Alternative Income Opportunities - Selected Bibliography

Alternative Income Opportunities - Selected Bibliography
Alternative Income Opportunities - Selected Bibliography
Ames, G. and S. Diver. 1995. Sustainable pecan production. ATTRA Horticultural
Production Guide. Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA).
Fayetteville, AR.
Ames, G.K. and G.L. Kuepper. 1997. Organic culture of bramble fruits. Appropriate
Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA). Fayetteville, AR.
Armitage, A.M. 1995. Specialty cut flowers. Varsity Press. Portland, OR.
Baughman, M.J. and C. Vogt. 1996. Growing black walnut. University of Minnesota
Cooperative Extension Service. Publication FO-050-GO.
Beineke, W.F. 1994. Black walnut plantation management. Purdue University Cooperative
Extension Service. Publication FNR-119. Purdue University. West Layfayette, IN.
Bogash, S. No date. Growing currants and gooseberries. Maryland Cooperative Extension
Service. Alternative Income Opportunities Information Sheet #7. University of Maryland
Cooperative Extension Service. College Park, MD.
Bogash, S. 1994a. Growing bramble crops in central and western Maryland. Maryland
Cooperative Extension Service. Alternative Income Opportunities Information Sheet #2.
University of Maryland Cooperative Extension Service. College Park, MD.
Bogash, S. 1994b. Growing highbush blueberries in central and western Maryland.
Maryland Cooperative Extension Service. Alternative Income Opportunities Information
Sheet #3. University of Maryland Cooperative Extension Service. College Park, MD.
Brandle, J.R., L. Hodges, and J. Stuthman. 1994. Windbreaks and specialty crops for
greater profits. Pages 81- 91. In: Rietvold, W.J. (technical coordinator). Proceedings,
Agroforestry and Sustainable Systems symposium. August 7-10, 1994. Fort Collins, CO.
USDA Forest Service GTR-RM-261. Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment
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Alternative Income Opportunities - Selected Bibliography
California Rare Fruit Growers, Inc. 1996. Pawpaw fruit facts.
California Rare Fruit Growers, Inc. 1996. Persimmon fruit facts.
California Rare Fruit Growers, Inc. 1997. Mulberry fruit facts.
Campbell, D. 1990. Three tiers for agroforestry: crops, nuts, and wood. Pages 84-86 In:
IDEAS - Innovation, Diversification, Entrepreneurship in the Agricultural Sector. Ontario
Ministry of Agriculture. Canada.
Cline, B. And G. Fernandez. 1998. Suggestions for establishing a blueberry planting in
western North Carolina. North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. Horticulture
Information Leaflet 201. North Carolina State University Department of Horticultural
Science. Raleigh, NC.
Fowells, H.A. 1965. Silvics of forest trees of the United States. USDA Forest Service
Agriculture Handbook 271. Washington, DC.
Galle, F.C. (Date?). Hollies. Timber Press. Portland, OR.
Greer, L. and G. Ames. 1997. Pawpaw production. Appropriate Technology Transfer for
Rural Areas (ATTRA). Fayetteville, AR.
Jones, S.C., R.N. Peterson, T.A. Turner, K.W. Pomper, and D.R. Layne. No date. Pawpaw
planting guide. Kentucky Cooperative Extension. Kentucky State University. Frankfort,
Kelly, J.W. 1991. Field production of cut flowers. HortScience 26:1136-1138.
Kindhart, J.D. and G.B. Holcomb. 1994. A small-scale agriculture alternative Blueberries. USDA CSRS Office for Small-Scale Agriculture. Washington, DC.
Kuepper, G.L., G.K. Ames, and S. Diver. 1997. Organic blueberry production.
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Alternative Income Opportunities - Selected Bibliography
Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA). Fayetteville, AR.
Lamberts, M. 1993. New horticultural crops for the southeastern United States. Pages 8292. In: Janick, J. and J.E. Simon (eds.). New crops. Wiley, NY.
Layne, D.R. 1995. Pawpaw. New Crop Fact Sheet. Purdue University Center for New
Crops & Plant Products.
Layne, D.R. 1996. The pawpaw (Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal): a new fruit crop for
Kentucky and the United States. HortScience 31:777-784.
Lukasiewicz, J. 1994. Nuts with commercial potential for America=s heartland. New
Crops News. Vol.4, No.1. Purdue University.
Maryland Cooperative Extension Service. 1994. Growing elderberries in central and
western Maryland. Maryland Cooperative Extension Service. Alternative Income
Opportunities Information Sheet #3. University of Maryland Cooperative Extension
Service. College Park, MD.
McLaughlin, J.L. 1997. Anticancer and pesticidal components of Paw Paw (Asimina
triloba). Annual report of the Northern Nut Growers Association 88:49-57.
Moyer, R. 1999. Small scale fruit and berry production. Talk presented at Southern
Appalachian Sustainable Agricultural Conference. February 26-27, 1999.
Parker, M.L. and K.A. Sorensen. (No date). Growing pecans in North Carolina. NCSU
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Publication AG-81.
Poling, E.B. 1992. Blackberry production in North Carolina. North Carolina Cooperative
Extension Service. North Carolina State University. Raleigh, NC.
Pritts, M.P. and G.B. Holcomb. 1991. A small-scale agriculture alternative - Brambles.
USDA CSRS Office for Small-Scale Agriculture. Washington, DC.
Rutter, P.A. 1999. The potential of hybrid hazelnuts in agroforestry and woody agriculture
systems. Badgersett Research Farms Information Bulletin.
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Alternative Income Opportunities - Selected Bibliography
Schultz, R.C., J.P. Colletti, T.M. Isenhart, W.W. Simpkins, C.W. Mize, and M.L.
Thompson. 1995. Design and placement of a multi-species riparian buffer strip system.
Agroforestry Systems 29:201-226.
Snodgrass, H.S. and C. O=Dell. 1999. Farm management budget - blueberries. Virginia
Cooperative Extension Service.
USDA Forest Service. Seeds of woody plants in the United States. USDA Forest Service
Agriculture Handbook 450. Washington, DC.
USDA. 1995. A small-scale agriculture alternative. Northern nut growing. USDA CSRS
Office for Small-Scale Agriculture. Washington, DC.
Welbaum, G.W. 1993. New crops research: Northeastern region and national federal
efforts. Pages 109-111. In: Janick, J. and J.E. Simon (eds.). New crops. Wiley, New York.
White, G.A. 1993. New crops research: Northeastern region and national federal efforts.
Pages 68-81. In: Janick, J. and J.E. Simon (eds.). New crops. Wiley, New York.
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