Zone 77, Master Map Normal View Zone Master, Normal View, 10 deg FOV +54°00' Cygnus f ψ κ c +52°00' i ι1 θ g d +48°00' j Blinking Planetary +50°00' ι2 Draco Lyra h e +46°00' k Hole-in-a-Cluster δ 20h 12m 20h 00m 19h 48m 19h 36m 19h 24m 19h 12m 19h 00m 18h 48m Zone 77, Map 1 Normal Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +54°00' Espin 653 Espin 984 A 1394 Bemporad 37 Kappa Cyg +53°00' κ Espin 983 Espin 650 +52°00' STF 2450 Espin 651 STF 2451 19h 24m 19h 18m 19h 12m 19h 06m 19h 00m 18h 54m Zone 77, Map 1 Mirror Image +54°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. A 1394 Espin 984 Bemporad 37 +53°00' Kappa Cygκ Espin 983 Espin 650 +52°00' STF 2450 Espin 651 STF 2451 18h 54m 19h 00m 19h 06m 19h 12m 19h 18m 19h 24m Zone 77, Map 2 Normal Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +52°00' STF 2450 Espin 651 +51°00' STF 2451 Espin 979 NGC 6764 +50°00' STF 2511 rej STF 2496 Espin 1095 Espin 2673 +49°00' STF 2486 Smart 85 19h 24m 19h 18m 19h 12m 19h 06m 19h 00m 18h 54m Zone 77, Map 2 Mirror Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +52°00' STF 2450 Espin 651 +51°00' STF 2451 Espin 979 NGC 6764 +50°00' STF 2511 rej STF 2496 Espin 2673 Espin 1095 STF 2486 +49°00' Smart 85 18h 54m 19h 00m 19h 06m 19h 12m 19h 18m 19h 24m Zone 77, Map 3 Normal Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. h1382 +48°00' NGC 6742 Draco A 706 Cygnus h1380 Espin 1163 Lyra h1377 +47°00' A. G. 366 16 Lyr h1357 STF 2463 h1356 19h 18m 19h 12m 19h 06m 19h 00m +46°00' OS 372 Zone 77, Map 3 Mirror Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. h1382 Draco Cygnus A 706 +48°00' NGC 6742 h1380 Lyra h1377 +47°00' A. G. 366 +46°00' 16 Lyr h1357 STF 2463 h1356 19h 00m 19h 06m 19h 12m 19h 18m Zone 77, Map 4 Normal Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +54°00' Stein 2450 Espin 653 h1411 A 1401 Espin 984 A 1394 κ STF 2555 Kappa Cyg +53°00' Guillaume 27 NGC 6798 STF 2542 Holmes 25 Espin 129 Espin 983 ι1 +52°00' A. G. 388 Espin 794 ι2 19h 42m 19h 36m 19h 30m 19h 24m 19h 18m Zone 77, Map 4 Mirror Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +54°00' Stein 2450 Espin 653 h1411 NGC 6798 Espin 984 A 1401 Kappa Cygκ STF 2555 Guillaume 27 +53°00' A 1394 STF 2542 Holmes 25 Espin 129 Espin 983 A. G. 388 Espin 794 ι2 19h 18m 19h 24m 19h 30m 19h 36m 19h 42m +52°00' ι1 Zone 77, Map 5 Normal Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +51°00' ι2 Espin 793 NGC 6826 UGC 11465 16 Cyg θ Theta Cyg OS 374 rej h1418 +50°00' STF 2511 rej OSS 182 Espin 1095 +49°00' h1428 h1382 19h 42m 19h 36m 19h 30m 19h 24m 19h 18m Zone 77, Map 5 Mirror Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +51°00' ι2 Espin 793 UGC 11465 16 Cyg STF 2511 rej θ Theta Cyg OS 374 rej +50°00' OSS 182 STF 2496 h1418 Espin 1095 +49°00' h1428 h1382 19h 18m 19h 24m 19h 30m 19h 36m 19h 42m Zone 77, Map 6 Normal Image +48°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. h1382 Espin 1163 +47°00' OS 372 Hole-in-a-Cluster NGC 6811 OSS 187 h1427 +46°00' h1404 A 714 19h 42m 19h 36m 19h 30m 19h 24m 19h 18m Zone 77, Map 6 Mirror Image +48°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. h1382 A 706 Espin 1163 +47°00' OS 372 Hole-in-a-Cluster NGC 6811 OSS 187 h1427 +46°00' h1404 A 714 19h 18m 19h 24m 19h 30m 19h 36m 19h 42m Zone 77, Map 7 Normal Image Espin 655 h1422 Bur 426 +55°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. STF 2598 Stein 2497 Stein 2478 +54°00' Stein 2450 Argelander 35 Espin 2683 A 1401 STF 2555 Guillaume 27 +53°00' Engelmann 70 ψ Psi Cyg +52°00' A. G. 388 Espin 794 A. G. 239 20h 06m 20h 00m 19h 54m 19h 48m 19h 42m 19h 36m Zone 77, Map 7 Mirror Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +55°00' Espin 655 h1422 Bur 426 STF 2598 Stein 2497 Stein 2478 +54°00' Stein 2450 Argelander 35 Espin 2683 A 1401 STF 2555 +53°00' Guillaume 27 Espin 129 ψ Psi Cyg +52°00' A. G. 388 Espin 794 A. G. 239 19h 36m 19h 42m 19h 48m 19h 54m 20h 00m 20h 06m Zone 77, Map 8 Normal Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. Psi Cyg A. G. 388 Espin 794 +51°00' A. G. 239 +52°00' ψ UGC 11465 Blinking Planetary 16 Cyg NGC 6826 +50°00' θ 26 Cyg Argelander 87 h1481 h1428 Espin 2686 20h 00m 19h 54m 19h 48m 19h 42m 19h 36m Zone 77, Map 8 Mirror Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. ψ Psi Cyg +52°00' A. G. 388 Espin 794 +51°00' A. G. 239 Espin 793 θ 26 Cyg h1418 Argelander 87 h1428 19h 36m Espin 2686 19h 42m 19h 48m 19h 54m 20h 00m +50°00' UGC 11465 16 Cyg Blinking Planetary NGC 6826 Zone 77, Map 9 Normal Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +48°00' STF 2619 A. G. 240 STF 2611 +47°00' OSS 190 Hipparcos 2861 Hole-in-a-Cluster A 719 Argelander 86 NGC 6811 +46°00' h1427 h1463 Espin 23 δ Delta Cyg Dawes 13 20h 00m Smart 109 19h 54m 19h 48m 19h 42m +45°00' Kustner 125 19h 36m Zone 77, Map 9 Mirror Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. +48°00' STF 2619 A. G. 240 STF 2611 +47°00' OSS 190 A 719 Argelander 86 h1427 h1463 +46°00' OSS 187 Hole-in-a-Cluster NGC 6811 Kustner 125 Delta Cyg Espin 23 +45°00' δ Dawes 13 Smart 109 19h 36m 19h 42m 19h 48m 19h 54m 20h 00m Zone 77 Index 1 Reference Star, 59 Double Stars, 1 Planetary Nebula, 1 Open Cluster, 3 Galaxies Flamsteed Espin 653 ............................................. 17 Espin 793 ............................................. 25 Espin 794 ............................................. 19 Espin 979 ............................................... 8 Espin 983 ............................................... 4 Espin 984 ............................................. 21 16 Cyg.................................................. 33 16 Lyr .................................................. 15 A A 1394 ................................................... 4 A 1401 ................................................. 20 A 706 ................................................... 14 A 714 ................................................... 29 A. G. 239 ............................................. 34 A. G. 240 ............................................. 37 A. G. 388 ............................................. 18 Argelander 35 ...................................... 30 Argelander 86 ...................................... 38 Argelander 87 ...................................... 35 G Guillaume 27........................................ 18 H h1377 ................................................... 15 h1380 ................................................... 13 h1382 ................................................... 13 h1404 ................................................... 27 h1411 ................................................... 20 h1418 ................................................... 24 h1427 ................................................... 28 h1428 ................................................... 24 Holmes 25 ............................................ 16 B Bemporad 37.......................................... 5 D Delta Cyg............................................. 40 K E Kappa Cyg ............................................. 3 Kustner 125.......................................... 39 Espin 1095 ............................................. 9 Espin 1163 ........................................... 28 Espin 129 ............................................. 21 Espin 23 ............................................... 40 Espin 2673 ........................................... 11 Espin 2683 ........................................... 31 Espin 2686 ........................................... 35 Espin 651 ............................................... 5 N NGC 6764 ............................................ 11 NGC 6798 ............................................ 22 NGC 6811 ............................................ 29 NGC 6826 ............................................ 36 -1- Zone 77 O Psi Cyg................................................. 32 STF 2451................................................ 9 STF 2463.............................................. 14 STF 2486................................................ 6 STF 2496.............................................. 10 STF 2511 rej .......................................... 7 STF 2542.............................................. 17 STF 2555.............................................. 16 STF 2598.............................................. 31 STF 2611.............................................. 38 S T Smart 85................................................. 7 Stein 2450 ............................................ 32 Stein 2478 ............................................ 19 STF 2450 ............................................... 3 Theta Cyg............................................. 25 OS 372 ................................................. 27 OS 374 rej............................................ 23 OSS 182............................................... 23 OSS 187............................................... 26 OSS 190............................................... 39 P U UGC 11465 .......................................... 37 -2- Zone 77 Zone 77, Map 1 Reference Star Kappa Cyg (1 Cyg; HD 181276; SAO 31537) Position: 1917+5322 Mag : 3.8 Spectrum : K0 III Color : yO Assumed distance: 123 light years Assumed luminosity (suns): 36 Notes: This star is a spectroscopic binary and an infra-red source. Double Stars Easy STF 2450 Hussey 757; ADS 11979; HD 177483; SAO 31337 Rating: 3 E Position: 1902+5215 A B Magnitude 6.35 9.68 Separation PA — — 5.4 + 299 - Year — 1997 Spectra G8 III Colors Y ? Notes: 1832: 4.9 @ 305. 23 measurements. B has a very close companion of 10.40m (0.1 @ 18 in 1998), with an orbit of 138 years, semi-major axis of 0.20" and retrograde motion. Observations: C8 at 104x. -3- Zone 77 Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 43.5 inches. Separation: AB = 5.39 miles. Distance (LY): 640 Total luminosity (Suns): 102 A 1394 ADS 12341; HD 234872; SAO 31585 Rating: 4 E Position: 1920+5333 A B C Magnitude 9.44 12.70 10.21 Separation — 2.4 + 54.4 + PA — 356 =? 358 = Year — 1986 1984 Spectra F2 Colors W No W Notes: AB 1906: 1.4 @ 176. 5 measurements. Quadrant reversal? AC 1901: 47.8 @ 358. 7 measurements. May be optical because Hipparcos gives different distances (323 and 92 light years). Observations: C8 at 104x. A nice field lies to the SW. Espin 983 ADS 12383 Rating: 5 E Position: 1922+5245 A B C Magnitude 10.61 11.40 11.88 Separation — 2.6 22.6 - PA — 212 + 47 + Notes: AB 1910: 3.4 @ 211. 2 measurements. AC 1901: 23.0 @ 45. 3 measurements. -4- Year — 1977 1910 Spectra Colors W No W Zone 77 Observations: C8 at 104x. Two bright stars (8.5m, 9.0m) lie 7 min SW. Moderate Espin 651 ADS 11941 Rating: 5 M Position: 1900+5207 A B Magnitude 10.77 11.20 Separation PA — — 5.4 137 Year — 1993 Spectra Colors W W Notes: 1908: 5.9 @ 140. 2 measurements. Observations: C11 at 193x. Very faint. Bemporad 37 Rating: 5 M Position: 1901+5328 A B Magnitude 10.69 11.53 Separation PA — — 10.4 + 284 + Year — 1902 Notes: 1897: 9.9 @ 280. 5 measurements. Observations: C11 at 98x. Distance (LY): 228 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.315 -5- Spectra Colors W rO Zone 77 Zone 77, Map 2 Double Stars Easy STF 2486 ADS 12169; HD 179958; SAO 48192 Rating: 1 E Position: 1912+4951 A B C D Magnitude 5.85 6.00 13.30 11.4 Separation — 7.5 22.5 -!! 173.1 + PA — 207 82 +!! Year — 1997 1991 85 + Spectra G4 V G4 V Colors Y Y No 1910 Notes: AB 1819: 9.0 @ 223. Over 100 measurements. The stars share a large common proper motion. AC 1910: 55.9 @ 7. 3 measurements. AD 1881: 171.2 @ 79. 2 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. Bright and rich field. Webb described it as a "beautiful field." Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 3.00 inches; B = 16.4 inches. Separation: AB = 4,963 feet; AC = 2.84 miles; AD = 21.8 miles. Distance (LY): 81 Total luminosity (Suns): 1.97 -6- Zone 77 STF 2511 rej ADS 12343; HD 182076; SAO 31586 Rating: 3 E Position: 1920+5020 A B C Magnitude 7.30 11.10 10.17 Separation — 8.3 77.7 - PA — 48 + 118 + Year — 1991 1991 Spectra K5 Colors Y ? W Notes: AB 1904: 12.4 @ 42. 5 measurements. AC 1902: 78.1 @ 116. 7 measurements. Observations: C8 at 83x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 32.8 inches. Separation: AB = 9.06 miles; AC = 84.8 miles. Distance (LY): 700 Total luminosity (Suns): 54 Smart 85 SAO 48207 Rating: 4 E Position: 1913+4945 A B Magnitude 9.04 10.01 Separation PA — — 31.2 211 + Notes: 1904: 33.7 @ 210. 3 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. STF 2486 is only 5 min NW. -7- Year — 1991 Spectra K0 Colors Y rO Zone 77 Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 25.8 inches. Separation: AB = 9.00 miles. Distance (LY): 185 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.94 Moderate Espin 979 ADS 12083; HD 234806; SAO 31399 Rating: 5 M Position: 1908+5057 A B C Magnitude 9.69 11.40 11.60 Separation — 6.9 19.3 - PA — 196 46 + Year — 1991 1991 Notes: AB 1 measurement. AC 1910: 19.7 @ 44. 3 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 8.95 inches. Separation: AB = 6.89 miles; AC = 19.2 miles. Distance (LY): 640 Total luminosity (Suns): 5.88 -8- Spectra A5 Colors W ? W? Zone 77 Espin 1095 ADS 12317; HD 181678; SAO 48325 Rating: 5 M Position: 1919+4951 A B Magnitude 8.78 12.65 Separation PA — — 6.7 + 134 = Year — 1991 Spectra G Colors Y O? Notes: 1911: 6.5 @ 134. 4 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. Rich field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 20.3 inches. Separation: AB = 1.90 miles. Distance (LY): 182 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.9 Difficult STF 2451 ADS 11997; HD 234786; SAO 31345 Rating: 3 D Position: 1903+5135 A B Magnitude 9.42 9.54 Separation PA — — 2.0 81 + Year — 1995 Notes: 1831: 2.6 @ 58. 47 measurements. Observations: C8 at 280x. This pair had an oval image at 104x. -9- Spectra F8 Colors W pO Zone 77 Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 16.2 inches. Separation: AB = 1.03 miles. Distance (LY): 331 Total luminosity (Suns): 5 STF 2496 ADS 12240; HD 180756; SAO 48247 Rating: 3 D Position: 1915+5004 A B C Magnitude 6.49 10.10 10.00 Separation — 2.1 + 185.7 + PA — 80 + 242 = Year — 1991 1988 Notes: AB 1832: 2.4 @ 78. 14 measurements. AC 1881: 185.6 @ 242. 3 measurements. Observations: C8 at 206x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 43.5 inches. Separation: AB = 1.12 miles; AC = 99.4 miles. Distance (LY): 343 Total luminosity (Suns): 29 - 10 - Spectra G8 III Colors Y O No Zone 77 Espin 2673 ADS 12034; HD 178208; SAO 48071 Rating: 5 D Position: 1905+4955 A B Magnitude 6.45 11.90 Separation PA — — 12.3 130 Year — 1911 Spectra K5 III Colors O ? Notes: 1 measurement. Observations: C8 at 83x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 54.3 inches. Separation: AB = 11.1 miles. Distance (LY): 580 Total luminosity (Suns): 70.5 Deep Sky Objects Moderate NGC 6764 Other Names: UGC 11407 Rating: 3 M Position: 1908+5055 Type : Gal Surface brightness: 12.8 Class: SB(s)bc Dimensions: 2.3' x 1.4' Notes: This is a Seyfert galaxy. - 11 - Magnitude : 11.9 PA: 62 Zone 77 Observations: C8 at 104x. It has a sharp nucleus and, with averted vision, a soft and extensive halo. C11 at 98x. Very bright nucleus (almost stellar) with strong halo. Model (where the Sun is a baseball): Its diameter would be 23 million miles. Distance (LY): 108,000,000 Radial velocity (km/sec): +2,416 Luminosity (suns): 16,000,000,000 NGC 6764 Gal (SBb) Observed with C11 on 9/26/03; s7, t9 Magnification: 98x Okie-Tex Star Party - 12 - Zone 77 Zone 77, Map 3 Double Stars Easy h1380 ADS 12183 Rating: 3 E Position: 1913+4746 A B Magnitude 9.32 9.92 Separation PA — — 5.3 + 228 + Year — 1997 Spectra A0 Colors W B Notes: 1875: 5.2 @ 227. 6 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. h1382 ADS 12276; HD 181277; SAO 48300 Rating: 3 E Position: 1918+4806 A B Magnitude 8.09 9.60 Separation PA — — 7.7 312 + Notes: 1897: 8.1 @ 310. 8 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. - 13 - Year — 1991 Spectra A0 Colors W R? Zone 77 Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 6.16 inches. Separation: AB = 13.6 miles. Distance (LY): 1,130 Total luminosity (Suns): 75 STF 2463 ADS 12047; HD 178328; SAO 48082 Rating: 4 E Position: 1906+4549 A B C Magnitude 8.90 10.60 12.50 Separation — 9.7 + 23.9 + PA — 0280 - Year — 1997 1962 Spectra G5 Colors Y O ? Notes: AB 1832: 9.6 @ 10. 11 measurements. AC 1901: 23.7 @ 283. 3 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. Moderate A 706 ADS 12229; SAO 48234 Rating: 2 M Position: 1915+4756 A B Magnitude 9.49 9.62 Separation PA — — 1.5 + 254 + Notes: 1904: 1.4 @ 251. 13 measurements. Observations: C11 at 339x. - 14 - Year — 1999 Spectra F8 Colors W W Zone 77 16 Lyr h1362ADS 11964; HD 177196; SAO 48011 Rating: 5 M Position: 1901+4656 A B Magnitude 5.00 10.50 Separation PA — — 44 281 Year — 1925 Spectra A5 V Colors yW ? Notes: This star is a member of the Ursa Major moving stream. It rotates at 121 kps. Observations: C8 at 206x. Very rich field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 7.50 inches. Separation: AB = 8.78 miles. Distance (LY): 128 Total luminosity (Suns): 13 h1377 HD 179959; SAO 48194 Rating: 5 M Position: 1912+4722 A B Magnitude 6.54 12.60 Separation PA — — 36.2 = 357 = Year — 1912 Notes: 1901: 36.2 @ 357. 2 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 22.0 inches. Separation: AB = 138 miles. Distance (LY): 2,450 Total luminosity (Suns): 1,140 - 15 - Spectra K0 Colors Y W Zone 77 Zone 77, Map 4 Double Stars Easy STF 2555 ADS 12691; HD 234943; SAO 31814 Rating: 3 D Position: 1936+5322 A B Magnitude 9.42 9.80 Separation PA — — 1.8 = 283 + Year — 1999 Spectra F5 Colors W W Notes: 1833: 1.8 @ 280. 25 measurements. Observations: C8 at 280x. Notched. Holmes 25 HD 184468; SAO 31755 Rating: 2 E Position: 1932+5259 A B Magnitude 8.86 9.64 Separation PA — — 11.6 254 - Notes: 1877: 14.4 @ 256. 5 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. Nice field. - 16 - Year — 1991 Spectra A0 Colors W W Zone 77 Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 6.44 inches. Separation: AB = 12.9 miles. Distance (LY): 710 Total luminosity (Suns): 16.7 Espin 653 ADS 12460 Rating: 4 E Position: 1926+5409 A B Magnitude 10.37 10.53 Separation PA — — 12.1 = 106 = Year — 1991 Spectra Colors W W Notes: 1901: 12.1 @ 106. 4 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. Distance (LY): 108 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.121 STF 2542 AB = Holmes 25; ADS 12580; HD 184424; SAO 31751 Rating: 4 E Position: 1932+5300 A B C Magnitude 8.40 9.20 10.90 Separation — 11.5 + 42.5 - PA — 253 268 + Year — 1969 1923 Spectra G0 Notes: AB 1830: 11.3 @ 254. 16 measurements. AC 1905: 42.7 @ 267. 2 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. Use averted vision to pick up C. Bright, rich field. - 17 - Colors W bW W Zone 77 Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 17.3 inches. Separation: AB = 6.15 miles; AC = 22.7 miles. Distance (LY): 343 Total luminosity (Suns): 6.4 A. G. 388 ADS 12749; HD 234949 Rating: 4 E Position: 1938+5211 A B Magnitude 9.61 9.83 Separation PA — — 8.1 + 185 + Year — 1993 Spectra G0 G0 Colors W W Notes: 1899: 7.9 @ 184. 15 measurements. The stars share common proper motion. Observations: C8 at 104x. Very, very rich field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 18.5 inches; B = 18.7 inches. Separation: AB = 5,122 feet. Distance (LY): 77 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.123 Guillaume 27 Espin 657 (B)ADS 12826 Rating: 4 E Position: 1942+5319 A B C Magnitude 10.32 11.40 10.43 Separation — 3.0 + 83.2 - PA — 115 + 112 - Notes: AB 1908: 2.7 @ 114. 3 measurements. AC 1899: 83.2 @ 114. 6 measurements. - 18 - Year — 1982 1991 Spectra Colors W O W Zone 77 Observations: C11 at 193x. Espin 794 ADS 12821; HD 234976; SAO 31903 Rating: 4 E Position: 1942+5201 A B Magnitude 9.18 9.91 Separation PA — — 45.0 + 257 - Year — 1991 Spectra K7 K5 Colors O B Notes: 1899: 42.5 @ 260. 8 measurements. B has a 13.8m companion at 8.3 @ 120 (1909). The stars have different proper motions. Observations: C8 at 104x. It lies in the midst of a cascade of stars running NE to SW. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 37.3 inches; B = 38.2 inches. Separation: AB = 55.4 miles. Distance (LY): 760 Total luminosity (Suns): 15 Stein 2478 Rating: 4 E Position: 1956+5427 A B Magnitude 10.85 11.35 Separation PA — — 14.8 150 + Notes: 1909: 14.9 @ 141. 5 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. Nice field. - 19 - Year — 1991 Spectra Colors W W Zone 77 h1411 Rating: 5 E Position: 1930+5404 A B Magnitude 10.42 11.04 Separation PA — — 13.1 98 + Year — 1991 Spectra Colors W W Notes: 1901: 13.4 @ 93. 5 measurements. This system may be optical as Hipparcos shows different distances (72 and 97 light years). Observations: C11 at 115x. This pair lies 5 min N of a 9m star. A 1401 ADS 12768; HD 234956; SAO 31862 Rating: 5 E Position: 1939+5337 A B Magnitude 9.71 11.50 Separation PA — — 3.9 + 179 + Year — 1983 Spectra F2 Notes: 1906: 3.5 @ 178. 4 measurements. Observations: C11 at 193x. This pair lies in a nice little 5-star chain that runs N-S. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 12.9 inches. Separation: AB = 2,851 feet. Distance (LY): 90 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.10 - 20 - Colors W Y Zone 77 Moderate Espin 984 ADS 12393; HD 234879; SAO 31612 Rating: 5 M Position: 1923+5336 A B C Magnitude 8.97 13.00 13.50 Separation — 31.2 5.8 PA — 92 315 Year — 1910 1910 Spectra K2 Colors Y ? No Notes: AB and AC, 1 measurement. Observations: C11 at 115x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 28.4 inches. Separation: AB = 11.1 miles; AC = 2.06 miles. Distance (LY): 228 Total luminosity (Suns): 1.1 Espin 129 ADS 12615; HD 234932; SAO 31768 Rating: 5 M Position: 1933+5249 A B C Magnitude 9.85 10.80 10.00 Separation — 3.6 + 71.9 + PA — 224 273 = Year — 1912 1984 Spectra G0 Notes: AB 1902: 2.9 @ 225. 4 measurements. AC 1899: 71.3 @ 273. 6 measurements. Observations: C11 at 193x. This system is the N vertext of a small 10m triangle. - 21 - Colors Y W W Zone 77 Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 18.8 inches. Separation: AB = 1,795 feet; AC = 6.84 miles. Distance (LY): 61 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.076 Deep Sky Objects Moderate NGC 6798 Other Names: IC1300, UGC 11434 Rating: 5 M Position: 1924+5337 Type : Gal Surface brightness: 13.5 Class: SO Dimensions: 1.6' x 0.9' Magnitude : 13.2 PA: 150 Observations: C11 at 98x. A 3" diameter fuzzy star with no halo. It forms a very acute triangle with two 11m stars to the N. Radial velocity (km/sec): +2,442 - 22 - Zone 77 Zone 77, Map 5 Double Stars Easy OSS 182 ADS 12470; HD 183361; SAO 31661 Rating: 4 E Position: 1927+5009 A B b Magnitude 7.38 8.56 11.10 Separation — 72.9 + 35.0+ PA — 299 152+ Year — 1991 1990 Spectra F5 V A5 Colors Y L ? Notes: AB 1874: 71.8 @ 307. 26 measurements. Hipparcos/Tycho data show different distances for these stars (259 and 8,150 light years); they may be optical. The stars have different proper motions. Ab 1904: 31.7 @ 139. 3 measurements. Observations: C8 at 83x. Rich field. OS 374 rej ADS 12563; HD 184241; SAO 31729 Rating: 4 E Position: 1931+5012 A B Magnitude 7.53 11.10 Separation PA — — 19.6 + 292 - Year — 1987 Spectra K0 Notes: 1843: 18.4 @ 302. 11 measurements. Observations: C8 at 83x. It forms the SW vertex of a triangle with 8m and 5m stars. C8 at 104x. yO and bW. Nice, bright field. - 23 - Colors Y V Zone 77 Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 23.6 inches. Separation: AB = 22.5 miles. Distance (LY): 800 Total luminosity (Suns): 52 h1418 Rating: 4 E Position: 1934+5002 A B Magnitude 9.27 12.04 Separation PA — — 29.0 + 11 + Year — 1957 Spectra Colors yW rO? Notes: 1899: 28.4 @ 10. 9 measurements. The stars share common proper motion. Observations: C8 at 104x. h1428 HD 185657; SAO 48673 Rating: 4 E Position: 1938+4917 A B C D BD Magnitude 6.47 10.09 10.83 11.90 Separation — 34.2 +! 63.3 +! PA — 235 246 - Year — 1999 1999 10.4 - 274 - 1999 Spectra G6 V Colors yO W W ? Notes: AB 1905: 24.7 @ 258. 11 measurements. 1951.524: in Hipparcos Catalog, B component is HIP 96569: there is no such star in the position of HIP 96569 in the digitized sky survey plates. So, the measure of 1991 (realized from Hipparcos) and included in WDS database probably is not valid. B magnitude uncertain. AC 1899: 54.8 @ 258. 11 measurements. Hipparcos shows the C star to be at a distance of 29 light years. - 24 - Zone 77 BD 1951: 11.0 @ 279. 6 measurements. The stars have different proper motions. Observations: C8 at 83x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 3.00 inches. Separation: AB = 26.7 miles; AC = 49.3 miles; BD = 8.11 miles. Distance (LY): 500 Total luminosity (Suns): 54.338 Espin 793 ADS 12655 Rating: 5 E Position: 1935+5046 A B Magnitude 10.39 10.78 Separation PA — — 44.9 + 246 - Year — 1984 Spectra Colors W W? Notes: AB 1899: 43.9 @ 248. 4 measurements. There are two more very faint comes. Observations: C8 at 104x. A "bar" of faint stars about 5 min long (running E-W) lies 12 min S. Distance (LY): 64 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.04 Theta Cyg Rating: 5 E 113 Cyg; Bur 1131; OS 591; ADS 12695; HD 185395; SAO 31815 Position: 1936+5013 A B Magnitude 4.48 10.60 Separation PA — — 48.4 +! 182 - - 25 - Year — 1923 Spectra F4 V Colors W W? Zone 77 Notes: 1852: 29.9 @ 186. The primary is an infra-red source. The B star is optical. Observations: C8 at 104x. Rich field. Distance (LY): 61 Total luminosity (Suns): 4.66 Zone 77, Map 6 Double Stars Easy OSS 187 HD 185116; SAO 48622 Rating: 3 E Position: 1936+4626 A B C D Magnitude 8.21 9.14 9.01 12.78 Separation — 65.7 + 127.2 60.6 PA — 289 + 255 = Year — 1994 1994 141 Spectra B9 III Colors W W W 1988 Notes: AB 1875: 63.4 @ 287. 16 measurements. Hipparcos/Tycho data show different distances for these stars (1,050 and 142 light years); they may be optical. However, the stars exhibit common proper motion. AC 1875: 129.30 @ 255. 9 measurements. AD 1988: 60.6 @ 141. 1 measurement. Observations: C8 at 104x. - 26 - Zone 77 OS 372 ADS 12397; HD 182614; SAO 48391 Rating: 4 E Position: 1923+4711 A B C BC Magnitude 7.90 9.96 11.50 Separation PA — — 77.9 55 3.0 Year — 1991 1843 Spectra A0 V G0 Colors W B No 298 Notes: AB 1849: 79.4 @ 57. 17 measurements. Hipparcos/Tycho data show different distances for these stars (880 and 1,920 light years); they may be optical. However, the stars show similar proper motion. BC 1 measurement. Observations: C8 at 104x. h1404 ADS 12513 Rating: 4 E Position: 1929+4617 A B C Magnitude 9.73 10.30 13.80 Separation — 5.4 17.7 PA — 126 247 Year — 1909 1909 Notes: AB 1893: 6.2 @ 130. 3 measurements. AC 1 measurement. Observations: C11 at 115x. This system forms a vertex of a parallelogram. Distance (LY): 210 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.71 - 27 - Spectra Colors W O ? Zone 77 h1427 Espin 656 Rating: 4 E Position: 1937+4618 A B C Magnitude 10.08 10.70 11.42 Separation — 8.8 + 39.1 PA — 288 + 293 Year — 1911 1908 Spectra Colors W No W? Notes: AB 1908: 8.3 @ 287. 2 measurements. AC 1 measurement. Observations: C8 at 104x. The extremely rich field is the nice open cluster NGC 6811, the so-called "Hole In A Cluster". This pair is on the S edge of the cluster and below its center. Espin 1163 ADS 12402 Rating: 5 E Position: 1923+4738 A B C Magnitude 10.81 11.20 12.22 Separation — 1.9 26.3 PA — 125 + 233 Year — 1995 1912 Notes: AB 1912: 2.5 @ 120. 3 measurements. AC 1 measurement. Observations: C8 at 104x. Distance (LY): 74 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.026 - 28 - Spectra Colors W No W Zone 77 Moderate A 714 ADS 12592; SAO 48567 Rating: 3 M Position: 1933+4603 A B Magnitude 9.57 9.91 Separation PA — — 1.5 = 357 + Year — 1999 Spectra G0 Colors Y Y Notes: 1904: 1.5 @ 328. 26 measurements. Observations: C11 at 339x. This star is the NW vertex of a small triangle. Deep Sky Objects Easy NGC 6811 Other Names: Melotte 222; Collinder 402; Raab 138 Rating: 2 E Position: 1938+4634 Type : Oc Dimensions: 12' Class: III 1r Cluster population: 70 Magnitude : 9.0 Notes: It is 630 million years old. The earliest spectral type is A0. 249 stars belong to this group, and it lies 27,000 light years from the galactic center and 725 light years above the galactic plane. The brightest star is 9.9m. Observations: C8 at 65x. Rich, with a nice triplet to the W. - 29 - Zone 77 C11 at 115x. Very dense, tight knot of faint stars with an almost nebulous background. The NW section hosts a small triangle. It fills the field of view at 193x, and the center is remarkably sparse. Walter Scott Houston names this "Hole in a Cluster". Model (where the Sun is a baseball): Its diameter would be 3,260 miles. Its stars would be 390 miles apart Distance (LY): 3,960 Luminosity (suns): 310 Zone 77, Map 7 Double Stars Easy Argelander 35 ADS 13197; HD 189572 Rating: 3 E Position: 1958+5356 A B Magnitude 8.02 8.57 Separation PA — — 7.4 = 226 = Year — 1991 Notes: 1901: 7.4 @ 226. 13 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 19.4 inches. Separation: AB = 5.43 miles. Distance (LY): 471 Total luminosity (Suns): 6 - 30 - Spectra G5 Colors Y yW Zone 77 STF 2598 ADS 13018; HD 187979; SAO 32037 Rating: 4 E Position: 1950+5439 A B Magnitude 8.03 10.48 Separation PA — — 11.9 + 150 + Year — 1993 Spectra K5 Colors O B Notes: 1832: 10.9 @ 148. 10 measurements. Hipparcos/Tycho data show different distances for these stars; they may be optical. Observations: C8 at 83x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 34.4 inches. Separation: AB = 19.7 miles. Distance (LY): 1,060 Total luminosity (Suns): 106 Espin 2683 ADS 13053 Rating: 4 E Position: 1952+5339 A B Magnitude 10.11 10.32 Separation PA — — 10.0 320 + Year — 1991 Notes: 1901: 10.1 @ 319. 8 measurements. Observations: C11 at 115x. It is flanked by two 9m stars (N and S). Distance (LY): 530 Total luminosity (Suns): 3.62 - 31 - Spectra Colors W W Zone 77 Stein 2450 HD 234981; SAO 31915 Rating: 5 E Position: 1943+5419 A B Magnitude 9.55 11.70 Separation PA — — 13.6 129 Year — 1917 Spectra K0 Colors Y O Notes: 1 measurement. Observations: C11 at 115x. Moderate Psi Cyg 24 Cyg; STF 2605; ADS 13148; HD 185734 Rating: 2 M Position: 1956+5226 A B C D Magnitude 4.91 7.47 13.60 10.20 Separation — 2.9 21.3 + 165.4 + PA — 176 55 = 61 - Year — 1998 1958 1908 Spectra A4 Vn/IV Notes: AB 1822: 3.6 @ 187. 94 measurements. AC 1908: 18.8 @ 55. 3 measurements. AD 1880: 163.2 @ 62. 2 measurements. There is a companion to A at 0.1 @ 99. Observations: C8 at 280x, 516x.. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 7.80 inches. Separation: AB = 1.30 miles; AC = 9.60 miles; AD = 74.5 miles. Distance (LY): 289 Total luminosity (Suns): 78 - 32 - Colors W L ? W? Zone 77 Zone 77, Map 8 Double Stars Easy 16 Cyg SI 46; ADS 12815; HD 186408; SAO 31898 Rating: 2 E Position: 1942+5031 A B Magnitude 5.99 6.25 Separation PA — — 39.9 + 133 - Year — 1995 Spectra G1 V G2 V Colors W W Notes: 1822: 37.3 @ 136. Over 100 measurements. A premature orbit has been computed. 16 B may be accompanied by a planet about 1.55 times Jupiter's mass and in an orbit that takes 804 days. (Its semi-major axis would be about 1.7 AU, with an eccentricity of 0.67.) A is about 1.56 times as bright as the Sun; B is 1.21. The mass of A is 0.99 Suns, while B weighs in at 0.96. A is probably about 1.25 Solar diameters in size while B is 1.15. The stars share a large common proper motion. Observations: C8 at 104x. Very, very rich field! Penny Fischer (NJ, 12.5" Dob) saw them as O and dB. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 8.70 inches; B = 15.8 inches. Separation: AB = 4.42 miles. Distance (LY): 71 Total luminosity (Suns): 2.28 See sketch, next page. - 33 - Zone 77 16 Cyg (ΣI 46) Double star; W, W; 6.0 / 6.3; 40” @ 133 Observed with C8 on 9/14/95 Magnification: 62x A. G. 239 ADS 12968; HD 187522; SAO 32003 Rating: 3 E Position: 1948+5154 A B Magnitude 8.52 9.71 Separation PA — — 15.5 + 242 - Year — 1991 Spectra G5 Colors yW B Notes: 1902: 13.8 @ 259. 9 measurements. The stars have different proper motions and Hipparcos gives different distances (600 and 134 light years). Observations: C8 at 104x. Moderate field. - 34 - Zone 77 Argelander 87 Rating: 4 E Position: 1954+4939 A B Magnitude 10.57 10.75 Separation PA — — 14.7 271 + Year — 1991 Spectra F8 Colors W W Notes: 1908: 15.2 @ 270. 2 measurements. This system may be optical as Hipparcos shows different distances (80 and 1,920 light years). Observations: C11 at 115x. Espin 2686 ADS 13100; HD 188649; SAO 48959 Rating: 4 E Position: 1954+4915 A B Magnitude 7.83 11.00 Separation PA — — 16.9 305 Year — 1911 Notes: 1 measurement. Observations: C8 at 83x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 24.0 inches. Separation: AB = 38.5 miles. Distance (LY): 1,460 Total luminosity (Suns): 137 - 35 - Spectra K0 Colors yO B? Zone 77 Deep Sky Objects NGC 6826 Rating: 1 E Other Names: PK 83+12.1; The Blinking Planetary, H IV 73 Astronomical League Program: Caldwell Club, Herschel 400 Club, Urban Deep Sky Club Position: 1945+5031 Type : Pn Dimensions: 24" x 27" Class: 3a Magnitude : 8.8 Notes: William Herschel discovered it in 1793. Observations: C8 at 206x. There is a hint of a ring; the central star is 11m. If you look directly at it, you'll notice the central star, but when you look aside, the nebula pops into view— hence the nickname. Nearby lie two bright stars that are very even and close together (16 Cyg, 5m and 26 min W), named "the headlights" by Barbara Wilson. C11 at 115x. Blue disk, central star visible. Good blinker. At 193x, does not blink as well. At 339x with the O-III filter, the blink totally goes away. Model (where the Sun is a baseball): Its diameter would be 139 miles. Distance (LY): 3,300 Luminosity (suns): 260 NGC 6826 Planetary nebula Observed with C11 on 7/24/03 Magnification: 98x + O-III - 36 - Zone 77 Moderate UGC 11465 Rating: 4 M Position: 1942+5038 Type : Gal Surface brightness: 12.8 Class: S(B)0 Dimensions: 1.3' x 1.3' Magnitude : 12.7 Observations: C8 at 206x. Use high powers to get the 6m double to the S out of the field. With averted vision, it showed a disk with a very slightly brighter center. Zone 77, Map 9 Double Stars Easy A. G. 240 HD 187877 Rating: 3 E Position: 1950+4748 A B Magnitude 9.53 9.66 Separation PA — — 14.6 = 256 = Year — 1918 Spectra A2 Colors W W Notes: 1900: 14.6 @ 256. 5 measurements. This system may be optical as Hipparcos shows different distances (800 and 97 light years). Observations: C11 at 115x. - 37 - Zone 77 STF 2611 ADS 13209; HD 189636; SAO 49052 Rating: 3 E Position: 1959+4721 A B Magnitude 7.63 7.64 Separation PA — — 5.3 + 27 + Year — 1996 Spectra K0 Colors W W Notes: 1831: 5.1 @ 206. 67 measurements. Observations: C8 at 83x. Rich field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 23.7 inches. Separation: AB = 13.6 miles. Distance (LY): 1,640 Total luminosity (Suns): 293 Argelander 86 Espin 2681SAO 48809 Rating: 4 E Position: 1946+4622 A B Magnitude 9.35 10.67 Separation PA — — 26.7 312 - Year — 1991 Notes: 1893: 27.5 @ 316. 5 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. A 7.0m star 10 min N is a good reference. Rich field. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 26.3 inches. Separation: AB = 2,640 feet. Distance (LY): 12 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.003 - 38 - Spectra K0 Colors W B! Zone 77 Kustner 125 HD 188254; SAO 48922 Rating: 4 E Position: 1952+4545 A B Magnitude 9.52 10.06 Separation PA — — 54.4 + 265 - Year — 1991 Spectra K0 Colors Y Y Notes: 1892: 52.9 @ 266. 9 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. Moderate OSS 190 ADS 12849; HD 186618; SAO 48768 Rating: 4 M Position: 1943+4715 A B C Magnitude 7.75 12.50 9.77 Separation — 11.7 + 66.9 - PA — 299 317 = Year — 1901 1998 Spectra B0 V Colors W ? B Notes: AB 1878: 11.6 @ 300. 2 measurements. AC 1875: 67.7 @ 317. 16 measurements. Hipparcos/Tycho data show different distances for these stars (A: 4,900 and C: 580 light years); they may be optical. The stars have a small difference in proper motion. Observations: C8 at 104x. This triple is situated in a nice, faint field. - 39 - Zone 77 Espin 23 ADS 13010; HD 187810; SAO 48880 Rating: 4 M Position: 1950+4509 A B C Magnitude 8.11 12.41 10.01 Separation — 8.5 + 30.9 + PA — 137 326 - Year — 1991 1991 Spectra K0 K2 Colors Y ? W Notes: AB 1892: 7.7 @ 139. 8 measurements. AC 1892: 30.6 @ 328. 12 measurements. May be optical because Hipparcos gives different distances (1,270 and 1,780 light years). Observations: C8 at 104x. This trio forms the NE vertex of a large triangle, with 8.2m SAO 48863 (SW) and 9.0m 48865 (WSW). Averted vision is needed to see B. Very rich field to the S. Difficult Delta Cyg 18 Cyg; STF 2579; ADS 12880; HD 186882; SAO 48796 Rating: 5 D Position: 1945+4508 A B C Magnitude 2.86 6.59 11.90 Separation — 2.4 + 65.7 - PA — 226 +? 66 = Year — 1999 1960 Spectra B9 IV Colors W B ? Notes: The pair was discovered by William Herschel in 1783. AB 1826: 1.9 @ 41. Over 100 measurements. The orbit takes 827.6 years (Baize, 1973), with a semi-major axis of 3.0" and retrograde motion. Quadrant reversal? AC 1913: 68.2 @ 66. 2 measurements. Espin discovered this pair. Star A is a spectroscopic binary that rotates at 149 kps. It is also an infra-red source. - 40 - Zone 77 Observations: C8 at 206x. Webb saw them as G and W. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 12.0 inches. Separation: AB = 3,379 feet; AC = 17.5 miles. Distance (LY): 171 Total luminosity (Suns): 168.04 - 41 - Zone 77 Zone 77 Mini-Catalog Designation Position Rating Map STF 2486 1912+4951 1E 2 Holmes 25 1932+5259 2E 4 16 Cyg 1942+5031 2E 8 STF 2450 1902+5215 3E 1 h1380 1913+4746 3E 3 h1382 1918+4806 3E 3 STF 2511 rej 1920+5020 3E 2 OSS 187 1936+4626 3E 6 A. G. 239 1948+5154 3E 8 A. G. 240 1950+4748 3E 9 Argelander 35 1958+5356 3E 7 STF 2611 1959+4721 3E 9 STF 2463 1906+4549 4E 3 Smart 85 1913+4945 4E 2 A 1394 1920+5333 4E 1 OS 372 1923+4711 4E 6 Espin 653 1926+5409 4E 4 OSS 182 1927+5009 4E 5 h1404 1929+4617 4E 6 OS 374 rej 1931+5012 4E 5 Component A B C D A B A B A B A B A B A B C A B C D A B A B A B A B A B C A B A B C A B C A B A B b A B C A B - 42 - Mag 5.85 6.00 13.30 11.40 8.86 9.64 5.99 6.25 6.35 9.68 9.32 9.92 8.09 9.60 7.30 11.10 10.17 8.21 9.14 9.01 12.78 8.52 9.71 9.53 9.66 8.02 8.57 7.63 7.64 8.90 10.60 12.50 9.04 10.01 9.44 12.70 10.21 7.90 9.96 11.50 10.37 10.53 7.38 8.56 11.10 9.73 10.30 13.80 7.53 11.10 Separation — 7.5 22.5 -!! 173.1 + — 11.6 — 39.9 + — 5.4 + — 5.3 + — 7.7 — 8.3 77.7 — 65.7 + 127.2 60.6 — 15.5 + — 14.6 = — 7.4 = — 5.3 + — 9.7 + 23.9 + — 31.2 — 2.4 + 54.4 + — 77.9 BC 3.0 — 12.1 = — 72.9 + 35.0+ — 5.4 17.7 — 19.6 + PA — 207 22.5 -!! 173.1 + — 254 — 133 — 299 — 228 + — 312 + — 48 + 77.7 — 289 + 127.2 60.6 — 242 — 256 = — 226 = — 27 + — 023.9 + — 211 + — 356 =? 54.4 + — 55 BC 298 — 106 = — 299 152+ — 126 17.7 — 292 - Zone 77 Designation Position Rating Map STF 2542 1932+5300 4E 4 h1418 1934+5002 4E 5 h1427 1937+4618 4E 6 A. G. 388 1938+5211 4E 4 h1428 1938+4917 4E 5 Guillaume 27 1942+5319 4E 4 Espin 794 1942+5201 4E 4 Argelander 86 1946+4622 4E 9 STF 2598 1950+5439 4E 7 Kustner 125 1952+4545 4E 9 Espin 2683 1952+5339 4E 7 Argelander 87 1954+4939 4E 8 Espin 2686 1954+4915 4E 8 Stein 2478 1956+5427 4E 4 Espin 983 1922+5245 5E 1 Espin 1163 1923+4738 5E 6 h1411 1930+5404 5E 4 Espin 793 1935+5046 5E 5 Theta Cyg 1936+5013 5E 5 A 1401 1939+5337 5E 4 Stein 2450 1943+5419 5E 7 A 706 1915+4756 2M 3 Component A B C A B A B C A B A B C D A B C A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B C A B C A B A B A B A B A B A B - 43 - Mag 8.40 9.20 10.90 9.27 12.04 10.08 10.70 11.42 9.61 9.83 6.47 10.09 10.83 11.90 10.32 11.40 10.43 9.18 9.91 9.35 10.67 8.03 10.48 9.52 10.06 10.11 10.32 10.57 10.75 7.83 11.00 10.85 11.35 10.61 11.40 11.88 10.81 11.20 12.22 10.42 11.04 10.39 10.78 4.48 10.60 9.71 11.50 9.55 11.70 9.49 9.62 Separation — 11.5 + 42.5 — 29.0 + — 8.8 + 39.1 — 8.1 + — 34.2 +! 63.3 +! BD 10.4 — 3.0 + 83.2 — 45.0 + — 26.7 — 11.9 + — 54.4 + — 10.0 — 14.7 — 16.9 — 14.8 — 2.6 22.6 — 1.9 26.3 — 13.1 — 44.9 + — 48.4 +! — 3.9 + — 13.6 — 1.5 + PA — 253 42.5 — 11 + — 288 + 39.1 — 185 + — 235 63.3 +! BD 274 — 115 + 83.2 — 257 — 312 — 150 + — 265 — 320 + — 271 + — 305 — 150 + — 212 + 22.6 — 125 + 26.3 — 98 + — 246 — 182 — 179 + — 129 — 254 + Zone 77 Designation Position Rating Map Psi Cyg 1956+5226 2M 7 A 714 1933+4603 3M 6 OSS 190 1943+4715 4M 9 Espin 23 1950+4509 4M 9 Espin 651 1900+5207 5M 1 16 Lyr 1901+4656 5M 3 Bemporad 37 1901+5328 5M 1 Espin 979 1908+5057 5M 2 h1377 1912+4722 5M 3 Espin 1095 1919+4951 5M 2 Espin 984 1923+5336 5M 4 Espin 129 1933+5249 5M 4 STF 2451 1903+5135 3D 2 STF 2496 1915+5004 3D 2 STF 2555 1936+5322 3D 4 Espin 2673 1905+4955 5D 2 Delta Cyg 1945+4508 5D 9 Component A B C D A B A B C A B C A B A B A B A B C A B A B A B C A B C A B A B C A B A B A B C - 44 - Mag 4.91 7.47 13.60 10.20 9.57 9.91 7.75 12.50 9.77 8.11 12.41 10.01 10.77 11.20 5.00 10.50 10.69 11.53 9.69 11.40 11.60 6.54 12.60 8.78 12.65 8.97 13.00 13.50 9.85 10.80 10.00 9.42 9.54 6.49 10.10 10.00 9.42 9.80 6.45 11.90 2.86 6.59 11.90 Separation — 2.9 21.3 + 165.4 + — 1.5 = — 11.7 + 66.9 — 8.5 + 30.9 + — 5.4 — 44 — 10.4 + — 6.9 19.3 — 36.2 = — 6.7 + — 31.2 5.8 — 3.6 + 71.9 + — 2.0 — 2.1 + 185.7 + — 1.8 = — 12.3 — 2.4 + 65.7 - PA — 176 21.3 + 165.4 + — 357 + — 299 66.9 — 137 30.9 + — 137 — 281 — 284 + — 196 19.3 — 357 = — 134 = — 92 5.8 — 224 71.9 + — 81 + — 80 + 185.7 + — 283 + — 130 — 226 +? 65.7 - Zone 77 Deep Sky Objects Object NGC 6826 NGC 6811 NGC 6764 UGC 11465 NGC 6798 Position 1945+5031 1938+4634 1908+5055 1942+5038 1924+5337 Rating 1E 2E 3M 4M 5M Map 8 6 2 8 4 Type Pn (3a) Oc (III 1r) Gal (SB(s)bc) Gal (S(B)0) Gal (SO) - 45 - Specifications Surface Mag Br 8.8 9.0 11.9 12.8 12.7 12.8 13.2 13.5 Population 70