UNIVERSITY OF EXETER CNL/12/55 AMENDED COUNCIL A meeting of the Council was held on Wednesday 23 May 2012 at 2.00pm in the Council Chamber, Northcote House. PRESENT: Pro-Chancellor, Mr K R Seal (Chair) Mr C J Allwood Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor N Armstrong Professor S A Banducci Dr S Buck Mr N Bull Mr N Davis Professor K E Evans Ms J Hargadon Mr R M P Hughes Mr J R A Hutchinson Mr M Jordan Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor J M Kay Mr P Lacey Sir Robin Nicholson Professor S J Rippon Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive, Professor Sir Steve Smith Lady Studholme IN ATTENDANCE: Registrar and Deputy Chief Executive, Mr D J Allen Head of Admissions and UK Student Recruitment, Mr I Blenkharn (in attendance for minutes 12.52 and 12.53) PA to Council Chair Elect, Mrs S Coakley Director of Strategic Planning and Change, Mr S Chadwick (in attendance for minute 12.56) Director of Finance, Mr A Connolly Director of Human Resources, Mr S J C Cooper Executive Officer, Mrs E M James Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor M Overton Director of Campus Services, Mr G Pringle Deputy Registrar and Director of Academic Services, Ms M I Shoebridge Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor N J Talbot Dean of PCMD, Professor S Thornton (in attendance for minutes 12.51a and 12.51b) Council Chair Elect, Mrs S J Turvill Ms S Wilcox APOLOGIES: Mr M Choules, Dame Suzi Leather, Ms B Rigg 12.49 Declarations of Interest Members NOTED the register of members’ interests in relation to the business of the agenda including standing declarations of interest. The Chair welcomed Sarah Turvill, incoming Chair of Council and Sue Coakley, PA to Sarah Turvill to their first meeting of Council. 12.50 Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 5 April 2012 were CONFIRMED (CNL/12/45) as a correct record. Page 1 of 10 12.51 Matters Arising from the Minutes Professor Steve Thornton in attendance for items (a) and (b) (a) PROGRESS REPORT ON PCMD DEMERGER AND GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENTS (COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE AND LEGALLY PRIVILEGED) Council RECEIVED an oral update from the Registrar & Deputy Chief Executive and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education), and also CONSIDERED a progress report on the PCMD demerger and governance arrangements (CNL/12/46 Appendix 1). Professor Janice Kay REPORTED that the Plymouth Board of Governors minutes from the meeting on 23 April 2012 confirm their agreement to the recommendations set out by the Joint Project Board including the split of medical student numbers, 120 Exeter and 80 Plymouth, arrangements over the RILD building and separate REF returns. Both sets of lawyers have been instructed according to work stream outputs. A draft legal agreement was expected today from Plymouth’s solicitors. Plymouth University is aiming for a signed agreement by end of June but we continue to seek a variation to the Heads of Terms to ensure that timescales are met according to both institutions’ agreement with Sir Ian Carruthers and Sir Alan Langlands on 30 March 2012. The teach through arrangements for current PCMD students and the 2012 entry are agreed, including clinical and non clinical training other than for community placements and final year rotations to Torbay Hospital. IT and business systems are complex and nearly all Plymouth based, positive work is being undertaken in this area. Professor Kay UPDATED Council regarding a commitment of £300k from PCMD funds for migration of key systems and an agreed contribution of £300k for staffing changes. Both universities have named and announced their senior teams. The research work stream has effectively completed its business and an agreement has been reached on the Research Excellence Framework which was an immense gain but also regarding research funding and PhD student arrangements. The finance work stream is still ongoing, Deloittes have undertaken a really useful asset split methodology which is being used to distribute and agree assets. Communications have been effective and students and staff understand that the split is going ahead underpinned by a legally binding agreement and a specialist health company is being recruited to help us to manage stakeholders. Professor Steve Thornton REPORTED on the importance of moving on from the demerger to a new, positive Medical School. Stuart Carney has been appointed as the new Vice-Dean Education for the University of Exeter Medical School starting from 1 July 2012. One open day has been held so far, applications for attendance at the second away day has closed due to high levels of interest from 1300 applicants. Professor Thornton REPORTED that Sian Ellard and Andrew Hattersley have just won £2.8m from the Wellcome Trust. This is extremely positive news. Council DISCUSSED the potential held by Academic Health Science Networks. Council DISCUSSED integrated learning, the deadlines relating to a financial split and the options appraisal for St Luke’s campus. Professor Nick Talbot REPORTED the significance of Sian Ellard and Andrew Hattersley, Wellcome Trust Fellowships and MRC success, the decision to move away from joint arrangements for PCMD is already reaping benefits for Exeter. Council members DISCUSSED dentistry arrangements moving forward. Richard Hughes reported on the impressive work undertaken by Professor Janice Kay and co chairs of work streams throughout the process to date. Delays in the agreement being finalised are frustrating and are using a lot of senior management time. The Registrar REPORTED on the governance arrangements that have underpinned the agreement to date and asked Council to continue its delegation to the Standing Committee of Page 2 of 10 Council to approve the final agreement. The Registrar and Council members recorded their thanks to Richard Hughes who represents Council on the work intensive Joint Project Board. The Registrar outlined the importance of efficient governance arrangements. Council ENDORSED this approach for governance moving forward and APPROVED continued delegated authority to the Standing Committee of Council. (b) BIO-MEDICAL FACILITIES (STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL) Council RECEIVED an oral update from the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor. The Registrar REPORTED on a number of issues that Council has considered in the past that require closer attention. The Living Systems building £20m concept sign off took place in December last year, with a view to the building being completed in 2015. Terence O ‘Rourke has undertaken consultancy and formulated a master plan for St Luke’s campus, the Amory field and Hatherly building. Considerable room for expansion and development potential has been identified for the St Luke’s campus. The Registrar outlined the institution’s Medical Research Council and growing research ambitions. Biomedical facilities options, costs and locations were DISCUSSED by Council. HEFCE has recently announced an England-wide competition for a UK research capital investment fund. The Registrar outlined the institution’s interest to submit an expression of interest on 8 June 2012. Council DISCUSSED the timeline, potential co-investors and the scope and size of the Living Systems Building. Professor Neil Armstrong REPORTED on the biomedical facility options appraisal. Council DISCUSSED specific recruitment issues. Temporary facilities costing £1m were described as an interim position before the delivery of the Living Systems building. Sir Robin commented that it is an early dividend of the split of PCMD. Professor Nick Talbot outlined the complexity of the priorities facing STEMM areas. Sally Wilcox raised the timing of the national capital competition. Conversations are currently taking place with individuals who might want to co invest in a project of this nature. Council APPROVED the direction of travel and the expression of interest and in particular the provision of biomedical facilities, both in the short and longer term, to enable important biomedical research to be conducted. (c) MINUTE 11.84(b)(v) COLLECTIVE BARGAINING (COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE) Council RECEIVED an oral update from the Director of Human Resources on Exeter’s position regarding collective bargaining. The Director of Human Resources REPORTED that nationally the Universities and Colleges Employers’ Association (UCEA) has tabled a number of pay offers which have been rejected by trade unions. Trade Unions have not responded to the latest 1% offer. Locally, some progress has been made. A negotiating group comprising the Registrar and the Directors of HR and Campus Services has been formed by VCEG to take forward the discussions with campus trades unions. The Director of Human Resources REPORTED that the team had been looking at revising the University bonus scheme that would make it of a higher interest to staff and a sustainable merit based way to reward staff. (d) THOMAS HALL Council RECEIVED an oral update from the Registrar and Deputy Chief Executive. The Registrar REPORTED on the current winding down process for the arrangement with partners. There are still detailed issues to work through but all partners are in agreement regarding the direction of travel. The University is meeting to resolve taxation issues with partners. The Registrar outlined the potential opportunities still held by the building. Page 3 of 10 (e) MINUTE 12.35 RESEARCH EXELLENCE FRAMEWORK 2014 CODE OF PRACTICE AND SELECTION OF STAFF (COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE) Council RECEIVED an oral update from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Knowledge Transfer). Professor Nick Talbot outlined the process currently underway for developing and consulting with staff regarding the Code of Practice for REF 2014. The process is different from RAE2008 with even more focus on Equality and Diversity. Memos will go out to staff later this week following RKT Management Group approval earlier this week. The rules on Equality & Diversity received from HEFCE are much clearer and more substantial than in previous exercises. Staff will be encouraged to identify mitigating circumstances and early career staff considerations will ensure that the process is as transparent and fair as possible. It will be a highly confidential process, organised with HR business partners and organised in such a way that only the Equality and Diversity panel will be aware of mitigating circumstance details. Equality and Diversity training will be provided for all panel members and members of staff involved in the selection process of the REF 2014. Professor Mark Overton is leading the Institution’s Athena Swan Women in Science project which has achieved the bronze award and is working towards silver for all Units of Assessments in the Sciences for 2014. The Athena Swan project is an important milestone for STEMM at Exeter with some funding bodies insisting on compliance with Athena Swan for the process. The Pro-Chancellor for Finance raised impact statement complexities and the benefit of drawing Council members’ comments together following the review of impact statements. Professor Nick Talbot thanked Council members for taking part in the review. All comments and feedback will be used to improve Exeter’s performance. (f) IP POLICY Council RECEIVED an oral update from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Knowledge Transfer) on the position with regard to the IP Policy. Professor Nick Talbot REPORTED that a full IP and Enterprise Strategy will be received at the meeting in July to ensure that full details of a move towards Easy Access IP was included. Sir Robin Nicholson supported a full discussion that would benefit from additional preparation. (g) EXETER SCIENCE PARK (COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE) Council RECEIVED an oral update from the Registrar and Deputy Chief Executive. The Registrar REPORTED that a development in the Science Park project has arisen and there has been a delay to receive signed paperwork from Devon County Council due to a disagreement regarding the structure of the operating company moving forward. The Registrar proposed for Council to support the current plan and press on Devon County Council the importance of signing an agreement within the current partnership arrangements. Sir Robin Nicholson supported this approach and outlined the importance of the level of partnership that the project benefits from currently. Council APPROVED the direction of travel and supported the Registrar’s proposal. 12.52 Admissions Update (COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE) Ian Blenkharn in attendance Council CONSIDERED an update on admissions (CNL/12/47). This Head of Admissions REPORTED on the current position which indicates a positive position for the Home/EU market which is the most complex one in advance of the fee change taking effect. It is likely that we will go into clearing for Cornwall courses and a few programmes for the Streatham campus. The Timing and Adjustment period whereby applicants who had done better Page 4 of 10 than their firm offer could “trade up” for a limited period would be interesting given that AAB students carried no quota, but could well be beneficial for Exeter. There is positive news for recruitment of Widening Participation (WP) students; a different offer making process this year has incentivised the acceptance of an earlier offer. 24% of firm acceptances come from WP students. Council DISCUSSED the move from AAB to ABB which would be outlined further by the ViceChancellor in his report. The Vice-Chancellor UPDATED Council on the complexities around bringing the Student Number Control in on target, meeting widening participation ambitions and ensuring the balance of the benefits of AAB and ABB across all three campuses. Tariff and quality must be maintained through the process. Nicholas Bull raised widening participation success. Can we sustain this progress next year? Council DISCUSSED sustainability. Council DISCUSSED the Post Graduate Taught numbers. Professor Janice Kay REPORTED that a comprehensive review of PGT programmes is being undertaken by the Head of Marketing which will pinpoint the success and areas for improvement. The Registrar REPORTED that the institution will not be in clearing for longer than necessary. Council DISCUSSED the formula for B School and widening participation success. 12.53 Access Agreement Ian Blenkharn in attendance Council CONSIDERED the draft access agreement (CNL/12/48). The Head of Admissions REPORTED on the major changes between this agreement and last year’s. The agreement outlines Exeter’s intention to grow student numbers. The Vice-Chancellor commented on contextual data. Council members DISCUSSED the institution’s widening participation ambitions and recent admissions data outlining B School success. The Head of Admissions REPORTED that no students are disadvantaged by this agreement with some groupings being better off due to the different packages of support being made available. Consultation has been undertaken with the Students’ Guild. The President of the Guild commented that some research is being undertaken into changes for the 4th year cost and additional costs for year abroad and industrial placements. The presentation of the report was DISCUSSED by Council members in parallel to the timeline. Council APROVED the Institution’s draft Access Agreement for submission to OFFA. 12.54 Vice-Chancellor’s Report (a) Council RECEIVED a report from the Vice-Chancellor (CNL/12/49), which covered the following topics: (i) Announcements: Rosenhain Medal – University of Exeter physicist Professor Steve Eichhorn has won the Rosenhain Medal in recognition of his distinguished achievement in materials science. The Vice-Chancellor REPORTED in his oral report that the medal had in fact been established in 1951, not 1972 as stated in the report and expressed his gratitude to Sir Robin, as a previous winner, for pointing this out. Forum Opening 2 May 2012 - Her Majesty The Queen and His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh visited the University of Exeter on Wednesday 2 May 2012, as part of the Diamond Jubilee Tour. The Queen officially opened the Forum, an exciting new development for the heart of the University’s Streatham Campus. Alongside the Forum, The Sanctuary is now open as a brand new bright and flexible space for students. It is located right at the centre of Streatham campus under the Page 5 of 10 Great Hall. The Vice-Chancellor thanked all members of staff and students involved in the spectacular Forum opening event. The Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Scholarships - The Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Scholarships will grant five £2,000 scholarships each year. The Scholarships will provide an opportunity for five exceptional University of Exeter students to study abroad – expanding their cultural, social and career horizons. Spin out wins Queen’s Award for Enterprise in Innovation - A University of Exeter spin-out company Simpleware Ltd has been awarded a Queen’s Award for Enterprise in Innovation for its new approach to converting 3D image data into highquality computer models (CAD, Rapid Prototype, CFD and Finite Element models). The award recognises Simpleware Ltd’s achievements in applying computer simulation techniques to complex structures and objects, such as the human body, composite materials, and soil, for which no computer aided drawings (CAD) are available. League Table Update - The Complete University Guide published in the Independent lists Exeter in 13th place, up from 15th place last year. The ViceChancellor REPORTED also that the Guardian League Table placed Exeter 10th, up one place from last year. This results in Exeter being 13th, 10th, 10th and 9th in the four UK league tables. Times Higher Education (THE) Leadership and Management Awards - the University has been shortlisted for two THE Leadership and Management Awards ‘Outstanding International Strategy’ and ‘Outstanding Procurement Team’. The results will be known on 21 June. Teaching Awards Results - this year over 2,000 nominations were submitted for 588 individual staff members, highlighting the excellence of the teaching across the University. The overall winners were as follows: - Best Lecturer: Tim Rees from History Best Subject: English Best Research Environment: Archaeology Innovative Teaching: Ian Cook from Geography Research Inspired Teaching: Francesca Stavrakopoulou from Theology and Religious Studies Best Feedback Provider: Yelena Gedge from Modern Languages Supportive Member of Staff: Susan Margetts from Politics Best Employability Support: Sarah Hodge from Biosciences, Cornwall Campus Change Agents Champion: Jenny Wren from the Business School Best Postgraduate Teacher: Bert Bond from Sport and Health Sciences Russell Seal was also honoured with a Special Recognition Award for the immense hard work he has put into bettering the academic experience for students during his tenure. (ii) Brown University and University of Exeter sign two Memoranda of Understanding during the Vice-Chancellor’s recent visit to the States, Brown University President Ruth J Simmons and he signed two memoranda of understanding, partnering for faculty exchanges under the Brown Global Forums initiative and further strengthening ties between the two universities. Brown Global Forums fosters closer research ties between Brown and select partner institutions through a short-term faculty exchange programme. The forums provided representatives from Brown and the University of Exeter with the chance to meet face-to-face with potential collaborators on their home campuses and to network with a wider range of academics, with the goal of fostering a meaningful and sustainable collaboration. Page 6 of 10 (b) In addition to the written report, the Vice-Chancellor drew attention to the following: (i) Exeter has received a commended judgement in the QAA Institutional Review. Exeter has been commended for the enhancement of student learning opportunities. This is a great result for us. The key theme for which we gained commended is student engagement which is central to the review process. We are therefore extremely pleased that all the work that has been accomplished on student engagement has been recognised. Thanks are due to James Eales, the Guild Vice President Academic Affairs and Lead Student Facilitator for the Review, and Jonathan Harris, FXU President, authors of the Student Written Submission, which in its positive and constructive tone was critical in achieving such a good result. Thanks also to Janice Kay, Michele Shoebridge, Jonathan Barry, David Gibson and the Colleges and Professional Services for all their support in this important exercise. In addition to the commended judgment the Review confirmed that the University’s academic standards and the quality of students learning opportunities meet UK expectations. The draft report is due mid-June with the final report to be published at the end of July. The University will be drawing up an action plan responding to the recommendations which will be submitted to the QAA in early October. (ii) 80 staff at the University has been awarded Higher Education Academy (HEA) fellowships to acknowledge excellent teaching and high quality student support. 40 of these are as a result of the ASPIRE (Accrediting Staff Development in Research-led Education) scheme which is the first of its kind to be accredited by the HEA for all levels of the UK Professional Standards Framework. (iii) HRH The Princess Royal has presented a Whitley Award (worth £30,000) for inspirational conservation leadership to University of Exeter research fellow Joanna Alfaro Shigueto for her work to build a better future for Pacific coast wildlife and fishing communities. Originally from Peru, Joanna is a recent graduate of the Centre for Ecology and Conservation at the University’s Cornwall Campus. (iv) Professor David Stephenson and Professor Jim Haywood in Mathematics have won prestigious research prizes from the Royal Meteorological Society. Professor David Stephenson has been awarded the Adrian Gill prize for making a significant interdisciplinary contribution and bringing statistical rigour to the analysis of weather and climate. Professor Jim Haywood has been awarded the Buchan prize for work on measurements and modelling of the impact of Saharan dust in climate. (v) The Vice-Chancellor echoed Professor Thornton’s thanks to Professors Sian Ellard and Andrew Hattersley FRS who have been awarded a joint Wellcome Trust Senior Investigators' award for £2.8m over the next 7 years. This represents an outstanding start for the University’s Medical School. (vi) The new University Boathouse will be named the ‘Nicholas Bull Boathouse’. Nicholas has tirelessly supported the University and Sport ambitions in particular. Nicholas has donated £250k, without which the Boathouse would not have been a viable project. Exeter students, staff and the University community owe Nicholas a debt of gratitude. (vii) The Vice-Chancellor UPDATED (COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE) Council on recent policy developments. ABB and the free market for admissions were DISCUSSED. In admissions, the challenge will be to protect our principles of consistency, transparency and fairness to those who are studying qualifications deemed not equivalent to ABB or better. Page 7 of 10 Another challenge, should we opt for a strategy of growth in the ABB+ environment will be how we market ourselves to potential applicants. Council DISCUSSED Cornwall developments in research and programmes as a result of the policy change outlined. Professor Overton UPDATED Council on the outcomes from the Cornwall review and the plans to strengthen and add new programmes to attract students to Cornwall. The VCEG residential will look at Cornwall in more detail and the full portfolio. 12.55 Financial Forecast Council CONSIDERED the financial forecast 2011/12 (CNL/12/50A). The forecast historic cost position of the University for 2011/12 is now a surplus of £7.6m, compared to a reforecast position at April 2012 of £3.0m and a budget of £1.2m. The forecast surplus represents 2.9% of University total income. The historic cost position and the operating surplus are currently the same as there are no exceptional items included in the forecast. The Director of Finance REPORTED that the institution still has £700k contingency to call upon. In the current year’s forecast as yet there is no allowance for the University bonus. The Director of Finance ran through costs associated with the PCMD demerger and University of Exeter Medical School estimations. Council NOTED that the full cost of setting up the Medical School and the final asset split had not yet been finalised as a result of the delayed Memorandum of Agreement with Plymouth University. The Pro-Chancellor for Finance REPORTED that it is good that we are favourable to budget but the projected variance is too large and potentially identifies a missed opportunity for investment. The Chair REPORTED his support for the University bonus to be paid due to high performance and pay constraints. The Director of Finance REPORTED on the budget for 2012/13 and identified LEAN project investment and payback expected. The LEAN project investment would result in unblocked income stream opportunities due to efficiencies sought from processes in research accounting. Council DISCUSSED the current cultural norms for budget setting and contingency planning. The Planning and Budget review undertaken by Professor Neil Armstrong is expected to change behaviour and rebalance College performance targets. A target of £6m operating surplus was AGREED by Council for releasing the University bonus for 2012/13, taking the positive performance and additional income expected next year. Council AGREED that it was a stretching but reasonable target. In a year of operational success, VCEG RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL the approval of the Merit award fund increase from 0.5% to 1%. The University is forecasting to meet all bank covenants and financial parameters at the year-end. Council APPROVED the 2012/13 budget and the 5 year financial forecast (CNL/12/50B) to be submitted to HEFCE in June 2012, and APPROVED the merit award at 1%. Council REQUESTED an updated version of the budget for the meeting of October 2012, to ensure that assurances were received regarding PCMD demerger costs. 12.56 Planning and Budget Review (COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE) (reference minute 12.28) Steve Chadwick in attendance Council RECEIVED an interim report on the Planning and Budget Review (CNL/12/51). Professor Neil Armstrong introduced the report and outlined that it is an interim report for information and comment as it reaches the final stage of the consultation process. This paper sets out a proposed revision of the annual planning and budget process for the University. The revised process will integrate strategic and operational planning, bringing together the academic, financial, capital, infrastructure and support service facets of the University’s Page 8 of 10 business into a holistic, integrated planning process, and shifting the focus away from one year budgeting to five year holistic planning. The changes proposed are not just process changes; they represent a very different mindset. The next iteration of the report will go to VCEG and the Deans on 11 June. This review has been developed via work streams with College representation. It has received strong support from Colleges, particularly on the role and structure of the Planning Review Group. The review group has recently agreed student representation and membership including the Chief Executive of the Students’ Guild. The review drivers have included total transparency, the ability to create a five year ‘living plan’ and to monitor and achieve success in academic activity. The Pro-Chancellor for Infrastructure commented that the paper needs further detail to demonstrate that fee income is fixed and inflation not built into future costs. The underlying principles that year on year efficiencies are made or created are not built in to this paper. Council DISCUSSED institutional versus College and Service target setting, particularly focussing on the need to avoid contingency holding behaviour. Sir Robin Nicholson welcomed the thrust of the paper, a tension will be created between Colleges running their businesses and the need to invest with the Institution’s best interests in mind. The holistic approach outlined is the right one, more responsibility and accountability need to go to the Colleges. Nicholas Bull commented on the debt versus level of affordability for capital projects, and noted that this element is not included in the paper. The Director of Finance commented that the University is not particularly highly geared in comparison to the sector. The financial strategy will come to Council for the first meeting of new academic term in October and will address issues raised. Susan Banducci noted that a mechanism that enables College strategic planning is welcomed. Membership of the Planning and Review Group was DISCUSSED. Steve Chadwick described the strategic conversation that will be taken forward as a result of the review. Council NOTED the report and progress made to date. Professor Neil Armstrong invited members of Council to contact him to take additional feedback on board for the final iteration. 12.57 Standing Committee of PRIVILEGED) Council (COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE AND LEGALLY Council RECEIVED the minutes from the meeting of the Standing Committee of Council held on 23 April 2012 (CNL/12/53) and APPROVED for the Standing Committee of Council to continue with delegated authority from Council to progress matters on its behalf. 12.58 Affixing the Seal Council AUTHORISED the fixing of the University seal to the documents listed in CNL/12/54. 12.59 Chair’s Closing Remarks The Chair of Council introduced items for discussion at the next and final meeting of the academic year on 12 July 2012. The Chair commented that the Living Systems building continues to be a major issue and opportunity that needs to be discussed in more detail. The final version of Professor Armstrong’s Planning and Budget review will be received. Following an in depth review of the Institution’s consultation, outcomes and recommendations will get reported back to Council and members were promised a first sight of the IP and enterprise strategy. The Chair congratulated the Institution on two outstanding occasions, the Forum opening and Teaching awards. The Chair REPORTED his sincere thanks to the Chancellor for her contribution Page 9 of 10 to a fantastic day and commented that all aspects of the event came together in a spectacular way. It is encouraging to see how the students are using the Forum space already. Mr Seal thanked all who worked tirelessly to make both events possible. The Chair thanked members and senior management. DJA/EMJ/JAL 7 June 2012 (amended 11 July 2012) M:\Exec Officer\COUNCIL\2011-12\May 2012\Draft Council Minutes 23 May 2012 - (final).doc Page 10 of 10