Document 14830117

Abstract ID: 14852 Title: Specification and Quality Control Testing of Specimen X-ray Systems for Breast Specimens
At M D Anderson cancer center specimen radiography for breast specimens is considered to be one of the
best ways to ensure good outcomes for patients undergoing segmental mastectomy, total mastectomy and
stereotactic breast biopsy. Without proper imaging and review of breast specimens we believe that our reexcision rate would be about double what it is today.
At MD Anderson Cancer Center breast specimen radiography is performed while the patient is in the
operating room under anesthesia. The specimen is imaged, a radiologist reads the images and reports
directly back to the pathologist while the patient is on the table. If necessary the pathologist will
recommend that the surgeon take more tissue if it is deemed necessary. Specification and testing of
specimen radiographic equipment is deemed necessary to ensure that the images taken are of high quality
and meet the needs of the pathology lab and the radiologists viewing the images.
This lecture is designed to give the medical physicist the information necessary to choose proper equipment
for breast specimen radiography, and to perform acceptance testing as well as annual evaluations of
specimen radiographic systems.
Educational Objectives:
Understand the need for good specimen radiographic systems.
Understand set up of the specimen radiography system for use in the OR.
Be able to set up a comprehensive QC program for testing of specimen radiography systems for
breast specimen radiography.