Houston Community College Office of Institutional Research Educational Characteristics of AtD Cohorts of Fall 2005 through Fall 2012 Report Purpose: To compare the starting educational characteristics of the last eight AtD Fall Cohorts. Analysis: Several points can be made about the educational characteristics of the incoming AtD Cohorts. The percentage of students with prior Dual Credits (D) earned at HCC has continuously and dramatically grown from 3.5% of the Fall 2005 Cohort to 9.5% of the much larger Fall 2012 Cohort . The percentage and number of students transferring (T) into HCC from other colleges gradually increased for the first five cohorts, but increased signiificantly during the past three years, reaching 32.6% of the latest cohort, Fall 2012. From about 14% to over 16% of each cohort actually started their HCC enrollment in the summer preceeding (S) their first Fall semester. During the pre-summers, on average, students successfully complete over 80% of their courses with a grade of C or better. The percent of self-declared first generation students (FG) in the Fall 2005 cohort was close to 55%, but the percent dropped to 38% for Cohort 2012, continuously falling over the last six Fall Cohorts. This decreasing pattern was accompanied with a similar decreasing pattern of students responding to this question. The percentage of non-resident international students (I) has fluxuated throughout the eight years from 8.4% of Cohort 2005, to a high of 12.1% of Cohort 2008, then returning to 8.6% of Cohort 2012. As a sign of improvement in educational preparedness, the percent of incoming students referred to developmental studies (DS) has fallen from 71.4% for Cohort 2005 to 62% for Cohort 2012. SELECTED ACHIEVING THE DREAM STUDENT COHORT DEMOGRAPHICS (% of total cohort) Cohort Size: Ct '05 = 8,214; Ct '06 = 9,315; Ct '07 = 9,340; Ct '08 = 10,713; Ct '09 = 12,869; Ct '10 = 13,593; Ct'11 = 14,697; Ct'12 = 12,731 60% 66.3% 65.8% 54.8% 51.2% 48.8% 50% 66.2% 66% 64.0% 50.0% 64.7% 62% 45.1% 41.6% 41% 38.3% T FG DS Cohort 2005 T DS Cohort 2006 T FG DS Cohort 2007 T FG DS Cohort 2008 T Cohort 2009 9,507 32.6% FG DS Cohort 2010 T 4,152 4,433 4,872 4,549 T 8,965 DS 3,921 FG 30.2% 4,550 28.8% 3,248 25.2% 4,630 7,098 2,592 3,841 6,196 3,214 6,132 FG 24.2% 8,231 0% 23.1% 2,160 10% 3,239 20% 21.6% 2,014 22.7% 3,262 30% 5,861 40% 7,889 71.4% 70% 1,867 FG DS Cohort 2011 T FG DS Cohort 2012 LEGEND: T = Transfers to HCC; FG = First Generation Students; DS = Students Referred as Developmental Status D I S Cohort 2005 D I S Cohort 2006 D I S Cohort 2007 D I S Cohort 2008 D I S Cohort 2009 D I S Cohort 2010 D 1,213 S D I 2,019 2,331 1,051 I Cohort 2011 8.6% 1,097 9.5% 7.2% 1,362 1,013 7.5% 15.9% 15.9% 9.3% 9.1% 1,231 2,112 9.6% 1,235 8.7% 1,125 1,301 854 8.0% 1,610 12.1% 502 288 0% 5.4% 7.2% 16.7% 16.4% 15.0% 11.5% 1,071 5% 3.5% 9.1% 851 10% 1,195 8.4% 1,290 15% 15.1% 13.8% 1,407 14.5% 2,266 20% 691 Percent of Unduplicated Students in AtD Cohorts 80% S Cohort 2012 LEGEND: D = Prior HCC Dual Credit;Student; I = Non-resident International Students; S = Pre-Summer HCC Attendees Definition: AtD Cohort: Each cohort consists of students enrolled in HCC during the specified Fall semester, having entered that semester or during the prior summer semester. These cohorts include full-time, part-time, and transfer-in students entering for the first time as a degree or certificate-seeking semester credit student. These students may have previously attended HCC as dual credit or adult literacy program students, non-credit or non-degree seeking students, but are not included in a cohort until they take their first semester credit course as a first-time Fall student. Some students are first-time college students in a Spring semester, and beginning in Spring 2009 have been captured in their own Spring AtD cohort. Source: HCC OIR AtD Student General Records and Academic Histories, Fall 2005 to Fall 2012, March 2013. MD: Cohort Educ. Chars, AtD_Baseline_Reports_2005-2012_042513 (4).xlsx revised 05/13/2013 Houston Community College Office of Institutional Research Primary Tracking Characteristics of AtD Cohorts of Fall 2005 through Fall 2011 Report Purpose: To compare the primary tracking characteristics of the last eight AtD Fall Cohorts. Analysis: Significant changes in the primary tracking characteristics of the incoming AtD Cohorts have occurred. Until the Fall 2010 Cohort, the percentage of FTIC students receiving Pell Grants (P) vacillated between 37% and 43%. Fall 2010 Cohort Pell recipient rate increased significantly to 49%, reached 57.5% of the largest cohort, Fall 2011, to date; then dipped to 55.9% of the Fall 2012 Cohort. Female students (F) consistently make up about 55% to 56% of Fall Cohort students. Starting with the Fall 2010 Cohort there has been a slight downward trend as the proportion of males very gradually increases. Prior to Fall 2009, the proportion of minority students (HB), which consists of Hispanic and African-American/Black students, maintained a 58% to 61% rate. Beginning with the Fall 2009 Cohort, the HB rate jumped to between 65% and 71% , a significant increase considering substantial increase in the size of the Fall cohorts, which are almost 50% larger than those 2002, 2003, and 2004. Comments on the multiple developmental education course placements depicted in the bottom chart are as follows: The percentage of students referred to only one subject of developmental education (D-1) has increased from 38% of the Fall 2005 cohort, to over 40% of the last three Fall cohorts. This increase in the D-1 proportions is accompanied by a reduction in the proportion of D-2 students. Overall, the proportion of students referred to developmental status dropped over nine points to just 62% for the Fall 2012 Cohort. Of the single placement (D-1) students, 94% were deficit solely in Math. Concurrently, there was a percentage decline to 8% of students referred to developmental education in two subjects (D-2) for the Fall 2012 Cohort, while tertiary placement students ended slightly down at13.5%. SELECTED ACHIEVING THE DREAM STUDENT COHORT DEMOGRAPHICS (% of total cohort) 0% P F HB Cohort 2005 F HB P F HB Cohort 2007 P F HB 55.9% 55.4% 55.6% F HB Cohort 2009 P F HB Cohort 2010 P F HB Cohort 2011 P 7,051 7,120 8,809 10,366 8,457 8,117 9,337 6,667 7,646 8,380 7,322 P 57.5% 56.2% 69.2% 49% 42.7% Cohort 2008 70.5% 68.7% 65.1% 5,491 3,452 P Cohort 2006 56.9% 6,513 5,730 3,918 10% 3,097 20% 55.7% 37.7% 37% 5,230 4,924 4,525 30% 59.4% 5,966 42.1% 37.7% 56.2% 60.8% 4,037 50% 40% 56.1% 55.1% 5,552 59.9% 60% 61.5% 5,250 70% F HB Cohort 2012 LEGEND: P = Pell Recipients; F = Female Students; HB = Hispanic and African American/Black Students 50% Cohort 2005 Cohort 2006 Cohort 2007 Cohort 2008 D-1 Cohort 2009 D-1 5,126 6,072 D-2 D-3 Cohort 2010 D-1 D-2 8% D-3 Cohort 2011 D-1 D-2 13.5% 1,724 D-3 7.7% 2,244 D-2 15.3% 1,133 D-3 5,631 5,376 D-2 40.3% 1,017 D-1 9% 2,057 D-3 9.7% 1,22 3 D-2 41.3% 15.1% 12.1% 1,562 D-1 41.4% 1,247 D-3 1,440 D-2 10.4% 13.4% 1,117 D-1 10% 1,534 D-3 16.4% 937 D-2 10.2% 950 1,285 D-1 959 10% 4,281 17.1% 11.7% 0% 3,648 15.6% 20% 1,595 30% 41.8% 40% 39.1% 37.8% 37.9% 3,518 40% 3,111 Percent of Unduplicated Students in AtD Cohorts Cohort Size: Ct '05 = 8,214; Ct '06 = 9,315; Ct '07 = 9,340; Ct '08 = 10,713; Ct '09 = 12,869; Ct '10 = 13,593; Ct'11 = 14,697; Ct'12 = 12,731 80% D-3 Cohort 2012 LEGEND: D-1 = Referred to 1 Dev. Subject; D-2 = Referred to 2 Dev. Subjects; D-3 = Referred to 3 Dev. Subjects Definition: AtD Cohort: Each cohort consists of students enrolled in HCC during the specified Fall semester, having entered that semester or during the prior summer semester. These cohorts include full-time, part-time, and transfer-in students entering for the first time as a degree or certificate-seeking semester credit student. These students may have previously attended HCC as dual credit or adult literacy program students, non-credit or non-degree seeking students, but are not included in a cohort until they take their first semester credit course as a first-time Fall student. Some students are first-time college students in a Spring semester, and beginning in Spring 2009 have been captured in their own Spring AtD cohort. Source: HCC OIR AtD Student General Records and Academic Histories, Fall 2005 to Fall 2012, March 2013. MD: Primary Tracking Chars, AtD_Baseline_Reports_2005-2012_042513 (4).xlsx revised 05/13/2013 Houston Community College Office of Institutional Research Ethnicity by Gender Demographics of AtD Cohorts of Fall 2005 through Fall 2012 Report Purpose: To compare the ethnicity and gender demographics of the last eight AtD Cohorts. Analysis: The ethnicity and gender demographics of the AtD cohorts provide some interesting trends: First, the cohorts themselves have grown by 55% since Fall Cohort 2005. Anglo/White (W) students as a percent of the AtD cohorts have decreased three percentage points during the past eight years. From a consistent 10% of the cohorts, male African-American students (B) increased to 15% of the Fall 2012 Cohort. In contrast, African-American female students has gradually grown from 17% of the Fall 2005 Cohort to 22% of the Fall 2012, the highest proportion of all gender/ethnic subgroups. The African-American proportions of HCC AtD cohorts has grown 10 percentage points to 37% of the Fall 2012 Cohort. With proportional growth, Hispanic (H) students continue to make up 32% of the Fall 2012 Cohort. Both male and female Hispanic students proportions remain at 14% and 18%, respectively, of the Fall 2012 Cohort. The percent of Asian/Pacific Islander students (A) - balanced between males and females - stayed between 12% and 14% until a drop to 8% of the Fall 2009 cohort, then rebounded to above 10% for Fall 2010, 2011 and 2012. Finally, the percent of students in the Other (O) category appears to have readjusted itself back to the less than 4% level, after the novelty of multiple race selection upped the percent to 14.3% for Fall 2009 Cohort . Ethnicity by Gender of AtD Student Cohorts (% of total cohort) Cohort O 2012 A N = 12,731 H B W 2% Cohort O A 2011 H N = 14,697 B W Cohort O 2010 A N = 13,593 H B W Cohort O 2009 A N = 12,869 H B W Cohort O 2008 A N = 10,713 H B W Cohort O 2007 A N = 9,340 H B W Cohort O 2006 A N = 9,315 H B W Cohort O 2005 A N = 8,214 H B W 2% 2% 5.6% 5.3% 18.1% 14% 22.2% 7.7% 14.9% 8.2% 2% 5.3% 5.1% 17.7% 7.9% 7.6% 2% 14.2% 23.4% 1.4% 5.6% 14.7% 5.2% 18.5% 8.9% 21.7% 13.9% 8.5% 7.6% 6.7% 4.2% 4% 16.7% 12.9% 18.9% 9.7% 4% 3.2% 10.5% 8.7% 7.5% 7.3% 18.3% 14.4% 16.4% 10% 10.1% 4.6% 9.1% 3.4% 7.1% 7% 13.4% 18% 17.4% Male 3% 4% 6.2% 6.8% 18.7% 13.4% 18.3% 11.1% 9.6% 2.5% 6.8% 9.1% 6.4% 18.7% 16.6% 10.4% 0 Female 10.6% 9.1% 9.3% 3% 15.2% 14.5% 10.2% 11% 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 Unduplicated Students Legend: W = Anglo/White B = African American/Black H = Hispanic A = Asian/Pacific Islander O = Other Definitions: AtD Cohort: Each cohort consists of students enrolled in HCC during the specified Fall semester, having entered that semester or during the prior summer semester. (See Source Demographics for more explanation.) Ethnicity: As shown in the chart's legend above, ethnicity is reported in five groupings with an "other" category for multiple, other, and unidentified students. International students are included within the ethnicities they chose. Source: HCC OIR AtD Student General Records and Academic Histories, Fall 2005 to Fall 2012, March 2013. MD: Cohort Eth & Sex Demos , AtD_Baseline_Reports_2005-2012_042513 (4).xlsx revised 05/13/2013 Houston Community College Office of Institutional Research Pell Status by Age Group Demographics of AtD Cohorts of Fall 2005 through Fall 2012 Report Purpose: To compare the Pell Status and age group demographics of the last eight AtD Cohorts. Analysis: The Pell Status by age group demographics of the AtD cohorts provide some interesting trends: First, while the cohorts themselves have grown by 55% since Fall 2005 Cohort; the proportion of Pell recipients also grew from the mid-30 percents for earlier cohorts to 56% for Fall 2012 Cohort. At 39% of the Fall 2012 Cohort, the under 20 years old age group numerically increased 89% over the Fall 2005 Cohort; also over three times as many FTIC students receiving Pell grants in Fall 2012 compared to Fall 2005. Dropping to the second largest age group, the 20-to-24 year old students represented 31% of the Fall 2012 cohort. Numerically, the 2012 Cohort was smaller than their counterparts in the Fall 2005 Cohort; however, more than 53% of them received Pell Grants compared to their Fall 2005 Cohort peers' 34% rate. The 25-to-29 year old age group has proportionally decreased to 12% of the Fall 2012 Cohort, but numerically grew by 44% compared to their Fall 2005 cohort peers. In Fall 2012, 30% more in this subgroup received Pell grants compared to their peers in the Fall 2005 Cohort. Finally, gaining 82% in numbers of students, the proportion of students in the "over 30" age group has remained proportionally between 17% and 20% since the Fall 2009 Cohort. However,for the Fall 2012 Cohort, more than 80% in this subgroup received Pell grants compared to their peers in the Fall 2005 Cohort. Pell Status by Age Group of AtD Student Cohorts (% of total cohort) Cohort 2012 N = 12,731 Cohort 2011 N = 14,697 Cohort 2010 N = 13,593 Cohort 2009 N = 12,869 Cohort 2008 N = 10,713 Cohort 2007 N = 9,340 Cohort 2006 N = 9,315 Cohort 2005 N = 8,214 30 yrs & over 25 - 29 yrs 20 - 24 yrs < 20 yrs 12% 6% 5% 7% 16% 14% 20% 19% 30 yrs & over 25 - 29 yrs 20 - 24 yrs < 20 yrs 7% 13% 9% 6% 26% 21% 9% 30 yrs & over 25 - 29 yrs 20 - 24 yrs < 20 yrs 9% 8% 12% 7% 8% 30 yrs & over 25 - 29 yrs 20 - 24 yrs < 20 yrs 21% 24% 8% 12% 8% 9% 8% 7% 28% 18% 14% 30 yrs & over 25 - 29 yrs 20 - 24 yrs < 20 yrs 8% 10% 6% 8% 5% 35% 16% 30 yrs & over 25 - 29 yrs 20 - 24 yrs < 20 yrs 10% 9% 14% 7% 6% 5% No Pell 35% 7% 17% 30 yrs & over 25 - 29 yrs 20 - 24 yrs < 20 yrs 9% 7% 30 yrs & over 25 - 29 yrs 20 - 24 yrs < 20 yrs 10% 8% 8% 6% 17% 30% 8% 15% 7% 5% 13% 0 Pell 13% 8% 1,000 17% 33% 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 Unduplicated Students Definitions: AtD Cohort: Each cohort consists of students enrolled in HCC during the specified Fall semester, having entered that semester or during the prior summer semester. (See Source Demographics for more explanation.) Pell Status: As shown in the chart's legend above, Pell status, reported as "Pell" versus "No Pell" refers to the student as either receiving Pell at some point or not receiving Pell throughout the semesters reported.. Source: HCC OIR AtD Student General Records and Academic Histories, Fall 2005 to Fall 2012, March 2013. MD: Cohort Age & Pell Demos , AtD_Baseline_Reports_2005-2012_042513 (4).xlsx revised 05/13/2013 Houston Community College Office of Institutional Research Successful Course Completion of the First Fall for AtD Cohorts 2005 thru 2012 Report Purpose: To compare the successful completion rates of the last eight cohort's first Fall enrollment -- first for all courses, then subdivided by academic and workforce course type. Analysis: Successful course completion rates during the first Fall semester for each cohort have remained within two percentage points throughout five of the last eight years. Declining rates for the Fall 2010 and Fall 2011 Cohorts have begun to rebound for the Fall 2012 Cohort. Although the pattern is similar, Workforce course success rates, which do not include developmental courses, almost always exceed the academic rates. 80 69.8 69.8 71.3 69.8 69.0 67.3 65.1 67.9 Fall '08 27,410 Fall '07 30,459 Fall '06 29,600 Fall '05 29,119 24,375 20 22,868 40 22,839 60 18,619 Successful Completion Rate (%) First Fall Course Completion Rates for AtD Cohorts 100 0 Fall '09 Fall '10 Fall '11 Fall '12 Fall Cohort First Fall Course Completion Rates in Academic Courses for AtD Cohorts 80 68.6 68.8 70.6 68.9 68.1 66.3 64.6 67.6 Fall '10 22,460 23,966 Fall '09 24,878 24,545 21,026 20 19,955 40 19,579 60 15,444 Successful Completion Rate (%) 100 0 Fall '05 Fall '06 Fall '07 Fall '08 Fall '11 Fall '12 Fall Cohort 80 76.7 76.3 76.7 76.3 74.3 71.9 67.5 69.7 4,950 5,581 5,633 4,576 3,349 20 2,916 40 3,259 60 3,176 Successful Completion Rate (%) First Fall Course Completion Rates in Workforce Courses for AtD Cohorts 100 0 Fall '05 Fall '06 Fall '07 Fall '08 Note: Vertical numbers = courses successfully completed. Fall '09 Fall '10 Fall '11 Fall '12 Fall Cohort Definition: Successful completion rate: A primary outcome indicator of student success is the rate at which students, enrolled in a course, complete the course with a "C" or better grade. Such successful completion of a course is required of accumulated credits desired for transfer or to earn an award or degree. Source : HCC Fiscal Management Reports, Recruitment/Retention Reports, Within-Term Success Reports (HCOIR1433r), AtD First Time in College Enrollments for Cohort Terms 2005 through 2012, March 2013. MD: Within-Term Course Completion, AtD_Baseline_Reports_2005-2012_042513 (4).xlsx revised 05/13/2013 Houston Community College Office of Institutional Research Semester to Semester Persistence First Year for Each AtD Cohort 2005 thru 2012 Report Purpose: To compare the persistence rates of each cohort's first year -- first for their first Fall to the first Spring semester, then for their first Fall to the next Fall semester. Analysis: Across the last eight Fall cohorts, there was a gradual increase in the Fall-to-Spring persistence rate, until the 5% drop for the Fall 2011 cohort, which then rebounded by three percentage points to 73% for this past Fall 2012 Cohort. The Fall 2012 Cohort was 55% larger than the Fall 2005 Cohort, but size differences did not affect the is F-S persistence rate. More focused compliance to two policies – Pell Grant and Dual Credit Status – appears to be the major factor in the lower Fall-to-Spring and Fall-to-Fall Persistence Rates of the last two Fall Cohorts. First Fall to First Spring Persistence/Success Rates for AtD Cohorts 80% 71.6% 71.9% 75.4% 74.7% 72.6% 71.9% 73.3% 70.3% 10,221 Fall '07 Fall '08 Fall '09 Fall '10 N = 9,340 N = 10,713 N = 12,869 N = 8,214 N = 9,315 10,741 9,572 Fall '06 Fall '05 10,301 7,768 20% 6,714 40% 6,693 60% 5,846 Persistence Rate (%) 100% 0% Fall '11 N = 13,593 Fall '12 N = 14,697 N = 12,731 Fall Cohort First Fall to Next Fall Persistence/Success Rates for AtD Cohorts 80% 60% 50.8% 49.9% 53.6% 52.2% 52.3% 52.4% 45.9% 7,101 6,722 6,696 Fall '06 5,734 Fall '05 4,874 20% 4,646 40% 4,173 Persistence Rate (%) 100% Fall '09 Fall '10 Fall '11 N = 12,869 N = 13,593 0% N = 8,214 N = 9,315 Fall '07 N = 9,340 Fall '08 N = 10,713 N = 14,697 Fall Cohort N = total number of students in the AtD cohort Definition: Persistence Rate: A primary outcome indicator of student success is the rate at which students return in subsequent semesters to continue their studies. Persistence is obviously necessary to earn the credits necessary for transfer or to receive an award or degree. Source : HCC Fiscal Management Reports, Recruitment/Retention Reports, Term-to-Term Success Reports, AtD First Time in College Enrollments for Cohort Terms 2005 through 2012 (HCOIR1432y), March 2013. Note these standard reports include receipt of award in prior semester as part of persistence/success rate. MD: First Yr Persistence , AtD_Baseline_Reports_2005-2012_042513 (4).xlsx revised 05/13/2013 Houston Community College Office of Institutional Research Persistence by Ethnicity for AtD Cohorts of Fall 2007 through Fall 2010 Report Purpose: To compare the persistence rates by ethnicity for four AtD Cohorts. Analysis: The persistence rates by ethnicity of the AtD cohorts provide some interesting trends: Currently, Hispanics and Asian/Other students have Fall-to-Spring Persistence rates staying above 70%. Ethnid gains in Fall-to-Spring and Fall-to-Fall Persistence rates for the Fall Cohorts of 2008, 2009, and 2010 became losses for the Fall 2011 Cohort, with African-Americans losing the most (4%) between Fall and Spring, and also the most (12%) between First Fall and second Fall semesters. Some of this decrease was countered by an increase in African-American transfers. Other than an increase in African-American transfers, a thorough analysis of the Fall 2011 Cohort did not find any other recruitment rational for the downturn in persistence rates. However, stricter compliance to financial aid policies related to Pell grants and to Dual Credit waiver qualifications likely resulted to increases in the number of administrative removals from Fall Cohorts between mid-term and end-of-term reporting. Not depicted in the graph below, Fall-to-Spring persistence rates since the Fall 2009 Cohort have made substantial gains for all ethnic groups in the Fall 2012 Cohort, with the Asian/Other category reaching 85%. Persistence by Ethnicity of AtD Student Cohorts (% of total cohort) 80% 76% 20% Fall-Spr Fall-Fall2 Fall-Fall3 Fall-Spr Fall-Fall2 57% 68% 66% 52% 39% 42% 36% 38% 29% 26% 30% 31% 45% 37% 50% 42% 55% 69% 62% 77% 61% 56% 48% 46% 35% 28% 30% 72% 76% 78% 41% 43% 71% 62% 50% 56% 47% 40% 75% 76% 77% 73% 72% 50% 69% Persistence Rates 60% 79% 70% Fall-Fall3 Fall-Spr Fall-Fall2 Fall-Fall3 Fall-Spr Fall-Fall2 Cohort 2008 Cohort 2009 Cohort 2010 Cohort 2011 N = 10,713 N = 12,869 N = 13,593 N = 14,697 Legend: White African-American Hispanic Asian/Other Definitions: AtD Cohort: Each cohort consists of students enrolled in HCC during the specified Fall semester, having entered that semester or during the prior summer semester. (See Source Demographics for more explanation.) Ethnicity: As shown in the chart's legend above, ethnicity is reported in four groupings with an "Asian/Other" category for Asian, multiple, other, and unidentified students. International students are included within the ethnicities they chose. Source: HCC Fiscal Management Reports, Recruitment/Retention Reports, Term-to-Term Success Reports, AtD First Time in College Enrollments for Cohort Terms 2008 through 2011 (HCOIR1432y), Feb 2009 - Mar 2013. Houston Community College Office of Institutional Research Fall-to-Fall Persistence and Awards For Fall 2005 AtD Cohort Tracked thru Fall 2012 Report Purpose: To show the Fall-to-Fall persistence trend, the trend of accumulated awards, and the trend for accumulated program completers for the Fall 2005 AtD cohorts to Analysis: AtD initiative pilots began in Fall 2005, so their impact would be minimal on the entire Fall 2005 Cohort. However, there is evidence of percentage increases in Fall-to-Fall persistence rates compared to prior cohorts. There were increases in the number of awards received and the completer rate at the end of the 2011-2012 academic year. Fall 2005 Cohort Fall-to-Fall Persistence Persisting Cohort 10,000 99.4% 8,000 6,000 50.8% 32.9% 4,000 23.2% 16.2% 2,000 12.2% 9.8% 7% Fall '05 Fall '06 Fall '07 Fall '08 Fall '09 Fall '10 Fall '11 Fall '12 Fall Semester Starting N = 8,214 Fall 2005 Cohort Annual Accumulated Awards and Degrees Accumulated Awards 2800 2400 2000 1600 466 34 56 400 0 1171 716 1200 800 1152 1044 919 159 249 for 1 yr 625 207 423 199 299 387 705 for 2 yrs 454 980 503 532 561 566 1,276 for 3 yrs 1,795 for 4 yrs 2,202 for 5 yrs 2,459 for 6 yrs 2,693 for 7 yrs 2,730 for 8 yrs Associate Degrees Starting N = 8,214 883 993 780 Core Completers Certificates Accumulated Program Completers Fall 2005 Cohort Annual Accumulated Program Completers 1800 1500 19.4% 1200 17.7% 10.9% partial year 14.7% 900 600 21.3% 21% 6.6% % of Cohort 2.7% 300 0 By 1rst yr = 220 Starting N = 8,214 By 2nd yr = 539 By 3rd yr = 894 By 4th yr = 1,209 By 5th yr = 1,451 By 6th yr = 1,595 By 7th yr = 1,726 By Mar of 8th yr = 1,750 Unduplicated Accumulation by Academic Year Definition: Persistence and Award Outcomes: An outcome of student success is not only persistence but also the number of awards and degrees accumulated by students in the cohort over time. Successful completion of a program -- either by receiving a certificate, associate degree, or core completer status -- is the end goal for all degree-seeking students. Sources : HCC Fiscal Management Reports, Recruitment/Retention Reports, Term-to-Term Success Reports (HCOIR1432y), AtD First Time in College Enrollments for Fall Cohort Terms 2005 through 2012; and HCC Academic History File Extracts by AtD Cohort (HCOIR1446d & HCOIR1446e), March 2013. MD: 2005 Persistence & Awards , AtD_Baseline_Reports_2005-2012_042513 (4).xlsx revised 05/13/2013 Houston Community College Office of Institutional Research Fall-to-Fall Persistence and Awards For Fall 2006 AtD Cohort Tracked thru Fall 2012 Report Purpose: To show the Fall-to-Fall persistence trend, the trend of accumulated awards, and the trend for accumulated program completers for the Fall 2006 AtD cohorts to demonstrate the long-term efforts of the cohort. Analysis: By Fall 2006, six AtD initiatives were underway, with a few expanded across colleges. Comparison of Cohort 2006 at the third year compared to Cohort 2002 yield some early impressive results. Third Fall persistence grew 4.1 points from 29.5% for Cohort 2002 to 33.6% for Cohort 2006. This increase is reflected in a 19.8% increase in awards (39% increase in Associate Degrees alone) received and a 14.7% increase in completers for Cohort 2006, compared to Cohort 2002 at the end of the cohorts' third years. Fall 2006 Cohort Fall-to-Fall Persistence Persisting Cohort 10,000 99.7% 8,000 49.9% 6,000 33.6% 4,000 23.8% 17% 2,000 11.6% 8.7% Fall '06 Fall '07 Fall '08 Fall '09 Fall '10 Fall '11 Fall '12 Fall Semester Starting N = 9,315 Fall 2006 Cohort Annual Accumulated Awards and Degrees Accumulated Awards 3000 2500 2000 547 1000 0 1274 1034 1068 879 1500 500 1232 1093 30 37 169 236 for 1 yr 932 757 217 217 333 496 416 487 537 586 591 767 for 2 yrs 1,459 for 3 yrs 2,123 for 4 yrs 2,562 for 5 yrs 2,852 for 6 yrs 2,933 for 7 yrs Associate Degrees Starting N = 9,315 Core Completers Certificates Accumulated Program Completers Fall 2006 Cohort Annual Accumulated Program Completers 2000 1600 18.1% 10.8% 1200 19.8% 15.3% partial year 6% 800 20.3% 2% % of Cohort 400 0 By 1rst yr = 188 By 2nd yr = 559 Starting N = 9,315 By 3rd yr = 1.006 By 4th yr = 1,427 By 5th yr = 1,685 By 6th yr = 1,845 Unduplicated Accumulation by Academic Year By Mar of 7th yr = 1,888 Definition: Persistence and Award Outcomes: An outcome of student success is not only persistence but also the number of awards and degrees accumulated by students in the cohort over time. Successful completion of a program -- either by receiving a certificate, associate degree, or core completer status -- is the end goal for all degree-seeking students. Sources : HCC Fiscal Management Reports, Recruitment/Retention Reports, Term-to-Term Success Reports (HCOIR1432y), AtD First Time in College Enrollments for Fall Cohort Terms 2006 through 2012; and HCC Academic History File Extracts by AtD Cohort (HCOIR1446d & HCOIR1446e), March 2013. MD: 2006 Persistence & Awards , AtD_Baseline_Reports_2005-2012_042513 (4).xlsx.xls revised 05/13/2013 Houston Community College Office of Institutional Research Fall-to-Fall Persistence and Awards For Fall 2007 AtD Cohort Tracked thru Fall 2012 Report Purpose: To show the Fall-to-Fall persistence trend, the trend of accumulated awards, and the trend for accumulated program completers for the Fall 2007 AtD cohorts to demonstrate the long-term efforts of the cohort. Analysis: By Fall 2007, focus was on four AtD initiatives, three expanded across colleges. It is somewhat early to determine the initiatives and other efforts long-term impact on the Fall 2007 Cohort. The increase in the third Fall's persistence rate compared to prior cohorts is reflected in significant increases in awards and completers, the latter of which is a full percentage point higher at the end of the third year compared to any prior cohort.. Fall 2007 Cohort Fall-to-Fall Persistence Persisting Cohort 10,000 99.6% 8,000 52.2% 6,000 35.7% 4,000 24.5% 16.7% 2,000 10.4% Fall '07 Fall '08 Fall '09 Fall '10 Fall '11 Fall '12 Fall Semester Starting N = 9,340 Fall 2007 Cohort Annual Accumulated Awards and Degrees Accumulated Awards 3000 2500 2000 1283 1323 1115 1150 1042 1500 688 1000 923 500 34 0 127 42 203 for 1 yr 268 637 255 257 361 419 479 484 780 for 2 yrs 1,686 for 3 yrs 2,384 for 4 yrs 2,877 for 5 yrs 2,957 for 6 yrs Associate Degrees Starting N = 9,340 Core Completers Certificates Accumulated Program Completers Fall 2007 Cohort Annual Accumulated Program Completers 2000 19.6% 1600 16.5% 1200 6.1% 800 400 20.1% partial year 12.0% % of Cohort 1.8% 0 By 1rst yr = 167 Starting N = 9,340 By 2nd yr = 566 By 3rd yr = 1,118 By 4th yr = 1,539 By 5th yr = 1,831 By Mar of 6th yr = 1,876 Unduplicated Accumulation by Academic Year Definition: Persistence and Award Outcomes: An outcome of student success is not only persistence but also the number of awards and degrees accumulated by students in the cohort over time. Successful completion of a program -- either by receiving a certificate, associate degree, or core completer status -- is the end goal for all degree-seeking students. Sources : HCC Fiscal Management Reports, Recruitment/Retention Reports, Term-to-Term Success Reports (HCOIR1432y), AtD First Time in College Enrollments for Fall Cohort Terms 2007 through 2012; and HCC Academic History File Extracts by AtD Cohort (HCOIR1446d & HCOIR1446e), March 2013. MD: 2007 Persistence & Awards, AtD_Baseline_Reports_2005-2012_042513 (4).xlsx revised 05/13/2013 Houston Community College Office of Institutional Research Fall-to-Fall Persistence and Awards For Fall 2008 AtD Cohort Tracked thru Fall 2012 Report Purpose: To show the Fall-to-Fall persistence trend, the trend of accumulated awards, and the trend for accumulated program completers for the Fall 2008 AtD cohorts to demonstrate the long-term efforts of the cohort. Analysis: By Fall 2008, focus was on three AtD initiatives, all expanded across colleges. The the numbers of awards reaching almost 3,000 for this cohort, plus the percent of completers reaching around 20% for this cohort, which is a year earlier than prior cohorts, suggests HCC initiatives are supporting a more goal-oriented focused student body. Fall 2008 Cohort Fall-to-Fall Persistence 12,000 100% Persisting Cohort 10,000 8,000 53.6% 6,000 36.9% 4,000 24.3% 15.5% 2,000 Fall '08 Fall '09 Fall '10 Fall '11 Fall '12 Fall Semester Starting N = 10,713 Fall 2008 Cohort Annual Accumulated Awards and Degrees Accumulated Awards 3000 2500 838 1500 1000 330 54 48 500 0 1344 1247 2000 121 223 for 1 yr Starting N = 10,713 1143 1229 798 311 276 361 405 416 917 for 2 yrs 1,997 for 3 yrs 2,795 for 4 yrs 2,989 for 5 yrs Associate Degrees Core Completers Certificates Accumulated Program Completers Fall 2008 Cohort Annual Accumulated Program Completers 2000 18.3% 1600 17.1% 1200 partial year 12.6% 6.2% 800 1.7% 400 % of Cohort 0 By 1rst yr = 187 Starting N = 10,713 By 2nd yr = 669 By 3rd yr = 1,345 By 4th yr = 1,835 Unduplicated Accumulation by Academic Year By Mar of 5rd yr = 1959 Definition: Persistence and Award Outcomes: An outcome of student success is not only persistence but also the number of awards and degrees accumulated by students in the cohort over time. Successful completion of a program -- either by receiving a certificate, associate degree, or core completer status -- is the end goal for all degree-seeking students. Sources : HCC Fiscal Management Reports, Recruitment/Retention Reports, Term-to-Term Success Reports (HCOIR1432y), AtD First Time in College Enrollments for Fall Cohort Terms 2008 through 2012; and HCC Academic History File Extracts by AtD Cohort (HCOIR1446d & HCOIR1446e), March 2013. MD: 2008 Persistence & Awards, AtD_Baseline_Reports_2005-2012_042513 (4).xlsx revised 05/13/2013 Houston Community College Office of Institutional Research Fall-to-Fall Persistence and Awards For Fall 2009 AtD Cohort Tracked thru Fall 2012 Report Purpose: To show the Fall-to-Fall persistence trend, the trend of accumulated awards, and the trend for accumulated program completers for the Fall 2009 AtD cohorts to demonstrate the long-term efforts of the cohort. Analysis: By Fall 2009, focus was on extended versions of the three main AtD initiatives, all dispersed across colleges. The trends for accumulated awards, plus persistence and completer rates for this 2009 Cohort are lagging a bit compared to the 2008 Cohort's persistence and completions trends. Fall 2009 Cohort Fall-to-Fall Persistence 14,000 100% Persisting Cohort 12,000 10,000 52.3% 8,000 34.4% 6,000 20.4% 4,000 2,000 Fall '09 Fall '10 Fall '11 Fall '12 Fall Semester Starting N = 10,869 Fall 2009 Cohort Annual Accumulated Awards and Degrees Accumulated Awards 2700 2400 2100 1800 1500 1200 900 600 300 0 1097 924 381 1024 881 76 62 378 152 290 for 1 yr 281 393 420 1.040 for 2 yrs 2,198 for 3 yrs 2,541 for 4 yrs Core Completers Certificates Associate Degrees Starting N = 10,869 Accumulated Program Completers Fall 2009 Cohort Annual Accumulated Program Completers 1800 13.6% 1500 11.9% 1200 6% partial year 900 600 2% % of Cohort 300 0 By 1rst yr = 255 Starting N = 10,869 By 2nd yr = 776 By 3rd yr = 1,532 By Mar of 4rd yr = 1,744 Unduplicated Accumulation by Academic Year Definition: Persistence and Award Outcomes: An outcome of student success is not only persistence but also the number of awards and degrees accumulated by students in the cohort over time. Successful completion of a program -- either by receiving a certificate, associate degree, or core completer status -- is the end goal for all degree-seeking students. Sources : HCC Fiscal Management Reports, Recruitment/Retention Reports, Term-to-Term Success Reports (HCOIR1432y), AtD First Time in College Enrollments for Fall Cohort Terms 2009 through 2012; and HCC Academic History File Extracts by AtD Cohort (HCOIR1446d & HCOIR1446e), March 2013. MD: 2009 Persistence & Awards, AtD_Baseline_Reports_2005-2012_042513 (4).xlsx revised 05/13/2013 Houston Community College Office of Institutional Research Fall-to-Fall Persistence and Awards For Fall 2010 AtD Cohort Tracked thru Fall 2012 Report Purpose: To show the Fall-to-Fall persistence trend, the trend of accumulated awards, and the trend for accumulated program completers for the Fall 2009 AtD cohorts to demonstrate the long-term efforts of the cohort. Analysis: By Fall 2010, focus was again on extended versions of the three main AtD initiatives, all dispersed across colleges. After only 2½ years, there is little to compare to prior cohorts, but it appears that the trends are following those of Fall 2009's Cohort, still lagging a bit compared to the 2008 Cohort persistence and completions trends. Fall 2010 Cohort Fall-to-Fall Persistence 99.7% 14,000 Persisting Cohort 12,000 10,000 52.4% 8,000 32.2% 6,000 4,000 2,000 Fall '10 Fall '11 Fall '12 Fall Semester Starting N = 13,593 Fall 2010 Cohort Annual Accumulated Awards and Degrees Accumulated Awards 2400 2100 1800 1500 1200 477 900 334 65 600 261 283 962 for 2 yrs 1,274 for 3 yrs 120 0 268 for 1 yr Associate Degrees Starting N = 13,593 514 367 83 300 Core Completers Certificates Accumulated Program Completers Fall 2010 Cohort Annual Accumulated Program Completers 1500 1250 7.1% 1000 5.5% 750 partial year 1.7% 500 % of Cohort 250 0 By 1rst yr = 234 Starting N = 13,593 By 2nd yr = 753 By Mar of 3rd yr = 971 Unduplicated Accumulation by Academic Year Definition: Persistence and Award Outcomes: An outcome of student success is not only persistence but also the number of awards and degrees accumulated by students in the cohort over time. Successful completion of a program -- either by receiving a certificate, associate degree, or core completer status -- is the end goal for all degree-seeking students. Sources : HCC Fiscal Management Reports, Recruitment/Retention Reports, Term-to-Term Success Reports (HCOIR1432y), AtD First Time in College Enrollments for Fall Cohort Terms 2010 through 2012; and HCC Academic History File Extracts by AtD Cohort (HCOIR1446d & HCOIR1446e), March 2013. MD: 2010 Persistence & Awards, AtD_Baseline_Reports_2005-2012_042513 (4).xlsx revised 05/13/2013 Houston Community College Office of Institutional Research Fall-to-Fall Persistence and Awards For Fall 2011 AtD Cohort Tracked thru Fall 2012 Report Purpose: To show the Fall-to-Fall persistence trend, the trend of accumulated awards, and the trend for accumulated program completers for the Fall 2009 AtD cohorts to demonstrate the long-term efforts of the cohort. Analysis: By Fall 2011, ⅔rds of HCC new students attend at least one of five Freshman Success courses; coordinated MATH modules exist at all campuses: and other supporting pedagogies further extended AtD initiatives at all colleges. After only 1½ years, it is too early to determine long-term impact on the Fall 2011 Cohort's awards and completer rates; but first Fall-to-Fall Persistence Rate is significantly lower than prior years. Fall 2011 Cohort Fall-to-Fall Persistence 99.9% Persisting Cohort 15,000 12,000 9,000 45.9% 6,000 3,000 Fall '11 Fall '12 Fall Semester Starting N = 14,697 Fall 2011 Cohort Annual Accumulated Awards and Degrees Accumulated Awards 2400 2100 1800 1500 1200 900 67 600 87 122 300 0 147 111 265 for 1 yr Associate Degrees Starting N = 14,697 137 406 for 2 yr Core Completers Certificates Accumulated Program Completers Fall 2011 Cohort Annual Accumulated Program Completers 1000 750 partial year 500 2.3% 1.5% 250 % of Cohort 0 By 1rst yr = 227 Starting N = 14,697 By Mar of 2nd yr = 334 Unduplicated Accumulation by Academic Year Definition: Persistence and Award Outcomes: An outcome of student success is not only persistence but also the number of awards and degrees accumulated by students in the cohort over time. Successful completion of a program -- either by receiving a certificate, associate degree, or core completer status -- is the end goal for all degree-seeking students. Sources : HCC Fiscal Management Reports, Recruitment/Retention Reports, Term-to-Term Success Reports (HCOIR1432y), AtD First Time in College Enrollments for Fall Cohort Terms 2010 through 2012; and HCC Academic History File Extracts by AtD Cohort (HCOIR1446d & HCOIR1446e), March 2013. MD: 2011 Persistence & Awards, AtD_Baseline_Reports_2005-2012_042513 (4).xlsx revised 05/13/2013 Houston Community College Office of Institutional Research Completers &/or Transfers Accumulations for Selected Cohorts Thru April 2013 Report Purpose: To show the accumulations of program completers, transfers to other higher-education institutions, and completers who transfer for the four alternating-year AtD cohorts to compare the long-term efforts of the cohorts. Analysis: Officials quoting accountabilty figures for community colleges often measure student graduation rates based on the number of Associate degrees received by a cohort of students within their first three years. However, it is important to remember that a student may reach their educational goal at the community college by receiving a program certificate, or being a core completer, and/or transferring to another post-secondary educational institution. Because over 60% of HCC students are part-timers and about 64% require developmental coursework before taking their college level courses, HCC students take longer to complete their educational goals. With these factors in mind, please note that, after seven full years, 54% of Cohort 2005 students have either been program completers and/or transfers to other institutions. The completers/transfer trend appears to be consistent with about rates of 10% in first year, 35% by third year, 40% by fourth year, and rising to mid-50's by the current year. Program Completer &/or Transfer Accumulations for Alternating AtD Cohorts 7.5 Yr Total = 4,470 6,000 5.5 Yr Total = 4,930 3.5 Yr Total = 5,405 42% Unduplicated Students 53% 5,000 54% 4,000 40% 3,000 2,000 32% 7% 6% 8% 5% 25% 9% 1,000 1.9% 1% - 9% 13% 8% 7% 8% 33% 9% 1% 1% 6% Yr 3 35% 5% 2% 21% Yr 1 44% Yr 4 Mar'13 8% 12% Cohort 2005 N = 8,214 Transfers to Other Colleges 8% 7% 2.5 Yr Total = 4,144 31% 3% 14% 28% 23% 10% 24% 9% Yr 4 Mar'13 Cohort 2007 N = 9,340 1% 7% Yr 1 Yr 3 Mar'13 Cohort 2009 N = 12,869 Completers who Transfer 1% 23% 8% 2% 2% 1% 1.5 Yr Total = 2,087 4% 4% 28% Yr 3 7% 33% 7% Yr 1 36% 1% 1% 8% Yr 1 Mar'13 Cohort 2010 N = 13,593 2% 12% 6% Yr 1 Mar'13 Cohort 2011 N = 14,697 Program Completers Only Definition: Program Completers and Transfers: Successful completion of a program -- either by receiving a certificate, associate degree, or core completer status -- and/or transfer out to another postsecondary institution to continue studies are major end goals for all degree-seeking students. Sources: HCC OIR AtD Cohort Academic Histories, March 2013; National Clearinghouse Transfer AtD Cohort files, Jan. 2013. MD: Completers & Transfers. , AtD_Baseline_Reports_2005-2012_051313.xlsx.xls revised 05/13/2013