262 Dr. John Pazik I am really encouraged to be on this panel today because as Rear Admiral Philip Cullom said, if we want to make changes in Navy culture, acquisition, and operations, all the participants have Dr. John Pazik is the Director of the Ship Systems and Engineering Science and Technology Division at the Office of Naval Research (ONR) and leads a group of scientists and engineers involved in the development of technologies for advanced naval power systems, platform survivability, advanced platform concepts, and sea base enablers. Dr. Pazik is responsible for a portfolio of basic, applied, and advanced technology development programs that range from topics in nanotechnology to aircraft carrier technologies. Dr. Pazik is currently engaged in development of science and technology strategy for incorporation into the Navy’s Next Generation Integrated Power Systems (NGIPS) master plan. As the Navy’s Science and Technology Advanced Naval Power and Energy lead, he has worked extensively with the Office of the Secretary of Defense and the services to coordinate and plan power and energy programs. Dr. Pazik was promoted to Senior Executive Service in December 2002. Previously, Dr. Pazik was Director of the Physical Sciences Division at ONR. As Director of Physical Sciences, Dr. Pazik focused resources on power and energy transfer and environmental quality to address future Naval needs in these areas. Prior to his selection to the Senior Executive Service, Dr. Pazik was a program officer at ONR where he developed and managed programs in nanotechnology, solid state chemistry, electronic materials, and thermoelectric materials and devices. As a program officer at ONR, he developed and managed joint programs with DARPA. From 1989 to 1992, Dr. Pazik was a member of the technical staff at the Naval Research Laboratory. Dr. Pazik received a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from the State University College of New York (SUNY) at Fredonia in May 1982. He received his doctorate degree from the SUNY Buffalo in the area of inorganic chemistry in May 1987. He was an American Society for Engineering Education postdoctoral fellow at the Naval Research Laboratory in June 1987. Chapter 8 Adapting Ship Operations to Energy Challenges 263 to come to the table. I think this panel brings the right participants together. We have the warfighting customer, we have the acquisition procurement officer, and we have industry—the ultimate source for the products we need to buy. And I represent the science and technology (S&T) enabler who puts forward the underlying concepts that we are going to want to rely on in the future. Let me begin by briefly reviewing the history of electric power aboard U.S. Navy ships and the approach for managing how we use that power. Electric power is clearly one of our critical enablers. Starting at the bottom then, the USS New Mexico was actually the first capital ship that really had an integrated power system associated with it (Figure 1). We started our processes prior to that with the USS Jupiter, a bulk cargo carrier. We tend to get our feet wet by using our logistics platforms as experimentation laboratories for many of the new technologies that we look at. The USS Trenton was the first ship that had electric lights installed on board—238 light sockets. It was also one of the first hybrid ships. It obviously had sails, and in the middle of the deck, you can see the exhaust for the steam engine. That exhaust stack actually could be raised or lowered depending on whether or not the steam engine was being used for power. Figure 1. History of U.S. Navy Electric Ships 264 Climate and Energy Proceedings 2011 I wanted to stop at the Trenton because it also brings together climate change and energy in a different way, but probably not one of the more positive ways: the USS Trenton was lost in a hurricane off Samoa. I say that in a way that is a little bit tongue in cheek, but part of what we are doing outside of the energy areas in terms of climate change is looking at what the conditions are in the areas where we are going to be operating. As we have heard, within a few decades we will no longer have year-round ice in the Arctic. How is that going to affect weather conditions and sea states? How is that going to affect ice coverage and other issues associated with our platforms? The operational conditions that we expect to encounter affect how we design a platform, not just from the electrical perspective, but also from the perspective of structures and mechanical systems. Moving on to today (Figure 2), LHD-8 is a great example of a hybrid electric drive that is achieving $2 million in fuel savings relative to a modern steam plant. We first got our feet wet in these areas with T-AKE 1 and now are moving on to the DDG-1000, which is going to be an integrated power system with 78 megawatts of power. Figure 2. Today’s U.S. Navy Electric Ships Chapter 8 Adapting Ship Operations to Energy Challenges 265 Let me just quickly remind you what the Office of Naval Research (ONR) does. When it comes to energy, the Navy, and the DoD’s use for energy, we have an app for that. So for anything that you want to put energy on, we have a way to do that. What we are trying to do at ONR, and within the S&T community across the department, is to look at programs that solve those applications, either by providing a variety of energy sources for us to use or by increasing the efficiency of our platforms and thereby reducing our demand for the fuels that we have (Figure 3). Figure 3. Naval S&T Strategic Plan [1] So we go from supporting development of quick enabling technologies, like solid-state lighting, through fundamental work that looks, for example, at new materials for exhaust heat recovery. We look at fuels and other energy sources and at how we take that fuel and generate electricity in some form or another (Figure 4). We also look at the types of energy storage media that are available. And, we look at the different types of radars and weapons that we are going to have aboard ship. We know that we are going to have some baseline load and that we are going to have to handle peak loads as well. So the storage piece is going to be a critical component. Then we have to have the distribution and control network because, as I will show you in a few moments, it is not just about 266 Climate and Energy Proceedings 2011 installing a generator and hooking it up to our propulsor. It is about integrating it into the platform and getting the right power at the right time at the right place, and electrical distribution is key to that. Figure 4. Power and Energy Technologies Ultimately, the S&T community has to address the loads piece. What can we do to enable our designers to create more energy efficient ships? Whether it is a new hull form, whether it is stern flaps, or whether it is a new coating that reduces bio-fouling, which causes a significant amount of drag, all these things add up. Said another way, we look at both the near term and the far term (Figure 5). We are planning ahead for a Navy that is going to have more electric weapons and that is going to have highpower radars. But, we cannot just continue to add energy sources to our ships. The rules that we have in front of us now are different. We need to have an increasing amount of capability; we will have greater loads due to our use of advanced radars and advanced electric weapon systems, but we have to reduce the amount of fuel we use. That is the challenge that has been put in front of the S&T community, the research and development community, and the United States as a whole: how do we use less and still increase our capability? Chapter 8 Adapting Ship Operations to Energy Challenges 267 Figure 5. S&T Energy Investments One of the things that we are talking about is the Next Generation Integrated Power System (Figure 6). We are looking at this because we do not want the radar system to bring its own generator set with it, and we do not want the rail gun to bring its own generator set with it. We do not have room. So we have to be able to figure out the layout of the platform that meets those needs while satisfying design constraints on ship volume and center of gravity. Figure 6. Advanced Electric Warship Next Generation Integrated Power System (NGIPS) 268 Climate and Energy Proceedings 2011 The Next Generation Integrated Power System is a way of ensuring that we use a given amount of installed energy most efficiently. Regardless of whatever level of installed power we have— say it is 78 megawatts like on a DDG-1000—that power is not going to be directed in only one direction. We need to be able to direct it in multiple directions. We need to be able to add different timescales, and that means we are going to have to have energy storage capabilities on the platform. That storage will not just be in the fuel; it might be batteries, capacitors, and flywheels. We are going to have to direct the energy from our generators into our propulsion system at one point, a millisecond later we are going to have to be able to fire an electric weapon, and at the same time we are going to have to have broadband radar coverage with our advanced radar systems. We are going to have to be able to move that energy around, and the power electronics and distribution and control systems necessary to do that are some of the S&T thrusts that we are now working on. What can we do to make sure we achieve our goals in these areas? Our approach is to apply the design paradigm that Mr. Howard Fireman described earlier. Let us take a quick look at designing the electrical architecture for a ship, admittedly a very difficult task. We know we are going to need power for weapons and for radar systems. We know we would like to avoid bringing separate power sources for those capabilities, and we want to have an integrated activity. How do we do that within the design constraints and spaces that we have for a platform given its requirements for speed, range, and payload? Right now we effectively create a rough specification for the ship and then we think in detail about the machinery, the intakes, the uptakes, and the mission spaces and how we set those out to actually have an effective platform. Currently, we do not have a great tool that allows us to determine whether, if we use this architecture with these components aboard, it is going to fit in this platform, it is going to be able to make this speed, and it is going to be able to have this mission set aboard (Figure 7). We need to have an iterative process so that we can iterate the design as many times as needed and thereby Chapter 8 Adapting Ship Operations to Energy Challenges 269 optimize the solution space that we have between what the warfighter needs and what our acquisition community can afford. That design tool is going to be a crucial piece, and it is one of the things that we are looking at from the S&T perspective. So, our job is not just about developing the hardware and the components, it is also about bringing the right design tools to the table so that we can take those components and put them into a platform and then take those platforms and put them into an overall scenario that includes energy and power and how we operate as a Navy and as a DoD. Figure 7. Today, We Have No Reliable Method or Tool The Ship Smart-System Design (S3D) is one of our tools that we are working on, primarily with the university community and with an industrial partnership associated with that community. We ultimately want to bring that design capability to the electrical architecture and its interfaces with combat systems. We also want to address manning requirements and the platform’s operational capabilities as well as construction, testing, training, and finally ship delivery and service life to include maintenance and future upgrades (Figure 8). One of the things that we have embarked upon is an electric ship research and development consortium that includes a number of universities partnered with an advisory board from industry 270 Climate and Energy Proceedings 2011 (Figure 9). That latter element is critical for ensuring that the academic community understands what industry wants to be able to do but also for providing the connections so that industry knows what is coming out of the design community. Figure 8. Future Vision of Shipboard Electrical Design Development Process Figure 9. Electric Ship Research and Development Consortium Chapter 8 Adapting Ship Operations to Energy Challenges 271 One of the things the consortium is doing is creating a center for incorporating hardware-in-the-loop capabilities into our design models and simulations. This is particularly important given the cost associated with the actual testing all of the individual components that we have to do before we can assure that they are safe for use aboard ship. If we can create models and verify that those models truly represent what those systems do, then we can reduce the cost of our testing activities. In addition to the things that I have already discussed, ONR is also looking at some far-out things (Figure 10), including the variable acquisition motor system for unmanned aircraft mentioned by Rear Admiral Cullom. We are also looking at the whole spectrum of unmanned vehicles. We want to have unmanned capability undersea. We want to extend the range and the lifetime of our unmanned vehicles. The power system and the control system are key to making that happen. Figure 10. Other Power and Energy Considerations There are also a number of secondary things that we need to look at that impact efficiency and affordability. These range from 272 Climate and Energy Proceedings 2011 hull husbandry to the type of cabling that we install aboard the ship. All these things factor into the energy needs, the cost, and the efficiency of the platform. It is getting down that user demand. So in summary, I think from an S&T perspective, we are at a good place with this power and energy portfolio right now, and I think it is a good paradigm for where we need to go in the future. We need to partner across our various constituencies, understand what the needs are, and also inform them about the capabilities that we are developing. As Rear Admiral Cullom stated, we need strong partnerships. At the ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit a couple of weeks ago, the Secretary of the Navy announced that the Navy was establishing a partnership activity with ARPA-E in hybrid energy storage. It is important that we continue to establish these types of collaborations, because none of us can do it alone. It has to be a U.S. government effort, and we have to look at what all our partner agencies are doing. We have to take a holistic approach to efficiency 1% at a time. At the same time, we have to understand that the key aspects are at that front end. Sixty percent is the greatest efficiency you are going to get from a gas turbine generator on a good day. Then, when you look at where that energy goes, you discover that 99% is lost in drag and other activities at the end of the cycle. So we have to attack the back end of the process as well. The Navy’s S&T community is working well with the acquisition community to develop hybrid electric drive, to deploy the Green Fleet, and to conduct the Green Strike Group demo. In short, we have those essential close partnerships with our colleagues at Naval Sea Systems Command and the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. REFERENCE 1. Office of Naval Research, Naval Science & Technology Strategic Plan, http://www.onr.navy.mil/en/About-ONR/sciencetechnology-strategic-plan.aspx.