REPORT FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT Office of Superintendent of Schools Board of Education Meeting of December 9, 2010 SUBJECT: BOARD MONITORING SYSTEM—GOAL 1, SECTION C: MAINTAIN PROMOTION STANDARDS/HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT STATUS At the February 11, 2010 meeting, the Board of Education implemented a revised Board Monitoring System in order to efficiently maintain and measure achievement of Houston Independent School District (HISD) goals and adherence to its core values. The monitoring system was designed to give district administrators clear direction on how to meet the board’s expectations in these crucial areas. Board Policy AE(LOCAL) states “[T]he administration shall report to the Board of Education on each goal and core value using the specific method and timing set out below, . . ..” In reference to the district’s Goal 1: Increase Student Achievement, the attached report provides information regarding Section C: Maintain Promotion Standards/High School Credit Status. The policy states that “the Administration shall provide the Board of Education with a series of bar charts. The first shall show (for the school year completed one year ago) the total number and percentage of students meeting promotion standards during the regular school year, students not meeting promotion standards during the school year, but meeting the standards after summer school, and those not meeting promotion standards either after the school year or summer school. The second bar chart shall show the number and percentage of those same students promoted and not promoted the following year. The Administration shall also provide a bar chart showing, for the just completed summer school session, the total number of students referred to summer school, number attending, number completing, number promoted and number retained. For students whose final status was determined by committee decision, the number and percentage of students by reason leading to committee decision will be provided (e.g., GPC, ARD, LPAC, parent request, etc.). The Administration shall also provide a table showing promotion statistics, by school, including the total number of students whose promotion was considered by a grade placement committee, reflecting the total number of students promoted and retained. An additional table will show the committee reasons by campus for those campuses with more than 10 percent of their students promoted by committee decision. Additionally, Administration will provide a table by high school reflecting the number and percent of students completing enough credits to move to the next grade level and the percent of students by grade level on track to graduate in four years of becoming a ninth grader. The high school data will also show the number and Page 1 of 2 percent of 9th grade students who have failed 3 or more courses the previous school year. The Administration will also provide as an attachment to the Monitoring Report, the annual Promotion Standards report that shows promotion/retention data by grade for Title I and non-Title I students. Target: The percent of students who meet promotion standards during the regular school year will increase to 90 percent and to 98.5 percent after summer school by the end of the fall semester 2012. Other measures are report only for the first year.” The attached report provides the promotion standards information requested for the 2009–2010 school year and the high school results for the 2009–2010 and 2010– 2011 school years. This report directly supports HISD’s Strategic Direction for Core Initiative 4: Data-Driven Accountability. Page 2 of 2 BOARD OF EDUCATION MONITORING SYSTEM: 2010–2011 Board Monitoring System: Goal 1-Section C EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Purpose The Houston Independent School District (HISD) exists to strengthen the social and economic foundation of Houston by assuring its youth the highest-quality elementary and secondary education available anywhere. In fulfilling this goal, the HISD Board of Education has designed a program to systematically monitor the district's goals and core values. The Board Monitoring System will report on each goal and core value on a routine basis. The goal currently under review is to MAINTAIN PROMOTION STANDARDS among students in grades 1–8 (Goal 1, Section C). Additionally, high school students’ progress in earning credits to advance to the next grade and on track to graduate in four years are also reported. Findings Promotion Standards/High School Credit Status • At the end of 2009–2010 school year, 79 percent of HISD first- through eighth-graders met promotion standards compared to 78 percent in 2008–2009. Twenty-one percent of first– eighth graders did not met promotion standards in 2010 compared to 22 percent in 2008– 2009 at the end of the regular school year. The total percentage of summer school attendees in grades 1–8 meeting promotion standards after summer school decreased from 86 percent in 2009 to 82 percent in 2010. After summer school, the total percentage of first through eighth graders meeting promotion standards decreased from 96 percent in 2009 to 94 percent in 2010 (Figure 1). • The percentage of students promoted because they met promotion standards increased from 73 to 74 percent when comparing 2008–2009 to 2009–2010. Those students promoted on the basis of committee decisions decreased from 22 to 19 percent. The percentage of students retained because they did not meet promotion standards increased from 4 to 6 percent, and the percentage retained on the basis of committee decisions remained less than 1 percent (Figure 2). • The actual fall 2010 grade status for students in first through eighth grades (that is, comparing the grade levels of the students who were enrolled in the 2009–2010 school year with their grade level in fall 2010), were 87 percent promoted, 2 percent were retained, and 11 percent did not return. By comparison, in fall 2009, 82 percent were promoted, 2 percent were retained, and 15 percent did not return (Figure 3). Among students who did return in the fall of 2010, 97 percent were actually promoted and 3 percent were retained. • During spring 2010, 25,059 students were referred to summer school. Of the students referred to summer school in the spring of 2010, 71 percent (17,888 students) met promotion standards and were promoted to the next grade at the end of summer. For the 2009–2010 school year, 16 percent (4,051 students) did not meet promotion standards and were retained in the same grade while 12 percent (3,120 students) did not attend summer school. In 2009, Page 1 of 6 BOARD OF EDUCATION MONITORING SYSTEM: 2010–2011 of the 25,956 students who were referred to summer school: 80 percent were promoted, 13 percent were retained, and 6 percent did not attend (Figure 4). • There were 23,262 students whose final status was determined by committee decision at the end of the 2009–2010 school year compared to 26,099 at the end of 2008–2009. The percentage of promotions by grade placement committee decisions decreased with 49.5 percent of the students in 2010 promoted compared to 55.7 percent promoted in 2009. The number and percentage of students being retained based upon committee decisions increased from 55 (0.2 percent) in 2009 to 206 (0.9 percent) in 2010 (Table 1). • During the 2009–2010 school year four campuses promoted a total of 100 percent of their students: Sharon Halpin Early Childhood Center (2 students promoted based on committee decisions), Briarmeadow Charter (1 student promoted based on promotion standards and 283 students promoted based on committee decisions), River Oaks (566 students promoted based on promotion standards and 8 students promoted based on committee decisions) elementary schools, and Briarmeadow Middle School (128 students promoted based on promotion standards and 2 students promoted based on committee decisions). Among elementary schools, River Oaks had the highest number of students promoted (574) overall. Texas Connections Academy had the highest number of students to be retained (664 student retained based on promotion standards) or 99.8 percent of the total enrollment (Appendix A). • For the 2009–2010 school year, there were 170 schools which had more than 10 percent of their students promoted by committee decision. Halpin Early Childhood center had the highest percentage of students promoted by committee decision (100 percent, or 2 of 2 students) followed by Briarmeadow Charter Elementary School (99.6 percent or 283 out of 284 students) and Woodrow Wilson Dual Language Academy promoted 93.2 percent or (288 out of 309 students). Among schools with more than 10 percent of students promoted by committee, the highest category of promoted students was the grade placement committee (10,760 students) districtwide. Briarmeadow had the highest number of students promoted by grade placement committee (273) (Appendix B). • In 2009-2010, districtwide, the percentage of high school students with enough credits to advance increased with each grade level. Percentages ranged from 75.3 percent of ninth grade students with the minimum number of credits to advance to tenth grade to 93.4 percent of twelfth grade students with enough credits to earn the core minimum diploma. However, only 80 percent of those seniors have passed the TAKS requirement to graduate (Appendix C). • Of the district’s students who are on track to graduate, 84.4 percent of the ninth grade students who are currently enrolled are eligible to graduate in four years. Seven schools had 100 percent of their students in grades 9–12 on-track to graduate in four years: Andrew Carnegie Vanguard High School, Eastwood Academy, Empowerment College Preparatory High School, Energized E-STEM West High School, Energized for E-STEM Academy, North Houston Early College High School, and South Early College High School. There were 7,336 students (14.9 percent) whose first year in ninth grade was not available (Appendix D). • The district had 15,403 ninth grade students enrolled in high school who failed three or more courses the previous school year. The failure rate of 3 or more courses for district high schools ranged from 1.9 percent (South Early College) to 80 percent (Reach Charter) for district high schools. Chavez High School had the largest number of students 304 or 34.2 percent of ninth grade students who failed three or more courses the previous year (Appendix E). Page 2 of 6 BOARD OF EDUCATION MONITORING SYSTEM: 2010–2011 • Title I students represented 90.8 percent or (107,398) of all students in the district. Of these students, 18.8 percent were promoted based on committee decisions which was 8 percentage points less than Non-Title I students. The percentage of students retained by committee decision, by grade level, was less than one percent for All and Title I students in grades 6–8. Most students in grades 1–5, in all groups, were promoted based on promotion standards. Non-Title I students in grades 6–8 were retained at rate of 20 percentage points or greater than those on Title I campuses (Appendix F). Administrative Response Page 3 of 6 BOARD OF EDUCATION MONITORING SYSTEM: 2010–2011 Figure 1: Number and Percent of 2009-2010 Students in Grades 18 Who Met or Did Not Meet Promotion Standards by Semester and Total (2009 N=116,870 2010 N=118,276) Number of Students 120,000 25,059 (21%) 25,956 (22%) 100,000 5,084 (4%) 7,171 (6%) 111,786 (96%) 111,105 (94%) 80,000 60,000 90,914 (78%) 40,000 93,217 (79%) 4,051 (18%) 3,494 (14%) 20,000 20,833 (86%) 0 2009 2010 17,888 (82%) 2009 Spring 2010 2009 Sum m er Promoted 2010 Total Retained TARGETS: SPRING PROMOTION – 90% SUMMER PROMOTION – 98.5% Figure 2: Promotion Status of 2009-2010 Students in Grades 1-8 Based on Promotion Standards (2009 N=116,870 2010 N=118,276) 120,000 23,056 (19%) 26,044 (22%) Number of Students 100,000 80,000 60,000 88,049 (74%) 85,742 (73%) 40,000 20,000 55 (<1%) 0 2009 2010 206 (<1%) 5,029 (4%) 2009 Prom oted 6965 (6%) 2010 Retained Based on Promotion Standards Committee Decision NOTE: PROMOTION STANDARDS DATA FOR EACH SCHOOL ARE PRESENTED STARTING ON PAGE 7. Page 4 of 6 BOARD OF EDUCATION MONITORING SYSTEM: 2010–2011 Figure 3: The Number and Percentage of 2009-2010 Students Promoted or Retained Based on Actual Fall 2010 Status (2009 N=116,870 2010 N=118,276) 120,000 102,566 (87%) 96,110 (82%) Number of Students 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 17,890 (15%) 20,000 12,809 (11%) 2,870 (2%) 2,901(2%) 0 2009 2010 Prom oted 2009 2010 Retained 2009 2010 Not Return NOTE: 2009 PERCENTAGES DO NOT TOTAL 100% DUE TO ROUNDING. Figure 4: Promotion and Retained Status of the Spring 2009 Students Referred to Summer School (2009 N=25,956 2010 N=25,059) 25,000 20,883 (80%) Number of Students 20,000 17,888 (71%) 15,000 10,000 4,051(16%) 5,000 3,494 (13%) 3,120 (12%) 1,579 (6%) 0 2009 2010 Sum m er Prom oted 2009 2010 Sum m er Retained 2009 2010 Did Not Attend NOTE: 2009 PERCENTAGES DO NOT TOTAL 100% DUE TO ROUNDING. The number of students attending summer school (24,377 in 2009 and 21,939 in 2010) is the same as the number completing summer school, as the data file does not distinguish between the two. Page 5 of 6 BOARD OF EDUCATION MONITORING SYSTEM: 2010–2011 Table 1: Final Promotion Outcomes Based on Committee Decisions 2008-09 Promoted Committee Decision 2009-10 Retained Total Promoted Retained Total N % N % N N % N % N ARD 6,375 24.4 19 0.1 6,394 5,993 25.8 10 0.0 6,003 Attendance 3,932 15.1 1 0.0 3,933 4,362 18.7 69 0.3 4,431 Grade Placement Committee 14,544 55.7 35 0.1 14,579 11,521 49.5 127 0.5 11,648 Not Enrolled Stanford 10/Aprenda 3 Principal Plan School Waiver Total 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 613 2.6 0 0.0 613 539 2.1 0 0.0 539 506 2.2 0 0.0 506 654 2.5 0 0.0 654 61 0.3 0 0.0 61 26,044 99.8 55 0.2 26,099 23,056 99.1 206 0.9 23,262 Note: Percentages based on the total number of Committee Decisions Page 6 of 6 Appendix A HISD Promotion Standards Outcomes 2009–2010 Summary School Name Elementary Schools Middle Schools Combined/Other Schools District Total N Promotion Standards Promoted Retained N N 68,169 24,020 2,825 95,014 63,964 22,345 1,740 88,049 4,205 1,675 1,085 6,965 Total N 10,845 11,173 1,244 23,262 Committee Decisions* Promoted Retained N N 10,831 11,156 1,069 23,056 14 17 175 206 Total N 79,014 35,193 4,069 118,276 Total Results Promoted Retained N % N % 74,795 33,501 2,809 111,105 94.7 95.2 69.0 93.9 4,219 1,692 1,260 7,171 5.3 4.8 31.0 6.1 Percentages based on the total number of students promoted or retained. These figures do not include students withdrawn prior to year end or records with incorrect codes. Source: Chancery Promotion Standards Extract (PSE) File, September 16, 2010 * Includes Grade Placement, ARD, and Attendance Committees; Principal Plans; School Waivers, and Promoted Not Enrolled at Stanford/Aprenda. Research and Accountability 7 Appendix A HISD Promotion Standards Outcomes 2009–2010 Elementary Schools School Name Total N Promotion Standards Promoted Retained N N Total N Committee Decisions* Promoted Retained N N Total N Total Results Promoted N % Retained N % Alcott Elementary School Almeda Elementary School Anderson Elementary School Ashford Elementary School Askew Elementary School Atherton Elementary School Barrick Elementary School Bastian Elementary School 287 503 376 251 584 240 466 485 269 463 354 229 577 228 424 424 18 40 22 22 7 12 42 61 48 68 147 18 92 15 82 98 48 68 147 18 92 15 82 98 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 335 571 523 269 676 255 548 583 317 531 501 247 669 243 506 522 94.6 93.0 95.8 91.8 99.0 95.3 92.3 89.5 18 40 22 22 7 12 42 61 5.4 7.0 4.2 8.2 1.0 4.7 7.7 10.5 Bell Elementary School Benavídez Elementary School Benbrook Elementary School Berry Elementary School Blackshear Elementary School Bonham Elementary School Bonner Elementary School Braeburn Elementary School Briargrove Elementary School Briarmeadow Charter Elementary School Briscoe Elementary School 479 637 333 338 207 522 595 682 634 1 367 471 598 317 308 176 499 568 647 610 1 342 8 39 16 30 31 23 27 35 24 0 25 106 74 51 89 86 93 65 63 62 283 28 106 72 51 89 86 93 65 63 62 283 28 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 585 711 384 427 293 615 660 745 696 284 395 577 670 368 397 262 592 633 710 672 284 370 98.6 94.2 95.8 93.0 89.4 96.3 95.9 95.3 96.6 100.0 93.7 8 41 16 30 31 23 27 35 24 0 25 1.4 5.8 4.2 7.0 10.6 3.7 4.1 4.7 3.4 0.0 6.3 Brookline Elementary School Browning Elementary School Bruce Elementary School Burbank Elementary School Burnet Elementary School Burrus Elementary School Bush Elementary School Cage Elementary School Carrillo Elementary School Codwell Elementary School 613 337 275 592 451 220 486 412 492 395 563 329 266 587 426 218 482 385 471 364 50 8 9 5 25 2 4 27 21 31 134 54 140 57 74 16 35 57 30 48 134 54 140 57 74 16 35 57 30 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 747 391 415 649 525 236 521 469 522 443 697 383 406 644 500 234 517 442 501 411 93.3 98.0 97.8 99.2 95.2 99.2 99.2 94.2 96.0 92.8 50 8 9 5 25 2 4 27 21 32 6.7 2.0 2.2 0.8 4.8 0.8 0.8 5.8 4.0 7.2 Condit Elementary School Cook Elementary School Coop Elementary School 484 382 481 483 380 455 1 2 26 35 136 69 35 136 69 0 0 0 519 518 550 518 99.8 516 99.6 524 95.3 1 2 26 0.2 0.4 4.7 Percentages based on the total number of students promoted or retained. These figures do not include students withdrawn prior to year end or records with incorrect codes. Source: Chancery Promotion Standards Extract (PSE) File, September 16, 2010 * Includes Grade Placement, ARD, and Attendance Committees; Principal Plans; School Waivers, and Promoted Not Enrolled at Stanford/Aprenda. Research and Accountability 8 Appendix A HISD Promotion Standards Outcomes 2009–2010 Elementary Schools School Name Cornelius Elementary School Crawford Elementary School Crespo Elementary School Crockett Elementary School Cunningham Elementary School Daily Elementary School Dávila Elementary School De Chaumes Elementary School Total N Promotion Standards Promoted Retained N N Total N Committee Decisions* Promoted Retained N N Total N Total Results Promoted N % Retained N % 694 104 551 240 440 456 403 417 668 97 508 234 424 428 386 405 26 7 43 6 16 28 17 12 25 58 50 50 56 84 50 48 25 58 50 50 56 84 50 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 719 162 601 290 496 540 453 465 693 155 558 284 480 512 436 453 96.4 95.7 92.8 97.9 96.8 94.8 96.2 97.4 26 7 43 6 16 28 17 12 3.6 4.3 7.2 2.1 3.2 5.2 3.8 2.6 433 249 178 283 490 370 311 474 1,091 251 341 416 235 157 259 467 342 254 446 978 214 302 17 14 21 24 23 28 57 28 113 37 39 30 42 41 50 59 39 51 58 2 33 146 29 42 41 50 56 39 51 58 2 33 146 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 463 291 219 333 549 409 362 532 1,093 284 487 445 277 198 309 523 381 305 504 980 247 448 96.1 95.2 90.4 92.8 95.3 93.2 84.3 94.7 89.7 87.0 92.0 18 14 21 24 26 28 57 28 113 37 39 3.9 4.8 9.6 7.2 4.7 6.8 15.7 5.3 10.3 13.0 8.0 Fondren Elementary School Foster Elementary School Franklin Elementary School Frost Elementary School Gallegos Elementary School Garcia Elementary School Garden Oaks Elementary School Garden Villas Elementary School Golfcrest Elementary School Gordon Elementary School 243 290 333 208 339 409 228 686 406 228 220 264 306 157 336 390 225 639 379 195 23 26 27 51 3 19 3 47 27 33 78 78 67 128 36 192 106 40 127 79 78 78 67 128 36 192 106 40 127 79 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 321 368 400 336 375 601 334 726 533 307 298 342 373 285 372 582 331 679 506 274 92.8 92.9 93.3 84.8 99.2 96.8 99.1 93.5 94.9 89.3 23 26 27 51 3 19 3 47 27 33 7.2 7.1 6.8 15.2 0.8 3.2 0.9 6.5 5.1 10.7 Gregg Elementary School Gregory-Lincoln Education Center (ES) Grimes Elementary School 360 191 197 332 162 174 28 29 23 45 78 59 45 78 59 0 0 0 405 269 256 377 93.1 240 89.2 233 91.0 28 29 23 6.9 10.8 9.0 De Zavala Elementary School Dodson Elementary School Dogan Elementary School Durham Elementary School Durkee Elementary School Eliot Elementary School Elrod Elementary School Emerson Elementary School Energized for Excellence Elementary School Field Elementary School Foerster Elementary School Percentages based on the total number of students promoted or retained. These figures do not include students withdrawn prior to year end or records with incorrect codes. Source: Chancery Promotion Standards Extract (PSE) File, September 16, 2010 * Includes Grade Placement, ARD, and Attendance Committees; Principal Plans; School Waivers, and Promoted Not Enrolled at Stanford/Aprenda. Research and Accountability 9 Appendix A HISD Promotion Standards Outcomes 2009–2010 Elementary Schools School Name Total N Promotion Standards Promoted Retained N N Total N Committee Decisions* Promoted Retained N N Total N Total Results Promoted N % Retained N % Grissom Elementary School Gross Elementary School Halpin Center Early Childhood Education Center Harris, J. R. Elementary School Harris, R. P. Elementary School Hartsfield Elementary School Harvard Elementary School Helms Community Learning Center 567 548 0 404 347 245 451 325 537 519 0 373 329 228 445 308 30 29 0 31 18 17 6 17 33 53 2 41 45 46 14 46 33 53 2 41 45 46 14 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 600 601 2 445 392 291 465 371 570 572 2 414 374 274 459 354 95.0 95.2 100.0 93.0 95.4 94.2 98.7 95.4 30 29 0 31 18 17 6 17 5.0 4.8 0.0 7.0 4.6 5.8 1.3 4.6 Henderson, J. P. Elementary School Henderson, N. Q. Elementary School Herod Elementary School Herrera Elementary School Highland Heights Elementary School Hines-Caldwell Elementary School Hobby Elementary School Horn Elementary School Houston Gardens Elementary School Isaacs Elementary School Janowski Elementary School 473 215 502 695 441 556 553 438 230 313 352 449 211 501 674 409 520 481 434 220 297 321 24 4 1 21 32 36 72 4 10 16 31 62 16 71 47 32 47 45 21 25 33 89 62 16 71 47 32 47 45 21 25 33 89 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 535 231 573 742 473 603 598 459 255 346 441 511 227 572 721 441 567 526 455 245 330 410 95.5 98.3 99.8 97.2 93.2 94.0 88.0 99.1 96.1 95.4 93.0 24 4 1 21 32 36 72 4 10 16 31 4.5 1.7 0.2 2.8 6.8 6.0 12.0 0.9 3.9 4.6 7.0 Jefferson Elementary School Kashmere Gardens Elementary School Kelso Elementary School Kennedy Elementary School Ketelsen Elementary School Kolter Elementary School Lantrip Elementary School Law Elementary School Lewis Elementary School Lockhart Elementary School 263 235 298 503 397 429 479 404 719 470 229 213 275 494 378 422 457 371 611 450 34 22 23 9 19 7 22 33 108 20 80 15 62 22 30 23 26 114 55 62 80 14 62 22 30 23 26 114 55 62 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 343 250 360 525 427 452 505 518 774 532 309 227 337 516 408 445 483 485 666 512 90.1 90.8 93.6 98.3 95.6 98.5 95.6 93.6 86.0 96.2 34 23 23 9 19 7 22 33 108 20 9.9 9.2 6.4 1.7 4.4 1.5 4.4 6.4 14.0 3.8 Longfellow Elementary School Looscan Elementary School Love Elementary School 457 310 261 420 302 244 37 8 17 105 45 45 104 45 45 1 0 0 562 355 306 524 93.2 347 97.7 289 94.4 38 8 17 6.8 2.3 5.6 Percentages based on the total number of students promoted or retained. These figures do not include students withdrawn prior to year end or records with incorrect codes. Source: Chancery Promotion Standards Extract (PSE) File, September 16, 2010 * Includes Grade Placement, ARD, and Attendance Committees; Principal Plans; School Waivers, and Promoted Not Enrolled at Stanford/Aprenda. Research and Accountability 10 Appendix A HISD Promotion Standards Outcomes 2009–2010 Elementary Schools School Name Total N Promotion Standards Promoted Retained N N Total N Committee Decisions* Promoted Retained N N Total N Total Results Promoted N % Retained N % Lovett Elementary School Lyons Elementary School MacGregor Elementary School Mading Elementary School Martínez, C. Elementary School Martinez, R. Elementary School McDade Elementary School McNamara Elementary School 527 620 347 309 348 314 205 316 514 610 334 261 336 286 190 299 13 10 13 48 12 28 15 17 10 29 13 92 80 113 39 43 9 29 13 92 80 113 39 43 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 537 649 360 401 428 427 244 359 523 639 347 353 416 399 229 342 97.4 98.5 96.4 88.0 97.2 93.4 93.9 95.3 14 10 13 48 12 28 15 17 2.6 1.5 3.6 12.0 2.8 6.6 6.1 4.7 Memorial Elementary School Milne Elementary School Mitchell Elementary School Montgomery Elementary School Moreno Elementary School Neff Elementary School North Alternative Elementary School Northline Elementary School Oak Forest Elementary School Oates Elementary School Osborne Elementary School 185 411 683 528 491 602 11 448 596 289 269 165 375 646 486 476 553 5 420 595 274 244 20 36 37 42 15 49 6 28 1 15 25 43 80 83 46 138 119 4 75 35 52 28 43 80 83 46 138 119 4 75 35 52 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 228 491 766 574 629 721 15 523 631 341 297 208 455 729 532 614 672 9 495 630 326 272 91.2 92.7 95.2 92.7 97.6 93.2 60.0 94.6 99.8 95.6 91.6 20 36 37 42 15 49 6 28 1 15 25 8.8 7.3 4.8 7.3 2.4 6.8 40.0 5.4 0.2 4.4 8.4 Paige Elementary School Park Place Elementary School Parker Elementary School Patterson Elementary School Peck Elementary School Petersen Elementary School Piney Point Elementary School Pleasantville Elementary School Poe Elementary School Port Houston Elementary School 221 698 624 590 303 467 604 208 548 212 217 662 606 566 267 389 544 194 515 201 4 36 18 24 36 78 60 14 33 11 47 79 22 40 62 95 76 50 47 27 47 79 22 40 62 95 76 50 46 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 268 777 646 630 365 562 680 258 595 239 264 741 628 606 329 484 620 244 561 228 98.5 95.4 97.2 96.2 90.1 86.1 91.2 94.6 94.3 95.4 4 36 18 24 36 78 60 14 34 11 1.5 4.6 2.8 3.8 9.9 13.9 8.8 5.4 5.7 4.6 Pugh Elementary School Red Elementary School Reynolds Elementary School 333 325 324 297 316 290 36 9 34 13 81 71 13 81 71 0 0 0 346 406 395 310 89.6 397 97.8 361 91.4 36 9 34 10.4 2.2 8.6 Percentages based on the total number of students promoted or retained. These figures do not include students withdrawn prior to year end or records with incorrect codes. Source: Chancery Promotion Standards Extract (PSE) File, September 16, 2010 * Includes Grade Placement, ARD, and Attendance Committees; Principal Plans; School Waivers, and Promoted Not Enrolled at Stanford/Aprenda. Research and Accountability 11 Appendix A HISD Promotion Standards Outcomes 2009–2010 Elementary Schools School Name Total N Promotion Standards Promoted Retained N N Total N Committee Decisions* Promoted Retained N N Total N Total Results Promoted N % Retained N % Rhoads Elementary School Rice School Elementary School River Oaks Elementary School Roberts Elementary School Robinson Elementary School Rodríguez Elementary School Rogers, T. H. Elementary School Roosevelt Elementary School 183 533 566 500 506 643 225 420 167 530 566 498 452 611 223 393 16 3 0 2 54 32 2 27 31 30 8 24 41 83 74 18 31 30 8 24 41 83 74 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 214 563 574 524 547 726 299 438 198 560 574 522 493 694 297 411 92.5 99.5 100.0 99.6 90.1 95.6 99.3 93.8 16 3 0 2 54 32 2 27 7.5 0.5 0.0 0.4 9.9 4.4 0.7 6.2 Ross Elementary School Rucker Elementary School Sánchez Elementary School Scarborough Elementary School School at St. George Place Scott Elementary School Scroggins Elementary School Seguin Elementary School Shadowbriar Elementary School Shearn Elementary School Sherman Elementary School 330 406 356 487 353 221 411 351 311 217 282 323 380 333 430 335 210 386 341 289 206 252 7 26 23 57 18 11 25 10 22 11 30 24 96 56 94 56 20 26 80 118 102 74 24 96 56 94 56 20 26 80 118 102 74 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 354 502 412 581 409 241 437 431 429 319 356 347 476 389 524 391 230 412 421 407 308 326 98.0 94.8 94.4 90.2 95.6 95.4 94.3 97.7 94.9 96.6 91.6 7 26 23 57 18 11 25 10 22 11 30 2.0 5.2 5.6 9.8 4.4 4.6 5.7 2.3 5.1 3.4 8.4 Sinclair Elementary School Smith, E.O. Education Center (ES) Smith, K. Elementary School South Alternative Elementary School Southmayd Elementary School Stevens Elementary School Stevenson Elementary School Sugar Grove Elementary School Sutton Elementary School Thompson Elementary School 313 37 472 14 419 378 206 263 730 337 299 35 421 7 414 355 194 212 717 310 14 2 51 7 5 23 12 51 13 27 57 51 149 10 65 69 29 119 121 93 56 51 149 10 65 69 29 119 121 93 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 370 88 621 24 484 447 235 382 851 430 355 86 570 17 479 424 223 331 838 403 95.9 97.7 91.8 70.8 99.0 94.9 94.9 86.6 98.5 93.7 15 2 51 7 5 23 12 51 13 27 4.1 2.3 8.2 29.2 1.0 5.1 5.1 13.4 1.5 6.3 Tijerina Elementary School Tinsley Elementary School Travis Elementary School 367 532 511 356 444 501 11 88 10 75 209 48 74 209 48 1 0 0 442 741 559 430 97.3 653 88.1 549 98.2 12 88 10 2.7 11.9 1.8 Percentages based on the total number of students promoted or retained. These figures do not include students withdrawn prior to year end or records with incorrect codes. Source: Chancery Promotion Standards Extract (PSE) File, September 16, 2010 * Includes Grade Placement, ARD, and Attendance Committees; Principal Plans; School Waivers, and Promoted Not Enrolled at Stanford/Aprenda. Research and Accountability 12 Appendix A HISD Promotion Standards Outcomes 2009–2010 Elementary Schools School Name TSU Charter Lab School Twain Elementary School Valley West Elementary School Wainwright Elementary School Walnut Bend Elementary School Wesley Elementary School West University Elementary School Whidby Elementary School White Elementary School Whittier Elementary School Windsor Village Elementary School Woodson Elementary School Young Elementary School Young Scholars Academy for Excellence Total Elementary Schools Total N Promotion Standards Promoted Retained N N Total N Committee Decisions* Promoted Retained N N Total N Total Results Promoted N % Retained N % 20 586 414 402 355 245 816 287 16 580 396 374 305 218 815 252 4 6 18 28 50 27 1 35 4 43 50 119 89 82 34 114 4 43 50 118 89 82 34 114 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 24 629 464 521 444 327 850 401 20 623 446 492 394 300 849 366 83.3 99.0 96.1 94.4 88.7 91.7 99.9 91.3 4 6 18 29 50 27 1 35 16.7 1.0 3.9 5.6 11.3 8.3 0.1 8.7 536 341 508 124 199 119 68,169 508 321 479 107 155 80 63,964 28 20 29 17 44 39 4,205 58 31 65 42 142 0 10,845 58 31 65 42 142 0 10,831 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 594 372 573 166 341 119 79,014 566 352 544 149 297 80 74,795 95.3 94.6 94.9 89.8 87.1 67.2 94.7 28 20 29 17 44 39 4,219 4.7 5.4 5.1 10.2 12.9 32.8 5.3 Percentages based on the total number of students promoted or retained. These figures do not include students withdrawn prior to year end or records with incorrect codes. Source: Chancery Promotion Standards Extract (PSE) File, September 16, 2010 * Includes Grade Placement, ARD, and Attendance Committees; Principal Plans; School Waivers, and Promoted Not Enrolled at Stanford/Aprenda. Research and Accountability 13 Appendix A HISD Promotion Standards Outcomes 2009–2010 Middle Schools School Name Attucks Middle School Black Middle School Briarmeadow Charter Middle School Burbank Middle School Contemporary Learning Center Middle School Clifton Middle School Cullen Middle School Deady Middle School Total N Promotion Standards Promoted Retained N N Total N Committee Decisions* Promoted Retained N N Total N Total Results Promoted N % Retained N % 199 257 128 865 10 676 157 502 151 246 128 845 7 648 149 495 48 11 0 20 3 28 8 7 385 250 2 317 29 304 421 390 385 250 2 317 29 304 421 390 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 584 507 130 1,182 39 980 578 892 536 496 130 1,162 36 952 570 885 91.8 97.8 100.0 98.3 92.3 97.1 98.6 99.2 48 11 0 20 3 28 8 7 8.2 2.2 0.0 1.7 7.7 2.9 1.4 0.8 Dominion Academy Dowling Middle School Edison Middle School Energized E-STEM West MS Energized for Excellence Middle School Fleming Middle School Fondren Middle School Fonville Middle School Grady Middle School Gregory-Lincoln Education Center (MS) Hamilton Middle School 41 1,091 640 110 248 424 348 849 246 143 1,060 37 946 633 109 247 376 337 778 240 121 1,030 4 145 7 1 1 48 11 71 6 22 30 15 276 130 3 2 43 362 215 228 174 276 15 276 130 3 2 43 362 214 228 174 276 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 56 1,367 770 113 250 467 710 1,064 474 317 1,336 52 1,222 763 112 249 419 699 992 468 295 1,306 92.9 89.4 99.1 99.1 99.6 89.7 98.5 93.2 98.7 93.1 97.8 4 145 7 1 1 48 11 72 6 22 30 7.1 10.6 0.9 0.9 0.4 10.3 1.5 6.8 1.3 6.9 2.2 Hartman Middle School Henry Middle School High School Ahead Hogg Middle School Holland Middle School Jackson Middle School Johnston Middle School Kaleidoscope Middle School Key Middle School Lanier Charter Middle School 935 730 47 530 603 616 1,070 94 210 1,083 897 649 26 431 536 573 1,040 91 115 1,077 38 81 21 99 67 43 30 3 95 6 605 295 141 254 126 252 328 13 316 237 605 295 134 254 126 252 328 13 316 237 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,540 1,025 188 784 729 868 1,398 107 526 1,320 1,502 944 160 685 662 825 1,368 104 431 1,314 97.5 92.1 85.1 87.4 90.8 95.0 97.9 97.2 81.9 99.5 38 81 28 99 67 43 30 3 95 6 2.5 7.9 14.9 12.6 9.2 5.0 2.1 2.8 18.1 0.5 22 398 546 17 368 509 5 30 37 124 365 387 124 364 387 0 1 0 146 763 933 141 96.6 732 95.9 896 96.0 5 31 37 3.4 4.1 4.0 Las Américas Middle School Long Middle School Marshall Middle School Percentages based on the total number of students promoted or retained. These figures do not include students withdrawn prior to year end or records with incorrect codes. Source: Chancery Promotion Standards Extract (PSE) File, September 16, 2010 * Includes Grade Placement, ARD, and Attendance Committees; Principal Plans; School Waivers, and Promoted Not Enrolled at Stanford/Aprenda. Research and Accountability 14 Appendix A HISD Promotion Standards Outcomes 2009–2010 Middle Schools Promotion Standards Promoted Retained N N Total N Total Results Promoted School Name McReynolds Middle School Ortíz Middle School Pershing Middle School Pin Oak Middle School Project Chrysalis Middle School Revere Middle School Rice School Middle School Rogers, T. H. Middle School 457 577 1,408 970 150 310 415 332 430 552 1,326 968 149 264 408 331 27 25 82 2 1 46 7 1 123 356 332 171 8 549 44 60 122 356 330 171 8 549 44 60 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 580 933 1,740 1,141 158 859 459 392 552 908 1,656 1,139 157 813 452 391 95.2 97.3 95.2 99.8 99.4 94.6 98.5 99.7 28 25 84 2 1 46 7 1 4.8 2.7 4.8 0.2 0.6 5.4 1.5 0.3 163 404 63 1,043 399 55 711 1,126 253 306 24,020 142 328 49 1,016 330 39 647 1,062 220 232 22,345 21 76 14 27 69 16 64 64 33 74 1,675 196 298 207 291 194 11 430 196 179 263 11,173 196 298 207 291 194 11 430 196 177 260 11,156 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 17 359 702 270 1,334 593 66 1,141 1,322 432 569 35,193 338 626 256 1,307 524 50 1,077 1,258 397 492 33,501 94.2 89.2 94.8 98.0 88.4 75.8 94.4 95.2 91.9 86.5 95.2 21 76 14 27 69 16 64 64 35 77 1,692 5.8 10.8 5.2 2.0 11.6 24.2 5.6 4.8 8.1 13.5 4.8 Ryan Middle School Sharpstown Middle School Smith Education Center (MS) Stevenson Middle School Thomas Middle School WALIPP Middle School Welch Middle School West Briar Middle School Williams Middle School Woodson Middle School Total Middle Schools Total N Committee Decisions* Promoted Retained N N Total N N % Retained N % Percentages based on the total number of students promoted or retained. These figures do not include students withdrawn prior to year end or records with incorrect codes. Source: Chancery Promotion Standards Extract (PSE) File, September 16, 2010 * Includes Grade Placement, ARD, and Attendance Committees; Principal Plans; School Waivers, and Promoted Not Enrolled at Stanford/Aprenda. Research and Accountability 15 Appendix A HISD Promotion Standards Outcomes 2009–2010 Combined/Other Schools School Name Carter Career Center Community Education Partners (SE) Community Education Partners (SW) Community Services Alternative School Harper Alternative School Inspired for Excellence Academy North Inspired for Excellence Academy West JJAEP Kandy Stripe Academy Pilgrim Academy Pro-Vision School Rusk School SOAR Center Texas Connections Academy Wharton Elementary School Wilson Elementary School Total Combined/Other Schools Total N Promotion Standards Promoted Retained N N Total N Committee Decisions* Promoted Retained N N Total N Total Results Promoted N % Retained N % 9 132 106 44 20 37 38 5 4 83 39 0 8 34 26 0 5 49 67 44 12 3 12 5 7 230 287 9 14 16 69 14 7 159 191 5 14 16 69 10 0 71 96 4 0 0 0 4 16 362 393 53 34 53 107 19 11 242 230 5 22 50 95 10 68.8 66.9 58.5 9.4 64.7 94.3 88.8 52.6 5 120 163 48 12 3 12 9 31.3 33.1 41.5 90.6 35.3 5.7 11.2 47.4 261 701 87 372 62 665 265 21 2,825 229 659 55 349 0 1 244 9 1,740 32 42 32 23 62 664 21 12 1,085 59 86 88 20 0 0 57 288 1,244 59 86 88 20 0 0 57 288 1,069 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 175 320 787 175 392 62 665 322 309 4,069 288 745 143 369 0 1 301 297 2,809 90.0 94.7 81.7 94.1 0.0 0.2 93.5 96.1 69.0 32 42 32 23 62 664 21 12 1,260 10.0 5.3 18.3 5.9 00.0 99.8 6.5 3.9 31.0 Percentages based on the total number of students promoted or retained. These figures do not include students withdrawn prior to year end or records with incorrect codes. Source: Chancery Promotion Standards Extract (PSE) File, September 16, 2010 * Includes Grade Placement, ARD, and Attendance Committees; Principal Plans; School Waivers, and Promoted Not Enrolled at Stanford/Aprenda. Research and Accountability 16 Appendix B HISD Schools with Promotion by Committee Decision Greater Than 10 Percent 2009–2010 Summary Committees (N) School Name Elementary Schools Middle Schools Combined/Other Schools District Total For Subset N 48,345 33,618 2,897 84,860 Promoted by Committee N % 8,923 18.5 11,054 32.9 1,044 36.0 21,021 24.8 ARD Attendance GPC 2,590 2,313 93 4,996 328 3,937 4 4,269 5,529 4,284 947 10,760 Not Enrolled at Stanf/Apr Principal Plan School Waiver 336 96 79 424 61 432 503 61 Percentages based on the total number of students promoted committee decisions. These figures do not include students withdrawn prior to year end or records with incorrect codes. Source: Chancery Promotion Standards Extract (PSE) File, September 16, 2010 Research and Accountability __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 17 Appendix B HISD Schools with Promotion by Committee Decision Greater Than 10 Percent 2009–2010 Elementary Schools Committees (N) School Name Almeda Elementary School Anderson Elementary School Askew Elementary School Barrick Elementary School Bastian Elementary School Bell Elementary School Benavídez Elementary School Benbrook Elementary School Berry Elementary School Blackshear Elementary School Bonham Elementary School Briarmeadow Charter Elementary School Brookline Elementary School Browning Elementary School Bruce Elementary School Burnet Elementary School Cage Elementary School Codwell Elementary School Cook Elementary School Coop Elementary School Crawford Elementary School Crockett Elementary School Cunningham Elementary School Daily Elementary School Dávila Elementary School De Chaumes Elementary School Dodson Elementary School Dogan Elementary School Durham Elementary School Durkee Elementary School Total N 571 523 676 548 583 585 711 384 427 293 615 284 747 391 415 525 469 443 518 550 162 290 496 540 453 465 291 219 333 549 Promoted by Committee N % 68 11.9 147 28.1 92 13.6 82 15.0 98 16.8 106 18.1 72 10.1 51 13.3 89 20.8 86 29.4 93 15.1 283 99.6 134 17.9 54 13.8 140 33.7 74 14.1 57 12.2 47 10.6 136 26.3 69 12.5 58 35.8 50 17.2 56 11.3 84 15.6 50 11.0 48 10.3 42 14.4 41 18.7 50 15.0 56 10.2 ARD 6 33 40 28 49 18 18 36 16 25 10 29 36 41 24 17 19 14 36 23 7 16 17 17 11 30 33 15 41 Attendance 5 2 22 9 6 17 7 2 7 1 13 1 6 11 1 7 2 GPC 45 109 38 77 38 51 51 24 44 64 51 273 98 18 97 43 35 28 109 33 34 35 32 44 33 36 5 8 30 15 Not Enrolled at Stanf/Apr Principal Plan School Waiver 17 12 5 10 1 9 6 2 4 1 7 2 12 3 Percentages based on the total number of students promoted committee decisions. These figures do not include students withdrawn prior to year end or records with incorrect codes. Source: Chancery Promotion Standards Extract (PSE) File, September 16, 2010 Research and Accountability __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 18 Appendix B HISD Schools with Promotion by Committee Decision Greater Than 10 Percent 2009–2010 Elementary Schools Committees (N) Not Enrolled Principal School Promoted by at Stanf/Apr Plan Waiver Total ARD Attendance GPC Committee N N % Elrod Elementary School 362 51 14.1 30 8 13 Emerson Elementary School 532 58 10.9 11 1 46 Field Elementary School 284 33 11.6 23 3 7 Foerster Elementary School 487 146 30.0 38 81 27 Fondren Elementary School 321 78 24.3 34 2 37 5 Foster Elementary School 368 78 21.2 35 13 30 Franklin Elementary School 400 67 16.8 16 1 50 Frost Elementary School 336 128 38.1 21 107 Garcia Elementary School 601 192 31.9 10 1 181 Garden Oaks Elementary School 334 106 31.7 3 4 38 61 Golfcrest Elementary School 534 127 24.0 36 1 90 Gordon Elementary School 307 79 25.7 21 10 48 Gregg Elementary School 405 45 11.1 19 1 25 Gregory-Lincoln Education Center (ES) 269 78 29.0 1 7 65 5 Grimes Elementary School 256 59 23.0 16 10 32 1 Halpin Center Early Childhood Education Center 2 2 100.0 2 Harris, R. P. Elementary School 392 45 11.5 11 3 31 Hartsfield Elementary School 291 46 15.8 19 3 24 Helms Community Learning Center 371 46 12.4 15 31 Henderson, J. P. Elementary School 535 62 11.6 15 41 6 Herod Elementary School 573 71 12.4 31 39 1 Janowski Elementary School 441 89 20.2 14 74 1 Jefferson Elementary School 343 80 23.3 13 47 5 15 Kelso Elementary School 360 62 17.2 23 39 Law Elementary School 518 114 22.0 34 13 61 6 Lockhart Elementary School 532 62 11.7 2 60 Longfellow Elementary School 562 104 18.5 25 4 75 Looscan Elementary School 355 45 12.7 30 13 2 Love Elementary School 306 45 14.7 13 1 31 Mading Elementary School 401 92 22.9 26 66 Martínez, C. Elementary School 428 80 18.7 21 1 58 Martinez, R. Elementary School 427 113 26.5 50 63 Percentages based on the total number of students promoted committee decisions. These figures do not include students withdrawn prior to year end or records with incorrect codes. Source: Chancery Promotion Standards Extract (PSE) File, September 16, 2010 School Name Research and Accountability __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 19 Appendix B HISD Schools with Promotion by Committee Decision Greater Than 10 Percent 2009–2010 Elementary Schools Committees (N) Not Enrolled Principal School Promoted by at Stanf/Apr Plan Waiver Total ARD Attendance GPC Committee N N % McDade Elementary School 244 39 16.0 27 5 7 McNamara Elementary School 359 43 12.0 10 1 20 12 Memorial Elementary School 228 43 18.9 14 22 7 Milne Elementary School 491 80 16.3 38 36 6 Mitchell Elementary School 766 83 10.8 7 2 74 Moreno Elementary School 629 138 21.9 10 127 1 Neff Elementary School 721 119 16.5 47 63 7 2 North Alternative Elementary School 15 4 26.7 2 2 Northline Elementary School 523 75 14.3 13 51 11 Oates Elementary School 341 52 15.2 18 19 15 Paige Elementary School 268 47 17.5 18 4 11 14 Park Place Elementary School 777 79 10.2 37 1 36 5 Peck Elementary School 365 62 17.0 29 1 32 Petersen Elementary School 562 95 16.9 35 7 53 Piney Point Elementary School 680 76 11.2 45 6 25 Pleasantville Elementary School 258 50 19.4 12 38 Port Houston Elementary School 239 27 11.3 12 15 Red Elementary School 406 81 20.0 34 2 45 Reynolds Elementary School 395 71 18.0 30 2 30 9 Rhoads Elementary School 214 31 14.5 7 13 8 3 Rodríguez Elementary School 726 83 11.4 36 47 Rogers, T. H. Elementary School 299 74 24.7 74 Rucker Elementary School 502 96 19.1 27 2 65 2 Sánchez Elementary School 412 56 13.6 14 42 Scarborough Elementary School 581 94 16.2 7 2 73 12 School at St. George Place 409 56 13.7 24 2 22 6 2 Seguin Elementary School 431 80 18.6 25 55 Shadowbriar Elementary School 429 118 27.5 48 48 17 5 Shearn Elementary School 319 102 32.0 24 64 14 Sherman Elementary School 356 74 20.8 8 2 64 Sinclair Elementary School 370 56 15.1 21 25 10 Smith, E.O. Education Center (ES) 88 51 58.0 13 2 35 1 Percentages based on the total number of students promoted committee decisions. These figures do not include students withdrawn prior to year end or records with incorrect codes. Source: Chancery Promotion Standards Extract (PSE) File, September 16, 2010 School Name Research and Accountability __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 20 Appendix B HISD Schools with Promotion by Committee Decision Greater Than 10 Percent 2009–2010 Elementary Schools Committees (N) School Name Smith, K. Elementary School South Alternative Elementary School Southmayd Elementary School Stevens Elementary School Stevenson Elementary School Sugar Grove Elementary School Sutton Elementary School Thompson Elementary School Tijerina Elementary School Tinsley Elementary School TSU Charter Lab School Valley West Elementary School Wainwright Elementary School Walnut Bend Elementary School Wesley Elementary School Whidby Elementary School Windsor Village Elementary School Woodson Elementary School Young Elementary School Total Elementary Schools Total N 621 24 484 447 235 382 851 430 442 741 24 464 521 444 327 401 573 166 341 48,345 Promoted by Committee N % 149 24.0 10 41.7 65 13.4 69 15.4 29 12.3 119 31.2 121 14.2 93 21.6 74 16.7 209 28.2 4 16.7 50 10.8 118 22.6 89 20.0 82 25.1 114 28.4 65 11.3 42 25.3 142 41.6 8,923 18.5 ARD 26 2 32 35 8 49 28 47 27 38 24 31 16 32 6 23 5 29 2,590 Attendance 1 1 2 4 3 1 2 7 1 12 13 9 10 328 GPC 120 7 32 34 21 69 91 27 39 160 4 21 80 71 35 96 23 28 80 5,529 Not Enrolled at Stanf/Apr Principal Plan School Waiver 3 1 15 5 6 4 3 1 15 6 336 23 79 61 Percentages based on the total number of students promoted committee decisions. These figures do not include students withdrawn prior to year end or records with incorrect codes. Source: Chancery Promotion Standards Extract (PSE) File, September 16, 2010 Research and Accountability __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 21 Appendix B HISD Schools with Promotion by Committee Decision Greater Than 10 Percent 2009–2010 Middle Schools Committees (N) School Name Total N Promoted by Committee N % ARD Attendance GPC 171 Not Enrolled at Stanf/Apr Attucks Middle School 584 385 65.9 83 131 Black Middle School 507 250 49.3 52 106 81 Burbank Middle School 1182 317 26.8 13 192 112 Clifton Middle School 980 304 31 60 39 Contemporary Learning Center Middle School 39 29 74.4 Cullen Middle School 578 421 72.8 65 132 216 Deady Middle School 892 390 43.7 72 55 263 Dominion Academy 56 15 26.8 7 7 1 Dowling Middle School 1367 276 20.2 139 56 15 Edison Middle School 770 130 16.9 68 62 161 55 Principal Plan School Waiver 11 2 148 29 66 Fondren Middle School 710 362 51 44 157 Fonville Middle School 1064 214 20.1 124 81 9 Grady Middle School 474 228 48.1 34 100 94 Gregory-Lincoln Education Center (MS) 317 174 54.9 2 76 96 Hamilton Middle School 1336 276 20.7 34 131 111 Hartman Middle School 1540 605 39.3 100 329 176 Henry Middle School 1025 295 28.8 100 86 103 High School Ahead 188 134 71.3 22 112 Hogg Middle School 784 254 32.4 9 174 71 Holland Middle School 729 126 17.3 38 14 74 Jackson Middle School 868 252 29 55 123 60 Johnston Middle School 1398 328 23.5 47 187 94 Kaleidoscope Middle School 107 13 12.1 Key Middle School 526 316 60.1 146 50 120 Lanier Charter Middle School 1322 237 18.1 41 Las Américas Middle School 146 124 84.9 Long Middle School 763 364 47.7 98 114 152 Marshall Middle School 933 387 41.5 30 207 149 8 6 14 9 4 196 124 1 Percentages based on the total number of students promoted committee decisions. These figures do not include students withdrawn prior to year end or records with incorrect codes. Source: Chancery Promotion Standards Extract (PSE) File, September 16, 2010 Research and Accountability __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 22 Appendix B HISD Schools with Promotion by Committee Decision Greater Than 10 Percent 2009–2010 Middle Schools Committees (N) School Name Total N Promoted by Committee N % ARD Attendance GPC Not Enrolled at Stanf/Apr 7 McReynolds Middle School 580 122 21 81 15 19 Ortíz Middle School 933 356 38.2 90 61 205 Pershing Middle School 1740 330 19 73 98 159 Pin Oak Middle School 1141 171 15 46 102 Revere Middle School 859 549 63.9 43 Rogers, T. H. Middle School 392 60 15.3 37 School Waiver 23 238 16 252 23 Ryan Middle School 359 196 54.6 69 67 41 Sharpstown Middle School 702 298 42.5 85 114 94 4 Smith Education Center (MS) 270 207 76.7 83 40 82 2 Stevenson Middle School 1334 291 21.8 60 138 84 9 Thomas Middle School 593 194 32.7 46 100 48 113 173 144 WALIPP Middle School Principal Plan 66 11 16.7 Welch Middle School 1141 430 37.7 West Briar Middle School 1322 196 14.8 68 56 72 Williams Middle School 432 177 41 54 97 26 Woodson Middle School Total Middle Schools 569 33,618 260 11,054 45.7 32.9 52 2,313 133 3,937 75 4,284 19 1 11 96 424 Percentages based on the total number of students promoted committee decisions. These figures do not include students withdrawn prior to year end or records with incorrect codes. Source: Chancery Promotion Standards Extract (PSE) File, September 16, 2010 Research and Accountability __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 23 Appendix B HISD Schools with Promotion by Committee Decision Greater Than 10 Percent 2009–2010 Combined/Other Schools Committees (N) School Name Carter Career Center Promoted by Committee N % Total N ARD Attendance GPC 16 7 43.8 Community Education Partners (SE) 362 159 43.9 2 157 Community Education Partners (SW) 5 186 393 191 48.6 34 14 41.2 Inspired for Excellence Academy North 53 16 30.2 8 8 Inspired for Excellence Academy West 107 69 64.5 38 31 1 Kandy Stripe Academy 19 10 52.6 320 59 18.4 Pilgrim Academy 787 86 10.9 Pro-Vision School 175 88 50.3 Wharton Elementary School 322 57 17.7 309 2,897 288 1,044 93.2 36.0 Wilson Elementary School Total Combined/Other Schools Principal Plan School Waiver 7 Harper Alternative School JJAEP Not Enrolled at Stanf/Apr 14 9 4 23 55 63 88 57 16 93 4 272 947 Percentages based on the total number of students promoted committee decisions. These figures do not include students withdrawn prior to year end or records with incorrect codes. Source: Chancery Promotion Standards Extract (PSE) File, September 16, 2010 Research and Accountability __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 24 Appendix C HISD Schools Earned Credits to Advance 2009–2010 Summary School Name High Schools Combined/Other Schools District 9th Grade Total Enroll N 13,847 436 14,283 Earned Credits to Advance N % 10,670 77.1 86 19.7 10,756 75.3 10th Grade Total Enroll N 11,178 171 11,349 Earned Credits to Advance N % 9,191 82.2 50 29.2 9,241 81.4 11th Grade Total Enroll N 10,423 104 10,527 Earned Credits to Advance N % 8,689 83.4 31 29.8 8,720 82.8 12th Grade Total Enroll N 10,070 48 10,118 Earned Credits to Graduate N % 9,433 93.7 19 39.6 9,452 93.4 Passed TAKS N 8,162 9 8171 Percentages are based on the number of students enrolled on the last day of the 2009–2010 school year. Number of credits required to advance to the next grade level: 9th to 10th grade-6 credits, 10th to 11th grade-12 credits, 11th to 12th grade-18 credits, graduates (core minimum diploma)-24+ credits. (2009–2010 Secondary Guidelines) Exit TAKS data for 870 12th grade students were not available. Source: Chancery, November 8, 2010 Research and Accountability __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 25 % 81.1 18.8 80.8 Appendix C HISD Schools Earned Credits to Advance 2009–2010 High Schools School Name 9th Grade Total Enroll N 19 542 911 151 112 813 124 450 251 121 97 Earned Credits to Advance N % 10 52.6 461 85.1 749 82.2 144 95.4 94 83.9 604 74.3 101 81.5 355 78.9 251 100.0 113 93.4 96 99.0 10th Grade Total Enroll N 25 403 895 100 114 625 93 331 214 107 95 Earned Credits to Advance N % 8 32.0 354 87.8 804 89.8 99 99.0 109 95.6 525 84.0 55 59.1 276 83.4 214 100.0 106 99.1 95 100.0 11th Grade Total Enroll N 17 449 720 80 104 537 118 355 219 92 62 10 Earned Credits to Advance N % 10 58.8 410 91.3 666 92.5 80 100.0 101 97.1 488 90.9 95 80.5 313 88.2 219 100.0 90 97.8 62 100.0 10 100.0 12th Grade Total Enroll N 19 444 733 79 85 577 227 374 189 88 60 18 Earned Credits to Graduate N % 18 94.7 430 96.8 712 97.1 79 100.0 85 100.0 554 96.0 226 99.6 348 93.0 189 100.0 88 100.0 60 100.0 18 100.0 Passed TAKS N % Advanced Virtual Academy 11 57.9 Austin High School 366 82.4 Bellaire High School 662 90.3 Carnegie Vanguard 79 100.0 Challenge High School 56 65.9 Chavez High School 486 84.2 Contemporary Learning Center High School 123 54.2 Davis High School 263 70.3 DeBakey HSHP 189 100.0 East Early College High School 88 100.0 Eastwood Academy for Academic Achievement 60 100.0 Empowerment College Prep High School 18 100.0 Energized E-STEM West HS 51 51 100.0 Energized for E-STEM Academy 45 45 100.0 64 64 100.0 Furr High School 225 177 78.7 153 133 86.9 151 123 81.5 185 175 94.6 138 74.6 HCC Life Skills 18 0 0.0 0 0.0 Hope Academy 59 21 35.6 41 19 46.3 20 5 25.0 23 21 91.3 10 43.5 Houston Academy for International Studies 91 89 97.8 100 95 95.0 69 65 94.2 55 55 100.0 55 100.0 Houston Math, Science & Tech. Center 672 532 79.2 487 422 86.7 512 485 94.7 403 78.7 HS Bus & Eco Success 61 33 54.1 64 19 29.7 29 9 31.0 38 35 92.1 16 42.1 International HS at Sharpstown 119 110 92.4 87 84 96.6 54 54 100.0 Jones High School 183 88 48.1 183 103 56.3 152 113 74.3 125 111 88.8 91 72.8 Jordan High School for Careers 291 252 86.6 262 241 92.0 298 275 92.3 270 234 86.7 226 83.7 Kashmere High School 206 116 56.3 147 97 66.0 131 95 72.5 102 86 84.3 71 69.6 Lamar High School 836 698 83.5 654 524 80.1 793 692 87.3 658 636 96.7 595 90.4 Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice High School 152 135 88.8 143 137 95.8 124 120 96.8 121 119 98.3 119 98.3 Leader's Academy 30 25 83.3 50 34 68.0 40 20 50.0 98 97 99.0 73 74.5 Lee High School 712 382 53.7 336 220 65.5 421 287 68.2 320 298 93.1 265 82.8 Liberty High School 145 60 41.4 32 22.1 Madison High School 649 499 76.9 540 441 81.7 487 406 83.4 442 419 94.8 358 81.0 Percentages are based on the number of students enrolled on the last day of the 2009–2010 school year. Number of credits required to advance to the next grade level: 9th to 10th grade-6 credits, 10th to 11th grade-12 credits, 11th to 12th grade-18 credits, graduates (core minimum diploma)-24+ credits. (2009–2010 Secondary Guidelines) Exit TAKS data for 870 12th grade students were not available. Source: Chancery, November 8, 2010 Research and Accountability __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 26 Appendix C HISD Schools Earned Credits to Advance 2009–2010 High Schools School Name Milby High School Mount Carmel Academy New Aspirations Ninth Grade College Preparatory Academy North Houston Early College High School Performing and Visual Arts High School REACH Charter High School Reagan High School Scarborough High School Sharpstown High School South Early College Sterling High School Vision Academy Waltrip High School Washington High School Westbury High School Westside High School Wheatley High School Worthing High School Yates High School Total High Schools 9th Grade 10th Grade Total Enroll N 613 68 102 787 94 152 Earned Credits to Advance N % 456 74.4 67 98.5 10 9.8 664 84.4 94 100.0 148 97.4 610 205 351 51 311 14 479 302 667 766 280 315 379 13,847 466 159 241 51 206 1 371 222 524 660 196 191 244 10,670 76.4 77.6 68.7 100.0 66.2 7.1 77.5 73.5 78.6 86.2 70.0 60.6 64.4 77.1 Total Enroll N 488 80 98 11th Grade Earned Credits to Advance N % 417 85.5 75 93.8 13 13.3 88 168 88 165 100.0 98.2 446 152 302 407 128 213 236 420 189 537 775 234 230 237 11,178 Total Enroll N 515 51 61 12th Grade Earned Credits to Advance N % 436 84.7 48 94.1 4 6.6 Total Enroll N 438 38 49 Earned Credits to Graduate N % 424 96.8 38 100.0 28 57.1 Passed TAKS N 361 35 20 % 82.4 92.1 40.8 91.3 84.2 70.5 161 228 369 135 242 155 14 323 100 181 96.3 6.1 87.5 74.1 74.8 149 116 359 143 289 149 105 348 136 272 100.0 90.5 96.9 95.1 94.1 147 36 301 119 240 98.7 31.0 83.8 83.2 83.0 187 79.2 250 209 83.6 200 176 88.0 140 70.0 373 138 384 685 173 166 191 9,191 88.8 73.0 71.5 88.4 73.9 72.2 80.6 82.2 397 173 427 689 183 233 290 10,423 365 138 325 603 150 189 219 8,689 91.9 79.8 76.1 87.5 82.0 81.1 75.5 83.4 375 208 374 605 252 238 232 10,070 363 180 346 596 215 214 205 9,433 96.8 86.5 92.5 98.5 85.3 89.9 88.4 93.7 319 175 314 556 187 168 191 8,162 85.1 84.1 84.0 91.9 74.2 70.6 82.3 81.1 Percentages are based on the number of students enrolled on the last day of the 2009–2010 school year. Number of credits required to advance to the next grade level: 9th to 10th grade-6 credits, 10th to 11th grade-12 credits, 11th to 12th grade-18 credits, graduates (core minimum diploma)-24+ credits. (2009–2010 Secondary Guidelines) Exit TAKS data for 870 12th grade students were not available. Source: Chancery, November 8, 2010 Research and Accountability __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 27 Appendix C HISD Schools Earned Credits to Advance 2009–2010 Combined/Other Schools School Name Carter Career Center Community Education Partners (SE) Community Education Partners (SW) Community Services Alternative School Harper Alternative School JJAEP SOAR Center Total Combined/Other Schools 9th Grade Total Enroll N 34 129 206 31 24 12 436 10th Grade Earned Credits to Advance N % 17 50.0 18 14.0 44 21.4 2 6.5 1 4.2 4 33.3 86 19.7 Total Enroll N 24 46 69 5 17 7 3 171 Earned Credits to Advance N % 16 66.7 10 21.7 22 31.9 0 0.0 0 0.0 2 28.6 0 0.0 50 29.2 11th Grade Total Enroll N 14 31 31 9 10 3 6 104 Earned Credits to Advance N % 10 71.4 9 29.0 11 35.5 1 11.1 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 31 29.8 12th Grade Total Enroll N 14 3 4 4 7 16 48 Earned Credits to Graduate N % 13 92.9 2 66.7 3 75.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 19 6.3 39.6 Passed TAKS N 7 1 1 0 0 % 50.0 33.3 25.0 0.0 0.0 0 9 0.0 18.8 Percentages are based on the number of students enrolled on the last day of the 2009–2010 school year. Number of credits required to advance to the next grade level: 9th to 10th grade-6 credits, 10th to 11th grade-12 credits, 11th to 12th grade-18 credits, graduates (core minimum diploma)-24+ credits. (2009–2010 Secondary Guidelines) Exit TAKS data for 870 12th grade students were not available. Source: Chancery, November 8, 2010 Research and Accountability __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 29 Appendix D HISD Schools Students on Track to Graduate 2010–2011 Summary School Name High Schools Combined/Other Schools Middle School District 9th Grade Total No Gr. Enroll 9 Yr. On Track N N % 14,446 3,403 9,388 85.0 268 136 47 35.6 4 0 4 100.0 14,718 3,539 9,439 84.4 10th Grade Total No Gr. Enroll 9 Yr. On Track N N % 12,321 1,929 8,894 85.6 133 45 36 40.9 4 0 4 100.0 12,458 1,974 8,934 85.2 11th Grade Total No Gr. Enroll 9 Yr. On Track N N % 11,111 990 8,937 88.3 72 19 39 73.6 6 0 6 100.0 11,189 1,009 8,982 88.2 12th Grade Total No Gr. Enroll 9 Yr. On Track N N % 10,820 790 8,606 85.8 74 18 24 82.9 46 6 2 5.0 10,940 814 8,632 85.2 These figures were based on the expected progression of the ninth grade students on track to graduate in four years. Percentages based on the current number of students identified with the first year they were enrolled in ninth grade: ninth grade- 2010–2011, tenth grade- 2009–2010, eleventh grade- 2008–2009, and twelfth grade- 2007–2008. Grade level enrollments based on the current (2010–2011) number of enrolled students. No Gr. 9 Yr.- First year students enrolled in ninth grade not available. Source: Chancery, November 5, 2010 Research and Accountability __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 29 Appendix D HISD Schools Students on Track to Graduate 2010–2011 High Schools School Name Total Enroll N 16 537 950 157 115 915 91 467 236 125 103 9th Grade No Gr. 9 Yr. On Track N % 3 0 0.0 181 302 84.8 204 660 88.5 11 146 100.0 0 114 99.1 79 702 84.0 1 58 64.4 130 294 87.2 8 228 100.0 16 109 100.0 12 91 100.0 Total Enroll N 15 484 880 133 123 686 114 405 222 108 100 10th Grade No Gr. 9 Yr. On Track N % 5 0 0.0 114 311 84.1 118 679 89.1 11 122 100.0 0 119 96.7 23 567 85.5 0 85 74.6 57 305 87.6 3 218 99.5 13 95 100.0 3 97 100.0 Total Enroll N 9 389 903 87 115 565 87 341 198 105 92 11th Grade No Gr. 9 Yr. On Track N % 1 0 0.0 40 314 90.0 63 763 90.8 2 85 100.0 0 105 91.3 6 517 92.5 1 67 77.9 20 289 90.0 0 198 100.0 0 105 100.0 4 88 100.0 Total Enroll N 15 454 732 81 90 577 155 444 209 123 64 9 12th Grade No Gr. 9 Yr. On Track N % 5 2 20.0 27 381 89.2 41 629 91.0 1 80 100.0 0 72 80.0 6 506 88.6 1 109 70.8 26 326 78.0 0 171 81.8 0 91 74.0 1 63 100.0 0 9 100.0 Advanced Virtual Academy Austin High School Bellaire High School Carnegie Vanguard Challenge High School Chavez High School Contemporary Learning Center High School Davis High School DeBakey HSHP East Early College High School Eastwood Academy for Academic Achievement Empowerment College Prep High School Energized E-STEM West HS 58 12 46 100.0 43 6 37 100.0 Energized for E-STEM Academy 40 14 26 100.0 40 12 28 100.0 67 2 65 100.0 Furr High School 264 100 149 90.9 193 51 132 93.0 154 24 127 97.7 189 27 145 89.5 HCC Life Skills 17 0 0 0.0 Hope Academy 49 28 7 33.3 57 15 22 52.4 53 11 17 40.5 28 3 16 64.0 Houston Academy for International Studies 110 14 96 100.0 97 8 89 100.0 94 3 91 100.0 83 3 64 80.0 Houston Math, Science & Tech. Center 745 98 567 87.6 604 65 447 82.9 521 38 390 80.7 HS Bus & Eco Success 61 40 9 42.9 50 19 8 25.8 37 9 13 46.4 33 9 16 66.7 International HS at Sharpstown 129 25 103 99.0 120 15 100 95.2 75 6 68 98.6 48 3 44 97.8 Jones High School 184 36 101 68.2 128 13 78 67.8 137 4 108 81.2 127 6 107 88.4 Jordan High School for Careers 291 85 183 88.8 271 52 208 95.0 256 18 236 99.2 287 19 264 98.5 Kashmere High School 177 89 56 63.6 157 27 93 71.5 123 18 89 84.8 137 33 82 78.8 Lamar High School 1,060 150 848 93.2 819 125 624 89.9 620 104 479 92.8 763 94 629 94.0 Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice High School 171 0 153 89.5 146 0 140 95.9 131 0 129 98.5 122 0 121 99.2 Leader's Academy 49 18 22 71.0 50 10 24 60.0 50 1 19 38.8 44 1 24 55.8 Lee High School 581 253 216 65.9 441 92 255 73.1 338 46 211 72.3 334 37 183 61.6 Liberty High School 243 13 89 38.7 Madison High School 623 238 331 86.0 574 154 343 81.7 494 52 401 90.7 523 50 430 90.9 These figures were based on the expected progression of the ninth grade students on track to graduate in four years. Percentages based on the current number of students identified with the first year they were enrolled in ninth grade: ninth grade- 2010–2011, tenth grade- 2009–2010, eleventh grade- 2008–2009, and twelfth grade- 2007–2008. Grade level enrollments based on the current (2010–2011) number of enrolled students. No Gr. 9 Yr.- First year students enrolled in ninth grade not available. Source: Chancery, November 5, 2010 Research and Accountability __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 30 Appendix D HISD Schools Students on Track to Graduate 2010–2011 High Schools School Name Milby High School Mount Carmel Academy New Aspirations Ninth Grade College Preparatory Academy North Houston Early College High School Performing and Visual Arts High School REACH Charter High School Reagan High School Scarborough High School Sharpstown High School South Early College Sterling High School Vision Academy Waltrip High School Washington High School Westbury High School Westside High School Wheatley High School Worthing High School Yates High School Total High Schools Total Enroll N 591 97 168 740 109 184 9th Grade No Gr. 9 Yr. On Track N % 194 358 90.2 56 41 100.0 53 5 4.3 170 495 86.8 6 103 100.0 8 176 100.0 707 226 386 13 343 29 533 233 629 941 358 252 348 14,446 1 100 0 0 120 20 2 96 201 240 170 95 124 3,403 576 92 301 13 167 9 469 129 340 633 130 118 183 9,388 81.6 73.0 78.0 100.0 74.9 100.0 88.3 94.2 79.4 90.3 69.1 75.2 81.7 85.0 Total Enroll N 532 72 139 10th Grade No Gr. 9 Yr. On Track N % 128 338 83.7 34 37 97.4 34 7 6.7 100 153 12 16 88 137 100.0 100.0 479 199 347 51 252 11 409 279 539 762 278 251 267 12,321 0 53 0 0 71 1 0 78 44 176 89 61 88 1,929 413 115 263 51 150 9 359 170 477 512 133 142 147 8,894 86.2 78.8 75.8 100.0 82.9 90.0 87.8 84.6 96.4 87.4 70.4 74.7 82.1 85.6 Total Enroll N 511 81 92 11th Grade No Gr. 9 Yr. On Track N % 25 425 87.4 20 61 100.0 19 16 21.9 Total Enroll N 518 53 66 12th Grade No Gr. 9 Yr. On Track N % 27 431 87.8 37 16 100.0 13 12 22.6 91 166 246 466 154 307 5 20 73 4 24 0 86 146 95 394 108 259 100.0 100.0 54.9 85.3 83.1 84.4 152 108 350 165 232 5 30 0 19 0 146 44 322 116 191 99.3 56.4 92.0 79.5 82.3 218 26 172 89.6 281 32 220 88.4 402 213 564 785 227 195 269 11,111 0 42 34 111 32 20 35 990 366 148 492 619 162 156 201 8,937 91.0 86.5 92.8 91.8 83.1 89.1 85.9 88.3 418 185 430 658 229 235 288 10,820 0 28 16 73 24 23 19 790 380 146 383 540 167 198 251 8,606 90.9 93.0 92.5 92.3 81.5 93.4 93.3 85.8 These figures were based on the expected progression of the ninth grade students on track to graduate in four years. Percentages based on the current number of students identified with the first year they Grade level enrollments based on the current (2010–2011) number of enrolled students. No Gr. 9 Yr.- First year students enrolled in ninth grade not available. Source: Chancery, November 5, 2010 Research and Accountability __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 31 Appendix D HISD Schools Students on Track to Graduate 2010–2011 Combined/Other Schools School Name Carter Career Center Community Education Partners (SE) Community Education Partners (SW) Community Services Alternative School Harper Alternative School JJAEP SOAR Center Total Combined/Other Schools Total Enroll N 7 66 122 44 24 3 2 268 9th Grade No Gr. 9 Yr. On Track N % 3 3 75.0 28 11 28.9 51 27 38.0 37 2 28.6 15 3 33.3 1 1 50.0 1 0 0.0 136 47 35.6 Total Enroll N 3 33 43 19 20 4 11 133 10th Grade No Gr. 9 Yr. On Track N % 2 1 100.0 3 10 33.3 7 14 38.9 18 0 0.0 7 6 46.2 1 1 33.3 7 4 100.0 45 36 40.9 Total Enroll N 5 16 12 9 14 1 15 72 11th Grade No Gr. 9 Yr. On Track N % 0 4 80.0 0 10 62.5 1 10 90.9 7 2 100.0 1 8 61.5 0 1 100.0 10 4 80.0 19 39 73.6 Total Enroll N 7 8 7 8 5 39 74 12th Grade No Gr. 9 Yr. On Track N % 1 4 66.7 1 6 85.7 1 5 83.3 5 0 0.0 1 2 50.0 9 18 7 24 23.3 82.9 These figures were based on the expected progression of the ninth grade students on track to graduate in four years. Percentages based on the current number of students identified with the first year they were enrolled in ninth grade: ninth grade- 2010–2011, tenth grade- 2009–2010, eleventh grade- 2008–2009, and twelfth grade- 2007–2008. Grade level enrollments based on the current (2010–2011) number of enrolled students. No Gr. 9 Yr.- First year students enrolled in ninth grade not available. Source: Chancery, November 5, 2010 Research and Accountability __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 32 Appendix D HISD Schools Students on Track to Graduate 2010–2011 Middle Schools School Name Rogers, T. H. Middle School Total Middle School Total Enroll N 4 4 9th Grade No Gr. 9 Yr. On Track N % 0 4 100.0 0 4 100.0 Total Enroll N 4 4 10th Grade No Gr. 9 Yr. On Track N % 0 4 100.0 0 4 100.0 Total Enroll N 6 6 11th Grade No Gr. 9 Yr. On Track N % 0 6 100.0 0 6 100.0 Total Enroll N 46 46 12th Grade No Gr. 9 Yr. On Track N % 6 2 5.0 6 2 5.0 These figures were based on the expected progression of the ninth grade students on track to graduate in four years. Percentages based on the current number of students identified with the first year they were enrolled in ninth grade: ninth grade- 2010–2011, tenth grade- 2009–2010, eleventh grade- 2008–2009, and twelfth grade- 2007–2008. Grade level enrollments based on the current (2010–2011) number of enrolled students. No Gr. 9 Yr.- First year students enrolled in ninth grade not available. Source: Chancery, November 5, 2010 Research and Accountability __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 33 Appendix E HISD Schools 9th Grade Students with 3 or More Course Failures the Previous Year 2009–2010 Summary School Name High Schools Combined/Other Schools District Enrollment N 14,888 515 15,403 Failed 3 or more courses N % 4,277 28.7 260 50.5 4,537 29.5 Percentages based on the cumulative number of students enrolled in high school during the 2009–2010 school year. Source: Chancery, November 3, 2010 Research and Accountability __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 34 Appendix E HISD Schools 9th Grade Students with 3 or More Course Failures the Previous Year 2009–2010 High School School Name Advanced Virtual Academy Austin High School Bellaire High School Carnegie Vanguard Challenge High School Chavez High School Contemporary Learning Center High School Davis High School DeBakey HSHP East Early College High School Eastwood Academy for Academic Achievement Energized for E-STEM Academy Furr High School Hope Academy Houston Academy for International Studies HS Bus & Eco Success International HS at Sharpstown Jones High School Jordan High School for Careers Kashmere High School Lamar High School Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice High School Leader's Academy Lee High School Madison High School Milby High School Mount Carmel Academy New Aspirations Ninth Grade College Preparatory Academy North Houston Early College High School Enrollment N 31 573 947 156 116 890 140 494 252 124 97 46 258 87 92 95 121 221 298 228 857 156 39 788 736 657 71 60 841 99 Failed 3 or more courses N % 6 19.4 107 18.7 261 27.6 22 14.1 8 6.9 304 34.2 62 44.3 151 30.6 8 3.2 10 8.1 2 2.1 1 2.2 60 23.3 67 77.0 6 6.5 56 58.9 13 10.7 104 47.1 51 17.1 69 30.3 139 16.2 39 25.0 12 30.8 298 37.8 285 38.7 243 37.0 2 2.8 38 63.3 202 24.0 8 8.1 Percentages based on the cumulative number of students enrolled during the 2009–2010 school year. Source: Chancery, November 3, 2010 Research and Accountability __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 35 Appendix E HISD Schools 9th Grade Students with 3 or More Course Failures the Previous Year 2009–2010 High School School Name Performing and Visual Arts High School REACH Charter High School Reagan High School Scarborough High School Sharpstown High School South Early College Sterling High School Vision Academy Waltrip High School Washington High School Westbury High School Westside High School Wheatley High School Worthing High School Yates High School Total High Schools Enrollment N 153 30 641 239 391 53 339 14 507 331 728 821 336 355 380 14,888 Failed 3 or more courses N % 10 6.5 24 80.0 239 37.3 52 21.8 111 28.4 1 1.9 138 40.7 2 14.3 182 35.9 110 33.2 220 30.2 145 17.7 157 46.7 124 34.9 128 33.7 4,277 28.7 Percentages based on the cumulative number of students enrolled in high school during the 2009–2010 school year. Source: Chancery, November 3, 2010 Research and Accountability __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 36 Appendix E HISD Schools 9th Grade Students with 3 or More Course Failures the Previous Year 2009–2010 Combined/Other Schools School Name Carter Career Center Community Education Partners (SE) Community Education Partners (SW) Community Services Alternative School Harper Alternative School JJAEP Total Combined/Other Schools Enrollment N 42 125 228 71 32 17 515 Failed 3 or more courses N % 24 57.1 71 56.8 141 61.8 10 14.1 6 18.8 8 47.1 260 50.5 Percentages based on the cumulative number of students enrolled in high school during the 2009–2010 school year. Source: Chancery, November 3, 2010 Research and Accountability __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 37 Appendix F Promotion Standards Title I and Non-Title I Total Unduplicated N Spring 2010 Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total: All 17,455 16,361 16,423 15,946 14,267 12,616 12,740 12,468 118,276 Title I 15,629 14,759 14,698 14,351 12,767 11,774 11,870 11,550 107,398 Non-Title I 1,826 1,602 1,725 1,595 1,500 842 870 918 10,878 Total Unduplicated N Spring 2009 Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total: All Title I Non-Title I 17,329 16,672 16,123 15,037 14,418 12,635 12,184 12,472 116,870 16,287 15,584 15,058 14,066 13,372 11,924 11,420 11,669 109,380 1,042 1,088 1,065 971 1,046 711 764 803 7,490 All 9.1 9.5 13.9 20.6 17.2 28.6 31.5 34.2 19.5 Committee Decision Title I Non-Title I All Title I Non-Title I % Promoted % Retained 7.8 20.0 * * * 8.1 22.4 * * * 12.9 22.7 * * * 20.5 21.9 * * * 16.8 19.9 * * * 27.8 39.7 0.3 0.2 1.0 30.5 44.5 0.5 0.4 2.4 33.2 46.8 0.7 0.6 2.3 18.8 26.8 0.2 0.1 0.5 Committee Decision Title I Non-Title I All Title I Non-Title I % Promoted % Retained 7.8 7.1 19.5 0.2 0.2 * 7.1 7.3 4.1 0.3 0.3 * 7.8 8.2 2.3 0.1 0.1 * 10.3 10.6 6.3 0.2 0.2 * 12.4 12.9 5.9 0.1 0.1 * 22.4 22.6 18.0 0.3 0.3 1.0 23.7 24.1 17.5 0.6 0.6 1.8 29.2 29.6 23.0 0.9 0.9 1.7 14.1 14.3 11.2 0.3 0.3 <1.0 All All 84.4 86.5 81.2 74.6 73.6 66.7 63.6 55.4 74.4 Promotion Standards Title I Non-Title I All Title I Non-Title I % Promoted % Retained 86.1 70.5 6.4 6.1 9.4 88.2 70.8 3.9 3.6 6.8 83.0 66.2 4.9 4.1 11.1 75.4 66.7 4.8 4.0 11.3 74.7 64.5 9.2 8.5 15.7 68.9 36.1 4.4 3.1 23.3 66.4 25.2 4.4 2.7 27.9 58.3 18.3 9.7 7.9 32.6 76.1 57.8 5.9 5.0 15.0 Promotion Standards Title I Non-Title I All Title I Non-Title I % Promoted % Retained 74.8 74.7 76.2 17.2 18.0 4.3 80.4 79.5 93.2 12.3 12.9 2.6 75.5 74.2 92.5 16.6 17.4 5.2 60.1 58.3 87.1 29.4 30.9 6.5 65.1 63.7 82.4 22.4 23.3 11.5 49.7 50.2 41.2 27.7 26.9 39.8 45.3 45.8 38.5 30.4 29.6 42.1 45.5 46.1 36.7 24.4 23.4 38.5 63.7 63.1 71.9 21.9 22.3 16.4 All *Fewer than 5 students identified. Source: Chancery Promotion Standards Extract (PSE) File, September 16, 2010 Chancery Promotion Standards Extract (PSE) File, October 20, 2009 Research and Accountability __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 39