Madison Public Schools – Summer Assignment 2015 English 11 Replacement

Madison Public Schools – Summer Assignment 2015
English 11 Replacement
Mrs. Cox
Assignment Rationale/Objective
This assignment connects to the themes that will be addressed in this year’s course. Our first
conversation in class will be a definition of heroes in their societies. This assignment asks
students to begin considering the question of heroes in a contemporary media source that
interests them.
Required materials:
Students will need the attached instructions in addition to a chosen piece of media on which
to base their reflection. This may be a film, novel, graphic novel, video game, or other
appropriate medium. Expectations are that students will choose works with schoolappropriate characters, plot, and themes.
Overview Instructions:
Please see the attached assignment pages for instructions and assignment details.
Estimated time for completion:
It is anticipated that students will spend about 10 hours completing this assignment:
combined reading/viewing of their chosen medium and time completing the reflection writeup.
Number of points: 25 points
Percentage of 1st marking period grade: Approximately 10%
To request help over the summer, email: Email Mrs. Cox (
with any questions or for clarification of the assignment.
English 11 Replacement – Summer Assignment – 2015-2016
In English 11, we will read and study complex and exciting British literature written by Chaucer,
Shakespeare, Austen, and Golding. We will reflect on the social forces that influence our
choices, relationships, and identities.
The first work we will read is one of the earliest works of recorded literature, the Anglo-Saxon
epic, “Beowulf.” To prepare for our study of “Beowulf,” we ask you to complete the following
assignment over the summer break.
Your assignment: To compose a reflection of at least two pages that answers the following
What makes someone a hero?
What characteristics or traits does a hero possess?
What type of actions are “heroic”?
What is the definition of a hero?
Your reflection will depend on your opinion, which will be supported by evidence from a source
of your choice. This source may be a book, film, graphic novel, video game, or television series
of your choice. Please choose an example that is appropriate for school. Your answer to the
questions above must be based on a fictional hero, not on a real person.
Please type your reflection in correct MLA format: Times New Roman, size 12 font, doublespaced. Only typed, printed reflections will be accepted (no hand-written papers or emails).
Your reflection should address all of the above questions. You may use first person (I) in this
reflection, but be aware of correct use of grammar, spelling, syntax, and paragraph structure.
Your reflection paper is due to me on the first day of class. The last day to submit this
assignment is Friday, September 4th (after that, papers will lose 40% credit, as per the
Humanities Dept. late work policy).
This assignment is worth 25 points and will make up the first grade of the school year. (See
next page for assignment grading rubric).
English 11 Replacement Summer Assignment Rubric
Reflection Content & Analysis:
Student response is discussed in a thoughtful reflection that
explicitly connects the media hero to the student’s definition,
with frequent, relevant evidence (student defines hero, using
evidence/support from media hero source)
Minimum Requirements:
Meets length requirement (2+ pages) and answers all questions
Paper follows correct MLA format (double-spaced, Times New
Roman, 12-font type, name, title (for example, link to
Paper is typed and presented neatly
Assignment Total:
______ /25 points