et al., (1990). Process flow diagrams make relationships among model elements apparent and model behavior easy to follow and explain to others. This is a powerful advantage for non-GIS model developers, as well as stakeholders and decision-makers, as they engage in exploring and solving environmental problems. Lately, spatial modeling and GIS have become popular as assessment tools in many disciplines such as environmental protection, watershed management, wetland evaluation and land use changes; which sometimes integrate the workings of the above methods. GIS technology was initially developed as a tool for spatial data storage, retrieval, manipulation and display, and now more and more powerful analytical functions have been built into commercial GIS software to perform much of its general spatial analysis as well as data management tasks. One of the most persistent and pervasive words in the field of GIS is “integration”. Indeed, the ability of GIS to integrate diverse information is frequently cited as its major defining attribute, and its major source of power and flexibility in meeting user needs. The analytical module in many of the specific areas such as, environmental modeling, wetland functional assessment, ecological and economic impacts of agricultural policy, must be developed and then integrated into GIS (Drayton et al. 1996). A system with this type of function and analytical module falls into the category of Decision Support System (DSS). Decision makers are increasingly turning to GIS to assist them with solving complex spatial problems. Spatial Decision Support Systems (SDSS) are explicitly designed to support a decision research process. SDSS provides a framework for integrating database management systems with analytical models, graphical display, tabular reporting capabilities and expert knowledge of decision makers. The concepts and technologies of DSS and SDSS are still evolving (Densham, 1991; Power, 2003). Many recent works raise the crucial question of decision-aid within GIS (Malczewski 1999). Most if not all of these works have come to the conclusion that GIS 21 by itself can not be an efficient decision-aid tool and they have recommended the combination between GIS and a form of decision aid. The long-term objective of such integration is to develop a Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS). What really makes the difference between a SDSS and a traditional decision support system (DSS) is the particular nature of the geographic data considered in different spatial problems. In addition, traditional DSS are designed primarily for solving structured and simple problems which make them non practicable for complex spatial problems. Since the end of the 1980s, several researchers have oriented their works towards the extension of traditional DSS to SDSS that support spatially-related problems (Densham 1991; Jankowski 1994; Malczewski 1999). This requires adding to conventional DSS a range of specific techniques and functionalities used especially to manage spatial data. These additional capacities enable the SDSS to (Densham 1991): acquire and manage the spatial data; represent the structure of geographical objects and their spatial relations; diffuse the results of the user queries and SDSS analysis according to different spatial forms including maps, graphs, etc., and; perform an effective spatial analysis by the use of specific techniques. In spite of their power in handling the first three operations, GIS are particularly limited tools in the fourth one. Moreover, even if the GIS can be used in spatial problem definition, they fail to support the ultimate and most important phase of the general decision-making process concerning the selection of an appropriate alternative. To achieve this requirement, other evaluation techniques instead of optimization or costbenefit analysis ones are needed. Undoubtedly, these evaluation techniques should be based on Multi Criteria Decision Model (MCDM) in GIS. 22 2.4 Geographic Information System (GIS) in sustainable tourism planning Although GIS is rarely discussed in the context of tourism, its wider use by planners concerned with environmental issues and resource management is now well established (Berry, 1991; Robinson, 1992). One of the earliest applications of GIS in tourism planning is discussed by Berry (1991) in the US Virgin Islands. GIS was used to define conservation and recreation areas and determine the best locations for development. Best locations were determined according to engineering, aesthetics, and environmental constraints. Similarly, Boyd and Butler (1993) demonstrated the application of GIS in the identification of areas suitable for ecotourism in Northern Ontario, Canada. At first, a resource inventory and a list of ecotourism criteria were developed. At a next stage GIS techniques were used to measure the ranking of different sites according to the set criteria and therefore identify those with the ‘best’ potential. Minagawa & Tanaka (1998) used GIS to locate areas suitable for tourism development at Lombok Island in Indonesia. The main objective was to propose a methodology for GIS based tourism planning. Using map overlay and multi-criteria evaluation a number of potential sites for tourism development was identified. Beedasy and Whyatt (1999) developed a GIS based decision support system for sound spatial planning for tourism in Mauritius. Given the space limitation of Mauritius, the increasing tourist demand and the need to consider alternative sites in order to avoid further deterioration of existing tourist zones, a spatial decision support system was developed to support tourism planning. GIS technology was considered as the appropriate platform for such a system because it can integrate both qualitative and quantitative information, it can provide a visual display of results thus permitting an easy and efficient appraisal of results, and can communicate information to all interested parties becoming thus a participatory and exploratory tool. Williams et al., (1996) also used GIS to record and analyze tourism resource inventory information in British Columbia, Canada. He developed a tourism capability map which indicates areas of high, moderate, and low capability for specific tourism 23 activities. Ribiero de Costa (1996) used GIS to create a map of tourism potential in the Mediterranean area of Europe. Carver (1995) used GIS to describe the development of a ‘wilderness continuum map’ showing areas designated as wilderness in the UK and its use to identify areas of potential risk from recreational development. Bahaire and ElliottWhite (1999) provided a brief description of various applications of GIS in tourism planning in the United Kingdom. These applications included data integration and management (for example data on tourism destination types and accommodation), landscape resource inventory, designation of tourist areas in terms of use levels, tourism suitability analysis, and pre and post-tourism visual impact analysis. The overall conclusion is that GIS is an efficient and effective means of helping the various stakeholders examine the implications of land-use decisions in tourism development. GIS has also been used to analyze tourism related issues such as the perception and definition of wilderness (Kliskey & Kearsley, 1993; Carver, 1997), countryside management (Haines- Young et al., 1994) and travel costs (Bateman et al. 1996). Another early example of the use of GIS in tourism is provided by Binz & Wildi (cited in Heywood et al. 1994 who modeled the effect of increased tourist development in the Davos Valley in Switzerland; based on scenario analysis. However, more recent publications (Elliott-White & Finn, 1998) suggest a growing interest in GIS applications in tourism. GIS applications are now common place in the utilities, land information and planning. Tourism growth is intensifying an often stretched and overloaded tourism infrastructure and is itself threatened by local and environmental pressure groups. GIS can be an effective tool in the design and monitoring of sustainable. GIS can be used to identify areas or zones which should be undisturbed by tourism or any kind of development. Gribb (1991) describes the planning effort that took place at the Grayrocks Reservoir in Wyoming, US. The aim was to come up with a recreation development plan that would contribute at the same time to environmental conservation of the Reservoir. McAdam (1994) reported the case of a GIS prototype 24 application developed for monitoring the impacts resulting from the increasing number of trekking and special interest tourists in a remote region in Nepal. Shackley (1997) within her involvement in regional and site tourism management issues newly opened to visitors, Himalayan Kingdom of Lo (Mustang), Nepal, suggested the development of a GIS based spatially-referenced multimedia cultural archive. This archive, with data collected at an early stage of tourism development, would serve to monitor possible change through time. Dietvorst (1995) used a survey based time-space analysis at a theme park in the Netherlands, to better understand visitors’ preferences for the various attractions of the park. A GIS was used for the analysis of the coherence between the various attractions and other elements of the park. Findings were then used for a more balanced diffusion of visitor streams and a better routing system. Van der Knaap (1999) used GIS to understand the use of the physical environment by tourists in order to promote sustainable tourism development. Bishop and Gimblett (2000) presented the use of spatial information systems, spatial modeling and virtual reality in recreation planning. Using rule-driven autonomous agents moving in a GIS-based landscape, the movement patterns of the visitors can be simulated. In this way it is argued that better management of the recreational area is achieved through the effective management of recreationists’ behavior; a case study was conducted at Broken Arrow Canyon, Arizona. Tourism destinations are usually characterized by three different landscape features: points, lines, and polygons. Point features are individual tourist attractions, for example, a campground in a park, or a historic site along the highway. Streams and coastal beaches often follow a linear pattern, while habitat location or natural parks are characteristics of a polygon feature. These locational attributes are essential to a Geographic Information System. It is apparent that GIS has tremendous potential for application in sustainable tourism. 25 However, due to the general lack of databases and inconsistencies in data, its applications are limited. For example, there is very little site-specific information about suitability of sites for conservation or tourism development, sources of visitor’s origin and destination, travel motivation, spatial patterns of recreation and tourism use, visitor expenditure patterns and levels of use and impacts- all of which are suitable application areas of GIS. So far, applications of GIS in tourism has been limited to recreational facility inventory, tourism-based land management, visitor impact assessment, recreation-wildlife conflicts, mapping wilderness perceptions and tourism information management system. 2.5 Multi Criteria Decision Making and Natural resources Management Rapid socioeconomic improvements driven by increased income and wealth have increased the demand for ecosystem services, such as aesthetic enjoyment and recreation. Nature-based tourism is an important income source in many countries and having a pristine environment is paramount for its success. Planning and management of natural areas are inherently difficult because of the multiple attributes of nature-based tourism, and conflicts between use and conservation of those areas. Management of nature-based tourism and natural areas should control use patterns and implement resource protection practices that maintain the quality of visitor experiences without denigrating ecological, cultural, and social values (Figgis 1993). The emergence of the concept of sustainable development in the 1980s was a reflection of the failure to safeguard ecosystem values from population and economic growth. Sustainable resource management requires maintaining environmental quality and ecological integrity for future generations. The management of wetlands needs to be changed in order to improve their quality and ensure that economic development does not degrade their health. Wetlands 26 perform a variety of critical functions in maintaining healthy river systems, and have ecological, hydrologic, and economic value (Herath 2004). They improve water quality, replenish groundwater, retain floodwater, provide habitat for a diversity of plants and animals, trap sediment, reduce nutrients, and remove contaminants. Such critical ecosystem services of wetlands are lost when wetlands are converted to other uses and/or degraded. Stakeholder perceptions of river ecosystems and wetlands need to be changed through education and intervention strategies. Improving decision making for human and natural resource management requires consideration of a multitude of non-economic objectives, such as biodiversity, ecological integrity, and recreation potential. When ecosystems become degraded, the provision of ecosystem services is impaired. There are limits to the changes that ecosystems can undergo and still remain productive. Decision making related to the sustainable use of natural resources involves important tradeoffs because increasing one benefit typically decreases other benefits. For example, converting a natural forest to a plantation forest increases timber output, but reduces wildlife habitat in the remaining forest compared to the untouched forest. Furthermore, the values of environmental attributes, such as biodiversity, cannot be properly measured using monetary criteria; appropriate non-monetary criteria need to be developed. Methods that facilitate better management and policy decisions must account for the variation in stakeholders’ preferences for attributes, and conflicting stakeholder interests and values. As the complexity of decisions increases, it becomes more difficult for decision makers to identify a management alternative that maximizes all decision criteria. This difficulty has increased the demand for more sophisticated analytical methods that consider the myriad of attributes of decision outcomes and differences in stakeholders’ preferences for those attributes. The neoclassical economic approach based on maximization of a single objective (i.e., utility for consumers and profit for businesses) has limited applicability in multi-attribute decision problems in natural 27 resource management (Joubert et al. 1997). Over the past two decades, considerable attention has been focused on developing and using multi-criteria decision making (MCDA) techniques to identify optimal alternatives for managing natural resources. The foregoing discussion highlights the difficulties of natural resource planning and management when there are a multitude of heterogeneous stakeholders, objectives, goals, and expectations, and stakeholder conflicts. Planning requires a multi-objective approach that leads to well conceived and acceptable management alternatives and expands the ability to make decisions in complex natural resource management settings. It also requires analytical methods that examine tradeoffs, consider multiple political, economic, environmental, and social dimensions, reduce conflicts, and incorporate these realities in an optimizing framework. MCDA techniques have emerged as a major approach for solving natural resource management problems and integrating the environmental, social, and economic values and preferences of stakeholders while overcoming the difficulties in monetizing intrinsically non-monetary attributes. Quantifying the value of ecosystem services in a non-monetary manner is a key element in MCDA (Martinez-Alier et al. 1999; Munda, 2000). 2.6 Multi criteria decision making (MCDM) 2.6.1 Multiple criteria decision making – an overview Multicriteria decision making (MCDM) is a term including multiple attribute decision making (MADM) and multiple objective decision making (MODM). MADM is applied when a choice out of a set of discrete actions is to be made. In MODM, it is 28 assumed that the best solution can be found anywhere in the feasible alternatives space, and therefore is perceived as continuous decision problem. MADM is often referred as multicriteria analysis (MCA) or multicriteria evaluation (MCE). Instead, MODM is more close to Pareto optimum searching with use of mathematical programming techniques (Jankowski 1995, Malczewski 1999). Here, the term multicriteria decision making is used in reference to multiple attribute decision-making and the other expressions are used as equivalents. The main objective of MCDM is “to assist the decision-maker in selecting the ‘best’ alternative from the number of feasible choicealternatives under the presence of multiple [decision] criteria and diverse criterion priorities”. Every MCDM technique has common procedure steps, which are called a general model (after Jankowski 1995). This procedure includes the following actions (Figure 2.1): 1. Deriving a set of alternatives 2. Deriving a set of criteria 3. Estimating impact of each alternative on every criterion to get criterion scores 4. Formulating the decision table with use of the discrete alternatives, criteria and criterion scores. 5. Specifying decision-maker’s (DM) preferences in the form of criterion weights 6. Aggregating the data from the decision table in order to rank the alternatives (simple and multiple aggregation functions) 7. Performing sensitivity analysis in order to deal with imprecision, uncertainty, and inaccuracy of the results 8. Making the final recommendation in the form of either one alternative, reduced number of several ‘good alternatives’, or a ranking of alternatives from best to worst. All the MCDM techniques are based on the above presented general model. However, division can be made for compensatory and non-compensatory methods. The compensatory methods can be further subdivided into additive and ideal point 29 techniques, where the first includes e.g. weighted summation, concordance analysis and Analytical Hierarchy Process and the latter, Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Point (TOPSIS), Aspiration-level Interactive Method (AIM) and Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS). Non-compensatory techniques are for example dominance, conjunctive, disjunctive and lexicographic techniques. Two of the most popular techniques will be discussed here. Good summary of the MCDM techniques and its choice strategy is given by Jankowski (1995); Voogd (1983) provides a comprehensive theoretical background. Figure 2.1: A general model of MCDM (after Jankowski 1995) All additive methods, being compensatory techniques, are based on the standardized criterion scores, which can be then compared and added. Standardization allows comparison of criterion scores within one alternative, to come into some kind of 30 trade-off when poor performance of the alternative under one criterion can be compensated by a high performance under another criterion. Total score for each alternative is achieved by multiplying criterion score with its appropriate weight and adding all weighted scores. Weighted summation technique, being a basic form of additive methods, can be written down in the matrix algebra as follows: Where: Si is a total score for alternative i, Cji is a criterion score for alternative i and criterion j Wj is criterion weight. The weighted summation allows for evaluation and ordering of all alternatives based on the criteria preferences by decision-makers. However, there are techniques which allow setting preferences to both criteria and criterion scores. Second technique, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) “uses a hierarchical structure of criteria and both additive transformation function and pairwise comparison of criteria to establish criterion weights” Jankowski (1995). 2.6.2 Multi-criteria decision making and GIS GIS has good capabilities of handling spatial problems, and as such can be used to support spatial decision-making. Solving a complex multiple criteria problem without spatial analytical and visualization tools would be computationally difficult, if not impossible Jones (1997). Multicriteria decision making techniques, as stand alone tools, have been computerized and nowadays there is much software to use. However, it is not 31 common that such software is capable to handle spatial problem in the form of maps. There exist two strategies: loose and tight, for coupling of GIS with MCDM techniques Jankowski (1995). The loose coupling relies on a file exchange mechanism which enables communication with the two types of software. Separate tasks are performed in either of software. GIS is used for performing land suitability analysis, selecting a set of criteria and their scores in order to export the decision table into MCDM program. The MCDM module is used for executing multicriteria evaluation and the result is transferred again into the GIS for display. The tight coupling strategy instead, is realized by a common interface and common database for GIS and MCDM. This in fact means that the multicriteria evaluation functions are embedded into the GIS software. The advantage is that all necessary functions are on place and troublesome data exchange is avoided. However, not every proprietary GIS have developed such a facility in its basic version. There is example of IDRISI, which employs pairwise comparison and Analytic Hierarchy Process to evaluate weight scores (Clark Labs). Another software Spans, by Tydac Technologies, has inbuilt weighted overlay functions, which are similar to weighted summation MCE technique Carver (1991). The ESRI software provides a cartographic modeling tool called Model Builder, which is capable to handle similar decision problems, hence requires some initial input of work. Generally speaking, multicriteria evaluation with use of GIS can be done in two stages, (i) survey and (ii) preliminary site identification. In the first step, the area is screened for feasible alternatives using deterministic decision criteria. Here, all the sites, which meet all the exclusion criteria (constraints) simultaneously, are identified and taken away from the analysis. This stage is sometimes referred as suitability analysis, traditionally performed by manual map overlay, further revolutionized by GIS digital maps. The second stage, called preliminary site identification, is operationalized by MCE techniques. First, secondary siting factors are elaborated and then weighted according to their importance. The second stage allows handling multiple objective problems Carver (1991); Jankowski (1995). Multiple criteria overlay was proposed by McHarg (1969) who suggested identifying physical, economic and environmental 32 criteria in order to assure social and economic feasibility of the project. The complexity of the decision problem determines whether binary or multiple values overlay technique is used (Figure 2.2a and b.). In geographic analysis, most commonly used operations are AND and OR (Boolean), which correspond to spatial ‘intersection’ and ‘union’. If the decision factors have different levels of importance, weighted overlay should be used (Figure 2.2). However, special scores aggregation procedure is required to achieve meaningful results Jones (1997). Source: McHarg (1969) Figure 2.2: Spatial multicriteria evaluation: a) binary overlaying; b) multiple values overlaying; c) multiple values weighted overlay Evaluation criteria An evaluation criterion is a term used to encompass both objectives and attributes of multicriteria decision problem Malczewski (1999). Other authors refer them as decision criteria or factors and scores respectively Voogd (1983); Carver (1991). The 33 objectives describe the desirable state of a geographical space. They formulate the criteria that need to be fulfilled in order to make the right decision by “minimizing” or “maximizing” some variables. The attributes, on the other hand, contain measures used to assess the level of achievement of the criterion by each alternative. Evaluation criteria are presented in GIS as thematic maps or data layers. It is required that decision attributes fulfill several requirements. Firstly, they need to be measurable, which implies that it should be easy to assign numerical values that correctly asses the references to or the level of achievement of the objective. Secondly, an attribute should clearly indicate to what degree the objective is achieved, which is unambiguous and understandable for decision maker. This is called comprehensiveness of an attribute. Furthermore a set of attributes should be operational. If the attribute is understandable for the decision maker, he/she can correctly describe relation between the attribute and a level of achievement of the overall objective than it can be used meaningfully in the decision-making process. A set of attributes should also be complete, which means that it covers all aspects of a decision problem. The set of attributes should be minimal, which form the smallest possible set that completely describes the decision problem. No redundancy means that consequences of valuation of decision influence only one attribute. The test of coefficient of correlation can be used for every pair of attributes to test for no redundancy. Lastly the set of attributes should be decomposable. It is true if evaluation of the attributes in the decision process can be simplified into few smaller decisions. Usually evaluation criteria form a hierarchical structure Malczewski (1999). Selecting a proper set of evaluation criteria can be done by means of literature study, analytical studies or survey of opinions. Literature can be found with some authors providing literature review of criteria evaluation to a specific spatial decision problem. Governmental agencies and governmental publications can provide guidelines for selection of evaluation criteria. Another method is to recognize objectives from governmental or other documents and review relevant literature to identify attributes associated with every objective. Analytical studies can be performed for example by 34 system modeling. Opinions’ survey is aimed at people affected by decision or a group of experts, where several formalized techniques exist Malczewski (1999). Figure 2.3: Spatial multicriteria analysis in GIS after Malczewski (1999), modified A set of objectives and attributes used for a specific decision is affected by data availability. It may not be feasible to obtain required information for the ideal set of attributes designed for a specific objective, or data may not exist. The choice of attributes is also limited by cost and time of gathering the data. It must be a trade-off between the accuracy of prediction and cost and time required. An example is taken from the case study considering location of a water transmission line, where six pipeline 35 corridor alternatives are evaluated. The criteria were, among others: total cost of route, amount of public right-of-way, area of wetlands and length of streams falling inside each corridor. All of the cited criteria have natural measured scale, dollars, acres and meters respectively. The decision table would have rows representing the alternatives, columns representing the criteria and fields for criterion scores. The field values are derived from spatial analysis. Another table is constructed to weight every criterion and then the total score for each alternative calculated (Jankowski and Richard 1994). Another example of criteria could be geology, land use type, land acquisition cost, buildings, conservation, etc. certain type of behavior is assigned to each of them. Criterion maps Criterion maps form an output of evaluation criteria identification phase. This follows after input of data into GIS (acquisition, reformatting, georeferencing, compiling and documenting relevant data) stored in graphical and tabular form, manipulated and analyzed to obtain desired information. Usually, with help of various GIS techniques a base map over the study area is created and used to produce several criterion maps. Each criterion is represented at a map as a layer in GIS environment. Every map represents one criterion and can be called a thematic layer or data layer. They represent in what way the attributes are distributed in space and how they fulfill the achieving of the objective. In other words, a layer represents a set of alternative locations for a decision. The alternatives are divided into several classes or are assigned values to represent the level of preference of the alternative upon given criterion. This is a kind if internal relation within a layer between alternative locations in respect to the attribute. In this way one visualizes more and less desirable alternatives. The attributes need to be measured in certain scale, which reflects its variability. The scale can be classified as qualitative or quantitative. For example, soil types and vegetation types are expressed in qualitative scale, while precipitation level in a quantitative measure. Scales can be natural or constructed. The natural scale is a scale expressed in objective units, for 36 example in km or in quantity per square km. The constructed scale is a subject of personal judgment e.g. landscape aesthetic, ranked witch numbers or assigned linguistic scale. Another issue is raised for direct and proxy scales. The direct scale measures directly the level of achievement of an objective. If the objective is a cost of building a road, the direct scale would map sites with respect to cost associated with building a road there. The proxy scale is used when the attribute for specific criterion is not obvious and should be measured indirectly. Different techniques are used to generate various types of criterion maps scales. Criterion standardization As far as criteria and the criterion maps have different scales of measurement, they can not be compared by their raw scores. In order to allow comparability, which is essential to multicriteria evaluation, the criterion maps should be standardized. Basically, linear and nonlinear standardization procedures exist. If it concerns deterministic maps, where each alternative is related to a single value, linear scale transformation methods are most frequently used. Two linear methods will be described below: maximum score procedure and score range procedure. Other standardization methods, including probabilistic and fuzzy relationships, are described thoroughly by Malczewski (1999). Maximum score procedure is one of the linear scale transformation methods. It uses a simple formula, which divides each raw score by the maximum value of a given criterion Malczewski (1999): x’ij = xij / xmax j where x’ij is the standardized score for the ith object (feasible alternative / location) and the jth attribute, xij is the raw score of this object and xmax j is the maximum score of the jth attribute. The standardized scores range from 0 to 1. A benefit criterion is a 37 criterion which should be maximized. For example, the larger the raw score the better the performance. However, if the criterion should be minimized formula x’ij = 1 – xij / xmaxj Should be used; such criterion is referred as cost criterion. The advantage of the straight transformation is that it is proportional and relative order of magnitude remains the same. For example 23/45 = 0.511/1 = 0.511 and 5/23 = 0.111/0.511 = 0.217. The disadvantage is that, when the scores are larger than zero the standardized minimal score will not equal zero. This may make interpretation of least attractive alternative difficult Malczewski (1999). The best alternative is always scored 1. The alternative method is score range procedure which is calculated by formula: x’ij = xij – xj min / xj max– xjmin For benefit criteria, and x’ij = xj max – xij / xj max – xj min for cost criteria. Factor xj min is the minimum score of the jth attribute, xj max is the maximum score for the jth attribute, and xj max – xj min is the range of given criterion. The range of scores is from 0 to 1, the worst standardized score is always equal 0 and the best equals 1. Unlike the maximum score procedures, the score range procedure does not preserve proportional changes in the outcome. Linear scale transformation can be used for example to standardize the proximity map Malczewski (1999). Such defined standardization procedures can be easily transformed to fit raster-based GIS data model. Figure 2.4 shows the example of score range procedure. 38 Source: Malczewski (1999) Figure 2.4: Score range procedure in GIS Assigning weights Criterion weights are usually determined in the consultation process with decision makers (DM) which results in ratio value assigned to each criterion map. They reflect the relative preference of one criterion over another. In such a case, they can be expressed in a cardinal vector of normalized criterion preferences: w = (w1, w2, …, wj) and 0 <= wj <= 1 Normalization implies that the numbers sum up to 100 or to 1, depending on whether they are presented in percentage or ratio. Another way to express preferences is in regard to criterion scores. Then, they have a form of cut-off values (minimum and 39 maximum threshold) or desired aspiration levels Jankowski (1995). The second approach is more preferable in formulating location constraints. The task of assigning weights (deciding the importance of each factor) is usually performed outside GIS software; unless such a module is specially programmed or embedded in the proprietary GIS (compare Carver 1991, Jankowski 1995, Rapaport and Snickars 1998, Grossardt et al. 2001). The values of weights are then incorporated into the GIS-model. There are several techniques for assigning criterion weights. Some of the most popular include: ranking methods, rating methods, and pairwise comparison method. A common characteristic of them is that they imply subjective judgment of the decision maker about relative importance of the decision factors. The basic idea of rating methods is to arrange the criteria in order according to its relative importance. In straight ranking criteria are ordered from most important to least important, in inverse ranking it is done the other way round. After the ranks are established, several procedures for calculating numerical weights can be used. One of the simplest methods is rank sum, in the following formula. wj = (n - rj + 1) / SUM(n - rk + 1) where wj is the normalized weight for jth factor, n is number of factors under consideration and rj is the rank position of the factor. The example of how the weighted ranked values are calculated is shown in Table 2.1 below. Table 2.1: Example of straight rank weighting procedure Source: Carver, 1991; Jankowski, 1995; Rapaport et al., 1998; Grossardt et al., 2001 40 Ranking method is the simplest criterion weighting methods. It is though criticized for its lack of theoretical foundations in interpreting the level of importance of a criterion Malczewski (1999). Second group of weighting methods are rating methods. There are two most commonly used approaches: point allocation and ratio estimation procedure. The common characteristic is that the decision maker has a total amount of points, usually 100 that he or she needs to distribute among the decision criteria depending on their importance. More important factors get higher scores and factors that are of no importance to the decision would be assigned zero value. These methods are compared to budget allocation. In the point allocation approach one assigns points among criteria according to its importance. Commonly used scale is 0 to 100 or 0 to 10. The points are then transformed into weights summing sum up to 1. The ratio estimation procedure is a modification of point allocation method. Here, the most important criterion is assigned value of 100 and rest of the attributes is given smaller values, proportionally to their importance. The smallest ration is used as an anchor point for calculating the ratio. Every criterion value is divided by the smallest value and then the weights are normalized by dividing each weight by total. Similarly to ranking methods, rating methods lack theoretical and formal foundations, thus the meaning of weights is difficult to justify Malczewski (1999) Table 2.2: Assessing weights by ratio estimation procedure Source: Malczewski (1999) Last but not the least is the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) which was proposed by Saaty in 1980 uses pairwise comparison method for criterion weighting. The method is carried out in three steps. Firstly, pairwise comparison of criteria is performed and results are put into a comparison matrix. The matrix is populated with 41 values from 1 to 9 and fractions from 1/9 to ½ representing importance of one factor against another in the pair. The values in the matrix need to be consistent, which means that if x is compared to y receives a score of 5 (strong importance), y to x should score 1/5 (little unimportant). Something compared to itself gets the score of 1 (equal importance). The linguistic explanation of scores is attached to the table. The next step is to calculate criterion weights. Firstly, values from each column are summed and every element in the matrix is divided by the sum of the respective column. The new matrix is called normalized pairwise comparison matrix. Finally, an average from the elements from each row of the normalized matrix is calculated. The consistency ratio is calculated in order to make sure whether the comparison of criteria made by decision maker is consistent. Weights received by this method are interpreted as average of all possible weights. The pairwise comparison method is illustrated in a Table 2.3. Table 2.3: Illustration of pairwise comparison method Source: Saaty (1980) This method is much more sophisticated than the previous ones. Nevertheless it is criticized by the way of receiving the ratios of importance. The questionnaire asks about the relative importance of a criterion without respect to the scale it is measured. Moreover, the more criteria are required the more labor-intensive it becomes. However, the advantage is that only two criteria need to be compared at a time Malczewski (1999). While selecting any specific method one should take into account level of understanding of the problem by decision makers and their proficiency in the field. Expected accuracy of outcome versus simplicity of the procedure is also a factor. Malczewski (1999) states that pairwise comparison is more appropriate if accuracy and theoretical foundations are the main concern. Ranking and rating methods are used when ease-of-use, time and cost 42 in generating weights is in concern. It is also recognized that the more sophisticated the technique the less transparent become the process for the general public. Another decision theory similar to Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) is Analytical Network Process (ANP). Over time, Thomas Saaty, the creator of the AHP, developed a more advanced framework for setting priorities known as the Analytic Network Process (ANP) method of decision making. The ANP differs from the AHP in that it generalizes the pairwise comparison process so that decision models can be built as complex networks of decision objectives, criteria, stakeholders, alternatives, scenarios and other environmental factors that all influence one another's priorities. The key concept of the ANP is that influence does not necessarily have to flow only downwards as is the case with the hierarchy in the AHP. Influence can flow between any factors in the network causing non-linear results of priorities of alternative choices. For example, as a user increases the weight of a criterion, the result is that an alternative starts to get a higher priority, but as the criterion continues to be increased, feedback effects of the network actually cause the alternative to start to get a lower priority. This concept is similar to the concept in economics of decreasing marginal returns which states that each additional unit of anything at some point becomes relatively less valuable than previous units to a decision-maker. Conversely both the AHP and the ANP derive ratio scale priorities for elements and clusters of elements by making paired comparisons of elements on a common property or criterion. Although many decision problems are best studied through the ANP, one may wish to compare the results obtained with it to those obtained using the AHP or any other decision approach with respect to the time it took to obtain the results, 43 the effort involved in making the judgments, and the relevance and accuracy of the results. The ANP is extremely useful for predictive modeling and broader environmental influences can be factored into decisions. The best applications of the ANP are in decisions where risks and threats are major factors in the decision process and organizational success is highly dependent on a thorough understanding of the entire environment rather than just business goals and objectives. The general form of the analytical network process (ANP) super matrix can be described in Figure 2.5. Source: Saaty (1980) Figure 2.5: The General Structure of the Super matrix 44 Where CN denotes the Nth cluster, eNn denotes the nth element in the Nth cluster, and Wij block matrix consists of the collection of the priority weight vectors (w) of the influence of the elements in the ith cluster with respect to the jth cluster. If the ith cluster has no influence to the jth cluster then Wij = 0. The matrix obtained in this step is called the initial supermatrix. Decision rules The next step aims in ordering all the alternatives gathered in the decision table according to their performance. A method of aggregating alternative’s scores is called a decision rule. The decision table is composed of evaluation criteria and their attributed scores for every feasible alternative. The decision table can be written down into a matrix where: i = alternatives, and j = criteria. It is further multiplied by weights’ vector according to weighted summation method. Now, the weighted scores matrix needs to be aggregated in respect to each alternative. One of the most often used techniques is simple additive weighting (SAW) method. It is based on the concept of weighted average of all the decision criteria. The weighted alternatives are simply summed in order to provide a total performance score for each alternative. SAW ranks alternatives from the highest to the lowest score (e.g. highest score =1) whereas inverse additive weighting method assigns best rank for the lowest score. In GIS, this technique results in the overall score map and final rank map (Figure 2.6). 45 Source: Malczewski (1999) Figure 2.6: Simple additive weighting method performed in GIS on raster data Error assessment Sensitivity analysis in multicriteria evaluation is a procedure that aims in detection of possible errors associated with the criterion maps inaccuracy and DM’s uncertainty of assessing the decision’s effects on every alternative. Some authors also raise the problem of the choice of MCE technique, which is supposed to influence the results Carver (1991). The sensitivity analysis of the obtained ranking of alternatives should be performed in order to assess the robustness of the results. If the results are not much affected by the input data and preferences of DM the final recommendation can be displayed on the map. Geographical errors result from inaccuracy and imprecision of spatial data. This is because a map presents a simplified model of reality, which was obtained in the process of generalization and discretization. The GIS database errors can be then classified into positional (location) and attribute errors. They can also be measurement or conceptual errors (Malczewski 1999 after Chrisman 1987). Propagation techniques decide a course of action when the error is detected. Positional accuracy of data is one of the components responsible for overall data quality. When the mapped features are close in location to their true position, they are accurate. All of the spatial data are of limited accuracy. 46 Malczewski (1999) points out problem of location and scale dependency of spatial criteria. A set of objectives may vary from one area to another and from one scale to another. Therefore when data is collected it should be prepared at as small aggregation as possible. The aggregation of the spatial data is not a great problem anymore thanks to technological and computational advancements. Attribute errors may result from attribute inaccuracy. This means that attribute values are not the same or close to the true values. They may change over time. Attribute accuracy must be checked in different ways depending on the nature of the data. For the categorical attributes, the errors may result from e.g. method of measurements used to classify realworld objects into classes, from delimiting borders between classes, and from number of categories to completely describe the heterogeneity of the phenomenon. In the former, the method of measurement for gathering the source data might have been inadequate to ascribe correctly the real-word object to the designed category. In the second case, the borders between categorized objects had been mapped in such a way that e.g. part of the class A falls into B. It is even more difficult with fuzzy classifications, like e.g. soil classes (ontological problems). The measurement error is based on the distance between two points on the map and its truth distance. It can be characterized by root mean square (RMS). For the n known error values, RMS errors are determined as follows: RMS = [ SUMi (xi - xit)2/n-1]0.5 where xi and xit are a measurement and the true value, respectively, and n is the number of measurements. The RMS is often used to assess error associated with digital elevation models. If the data are categorical data not numerical data the error can be described by classification error matrix which assesses the observed and mapped attribute values for sample locations Malczewski (1999). Additionally, data should be logically consistent, which implies topological consistency (closed polygons, nodes at arcs cross), and complete. Linage, which records data source for digitized data, date of its collection, person who collected the data and process steps to obtain the final product is a useful indicator of data accuracy. A group of errors in data is produced while processing. They may result from misuse of logical operations, interpretation problems, generalization, 47 mathematical errors, low precision computations, or rasterization of vector data. Conversion of data from vector to raster produces unnatural picture where the boundary cells contain e.g. parts of all adjacent cells (NCGIA 1990). If it concerns decision maker’s preferences, it is recognized that in some cases the decision makers are not able to provide precise judgments due to limited or not adequate information or knowledge about the decision criteria. While assigning weights, it is important how the alternatives and criteria are represented on the criterion maps. This should be presented to the decision maker in such a way that he understands properly the information conveyed by the criterion maps Malczewski (1999). The choice of MCDM technique is to some extent imposed by GIS data model. In a raster, the whole decision space is divided into discrete regular-shape sites, usually in the form of a square grid. Every such created cell is regarded as a potential alternative, and a candidate for evaluation. If this is the case, Jankowski (1995) proposes the weighted summation MCDM technique, motivating this by a large number of alternatives. In fact, while having a study area of 360 km2 and grid of 10 m, the amount of cells equals about 36,000 alternatives. Therefore, it is impractical to perform pairwise comparison of all alternatives. Suitability analysis performed beforehand in vector by a general overlaying technique often results in much smaller amount of alternative sites. Thus, in such a case other than weighted summation techniques can be used more freely. The sensitivity analysis can be performed in two ways, either by considering two alternatives at a time and checking how should the weight values and criterion scores change if they would have the same ranking, or by considering all alternatives in the same time and checking how their ranking positions change together with change of criterion scores and criterion weights. As far as raster approach is considered, it is computationally very demanding to use pairwise comparison method. CHAPTER 3 WETLANDS ASSESSMENT USING MULTI-CRITERIA DECISION MODEL 3.1 The study area Malaysia has recently designated three new Wetlands of International Importance namely Sungai Pulai, Tanjung Piai and Pulau Kukup; all in southern Johor State not far from Singapore (Figure 3.1), particularly rich in mangroves and inter-tidal mudflats. These coastal and estuarine sites support a large number of species, notably vulnerable and threatened species, and provide both livelihoods and important functions for the local population. 3.1.1 Pulau Kukup Pulau Kukup is a state park (Johor), located at 01°19'N, 103°25'E. It is an uninhabited Mangrove Island situated 1 km from the southwestern tip of the Malaysian peninsula with a land area of 647 hectares; this is one of the few intact sites of this type 49 left in Southeast Asia. The wetland supports such species as the Flying Fox Pteropus vampyrus, Smooth Otter Lutra perspicillata, Bearded Pig Sus barbatus, Long-tailed Macaque Macaca fascicularis, all listed as threatened, vulnerable or near-threatened under the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red Book. Pulau Kukup has been identified as one of the Important Bird Areas (IBA) for Malaysia. Globally vulnerable Lesser Adjutant Leptoptilos javanicus chooses this as a stop-over and breeding ground. Pulau Kukup is important for flood control, physical protection (e.g. as a wind-breaker), and shoreline stabilization as it shelters the mainland town from severe storm events. Figure 3.1: Study area. 50 The coastal straits between Pulau Kukup and the mainland are a thriving industry for marine cage culture. The mudflats are rich with shellfish and provide food and income to local people. Tourism is another use of the island and the government has further plans to promote ecotourism. Pulau Kukup is Ramsar site number 1287. The island experienced extensive harvesting for mangrove wood back in the 80's, however, wood extracting operations from this island had ceased since August 1993. Regeneration of mangrove tree species has indeed taken place since then. 3.1.2 Sungai Pulai Pulai River is located at 01°23'N, 103°32'E; it’s a forest reserve and the largest riverine mangrove system in Johor State, situated at the estuary of the Pulai River having a land area of 9,126 hectares. With its associated seagrass beds, inter-tidal mudflats and inland freshwater riverine forest the site represents one of the best examples of a lowland tropical river basin, supporting a rich biodiversity dependent on mangrove. The Sungai Pulai forms the district boundary between the mangrove forests located in Pontian and Johor Bahru. The mangrove itself is of major ecological importance because of its continuous input of freshwater into the upper reaches of Sungai Pulai estuary. Sungai Pulai is home for the rare and endemic small tree Avicennia lanata, animals such as near-threatened and vulnerable Long-tailed Macaque, Smooth Otter and rare Flat-headed Cat and threatened birds species as Mangrove Pitta and Mangrove Blue Flycatcher, all included in the IUCN Red List. Relatively undisturbed parts including the Nipah swamps may be nesting sites of the Estuarine Crocodile. The site fringes play a significant role in shoreline stabilization and severe flood prevention in the adjacent 38 villages. The local population depends on the estuary as its 51 mudflats, an ideal feeding, spawning and fattening ground; support a significant proportion of fish species. Other mangrove uses include wood cutting, charcoal production, aquaculture activities and eco-tourism. The current construction of a new port at the river estuary may represent a direct impact on the mangrove ecosystem, causing coastal erosion and water pollution from associated dredging and reclamation works and traffic. The site is managed in line with Integrated Management Plan for the sustainable use of mangroves in Johor state. Sungai Pulai is Ramsar site number 1288. The Sungai Pulai Mangrove Forest Reserve (MFR) is managed primarily for commercial wood production using the silvicultural system that requires clear felling of trees under a 20-year rotation. About 80% of the Sungai Pulai MFR consists of mangrove stands of less than 20 years of age. The current sustainable forestry practiced by the State Forestry Department at the mangrove reserve is well-documented. With some form of mangrove management in operation since 1928, it appears that forest management practices in the Sungai Pulai MFR comply very well with the Ramsar Convention guidelines for the implementation of the wise-use concept of wetland resources. 3.1.3 Tanjung Piai This is a state park (Johor) located at 01°16'N 103°31'E, with a land area of 526 hectares. The site consists of coastal mangroves and inter-tidal mudflats located at the southernmost tip of continental Asia, especially important for protection from sea-water intrusion and coastal erosion. Tanjung Piai supports many threatened and vulnerable wetland-dependent species such as Pig-tailed Macaque and Long-tailed Macaque, birds like Mangrove Pitta, Mangrove Blue Flycatcher, Mangrove Whistler. Globally vulnerable Lesser Adjutant may be observed in the vicinity of the site. The Scaly Anteater, Common Porcupine, Smooth Otter and Bearded Pig are classified as 52 vulnerable or near threatened listed in the IUCN Red Book 2000. Waters of the four main rivers traversing Tanjung Piai are abundant with commercially valuable species. Tanjung Piai forms the only mangrove corridor that connects Pulau Kukup and the Sungai Pulai wetlands. Five rivers dissect the Tanjung Piai State Park. The mangrove in this State Park is a typical example of a Rhizophora apiculata-Bruguiera cylindrica dominated coastal forest. Five species of large waterbirds and 7 species of shorebirds can be seen feeding on mudflats. These include migratory species such as the Grey Plower, Whimbrel, Common Redshank and Greenshank, Terek Sandpiper and Common Sandpiper. Bunds were created along the west and east coasts of the mangrove to protect farmlands from being inundated by salt waters. Tidal currents heavily erode Tanjung Piai with the coastal mangrove fringes being reduced to 50m at certain stretches. The Tanjung Piai State Park is home to about 20 'true' mangrove plant species as well as 9 more mangrove-associated species, which demonstrates high species diversity in such a small area. This mangrove area is also rich in fauna: birds (41 species), mammals (7 species), reptiles (7 species) and amphibians (1 species). Species of conservation value include the following; the threatened resident stork Lesser Adjutant; the rare or uncommon species of waders (shorebirds) such as the Malaysian Plover, Spotted Greenshank, Asian Dowitcher, Spoon-billed Sandpiper and Chinese Crested Tern; and mammals such as the Dusky Leaf Monkey, Smooth Otter, Long-tailed and Pig-tailed Macaques, Wild Pig and the Flying Fox. Due to increased sea traffic, the western side of Tanjung Piai has been affected by oil spills which caused natural erosion processes in nearly 70 ha of the mangrove forest. In addition, the new port being established in the estuary of Sungai Pulai will 53 likely lead to increased wave energy reaching the east shore of Tanjung Piai, thus accelerating coastal erosion. Tanjung Piai is Ramsar site number 1289. The site enjoys the status of a State Park for eco-tourism; a visitor centre with boardwalks near the southern tip of the park provides interpretive materials, guided walks, and overnight facilities, with a World Wetlands Day programme beginning in 2003. The study sites were considered in view of their environmental significance. By absorbing the force of strong winds and tides, they are able to protect terrestrial areas adjoining them from storms, floods, and tidal damage. They provide food, water, and shelter for, mammals, fish, shellfish, migratory and local water birds; and also serve as a breeding ground and nursery for numerous species. Many endangered plant and animal species are dependent on these wetlands habitat for their survival. Furthermore is their hydrological function, which relates to the quantity of water that enters, stored in, or leaves the wetlands. These functions include such factors as the reduction of flow velocity, their role as ground-water recharge and influence on atmospheric processes. Water-quality functions include the trapping of sediment, pollution control, and the biochemical processes that take place as water enters, stored in, or leaves the wetlands. In addition to this is their role as a source of food and water, a place for recreation, education and science. The three wetlands i.e Sungai Pulai, Tanjung Piai and Pulau Kukup; are preferred among other wetlands because of the problems they face despite their declaration as wetland of international importance; such tribulations includes, unplanned logging and agricultural activities, rapid and unsustainable development which has resulted in coastal erosion, water pollution and natural habitat degradation. The Ramsar Convention was developed and adopted by participating nations at a meeting in Ramsar, Iran on February 2, 1971 and came into force on December 21, 1975. It is an international treaty for the conservation and sustainable utilization of wetlands, i.e. to stem the progressive encroachment on and loss of wetlands now and in the future, 54 recognizing the fundamental ecological functions of wetlands and their economic, cultural, scientific, and recreational value. 3.2 Data collection The data collection procedure was based on secondary and primary sources. Secondary sources include extensive literature study on published and unpublished books, journals, government documents and base map for the study area. These data were collected from various government departments such as; Johor Forestry Department (Pejabat Hutan Daerah-Johor selatan), Johor National Parks Corporation (Perbadanan Taman Negara), Mapping and Survey Department (JUPEM). Primary sources of data comprise; reconnaissance survey of the study area in order to know the general physical characteristics of the study area with regard to scenic and environmentally sensitive areas, also oral interview was administered to the park officials. The data gathered was used to update the existing one; it was digitized into the computer compatible format using ArcGIS software of Geographic Information System (GIS). 3.3 Database development for wetland assessment Database development for the project will be looked at from conservation and tourism development point of view (Figure 3.1). The development of the database here will be supported by ArcGIS 9.0 software. 55 Table 3.1: Data inventory for the project ELEMENT Land use Vegetation COVERAGE LAYER Land use Tree age class Harvesting season Environment and resources Physical and biophysical Hydrology Management Threatened fauna LAYER NAME Water bodies Forest Industrial Infrastructure_ and_utility Institutional Housing Transportation Retail_and_ services Agriculture Vacant_land Opens_space_an d_recreation Age_class Harvesting Management_s Endangered_ fauna Water Water_qualty Sungai Pulai Pulai_River ATTRIBUTE DATA TYPE OID Geometry String String 5 0 9 8 Shape_length Shape_area Lot Existing Double Double String String 12 13 20 10 Name Activity String String 15 14 OID Geometry Double Double Double OID Geometry Double Double Double Double 4 0 6 11 10 5 0 7 14 15 15 OID Geometry Double Double Double String 4 0 13 13 14 20 String 25 OID Geometry Double 4 0 12 Geometry OID String Double Integer Integer Integer Double OID Double Double 0 4 24 4 3 5 4 4 4 16 16 Objectid Shape Activity Activity_2 Objectid Shape Age_class_t Shape_area Shape_length Objectid Shape Harvesting Shape_length Shape_area Shape_length Objectid Shape Area Shape_length Shape_area Specific_ management Management_ body Objectid Shape Endangered_ fauna Shape Objectid Station PH BOD_MG_L COD_MG_L TSS_MG_L DO_MG_L Objectid Shape_length Shape_area DATA SHAPE Polygon Polygon Polygon Polygon Point Polygon WIDTH 56 3.3.1 Data layers for the study Data layers to be used include; land use, tree age class, harvesting season, threatened species, water quality and management. They will be applied in order to determine conservation and development areas in the Ramsar site. Land use: Land uses around the Ramsar site includes; water bodies, industrial, forest, institutional, infrastructure/utility, residential/housing, transportation, retail/services, agriculture, vacant land, open space and recreation. Source: MPMJ, (1999); PTN, (2007); PHD, (2007); JUPEM, (2007) Figure 3.2: Land use map 57 The objective of land use coverage in the study is to identify agricultural or natural areas close to habitat areas. The closest agricultural or natural area to species habitat will be termed as the most suitable for conservation. Conversely, the most distant area from species habitat will be classified as suitable for development. Harvesting: The sustainable forestry practiced by the State (Johor) Forestry Department at the wetland area is well-documented whereby 191 compartments have been scheduled for timber harvesting within a given time period (MPMJ 1999), which specifies the maximum area that can be cultivated to be 20-25 hectares per year. The overall management goal of Johor wetlands has always been sustained yield of fairly few commercial species based on clear felling and regeneration, which at times is complemented by natural regeneration. As the resource has become more threatened there is a clear requirement for management plans which consider all mangrove areas and relate them to biodiversity conservation objectives; forest habitat in general; land use planning; complementary inter-agency; mangrove fisheries and so forth. The current logging practice in the Ramsar Site does not make use of directional felling which should be promoted to provide an efficient and safer approach to clear felling area. During de-branching the slash is cut to allow for collection and stacking in rows perpendicular to the waterways, which promote tidal flushing and reduce tidal induced movement of slash that may cause damage to established seedlings and more advanced growth. 58 Source: MPMJ, (1999); PTN, (2007); PHD, (2007); JUPEM, (2007) Figure 3.3: Harvesting schedule The purpose of harvesting season coverage in the study is to ascertain within which periods certain forest compartments are allowed for cultivation. This data layer will be used to determine conservation areas by identifying trees that have recently been logged as suitable, because these trees needs to be nurtured so that they are fully ripe by the time it’s their cultivation period. This coverage will also be used to identify economic development areas, by identifying forest compartments that fall within the present year harvesting schedule as most suitable. Also tree compartments that fall in the most distant year will be classed as suitable development areas, this is because these trees must have reached or are about to reach their harvesting period. 59 Endangered Species Four of the mammal species recorded in the Johor mangroves are internationally classified as ‘vulnerable’, whereas five others are ‘near-threatened’. Two birds species are internationally classified as ‘vulnerable’ and three ‘near-threatened’, most of them are located at Pulau Kukup however they come to Tanjung Piai during low tide. It is recorded that over 50 Lesser Adjutant Leptoptilos janvanicus (threatened specie) are located along the west coast of Johor (DANCED Project Document No. 4, 1998). Lopez (1998) also observed these species on the mudflats of Pulau Kukup Island off the west coast of Johor and also on large mangrove trees further inland on Pulau Kukup. Source: MPMJ, (1999); PTN, (2007); PHD, (2007); JUPEM, (2007) Figure 3.4: Endangered species 60 Other threatened bird species includes; Milky Stork Mycreteria Cinerea, Strawheaded Bulbul Pycnonotus Zeylanicus, Mangrove Pitta Pitta Megarhynca, Mangrove Blue Flycatcher Cyornis Rufisgastra, Mangrove Whistler Pachycephala Cinerea. It should be stressed that this is an international classification and that additional species may be threatened locally. The rationale for endangered fauna data layer in the study is to determine the location and population of species that are vulnerable to extinction in the near future. This coverage will be used to determine conservation areas, by categorizing areas with a relatively high population of this species as suitable for conservation. Tourism development on the other hand will be determined, by classifying locations with a relatively low population of endangered species as suitable. Tree age class It is recommended to conserve young tree compartments i.e trees that are recently replanted. Because these trees need to be nurtured so that they are fully ripe by the time they reach their cultivation age. The trees are cultivated when they have reached a maturity age of 20 years, while some are cultivated at the age of 15 years (MPMJ, 1999). It is recorded that 96% of the total reserve is below 35 years of age. In addition, 22 compartments and measuring almost a year of logging area is not registered. Coverage layer on tree age class will reveal the various ages of the tree compartments of the wetland area. This data layer will be utilized in order to ascertain conservation areas, by identifying relatively young trees as suitable for conservation efforts, because these trees need to be cared for before they reach the maturity age of cultivation. Development areas will be determined, by classifying trees from the age 15 and above as suitable for economic development. 61 Source: MPMJ, (1999); PTN, (2007); PHD, (2007); JUPEM, (2007) Figure 3.5: Tree age class Management Sungai Pulai and Tanjung Piai comprises 500 forestry compartments established in the year 1928 and are managed primarily for commercial wood production using silvicultural system that requires clear-felling of trees under a 20-year rotation (MPMJ, 1999). Out of the 500, 16 forest compartments were allocated primarily for shoreline protection under the Mangrove Forest Reserve (MFR) specific management categories (MPMJ, 1999). Another 16 compartments were allocated for forest research while the rest are production forest compartments. Data layer on management will help in uncovering the different uses allowed by the authority in the wetland area, which will be considered in the conservation and development of the wetlands. 62 Source: MPMJ, (1999); PTN, (2007); PHD, (2007); JUPEM, (2007) Figure 3.6: Management Pulai River Pulai River Estuary runs from mount Pulai until Tanjung Pelapas, it is 22.6 km long and 2.83 in width. Pulai River is one of the largest mangrove forests in Malaysia, which is originally an ancient wetland. Because it is relatively pristine, its water supports an abundant flora and fauna. The tropical eelgrass, Enhalus acoroides, which is also the largest seagrass species in the world extending up to 2 ft in length, can be found in the Pulai River Estuary. Water quality parameters layer will be used in calculating the water quality of various sections of the river (Figure 3.2). This in the long run will reveal the different 63 quality levels of the river. The water quality will then be used to determine conservation areas, by classifying locations with higher level of water quality as suitable conservation areas. Development areas will be ascertained by categorizing sections of the river that depict a lower water quality. Table 3.2: Water quality parameters of Pulai River sampling stations PH BOD COD SS DO NH3N Tanjung Bin 8.2 3 127 38 6.5 <0.1 Sungai Pulai 6.7 5 134 11 6.4 <0.1 Tanjung Piai 6.6 5 141 82 6.5 <0.1 Source: MPMJ, (1999); PTN, (2007); PHD, (2007); JUPEM, (2007) Figure 3.7: Pulai River 64 Habitat area An enormous variety of wildlife is found in Johor Ramsar Sites. Some of the organisms live attached to the trunks and lower branches of the mangroves. Others live up in the top branches and others live within or above the muddy sediment between the trees. Animals from both the marine and terrestrial environments can be found in these wetlands. The plants here have adapted to muddy, shifting, saline conditions. They produce stilt roots which project above the mud and water in order to absorb oxygen. Awash in saltwater and up to their knees in mud, the plants in a Mangrove Swamp have clever ways of coping with their environment. The plants form communities which help to stabilize banks and coastlines, and become home to many types of animals. Shorebirds in the wetlands are found in two areas i.e Parit Penghulu mudflats and Sungai Nibong Bay. Some of the species found in these wetlands like Brahminy Kites (bird) nest in medium size to tall trees in the mangroves, forest edges and open country (Balen et al. 1993). Also observed is the Silvered Langur (mammal) around Tanjung Pelapas area (EIA Report, 1996). Flying Fox Pteropus sp. Used to roost in Pulau Kukup off the west coast of Johor and fly over to the mainland to feed on the fruits from the trees planted by the villagers. Wild pig can be considered the most common species of large mammal occurring in the mangroves. Tracks of this species can be observed in the mangroves along the coast and also along the banks of Sungai Nibong. Bowring's Supple Skink Lygosoma bowringii (reptile) is found amongst the mangal roots on the landward side and the Water Monitor Varanus salvator in the water and among the mangrove vegetation. It is also reported in that the Ramsar Sites to be important sites for several 65 threatened species of shorebirds (EIA Report, 1996) e.g Spoon billed Sandpiper Eurynorhynchus pygmaeus, Asian Dowitcher Limnodromus semipalmatus and Spotted Greenshank Tringa guttifer. It should be noted that a number of the species mentioned above are not totally restricted to mangroves, however they depend on the wetlands for some stage of their life cycle. Source: MPMJ, (1999); PTN, (2007); PHD, (2007); JUPEM, (2007) Figure 3.8: Species habitat The purpose of species habitat coverage is to determine the different sizes of species habitat and habitat area proximity to natural land use/ land cover. Habitat area data layer will be utilized in order to determine conservation areas, by identifying higher and connected habitat patches as most suitable for conservation effort; this ensures that the greatest amount of suitable habitat is being conserved. On the other hand tourism 66 development areas will be identified, by classifying smaller and isolated habitat patches as most suitable for development. Another function of Species habitat coverage in the study is to determine habitat area’s proximity to natural land use/ land cover. Conservation areas will be ascertained by identifying closest natural areas to species habitat as the most suitable; because some species require different habitat types at various stages of their life cycles. For example, amphibians require both wetland and upland habitats for their complete life cycle. Conversely, tourism development areas will be determined by identifying the most distant areas from species habitat as the most suitable; this is to ensure that natural areas next to species habitat are protected. 3.4 Evaluating existing wetlands 3.4.1 Threat analysis Some developments have had affects on the wetlands which includes; Tanjung Pelepas port development and Tenaga Nasional Power Transmission lines (PTL) through the wetlands. Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP) Is situated on the eastern side of the mouth of Sungai Pulai in southwest Johor; deemed to occupy 783 hectares of land area when fully developed by 2020. PTP is naturally sheltered deep water port and is near the Malaysia-Singapore second crossing. However, the development of this port is having some ecological effects on the integrity 67 of Sungai Pulai estuarine area and the shoreline. Some of the effects are discussed below: Degazettement of the wetlands: Some 250 hectares of mangroves will make way for the construction of this port, out of which 40 ha was excised from within the Sungai Pulai MFR (from eastern shores) while the rest are state land mangroves fringing the shores Tanjung Adanag and Tanjung Kupang (EIA Report, 1996). The port boundary begins at Sungai Perpat (lower east shore of Sungai Pulai) and ends at Parit Ghani Dredging activities: Large dredging activities (in the amount of 12 million cubic meters) were carried out to provide berths, turning basins and approaches for the port development (MPMJ, 1999). Dredging activities had the following environmental impacts: removal of part of the sea bed marine life, damage and changes in the benthic ecosystem, sea grass in the area impacted; reduction of sea water quality and increased turbidity causing smothering of immobile marine life forms; siltation/ erosion due to sediment transport and water flow changes; release of adsorbed heavy metals and toxic organics into the water phase due to re-suspension of seabed sediment during dredging operations impacted on the water quality and the substances introduced into the food web; dredging activities has also impacted on fisheries and marine life and interference of dredging equipment with marine migration. Reclamation: Reclamation work in the near shore areas of mangroves and mudflats were required to provide wharves and terminal port, suitable and protected land for port related activities and water front structures. The mudflats colonized by sea grass bed in the eastern shores of the Sungai Pulai estuary will diminish in due time. Seaward base port structures: The structures created in the seaward areas of the Sungai Pulai estuary will likely lead to increased wave energy reaching the eastern shore 68 of Tanjung Piai, thus accelerating coastal erosion and eventually threatening the bunds behind the mangroves. Some of these are now less than 50 meters wide (MPMJ, 1999). Sedimentation: Due to large scale development in the seaward areas of Sungai Pulai estuary, greater sedimentation along the port area was predicted. Sedimentation volumes in the dredged channel were estimated to be 600,000 cubic meters/ year (EIA Report, 1996). Therefore, the estuary is prone to dredging activities at intervals. Tidal water movement: The Sungai Pulai estuary experiences tidal input that brings saline waters to the upper reaches of the river. The large development at the estuary has impeded natural flow of tidal waters that goes in and out of this estuary. Fisheries: The port has covered the Sungai Pulai estuary and served as a barrier to the migration of fishes in and out of the mangroves. Mangroves are natural spawning and nursery grounds for many commercial fish and prawn species. Green turtles and dugongs have lost their feeding ground in the form of the sea grass beds. Sea grass beds resources for these species during their migration period. Tenaga Nasional Power Transmission lines (PTL) through the Sungai Pulai: The economic growth corridor envisaged for the south Johor prompted the government to construct PTL that transverses across the Sungai Pulai in several areas as well as the Sungai Pulai main river. The PTL route runs from Sungai Pulai east across the main channel and cut across Sungai Pulai to the west, enroute Kg. Tanjung Karang to Pontian. Any construction of PTL will require a strip with a minimum working width of 60 meters (Khan et al., 1991). Trees are removed from the entire length of this strip 69 and a laterite road is constructed to enable construction and maintenance. After construction is completed, Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) will periodically cut emerging vegetation below the transmission route. 3.4.2 Tourism issues Though, Sungai Pulai wetland was never given attention as an eco-tourism destination by the Johor State Government. Therefore, they lack tourism infrastructure. However, as recommended by the DANCED Project Document No. 12 (1999), there is considerable potential for developing limited scale mangrove tourism in this wetland as the area is obviously rich in natural resources. Only one site-specific mangrove related eco-tourism venture exists near the fringe of Sungai Pulai, located at Kg. Belokok. It houses 2 chalets, a restaurant, a 40m fishing jetty, a floating raft and 280 meter long boardwalk which transverses into the Sungai Peradin section of Sungai Pulai. This resort is currently sitting on a former jetty point which uses to serve as a transit to Singapore and Johor Bahru during the colonial days. The remnants of the abandoned harbor deck still remains. Fishing trips and boat rides can be solicited from this resort. Pulau Kukup is located at the quaint little fishing village of Kampung Air Masin in Kukup, Pontian. Visitors who plan to visit this mangrove island are advised to first register at the Pulau Kukup Johor National Park office located in the town centre in Kukup, before proceeding to the nearby jetty. The park was gazetted as a national park in March 1997 and was declared as a 'Wetland of International Importance' or Ramsar Site, by the Geneva-based Ramsar Convention Bureau. Officially opened to the public in August 2003, the park is home to 30 true mangroves and mangrove associated plant species while many other plant species have yet to be discovered here. Pulau Kukup is also an important stop over point for the migratory bird species along the East-Asian flyway, and the forests are also thought to be a breeding ground of the threatened Lesser 70 Adjutant Stork (Leptoptilus javanicus). The park has basic facilities such as Observation Towers, a 50 foot long suspension bridge, a boardwalk and jetty. Next is Tanjung Piai, or the 'Southernmost Tip of Mainland Asia'. Located in the district of Serkat, a name derived from the Malay word 'sekat' or blocked off. This indicated that the district is indeed located at 'Land's End'. The Tanjung Piai Johor National Park 8km shoreline borders the Straits of Malacca. It has a 325 meters long boardwalk leading to southern-most point of South East Asia. The boardwalk help visitors walk through the most strategic location that signifies the southern-most tip of the Asian continent The park is somewhat different from Pulau Kukup because Tanjung Piai is located on land and unlike its counterpart; one can opt to camp out under the stars here by paying a reasonable fee. A challenging obstacle course is also available for those who wish to test their endurance or plan to have a friendly match with friends. As waters subside, watch as crabs, lizards and mudskippers of various sizes scavenge for food. 3.5 Main steps of the approach 1. Definition of criteria to evaluate wetlands biodiversity conservation and development. 2. Evaluation of conservation and development criteria. 3. Multi criteria analysis and priority ranking of the wetlands biodiversity. 4. Generation and analysis of conservation/development scenarios and decision making. 71 3.5.1 Definition of criteria: In order to assess the relevance for nature conservation and tourism development of the different wetland areas, a set of evaluation criteria was selected; having defined the criteria (i.e standard of Judgment according to which the relevance for nature conservation and development is to be assessed), the next step was selecting suitable indicators and variables (Figure 3.9) (i.e the parameters to be used in practice to measure the selected criteria), (Table 3.3). The criteria signified different needs for conservation and development, they were represented inform of criterion maps/ data layers. The study criteria is selected based on extensive literature study and includes tree age class, harvesting season, habitat area, water quality, threatened fauna and wetlands close to natural land use/ land cover. Definition of criteria Evaluation of conservation and development criteria Pairwise comparison of the criterions Generation of conservation and development scenarios Assessment of conservation and development scenarios Figure 3.9: Schematic research approach 72 3.5.2 Evaluation of conservation and development criteria The study criteria were evaluated from conservation and tourism development point of view. In order to determine conservation areas, Ramsar Site coverage was considered as the habitat area due to non-availability of this data layer, since the whole of Ramsar Site is known to be a habitat area for wildlife. The river and its tributaries served as the boundary for the habitat patches. To be able to identify bigger habitat area which is said to be more suitable for conservation (Alderson, 2005); habitat area coverage was converted to raster and classed from the biggest to the smallest habitat area. Threatened species coverage was used to ascertain species that are vulnerable to extinction in the near future; which are said to be important for conservation efforts so that their population can continue to persist (U.S. Fish and Wildlife services, 1996). Here conservation relevance was based on the number of threatened fauna in each cluster; as such threatened fauna coverage was converted to raster and classed according to the size of these species in each huddle. To find out Wetlands that are surrounded by similar or complementary natural areas, which have much potential for conservation (Long Island Sound Study, 2003); Ramsar Site data layer was again utilized, however in this case excluding Pulau Kukup since it is not surrounded by any upland area. Natural land use/ land cover close to wetlands in the other two Ramsar Sites i.e Pulai River and Tanjung Piai was determined by using multiple ring buffer of 20, 30 and 40 meters around the periphery of the wetland area, with the closest ring being the most suitable. This is converted to raster and classified according to the proximity of the surrounding natural land use/ land cover to wetland area. 73 Table 3.3: Study criteria and indicators Objective To ascertain conservation/ Preservation area. Criterion Tree age class Indicators The lower the class of trees in wetland area, higher the need biodiversity preservation. age the the for Variables It is recommended to conserve Classes Age class of trees will be young tree compartments i.e categorized trees that are recently replanted. suitable, suitable, less suitable Because these trees needs to be and not suitable. into most Reference MPMJ (1999), management plan for the mangroves of Johor 2000-2009. Forestry department peninsular Malaysia, Johor state and DANCED. nurtured so that they are fully Biodiversity audit and conservation plan for the mangroves of Johor (1999), project document No 6. ripe by the time they reach their cultivation age. The trees are cultivated when they have reached a maturity age of 20 years, while some are cultivated at the age of 15 years. Water quality Level of water quality The higher the water quality of a river the greater its conservation value. River will be categorized into suitable water and not portions suitable to be Biodiversity audit and conservation plan for the mangroves of Johor (1999), project document No 6. conserved. Critical ecosystems Size of endangered species in a cluster These regionally and nationally Here conservation needs will U.S. significant be categorized according to Service (1996), Significant especially vulnerable to human the Habitats disturbances habitat species in various clusters; in Complexes of the New York degradation (U.S. FWS 1996). It the order of most suitable, Bight populations and are sizes of endangered Fish and and Wildlife Habitat Watershed. 74 is important that these critical suitable, less suitable and not Charlestown, R.I.: US Fish species habitats are protected or suitable. and Wildlife Service. The largest habitat patch in a It will be classified in the wetland range Alderson, Carl. 26 January 2005. NOAA Restoration Center Personal Communication. restored to ensure that viable populations of key species can continue to persist. Habitat area Size of habitat area is considered most of most suitable, suitable for conservation efforts. suitable, less suitable and not Favoring habitat patches with suitable, based on different the largest area when prioritizing sizes of habitat patches. and selecting sites for conservation ensures that the greatest amount of suitable habitat is being conserved. Wetlands close to natural land use/ land cover Wetlands are Some species require different This will be classed according surrounded by similar habitat types at various stages of to the proximity of wetland or their life cycles. For example, area to natural land use/ land have amphibians require both wetland cover. The most important greater potential to be and upland habitats for their being the closest wetland area conserved. complete a to natural land use/ land cover population becomes isolated in and the farthest wetland area only one of its required habitats, carrying the least importance. then cannot It will be categorized from survive (LISS 2003). For these the less suitable to the most reasons, land use that is in close suitable. natural that complementary areas the life cycle. population If Long Island Sound Study, (2003). Long Island Sound Habitat Restoration Initiative: Technical Support for Coastal Habitat Restoration. Stamford, CT: United States Environmental Protection Agency Long Island Sound Office. 75 proximity to natural habitat areas is most suitable for conservation/ restoration. Harvesting season. Permissible compartments for distinct seasons. The most distant compartment This will be classed according from the harvesting season will to the ranges allowed for be for cultivation. In the order of conservation, because the trees most suitable, suitable, less need to be nurtured so that they suitable and not suitable. the most suitable MPMJ (1999), management plan for the mangroves of Johor 2000-2009. Forestry department peninsular Malaysia, Johor state and DANCED. are fully ripe by the time it’s their harvesting period. To determine development area suitability Beyond high biodiversity and environmentally sensitive areas The developable areas The should The developable areas will be includes allow for low impact tourism ranked according to the level a activities such as boardwalks, of smaller lookout areas, boating, camping distance away from them in lower grounds and low rise & low the sequence of most suitable, clusters of endangered density chalets (SJER). It is also suitable, less suitable and not species, a higher tree stated suitable. age class, permissible development area for cultivation at diversified by using existing and certain natural resources in a sustainable low quality sections, relatively habitat water area, periods and lastly land use/ land cover farther habitat area. from protection that manner (SJER). zone economic should be biodiversity and the Comprehensive Development Plan for South Johor Economic Region (SJER) 2006-2025 76 To fulfill the objective of a conservation criterion which carries that; the lower the age class of trees the higher its need for biodiversity preservation (MPMJ, 1999); because these recently replanted trees needs to nurtured, so that they are fully ripe by the time its their cultivation period. Their cultivation period is usually 20 years and sometimes 15 years. Tree age class coverage was used; it was converted to raster and reclassified according to the age class of each forest compartment. Similarly harvesting season’s data layer was used to uncover within which periods certain forest compartments can be cultivated (MPMJ, 1999); the most distant compartment from the harvesting season will be the most suitable for conservation, because the trees needs to be nurtured so that they are fully ripe by the time its their harvesting period. This coverage was converted to raster and reclassified according to the forest compartments that fall in distant years from the harvesting season to those that fall within the present season of harvest. In order to determine the water quality of the river, parameters as PH, BOD, COD, SS, AN and DO of the sampling stations were used to calculate the subindices (SI). This was achieved with the following formula of water quality index of Malaysia (WQI). WQI = 0.22 x SIDO + 0.19 x SIBOD + 0.16 x SICOD + 0.15 x SIAN + 0.16 x SISS + 0.12 x SIpH Where; Subindex for DO (in % saturation): SIDO = 0 = 100 SIDO = -0.395 + 0.030x2 - 0.00020x3 for x<= 8 or x >= 92 for 8 < x < 92 Subindex for BOD SIBOD = 100.4 - 4.23x SIBOD = 108* exp (-0.055x) - 0.1x for x <=5 for x > 5 Subindex for COD SICOD = -1.33x + 99.1 SICOD = 103*exp (-0.0157x) - 0.04x for x <=20 for x >= 20 Subindex for AN SIAN = 100.5 - 105x for x <= 0.3 77 SIAN = 94*exp (-0.573x) - 5 * I x - 2 I SIAN = 0 for 0.3 < x < 4 for x >= 4 Subindex for SS: SISS = 97.5*exp (-0.00676x) + 0.05x for x<= 100 SISS = 71*exp (-0.0061x) - 0.015x for 100 < x < 1000 SISS = 0 for x >=1000 Subindex for pH SIpH = 17.2 - 17.2x + 5.02x2 for x < 5.5 SIpH = -242 + 95.5x - 6.67x2 for 5.5 <= x < 7 SIpH = -181 + 82.4x -6.05x2 for 7 <= x 8.75 SIpH = 536 - 77.0x + 2.76x2 for x >= 8.75 After getting the result from the formula above, the river was dissected into different classes, by considering a point to represent its up stream. The classes were based on Interim National Water Quality Standards of Malaysia. This was done manually using digitization function of GIS; afterwards it was converted to raster format and reclassified, having the higher quality sections to be more suitable for conservation efforts. To determine tourism development areas in such a protected area, in order to comply with South Johor Economic Region (SJER) objective which states that; the protection zone should allow for low impact tourism activities such as boardwalks, lookout areas, boating, camping grounds and low rise/ low density chalets (Comprehensive Development Plan for SJER, 2006-2025). Habitat area coverage was used to identify smaller habitat patches and categorized as suitable areas for development. As all the data layers have been converted to raster in the conservation evaluation above; habitat area coverage was classified from the smallest to the largest 78 habitat patch. Threatened species data layer was used to identify clusters with less population of such species thus will be identified as a suitable development area. Endangered species layer was reclassified from the smallest to largest number of threatened fauna found in each cluster. Similarly the farther a natural land use/ land cover is to wetland area, the more it is considered suitable for development. Therefore, multiple ring buffer of 20, 30 and 40 meters were performed on the habitat area coverage. It was classified from most distant to the closest area from the wetlands. Using water quality coverage, its lower quality portions were categorized as development area. Afterwards it was classified from low to high quality sections. To determine development area from the economic yield point of view based on South Johor Economic Region (SJER) objective which asserts that; economic development should be diversified by using existing and natural economic resources in a sustainable manner. Higher tree age class was considered as developable areas, using tree age class coverage as input. Subsequently it was classified from forest compartments with the highest age class to those with the lowest. Similarly harvesting season’s coverage was employed in order to identify compartments that fall within the present harvesting season, thus was categorized suitable for development. This data layer was classified from forest compartments that fall within the present year harvest to the most distant ones. Also lower river section of the wetlands was considered as developable area i.e it can yield huge revenue and provide employment from the fishing activities, using water quality data layer as input. This data layer was reclassified from lower to higher quality portions. Data layers reclassification and conversion above were performed using the conversion tools and spatial analyst function of GIS. Then the processed data layers were compared using the Boolean overlay approach, with pair wise comparison result as input. 79 3.5.3 Multi criteria analysis and priority ranking Multi criteria evaluation techniques were used in order to support the solution of a decision problem by evaluating the possible alternatives from different perspectives. Alternatives to be evaluated and ranked were represented by different criterion maps. As different criteria are usually characterized by different importance levels, the subsequent step of MCA was the prioritization of the criteria. This was achieved through the assignment of a weight to each criterion that indicates its importance relatively to the other criteria under consideration, by using information from literatures, decision makers/ expert's views, focused group meeting and surveys. There are several techniques for assigning criterion weights. Some of the most popular includes; ranking methods, rating methods and pair wise comparison method. However this study utilized pair wise comparison method, due to the nature of the problem at hand. Here, the conservation criteria need to be compared with each other. As such pair wise comparison method is particularly suited for this task, as it allows for the comparison of two criteria at a time. Similarly pair wise comparison method is more appropriate than the other methods if accuracy and theoretical foundations are the main concern (Malczewski, 1999). Also ranking and rating methods have been criticized for their lack of theoretical and formal foundations in interpreting the level of importance of a criterion (Malczewski, 1999). Pair wise Comparison Method. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was proposed by Saaty in 1980 and uses pairwise comparison method for criterion weighting. The method was carried out in a few steps; the criterion weights were used to generate cell values in a square matrix; where 'i' is a row and 'j' is a column. Since each factor is of equal importance to itself, the diagonal matrix was filled with 1's. Where Ci (row element) and Cj (column element) are of equal importance, then aij (the value in the matrix at the intersection of row i and column j) equals 1; and where Cj is more important than Ci, then aij is set 80 equal to the importance score and was >1. The entries aij in the matrix are based on the 1-9 interval scale with the following scale value meaning: 1- Same importance 2- Slightly more important 3- Weakly more important 4- Weakly to moderately more important 5- Moderately more important 6- Moderately to strongly more important 7- Strongly more important 8- Greatly more important 9- Absolutely more important Judgments were synthesized by summing the columns of the matrix, and the matrix normalized by dividing each column entry by the columns sum. Then the arithmetic average of each row in the normalized matrix was computed. Because individual’s judgment will never agree perfectly, the degree of consistency achieved in the ratings was measured by a consistency ratio (CR) indicating the probability the matrix ratings were randomly generated. The rule is that a CR less than or equal to 0.10 indicates an acceptable reciprocal matrix. To compute consistency ratio (CR); weighted sum vector was determined by multiplying the matrix by the vector of criterion weights i.e each column was multiplied by the corresponding criterion weights and the products summed over the rows; then the consistency vector was determined by dividing the weighted sum vector by the criterion weights; afterwards the average value of the consistency vector was computed; then the consistency index (CI) computed (λ-n/ n-1) , its calculation is based on the observation that is always greater or equal to the number of criteria. Finally the consistency ratio (CR) was calculated (CR= CI/RI) in order to make sure whether the comparison of criteria made by decision maker is consistent (Figure 3.10), where RI is the random index representing the consistency of a randomly 81 generated pair wise comparison. The pairwise comparison method is illustrated in Table 3.4; it was developed in Microsoft Excel and the results transferred into Raster Calculator of ArcGIS framework. Table 3.4: Illustration of pairwise comparison method This method is much more sophisticated than ranking and rating methods. Nevertheless it is criticized by the way of receiving the ratios of importance. The questionnaire asks about the relative importance of a criterion without respect to the scale it is measured. Moreover, the more criteria are required the more labor-intensive it becomes. While selecting any specific method one should take into account level of understanding of the problem by decision makers and their proficiency in the field. Expected accuracy of outcome versus simplicity of the procedure is also a factor. Malczewski (1999) states that pairwise comparison is more appropriate if accuracy and theoretical foundations are the main concern. Ranking and rating methods are used when ease-of-use, time and cost in generating weights is in concern. It is also recognized that the more sophisticated the technique the less transparent become the process for the general public. 82 Identify Criteria (Factors) Assign Standardized Criteria Scores Create Decision Hierarchy Weighting of Criteria Check Consistency Integrate with GIS Figure 3.10: Steps in pairwise comparison method The following criteria were used in wetlands conservation decision making; C1: Tree age class, C2: harvesting season, C3: endangered fauna, C4: habitat’s proximity to natural land use/ land cover, C5: habitat area and C6: water quality. The derivation of weights for the criteria follows the sequence of steps, which are detailed below. C1: Tree age class Step 1: The following square pair wise comparison matrix was formed; and judgments synthesized by summing the columns of the matrix. 83 Criteria C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C1 1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 2.3 C2 4 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 7.0 C3 4 2 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 8.5 C4 4 2 2 1 0.5 0.5 10.0 C5 4 2 2 2 1 0.5 11.5 C6 4 2 2 2 2 1 13.0 The interpretation of the above matrix is that Tree age class (C1) is the most important criterion; it is weakly to moderately more important than the other criteria. Step 2: Matrix was normalized by dividing each column entry by the column’s sum; and the arithmetic average of each row in the normalized matrix was computed. Criteria C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C1 0.44 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 C2 0.57 0.14 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 C3 0.47 0.24 0.12 0.06 0.06 0.06 C4 0.40 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.05 C5 0.35 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.09 0.04 C6 0.31 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.08 0.42 0.17 0.14 0.11 0.09 0.07 Step 3a: Because individual judgments will never agree perfectly, the degree of consistency achieved in the ratings is measured by a Consistency Ratio (CR) indicating the probability the matrix ratings were randomly generated. The rule-of-thumb is that a CR less than or equal to 0.10 indicates an acceptable reciprocal matrix, and ration over 0.10 indicates the matrix should be revised. The computation of Consistency Ratio was carried out in a few steps as follows; the weighted sum vector was determined by multiplying the matrix by the vector of the criterion weights (each column was multiplied by the corresponding criterion weights and the products were summed over the rows). 84 1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 4 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 4 2 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 4 2 2 1 0.5 0.5 4 2 2 2 1 0.5 4 2 2 2 2 1 * 0.42 0.17 0.14 0.42 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.68 0.17 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.56 0.28 0.14 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.11 0.44 0.22 0.22 0.11 0.06 0.06 0.09 0.36 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.09 0.05 0.07 0.28 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.07 2.74 1.10 0.87 0.69 0.55 0.43 Step 3b: The consistency vector was determined by dividing the weighted sum vector by the criterion weights; and the average value of consistency vector was computed. 2.74 1.10 0.87 0.69 0.55 0.43 / 0.42 0.17 0.14 0.11 0.09 0.07 = Sum/criteria no. 6.47 6.46 6.30 6.19 6.14 6.27 37.83/6 6.30 Step 3c: In this step the Consistency Index (CI) was determined. The calculation of CI is based on the observation that is always greater or equal to the number of criteria. If the pair wise comparison matrix is a consistent matrix, accordingly the number of criteria can be considered as a measure of the degree of inconsistency. This measure was normalized as follows; Consistency Index (CI) = (λ-n)/(n-1) = 6.30-6/6-1= 0.06 85 Step 3d: To compute the Consistency Ratio (CR); Consistency Ratio (CR) = CI/RI =0.06/1.24= 0.05 Where RI is the random index representing the consistency of a randomly generated pair wise comparison matrix. The value of RI depends on the number of criteria being compared. n RI 3 0.58 4 0.9 5 1.12 6 1.24 7 1.32 8 1.41 The value of CR = 0.05 falls much below the threshold value = 0.1 and it indicates a high level of consistency. Hence the weights can be accepted. C2: Harvesting Season Step 1: The following square pair wise comparison matrix was formed; and judgments synthesized by summing the columns of the matrix. Criteria C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C1 1 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 7.0 C2 0.25 1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 2.3 C3 2 4 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 8.5 C4 2 4 2 1 0.5 0.5 10.0 C5 2 4 2 2 1 0.5 11.5 C6 2 4 2 2 2 1 13.0 The interpretation of the above matrix is that Harvesting season (C2) is the most important criterion; it is weakly to moderately more important than the other criteria. 86 Step 2: Matrix was normalized by dividing each column entry by the column’s sum; and the arithmetic average of each row in the normalized matrix was computed. Criteria C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C1 0.14 0.57 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 C2 0.11 0.44 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 C3 0.24 0.47 0.12 0.06 0.06 0.06 C4 0.20 0.40 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.05 C5 0.17 0.35 0.17 0.17 0.09 0.04 C6 0.15 0.31 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.08 0.17 0.42 0.14 0.11 0.09 0.07 Step 3a: The computation of Consistency Ratio was carried out in a few steps as follows; the weighted sum vector was determined by multiplying the matrix by the vector of the criterion weights (each column was multiplied by the corresponding criterion weights and the products were summed over the rows). 1 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.25 1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 2 4 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 2 4 2 1 0.5 0.5 2 4 2 2 1 0.5 2 4 2 2 2 1 0.11 0.09 0.07 * 0.17 0.17 0.68 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.42 0.11 0.42 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.14 0.28 0.56 0.14 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.22 0.44 0.22 0.11 0.06 0.06 0.18 0.36 0.18 0.18 0.09 0.05 0.14 0.28 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.07 1.10 2.74 0.87 0.69 0.55 0.43 Step 3b: The consistency vector was determined by dividing the weighted sum vector by the criterion weights; and the average value of consistency vector was computed. 87 1.10 2.74 0.87 0.69 0.55 0.43 / 0.17 0.42 0.14 0.11 0.09 0.07 = Sum/criteria no. 6.44 6.52 6.21 6.27 6.06 6.14 37.65/6 6.28 Step 3c: In this step the Consistency Index (CI) was determined. The calculation of CI is based on the observation that is always greater or equal to the number of criteria. If the pair wise comparison matrix is a consistent matrix, accordingly the number of criteria can be considered as a measure of the degree of inconsistency. This measure was normalized as follows; Consistency Index (CI) = (λ-n)/(n-1) =6.28-6/6-1= 0.06 Step 3d: To compute the Consistency Ratio (CR); Consistency Ratio (CR) = CI/RI =0.06/1.24= 0.04 Where RI is the random index representing the consistency of a randomly generated pair wise comparison matrix. The value of RI depends on the number of criteria being compared. n RI 3 0.58 4 0.9 5 1.12 6 1.24 7 1.32 8 1.41 The value of CR = 0.04 falls much below the threshold value = 0.1 and it indicates a high level of consistency. Hence the weights can be accepted. 88 C3: Endangered fauna Step 1: The following square pair wise comparison matrix was formed; and judgments synthesized by summing the columns of the matrix. Criteria C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C1 1 0.5 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 7.0 C2 2 1 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 8.5 C3 0.25 0.25 1 0.25 0.25 0.25 2.3 C4 2 2 4 1 0.5 0.5 10.0 C5 2 2 4 2 1 0.5 11.5 C6 2 2 4 2 2 1 13.0 The interpretation of the above matrix is that Endangered fauna (C3) is the most important criterion; it is weakly to moderately more important than the other criteria. Step 2: Matrix was normalized by dividing each column entry by the column’s sum; and the arithmetic average of each row in the normalized matrix was computed. Criteria C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C1 0.14 0.07 0.57 0.07 0.07 0.07 C2 0.24 0.12 0.47 0.06 0.06 0.06 C3 0.11 0.11 0.44 0.11 0.11 0.11 C4 0.20 0.20 0.40 0.10 0.05 0.05 C5 0.17 0.17 0.35 0.17 0.09 0.04 C6 0.15 0.15 0.31 0.15 0.15 0.08 0.17 0.14 0.42 0.11 0.09 0.07 Step 3a: The computation of Consistency Ratio was carried out in a few steps as follows; the weighted sum vector was determined by multiplying the matrix by the vector of the criterion weights (each column was multiplied by the corresponding criterion weights and the products were summed over the rows). 89 1 0.5 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 2 1 4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0.25 1 0.25 0.25 0.25 2 2 4 1 0.5 0.5 2 2 4 2 1 0.5 2 2 4 2 2 1 0.11 0.09 0.07 * 0.17 0.14 0.17 0.09 0.68 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.28 0.14 0.56 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.42 0.11 0.11 0.42 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.22 0.22 0.44 0.11 0.06 0.06 0.18 0.18 0.36 0.18 0.09 0.05 0.14 0.14 0.28 0.14 0.14 0.07 1.10 0.87 2.74 0.69 0.55 0.43 Step 3b: The consistency vector was determined by dividing the weighted sum vector by the criterion weights; and the average value of consistency vector was computed. 1.10 0.87 2.74 0.69 0.55 0.43 / 0.17 0.14 0.42 0.11 0.09 0.07 = Sum/criteria no. 6.46 6.30 6.47 6.19 6.14 6.27 37.83/6 6.30 Step 3c: In this step the Consistency Index (CI) was determined. The calculation of CI is based on the observation that is always greater or equal to the number of criteria. If the pair wise comparison matrix is a consistent matrix, accordingly the number of criteria can be considered as a measure of the degree of inconsistency. This measure was normalized as follows; Consistency Index (CI) = (λ-n)/(n-1) = 6.30-6/6-1= 0.06 90 Step 3d: To compute the Consistency Ratio (CR); Consistency Ratio (CR) = CI/RI =0.06/1.24= 0.05 Where RI is the random index representing the consistency of a randomly generated pair wise comparison matrix. The value of RI depends on the number of criteria being compared. n RI 3 0.58 4 0.9 5 1.12 6 1.24 7 1.32 8 1.41 The value of CR = 0.05 falls much below the threshold value = 0.1 and it indicates a high level of consistency. Hence the weights can be accepted. C4: Habitat’s proximity to natural land use/ land cover Step 1: The following square pair wise comparison matrix was formed; and judgments synthesized by summing the columns of the matrix. Criteria C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C1 1 0.5 0.5 4 0.5 0.5 7.0 C2 2 1 0.5 4 0.5 0.5 8.5 C3 2 2 1 4 0.5 0.5 10.0 C4 0.25 0.25 0.25 1 0.25 0.25 2.3 C5 2 2 2 4 1 0.5 11.5 C6 2 2 2 4 2 1 13.0 The interpretation of the above matrix is that Habitat’s proximity to natural land use/ land cover (C4) is the most important criterion; it is weakly to moderately more important than the other criteria. 91 Step 2: Matrix was normalized by dividing each column entry by the column’s sum; and the arithmetic average of each row in the normalized matrix was computed. Criteria C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C1 0.14 0.07 0.07 0.57 0.07 0.07 C2 0.24 0.12 0.06 0.47 0.06 0.06 C3 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.40 0.05 0.05 C4 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.44 0.11 0.11 C5 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.35 0.09 0.04 C6 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.31 0.15 0.08 0.17 0.14 0.11 0.42 0.09 0.07 Step 3a: The computation of Consistency Ratio was carried out in a few steps as follows; the weighted sum vector was determined by multiplying the matrix by the vector of the criterion weights (each column was multiplied by the corresponding criterion weights and the products were summed over the rows). 1 0.5 0.5 4 0.5 0.5 2 1 0.5 4 0.5 0.5 2 2 1 4 0.5 0.5 0 0.25 0.25 1 0.25 0.25 2 2 2 4 1 0.5 2 2 2 4 2 1 0.42 0.09 0.07 * 0.17 0.14 0.17 0.09 0.09 0.68 0.09 0.09 0.28 0.14 0.07 0.56 0.07 0.07 0.11 0.22 0.22 0.11 0.44 0.06 0.06 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.42 0.11 0.11 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.36 0.09 0.05 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.28 0.14 0.07 1.10 0.87 0.69 2.74 0.55 0.43 Step 3b: The consistency vector was determined by dividing the weighted sum vector by the criterion weights; and the average value of consistency vector was computed 92 1.10 0.87 0.69 2.74 0.55 0.43 / 0.17 0.14 0.11 0.42 0.09 0.07 6.46 6.30 6.19 6.47 6.14 6.27 37.83/6 = Sum/criteria no. 6.30 Step 3c: In this step the Consistency Index (CI) was determined. The calculation of CI is based on the observation that is always greater or equal to the number of criteria. If the pair wise comparison matrix is a consistent matrix, accordingly the number of criteria can be considered as a measure of the degree of inconsistency. This measure was normalized as follows; Consistency Index (CI) = (λ-n)/(n-1) = 6.30-6/6-1= 0.06 Step 3d: To compute the Consistency Ratio (CR); Consistency Ratio (CR) = CI/RI =0.06/1.24= 0.05 Where RI is the random index representing the consistency of a randomly generated pair wise comparison matrix. The value of RI depends on the number of criteria being compared. n RI 3 0.58 4 0.9 5 1.12 6 1.24 7 1.32 8 1.41 The value of CR = 0.05 falls much below the threshold value = 0.1 and it indicates a high level of consistency. Hence the weights can be accepted. 93 C5: Habitat area Step 1: The following square pair wise comparison matrix was formed; and judgments synthesized by summing the columns of the matrix. Criteria C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 4 0.5 7.0 C2 2 1 0.5 0.5 4 0.5 8.5 C3 2 2 1 0.5 4 0.5 10.0 C4 2 2 2 1 4 0.5 11.5 C5 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 1 0.25 2.3 C6 2 2 2 2 4 1 13.0 The interpretation of the above matrix is that Habitat area (C5) is the most important criterion; it is weakly to moderately more important than the other criteria. Step 2: Matrix was normalized by dividing each column entry by the column’s sum; and the arithmetic average of each row in the normalized matrix was computed. Criteria C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C1 0.14 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.57 0.07 C2 0.24 0.12 0.06 0.06 0.47 0.06 C3 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.40 0.05 C4 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.09 0.35 0.04 C5 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.44 0.11 C6 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.31 0.08 0.17 0.14 0.11 0.09 0.42 0.07 Step 3a: The computation of Consistency Ratio was carried out in a few steps as follows; the weighted sum vector was determined by multiplying the matrix by the vector of the criterion weights (each column was multiplied by the corresponding criterion weights and the products were summed over the rows). 94 1 0.50 0.50 0.50 4 0.50 2 1 0.50 0.50 4 0.50 2 2 1 0.5 4 0.50 2 2 2 1 4 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 1 0.25 2 2 2 2 4 1 0.42 0.07 * 0.17 0.17 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.68 0.09 0.14 0.11 0.28 0.14 0.07 0.07 0.56 0.07 0.22 0.22 0.11 0.06 0.44 0.06 0.09 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.09 0.36 0.05 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.42 0.11 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.28 0.07 1.10 0.87 0.69 0.55 2.74 0.43 Step 3b: The consistency vector was determined by dividing the weighted sum vector by the criterion weights; and the average value of consistency vector was computed. 1.10 0.87 0.69 0.55 2.74 0.43 / 0.17 0.14 0.11 0.09 0.42 0.07 = Sum/criteria no. 6.46 6.30 6.19 6.14 6.47 6.27 37.83/6 6.30 Step 3c: In this step the Consistency Index (CI) was determined. The calculation of CI is based on the observation that is always greater or equal to the number of criteria. If the pair wise comparison matrix is a consistent matrix, accordingly the number of criteria can be considered as a measure of the degree of inconsistency. This measure was normalized as follows; Consistency Index (CI) = (λ-n)/(n-1) =6.30-6/6-1= 0.06 95 Step 3d: To compute the Consistency Ratio (CR); Consistency Ratio (CR) = CI/RI =0.06/1.24= 0.04 Where RI is the random index representing the consistency of a randomly generated pair wise comparison matrix. The value of RI depends on the number of criteria being compared. n RI 3 0.58 4 0.9 5 1.12 6 1.24 7 1.32 8 1.41 The value of CR = 0.04 falls much below the threshold value = 0.1 and it indicates a high level of consistency. Hence the weights can be accepted. C6: Water quality Step 1: The following square pair wise comparison matrix was formed; and judgments synthesized by summing the columns of the matrix. Criteria C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 4 7.0 C2 2 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 4 8.5 C3 2 2 1 0.5 0.5 4 10.0 C4 2 2 2 1 0.5 4 11.5 C5 2 2 2 2 1 4 13.0 C6 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 1 2.3 The interpretation of the above matrix is that Water quality (C6) is the most important criterion; it is weakly to moderately more important than the other criteria. 96 Step 2: Matrix was normalized by dividing each column entry by the column’s sum; and the arithmetic average of each row in the normalized matrix was computed. Criteria C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C1 0.14 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.57 C2 0.24 0.12 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.47 C3 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.40 C4 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.09 0.04 0.35 C5 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.08 0.31 C6 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.44 0.17 0.14 0.11 0.09 0.07 0.42 Step 3a: The computation of Consistency Ratio was carried out in a few steps as follows; the weighted sum vector was determined by multiplying the matrix by the vector of the criterion weights (each column was multiplied by the corresponding criterion weights and the products were summed over the rows). 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 4 2 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 4 2 2 1 0.5 0.5 4 2 2 2 1 0.5 4 2 2 2 2 1 4 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 1 * 0.17 0.17 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.68 0.14 0.28 0.14 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.56 0.11 0.22 0.22 0.11 0.06 0.06 0.44 0.09 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.09 0.05 0.36 0.07 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.07 0.28 0.42 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.42 1.10 0.87 0.69 0.55 0.43 2.74 Step 3b: The consistency vector was determined by dividing the weighted sum vector by the criterion weights; and the average value of consistency vector was computed. 97 1.10 0.87 0.69 0.55 0.43 2.74 0.17 0.14 0.11 0.09 0.07 0.42 / = Sum/criteria no. 6.46 6.30 6.19 6.14 6.27 6.47 37.83/6 6.30 Step 3c: In this step the Consistency Index (CI) was determined. The calculation of CI is based on the observation that is always greater or equal to the number of criteria. If the pair wise comparison matrix is a consistent matrix, accordingly the number of criteria can be considered as a measure of the degree of inconsistency. This measure was normalized as follows; Consistency Index (CI) = (λ-n)/(n-1) =6.30-6/6-1= 0.06 Step 3d: To compute the Consistency Ratio (CR); Consistency Ratio (CR) = CI/RI =0.06/1.24= 0.04 Where RI is the random index representing the consistency of a randomly generated pair wise comparison matrix. The value of RI depends on the number of criteria being compared. n RI 3 0.58 4 0.9 5 1.12 6 1.24 7 1.32 8 1.41 The value of CR = 0.04 falls much below the threshold value = 0.1 and it indicates a high level of consistency. Hence the weights can be accepted. 98 3.5.4 Generation and analysis of conservation/ development scenarios and decision making Conservation and development scenarios were generated, with each scenario representing the best solution to decision problem, according to the assessment perspective adopted. Map scenarios reflecting the opinion of different experts or stakeholders involved were compared in order to highlight the robustness of the solution and support decision making. Scenarios were generated using the weights derived from pair wise comparison method, which was compared with the Boolean Overlay Approach. This is done with the aid of raster calculator; the raster calculator which is a Spatial Analyst function that provides a tool for performing multiple tasks: one can perform mathematical calculations using operators and functions, set up selection queries, or type in Map Algebra syntax. GIS should act as the interface between technology and the decision maker with integrating MCE methods into the GIS (Heywood et al. 1993) Development scenarios were viewed from tourism and economic development point of view: Tourism development scenario 1 This includes development in the low spot of natural resources/ lower sensitive areas. This is to conform with South Johor Economic Region (SJER) objective which carries that; the protection zone should allow for low impact tourism activities such as boardwalks, lookout areas, boating, camping grounds and low rise/ low density chalets, (Comprehensive Development Plan for SJER, 2006-2025) (Figure 3.11). 99 Endngerd fauna Union Boundary Water quality Union Feature to raster Reclasify Feature to raster Reclasify Feature to raster Reclasify MRbuffer Feature to raster Boundary Habitat area Union Raster calc. Tourism Development Boundary Habitat area Union Boundary Reclasify Figure 3.11: Tourism development suitability model Table 3.5: Tourism development criteria and indicators Criterion Indicators Classes Water quality Relatively lower quality sections It was classed from the lowest of the river. quality part of the river being most suitable, to the highest quality portions being not suitable. Endangered fauna Relatively smaller clusters of Smallest cluster of threatened endangered species. fauna was ranked most suitable and largest not suitable. Habitat area Smaller habitat patches. The smallest habitat area was considered most suitable for development and the biggest not suitable. Proximity of natural land use/ Farther land use/ land cover from The farthest natural land use/ land cover to habitat area. wetland areas. land cover to habitat area was categorized as the most suitable 100 for development and the closest not suitable. Tourism development scenario 2 The only difference with this scenario and the above is that the river will be completely restricted from any kind of development. This is in view of its gazettement (Ecological Assessment of Sungai Pulai MFR, 2001), due to its major ecological importance of continuous input of freshwater into the upper reaches of Sungai Pulai estuary, home to a variety of wetland plant species, as well as habitat of fauna and birds. In addition to this is its function of sedimentation retention, nutrient retention and toxicant removal. Therefore the whole river will be classified as unsuitable under this scenario. Economic development scenario This entails development that will yield the economic development of the people and the authorities in general, at the same time minimizing adverse environmental impact on the environment. This is to act in accordance with South Johor Economic Region (SJER) and Draft Johor Structure Plan 2006-2020 objective which assert that; economic development should be diversified by using existing and natural economic resources in a sustainable manner, (Figure 3.12). 101 Age class Feature to raster Union Reclasify Boundary Harvestg season Feature to raster Union Reclasify Raster calc Boundary Resource Development Water quality Feature to raster Union Boundary Reclasify Figure 3.12: Economic development model Table 3.6: Economic development criteria and indicators Criterion Indicators Classes Tree age class The higher the age classes of trees the The most suitable was the greater their chances of being cultivated. highest age class trees and the lowest age class not suitable. Harvesting season The closer the trees compartment to Compartments harvesting, the higher their suitability for cultivation within the present economic yield. year were termed the most allowed for suitable and the most distant year not suitable. Water quality The lower the water quality, the greater its Lower water quality section chances being used for low impact fishing was categorized most suitable activities. and higher quality sections not suitable. 102 Conservation scenarios The study’s conservation scenarios were produced using the same factors, with however variation in the criterion weights in each of the scenario. Each criterion was given a higher weight over others based on its function in the conservation of wetlands i.e each criterion was considered of more importance than others in 6 different scenarios, (Figure 3.13). The purpose of the criterion weighting is to express the importance of each criterion relative to other criteria. Table 3.7: Conservation criteria and indicators Criterion Indicators Classes Tree age class The lower the age class of trees in an area, the higher the need for biodiversity preservation. Lowest age class was termed as the most suitable and the highest not suitable. River The higher the water quality of a river the greater its conservation value. Endangered fauna The higher the clusters of The highest water quality section of the river was considered most suitable and the least part not suitable. Largest clusters of endangered endangered fauna, the greater the fauna need for its conservation suitable and the smallest not was categorized most suitable. Habitat area The larger the habitat area, the Biggest habitat patch was classed greater its conservation need. as the most suitable and the smallest habitat area not suitable. Wetlands close to natural land The closer a natural land use/ The closest natural land use/ land use/ land cover land cover to wetland’s area the cover more it conservation value. categorized as the most suitable to habitat area was and the most distant not suitable. Harvesting season The farther a tree compartment is The to harvesting season, the greater compartment its conservation relevance season will be considered as the most distant from tree harvesting most suitable and compartments that fall in present year harvesting was categorized as not suitable. Tree age class Union Boundary Reclasify Feature to raster Union Harvestg Union Feature to raster Union Feature to raster Union Feature to raster Union Feature to raster Boundary Water quality Boundary Endangrd Species Boundary Habitat area Boundary Habitat area Union MRbuffer Boundary Figure 3.13: Wetland’s conservation model Reclasify Reclasify Union Reclasify Reclasify Feature to raster Reclasify Raster calc. Conservation 104 CHAPTER 4 WETLANDS ASSESSMENT AND RESULTS 4.1 Introduction The basic concern of this study is to identify conservation and compatible areas for tourism development in Johor Ramsar Sites, using spatial modeling in Geographic Information System (GIS). In other words the study intends to address the conservation principle of sustainable tourism planning. Conservation in this case refers to the preservation, management and care of flora/ fauna, their habitat and the whole wetlands area. Conversely, sustainable tourism planning may be regarded as a form of tourism which involves management of all resources in such a way that economic, social and aesthetic needs are fulfilled while maintaining cultural integrity, essential ecological processes, biological diversity and life support systems; it involves the minimization of negative impacts and the maximization of positive impacts of the environment it occurs. The main objectives of the study have been to identify areas that need to be conserved in the wetlands area; these area areas of high biodiversity that are highly sensitive to human interference. Another objective is to identify relatively low 106 biodiversity areas that can be used for low impact tourism and economic development. These areas can be allowed for tourism activities such as boardwalks, lookout areas, boating, camping grounds and low rise/ low density chalets; these vicinities are characterized by a relatively low biodiversity of natural resources. Areas that can be used for economic development includes; mangrove trees that have attained a high age period as decided by the management body, river locations that depict a lower water quality, trees that fall within the present and subsequent harvesting periods. Economic development here will help in improving the living conditions of the local people by providing employment opportunities, thus improving their income. It will also help in generating revenue to the government. The study sites include Johor wetlands that have been declared as wetlands of international importance at the Ramsar convention. They include; Tanjung Piai, Sungai Pulai and Pulau Kukup. Ideally, the approach to addressing these objectives has been to develop a GIS and multi criteria evaluation model for wetland assessment. This is by applying the tools of spatial analyst integrated with the workings of Multi Criteria Evaluation. In order to achieve this, a set of evaluation criteria were defined by using information from literatures, decision makers/ expert's views and surveys. These criteria includes; tree age class, harvesting season, size of endangered fauna, habitat proximity to natural land cover, habitat area and water quality. Having defined the criteria, suitable indicators and variables were selected to measure the chosen criteria. Subsequently, the criteria were evaluated by using typical functionalities of raster-based GIS; such as distance operators, conversion and reclassification functions embedded in ArcGIS 9.0. Afterwards, Pair wise comparison method of Multi Criteria Evaluation was used to evaluate possible alternatives from different perspectives. The pair wise comparison was developed in Microsoft Excel and results transferred into ArcGIS framework. Conservation and development scenarios were generated, with each scenario representing the best solution to a decision problem, according to the assessment 107 perspective adopted. Map scenarios reflecting the opinion of different experts or stakeholders involved were compared using the Boolean overlay approach of GIS with the aid of Raster Calculator, in order to highlight the robustness of the solution and support decision making. 4.2 Wetlands conservation As highlighted in the preceding section conservation refers to the preservation, management and care of flora/ fauna, their habitat and the whole wetlands area. It is one of the main principles of sustainable tourism planning. Conservation of the high biodiversity areas of the wetlands will ensure that tourism does not serve to degrade these internationally important sites. This is achieved by categorizing locations that portray a relatively high abundance of natural resources as areas to be controlled from tourism activities. This will ensure that tourism maintains the viability of the area for an indefinite period of time. Habitat area Habitat area or environment can be defined as a place where an organism or ecological community normally lives or occurs. The largest habitat patch in a wetland is considered most suitable for conservation efforts. Favoring habitat patches with the largest area when prioritizing and selecting sites for conservation ensures that the greatest amount of suitable habitat is being conserved (Alderson, 2005). To be able to identify bigger habitat areas, habitat area coverage was employed; this data layer was converted to raster (feature to raster) and classed in such a manner that bigger habitat patches are favored (Figure 4.1). Habitat’s area coverage conversion and reclassification were performed using the spatial analyst function of GIS (ArcGIS 9.0). 108 Figure 4.1: Habitat area (reclassified) As can be seen from the figure above, the ‘low’ value depicts areas with relatively smaller size of habitat patches, which are less suitable for conservation. These areas accommodate a lesser number of flora and fauna. The ‘high’ value on the other hand represents locations with comparatively bigger patches of species, which are said to be more suitable for conservation efforts. Endangered fauna These regionally and nationally significant populations are especially vulnerable to human disturbances and habitat degradation (USFWS, 1996). It is important that these critical species habitats are protected or restored to ensure that viable populations of key species can continue to persist. Endangered fauna coverage was used to ascertain species 109 that are vulnerable to extinction in the near future. Here conservation relevance was based on the population of threatened fauna in each cluster; as such threatened fauna coverage was converted to raster and classed according to the population size of these species in each huddle (Figure 4.2). Conversion and reclassification of endangered fauna coverage were performed using the spatial analyst function of GIS (ArcGIS 9.0). Figure 4.2: Endangered fauna (reclassified) As revealed from the diagram above the ‘low’ value portrays areas with relatively small population of the endangered fauna, which are less suitable for conservation when compared to areas with higher population of such species. The ‘high’ value on the other hand, depicts locations with a large number of species that are vulnerable to extinction in the near future. Such localities are more suitable for conservation as they host a relatively larger number of such species. 110 Wetland’s proximity to natural land cover Some species require different habitat types at various stages of their life cycles. For example, amphibians require both wetland and upland habitats for their complete life cycle. If a population becomes isolated in only one of its required habitats, then the population cannot survive (LISS, 2003). For these reasons, land use that is in close proximity to natural habitat areas is most suitable for conservation/ restoration. To find out Wetlands that is surrounded by similar or complementary natural area. Habitat area data layer was again utilized, however in this case excluding Pulau Kukup since it is not surrounded by any upland area. Figure 4.3: Multiple ring buffer Natural land use/ land cover close to wetlands in the other two Ramsar Sites i.e Pulai River and Tanjung Piai was determined by using multiple ring buffer of 20, 30 and 111 40 meters around the periphery of the wetland area (Figure 4.3), with the closest ring being the most suitable, (Figure 4.4). This is converted to raster and classified according to the proximity of the surrounding natural land use/ land cover to wetland area. This coverage’s conversion and reclassification were performed using the spatial analyst function of GIS (ArcGIS 9.0). Enlarged area Figure 4.4: Habitat’s proximity to natural land cover (reclassified) A section of the map above (Figure 4.4) is enlarged in order to have a clearer picture of natural land uses surrounding the wetland area (Figure 4.5). This is in order to identify those areas that are most suitable for conservation i.e relatively closer natural upland areas to the wetlands and areas that are far away from the wetland area, which are less suitable for conservation. 112 Figure 4.5: Habitat’s proximity to natural land cover (enlarged area) As can be seen from the diagram above, the ‘low’ value depict areas that are farther from the habitat/ wetlands area which are less suitable for conservation. These are locations rarely used by the wetland species because of their distance away from the habitat area. The ‘high’ value on the other hand represents natural land use/ land cover that are next to habitat/ wetlands area, which are said to be most suitable for conservation. As highlighted in the above section, some species require both wetlands and upland area for their complete life cycle. This signifies natural areas in closer proximity to the wetlands as most suitable for conservation, because these areas are more patronized by the some of the wetland fauna for their survival. Tree age class It is recommended to conserve young tree compartments i.e trees that are recently replanted. Because these trees needs to be nurtured so that they are fully 113 matured by the time they reach their cultivation age. The trees are cultivated when they have reached a maturity age of 20 years, while some are cultivated at the age of 15 years (MPMJ, 1999). The rationale behind the cultivation of these internationally important wetlands is that; the management authority/ government need to benefit from this natural endowment as will yield huge revenue and provide employment opportunities. This is coupled with problems as polluting water ways, which occurs when trees are decomposed as they approach the limit of their life span. Tree age class coverage was used; it was converted to raster and reclassified according to the age class of each forest compartment, (Figure 4.6). The conversion and reclassification of tree age class layer were done using spatial analyst function of GIS (ArcGIS 9.0). Figure 4.6: Tree age class (reclassified) 114 As seen from the above map, the ‘low’ value represents tree compartments with high ages, which fall within the age class that are ripe for cultivation as outlined by the management authority. Therefore, these categories of trees class are less suitable for conservation. The ‘high’ value on the other hand, is tree compartments falling in the low age classes, which need to be conserved so that they are fully matured by the time it’s their cultivation period. These areas also include untouchable areas i.e areas that have been reserved and managed as state parks. Therefore, they are considered suitable for conservation efforts. Harvesting season This includes permissible compartments for distinct seasons. The most distant compartment from the harvesting season and recently cultivated compartments will be the most suitable for conservation, because the trees need to be nurtured so that they are fully ripe by the time it’s their harvesting period (MPMJ, 1999). Harvesting season data layer was used to uncover within which periods certain forest compartments can be cultivated. This coverage was converted to raster and reclassified according to the forest compartments in distinct years of harvesting season (Figure 4.7). The conversion and reclassification were performed using the spatial analyst function of GIS (ArcGIS 9.0). 115 Figure 4.7: Harvesting (reclassified) As revealed from the above figure, the ‘low’ value symbolizes trees that fall within the present year harvesting schedule and subsequent year of harvesting. These tree compartments are the least suitable for conservation efforts. Conversely, the ‘high’ value signifies those tree compartments that are recently replanted. In other words, they are tree compartments that need to be taken care of before it’s their harvesting period. The ‘high’ value also includes untouchable areas i.e areas that have been reserved and managed as state parks. Thus, they are the most suitable for conservation. Water quality The higher the water quality of a river the greater its conservation value (MPMJ, 1999). In order to determine the water quality of the river, parameters as PH, BOD, 116 COD, SS, AN and DO of the sampling stations were used to calculate the sub-indices (SI). This was achieved with the following formula of water quality index of Malaysia (WQI). Table 4.1: Water quality Sub-index Tanjung PH BOD COD SS DO NH3N SI 8.2 3 127 38 6.5 <0.1 54.50 6.7 5 134 11 6.4 <0.1 56.09 Bin Sungai Pulai Calculations for Tanjung Bin; SIPH = -181+82.4(8.2)-6.05(8.2)2= 87.87 SIBOD=100.4-4.23(3) = 87.71 SICOD=103*e(-0.0157*127)-0.04*(127)=8.94 SISS=97.5*e(-0.00676*38)+0.05(38)=77.31 SIDO=0 SIAN=100.5-105(0.1) =90 Answers above will be substituted in the following equation; WQI=0.22*(0)+0.19*(87.71)+0.16*(8.94)+0.15*(90)+0.16*(77.31)+0.12*(87.87)= 54.50 Calculations for Sungai Pulai; SIPH=-242+95.5*(6.7)-6.67*(6.7)2=98.43 SIBOD=100.4-4.23*(5) =79.25 SICOD=103*e(-0.0157*134)-0.04*(134)=7.20 SISS=97.5*e(-0.00676*11)+0.05*(11)=91.06 SIDO=0 SIAN=100.5-105(0.1) =90 117 Answers above will be substituted in the following equation; WQI=0.22*0+0.19*79.25+0.16*7.20+0.15*90+0.16*91.06+0.12*98.43= 56.09 According to the Interim National River Water Quality Standards of Malaysia, the results for Tanjung Bin and Sungai Pulai fall in class III (51.9-76.5) of the Water Quality Standards (WQI); which has its interpretation as “Extensive treatment required, Fishery III-common, of economic value and tolerant species livestock drinking”. It can be deduced from this classification that the water quality of the two sections of the river is not so good; however there will be an attempt at conserving it, by giving priority to the higher quality section (Figure 4.8). This data layer was converted to raster format and reclassified by identifying the high quality portions of the river as most suitable for conservation and the lower quality sections were identified to be less suitable. The conversion and reclassification were performed using the spatial analyst function of GIS (ArcGIS 9.0). Figure 4.8: Water quality (reclassified) 118 As can be seen from the above map, the ‘low’ value depicts a lower water quality section of the river, having a Water Quality Index (WQI) value of 54.50. This could be attributed to its location close to Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP), whose development is said to have some ecological effects on the integrity of Sungai Pulai estuarine area and the shoreline (MPMJ, 1999). Therefore this part of the river has lesser conservation value. The ‘high’ value section on the other hand, portrays a higher quality when compared with the area around Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP). This section of the river has a WQI value of 56.09, which is more suitable for conservation. Conversion of data layers Any shapefile, coverage, or geodatabase feature class containing point, line, or polygon features can be converted to a raster dataset. Here all the data layers were converted to raster format (features to raster). The output cell size was determined by the size of each pixel in the output raster dataset. This tool always uses the cell center to decide the value of a raster pixel (Figure 4.9). Figure 4.9: Spatial analyst (Features to Raster) 119 Reclassification of data layers The reclassification function was used to change cell values to alternative values. This function is designed to allow one to easily change many values on an input raster to desired, specified, or alternative values. All reclassification methods are applied to each cell within a zone. That is, when applying an alternative value to an existing value, all the reclassification methods apply the alternative value to each cell of the original zone. No reclassification method applies alternative values to only a portion of an input zone. This function was applied to all the data layers with the support of spatial analyst of ArcGIS 9.0 (Figure 4.10). Figure 4.10: Spatial analyst (Reclassify) 4.2.2 Conservation scenarios: various conservation maps were produced; these maps are generated by altering the criterion weights, such that each map represents the best solution to a decision problem. Each conservation criteria was considered to be the most important in each of the scenarios. The idea behind this is to see how each conservation 120 criteria plays a role in the conservation process (Figure 4.12). Data layers were compared using the Boolean overlay approach. This was performed using raster calculator, with pair wise comparison result as input. Raster calculations of the data layers The Boolean overlay comparison was done with the aid of Raster Calculator. Raster calculator is a Spatial Analyst function that provides a tool for performing multiple tasks. It allows one to perform mathematical calculations using operators and functions, set up selection queries, or type in Map Algebra syntax. The calculator is located on the Spatial Analyst toolbar drop down menu. It uses both "operators" and "functions" to perform tasks. Map algebra operators work with one or more inputs to develop new values, they are generally the same operators found on scientific calculators. The operators used most often are arithmetic, relational, Boolean, and logical. Below is an illustration of Raster calculations for the first scenario. In this scenario priority was given to tree age class (Figure 4.11). Figure 4.11: Raster calculations 121 Same calculation was applied to all other criteria; by giving priority to each of the criterions in different scenarios, just like it’s given to tree age class in the calculation above. For clearer understanding of the criterions in the Raster calculator, below their complete denotations; Crclageclass – Tree age class Crclharv – Harvesting schedule Crclendf – Endangered fauna Crclhabmrb – Habitat’s proximity to natural land cover Crclhabitat – Size of habitat area Crclwq – Water quality Figure 4.12: Conservation model 122 Below are the conservation scenarios, which include six scenarios. They are generated by giving more importance to each of the scenarios in six different evaluations in the following order; Tree age class, harvesting season, size of endangered fauna, habitat’s proximity to natural land cover, size of habitat area and water quality. The purpose of the criterion weighting is to express the importance of each criterion relative to other criteria. Figure 4.13: scenario 1 (Conservation) C1: TREE AGE CLASS 7175 39.9% 1147 6.4% 4420 24.6% Not suitable Less suitable Suitable 5261 29.2% Most suitable In this scenario tree age class was given priority, thus it carried a higher weight than other criteria. The ranking was given in the following order; tree age class (0.42), harvesting season (0.17), endangered fauna (0.14), habitat’s proximity to natural land use (0.11), habitat area (0.09) and water quality (0.07). The ‘not suitable’ category are areas with the least biodiversity of natural resources. Therefore, these areas can accommodate tourism infrastructures such as lowrise/ low density chalets, boardwalks, camping grounds, public convinience, look out areas and bird watching. Even though, this category represents the least sensitive areas; however, this activities should still be carried out with caution. 123 The ‘less suitable’ category on the other hand, signifies areas with low extent of biodiversity, in other words they are low sensitive areas. These category can therefore be allowed for tourism activities such as boating, boardwalks, look out areas and bird watching. However, with a more strict control than the ‘not suitable’ category. The ‘not suitable’ and ‘less suitable’ category can be used for some form of resource development, such as cultivation of trees and fishing activites; though, it has to comply with the management plan of the authority in charge. Conversely, the ‘suitable’ category depicts high sensitivity areas, in other words these are high biodiversity areas. These areas need to be conserved to ensure that valuable wetland species continue to persist for an indefinite period of time. However, this area will be allowed for research and educational activities. It will be provided with look out areas for tourists, though with strictest control measures on the time of access and limited number of admittance. Access to this areas will be subjected to certain guidelines, this is to ensure that this highly sensitive locality is not impacted in any way. The ‘most suitable’ category are areas that depict the highest value of wetland resources, in other words they are locations with the highest level of biodiversity in the wetland area. This areas will therefore be restricted from any form of tourism development, so as to ensure certain amount of the wetlands endowment are completely protected from tourism activities. Though, this area will be allowed access for research and educational purposes. But there should be limit on the time of access, number of people and days of access. This should further be reinforced by more guidelines, to ensure that the research and educational activities do not cause any harm to this extremely sensitive environment. 124 Figure 4.14: Scenario 2 (Conservation) C2: HARVESTING SEASON 148 1696 0.8% 9.4% 5320 29.6% 10839 60.2% This Not suitable Less suitable Suitable Most suitable scenario gave priority to harvesting season, thus accorded a higher weight. It was ranked in the following manner; tree age class (0.17), harvesting season (0.42), endangered fauna (0.14), habitat’s proximity to natural land use (0.11), habitat area (0.09) and water quality (0.07). The ‘not suitable’ category are areas with the least biodiversity of natural resources. Therefore, these areas can accommodate tourism infrastructures such as lowrise/ low density chalets, boardwalks, camping grounds, public convinience, look out areas and bird watching. Even though, this category represents the least sensitive areas; however, this activities should still be carried out with caution. The ‘less suitable’ category on the other hand, signifies areas with low extent of biodiversity, in other words they are low sensitive areas. These category can therefore be allowed for tourism activities such as boating, boardwalks, look out areas and bird watching. However, with a more strict control than the ‘not suitable’ category. The ‘not suitable’ and ‘less suitable’ category can be used for some form of resource development, such as cultivation of trees and fishing activites; though, it has to comply with the management plan of the authority in charge. Conversely, the ‘suitable’ category depicts high sensitivity areas, in other words these are high biodiversity areas. These areas need to be conserved to ensure that valuable wetland species continue to persist for an indefinite period of time. However, this area will be allowed for research and educational activities. It will be provided with 125 look out areas for tourists, though with strictest control measures on the time of access and limited number of admittance. Access to this areas will be subjected to certain guidelines, this is to ensure that this highly sensitive locality is not impacted in any way. The ‘most suitable’ category are areas that depict the highest value of wetland resources, in other words they are locations with the highest level of biodiversity in the wetland area. This areas will therefore be restricted from any form of tourism development, so as to ensure certain amount of the wetlands endowment are completely protected from tourism activities. Though, this area will be allowed access for research and educational purposes. But there should be limit on the time of access, number of people and days of access. This should further be reinforced by more guidelines, to ensure that the research and educational activities do not cause any harm to this extremely sensitive environment. Figure 4.15: Scenario 3 (Conservation) C3: ENDANGERED FAUNA 7911 43.9% 29 0.2% 3879 21.5% Not suitable Less suitable Suitable 6184 34.3% Most suitable In this scenario endangered fauna was given priority, thus it carried a higher weight than the other criteria. The ranking was given in the following order; tree age class (0.17), harvesting season (0.14), endangered fauna (0.42), habitat’s proximity to natural land use (0.11), habitat area (0.09) and water quality (0.07). The ‘not suitable’ category are areas with 126 the least biodiversity of natural resources. Therefore, these areas can accommodate tourism infrastructures such as lowrise/ low density chalets, boardwalks, camping grounds, public convinience, look out areas and bird watching. Even though, this category represents the least sensitive areas; however, this activities should still be carried out with caution. The ‘less suitable’ category on the other hand, signifies areas with low extent of biodiversity, in other words they are low sensitive areas. These category can therefore be allowed for tourism activities such as boating, boardwalks, look out areas and bird watching. However, with a more strict control than the ‘not suitable’ category. The ‘not suitable’ and ‘less suitable’ category can be used for some form of resource development, such as cultivation of trees and fishing activites; though, it has to comply with the management plan of the authority in charge. Conversely, the ‘suitable’ category depicts high sensitivity areas, in other words these are high biodiversity areas. These areas need to be conserved to ensure that valuable wetland species continue to persist for an indefinite period of time. However, this area will be allowed for research and educational activities. It will be provided with look out areas for tourists, though with strictest control measures on the time of access and limited number of admittance. Access to this areas will be subjected to certain guidelines, this is to ensure that this highly sensitive locality is not impacted in any way. The ‘most suitable’ category are areas that depict the highest value of wetland resources, in other words they are locations with the highest level of biodiversity in the wetland area. This areas will therefore be restricted from any form of tourism development, so as to ensure certain amount of the wetlands endowment are completely protected from tourism activities. Though, this area will be allowed access for research and educational purposes. But there should be limit on the time of access, number of 127 people and days of access. This should further be reinforced by more guidelines, to ensure that the research and educational activities do not cause any harm to this extremely sensitive environment. Figure 4.16: Scenario 4 (Conservation) C4: HABITAT'S PROXIMITY TO NATURAL LAND COVER 29 2607 0.2% 14.5% Not suitable Less suitable 10670 59.3% 4697 26.1% Suitable Most suitable Here habitat close to natural land use/ land cover was prioritized. It was given higher weight than other criteria and ranked as follows; tree age class (0.17), harvesting season (0.14), endangered fauna (0.11), habitat’s proximity to natural land use (0.42), habitat area (0.09) and water quality (0.07). The ‘not suitable’ category are areas with the least biodiversity of natural resources. Therefore, these areas can accommodate tourism infrastructures such as lowrise/ low density chalets, boardwalks, camping grounds, public convinience, look out areas and bird watching. Even though, this category represents the least sensitive areas; however, this activities should still be carried out with caution. 128 The ‘less suitable’ category on the other hand, signifies areas with low extent of biodiversity, in other words they are low sensitive areas. These category can therefore be allowed for tourism activities such as boating, boardwalks, look out areas and bird watching. However, with a more strict control than the ‘not suitable’ category. The ‘not suitable’ and ‘less suitable’ category can be used for some form of resource development, such as cultivation of trees and fishing activites; though, it has to comply with the management plan of the authority in charge. Conversely, the ‘suitable’ category depicts high sensitivity areas, in other words these are high biodiversity areas. These areas need to be conserved to ensure that valuable wetland species continue to persist for an indefinite period of time. However, this area will be allowed for research and educational activities. It will be provided with look out areas for tourists, though with strictest control measures on the time of access and limited number of admittance. Access to this areas will be subjected to certain guidelines, this is to ensure that this highly sensitive locality is not impacted in any way. The ‘most suitable’ category are areas that depict the highest value of wetland resources, in other words they are locations with the highest level of biodiversity in the wetland area. This areas will therefore be restricted from any form of tourism development, so as to ensure certain amount of the wetlands endowment are completely protected from tourism activities. Though, this area will be allowed access for research and educational purposes. But there should be limit on the time of access, number of people and days of access. This should further be reinforced by more guidelines, to ensure that the research and educational activities do not cause any harm to this extremely sensitive environment 129 Figure 4.17: Scenario 5 (Conservation) C5: HABITAT AREA 2094 11.6% 3367 18.7% Not suitable Less suitable Suitable 7347 40.8% 5195 28.9% Most suitable This scenario gave priority to habitat area, thus accorded a higher weight. It was ranked in the following manner; tree age class (0.17), harvesting season (0.14), endangered fauna (0.11), habitat’s proximity to natural land use (0.09), habitat area (0.42) and water quality (0.07). The ‘not suitable’ category are areas with the least biodiversity of natural resources. Therefore, these areas can accommodate tourism infrastructures such as lowrise/ low density chalets, boardwalks, camping grounds, public convinience, look out areas and bird watching. Even though, this category represents the least sensitive areas; however, this activities should still be carried out with caution. The ‘less suitable’ category on the other hand, signifies areas with low extent of biodiversity, in other words they are low sensitive areas. These category can therefore be allowed for tourism activities such as boating, boardwalks, look out areas and bird watching. However, with a more strict control than the ‘not suitable’ category. The ‘not suitable’ and ‘less suitable’ category can be used for some form of resource development, such as cultivation of trees and fishing activites; though, it has to comply with the management plan of the authority in charge. Conversely, the ‘suitable’ category depicts high sensitivity areas, in other words these are high biodiversity areas. These areas need to be conserved to ensure that valuable 130 wetland species continue to persist for an indefinite period of time. However, this area will be allowed for research and educational activities. It will be provided with look out areas for tourists, though with strictest control measures on the time of access and limited number of admittance. Access to this areas will be subjected to certain guidelines, this is to ensure that this highly sensitive locality is not impacted in any way. The ‘most suitable’ category are areas that depict the highest value of wetland resources, in other words they are locations with the highest level of biodiversity in the wetland area. This areas will therefore be restricted from any form of tourism development, so as to ensure certain amount of the wetlands endowment are completely protected from tourism activities. Though, this area will be allowed access for research and educational purposes. But there should be limit on the time of access, number of people and days of access. This should further be reinforced by more guidelines, to ensure that the research and educational activities do not cause any harm to this extremely sensitive environment. Figure 4.18: Scenario 6 (Conservation) C6: WATER QUALITY 578 1707 3.2% 9.5% Not suitable 5275 29.3% 10443 58.0% Less suitable Suitable Most suitable Priority was given to water quality in this case. Therefore it was ranked higher; the weights are given as follows; tree age class (0.17), harvesting season (0.14), endangered fauna (0.11), habitat’s proximity to natural land use (0.09), 131 habitat area (0.07) and water quality (0.42). The ‘not suitable’ category are areas with the least biodiversity of natural resources. Therefore, these areas can accommodate tourism infrastructures such as lowrise/ low density chalets, boardwalks, camping grounds, public convinience, look out areas and bird watching. Even though, this category represents the least sensitive areas; however, this activities should still be carried out with caution. The ‘less suitable’ category on the other hand, signifies areas with low extent of biodiversity, in other words they are low sensitive areas. These category can therefore be allowed for tourism activities such as boardwalks, look out areas and bird watching. However, with a more strict control than the ‘not suitable’ category. The ‘not suitable’ and ‘less suitable’ category can be used for some form of resource development, such as cultivation of trees; though, it has to comply with the management plan of the authority in charge. Conversely, the ‘suitable’ category depicts high sensitivity areas, in other words these are high biodiversity areas. These areas need to be conserved to ensure that valuable wetland species continue to persist for an indefinite period of time. However, this area will be allowed for research and educational activities. It will be provided with look out areas for tourists, though with strictest control measures on the time of access and limited number of admittance. Access to this areas will be subjected to certain guidelines, this is to ensure that this highly sensitive locality is not impacted in any way. The ‘most suitable’ category are areas that depict the highest value of wetland resources, in other words they are locations with the highest level of biodiversity in the wetland area. This areas will therefore be restricted from any form of tourism development, so as to ensure certain amount of the wetlands endowment are completely protected from tourism activities. Though, this area will be allowed access for research and educational purposes. But there should be limit on the time of access, number of people and days of access. This should further be reinforced by more guidelines, to 132 ensure that the research and educational activities do not cause any harm to this extremely sensitive environment. Comparison of conservation scenarios Conservation scenarios were generated above, with each scenario representing the best solution to decision problem, according to the assessment perspective adopted. Map scenarios reflecting the opinion of different experts or stakeholders involved were then compared in the following section in order to highlight the robustness of the solution and support decision making (Figure 4.19). Figure 4.19: Comparison of conservation scenarios 133 Table 4.2: Comparison of conservation scenarios (%) Suitability categories Not suitable Less suitable Suitable Criteria Most suitable C1:Tree age class 6.4 24.6 29.2 39.9 C2:Harvesting season 0.8 19.4 34.3 45.5 C3:Endangered fauna 0.2 21.5 34.3 43.9 C4:Habitat’s proximity 0.2 to natural land cover C5:Habitat area 11.6 24.4 30.8 44.6 40.8 28.9 18.7 6:Water quality 29.3 58.0 3.2 9.5 It is revealed from the results above that the ‘not suitable’ category carries the least percentage in most of the scenarios except in ‘C6’, which portrays the wetlands as a protected area. Beside this, a lot more variations and parallels exist amongst the scenarios under study. It can be seen that the ‘less suitable’ category of ‘C1’ and ‘C4’ carries similar percentage value, which is more safeguarded than ‘C3’ and ‘C2’ and less protected than ‘C5’ and ‘C6’ in this category. On the other hand the ‘not suitable’ category of ‘C3’ and ‘C4’ portrays the same percentage values, which are more protected than the rest of the scenarios in this category. On the contrary, the ‘most suitable’ category of ‘C2’ and ‘C4’ carry a matching percentage value, which describes them as the most rigid in that category. Conversely, ‘suitable’ category of ‘C2’ and ‘C3’ exhibit the same value. This depicts them as highly protected areas, thought not as protected as ‘C6’ in the same category. Though, ‘C2’ and ‘C4’ appear to have a relatively higher percentage in the ‘most suitable’ category. However, considering the ‘not suitable’ category of these two scenarios (C2 and C4), ‘C4’ has a relatively lower value compared to ‘C2’ and the rest of the scenarios, except for ‘C3’ in this category. This explains that the 2 scenarios (C3 and C4) have the highest percentage land area falling in the category that should be conserved i.e less suitable, suitable and most suitable than the entire scenarios. As such, 134 these scenarios will ensure more land area is protected. However, looking at the ‘most suitable’ category, ‘C4’ exhibits a relatively higher value than ‘C3’; therefore it will be adopted. In the preferred conservation scenario (C4), the ‘most suitable’ category can be spotted in Pulau Kukup, Tanjung Bin area, northeastern part of Sungai Pulai (Southwest of Kampung Ulu Pulai) and several other small compartments all over the study site. The ‘suitable’ category can be observed next to Kampung Sungai Dinor, Kampung Senai, Kampung Belokok and Kampung Peradin to the east; this category is also observed next to Kampung Sungai Muleh and Kampung Jeram Batu to the south. More so, ‘suitable’ category can be noticed next to Kampung Sungai Belukang to the east, higher quality river section (upper part) and a host of other locations in the wetlands area. The ‘less suitable’ category however, can be observed at the tip of Tanjung Piai (southernmost tip of mainland Asia), a relatively lower cluster of endangered fauna in Tanjung Bin area, a few small compartments in Sungai Pulai area and lower quality section of the river (lower part). The reason for the lower quality of the river in this section can be attributed to its location close to Port Tanjung Pelapas (PTP), whose development is said to have some ecological effects on the integrity of Sungai Pulai estuarine area and the shoreline (MPMJ, 1999). The ‘not suitable’ category on the other hand can be seen in minuscule locations in the wetlands area. 4.3 Wetlands Development As mentioned in the introductory part of this chapter; one of the main tasks of this study is to identify relatively low biodiversity areas that can be used for low impact tourism and economic development. These are the areas that can be allowed for tourism activities such as boardwalks, lookout areas, boating, camping grounds and low rise/ low 135 density chalets; these localities are characterized by a relatively low biodiversity of natural resources. Areas that can be used for resource development includes; mangrove trees that have attained a high age period as decided by the management body, river locations that depict a lower water quality, trees that fall within the present and subsequent harvesting periods. Economic development here will help in improving the living conditions of the local people by providing employment opportunities, thus improving their income. It will also help in generating revenue to the government. Two scenarios were generated from tourism development perspective and one scenario from economic development perspective. 4.3.1 Tourism development To determine tourism development areas in such a protected area, in order to comply with South Johor Economic Region (SJER) objective which states that; the protection zone should allow for low impact tourism activities such as boardwalks, lookout areas, boating, camping grounds and low rise/ low density chalets (Comprehensive Development Plan for SJER, 2006-2025). These areas are characterized by a relatively low biodiversity of natural resources (Figure 4.20); thus, fulfilling sustainable tourism planning definition which regard tourism as an activity which involves management of all resources in such a way that economic, social and aesthetic needs are fulfilled while maintaining cultural integrity, essential ecological processes, biological diversity and life support systems; it involves the minimization of negative impacts and the maximization of positive impacts of the environment it occurs. 136 Figure 4.20: Tourism development model Habitat area Habitat area coverage was used to identify smaller habitat patches and categorized them as suitable areas for development. As all the data layers have been converted to raster (feature to raster) in evaluating conservation areas above; habitat area coverage was reclassified by categorizing relatively smaller habitat patches as the most suitable for tourism development; as it will ensure less impact due to the small number of species in such locations (Figure 4.21). The reclassification of habitat area coverage was performed using the spatial analyst function of GIS (ArcGIS 9.0). 137 Figure 4.21: Habitat area (reclassified) As revealed from the above figure, the ‘low’ value signifies larger size of habitat patches, which will be protected from tourism development. This is to ensure that larger habitat areas are rescued from human impact, thus these areas will be categorized as not suitable for tourism development. The ‘high’ value on the other hand, portrays relatively smaller habitat areas, which will be used for tourism development as it will ensure minimum impact due to the smaller number of species in the those localities. Threatened fauna Threatened species data layer was used to identify clusters with less population of such species, thus was identified as a suitable development area. Endangered species layer was reclassified by categorizing smaller clusters of endangered fauna as suitable 138 and bigger clusters as not suitable. This is to ensure larger areas of such species are restricted from tourism development, thereby ensuring their population continues to persist in the near future (Figure 4.22). Endangered fauna’s reclassification was performed using the spatial analyst function of GIS (ArcGIS 9.0). Figure 4.22: Endangered fauna (reclassified) As seen from the above figure, the ‘low’ value depicts localities with a larger population of species that are vulnerable to human disturbances. Therefore these locations will be restricted from tourism development, so as to ensure viable populations of these species continue to persist in the near future. Conversely, the ‘high’ value signifies locations with relatively smaller number of endangered fauna. These areas will be allowed for tourism development as they will ensure a minimum impact in the wetland area, due to the smaller population of endangered fauna in those areas. 139 Habitat’s proximity to natural land cover Similarly the farther a natural land use/ land cover is to wetland area, the more it is considered suitable for development. Therefore, multiple ring buffer of 20, 30 and 40 meters were performed around the habitat area coverage. It was reclassified by identifying the most distant natural land cover to habitat area as most suitable for development and the closest was categorized as not suitable. Because these areas are more patronized by the some of the wetland fauna for their survival (Figure 4.23); the reclassification of habitat proximity to natural land cover was performed using the spatial analyst function of GIS (ArcGIS 9.0). Enlarged area Figure 4.23: Habitat’s proximity to upland/ natural land cover (reclassified) 140 A section of the above map (Figure 4.23) is enlarged in order to have a clearer picture of natural land uses surrounding the wetland area (Figure 4.24). This is in order to identify those areas that are most suitable for tourism development i.e relatively farther upland areas from the wetlands and areas that are in close proximity to the wetland areas, which are less suitable for development. Figure 4.24: Habitat’s proximity to natural land cover (enlarged area) As can be seen from the diagram above, the ‘low’ value depicts areas that are close to the habitat/ wetlands area which are less suitable for tourism development. These are locations that are most patronized by the wetland species because of their close proximity to the habitat area. The ‘high’ value on the other hand represents natural land use/ land cover that are far away from habitat/ wetlands area, which are said to be most suitable for tourism development. This signifies natural areas that are farther from wetlands as most suitable for development, because these areas are rarely used by the wetland’s fauna. 141 Water quality The higher the water quality of a river the greater its conservation value (MPMJ, 1999). Here, water quality coverage was employed, it was reclassified by identifying the lower quality sections as suitable for tourism development and higher water quality sections were classed as not suitable for tourism development (Figure 4.25). Water quality reclassification was carried out using the spatial analyst function of GIS (ArcGIS 9.0). Figure 4.25: Water quality (reclassified) As can be seen from the above map, the ‘low’ value depicts a lower water quality section of the river, having a Water Quality Index (WQI) value of 54.50. Therefore this part of the river has higher tourism development value; it will be allowed for low impact tourism activities such as, small scale fishing and boating activities. The ‘high’ value 142 section on the other hand, portrays a higher water quality. This section of the river has a WQI value of 56.09, which is less suitable for development. Figure 4.26: Scenario 1 (Tourism development) C1: TOURISM DEVELOPMENT 7443 41.3% 2875 16.0% Not suitable 3694 20.5% Less suitable Suitable Most suitable 3991 22.2% In scenario one all tourism factors/ criteria (water quality, endangered fauna, habitat area and habitat’s proximity to natural land use/ land cover) were scaled and ranked equally, such that tourism development will only be restricted in the high biodiversity area; and allowed in certain section of the water area. The ‘not suitable’ category depicts areas with the highest biodiversity concentrations. Therefore, these areas need a high level protection from tourism and other activities, this can be achieved by putting in place severe guidelines and ensure compliance. This will ensure a significant population of the wetlands species are not in any way hampered by these activities. However these areas will be allowed for research activities, but has to comply with the guidelines in place. The ‘less suitable’ category on the other hand, are areas with high level of natural resources. These areas need to be protected to ensure that valuable population of wetland species continues to persist. Yet, these areas will be provided with look our area for the tourists, allow the use of non-motorized boats, it will also be allowed for research and educational activities; though with strictest control measures. This can be achieved by imposing guidelines 143 that will limit the number of people that can gain access to those areas and also set out the time people can gain entrance; thereby ensuring the protection of such sensitive areas. Conversely, the ‘suitable’ category portrays relatively low areas of biodiversity. These areas can be used for tourism activities such as boating, boardwalks, look out areas and bird watching; however, in accordance with the code of practice. On the contrary, the ‘most suitable’ category are areas depicting the least intensity of biodiversity. As such, these areas can contain tourism infrastructures such as lowrise/ low density chalets, boardwalks, camping grounds, public convinience, look out areas and bird watching. However, the placement and use of these facilities should be done with great caution. Figure 4.27: Scenario 2 (Tourism development) C2: TOURISM DEVELOPMENT 5519 30.7% 7443 41.3% Not suitable Less suitable Suitable 2199 12.2% 2842 15.8% Most suitable In this case water quality was scaled in such a manner that, it restricts any kind of development in its area. Therefore this scenario restricts development not only in the high biodiversity, but also in the whole water area. The ‘not suitable’ category depicts areas with the highest biodiversity concentrations. Therefore, these areas need a high level protection 144 from tourism and other activities, this can be achieved by putting in place severe guidelines and ensure compliance. This will ensure a significant population of the wetlands species are not in any way hampered by these activities. However, these areas will be allowed for research activities, but has to comply with the guidelines in place. The ‘less suitable’ category on the other hand, are areas with high level of natural resources. These areas need to be protected to ensure that valuable population of wetland species continues to persist. Yet, these areas will be provided with look our area for the tourists, it will also be allowed for research and educational activities; though with strictest control measures. This can be achieved by imposing guidelines that will limit the number of people that can gain access to those areas and also set out the time people can gain entrance; thereby ensuring the protection of such sensitive areas. Conversely, the ‘suitable’ category portrays relatively low areas of biodiversity. These areas can be used for tourism activities such as boardwalks, look out areas and bird watching; however, in accordance with the code of practice. On the contrary, the ‘most suitable’ category are areas depicting the least intensity of biodiversity. As such, these areas can contain tourism infrastructures such as lowrise/ low density chalets, boardwalks, camping grounds, public convinience, look out areas and bird watching. However, the placement and use of these facilities should be done with great caution. 4.3.2 Economic development To determine development area from the economic yield point of view based on South Johor Economic Region (SJER) objective which asserts that; economic development should be diversified by using existing and natural economic resources in a sustainable manner. Based on this objective; mangrove trees that have attained a high age period as decided by the management body, river locations that depict a lower water quality, trees that fall within the present and subsequent harvesting periods, will be identified as suitable areas for economic development (Figure 4.28). 145 Figure 4.28: Economic development model Tree age class Trees in the Johor mangroves are cultivated when they have reached a maturity age of 20 years, while some are cultivated at the age of 15 years (MPMJ, 1999). The rationale behind the cultivation of these internationally important wetlands is that; the management authority/ government need to benefit from this natural endowment as will yield huge revenue and provide employment opportunities. This is coupled with problems as polluting water ways, which occurs when trees are decomposed as they approach the limit of their life span. Tree age class data layer, was reclassified by identifying higher age classes as most suitable for development and lower tree age classes as not suitable for economic development, as these trees need to be taken care of until they are matured (Figure 4.29). The reclassification of tree age class coverage was performed using the spatial analyst function of GIS (ArcGIS 9.0). 146 Figure 4.29: Tree age class (reclassified) As seen from the above map, the ‘high’ value represents tree compartments with relatively high ages, which fall within the age class that are ripe for cultivation as outlined by the management authority. Therefore, these categories of tree classes are more suitable for economic development. The ‘low’ value on the other hand, is tree compartments falling in the low age classes, which are less suitable for development. These trees need to be conserved so that they are fully matured by the time it’s their cultivation period. These areas also include untouchable areas i.e areas that have been reserved and managed as state parks. These locations are therefore classified as less suitable for development. Harvesting season This includes permissible compartments for distinct seasons. The closest compartment to harvesting season and those that fall within the present year harvesting 147 season will be the most suitable for development. Harvesting season’s coverage was employed in order to identify compartments that fall within the present and subsequent harvesting season. This data layer was reclassified by identifying forest compartments that fall within the present and subsequent year harvesting season as most suitable and those compartments that are recently cultivated were identified as not suitable for economic development (Figure 4.30). Harvesting season’s reclassification was performed using the spatial analyst function of GIS (ArcGIS 9.0). Figure 4.30: Harvesting (reclassified) As seen from the above figure, the ‘high’ value symbolizes trees that fall within the present year harvesting schedule and subsequent year of harvesting. These tree compartments are the most suitable for resource development. Conversely, the ‘low’ value signifies those tree compartments that are recently replanted. In other words, they are tree compartments that need to be taken care of before it’s their harvesting period. The ‘low’ value also includes untouchable areas i.e areas that have been reserved and managed as state parks. Therefore, they are least suitable for economic development. 148 Water quality The higher the water quality of a river the greater its conservation value (MPMJ, 1999). Therefore, lower river section of the wetlands was considered as developable area; as it can yield huge revenue and provide employment from the fishing activities, using water quality data layer as input. This data layer was reclassified by identifying lower quality sections of the river as suitable for economic development and higher quality sections was categorized as not suitable for economic development (Figure 4.31). The reclassification of water quality was performed using the spatial analyst function of GIS (ArcGIS 9.0). Figure 4.31: Water quality 149 As revealed from the above map, the ‘low’ value depicts a lower water quality section of the river, having a WQI value of 54.50. This could be attributed to its location close to Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP), whose development is said to have some ecological effects on the integrity of Sungai Pulai estuarine area and the shoreline (MPMJ, 1999). Therefore this part of the river will be more suitable for economic development; as it will be allowed for small scale resource development such as fishing activities. The ‘high’ value section on the other hand, portrays a higher water quality when compared with the area close to Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP). This section of the river has a WQI value of 56.09, which will be restricted from any form of resource development. Figure 4.32: Scenario 3 (Economic development) C3: Economic development 874 525 4.8%2.9% Not suitable 5500 30.3% Less suitable 11238 62.0% Suitable Most suitable This scenario allows for the development of certain forest compartments and water area in the wetlands. This is geared towards economic and employment benefit to both the local people and the authorities in general. The ‘not category includes suitable’ high water quality area and forest compartments that will not yield immediate economic benefit. These are recently replanted trees and tree that fall in the distant year harvesting season. These trees require adequate protection as they need to be nurtured for certain period of time after which they can be harvested for economic gains. The higher river 150 section on the other hand is restricted from economic development (large scale fishing) to ensure that quality of this part of the river is maintained, thus enhancing the water quality in the long run. The ‘less suitable’ category on the other hand, includes lower water quality section of the river; which can be used for fishing activities with however some guidelines, so that the water quality is restored at the same time providing some benefits. This category also includes tree compartments that are close to their harvesting season and trees that are around their maturity age. The ‘suitable’ category entails trees that have just reached or about to reach their maturity period and tree compartments next to harvesting season, therefore this category can be cultivated to some extent, but preferable they should be allowed to reach their harvesting period and attain full prime of life. Conversely, the ‘most suitable’ category are the tree compartments that have reached their maturity age and tree compartments that fall within the present year harvesting schedule. This tree compartments are therefore the most suitable for cultivation, they should be cultivated in line with the guidelines provided by the authority in charge; some of the guidelines includes the kind of materials to be used for cutting the trees, care to the surrounding forest during the cutting process so as to minimize impact, compliance with the period within which the trees should be replanted and many other guidelines deemed by the management authority. 4.3.3 Comparison of development scenarios Development scenarios were generated above, with each scenario representing the best solution to decision problem, according to the assessment perspective adopted. These scenarios were then compared in the following section in order to highlight the robustness of the solution and support decision making (Figure 4.33). 151 Tourism development Economic development Figure 4.33: Comparison of development scenarios Table 4.3: Comparison of development scenarios (%) Not suitable Less suitable Suitable Most suitable Scenario 1 16.0 20.5 22.2 41.3 Scenario 2 30.7 15.8 12.2 41.3 Scenario 3 62.0 30.3 4.8 2.9 Though one of the scenarios is not meant for the same kind of development, but they are all aimed at certain form of exploitation in the wetland area. As revealed from the table above, scenario one and two has the same value in the ‘most suitable’ category. However, a wide margin exists in the ‘not suitable’ category of the two scenarios. This could be explained by the restriction of water activities in scenario two. Therefore scenario one seems more suited for tourism development as it has a greater land area that could be developed for tourism purposes. In the chosen scenario for tourism development (C1), the ‘most suitable’ areas are located in Tanjung Piai area; this could be attributed to a relatively smaller habitat 152 area. A fragment of this category can also be found around the smallest cluster of endangered fauna in Tanjung Bin area; besides they can be observed next to Kampung Senai, Kampung Belokok Kampung Peradin and Kampung Sungai Punai to the east. Most suitable category is also located next to Kampung Jeran Batu to the south. ‘Suitable’ category on the other hand, can be seen in Pulau Kukup, innermost part of Tanjung Bin area, lower water quality section, low-medium cluster of endangered fauna also in Tanjung Bin area; the suitable category can also be spotted in an area south of Kampung Sungai Muleh and a host of minuscule patches around the wetlands. Conversely, the ‘less suitable’ category can be spotted around the central part of Sungai Pulai area, high-medium cluster of endangered fauna in Tanjung Bin area and higher water quality section. The ‘not suitable’ category can be seen in tiny locations surrounding the tributaries of the river and at the bottom of Sungai Pulai area, this could be linked to a larger habitat area in that location. Scenario 3 (economic development) on the other hand, has its low percentage value in the ‘suitable’ and ‘most suitable’ category; while ‘not suitable’ category carries the highest percentage, followed by the ‘less suitable’ category. These represent the area as highly protected, especially concerning cultivation of the wetland environment for economic yield. This scenario is similar with scenario one, in that it allows for the development of low biodiversity and low quality portion of the river; however, the development here is for economic yield. For the economic development scenario (C3) it’s ‘most suitable’ and ‘suitable’ categories are located in Sungai Pulai area and small areas in Tanjung Piai. Conversely, the ‘less suitable’ category can be seen in the lower quality river section, Tanjung Bin area and a multitude of other forest compartments in Sungai Pulai area. The ‘not suitable’ category however, can be observed in the high quality water section of the river, Pulau Kukup and a group of other forest compartments in Tanjung Piai and Sungai Pulai area fringing the nearby villages. 153 4.4 Comparison of conservation and development scenarios This section aims to compare the selected, conservation, tourism and resource development scenarios based on the achievement of the study’s objectives and location’s advantage to the surrounding villages (Figure 4.34). The preferred scenario here will be the one to be used for policy making by the authority concerned. Conservation (C1) Tourism development (C2) Economic development (C3) Figure 4.34: Comparison of Conservation and development scenarios Considering the fact that the wetlands are fringed by a number of villages, most of which are situated on the western side of Sungai Pulai, Tanjung Bin and Tanjung Piai; with a few of these communities located to the north of Sungai Pulai. These villages have high dependence on mangrove resources namely fisheries and wetlands plantation activities. Tourism is the other income earning activity at these villages; tourism facilities available in some of these communities includes, home stay amenities, historical sites, seafood restaurants, boat ride and fishing activities. However, some of these communities mainly engage in farming activity as the hinterlands of the study sites have extensive farmlands (WIMP, 2001). 154 Looking at the three scenarios namely; conservation, tourism and economic development scenarios, hereafter called C1, C2 and C3 respectively. ‘C3’ focused mainly on economic development, by merely considering criterion variables that can yield some financial gains; and also identified incompatible areas for economic development. This scenario (C3) however did not give attention towards identifying areas that can be used for tourism development, hence did not achieve this objective of the study. In addition, this category has its ‘not suitable’ category bordering the surrounding villages and its ‘suitable’ category at the inner part of the wetlands. This scenario (C3) is therefore not favorable for the village people as they can not have benefit from any of their next door land area. Conversely ‘C2’ concentrated largely on tourism development, by taking into account criterion variables that can be used for some form of tourism activities and also identified incompatible areas for tourism development. However, this scenario (C2) did not consider in any way locating wetland areas that can be cultivated for some form of economic gains, thus did not achieve this objective of the study. Therefore the ‘most suitable’ category of this scenario bordering these communities can only be used for tourism purposes; without yielding much economic benefits from the forest resources development of which the local people have high dependence. On the contrary, ‘C1’ whose main aim was to produce conservation areas in the wetlands i.e areas that should not be used for tourism and economic development purposes. This scenario (C1) however went ahead to identify areas that can be used for different levels of tourism activities in the wetlands; it also identified areas that can be used for economic development, which can yield some financial gains to the local people and the authorities in general. This scenario (C1) therefore has achieved the main objectives of the study by identifying tourism and economic development areas, as well as areas that should not be disturbed by these activities. In addition, this scenario (C1) has some of its ‘suitable’ category located next to the surrounding villages which can 155 support some tourism activities, this category can be provided with lookout areas. Also, a greater area of the ‘less suitable’ and ‘not suitable’ categories of this scenario (C1) is located next to the surrounding communities. The ‘less suitable’ category can be used for boat ride and fishing activities, these areas can also be used certain form of cultivation of wetlands forest, thus boosting the economic level of the local people and supporting tourism activities. The ‘not suitable’ category however can accommodate tourism infrastructures such as low density chalets, boardwalks, camping grounds and lookout areas; however with the limited land area of this category, this activity will be supplemented by the tourism facilities that are already in place in the surrounding villages. The ‘not suitable’ category can also be used for cultivation purposes in order to generate income, this will be augmented by the agricultural activities in the hinterlands due to the limited land area for this activity; as the hinterlands have extensive land for agricultural activities of which the local people highly depend on. Areas of this scenario under the ‘most suitable’ category i.e conservation areas, should be provided with green belts and complete fencing in order to prevent them from intrusion by the local people and the tourists; as well as to safeguard them from impacts of the surrounding developments. Looking at the benefits of this scenario (C1) and its location advantage to the surrounding communities, it will therefore be adopted. Below is the schematic description of the kind of activities that can be allowed in the different areas of the Ramsar sites (Figure 4.35). 156 Boating, low density homestay facilitites boardwalks, lookout areas, bird watching, research and educational activities. These areas could also be cultivated for economic yields. Boardwalks, low density chalets, lookout areas, bird watching, research and educational activities. These areas could also be cultivated for economic yields. Lookout areas, research and educational activities. Research & educational activities. Boardwalks, lookout areas, bird watching, research & educational activities. This area could further be cultivated for certain form of economic gains. Figure 4.35: Schematic description of activities CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE RESEARCH 5.1 Conclusion This paper presents a methodological approach based on a GIS and multi criteria evaluation to perform an ecological assessment of the wetland ecosystems, and to consequently support the identification of conservation and development areas in the wetlands environment. The main purpose of the study was to identify conservation and compatible areas for tourism development in Johor (State) Ramsar sites. In other words the study aimed to address the conservation principle of sustainable tourism planning. The idea of sustainable tourism, which evolved from the World Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 has changed people’s notion about tourism. This form of tourism has been able to contribute to development which is economically, ecologically and socially sustainable; because it has proved to have less impact on natural resources and the environment than most other industries. Sustainable tourism provides an economic incentive to conserve natural environments and habitats, which might otherwise be allocated to more environmentally damaging land, uses, thereby, helping to maintain bio-diversity. The development of a sustainable tourism industry in wetland areas offers 158 numerous opportunities; such as those for nature conservation which, given the increasing interest in high quality natural and cultural experiences, can help to reverse the decline of destructions caused to these destinations. The strength of sustainable tourism is further enhanced by Geographic Information System (GIS); GIS have proved beneficial for supporting decision-making and planning for sustainable tourism; as tourism is an activity which strongly implies the geographical dimension and GIS is a technology specifically developed for the management and study of spatial phenomena. Moreover, tourism is a complex phenomenon involving besides its spatial dimension, social, economic and environmental implications. It involves tourists and locals in an interactive way; it generates income, which in many destinations is the major source; and it depends on the use of the natural resources and the quality of the environment. GIS has demonstrated to be a technology capable of integrating various data sets both qualitative and quantitative in a single system. This is even more important within the context of sustainable development the implementation of which regards the evaluation of economic, social and environmental parameters against pre-established targets. Besides, the integration of environmental, social and economic parameters in a single system, GIS has proved itself as an integrating technology capable of working along with other systems such as Decision Support System (DSS) which further facilitate and offer more tools to sustainable tourism planning and decision-making. The development of a GIS based decision support system for sustainable tourism planning and management have shown to provide a significant contribution in highlighting implementational aspects and offer the framework and the tools for evaluating, monitoring and planning sustainable tourism. Such a system includes criteria and indicators for their evaluation based on established policy goals and possibly weights to reflect relative importance of the parameters examined. With particular reference to indicators, GIS has contributed not only to their definition but also to their measurement. 159 GIS distinctive ability, to generate new information from the existing datasets and thus offering added value information, has lead to the identification of sustainability indicators which otherwise would not have been possible to be defined and measured. Areas that can be used for tourism development have been determined in the study, which are mostly areas of low biodiversity and some high biodiversity areas. Tourism activities in these areas will ensure a viable one, considering the variety of regulations and guidelines imposed for carrying out these activities i.e the more the biodiversity level of an area in the wetlands, the more strict regulation for the execution of tourism activities. Economic development areas have also been ascertained, by identifying forest compartments and water areas that can be used by the local people and the authorities for economic purposes. Hence, boosting their economic level and providing quality employment, at the same time minimizing the impact on the natural environment. In contrast, conservation areas were established, by identifying areas that exhibit relatively high level of natural resources. These are areas that are highly sensitive to human interference; therefore they are only permitted for research and educational activities. This will ensure tourism activities do not cause any harm to the sensitive wetlands environment. In spite of the potentials of GIS, it has shown to be limited in performing an effective spatial analysis by the use of specific techniques. Even though, GIS has been used in the spatial problem definition, yet it has failed to support the ultimate and most important phase of the general decision-making process concerning prioritizing the alternatives. To achieve this requirement, other evaluation techniques instead of optimization or cost benefit analysis were employed; undoubtedly, this is based on Multi criteria Decision Model (MCDM). 160 Multi Criteria Decision Model (MCDM), which is a form of Decision Support System (DSS) have demonstrated to a wide extent to be a valuable decision tool in the conservation and development of wetlands environment. As planning requires a multiobjective approach that leads to well conceived and acceptable management alternatives and expands the ability to make decisions in complex natural resource management settings. Furthermore, natural resource planning requires analytical methods that examine tradeoffs, consider multiple political, economic, environmental, social dimensions and incorporate these realities in an optimizing framework. MCDM techniques have demonstrated to be well suited for these tasks. MCDM techniques have emerged as major approaches to solving wetlands resource management problems and integrating the environmental, social, and economic values and preferences of stakeholders while overcoming the difficulties in monetizing intrinsically non-monetary attributes. Quantifying the value of ecosystem services in a non-monetary manner is a key element in MCDM. Multi criteria evaluation techniques have shown to support a solution of a decision problem by evaluating possible alternatives from different perspectives. Pairwise comparison method has demonstrated to be the most suitable MCDM technique for this study, as it allows for the comparison of two criteria at a time. This technique has also proved to be more precise and exhibit strong theoretical foundations than other methods of MCDM. Results obtained in this study, indicate that the integration of GIS and MCE is useful in providing analytical tools for wetlands assessment and planning. This methodological framework showed to be a feasible approach by incorporating different views for the evaluation of wetlands biodiversity. The generation and comparison of scenarios highlighted the critical issues of the decision problem, i.e. the wetland ecosystems whose conservation and development relevance is most sensitive to changes in the evaluation perspective. This represents an 161 important contribution to effective decision-making because it allows one to gradually narrow down a problem. 5.2 Future research Even though, the study has succeeded in dealing with the conservation principle of sustainable tourism planning in wetlands ecosystem. A lot more need to be done on the database aspect; there is need for an extensive development of GIS database for the wetlands biodiversity. The database should contain the precise location, identity, boundary and state of the flora and fauna of this natural environment. Further more, the database should be able to include an approximate population of the wetlands fauna and detailed land uses adjoining the wetlands area. In addition, conservation of this unique ecosystem from tourism and other form of developments is not the only aspect of sustainable tourism; it is only one principle of sustainable tourism planning. There are many other principles that can be addressed by Geographic Information System (GIS). 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