AND OPTIMIZATION OF MICROBIAL EVALUATION CELLULOSE (NATA) PRODUCTION USING PINEAPPLE WASTE AS SUBSTRACT & I,I. MUHAMAD C,H.CLI'NG FacullyofChemicalandNaturalResources Engineering, ChelnicalEngineeringDeparlment, UniversityTechnologyMalaysja,81310Skuda;,Johor. Microbialcelluloseproduc.dby lcetabactetrllthtun is a new lype olbiopolymer.It hasseleral uniquepropetiessuchas high puriryand uhra-fineoffiber nelwork,very hish hydrophific, good mechanicalstrcngth.and outslandingshapereienlionand high cfystallinity.This thesisBas undertaken !o evalualerheproductionof microbialccllulosein stalica.d shakencullurccondilior using pineappleNaste astbe substmtelbf the tcrmentalionprocess.ShakenculiuretechniqDe hasbeencaried oul at 80 rpin, 120 rpm and 160 $m. Optimumconditions$e.e fixed at pH 5.0 and tcmpcraturcof 28"C for all the eapedmenl,in this resedch,mioobial celluloseibrnation in shakencullurewith additionalmicro particlesat 120rpn is the nroslsuilableas culLuremediumand the nata produccis more thdn 70.230/0 by Neight compared!o slaricculturecondition.Optimialion processfor shakenculture lvith addiljonalmicro pafticles(glassbeads)is the bes! rnediumculture. micro psticlcs wereaddedinio mediumto enhancerhe produciionolcellulose in SomewareFsoluble shakencullure condilion. With the presenceof m;cfo particles.the nala wcight incrcase!o l5-l9o/o comparedto shakenculture condit;on.Statisticalanal),sisoi erpe.inienlal design and numerical pfocedureis the tool in analyzingthe yield. Yeastextrxctsnd arc thc most si8nificantiactorealltct celluloseproduction.The bestsclcctediomulalion lbr preparingtho mediumcultufeare least extnct ] 49. KH:POIl.08g danN,lgSOa 0.069and natayield tbr 441.175g,1. 6g, suoose209.bactopepton Kelvords: nifiobial cellulose-Acetoblcto x)linum, pineapplewaste,shakenculturecoidition, nata Sclulosamikrobial )og dihas;lkanoleh bakt tia Acetabttet xylimn merupakan sejenisbiololnner yang telbaru.Ia mempxnyaicifi-cni yang urik sepertijaringanfibef yang kua!, b€rupayamemegangair yang bany*, kckuatannrekanikaldan pengekalanbentuk yang baik serta kebolehanpenghabluran )ang tnrggi.Proiekpenyelidikanini bertujuanuntuk ncmbandinskln kcsan penghasilan seiulosa mikrobial dalam mcdium pcn8kuliuran stalik dar goncangan dengan menggunakan hasilsisadaripadanenasscbagsisrbsLrakdalamprosesiermentxsi.Teknik pengkulturan goncanganirri diialankanpada80 rp , 120 rpn dan 160rpm. Keadaa|oplimun iailu nilai pll 5.0 dan suhu 28"C diterapkandalam semua uikaji yang diialankan.Daripadapengkajianini, penshasild selulosamikrobial dalam nediurn perrgkulturan mikro patikel pada soncansandergan penambahan 120 l"m adalahpaling sesuaidar jisin yangdiperoleli adalahbertambah70.230/".jika dibandingkan denganteknik pengkulturan staiik.Untuk menlcdiakanmediumfer eitasi yang optimal.bebolakaca scramikditambahkankc dalam medium pengkulxrangoDcansan120 rym untuk membantudalam penghasilan selulosamikrobial.Pcrtmbahanmikro padikel,.iisim natabeltambahsebrnyak15.l9ro jika dibddingkan dcngrn tcknik pengkullurangoncangan.Kacdah siatistik dalam relobenruk ekspefimental dan kaeda|numedkaldiSunakan daiammcnganalisis hasilnala.Ekslrak!is dan Kll,POr yang paling iiempensaruhimedium iemcnldsi. Fomulasi mcdium )!ne merupakanpembolehubah dipilih ialahekslrahyis 6g. sukrosa209,baktopeplon1.49,KHrPOrl.08gdan MSSOa0.069dan iisim natayangdiperolehiialah4,1l.l75el1. 1.0INTRODUCTION Nata is also known as microbial celluloseand it is the first commercially prodlrctin Philippiles. Nata derivedfrom Latin word ralazc which means"to f]oat" from fementing coconut water or fermentingrotting ftuits. Nata can $owth rn coconutmilk, an abundantdomesticwasteproductor in a nutrient medium.The thatthey identifiedasoptimalwerea temperature culturecharacteristics ofabout 28"C, pH 5 to 5.5, ammoni m salts as nitrogensource,and either glucoseor sucroseas carbonsource.Tbe organismwas identifiedaslcelol)acterrflinum. Tlle first studyof celluloselormation in bacteriawas reportedby Adrian Brown in 1886. (Brown, 1986)noted that Acetobacterxyl[num c n producecelluloseat the surfaceol the medium("xyljnuln" me4ningcotton). Tlre bacteriumthat grows on the wastematerialis Acetobacteraceti.Se,,'eftl genera that have shown lhe ability to s)nthesize cell$lose incfude Sarcinu, Agrobacterium,Rhizobium,and Acetobacler.HoNe\er, Acetobacterrylinum is the only speciesknown to be capableof producingcellulose.This organismand its productwerefirst identifiedand chaucterizedovera centuryago,althoughbothwere commonplacein the vinegarindustryfor quitea long time previousto identification. Acetobacterxyli um, is a Crum-negative,rod shapedbacteriaand a prodigious producerofcellulose,as pa|t ofit normalmetabolicactivit)'.The optimaltemperature for growthis between25"Cto 30"C,andthe pII optimumabout5.4to 6.3 (Verschur€n, 1999). Pineapplewasteis using in this research, becausein lndonesiathere'sa huge amountofpineappleswastebeingthfownawayeveryyear.The pineappleprodlrction at Nordl Jawaat 1994reached444,507tonne(Tri Susantoet al., 2000).So now its time to givingthesepineapplewastesan addedvalueto produceto a usefulproduction. Oneofthe alternativewaysis extendedjt into microbialcelluloseproductor knownas nata de pina. From the view point of matorialrecycling,microbialcellulose(nata) producedfrom pineapplewasie using cellulose-producing aceticacid bacteriawith high microbial cellulose-producing ability in acjdic medium is attractive.Pineappie wastecanbe standfor pineapplecore,the peelingskin,or the pineapplecro\\'n. Microbial celluloseis a folm of cellulosethat is producedby an aceticacidproducing bacterium, lcetobdcter xllifinn. Bacteria from the speciesof Ae/obdctel, Acetobacter, Achromobacter, Agrobacterium, Alacaligenes, Azotob.lcter, Pseudomonas, Rhizobiuma d.lalclra synthesizecellulose.Only the Acetobacter speciesproduceenoughcelldosetojustify commercialinterest.Microbialcellulosers devoidoflignin and hemicelluloses. ll is extremelyhydrophilic,and hasan excellent shapeand can be ptoducedfron] many differcntsubstmtes, and able to make to just aboutany shapeor size in the reactorvessel.It has superior propertiessuchas an ultra fine netlvorkstr[cture,high biodegradability and unique mechanicalstrengthas comparcdwith greenplantcellulose.Therefore,it is expected to be a new biodcgradable biopolymer(TsuchidaT. andYoshinagaF., 1997). 2.0METHODOLOGY 2.1 Materials The inoculumsculture(stafer culture)used,wasobtainedf'romMARDI, UPM. Pineapplewastewas obtainedfrom pineappleprocessinglactory at Johorstateas a substrate. Yeastextract,potassiumdihydrogenphospbate, sucrose,magnesiumsulfate and bactopepton were obtainedfrom BDH LaboratorySupplies.AII chemicalsused wereof anahticalsrade. 2.2 Experiment Method For staticcultureit is studybasedon diflerentlermentationtimes on 4, 8, 10, dnd 13 daysat 28"C.For shakenculturewith and without micro padicleswerestudy basedon differentshakingspeedon 80, 120,and 160 rpm (round per minute)in a shakeincubatorfor 4 davsincubationat 280C. Eachmediumwas prcparedusedthe sameamountofchemical reagent.Juice f'rom pineapplewaste is used as a substrateand has a concentrationof (l;l) with distilledwater.All the ingredientswere addedinto mediumand the pH is adjusted until pH 5.0 usingpH meter.The mediumis plrtto autoclaveat 121'C, 15 min. After cooledto room temperaturc,10yostafterculturc is transferredinto medium with antiseptics technique.The solutionis mixed apparentlyandput asidefor feflnentation occurs.The best selectedmediumcultureis furtherwith optimizationprocessusing designexpeftanalyseswith two levelfactodaldesigns. 2.JDelerminalionof Wcl \ eighland Dn WeightCellulose Harvestthe rnicrobialcellulosewashedwith NaOH solution 2% ( v) and againwashedwith plenty of water and dried with tissue.Recordingthe cleanwer celluloseweightanddry in ovenfor 65"C for oneday.Cooled1{)ambienttemperature andrecordthe drv celluloseweisht. 2.4Delermination of ClucoseConlenlof MicrobislCellulosc loml ofsampleis takenandcenlritugedat 5000rpm for 3 minutesto sediment the celluloseand otherssolutes.3ml ofsupematantswere carriedout and addedwidl 3m1of 3,s-dinitocylicsilic(DNS) and centrifugedthoroughly.The mixing is placed into waterbathfor 90'C at 15 minutes.After cooledto ambienttemperature I.0ml of potassiumnatrilrmtaftaratewas pipetteinto the solutionfor color stabilizing.Cell cuvet fill with tbe mixing solution and rcad the optical density (OD) at 550nm wavelength. 3.0 RESULTS AI{D DISCUSSIONS 3.1 StaticCulture Condition The microbial celluloseproducedis proportjonateto fermentationtimes in figure 1. As long as the medium is leave in a static condition,the cellulosewill canbe concludingthat celluloseweightswill continuousto increase whenthe fermentationtimesis prolonged.The highestcelllLlose weightproducedis at 13days. The differentialvalueofglucoseabsorbbeforcand after putting in the sta er cultureat 550 nm usingspectrophotometer in figure2.Ihe higherabsorbvalueshow* higherglucoseconcentration. Beforeinoculatedthe mediumwith lcetobacterxylinum hasa largeamountof glucosecontent.Therefore,glucoseconcentmtionis high liom starting.During exponentialphase,bacteriausedup the existingglucoseas energyto producernjoobial cellulose.Conseqlrently, glucoseconcentmtiondecrcase drastically d ring exponentialphase.By the way,bacteriaalsoproducedan enzymeto hydrolyze sucroseinto glucoseand fructose.On the daysof 13,the glucoseis foundaccumulate in the is foundthat,the smallerthe differentialvalue,the higherquantity of microbialcelluloseproduced. 014 @ ; >0.06 ;0 m ec'hishu.$ 10 13 14 15 18 Time {days) Figlre 1: Celluloseweightproduced in differentfermenlationduratiors Figufe2: Clucoseanalysesin diff'efent lennentation timesat OD 550 3.2 ShakenCulture Condition It is study basedon the diflerentshakingspeedshowedby the bar charl of figure 3 for 4 days fermentationin incubatorshakerat 28oC.The highestcellulose yield is at 120 rpm. Whena mediumculiurcis shakenor sti ed,lcebbacter. xylinum grows morc rapidll,; however,the cellulosefibrils do not form a well-organized pellicle like what produceunderstaticcondition.But it is folrndthat at cedainshake speedit is suitablefor bacteriagrow and producemore cellulose.Cellulosemasswill decreased when the shakespeedis increasedor above 160 rpm. This may due to Acetobacterxylinum is difficult to adaptwith harshen\lironment.ln addition,the originalhabitatof cellulosepioducerbacteriais on decayingfruits which is in stalrc condition. sh.kins speed (l?nt A dry wcighr ccil!lose K wer weieht ceUulosc 6 rvarer conieni Figure3: Celluloseproducedin differentshakingspeed 3.3 ShakenCulture With Micro Particles It is study basedon different shakingspeedwith the presenceof micro particlesin the medium clrltureshowedon figure 4. Microbial cellulosesynthesis occunedmore rapidlywhenIheAcetatbacler ,,ftJ?rn bacteriacellsare attachedto the staticpalts of glassbeads.Upon shakenin the presenceof glassbeads,thercwill be high dissolvedoxygenin the mediurnthat leadto an increasein cellulosefonnation. glassbeadscansupply'multiple This water-insoluble adhesion sit€s'in the medium. Therefore,it is ableto enhancecellulosesynthesiswith the resultofthe development ofan oxygen-limitingbiofilm arolrndthesepadicles(Vandammeet. a1.,1997).The micro pafiiclescan be rangingfrorn diatomaceous earth,silica gel, seasand,sma.. elassbeadsand loam. r20 (rpm) Shakins Speod Xd.rcellulose wcight I \\ater!onlcnr E $et cellulose{,eight Pigure4: Celluloseproducedin diflerentshal<ing speedwith glassbeads 3.4 ComDarisono{Medium Culture Condition Microbial celluloseproducedusing different culture condition is shown rn figure 5. Shakenculture(120 rpm) produceshighercellulosemassthan staticculturc conditionbccausehigheroxygendiffusesinto mediumat cefiain speed.The highest produced microbial cellulose is 50.91g. Thevalueis 37.25gramor 73.l7olo morethan cellulosemassproducein staticconditionlbr the samecompositionnutfientmedium. But after addingmicro particlesin shakenculturea1 I20 rpm, the microbialcellulose prodlrced is 60.03g. This valueis about9.12 g or 15.19%more than microbial celluloseproducein shakenculturewithoutmicro particles. s ass beads @12orpm 70 60 9qo !30 42f) 10 @120rpm sralcclrture Figure5: Comparison celluloserveightin diff'erentcLrlturecondition 3.5 ODtimizationProcess T\ir'olevel factorialdesignsareusedto determinethe optimummediumculture conditionsto ma,\imizethe productionofmicrobial celluLose. Basedon table l. there are5 variableinvolved,andth€separameter areusedin mediumprcparation. Tablel: Variablefor mediumculture Factor FactorName FactorLevel veaslexoact 5s(-l). 6e(+l) B sucrose C bactoDeDton D E KH,PO,I MeSO,r 4s( l) , 20e( + 1) 0.8gCl), 2.0s(+l) 0.6sCl),1.08e(+l ) 0.05qG l). 0 . I q t + 1) Basedon tigure 6, normal plot gmph showedonly most significantfactors usedto analyzedin statisticalanalysison designexperiment.Yeastextract,potassium dihydrogenphosphate(KHrPOr) and (interactionva.iable) consistof sucroseand bactopepton. Figure 7 showedthat bactopepton and sucroseare totally not affected towardscelluloseformation.The sugarcontentin pineapplewasteis high; therefore the cells usedup the glucosecontentwithin the substratebeforeconveltthe sucrcse into glucoseand fructose-So, sucrosenot affectsmuch in the celluloseproduction. There are two lactors affect the productionof nata de pina during fermenlation process,they are yeast extract which contributesnitrogen sourceand potassium dihydrogenphosphate alsohasthe samefunctionas yeastexhact.The factorA and D show a stronglinearcorrelationwith wet celllrloseweight.With the combinationof organicnitrogen(yeastextract)and inorganicnitrogensources(potassiumdihydrogen phosphate) will gavethe highestyield ofmicrobial cellulose.(Budhionoet al., 1999). This trendin the eaperimentis agreedwell in the theory. HaliNormaplot ,ti i €. j g ; E. i ;l ! "J& Figure6: HalfNonnal Plotand EffectFor Wet CelluloseWeight Figure7: Perturbation For Wet CelluloseWeight The 3-D gaph showedin figure 8 will only analyseson variableof yeast extnct and potassiumdihydrogenphosphate. This is due to these2 variableare the mostsigniticantfactorthat effecttowardscelluloseproduction.From the g(aph,wben the amount of variable increase,the ceillrlose weight will goes up too. The combinationoforganic and inorganicnitrogensourceslrccessfully producedout more celluloseashigh as 175.229in 4 dayst'ermentahon. {--. Figure8: Figure4.17:3-D Craphof Wet CelluloseYield asFunctionofKHrPOaand YeastExtract The optimummediumcultureto obtainthe highestyield ofmicrobjal cellulose producing in Natade Pinausingjuicefrom pineapplewasteareshownin {igure9. The optimumamountof eachvariablefor mediumclrltureare concludedas yeastextract 6.09, sucrose20.09, bactopepton1.,199,KHTPOa1.089and MgSO+0.069that cafl producedmicrobialcelluloseas high as 176.479.Due to the designexperiment,it rs shownthat magnesiumsulfatehasno effectin the productionof microbialcellulosc. Therefore,the variableofmagnesiumsulfatecan ignoreusedin preparingthe medium culture. 5.00 5.00 YeastExtract= 6.00 0.80 2.OO = 1.49 tsactopepton 4.00 20.00 Sucrose 20.00 0.60 r .0 8 KH2POa= 1.08 0.10 63.07 173.31 gso4* (hasno effect) cettutoseweight = 176.47g = 0.962 Desirabilitv Figxre9: Rampfor EachVariablein OptimizalionProcess ,1.0Conclusion As a conclusion,the juice pineapplewasteis low in acid and high glucose this conditionmakesi1 suitableas a substratefor lbrmentationprocess. concenhation The shakenculture is betterthan static culture condition,but shakenculturewith additionalglassbeadspromoteshigh dissolvedoxygenin the mediumthat leadto an increasein celluloselbrmation.The celluloseweightproducedin shakenculturewith glass beadsis 15.19%more cellulosecomparedto shakenculture without micro partjcles.Frcm optimizationprocess,it is foundthat yeastexhactand KHTPOTis the mostsjgnificantfactorsthat canaffecttowardsproductionofNata de Pinausingjuice from pineapplewaste.The bestoptimummediumculturethat can optimizemicrobial celluloseyield is as below: yeastextract6.09, sucrcse20.09, bactopepton1.499, potassiumdihydrogenphosphate(KI-lrPOa)1.089,and magnesiumsulfate(MgSOa) 0.06g with wet cellulose mass of 176.47g.From statisticalanalyseson design experimenlsit is found that Magnesiumsulfate is not affectingtoward cellulose canbejust ignoreto usein prepared mediumculturefor future. 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