The following information must be completed. Program: History Add Program Subject Summer 2014 Semester / Quarter: Indicate Fall, Spring, Summer and Year Michelle Anne Novak Program Coordinator or Director: Electronic Signature – type in name Projected Enrollments and Bookstore Location by Campus Code Course Number Text / Textbook Detail (Auth/Title/Publ/ed/ISBN) Retail Price Year Adopt HIST 1301 Ables//American Perspectives Vol I (Reader)/Pearson, 4e 21.35 2002 (R)eq (O)pt 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 135 280 150 200 300 0038 0085 0086 30 0087 DE 0029 400SE 120NW Dual Cre dit ISBN-13: 978-0-555-03837-6 ISBN -10: 0-555-03837-8 HIST 1301 Ambrose/ Undaunted Courage ISBN 068426975 Paperback 18.00 HIST 1301 Berkins//Making America//combined ed//Cengage// ISBN-13: 9780840028716 72.00 HIST 1301 Berkins//Revolutionary Mothers//Vantage ISBN 978-1400075324 13.00 DualCredit Store 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 District Totals 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 2013 70 280 100 70 100 400SE 60 60SE 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0069 0087 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 The following information must be completed. Program: Add Program Subject Semester / Quarter: Indicate Fall, Spring, Summer and Year Program Coordinator or Director: Electronic Signature – type in name Stores: Alief 0069; Central 0029; Northline 0048; Spring Branch 0079; Katy 0098; Eastside 0038; Stafford 0085; Missouri City 008; West Loop 0087 Revised: 10-2011 Page 1 Projected Enrollments and Bookstore Location by Campus Code DE 0029 DualCredit Store 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 Course Number Text / Textbook Detail (Auth/Title/Publ/ed/ISBN) Retail Price Year Adopt HIST 1301 Blight//Narrative of Life of Frederick Douglas: An American Slave, Written by Himself//Bedford Books 1993//ISBN 0312257376 (Paperback) 8.00 1999 HIST 1301 A. BLUMROSEN, SLAVE NATION 15.00 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 HIST H.W. Brands, Lone Star Nation ISBN 1400030706 14.25 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 HIST 1301 Butler/Becoming America: The Revolution Before 1776 (Harvard) ISBN 0-674-00667-4 23.00 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 (R)eq (O)pt 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 DualCredit District Totals The following information must be completed. Program: Add Program Subject Semester / Quarter: Indicate Fall, Spring, Summer and Year Program Coordinator or Director: Electronic Signature – type in name Projected Enrollments and Bookstore Location by Campus Code Course Number Text / Textbook Detail (Auth/Title/Publ/ed/ISBN) Retail Price Year Adopt (R)eq (O)pt 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 DE 0029 DualCredit DualCredit Store Stores: Alief 0069; Central 0029; Northline 0048; Spring Branch 0079; Katy 0098; Eastside 0038; Stafford 0085; Missouri City 008; West Loop 0087 Revised: 10-2011 District Totals Page 2 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 HIST 1301 Chafin/Sea of Gray Hill & Wang (Paper) 0809085046 HIST 1301 Clinton, Plantation Mistress//Random House ISBN 0394722531 (paperback) 10.00 HIST 1301 Cronon, Changes in the Land ISBN 0809001586 12.00 HIST 1301 Demos//The Unredeemed Captive// ISBN 0-679-75961-1 14.25 2000 60 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 60SE 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 30 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 60SE The following information must be completed. Program: Add Program Subject Semester / Quarter: Indicate Fall, Spring, Summer and Year Program Coordinator or Director: Electronic Signature – type in name Projected Enrollments and Bookstore Location by Campus Code Course Number Text / Textbook Detail (Auth/Title/Publ/ed/ISBN) Retail Price Year Adopt (R)eq (O)pt 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 DE 0029 DualCredit DualCredit Store Stores: Alief 0069; Central 0029; Northline 0048; Spring Branch 0079; Katy 0098; Eastside 0038; Stafford 0085; Missouri City 008; West Loop 0087 Revised: 10-2011 District Totals Page 3 HIST 1301 Cunningham//Jefferson vs Hamilton: Confrontations that Shaped a Nation//ISBN 0312085850 14.25 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 HIST 1301 Drew Faust, Mothers of Invention. U. of North Carolina Press (paperback) 26.95 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 HIST 1301 Elllis/Founding Brothers, Vintage (Paperback) ISBN 0-375-70524-4 15.00 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 HIST 1301 Franklin//Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin ISBN 0-312-0446-3 7.95 1997 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 140 The following information must be completed. Program: Add Program Subject Semester / Quarter: Indicate Fall, Spring, Summer and Year Program Coordinator or Director: Electronic Signature – type in name Projected Enrollments and Bookstore Location by Campus Code Course Number Text / Textbook Detail (Auth/Title/Publ/ed/ISBN) Retail Price Year Adopt (R)eq (O)pt 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 DE 0029 DualCredit DualCredit Store Stores: Alief 0069; Central 0029; Northline 0048; Spring Branch 0079; Katy 0098; Eastside 0038; Stafford 0085; Missouri City 008; West Loop 0087 Revised: 10-2011 District Totals Page 4 HIST 1301 Gates, The Classic Slave Narratives. Signet Classics ISBN 0-451-52824-7 7.95 HIST 1301 Gienapp, William E/Abraham Lincoln and Civil War America: A Biography ISBN 0195151003 25.49 HIST 1301 DORIS GOODWIN, TEAM OF RIVALS, SIMON & SCHUSTER (PAPERBACK) 21.00 HIST 1301 Holmes, David// The Faiths of our Founding Fathers, Oxford Press, ISBN 9780195300925 13.20 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 2005 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 2009 The following information must be completed. Program: Add Program Subject Semester / Quarter: Indicate Fall, Spring, Summer and Year Program Coordinator or Director: Electronic Signature – type in name Projected Enrollments and Bookstore Location by Campus Code Course Number Text / Textbook Detail (Auth/Title/Publ/ed/ISBN) Retail Price Year Adopt (R)eq (O)pt 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 DE 0029 DualCredit DualCredit Store Stores: Alief 0069; Central 0029; Northline 0048; Spring Branch 0079; Katy 0098; Eastside 0038; Stafford 0085; Missouri City 008; West Loop 0087 Revised: 10-2011 District Totals Page 5 HIST 1301 Holton, Woody//Unruly Americans and the Origins of the Constitution//Hill & Wang//ISBN9780809016433 (paperback) 9.00 HIST 1301 Jacobs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave girl Harvard (Paperback) 17.00 HIST 1301 Johnson, Paul and Wilentz, Sean, The Kingdom of Matthias: A Story of Sex and Salvation in 19th Century America,, Oxford Press ISBN 978-0195098358 19.95 HIST 1301 Mark Kurlansky//Cod: A Biography of a Fish that Changed tehWorld// Penguin Paperback 10.20 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 2012 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 2012 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 Projected Enrollments and Bookstore Location by Campus Code Course Number Text / Textbook Detail (Auth/Title/Publ/ed/ISBN) Retail Price Year Adopt HIST 1301 Larkin, The Shaping of Everyday Life, 1790-1840 ISBN 0060916060 15.00 10.20 (R)eq (O)pt 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 DE 0029 DualCredit DualCredit Store 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 Stores: Alief 0069; Central 0029; Northline 0048; Spring Branch 0079; Katy 0098; Eastside 0038; Stafford 0085; Missouri City 008; West Loop 0087 Revised: 10-2011 District Totals Page 6 HIST 1301 Martin, James Kirby//Ordinary Courage//Brandywine Press//ISBN 1-881089012-6 20.95 HIST 1301 McCullough: 1776 978-0743226721 (Paperback) 18.00 HIST 1301 McLaurin, Melton A., Celia, A Slave: A True Story. ISBN: 0380803364 10.93 1993 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 2004 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 Stores: Alief 0069; Central 0029; Northline 0048; Spring Branch 0079; Katy 0098; Eastside 0038; Stafford 0085; Missouri City 008; West Loop 0087 Revised: 10-2011 Page 7 Projected Enrollments and Bookstore Location by Campus Code Course Number Text / Textbook Detail (Auth/Title/Publ/ed/ISBN) Retail Price McPherson// For Cause and Comrades// Oxford U. Press ISBN 0195124995 18.95 HIST 1301 Oates//Fires of Jubilee: Nat Turner’s Rebellion//Harper Perennial//ISBN 0060916702 13.99 HIST 1301 David Price// Love & Hate in Jamestown// ISBN-10: 1400031729 16.00 HIST 1301 Roark//The American Promise//combined edition, Bedford-St Martin’s ISBN 978-14576-1345-6 60.00 Year Adopt (R)eq (O)pt 0069 1994 0029 0048 0079 0098 150 0038 0085 0086 0087 DE 0029 60SE 30 Dual Cre dit DualCredit Store 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 District Totals 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 2013 175 280 150 100 200 660 60 300 120NW 140SW 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 Stores: Alief 0069; Central 0029; Northline 0048; Spring Branch 0079; Katy 0098; Eastside 0038; Stafford 0085; Missouri City 008; West Loop 0087 Revised: 10-2011 Page 8 Projected Enrollments and Bookstore Location by Campus Code DE 0029 DualCredit Store 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 Course Number Text / Textbook Detail (Auth/Title/Publ/ed/ISBN) Retail Price Year Adopt HIST 1301 Shaara//The Killer Angels//Ballantine ISBN 0-345-34810-9 24.00 1994 HIST 1301 WALLACE, C.: CHARACTER: PROFILES IN PRESIDENTIAL CHARACTER ISBN-10: 1590710541 16.95 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 HIST 1301 WALLACE, THE LONG BITTER TRAIL ISBN 0809015528 14.00 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 HIST 1301 White, Deborah G.//Ar'n't I a Woman?: Female Slaves in the Plantation South//W.W. Norton//1999 ISBN 0-393-314-812 17.95 2002 Text / Textbook Detail (Auth/Title/Publ/ed/ISBN) Retail Price Year Adopt (R)eq (O)pt 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 30 0069 0029 0085 0086 0087 90 30 (R)eq (O)pt 0038 60SE 90 0048 0079 0098 0038 DualCredit 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 90SE 0085 0086 0087 DE 0029 District Totals Dual Cre dit DualCredit Store Stores: Alief 0069; Central 0029; Northline 0048; Spring Branch 0079; Katy 0098; Eastside 0038; Stafford 0085; Missouri City 008; West Loop 0087 Revised: 10-2011 District Totals Page 9 HIST 1301 Wood// the American Revolution// Isbn-10: 0812970411 13.95 HIST 1301 Zinn, Howard//A People’s History of the United States//ISBN 0-006-0528427 16.50 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 2004 30 90SE 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 HIST 1301 HIST 1302 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 Ables//American Perspectives Vol II(Reader)/Pearson, 4 ed ISBN 13 978-0-555-04439-1 ISBN 10 0-555-04439-4 21.35 135 120 360 200 200 400 30 30 250SE 175NE 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 Stores: Alief 0069; Central 0029; Northline 0048; Spring Branch 0079; Katy 0098; Eastside 0038; Stafford 0085; Missouri City 008; West Loop 0087 Revised: 10-2011 Page 10 Projected Enrollments and Bookstore Location by Campus Code Course Number Text / Textbook Detail (Auth/Title/Publ/ed/ISBN) Retail Price Year Adopt HIST 1302 Allen, Frederick//Only Yesterday: An Informal History of the 1920’s, Harper Collins, ISBN 9780060956653 14.99 2009 HIST 1302 Arnesen//Black Protest and the Great Migration//St. Martins Press ISBN-10: 0312391293 13.65 2003 HIST 1302 Bell//Out of this Furnace ISBN 0822952734 17.95 2000 72.00 2013 HIST 1302 Berkins//Making America//combined ed//Cengage// ISBN-13: 9780840028716 (R)eq (O)pt 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 DE 0029 DualCredi t DualCredit Store 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 District Totals 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 40 175 180 35 35 90 400SE 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 Stores: Alief 0069; Central 0029; Northline 0048; Spring Branch 0079; Katy 0098; Eastside 0038; Stafford 0085; Missouri City 008; West Loop 0087 Revised: 10-2011 Page 11 Projected Enrollments and Bookstore Location by Campus Code Course Number Text / Textbook Detail (Auth/Title/Publ/ed/ISBN) Retail Price HIST 1302 Blum, Woodrow Wilson and the Politics of Morality (Longman) ISBN 0673393216 26.00 HIST 1302 Buzzanco//Vietnam and the Transformation of American Life//Blackwell Books 1998//ISBN 1577180941 38.00 HIST 1302 Chapman//Bananas: How the United Fruit Company Shaped the World//Canongate Pub. ISBN 13: 978-1847671943 10.95 HIST 1302 Coontz//The Way We Never Were//Basic Books//ISBN 0465090974 19.95 Year Adopt (R)eq (O)pt 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 DE 0029 DualCredit DualCredit Store 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 District Totals 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 1999 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 1997 90 90SE 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 Stores: Alief 0069; Central 0029; Northline 0048; Spring Branch 0079; Katy 0098; Eastside 0038; Stafford 0085; Missouri City 008; West Loop 0087 Revised: 10-2011 Page 12 Projected Enrollments and Bookstore Location by Campus Code DE 0029 DualCredit Store 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 Course Number Text / Textbook Detail (Auth/Title/Publ/ed/ISBN) Retail Price Year Adopt HIST 1302 Daniels/Guarding the Golden Door Hill &Wang, 2004 (Paper) 0809053446 14.00 2002 HIST 1302 Ferrell, Ronald Reagan and the Triumph of American Conservatism Library of Amer. Biography ISBN 0-536-12543-0 20.47 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 HIST 1302 M. Frankel// High Noon in the Cold War//Presidio Press (Paper) ISBN 3045466713 12.00 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 HIST 1302 Greenstein//The Presidential Difference, 3rd ed//Princeton U. Press ISBN 978-0-691-143835 26.95 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 (R)eq (O)pt 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 DualCredit Stores: Alief 0069; Central 0029; Northline 0048; Spring Branch 0079; Katy 0098; Eastside 0038; Stafford 0085; Missouri City 008; West Loop 0087 Revised: 10-2011 District Totals Page 13 Projected Enrollments and Bookstore Location by Campus Code Course Number Text / Textbook Detail (Auth/Title/Publ/ed/ISBN) Retail Price Year Adopt HIST 1302 Herring//America’s Longest War//McGraw Hill 4th Edition, 2002//ISBN 0-07241755-2 35.00 2002 HIST 1302 Hershey, John//Hiroshima//Random House//1989//ISBN 0679721037 7.95 2002 HIST 1302 Moody//Coming of Age in Mississippi//Laurel ISBN 0-440-31488-7 7.99 1997 HIST 1302 Murray, Alice Yang//What does the Internment of the Japanese Americans Mean?//1st Edition//St. Martin’s Press//2000 14.70 2002 (R)eq (O)pt 0069 0029 50 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 DE 0029 DualCredi t DualCredit Store 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 30 90SE 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 60 60SE 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 30 30SE 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 Stores: Alief 0069; Central 0029; Northline 0048; Spring Branch 0079; Katy 0098; Eastside 0038; Stafford 0085; Missouri City 008; West Loop 0087 Revised: 10-2011 District Totals Page 14 Projected Enrollments and Bookstore Location by Campus Code DE 0029 DualCredit Store 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 Course Number Text / Textbook Detail (Auth/Title/Publ/ed/ISBN) Retail Price HIST 1302 Oates//Let the Trumpet Sound// ISBN 006092473X 15.45 HIST 1302 O’brien//The Things They Carried // Mariner Books Isbn 978-0618706419 29.95 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 HIST 1302 David Oshinsky//Polio, An American Story// Oxford U. Press (Paperback) 16.95 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 HIST 1302 Parmet//Richard Nixon: An American Enigma// ISBN-10: 0321398939 25.00 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 Year Adopt (R)eq (O)pt 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 DualCredit Stores: Alief 0069; Central 0029; Northline 0048; Spring Branch 0079; Katy 0098; Eastside 0038; Stafford 0085; Missouri City 008; West Loop 0087 Revised: 10-2011 District Totals Page 15 Projected Enrollments and Bookstore Location by Campus Code Course Number Text / Textbook Detail (Auth/Title/Publ/ed/ISBN) Retail Price Year Adopt HIST 1302 Remarque//All Quiet on the Western Front// ISBN 0-449-213943 5.00 1997 50 HIST 1302 Riordon//Honest Graft: The World of George Washington Plunkitt// Brandywine Press// 1993 20.00 2002 100 (R)eq (O)pt 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 DE 0029 Roark//The American Promise//combined edition, Bedford-St Martin’s ISBN 978-14576-1345-6 HIST 1302 W. Pickett, Dwight David Eisnhower and American Power ISBN 08892959182 2013 18.00 175 180 DualCredit Store 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 District Totals 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 ISBN 1-881089-06-1 HIST 1302 DualCredi t 150 100 175 250NW 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 Stores: Alief 0069; Central 0029; Northline 0048; Spring Branch 0079; Katy 0098; Eastside 0038; Stafford 0085; Missouri City 008; West Loop 0087 Revised: 10-2011 Page 16 Projected Enrollments and Bookstore Location by Campus Code Course Number Text / Textbook Detail (Auth/Title/Publ/ed/ISBN) Retail Price HIST 1302 Schrecker, The Age of McCarthyism ISBN 0-312-08349-1 13.65 HIST 1302 Sinclair//The Jungle ISBN 0451528042 5.95 HIST 1302 White, Deborah//Too Heavy a Load//Norton & Co//ISBN 039331992X 17.95 HIST 1302 William and Youngs// Eleanor Roosevelt// ISBN 0321043723 (Paperback) 5.00 Year Adopt 1997 (R)eq (O)pt 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 DE 0029 DualCredit DualCredit Store 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 District Totals 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 30 30 30SE 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 Stores: Alief 0069; Central 0029; Northline 0048; Spring Branch 0079; Katy 0098; Eastside 0038; Stafford 0085; Missouri City 008; West Loop 0087 Revised: 10-2011 Page 17 Projected Enrollments and Bookstore Location by Campus Code DE 0029 DualCredit Store 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 Course Number Text / Textbook Detail (Auth/Title/Publ/ed/ISBN) Retail Price HIST 2301 Calvert & DeLeon, The History of Texas 4th ed. ISBN 978-0-88295-0 39.10 HIST 2301 Campbell, Randolph//Gone to Texas: A History of the Lone Star State//Oxford University Press//ISBN 0195138430 44.95 2004 70SE 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 HIST 2301 Campbell//Sam Houston and the American Southwest//ISBN 0-32128572 25.00 2006 70SE 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 HIST 2301 Carroll, Felix Longoria’s Wake ISBN 978-0-292-71249-2 22.95 Year Adopt (R)eq (O)pt 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 DualCredit District Totals 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 Stores: Alief 0069; Central 0029; Northline 0048; Spring Branch 0079; Katy 0098; Eastside 0038; Stafford 0085; Missouri City 008; West Loop 0087 Revised: 10-2011 Page 18 Projected Enrollments and Bookstore Location by Campus Code DE 0029 DualCredi t DualCredit Store 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 Course Number Text / Textbook Detail (Auth/Title/Publ/ed/ISBN) Retail Price HIST 2301 Randy Roberts//Papa Jack Johnson// Isbn 0-02-926900-08 20.95 HIST 2311 French & Poska//Women & Gender in the Western Past, vol 1//978-0-618-24624-3 71.95 30(SE) 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 HIST 2311 Howarth//1066: The Year of the Conquest//Penquin USA//isbn9781842125298 14.00 30(SE) 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 HIST 2311 Kagan, The Western Heritage, Vol. 2 8th ed., 85.00 Year Adopt (R)eq (O)pt 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 District Totals 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 Stores: Alief 0069; Central 0029; Northline 0048; Spring Branch 0079; Katy 0098; Eastside 0038; Stafford 0085; Missouri City 008; West Loop 0087 Revised: 10-2011 Page 19 Projected Enrollments and Bookstore Location by Campus Code DE 0029 DualCredi t DualCredit Store 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 Course Number Text / Textbook Detail (Auth/Title/Publ/ed/ISBN) Retail Price Year Adopt HIST 2311 Kishlanski//Civilization in the West, combined ed//Pearson//ISBN 0-20566473-3 112.00 2010 HIST 2311 Wiesner, Mary E & DiCaprio//Lives & Voices: sources in European Women’s History//Houghton Mifflin//2000 90.95 30(SE) 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 HIST 2311 Ziegler//The Black Death//harper Collins//ISBN 0061315508 20.25 30(SE) 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 HIST 2312 French & Poska//Women & Gender in the Western Past, vol 2//978-0-618-24624-3 71.95 30(SE) 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 (R)eq (O)pt 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 Stores: Alief 0069; Central 0029; Northline 0048; Spring Branch 0079; Katy 0098; Eastside 0038; Stafford 0085; Missouri City 008; West Loop 0087 Revised: 10-2011 District Totals Page 20 Projected Enrollments and Bookstore Location by Campus Code DE 0029 DualCredi t DualCredit Store 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 Course Number Text / Textbook Detail (Auth/Title/Publ/ed/ISBN) Retail Price HIST 2312 Wiesner, Mary E & DiCaprio//Lives & Voices: sources in European Women’s History//Houghton Mifflin//2000 90.95 30(SE) HIST 2312 Ringrose//Expansion & Global Interraction, 12001700// ISBN 0321011252 33.00 30(SE) HIST 2328 Acuna, Rodolfo. Occupied America: A History of Chicanos, 6th ed., (Longman Press) 9783021427380 63.25 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 HIST 2328 Ruiz, Vicki. Cannery Women, Cannery Lives: Mexican Women, Unionization, and the California Food Processing Industry: 1930-1950 (University of New Mexico Press) 9780826309884 20.95 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 Year Adopt (R)eq (O)pt 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 District Totals 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 Stores: Alief 0069; Central 0029; Northline 0048; Spring Branch 0079; Katy 0098; Eastside 0038; Stafford 0085; Missouri City 008; West Loop 0087 Revised: 10-2011 Page 21 Projected Enrollments and Bookstore Location by Campus Code DE 0029 DualCredit Store 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 Course Number Text / Textbook Detail (Auth/Title/Publ/ed/ISBN) Retail Price HIST 2381 Alexander//The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness// ISBN-10: 1595581030 ISBN-13: 978-1595581037 14.00 30SE HIST 2381 Hine//African American Odyssey//4th ed, combined volume// 978-0136150121 80.00 30Se 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 HIST 2381 Skloot/The Immortal Life of Hennrietta Locket/Broadway Books/ ISBN978-1-40005218-9 11.00 30SE 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 Year Adopt 10.00 (R)eq (O)pt 0069 0029 0048 0079 0098 0038 0085 0086 0087 DualCredit Stores: Alief 0069; Central 0029; Northline 0048; Spring Branch 0079; Katy 0098; Eastside 0038; Stafford 0085; Missouri City 008; West Loop 0087 Revised: 10-2011 District Totals Page 22