Zone 222, Master Map -06°00' -04°00' Normal View Zone Master, Normal View, 10 deg FOV -08°00' c e Capricornus µ f Sagittarius ξ1 Algedi ξ2 d -14°00' ν α1 α2 Aquarius β1 Dabih β2 τ 21h 04m 20h 56m 20h 48m -12°00' -10°00' ε Albali 20h 40m 20h 32m 20h 24m 20h 16m 20h 08m 20h 00m Zone 222, Map 1 Normal Image -06°00' -05°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. STF 2646 -07°00' Bur 833 Hough 589 -08°00' Schjellerup 25 Capricornus 20h 30m 20h 25m 20h 20m 20h 15m 20h 10m -09°00' STF 2678 Harvard 156 20h 05m 20h 00m Zone 222, Map 1 Mirror Image STF 2646 -07°00' Bur 833 -06°00' -05°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. Schjellerup 25 -08°00' Hough 589 STF 2678 20h 00m 20h 05m 20h 10m -09°00' Capricornus Harvard 156 20h 15m 20h 20m 20h 25m 20h 30m Zone 222, Map 2 Normal Image H VI 92 Sagittarius ξ1 ξ2 Xi 2 Cap Hough 119 Hussey 78 -13°00' Doolittle 82 H N 127 α1 Algedi Alpha 2 Capα2 Alpha 1 Cap Nu Cap ν -12°00' -11°00' -10°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. STF 2625 STF 2683 -14°00' Holden 155 Dabih Beta 2 Capβ1 β2 20h 30m 20h 25m 20h 20m 20h 15m 20h 10m 20h 05m 20h 00m Zone 222, Map 2 Mirror Image Sagittarius -12°00' -11°00' -10°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. H VI 92 Doolittle 82 Alpha 2 Cap Alpha 1 Cap H N 127 α1 Algedi ξ2 Xi 2 Cap α2 ν Nu Cap Hough 119 Hussey 78 STF 2625 STF 2683 -13°00' ξ1 -14°00' Holden 155 β2β1 20h 00m 20h 05m 20h 10m 20h 15m 20h 20m Dabih Beta 2 Cap 20h 25m 20h 30m Zone 222, Map 3 Normal Image -05°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. 4 Aqr NGC 6977 NGC 6978 -06°00' Roe 114 h1529 -08°00' -07°00' Harvard 158 Jonckheere 2326 h925 Bur 764 ε Hipparcos 2970 -09°00' Capricornus µ Albali 7 Aqr Bur 668 21h 00m 20h 55m 20h 50m 20h 45m 20h 40m 20h 35m 20h 30m Zone 222, Map 3 Mirror Image -05°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. -06°00' 4 Aqr NGC 6978 NGC 6977 h1529 Harvard 158 -08°00' -07°00' Jonckheere 2326 Capricornus -09°00' h925 µ Bur 764 ε Albali Hipparcos 2970 7 Aqr Bur 668 20h 30m 20h 35m 20h 40m 20h 45m 20h 50m 20h 55m 21h 00m Zone 222, Map 4 Normal Image -12°00' -11°00' Bur 668 -10°00' Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. NGC 6981 STF 2699 -13°00' Hussey 82 NGC 6994 h2997 h611 -14°00' Hough 133 Hough 132 Aquarius h1567 21h 00m 20h 55m 20h 50m 20h 45m τ 20h 40m Tau Cap h1537 20h 35m 20h 30m Zone 222, Map 4 Mirror Image Sky charts generated by TheSky Software; used by permission of Software Bisque Inc. -12°00' -11°00' -10°00' Bur 668 NGC 6994 NGC 6981 STF 2699 -13°00' Hussey 82 h2997 h611 Hough 132 -14°00' Hough 133 Aquarius τ Tau Cap h1567 20h 30m 20h 35m h1537 20h 40m 20h 45m 20h 50m 20h 55m 21h 00m Zone 222 35 Double Stars, 1 Open Cluster, 1 Globular Cluster, 2 Galaxies Hough 132 ............................................... 21 Hough 133 ............................................... 22 Hough 589 ................................................. 2 Hussey 78 ................................................ 12 Hussey 82 ................................................ 20 Flamsteed 4 Aqr......................................................... 14 7 Aqr......................................................... 18 A Alpha 1 Cap............................................... 6 Alpha 2 Cap............................................... 9 J B N Beta 2 Cap ................................................. 7 Bur 668 .................................................... 14 Bur 764 .................................................... 15 Bur 833 ...................................................... 4 D NGC 6977................................................ 19 NGC 6978................................................ 19 NGC 6981................................................ 25 NGC 6994................................................ 23 Nu Cap ..................................................... 11 Doolittle 82 .............................................. 10 S H Schjellerup 25 ........................................... 5 STF 2625 ................................................. 11 STF 2646 ................................................... 2 STF 2678 ................................................... 3 STF 2683 ................................................... 8 STF 2699 ................................................. 20 Jonckheere 2326 ..................................... 17 H N 127...................................................... 9 H VI 92 ...................................................... 8 h1529 ........................................................ 17 h2997 ........................................................ 22 h611 .......................................................... 21 h925 .......................................................... 16 Harvard 156 ............................................... 4 Harvard 158 ............................................. 18 Hipparcos 2970 ....................................... 16 Holden 155 .............................................. 13 Hough 119 ................................................. 6 T Tau Cap .................................................... 23 X Xi 2 Cap ................................................... 10 -1- Zone 222 Zone 222, Map 1 Double Stars Easy STF 2646 Rating: 3 E ADS 13552; HD 192290; SAO 144199 Position: 2014-0603 A B C BC Magnitude 7.43 9.25 12.50 Separation PA — — 19.0 40 26.5 106 Year — 1991 Spectra F0 Colors W R? No 1909 Notes: AB 1829: 24.7 @ 52. 47 measurements. The stars have different proper motions. BC 1 measurement. Observations: C8 at 83x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 10.1 inches. Separation: AB = 16.3 miles; BC = 22.7 miles. Distance (LY): 550 Total luminosity (Suns): 35 Hough 589 Rating: 5 E ADS 13598; HD 192646; SAO 144228 Position: 2016-0744 A B C Magnitude 7.80 12.00 12.11 Separation — 15.9 + 55.4 - PA — 321 200 = -2- Year — 1911 1991 Spectra B9 Colors W ? ? Zone 222 Notes: AB 1895: 15.3 @ 325. 4 measurements. AC 1892: 55.7 @ 200. 6 measurements. Observations: C8 at 83x. Moderate field to the NW. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 4.96 inches. Separation: AB = 36.0 miles; AC = 125 miles. Distance (LY): 1,450 Total luminosity (Suns): 117 Moderate STF 2678 Rating: 3 M ADS 13836 Position: 2026-0818 A B Magnitude 9.85 10.22 Separation PA — — 3.3 313 - Year — 1991 Notes: 1831: 3.5 @ 321. 23 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. It is one vertex of a 10m right triangle. -3- Spectra G5 Colors W W Zone 222 Bur 833 Rating: 4 M ADS 13475; HD 191722; SAO 144153 Position: 2012-0609 A B C D BC Magnitude 8.33 9.26 12.20 12.20 Separation PA — — 120.5 + 63 43.6 2.3 = 357 60 - Year — 1918 Spectra F5 F5 1898 1945 Colors W B No No Notes: AB 1881: 118.6 @ 64. 9 measurements. The stars have different proper motions. BC 1881: 2.3 @ 64. 9 measurements. AD 1 measurement. Observations: C8 at 104x. Use averted vision to see C. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 13.3 inches; B = 14.0 inches. Separation: AB = 28.8 miles; AD = 10.4 miles; BC = 2,900 feet. Distance (LY): 153 Total luminosity (Suns): 1.124 Harvard 156 RY Cap; ADS 13380; HD 190774; SAO 144074 Rating: 5 M Position: 2007-0855 A B C Magnitude 7.76 10.40 12.60 Separation — 6.6 + 8.3 - PA — 89 + 57 - Year — 1991 1987 Spectra F0 V Notes: AB 1892: 5.5 @ 85. 8 measurements. B is a Mira-type variable. AC 1907: 8.5 @ 58. 3 measurements. -4- Colors W W? ? Zone 222 Observations: C11 at 98x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 5.70 inches. Separation: AB = 5.25 miles; AC = 6.60 miles. Distance (LY): 510 Total luminosity (Suns): 17 Schjellerup 25 Rating: 5 M ADS 13721 Position: 2021-0745 A B Magnitude 8.14 9.20 Separation PA — — 2.8 + 216 - Year — 1997 Spectra G0 Colors W W Notes: 1875: 2.7 @ 220. 38 measurements. A is a spectroscopic binary and perhaps also an eclipsing binary. It is also an occultation double! This pair is physical with Beta Cap. Observations: C8 at 206x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 17.1 inches. Separation: AB = 4.10 miles. Distance (LY): 940 Total luminosity (Suns): 55 -5- Zone 222 Zone 222, Map 1 Double Stars Easy Hough 119 Jonckheere 2299; ADS 13437 Rating: 3 E Position: 2011-1252 A B Magnitude 10.00 10.00 Separation PA — — 3.1 = 196 - Year — 1968 Spectra F3/5 V Colors W W Notes: 1883: 3.1 @ 200. 18 measurements. Observations: C11 at 98x! This pair is the right angle in a small right triangle. Alpha 1 Cap Rating: 3 E Al Giedi ("the goat"); Bur 295; h607 (C); h608 (A1, A2); Hipparcos 2895 (a); Wirtz 15 (CD); ADS 13632; HD 192876; SAO 163422 Position: 2017-1230 A B C Magnitude 4.24 8.47 14.10 Separation — 44 45 PA — 182 221 Year — Spectra G3Ib Colors W Y B Notes: AB 1 measurement. A is a spectroscopic binary. AC 1891: 43.5 @ 182. 4 measurements. All the companions are optical. Wilson measures a star nearby: 1882.62, 96.3@, 8.32", 9.0-9.5. Not found by Burnham in 1902. May be optical because Hipparcos gives different distances (690 and 109 light years). -6- Zone 222 Observations: C8 at 65x. C11 at 98x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 3.30 inches. Separation: AB = 47.4 miles; AC = 48.5 miles. Distance (LY): 690 Total luminosity (Suns): 810 Beta 2 Cap 9 Cap; Dabih; SI 52; ADS 13717; HD 193452; SAO 163481 Astronomical League Program: Double Star Club Rating: 3 E Position: 2021-1447 A B C Magnitude 3.05 6.09 9.00 Separation — 205.2 + 227.0 + PA — 267 = 138 + Year — 1991 1984 Spectra F8 III B9 V Colors Y B W Notes: AB 1835: 204.9 @ 267. 11 measurements. The stars share common proper motion. AC 1912: 226.6 @ 134. 2 measurements. Aa 1976: 0.0 @ 49. 17 measurements. The B star is a spectroscopic binary (possibly eclipsing) with a period of 8.678 days. It is also an infra-red source. There is also a third spectroscopic component in a very long period (1,374.1 days). The primary is a G0 giant; A' is a normal Main Sequence star; and A'' is a G5 dwarf. Burnham doubled the primary with a 10.3m companion 1.2 @ 103 during a lunar occultation in 1883. This pair has retrograde motion. Observations: C8 at 65x. It was split in the spotter. Webb saw them as Y and B. He also wrote "a minute pair between them (Burnham; 13.0m and 13.4m, 6.4" @ 322). Very fine, large field." This faint pair was actually first detected by John Herschel in 1830. Moderate field. C11 at 115x. -7- Zone 222 Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 30.6 inches; B = 4.38 inches. Separation: AB = 101 miles; AC = 111 miles; Bb = 2.22 feet; Bb' = 64.9 feet. Distance (LY): 314 Total luminosity (Suns): 371 STF 2683 Rating: 3 E HD 197847; SAO 163606 Position: 2028-1310 A B Magnitude 8.52 8.88 Separation PA — — 22.8 = 67 = Year — 1991 Spectra F8 V F8 V Colors W L Notes: 1830: 22.8 @ 67. 17 measurements. The stars have a small difference in proper motion. Observations: C8 at 83x. H VI 92 Rating: 4 E HD 191726; SAO 163327 Position: 2012-1205 A B Magnitude 8.28 10.31 Separation PA — — 84.2 +!! 264 - Notes: 1879: 51.4 @ 266. 9 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. -8- Year — 1991 Spectra G8 III Colors W B Zone 222 Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 43.5 inches. Separation: AB = 74.9 miles. Distance (LY): 570 Total luminosity (Suns): 12 Alpha 2 Cap Rating: 4 E 5 Cap; AE is SI 51; H 32; h608; A G Clark 12; ADS 13645; HD 192947; SAO 163427 Position: 2018-1233 A B C b Bb Magnitude 3.58 10.60 4.30 9.50 Separation — 155 +!? 378 + 1.2 PA — 157 + 291 = Year — 1984 Spectra G5 III Colors Y!! W Y! W? 241 Notes: Star A is a spectroscopic binary and an infra-red source. AB (Dembowski), 83 @ 151. AC = (Dembowski), 376 @ 291. Alvan Clark found the Bb pair. The companions are all optical; Hipparcos gives different distances for them. Observations: C8 at 104x. There is a 9m star about 30" from C at pa 220. Webb said it is a "glorious pair" and noted the strong yellow hue of the primary. H N 127 Rating: 4 E HD 193802; SAO 163506 Position: 2023-1223 A B Magnitude 8.54 10.78 Separation PA — — 43.2 + 205 + Notes: 1900: 42.8 @ 204. 5 measurements. -9- Year — 1991 Spectra K2 III Colors Y dB Zone 222 A has a dim and extremely close (0.2") companion. Observations: C8 at 104x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 49.5 inches. Separation: AB = 404 miles. Distance (LY): 6,000 Total luminosity (Suns): 1450 Xi 2 Cap 2 Cap; Bpm 206; HD 191862; SAO 163337 Rating: 5 E Position: 2013-1237 A B Magnitude 5.85 12.10 Separation PA — — 83.5 +! 269 + Year — 1979 Spectra F5 V Colors W ? Notes: 1909: 71.6 @ 259. 2 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 4.35 inches. Separation: AB = 11.9 miles. Distance (LY): 91 Total luminosity (Suns): 3.12 Doolittle 82 Position: 2016-1217 A B Magnitude 9.77 12.47 Rating: 5 E Separation PA — — 13.6 242 - 10 - Year — 1909 Spectra F3/5 IV: Colors W ? Zone 222 Notes: 1 measurement. Observations: C11 at 98x. Moderate STF 2625 Rating: 3 M ADS 13370; HD 190723; SAO 163267 Position: 2007-1256 A B Magnitude 7.64 10.49 Separation PA — — 12.3 6- Year — 1991 Spectra K0 III Colors Y R Notes: 1827: 13.3 @ 12. 15 measurements. Observations: C8 at 83x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 46.2 inches. Separation: AB = 17.3 miles. Distance (LY): 900 Total luminosity (Suns): 62 Nu Cap 8 Cap; Al shat; Lamont 5; ADS 13714; HD 193432; SAO 163468 Rating: 5 M Position: 2021-1246 A B Magnitude 4.76 11.80 Separation PA — — 54.2 211 + - 11 - Year — 1960 Spectra B9.5 IV Colors W ? Zone 222 Notes: 1877: 55.4 @ 210. 5 measurements. The diameter has been measured (by occultation) at 0.0028" to 0.0036". Observations: C8 at 83x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 12.0 inches. Separation: AB = 23.0 miles. Distance (LY): 272 Total luminosity (Suns): 71.1 Difficult Hussey 78 Rating: 3 D ADS 13267 Position: 2002-1237 A B Magnitude 9.75 10.08 Separation PA — — 2.2 = 355 +? Year — 1991 Notes: 1899: 2.2 @ 182. 10 measurements. Quadrant reversal? Observations: C11 at 634x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 5.70 inches. Separation: AB = 4,541 feet. Distance (LY): 253 Total luminosity (Suns): 1.06 - 12 - Spectra F0 V Colors W W Zone 222 Holden 155 Rating: 4 D ADS 13356; HD 190640 Position: 2006-1322 A B C Magnitude 9.91 10.51 12.61 Separation — 1.8 = 30.1 + PA — 274 241 + Year — 1991 1909 Notes: AB 1888: 1.8 @ 276. 10 measurements. AC 1905: 29.5 @ 239. 3 measurements. Observations: C11 at 634x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 46.2 inches. Separation: AB = 581 feet; AC = 1.92 miles. Distance (LY): 41 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.024 - 13 - Spectra K0 III Colors Y W Zone 222 Zone 222, Map 3 Double Stars Easy Bur 668 Rating: 5 D ADS 13960; HD 195564; SAO 163665 Position: 2032-0951 A B C Magnitude 5.66 11.70 12.73 Separation — 3.2 103.2 + PA — 27 200 + Year — 1965 1921 Spectra G5 V Colors W ? ? Notes: AB 1878: 4.7 @ 27. 16 measurements. AC 1908: 100.2 @ 198. 4 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 3.00 inches. Separation: AB = 2,059 feet; AC = 12.7 miles. Distance (LY): 79 Total luminosity (Suns): 2.39 4 Aqr STF 2729; ADS 14360; HD 198571; SAO 144877 Rating: 5 D Position: 2051-0538 A B C D Magnitude 6.43 7.47 12.90 9.40 Separation — 0.9 + 72.7 + 131.8 + PA — 20 313 328 - - 14 - Year — 1999 1962 1921 Spectra F3 IV F7 V Colors Y W ? W Zone 222 Notes: AB 1825: 0.8 @ 28. Over 100 measurements. The orbit takes 147.2 years (Hintze, 1959), with a semi-major axis of 0.86" and direct motion. AC 1912: 68.7 @ 317. 2 measurements. AD 1899: 130.5 @ 329. 3 measurements. . Observations: C8 at 206x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 5.10 inches; B = 13.8 inches. Separation: AB = 1,373 feet; AC = 21.8 miles; AD = 39.5 miles. Distance (LY): 192 Total luminosity (Suns): 11.92 Bur 764 Boothroyd 1 (DF); ADS 14491; HD 199634; SAO 144995 Rating: 3 E Position: 2059-0921 A B C D E F Magnitude 8.97 9.80 9.57 9.08 12.71 13.50 Separation — 0.8 = 100 = 137 = 58 = ?? PA — 356 = 112 = 21 90 = 322 Year — 1943 1910 1910 Spectra F8 G0 Notes: AB 1880: 0.8 @ 356. 12 measurements. AC 1879: 100 @ 112. 6 measurements. AD 1880: 137 @ 22. 6 measurements. AE 1893: 58 @ 90. 4 measurements. AF 1 measurement. Hipparcos gives different distances for C and D (358 and 487 light years). Observations: C11 at 98x. This system forms a nice triangle with its brighter members. - 15 - Colors W No W W W? No Zone 222 h925 Rating: 4 E HD 197670; SAO 144771 Position: 2046-0809 A B Magnitude 9.42 10.10 Separation PA — — 9.8 174 - Year — 1910 Spectra A0 Colors W bW Notes: 1905: 10.3 @ 175. 2 measurements. Observations: C11 at 98x. Hipparcos 2970 Rating: 4 E HD 198441 Position: 2051-0929 A B Magnitude 8.88 9.71 Separation PA — — 15.1 + 114 + Year — 1991 Notes: 1892: 14.9 @ 113. 5 measurements. Observations: C11 at 98x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 17.8 inches. Separation: AB = 9.68 miles. Distance (LY): 411 Total luminosity (Suns): 5.38 - 16 - Spectra G0 Colors W bW Zone 222 Jonckheere 2326 Position: 2053-0651 A B Magnitude 10.34 10.51 Rating: 4 E Separation PA — — 7.3 67 +! Year — 1991 Spectra G0 Colors W W Notes: 1892: 7.9 @ 12. 4 measurements. Observations: C11 at 98x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 19.2 inches. Separation: AB = 3.04 miles. Distance (LY): 267 Total luminosity (Suns): 0.759 h1529 Rating: 5 E HD 195767; SAO 144563 Position: 2033-0613 A B Magnitude 6.96 10.44 Separation PA — — 32.0 110 + Year — 1996 Notes: 1892: 36.6 @ 108. 6 measurements. Observations: C8 at 83x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 1.05 inches. Separation: AB = 82.4 miles. Distance (LY): 1,650 Total luminosity (Suns): 315 - 17 - Spectra M3 III Colors W ? Zone 222 Harvard 158 Rating: 5 E HD 196944; SAO 144688 Position: 2041-0647 A B Magnitude 8.38 9.50 Separation PA — — 8.2 145 Year — 1868 Spectra Colors W W Notes: 1 measurement. Observations: C8 at 83x. This is the W corner of a rectangle of 8m-9m stars that runs NW-SE. Distance (LY): 1,580 Total luminosity (Suns): 116 7 Aqr Bur 1034; ADS 14449; HD 199345; SAO 144968 Rating: 5 E Position: 2057-0942 A B C Magnitude 5.49 11.40 9.80 Separation — 1.0 177 PA — 286 +!! 67 Year — 1995 1912 Spectra gK5 Colors Y No W Notes: AB 1888: 2.1 @ 165. 8 measurements. AC 1 measurement. The AC pair may be optical because Hipparcos gives different distances (602 and 163 light years). Observations: C11 at 98x. - 18 - Zone 222 Deep Sky Objects Difficult NGC 6977 Other Names: PGC 65625 Rating: 5 D Position: 2053-0544 Type: Gal Surface brightness: 13.4 Class: SB(r)a pec: Dimensions: 1.2' x 0.9' Magnitude: 13.2 PA: 70 Notes: Member of the Hickson 88 group. Observations: C8 at 206x. It lies about 50" NNE of a 10m star and was seen as an out-of-focus star on a night of poor seeing. Radial velocity (km/sec): +6,192 NGC 6978 Other Names: PGC 65631 Rating: 5 D Position: 2053-0542 Type: Gal Surface brightness: 13.2 Class: Sb Dimensions: 2' x 1' Magnitude: 13.3 PA: 55 Notes: Member of the Hickson 88 group. Observations: C8 at 206x. It is extremely faint and appears as a fuzzy star about 70" NNW of a 10m star. Radial velocity (km/sec): +6,033 - 19 - Zone 222 Zone 222, Map 4 Double Stars Easy STF 2699 Rating: 3 E ADS 14054; HD 196310; SAO 163730; H N 134 Position: 2037-1244 A B Magnitude 7.65 8.80 Separation PA — — 9.2 196 + Year — 1991 Spectra F2 IV Colors W pB Notes: 1829: 9.6 @ 192. 31 measurements. The stars show similar proper motions. Observations: C8 at 104x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 8.10 inches. Separation: AB = 4.10 miles. Distance (LY): 286 Total luminosity (Suns): 6.9 Hussey 82 Rating: 3 E ADS 14472; HD 199524 Position: 2058-1237 A B Magnitude 9.10 9.60 Separation PA — — 2.7 + 6- Notes: 1899: 2.6 @ 13. 15 measurements. - 20 - Year — 1999 Spectra G3 V Colors pY W Zone 222 Observations: C11 at 98x. Hough 132 Rating: 4 E ADS 13973; HD 195595 Position: 2033-1342 A B Magnitude 8.88 10.50 Separation PA — — 7.0 + 206 - Year — 1922 Spectra K0 III Colors Y W? Notes: AB 1885: 6.8 @ 208. 4 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. h611 Position: 2041-1319 A B Magnitude 10.26 10.92 Rating: 4 E Separation PA — — 8.0 345 Year — 1820 Spectra F8 V Colors W W Notes: 1 measurement. May be optical because Hipparcos gives different distances (253 and 199 light years). Observations: C11 at 98x. - 21 - Zone 222 Hough 133 Rating: 5 E ADS 13972; HD 195622; SAO 163668 Position: 2033-1332 A B Magnitude 8.39 13.83 Separation PA — — 139.3 253 = Year — 1924 Spectra F6 V Colors W ? Notes: 1913: 139.8 @ 253. 2 measurements. Observations: C8 at 104x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 4.20 inches. Separation: AB = 97.8 miles. Distance (LY): 450 Total luminosity (Suns): 7.17 h2997 Position: 2048-1303 A B Magnitude 10.31 11.20 Rating: 5 E Separation PA — — 5.0 196 Notes: 1 measurement. Observations: C11 at 98x. - 22 - Year — 1830 Spectra F0 V: Colors W W Zone 222 Moderate Tau Cap 14 Cap; Hussey 200 (Aa); ADS 14099; HD 196662; SAO 163771 Rating: 5 M Position: 2039-1457 A B Magnitude 5.76 12.10 Separation PA — — 158.6 = 273 = Year — 1960 Spectra B7 III B6 I Colors bW ? Notes: 1912: 158.6 @ 273. 2 measurements. Star A is a spectroscopic binary (0.1 @ 300 in 1912, Aitken). Observations: C8 at 104x. Scale model (in which the Sun is the size of a baseball): Diameter: A = 10.8 inches; B = 11.4 inches. Separation: AB = 433 miles; Aa = 1,442 feet. Distance (LY): 1,750 Total luminosity (Suns): 2,003 Deep Sky Objects Easy NGC 6994 Rating: 3 E Other Names: Collinder 426, M73 Astronomical Leage Program: Messier Club, Messier Binocular Club Position: 2059-1238 Type: Oc Dimensions: 2.8' Class: IV 1p Cluster population: 4 Magnitude: 11.0 Notes: Messier discovered it on October 4, 1780. He claimed to see nebulosity, but there is none. - 23 - Zone 222 Probably not a cluster. The brightest star is 10m. The HR diagram turnoff point suggests an age of 2.5 billion years. Observations: C8 at 83x. It is triangular and nebulous with four stars at the S end. Use high powers. Under poor seeing, it looks like a nebula— hence, Messier's inclusion of it in his list? C11 at 140x. Small triangular group of three brightish stars and one fainter one. 14x70 Binos. Hazy patch. NGC 6994 (M73) Open cluster Observed with C11 on 9/15/03 Magnification: 140x Distance (LY): 2,020 Total luminosity (Suns): 13 Moderate NGC 6981 Rating: 5 M Other Names: M72 Astronomical Leage Program: Messier Club, Messier Binocular Club Position: 2054-1232 Type: Gc Dimensions: 6' Class: 9 Magnitude: 9.4 Notes: Mechain found it on August 29, 1780, and Messier added it to his list on October 4 of that year. It is 85 light years in diameter and is the faintest of Messier's globular clusters. The brightest stars are 14.2m and the horizontal branch is 16.9m. Observations: C8 at 65x. Ghostly, but not resolved at any power. Very even, and 16 min SW of SAO 163964 (8.2m). C11 at 98x. Class: 10. Very faint and unresolved, a bright star lies near it. 14x70 Binos. Small and faint. - 24 - Zone 222 Model (where the Sun is a baseball): Its diameter would be 33,710 miles. Distance (LY): 60,000 Luminosity (suns): 52,000 - 25 - Zone 222 Zone 222 Mini-Catalog Double Stars Designation Position Rating Map Hough 119 2011-1252 3E 2 STF 2646 2014-0603 3E 1 Alpha 1 Cap 2017-1230 3E 2 Beta 2 Cap 2021-1447 3E 2 STF 2683 2028-1310 3E 2 STF 2699 2037-1244 3E 4 Hussey 82 2058-1237 3E 4 Bur 764 2059-0921 3E 3 H VI 92 2012-1205 4E 2 Alpha 2 Cap 2018-1233 4E 2 H N 127 2023-1223 4E 2 Hough 132 2033-1342 4E 4 h611 2041-1319 4E 4 h925 Hipparcos 2970 Jonckheere 2326 2046-0809 4E 3 2051-0929 4E 3 2053-0651 4E 3 Xi 2 Cap 2013-1237 5E 2 Hough 589 2016-0744 5E 1 Component A B A B C BC A B C A B C A B A B A B A B C D E F A B A B C b Bb A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B C - 26 - Mag 10.00 10.00 7.43 9.25 12.50 4.24 8.47 14.10 3.05 6.09 9.00 8.52 8.88 7.65 8.80 9.10 9.60 8.97 9.80 9.57 9.08 12.71 13.50 8.28 10.31 3.58 10.60 4.30 9.50 8.54 10.78 8.88 10.50 10.26 10.92 9.42 10.10 8.88 9.71 10.34 10.51 5.85 12.10 7.80 12.00 12.11 Separation — 3.1 = — 19.0 - PA — 196 — 40 - 26.5 — 44 45 — 205.2 + 227.0 + — 22.8 = — 9.2 — 2.7 + — 0.8 = 100 = 137 = 58 = ?? — 84.2 +!! — 155 +!? 378 + 106 — 182 45 — 267 = 227.0 + — 67 = — 196 + — 6— 356 = 100 = 137 = 90 = 322 — 264 — 157 + 378 + 1.2 — 43.2 + — 7.0 + — 8.0 — 9.8 — 15.1 + — 7.3 — 83.5 +! — 15.9 + 55.4 - 241 — 205 + — 206 — 345 — 174 — 114 + — 67 +! — 269 + — 321 55.4 - Zone 222 Designation Position Rating Map Doolittle 82 2016-1217 5E 2 Hough 133 2033-1332 5E 4 h1529 2033-0613 5E 3 Harvard 158 2041-0647 5E 3 h2997 2048-1303 5E 4 7 Aqr 2057-0942 5E 3 STF 2625 2007-1256 3M 2 STF 2678 2026-0818 3M 1 Bur 833 2012-0609 4M 1 Harvard 156 2007-0855 5M 1 Schjellerup 25 2021-0745 5M 1 Nu Cap 2021-1246 5M 2 Tau Cap 2039-1457 5M 4 Hussey 78 2002-1237 3D 2 Holden 155 2006-1322 4D 2 Bur 668 2032-0951 5D 3 4 Aqr 2051-0538 5D 3 Component A B A B A B A B A B A B C A B A B A B C D BC A B C A B A B A B A B A B C A B C A B C D - 27 - Mag 9.77 12.47 8.39 13.83 6.96 10.44 8.38 9.50 10.31 11.20 5.49 11.40 9.80 7.64 10.49 9.85 10.22 8.33 9.26 12.20 12.20 7.76 10.40 12.60 8.14 9.20 4.76 11.80 5.76 12.10 9.75 10.08 9.91 10.51 12.61 5.66 11.70 12.73 6.43 7.47 12.90 9.40 Separation — 13.6 — 139.3 — 32.0 — 8.2 — 5.0 — 1.0 177 — 12.3 — 3.3 — 120.5 + 43.6 PA — 242 — 253 = — 110 + — 145 — 196 — 286 +!! 177 — 6— 313 — 63 43.6 2.3 = — 6.6 + 8.3 — 2.8 + — 54.2 — 158.6 = — 2.2 = — 1.8 = 30.1 + — 3.2 103.2 + — 0.9 + 72.7 + 131.8 + 60 — 89 + 8.3 — 216 — 211 + — 273 = — 355 +? — 274 30.1 + — 27 103.2 + — 20 72.7 + 131.8 + Zone 222 Deep Space Objects Object NGC 6994 NGC 6981 NGC 6977 NGC 6978 Position 2059-1238 2054-1232 2053-0544 2053-0542 Rating 3E 5M 5D 5D Map 4 4 3 3 Type Oc (IV 1p) Gc (9) Gal (SB(r)a pec:) Gal (Sb) - 28 - Specifications Surface Mag Br 11.0 9.4 13.2 13.4 13.3 13.2 Population 4