February22 - 23,2047 Marine Science & Technologt Seminar 2007 Study of Scale Formation in Oil Reservoir During Water fnjection-A review Amer Badr Bin MerdhzhrUniversiti TeknologiMalaysia amer0227@tahoacom Abu Azam Mohd Yassin, Universiti TehnologiMaleysia abuazo@fkhksautm.ny Scale deposition is one of the most important and serious poblems which water injection systems are generally engaged in Scqle sometimes limits or hlocks oil cnd gasproduction b pIuSgW the oil-pra&tcingformation matrix or frac,tures and peforoted intervals. Scale slso deposited in down-hole pump& tubing, casing flow-lines, heater treaters, tanks and other production equipment andfacilities- Scsle c6m occur at /or dawnstream af arry point in the production yystem, at which super-sduratian is generated. Srper-saturation cun be generated in single water fu changing the pressure and temperature conditions or by mixing two incompatible waters. The most coinmon oilfield scales deposited are calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate, strontium sulfate qnd barium sulfate. This paper describes overview formation damage, scale deposition mechanisms and source af oil field scale, scale formation along the iryjection-water poth in water-food operations, scaling problens encotmtered in oil fields, salubility of scale, oilfield Scale types, scale control chemicols and laboratory bwestigatians of scale in different media and procedures used to predict scale are presented Keywords: formation damage, scale deposition mechanisms, scaling problems, solubility of scale 1. Introduction The injection of seawaterinto oilfield reservoirsto maintainreservoirpressureand improve secondaryrecoveryis a well-established,mature, operation. Moreover, the degree of risk posed by depositionof mineral scalesto the injection and production wells during such operationshas beenmuch studied. Scaledeposition is one of the most seriousoil field problemsthat inflict water injecfion systemsprimarily when fwo incompatiblewatersare involved. Two waters are called incompatible if they interact chemically and precipitate minerals when mixed. Typiq{ examplesare seawat6r, with high concentrationof SOa-2and formation waters,with high concentrationsof Ca*2, Ba*2and Sr*2. Mixing of thesewaters,therefore,could causeprecipitationof CaSOa,BaSO+and/orSrSOaThere are otherreasonswhy scaleforms, and the amountand location of which are influencedby severalfactors. Yet, superis the primary causeof scale saturationis the most important reasonbehind mineral precipitation. A supersaturated formation and occurs when a solution contains dissolvedmaterials which are at higber concentrationsthan their equilibrium concentration. The degreeofsuper-saturation, also known as the scaling index, is the driving force for the precipitation reaction and a high super-saturation,therefore, implies high possibilities for salt pH, and CO2III2Spartial pressurecould also conrlbute in forming a precipitation. Changesin temperature,pressurre, (Mackay et al2003a). et al,Z}O3,Moghadasi scale l.l CommonOil Field Scales The most common oil field scalesare listed in Table l, along with the primary variablesthat affect their solubility (Moghadasiet aI,2A03a). Thesescalesare sulfates such as calcium sulfate (anhydrite, glpsum), barium sulfate (barite),and Strontiumsulfate(celestite)and calcium carbonate.Other lesscommonscaleshavealso beenreported suchas iron oxides,iron sulfidesand iron carbonate.Lead and zinc sulfide scalehasrecentlybecomea concernin a numberof North Seaoil andgasfields (CollinsandJordan,2001). 1.2ScaleDeposition oil and gasproductionequipmenthasbeenrecognized.Scaledeposition Scaledepositionin surfaceand subsurface is one of the most importantand seriousproblemsthat inflict oil field water injectionsystems.Scalelimits and sometimesblocks oil and gas productionby plugging the oil-producing formation matrix or fractures and could perforatedintervals. It can alsoplug production lines and equipmentand impair fluid flow. The consequence failure, emergencyshutdown,increasedmaintenancecost, and overall decreasein be production-equipment productionefficiency. The failure of theseequipmentscould result in safetydangers. In caseof water injection systems,scale could plug the pores of the formation and resultsin injectivity declinewith time (Todd and Yuan, AsghariandKharrat,1995;Andersenet aL,2000;Pauloet al,200l; Voloshinet a|.,2003). 1992;Bayona,1993; February22 - 23, 2007 Marine Science& Technologt Seminar 2007 Scaledepositioncan occurfrom onetype of water becauseof super-saturationwith scale-formingsaltsattributable to changesin the physical conditions under which the rvaterexists. Scalealso can depositu'hen two incompatible watersare mixed and super-saflrationis reached(Nassiveraand Essel, 1979;Readand Ringen, 1982;Yellet, et al., 1982;ToddandYuan, 1992;Moghadasiet a1.,2003b;Moghadasiet aL,2A04} Table 1: Most commonoilfield scales Name ChemicalFormula Primarv Variables CalciumCarbonate CaOOI Partialpressureof CO:, temp€rature,total dissolvedsalts, nH CalciumSulfate: Gypsum CaSO4.2H2O Hemihydrate CaSOq.U2HzO Anhydrite CaS0a Barium Sulfate BaS0a Strontium Sulfate SrSOq Temperature,total dissolved salts,pressure Temnerafure.Dressure prcssure,total Ternperature, dissolvedsalts Iron Cornpounds: FerrousCarbonate FeCq FerrousSulfide FeS FerrorxH1'droxide F{OID, FerrousHydroxide F{OH)3 Corrosion,dissolvedgases,pH 1.3 Sourceof Oil Field Scate The chief sourceof oil field scaleis mixing of incompatible waters. Two waters are called incompatible if they interact chemically and precipitate minerals when mixed. A t]"jcal exampleof incompatiblewatersare seawater with hish concentrationof SO.r-'and low concentrationsof Ca", Ba-"/Sr", and formation waters with very lorv of Ca*2,Ba*2 and Sr*2. Miring of thesewaters,therefore,causes of SOa-2but high concentrations "orr."otiutiorrs precipitation of CaSOa,BaSO+,and/or SrSOq. Field producedwater (disposalwater) can also be incompatible with seawater. In caseswhere disposal *ater is mixed with seawaterfor re-injection,scaledepositionis possible @ayona,1993;Andersenet al,20O0 Bedrikovistskyet a|.,2001;'Stalkeret al.,20[3;' Pauloet al,2A0\. During the productiorL the rvater is drained to the surface and suffers from significant pressuredrop and temperaturevariations. The successi\€pressuredrops lead to releaseof the carbondioxide with an increasein pH value of the producedwater and precipitationof calcium carbonate(Mackay,2003). Zinc sulfide scaleis more likely that the zinc ion sourcemixes with the hydrogen sulfide-rich sourcewithin the near well-bore or the production tubing during fluid extraction. Lead and zinc sulfide scales have recently becomea concernin a numberoil and gasfields. Thesedepositshaveoccurredwithin the productiontubing and topsideprocessfacilities (Collins and Jordan,2003). 2. Scale Formation along the Injection-Water Path in Water-Flood Operations is us:ally muchlower than reservoirtemperature.When it travels At theinjectionwellheadinjectionwat€rternperature down the rnjectionwell-string,the water coolsthe surroundingformations-and its temperanreand pressureincrease. with increasingtemperatures(e.g. If the water is saturatedat surfaceconditiorsrriith saftswhosesolubilitydecreases anhydrite),scalemay form alongthe well-string. of temperatureand Scaleprecipitationfrom the injection ryatermay happenbehindthe mixing zoneasa consequence with increasing containing salts w'hose decreases particularly rvaters solubility of This is true prs$re dranges (rvith present in the rock zone resen'oir is mixing only brine oil) pressure. of the Fonvard temperatueand decreasing pores.Betundthe mixing zone,onl.vinjectedwaler in equilibrium at local temperanreand pressure(with residualoil) Marine Science & Technologt Seminor 2007 February 22 - X, 2407 of insohrblesaftsmay ocqn due to the interactio4 at local temperatureand exists.In the mixing zone,precipiuation pressure,of chemicalspecies containedin the injectionwaterwith chemicalspeciespresentin the reservoirbrine. Nevertheless,at a differentpressurqthe remainingclearwatermovesaheadmix againwith reseryoirbrine and scale precipitationmay againake place. This cycle is repeateduntil the remainingclear water reachesa produclion well. alongthe flow suing up to drc surfacein the prodtrctionwell, andfirrdrerchangesin Pressureandtemperaturedecrease thermodynamicconditionsoccw in the surfrce equipment. This may againresult in scale formation. Nonrnlly, these scalesdo the most damagein the well-borewhentherearemajo'rftlls in pressurebut hardly any temperaturechanges (Khelil et al,1979). Therearethreeprincipal mechanismsby which scalesform in both offshore and onshoreoil field system(Mackay, 2005;Jordm andMackay,2005): a) Decreasein pressue and/or incre'asein temperatweof a b,rine,goesto a reduction in the solubility of the salt (mostcommonlytheseleadto precipitationof cartronatescales,suchas CaCOr). Ca (HCO,), <+ CaCO3+ CO2+ H2O (l ) b) Mixing of two incompatible brines (most commonly formation water rich in cations such as bariunr, calcium and/orstrontium,mixing with sulftte rich seawater,goesto the precipitation of sulfatescales,such asBaSOa). Ba2"(or Sr2* or Ca2*) + SO42- <+ BaSOo (or SrSOn or CaSOo) Q) Other fluid incompatibilitiesinclude sulfide scalewhere hydrogensulfide gasmixes with iron, zinc or lead rich formation \vaters: (3) 7.n2*+HrS <+ ZnS+2gzn c) brine evaporation,resulting in salt concentrationincreasingabove the solubility limit and goes to salt precipitation (as may occur in HP/HT gas wells where a dry gas streammay mix with a low rate brine streamresulting in dehydrationand most commonlythe precipitationofNaCl). 3. The ScalingProblem in Oil Fields Scaling depositionis one of the most important and seriousproblemswhich water injection systemsare generally engagedin. Oil field scalescostsare high due to intenseoil and gasproductiondecline,frequentlypulling of downhole equipment for replacement,re-perforation of the producing intervals, re-drilling of plugged oil wells, stimulation of plugged oil-bearing formations, and otherremedial workovers through production and injection wells. As scaledepositsaround the well-bore, the porous media of formation becomesplugged and may be renderedimpermeableto any fluids. Many casehistoriesof oil well scaling by calcium carbonate,calcium sulfate, strontium sulfate and barium sulfatehave beenreported(Mitchell et al, 1980;Lindlof and Stoffer 1983;Vetter et al,1987; Shuleret aI,l99l). Problems in connectionto oil well scaling in the Russia where scale has seriously plugged wells and are similar to casesin North Seafields have beenreported(Mitcheli et aL,7980). Oilfields scaleproblemshave occurredbecauseof water flooding in Saudi oil fields, Algeria, Indonesiain south Sumatraoilfields, and Egypt in el-Morgan oilfield where calcium *6 su'safinmsulfate scaleshave been found in surfaceand subsurfaceproduction equipment(El-Hattab,l982).The following is a brief explain of scalingcasesreportedin the literature. Mitchell et al. (1980) describedscaleproblems occurring in the forties field could be attributedtwo major factors: a) Commingling of forties formation and injection waters could precipitateboth barium and strontium sulfates. b) Precipitation of calcium carbonate scale from formation water due to variations in pressure and temperaturein production systems. ToddandYuan(199) describedbarium sulfate scaleoccurrencewas a severeproductionproblem in North Seaoil operations. Barium sulfate is often accompaniedby shontium sulfateto form a completelymixed scalecalled @4 Sr) SOr solid solution. Sulfate-anion-richseawaterinjected into the reservoir formation subsequentlymixed with formation water,which containsexcessivebarium and strontium. Bayona(1993) reportedtwo major problemswith seawaterinjection in the norttr Uthmaniyahsectionof the Ghawarfield in SaudiArabia. The first is maintenanceof acceptablewater quality to preventexcessivelossesof well injectivity and the secondis control of plugging in the pores and corrosion at a reasonablelevel in the eguipmentdue to which excessivelossesof well injectivity occur. The only cause of these losses is the depositionof scalesdue to the presenceof saltsin the injectionwater. February22 - 23,2007 Marine Science& TechnologtSeminar2007 Salmanet al. 11999)conductedto predict the possibility of scaleformation when seawaterwas injected into the northemKuwaiti oilfields for reservoir pressuremaintenance.Resultsindicatedthat the seawaterwas likely to be self-scalingwith respectto calcium carbonateunder productionreservoirconditionscould becomea problem when the systemunderwenttemperatureandpressurechanges. Paulo et al. QO0l'l described Sulfate scaledepositionis a common problem in the Alba field in the North Sea resulted from injected seawatermixing with aquifer brines. The problem is most severein and aroundthe injection and production well bores and can causeconsiderabledisruption to hydrocarbonproduction after water breakthrough. Moghadasiet al. Q003a) described scale formation in the Iranian oilfields has been recognizedto be a major operational problem causing formation damage either at injection or producing wells. Scale contributes to equipmentwear and corrosionand flow restrictions,thus rtsulting in a decreasein oil and gasproduction. 4. Solubility of Scales "solubility" is definedas the limiting amountof solutethat can dissolvein a solventundera given set of physical conditions. Factors that affect scale precipitation, deposition and crystal growth can be summarizedas: supersaturation,temperature,pressurq ionic strength,evaporation,contacttime and pH. Eflective scalecontrol shouldbe one of the primary objectivesof any efficient water injection and normal production operationin oil and gas fields. Therearetwo solubilities of scales: 4.1 Calcium, Strontium, Barium Sulfatesand Calcium Carbonate Solubilities The solubility of calcium sulfate is an order of magnitudelarger than that of strontium sulfate,with in turn is about one and one- half ordersof magnitudelarger than that of barium sulfate Figure l For example,Figure I indicates, that the solubility of strontium sulfate can be larger than 950 mg/I. This solubility, however,is true only when the solution is stoichiometricallybalanceGi.e., when the numberof strontiumions equalsthe numberof sulfate ions. If an excessof either ion is introduce4 the solubility is depressedmarkedly. This is known as the "common ion effecf' (Lindlof and Stoffer 1983). The solubility reachesa maximumin highly concentratedbrinesAccording to Oddo et al, (1991), calcium carbonatesolubility has an inverse relationship with temperatureor statedmore simply, CaCO:scalebecomesmore insoluble with increasingtemperatureand a solution at equilibrium wifh CaCO3will precipitatethe solid as the temperatureis increased. The tendencyto form CaCOgalso increases with increasingpH (as the solution becomesless acid). The decreasein total pressurearoundthe purnpsallows dissolvedcarbondioxide to escapefrom solution as a gas causingan increasein pH with a subsequentincreasein the tendencyto form solid. 4.2 Zinc Sulfide,Lead Sulfide and fron Sulfide Solubilities Lead and zinc sulfide solubility is much lower even than iron sulfide, which is the common sulfide in oil field environments. For example in a lM (mole/dm3)NaCl brine solution are presentedin Figure 2 at pH: 5 the solubility of iron sulfide is 65 ppm, whereaslead and zinc sulfides are 0.002 ppm and 0.063 ppm respectively. Dependingon the exact brine conditions,the solubility of zinc sulfide is between30 and 100 times more soluble than lead sulfide. As with iron sulfide, the solubility of both lead and zinc sulfide increaseswith increasingsolution pH (CollinsandJordan,200l). 5. ScaleControl Chemicals In oil and gaswell operations,water- insoluble scaleis formed in tubing casings,and associatedequipment,as well as in the well bore and the formation itselt which carq/, at least in part, water or brine waters. Thesewaters can containinsolublecalcium,barium, strontium,magnesium,and iron salts. Scaleinhibitors are chemicalswhich delay, reduce or prevent scale fonnation when addedin small amountsto normallyscalingwater. Accordingto Bezemerand Bauer(1969),the most commonclassesof inhibitor chemicals compormdsand organicpolymers. are inorganicphosphates,organophosphorous acid) @ETPMP) are Polyphosphonocarboxylicacid @PCA) and Diethylenetriaminepenta(methylenephosphonic two common commercialscale inhibitors used in the oil and gas industry. Normally, PPCA is regardedas nucleationinhibitor and DETPMP as a growth inhibitor (Chenel al,2004). Severalcombined scale removal and inhibition systemscould be consideredin order to meet thesechallenges. Hydrochloricacid (HCl) may be the most cost effectivetreatmentto remove calcium carbonate,but corrosion control, systemcompatibility and inhibitor adsorptionmay all be difficult in a combinedtreatrnent. Conversely, scaledissolversmay offer better corrosion control and scaleinhibitor compatibility when spent,but will be higher to be met. cost. Organicacidscould offer a compromisewhich allowsmostof the systemrequirements February22 - 23,2007 Marine Science& TechnologtSeminar2007 |J a r, (\l q0l tJ ! G lr, d- g ro e t F 7 s 3 J 8 rsl itsCl SOLUTtOfi loHE STHEFTGTH Figure 1: Relative solubilities of three sulfates in brine itcEs0 lRr& E 3 E ; E E rtrn rug (4 5! - i : t E zls =. N, s \ I $ tr6 5 o at? il.tl 0,001 Ailr. pH Figure 2: Comparisonof zinc, leadandiron sulfidesolubilityin lM NaCl brineat 25"C. 6. Laboratory Evaluation Scaleformation can be predictedby laboratory experiments. Severalexperimentalstudieshave beenconductedto determinethe scalingpotentialin different oil-fields. ln experimentalstudies,the extentof permeabilitydamage February22 - 23, 2007 Marine Science & Technologt Seminar 2M7 causedby flowing precipitatesin coresand sandpackswas investigated. Severalinvestigatorstestedincompatible watersfrom oilfields in the North Sea(Mitchell et al.,1980),the Middle EastandEl-Margon(El-Hattab,1982)that producedbarium, calcium and strontium precipitates. They reportedthat l5-20-pm-sized crystalsblocked tlre pare throatsin glassbeadpacksand in alumina cores,by size exclusionand bridging mechanisms-Crystalsoften grew perpendicularto the pore walls, and that somecrystal aggregatesalso had the form of "books" and rosettes. Todd and Yuan (1992) also conductedlaboratory investigationsusing North Seareseryoir brines that producedbarirun and strontium scales.Crystals depositingalong and growing perpendicularto the pore surfacescausedmost of the ratio of both barium and strontium reductionin core permeability. They observedthat doubling the super-saturation producedan increasein the quantity of scaleformed insidethe poresand a changein the morphologyof the crystals. Both changesincreasethe rate of permeabilitydecline. 7. Modeling Development Along with laboratoryexperiments,scaleformationcan be predictedby severalmodelsto determinethe scaling potentialin differentoil-fields. Ceochemicalflow modelsweredeveloped(Shenand Corsby,1983;Yeboaher c/., 1993;Khatib,1994) for both mineral dissolutionand precipitationprocessesduring convectivetransport. These modelswere basedon the assumptionof local thermodynamicequilibrium and negligible dispersion. They did not include solids migration, an assumption, which was severely limiting because many experimental studies demonstratedthat precipitatedsolids could migratewithin the porousmatrix- 8. Summary Fromthe abovesurveyofthe literatune,permeabilitydeclinecausedby scaleformation in the porousbed rangedfrom lessthan 30Votomore than 90% of the initial permeability,dependingon solution composition,initial permeability, temperature,flow rate and solution injection period. 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