IJNDERSTANDINGOF FOTILINGIN LOW PRESSUREUF MEMBRANE FILTRATION BY NATURAL oRGAMc MATTER (NoM): A PERSPECTIVE OF ULU PONTIAN RIVER AND BEKOK DAM WATER A.w. zularisamtr,A.F. rsmailr".M. R, salim3, Mimi Sakinahl rMembraneResearch Unir, MRU, Univelsiri Teknologi Mataysia,8I 300 Skudai,Johor,,Facutryof Civit & EnviJonmeaJEngineerirg.Uni\ersiLjMajalsiapahang.UMp. 25000.Cambang. eut vuruy.iu "Facdr]olCi!il Lngineenng. gtj00 Skudai.Johor, Uni\ersirjTeknotogi Matay(ia. -j. + Conespondingauthor.phone:607-5535592; Faxr 607_5581463 E-rnait: afauzi@utm.mv ABSTRACT Samplesftom Ulu Pontian river which has a rclativety lydrcphjtic NOM sourcewater and Bekok Dam nver which has a relatively hydrophobic NOM source warer have been used for foulins behaviors analysesand membraneautopsy prorocol. Ulu poorjan rjver has shown $earer fouhe;3tenuar anC higher flllx decline but lesserNOM removat than the Bekok Dam warer, suggestinerhai;ifierences in molecrilar weigbt distriburion. srmcturat, functionality and hydrophiticity/hfJropho"bocitybemeen me two NOM souces playedprimary rcles in goveming the fouting m;hanisms of otitutitt urion *"-n an". Moreo'r'erthe membraneautopsiesanarysesconfirmed the flux decline resulrsand permeare anarysesas the irltered membrane was rnainty fouled by the bydophitic NOM components suctr as the polysaccharideslikesubstances,alcohotic compoundsand aliphatic amide of proiein groups ratrrerthan Keywordsr NOM; Fouling; Autopsy; Drinting water