COURSE ABREVIATION Class Name CREDITS REQUIREMENT FULFILLED • SELECTIONS IN ALL PURPLE FULFILL ADOLESCENT ENGLISH BA ACCOUNTING SPRING CUNY Common Core/Hunter Core Credits FRESHMAN 30 12 64 14 FA L L HUNTER CORE REQUIREMENT SOPHOMORE Hunter Focus Credits Major Credits Elective Credits The degree map is a term-by-term sample course schedule to make it easier for you to understand how to graduate in four years with an Adolescent English major. The Degree Map is a tool to assist you and your advisor in planning your academic path to graduation. Use it along with the program of study information for your major (found in the Hunter Catalog) and Degree Works (student degree audit system) to discuss your academic plan with your advisor. Courses required for the major, Hunter Core Requirement (HCR) courses, and elective classes must be selected to concurrently satisfy all Pluralism & Diversity and writing intensive requirements. Students are encouraged to consider pursuing a minor through the selection of electives. Your specific program of study could, and probably will, look different. You need to customize the Degree Map to fit your situation. Consult with your advisor about the best path for you. COURSE ABREVIATION Class Name CREDITS REQUIREMENT FULFILLED • SELECTIONS IN ALL PURPLE FULFILL HUNTER CORE REQUIREMENT ADOLESCENT ENGLISH BA FA L L HCR Based on placement SPRING 3 CR MATH & QUANTITATIVE REASONING FOREIGN LANGUAGE Elementary Level I 3 CR 3 CR FRESHMAN FOREIGN LANGUAGE Elementary Level II 3 CR HUNTER FOCUS: FOREIGN LANGUAGE 3 CR INDIVIDUAL & SOCIETY: SOCIAL SCIENCES HCR Hunter Core Requirement ENGL 220 3 CR Intro to Writing about Literature ENGLISH COMPOSITION 2 WORLD CULTURES & GLOBAL ISSUES HCR Hunter Core Requirement 3 CR SCIENTIFIC WORLD ENGLISH COMPOSITION 1 HCR Hunter Core Requirement 3 CR CREATIVE EXPRESSION 3 CR LIFE & PHYSICAL SCIENCES HCR Hunter Core Requirement 3 CR US EXPERIENCE IN ITS DIVERSITY 15 FALL CREDITS + 15 SPRING CREDITS = 30 CREDITS ENGL 252 Intro to Literary Studies 3 CR HCR Hunter Core Requirement 3 CR INDIVIDUAL & SOCIETY: HUMANITIES FOREIGN LANGUAGE Intermediate Level I SOPHOMORE DEGREE MAP ENGL 120 Expository Writing HCR Hunter Core Requirement 3 CR ENGL 301 Theory and Practice of Expository Writing 3 CR ENGL 338 Survey of British Literature 3 CR FOREIGN LANGUAGE Intermediate Level II 3 CR HUNTER FOCUS: FOREIGN LANGUAGE HUNTER FOCUS: FOREIGN LANGUAGE ENGL 303 3 CR Western Literary Backgrounds of British and American Literature ENGL 331 3 CR Structures of Modern English COMM Elective 3 CR HIST 151 or 152 The United States 3 CR 30 PRIOR CREDITS + 15 FALL CREDITS + 15 SPRING CREDITS = 60 CREDITS COURSE ABREVIATION Class Name CREDITS REQUIREMENT FULFILLED • SELECTIONS IN ALL PURPLE FULFILL HUNTER CORE REQUIREMENT ADOLESCENT ENGLISH BA JUNIOR SPRING SEDF 203 Social Foundations of Education, Grades 7-12 3 CR SPED 308 3 CR Teaching Students with Special Needs in Inclusive Settings SEDF 204 Adolescent Development 2 CR SEDF 205 2 CR Educational Psychology: Gr. 7-12 ENGL 300 or 341 Course in Writing 3 CR SEDC 211 Young Adult Literature in Our Diverse Society 3 CR SEDC 210 3 CR Building the Foundations of Literacy in Grades 7-12 SEDC 220 1 CR Adolescent Health and Safety ENGL 395,396 or 397 3 CR Course in American Literature ENGL 352,353 or 354 3 CR Course in American Literature MATH, SCIENCE, or TECHNOLOGY Elective 3 CR 3 CR ENGL 306 Literary Theory 60 PRIOR CREDITS + 17 FALL CREDITS + 15 SPRING CREDITS = 92 CREDITS SENIOR DEGREE MAP FA L L SEDC 321 3 CR Teaching English Methods to a Diverse Population, Grades 7-12 SEDC 451 Student Teaching in English, Grades 7-12 5 CR SEDF 206 2 CR Assessment of the Teaching and Learning Process, Grades 7-12 ENGL 300 or 400 Level Elective 3 CR ENGL 300 or 400 Level Elective 3 CR ELECTIVE 3 CR ENGL 300 or 400 Level Elective 3 CR ENGL 320 or 325 Course in Literature 3 CR MATH, SCIENCE, or TECHNOLOGY Elective 3 CR 92 PRIOR CREDITS + 14 FALL CREDITS + 14 SPRING CREDITS = • These are required to fulfil the New York State Liberal Arts & Science Distribution Requirement for School of Education requirements: ENG 220, Two courses selected from HIST 151, HIST 152 and GEOG 101 STAT 213, 9 credits in Math, Science, or Technology with at least one science course with a lab component, 12 credits of foreign language, One course in communication. 120 CREDITS