PEER GROUP CONNECTION MADISON HIGH SCHOOL 2015 - 2017 The Madison School District will inspire and challenge all students to be life-long learners, empowered with knowledge, skills, and character to shape their futures, realize their dreams, and contribute positively to the world. Thank you for your interest in becoming a peer leader at MHS. This is a commitment to serve as a leader during your junior and senior years, take the Theories in Leadership course during your junior year, and participate in training activities and meetings outside of the school day. Agreeing to participate in all of these components is an exciting and significant commitment. Being a peer leader may be one of the most rewarding and demanding experiences of your high school career. Please read this entire application fully, discuss this with your parents, and connect with us if you have any questions or concerns. The selection of rising juniors to serve as peer leaders is based upon the timely completion of your written application and a group interview. These two components help us get to know you and your leadership ability. Please be thorough enough on the written application to give us a strong sense of who you are: your interests, strengths, and reasons for wanting to be a leader. The group interview will give us a chance to get to know you in another way and introduce you to the kinds of activities and things we do in PGC. Written applications are due by Friday, March 13, 2015 at 3pm to Ms. Morgenthaler. Group interviews will be the week of March 16; sign-ups will be available outside Ms. Morgenthaler’s office (G-Hallway). Important things about PGC: You will take the “Theories in Leadership” class during your junior year. This class meets three days a week and will earn you five credits. The class teaches about group dynamics, facilitation skills, and communication. We research and discuss issues affecting teens’ lives, such as substance use, bullying, current events and mental health. It is based on a curriculum developed by the Princeton Center for Leadership Training, which is used at schools throughout NJ; it is aligned with NJ’s core curriculum standards. Please discuss with your parents and guidance counselor how this will fit into your schedule for next year. During the school year you will conduct approximately 20 outreach sessions for your freshman group. These will be done through the Physical Education classes. You might facilitate a group during your PE class, study hall period or elective (only if needed as a last resort). Our goal is to help the freshmen have a smooth transition to MHS and help them feel connected to each other, upperclassmen and the entire school community. The outreach sessions with freshmen will cover a wide range of topics, including: goal setting, decision making, peer pressure, identity and culture, drugs, alcohol and relationships. Additional meetings and trainings will take place outside of school time, including on the weekends, before school, and afternoon/evening meetings. It is expected that you will attend all of these sessions. As a school leader, you will be asked to participate in other school activities, such as Back to School night, 8th grade orientation, spring pool party and building tours. Peer Leaders are role models, and as such, are expected to uphold school rules and all laws. Infractions of violations may result in the student’s removal from PGC. On a separate piece of paper, please answer these questions and attach to this application: 1. Please describe some of the ways you have demonstrated your leadership abilities. These can include extracurricular activities, community organizations, religious groups, jobs, hobbies, etc. If you feel that you have leadership potential that you have not put to use, you can talk about that as well. 2. What groups or activities are you involved with at MHS or in the community? How do you feel your involvement in these groups will complement your participation in PGC and vice versa? Also, with the activities and obligations of your junior and senior year, how do you anticipate being able to fulfill all your responsibilities while making an additional commitment to be a peer leader? 3. As part of the selection process, you will be observed in group settings. Participating in groups is the central component of PGC. What do you think your strengths and weaknesses are in this type of situation? How would you describe your personality and behavior in groups and one-on-one situations? 4. A leader is defined as someone who has the ability to command a group, and doesn’t need to follow the pack. Describe a time in which you were faced with making a decision that differed from others- how did you handle it? 5. Applicants must realize that students and faculty alike regard peer leaders as role models, both in AND out of school. In your opinion, what difficult choices (in terms of your own behavior) might a peer leader have to make? How do you anticipate handling this increased responsibility? Be specific. 6. Why do you want to be a peer leader? What do you think you can learn or benefit from by participating in this program? Written applications are due by Friday, March 13 at 3pm to Ms. Morgenthaler (either in envelope outside office or under her office door)- late applications will not be accepted. Group interviews will be the week of March 16; sign up outside Ms. Morgenthaler’s office (G-Hall) There will be information meetings for you to learn more about PGC and to ask any questions. Pay attention to the announcements and postings outside Ms. Morgenthaler’s office for information, or check with either advisor. Thank you for your interest in being a peer leader and giving back to the MHS community. Your desire is a reflection of the district mission statement. Through PGC you will: acquire skills, such as communication and leadership, for life-long learning; the knowledge, character, and skills you develop through the Theories in Leadership class will empower you to make positive decisions and choices to create a strong and healthy future; and by mentoring and supporting our freshmen, you are contributing positively to our community, which has a positive impact on the world. We look forward to seeing you at the interview! If you, or your parent/guardian, have any questions, please contact Mrs. Gentile or Ms. Morgenthaler, the advisors for the PGC program. Mrs. Leslie Gentile Special Education Teacher 973-593-3117 Ms. Vanessa Morgenthaler Student Assistance Counselor 973-593-3117 ext. 3160 Please read and sign the following: If I am selected as a Peer Leader, I __________________________________ (name) will be aware of and willing to examine my influence as a role model within the community of MHS and especially with freshmen students, and I will behave accordingly. Specifically, I will uphold all school rules and respect the law both in and out of school. I understand that any violation of this can result in my removal from the Peer Group Connections program. Student’s signature ___________________________________ Date _________________________ Please have your parent/guardian read and sign the following: My child has permission to participate in PGC for the 2015-20615 and 2016-20716 school year, including taking the Theories in Leadership class during his/her junior year. Should he/she be selected, I understand that my child will be a role model in this position. As well, I have read the above stipulations and considerations, reviewed them with my child, and agreed that he/she will be able to make the commitment necessary to be a peer leader. Parent/guardian signature ______________________________ Date _________________________ Since we may not know your talents and abilities, please give us the name of two adult leaders who are familiar with your character and would be willing to speak with us about you. One person must be from MHS (e.g. a teacher, coach, club advisor, counselor) and the other must be from a community-based activity (e.g. an employer, volunteer supervisor, religious leader). Make sure you ask them if they will serve as a reference for you and explain to them what you are applying for, so they can best speak on your behalf. Name ____________________________________________ Position/Relation to You ____________________________________________ Phone ____________________________________________ Name ____________________________________________ Position/Relation to You ____________________________________________ Phone ____________________________________________ Written applications are due by Friday, March 13 at 3pm to Ms. Morgenthaler (either in envelope outside office or under her office door)- late applications will not be accepted. Group interviews will be the week of March 16; sign up outside Ms. Morgenthaler’s office (G-Hall)