KRESS SMOOTHING TRANSFORMATION FOR WEAKLY SINGULAR FREDHOLM INTEGRAL EQUATION OF SECOND KIND HASSAN MOHAMED SAEED BAWAZIR UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA PSZ 19:16 (Pind. 1/97) UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA BORANG PENGESAHAN STATUS TESIS i KRESS SMOOTHING TRANSFORMATION FOR WEAKLY SINGULAR JUDUL:_____________________________________________________________ FREDHOLM INTEGRAL EQUATION OF SECOND KIND _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ SESI PENGAJIAN: 2005/2006 HASSAN MOHAMED SAEED BAWAZIR Saya _______________________________________________________________________ (HURUF BESAR) mengaku membenarkan tesis (PSM / Sarjana / Doktor Falsafah)* ini disimpan di Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dengan syarat-syarat kegunaan seperti berikut: 1. 2. 3. 4. Tesis adalah hakmilik Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dibenarkan membuat salinan untuk tujuan pengajian sahaja. Perpustakaan dibenarkan membuat salinan tesis ini sebagai bahan pertukaran antara institusi pengajian tinggi. ** Sila tandakan ( ) SULIT (Mengandungi maklumat yang berdarjah keselamatan atau kepentingan Malaysia seperti yang termaktub di dalam AKTA RAHSIA RASMI 1972) TERHAD (Mengandungi maklumat TERHAD yang telah ditentukan oleh organisasi/badan di mana penyelidikan dijalankan) TIDAK TERHAD Disahkan oleh _______________________________ (TANDATANGAN PENULIS) Alamat Tetap: Department of Mathematics, _______________________________ _______________________________ Faculty of Education - Seiyun, _______________________________ Hadhramout University of Science _______________________________ & Technology, Hadramout, Yemen. Tarikh: ________________________ 27 MARCH 2006 CATATAN __________________________________ (TANDATANGAN PENYELIA) ASSOC. PROF. DR. ALI BIN ABD RAHMAN _____________________________________ Nama Penyelia Tarikh: __________________________ 27 MARCH 2006 * Potong yang tidak berkenaan. ** Jika tesis ini SULIT atau TERHAD, sila lampirkan surat daripada pihak berkuasa/organisasi berkenaan dengan menyatakan sekali sebab dan tempoh tesis ini perlu dikelaskan sebagai SULIT atau TERHAD. i Tesis dimaksudkan sebagai tesis bagi Ijazah Doktor Falsafah dan Sarjana secara penyelidikan, atau disertai bagi pengajian secara kerja kursus dan penyelidikan, atau Laporan Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM). ”I hereby declare that I have read through this dissertation and in my opinion this dissertation is sufficient in terms of scopes and quality for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Mathematics).” Signature : Name of Supervisor : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali bin Abd Rahman Date : 27 MARCH 2006 KRESS SMOOTHING TRANSFORMATION FOR WEAKLY SINGULAR FREDHOLM INTEGRAL EQUATION OF SECOND KIND HASSAN MOHAMED SAEED BAWAZIR This dissertation is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master Degree of Science (Mathematics) Faculty of Science Universiti Teknologi Malaysia MARCH 2006 ii I declare that this dissertation entitled “Kress smoothing transformation for weakly singular Fredholm integral equation of second kind ” is the result of my own research except as cited in references. The dissertation has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree. Signature : Name : HASSAN MOHAMED SAEED BAWAZIR Date : 27 MARCH 2006 iii To my beloved family and friends, especially my sons: Faisal and Mohamed. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In The Name Of ALLAH, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful All praise is due only to ALLAH, the lord of the worlds. Ultimately, Only ALLAH has given us the strength and courage to proceed with our entire life. His works are truly splendid and wholesome, and his knowledge is truly complete with due perfection. I am particularly appreciative of my supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali bin Abd Rahman for his invaluable supervision, guidance and assistance. He has provided me with some precious ideas and suggestions throughout this dissertation. In addition I would like to thank Hadhramout University of Science & Technology for their support. I am also grateful to Al-Sheikh Eng. Abdullah Ahmad Bogshan for his financial support. Also I would like to thank the Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, UTM, for providing the facilities. I am grateful for the help of my best friends. Among these are Dr. Mohammed M. S. Nasser and Mr. Omer Abdulaziz Mohamed Ali. Besides, I want to dedicate heartiest gratitude to my beloved parents, my uncle, and my wife for direct and indirect support and encouragement during the completion of my dissertation. v ABSTRACT This work investigates a numerical method for the second kind Fredholm integral equation with weakly singular kernel k(x, y), in particular, when k(x, y) = ln |x−y|, and k(x, y) = |x−y|−α , −1 ≤ x, y ≤ 1, 0 < α < 1. The solutions of such equations may exhibit a singular behaviour in the neighbourhood of the endpoints x = ±1. We introduce a new smoothing transformation based on the Kress transformation for solving weakly singular Fredholm integral equations of the second kind, and then using the Hermite smoothing transformation as a standard. With the transformation an equation which is still weakly singular is obtained, but whose solution is smoother. The transformed equation is then solved numerically by product integration methods with interpolating polynomials. Two types of interpolating polynomials, namely the Gauss-Legendre and Chebyshev polynomials, have been used. Numerical examples are presented to investigate the performance of the former. vi ABSTRAK Kajian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki kaedah berangka bagi persamaan kamiran Fredholm jenis kedua dengan inti aneh secara lemah k(x, y), khususnya, apabila k(x, y) = ln |x − y|, dan k(x, y) = |x − y|−α , −1 ≤ x, y ≤ 1, 0 < α < 1. Penyelesaian bagi persamaan ini mempamerkan perilaku singular dalam kejiranan titik hujung x = ±1. Diperkenalkan juga penjelmaan berdasarkan penjelmaan Kress untuk menyelesaikan kelemahan singular persamaan kamiran Fredholm jenis kedua, seterusnya menggunakan penjelmaan Hermite, sebagai piawai. Dengan penjelmaan ini persamaan yang masih lemah, diperolehi tetapi penyelesaiannya lebih licin. Persamaan penjelmaan kemudian diselesaikan secara berangka dengan kaedah hasildarab kamiran bersama polinomial interpolasi. Dua jenis polinomial interpolasi, Gauss-Legendre dan Chebyshev, telah digunakan. Contoh berangka diberikan menunjukkan keberkesanan kaedah ini. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE PAGE DISSERTATION STATUS DECLARATION SUPERVISOR’S DECLARATION 1 TITLE PAGE i DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xi GLOSSARY xiv LIST OF APPENDICES xv PRELIMINARY REMARKS 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Problem Statement 4 1.3 Objectives of the Study 6 1.4 Scope of the Study 7 1.5 Simulation Tool 8 1.6 Dissertation’s Plan 9 viii 2 3 LITERATURE REVIEW 10 2.1 Introduction 10 2.2 Literature Review 11 2.3 Solution Behaviour 13 2.4 Hermite Transformation 14 2.5 Kress Transformation 16 PRODUCT INTEGRATION METHOD 20 3.1 Introduction 20 3.2 Integration Rules 21 3.3 Product Integration with Gaussian Abscissae and Weights 24 3.3.1 Introduction 24 3.3.2 Application to Fredholm Equation with Abel Kernels 25 3.3.3 Application to Fredholm Equation with Logarithmic Kernels 27 3.4 Product Integration with Curtis-Clenshaw Points 4 28 3.4.1 Introduction 28 3.4.2 Application to Fredholm Equation with Abel Kernels 29 3.4.3 Application to Fredholm Equation with Logarithmic Kernels 31 3.5 Concluding Remarks 33 QUADRATURE FORMULA 34 4.1 Introduction 34 4.2 An Integration Quadrature Formula 35 4.2.1 Hermite Smoothing Transformation 35 4.2.2 Kress Smoothing Transformation 37 ix 5 4.2.3 Modified Kress Transformation 41 4.3 Application to Weakly Singular Fredholm Integral Equation of the Second Kind 43 4.3.1 Fredholm Weakly Singular Integral Equations of the Second Kind with Abel Kernels 44 4.3.2 Fredholm Weakly Singular Integral Equations of the Second Kind with Logarithmic Kernels 45 NUMERICAL RESULTS 47 5.1 Introduction 47 5.2 Product Integration with Gaussian Abscissae and Weights 48 5.2.1 Weakly Singular Integral Equations with Abel Kernels Matrix Elements 49 Examples 50 5.2.2 Weakly Singular Integral Equations with Logarithmic Kernels 64 Matrix Elements 64 Examples 66 5.3 Product Integration with Curtis-Clenshaw Points 5.3.1 Weakly Singular Integral Equations with Abel Kernels 70 70 Matrix Elements 71 Examples 72 5.3.2 Weakly Singular Integral Equations with Logarithmic Kernels 6 48 77 Matrix Elements 78 Examples 79 5.4 Discussion 88 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 91 x 6.1 Summary 91 6.2 Conclusions 92 6.3 Recommendations for Future Study 93 REFERENCES 94 APPENDICES APPENDIX A 97 APPENDIX B 101 APPENDIX C 104 APPENDIX D 108 xi LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 3.1 Error Norm of Example 3.1 23 5.1 Error Norm of Example 5.1 with p = 2 58 5.2 Error Norm of Example 5.1 with p = 3 58 5.3 Error Norm of Example 5.2 with p = 3 58 5.4 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.3 with p = 2 59 5.5 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.3 with p = 3 59 5.6 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.3 with p = 4 59 5.7 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.4 60 5.8 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.5 with α0 = α2 = 4, α1 = 9 60 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.5 with α0 = α1 = 3 60 5.10 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.6 with p = 1 61 5.11 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.6 with p = 2 61 5.12 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.6 with p = 3 61 5.13 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.6 with p = 4 62 5.14 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.7 62 5.15 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.8 with α0 = α2 = 4, α1 = 9 62 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.8 with α0 = α1 = 3 63 5.17 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.9 with p = 2 63 5.18 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.9 with p = 3 63 5.19 Error Norm of Example 5.10 with p = 2 67 5.20 Error Norm of Example 5.10 with p = 3 67 5.9 5.16 xii 5.21 Error Norm of Example 5.11. 68 5.22 The values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.12 68 5.23 The values |θ128 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.13 with α0 = α1 = 2 68 The values |θ128 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.13 with α0 = α1 = 3 69 5.25 The values |θ128 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.14 with p = 2 69 5.26 The values |θ128 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.14 with p = 3 70 5.27 Error Norm of Example 5.15 with p = 2 73 5.28 Error Norm of Example 5.15 with p = 3 73 5.29 Error Norm of Example 5.15 with α0 = α1 = 2 74 5.30 Error Norm of Example 5.15 with α0 = α1 = 3 74 5.31 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.17 with p = 2 74 5.32 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.17 with p = 3 75 5.33 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.18 75 5.34 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.19 with p = 2 75 5.35 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.19 with p = 3 76 5.36 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.20 76 5.37 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.21 with α0 = α1 = 3 76 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.21 with α0 = α2 = 4, α1 = 9 77 5.39 Error Norm of Example 5.22 with p = 2 84 5.40 Error Norm of Example 5.22 with p = 3 84 5.41 Error Norm of Example 5.23 with α0 = α1 = 2 84 5.42 Error Norm of Example 5.23 with α0 = α1 = 3 85 5.43 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.24 with p = 2 85 5.44 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.24 with p = 3 85 5.45 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.25 86 5.46 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.26 with p = 2 86 5.47 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.26 with p = 3 86 5.48 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.27 87 5.49 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.28 with 5.24 5.38 xiii 5.50 α0 = α1 = 3 87 The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.28 with α0 = α2 = 4, α1 = 9 87 xiv GLOSSARY GM Gauss method CM Clenshaw method HT Hermite transformation KT Kress transformation MKT Modified Kress transformation xv LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A MATLAB program for Gauss-Legendre method 97 B MATLAB program for Clenshaw-Curtis method 101 C MATLAB program which solves a weakly singular Fredholm integral equation with Abel kernel using Gauss-Legendre method. D 104 MATLAB program which solves a weakly singular Fredholm integral equation with logarithmic kernel using Clenshaw-Curtis method. 108 CHAPTER 1 PRELIMINARY REMARKS 1.1 Introduction An integral equation is an equation in which the unknown function f (x) to be determined appears under the integral sign. A typical form of an integral equation in f (x) is of the form f (x) − λ β(x) k(x, y)f (y)dy = g(x), (1.1) α(x) where k(x, y) is called the kernel of the integral equation, and α(x) and β(x) are the limits of integration. It is important to point out that the kernel k(x, y) and the function g(x) in (1.1) are given in advance, g(x) is called input function. The standard form of a Volterra linear integral equation, where the limits of integration are functions of rather than constants, are of the form x φ(x)f (x) − λ k(x, y)f (y)dy = g(x), a ≤ x ≤ b, (1.2) a and the standard form of a Fredholm linear integral equation, where the limits of integration α(x) and β(x) are constants (say a and b), is given by the form b φ(x)f (x) − λ k(x, y)f (y)dy = g(x), a ≤ x, y ≤ b, (1.3) a 2 where the kernel of the integral equation, k(x, y), and the function g(x) are given in advance, and λ is a parameter. The equations (1.2) and (1.3) is called linear because the unknown function f (x) under the integral sign occurs linearly, i.e, the power of f (x) is one. The value of φ(x) will give rise to the following kinds of Fredholm linear integral equations: 1. When φ(x) = 0, equation (1.3) becomes b g(x) + λ k(x, y)f (y)dy = 0, a a ≤ x, y ≤ b, (1.4) and is called Fredholm integral equation of the first kind. 2. When φ(x) = 1, equation (1.3) becomes b k(x, y)f (y)dy = g(x), f (x) − λ a a ≤ x, y ≤ b, (1.5) and is called linear Fredholm integral equation of the second kind. In fact, the form of equation (1.5) can be obtained from (1.3) by dividing both sides of (1.3) by φ(x), provided that φ(x) = 0, As a special case of equation (1.5) when g(x) = 0, we have the equation b f (x) − λ k(x, y)f (y)dy = 0, a ≤ x, y ≤ b, (1.6) a By a boundary value problem for an ordinary differential equation of nth order, we mean the problem of determining the solution of the equation in a certain interval, on the boundaries of which the solution and its derivatives of order not higher than n − 1 take on prescribed values, or satisfy given relations. These problems lead to Fredholm integral equations (see Pogorzelski (1966), p.221). The boundary value problems for partial differential equations the parabolic and hyperbolic type lead to Volterra integral equations, while the 3 boundary value problems for partial differential equations of the elliptic type yield Fredholm equations. The solution of the Dirichlet and von Neumann problems are one of applications of the theory of Fredholm equation (see Pogorzelski (1966), p.230). Equation (1.1) is called singular if the lower limit, the upper limit or both limits of integration are infinite. In addition, the equation (1.1) is also called a singular integral equation if the kernel k(x, y) becomes infinite at one or more points in the domain of integration (see Wazwaz (1997), p.7). The kernels which become unbounded at x = y, for example k(x, y) = |x − y|−α , 0 < α < 1, or k(x, y) = ln |x − y|, are said to have a weak singularties (see Baker (1977), p.68). The case where k(x, y) and g(x) are piecewise-continuous, with finite jump discontinuities only on lines parallel to the coordinate axes; these ‘singularities’ are called ‘mild’ (see Baker (1977), p.526). Supposing that our functions k(x, y) and g(x) are piecewise-continuous and bounded, then in solving (1.6) we seek values of the parameter λ for which (1.6) has a non-trivial solution f (x). Such a value λ is called a characteristic value and the solution is called the eigenfunction (see Baker (1977), p. 4). In general we cannot guarantee the existence of any solution λ = 0 for equation (1.6). In particular if the kernel k(x, y) is not identically zero, real, and k(x, y) = k(y, x) ( in this case k(x, y) is said to be real and symmetric), there is at least one non-zero characteristic value and all of the characteristic values are real. 4 A value λ such that the equation (1.5) is uniquely solvable (when g(x) is piecewise-continuous but otherwise arbitrary) is known as a regular value. If λ is a characteristic value and ψ(x) a corresponding eigenfunction then to any solution f (x) of equation (1.5) there corresponds another solution f (x) + αψ(x), where α is arbitrary. Thus if λ is a characteristic value it cannot be a regular value. Moreover, if λ is not a characteristic value it can be shown that equation (1.5) has a unique solution, for arbitrary g(x), and hence that λ is a regular value (see Baker (1977), p. 15). The previous results, which are about uniqueness and existence of the solution of Fredholm integral equations of the first and second kinds, are obtained under the supposition that the kernel k(x, y) and the input function g(x) are piecewise-continuous and bounded. Additional consideration of weakly singular Fredholm integral equation requires some concepts such as compact integral operators, and Banach spaces; furthermore it requires some theorems like the Fredholm Alternative. Consider a weakly singular Fredholm integral equation of the second kind of the form 1 k(x, y)f (y)dy = g(x) f (x) − λ −1 − 1 ≤ x, y ≤ 1, (1.7) with k(x, y) = |x − y|−α , 0 < α < 1, or k(x, y) = ln |x − y|. It can be proved that (1.7) has a unique solution if and only if the corresponding homogeneous equation has only the trivial solution; for more details see Atkinson (1997), pages 6-13. 1.2 Problem Statement This dissertation introduces a new smoothing transformation based on the Kress transformation for solving weakly singular Fredholm integral equations 5 of the second kind, and then using the Hermite smoothing transformation as a standard, investigates the performance of the former. Consider weakly singular Fredholm integral equation of second kind of the form f (x) − λ 1 k(x, y)f (y)dy = g(x) −1 − 1 ≤ x, y ≤ 1, (1.8) with weakly singular kernels of one of the following forms: Abel kernel k(x, y) = |x − y|−α , 0 < α < 1, logarithmic kernel k(x, y) = ln |x − y|, where −1 ≤ x ≤ 1. The numerical solution of (1.8) is closely related to the solution of a linear algebraic system. Indeed, the main goal of the numerical methods to solve (1.8) is to reduce it approximately to a linear algebraic system. Then the linear algebraic system is solved to obtain an approximate solution of (1.8) as shown in the next chapters. The numerical treatment of weakly singular integral equations should take into account the nature of the singularities at the endpoints x = ±1. Some of the techniques that can be used to solve these integral equations are as follows: 1. Canceling the singularity (of the kernel). 2. Modified quadrature method. 3. Smoothing the kernel. 4. Approximating the kernel by a degenerate kernel. 5. Expansion methods (Galerkin and collocation methods). 6. Product integration. 6 Kress (1990) introduces an algebraic transformation for smoothing the solution of a boundary Fredholm integral equation in domains with corners. The solution of this integral equation has a singularity at the corner point. He considers integral equations of the second kind in the slightly unconventional form, and supposes that the input function is continuous, so we will focus on using of his transformation when the input function g(x) is smooth. We will do some modifications of the Kress transformation to be applicable with non-smooth input functions. More details for these transformations will be given later. Elliott and Prössdorf (1995) introduce a transformation of [0,1] onto itself such that an arbitrary number of derivatives vanish at the end points 0 and 1. If the transformed kernel is dominated near the origin by a Mellin kernel then they give conditions under which the use of a modified Euler-Maclaurin quadrature rule and the Nyström method gives an approximate solution which converges to the exact solution of the original equation. Monegato and Scuderi (1998) introduce a simple smoothing change of variable to solve one-dimensional linear weakly singular integral equations on bounded intervals, with input functions which may be smooth or not. In both cases either the input function is smooth or non-smooth, they define the smoothing transformation w = w(t) by using piecewise Hermite interpolation polynomial HM (t), so we will call this transformation as the Hermite transformation. We will focus on using the Hermite smoothing transformation for both cases as a standard. We will give more details for this transformation later. 1.3 Objectives of the Study 1. Using the Hermite smoothing transformation, reduce a second kind Fredholm integral equation with a weakly singular kernel, for both smooth 7 and non-smooth input functions, to an equivalent equation with smoother solution. 2. Using the Kress smoothing transformation, reduce a second kind Fredholm integral equations with a weakly singular kernel, for smooth input functions, to an equivalent equation with smoother solution. 3. Introduce a new transformation by modifying the Kress transformation so that it can be applied to non-smooth input functions. 4. Using the modified Kress transformation, reduce a second kind Fredholm integral equation with a weakly singular kernel, for non-smooth input functions, to an equivalent equation with smoother solution. 5. Solve the new transformed equation using the product integration method. 6. Compare the numerical results from the transformations. 1.4 Scope of the Study This dissertation focuses on introducing a new usage of the Kress smoothing transformation for solving weakly singular Fredholm integral equation of second kind, and then using the Hermite smoothing transformation as a standard, investigates the performance of the former. Firstly, we shall introduce a quadrature formula for the numerical evaluation of integrals of the form 1 f (x)dx, (1.9) −1 where the integrand is continuous on the interval (-1,1) and has singularities at the endpoints ±1. The idea of the new quadrature formula is to use the Hermite and Kress smoothing transformations to reduce the integral (1.9) to an equivalent integral with a smooth integrand. 8 Next, each transformation will be used to reduce, respectively, a second kind Fredholm integral equation with a weakly singular kernel to an equivalent equation with smoother solution. The new transformed equation will be discretized using the product integration method to obtain an equivalent linear algebraic system. The following product integration methods will be used: 1. Product integration with Gauss-Legendre points and weights. 2. Product integration with Clenshaw-Curtis (practical Chebyshev) points. The linear system will be solved using the MATLAB software (refer to Rosenberg (2001)) to obtain an approximate solution to the integral equation. 1.5 Simulation Tool MATLAB is a language for mathematical computations whose fundamental data types are vectors and matrices. It is distinguished from languages such as FORTRAN and C/C++ by operating at a higher mathematical level, including hundreds of operations such as matrix inversion, the singular value decomposition, and the fast Fourier transform as built-in commands. It is also a problem-solving environment, processing top-level commends by an interpreter rather than a compiler and providing in-line access to 2D and 3D graphics. The version of MATLAB, MATLAB7.0, is used in the present study, and the programs are written to reduce an integral equation to a linear algebraic system, and to calculate the numerical solution of the algebraic problem. The calculations are done on Intel Pentium 4 2.4GHz Personal Computer. 9 1.6 Dissertation’s Plan This dissertation contains six chapters. Chapter 2 is a literature review of some important numerical methods, the solution behaviour, the Hermite smoothing transformation and Kress smoothing transformation. Chapter 3 contains a discussion of the product integration method with Gaussian abscissae and product integration method with CurtisClenshaw points, and the application of the two methods to solving weakly singular Fredholm integral equations of the second kind with Abel and logarithmic kernels. Chapter 4 discusses the quadrature formula to obtain a numerical approximation of integrals with singularities at the endpoints of the interval of the integration by using the smoothing transformations. Chapter 5 presents the numerical results of this study. Finally, a conclusion of the work is given in Chapter 6. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction This chapter contains a background of the development of the numerical solution of the weakly singular Fredholm integral equation of the second kind 1 f (x) − λ k(x, y)f (y)dy = g(x) − 1 ≤ x, y ≤ 1, (2.1) −1 where k(x, y) = |x − y|−α , 0 < α < 1, (2.2) k(x, y) = ln |x − y|. (2.3) or This chapter contains four sections. Section 2.2 gives a literature review on the numerical treatment of the weakly singular Fredholm integral equations of second kind. Section 2.3 discusses the solution behaviour of the equation (2.1). Then in Section 2.4 we shall discuss the Hermite smoothing transformation in details, and in section 2.5 we shall discuss the Kress smoothing transformation in details. 11 2.2 Literature Review The product integration method is used for the numerical solution of weakly singular integral equation of the second kind. These equations often have solutions which have derivative singularties at the end points of the range of integration. Therefore, the order of convergence results for smooth solutions do not hold in general. Schneider (1981) shows that the results may be regained for the general case by using an appropriate non-uniform mesh such that the spacing of the knot points is defined by the behaviour of the solution at the end points. If the solution is smooth enough the mesh becomes uniform. Graham (1982) shows that the solution of weakly singular Fredholm integral equation with weakly singular convolution kernel k(x − y) can be expressed as a linear combination (of arbitrary length) of singular terms plus an unknown smoother function. The singular terms are integrals, which in most practical cases may be evaluated explicitly in terms of algebraic functions. Graham (October, 1982) improves convergence for the Galerkin and iterated Galerkin methods greatly by using of splines based on a mesh which has been suitably graded to accommodate these singularities. In fact, under suitable conditions, the Galerkin method converges optimally, and the iterated Galerkin method is superconvergent. Criscuolo et al. (July, 1990) examine the convergence of product quadrature formulas of interpolatory type, based on the zeros of certain generalized Jacobi polynomials, for the discretization of integrals of the type 1 k(x, y)f (x)dx, −1 ≤ y ≤ 1, (2.4) −1 where the kernel k(x, y) is weakly singular and the function f (x) has singularities only at the end points ±1. In particular, when k(x, y) = ln |x − y|, k(x, y) = |x−y|α , α > −1, and f (x) has algebraic singularities of the form (1±x)β , β > −1, they prove that the uniform rate of convergence of the rules is O(m−2−2β ln2 m) 12 in the case of the first kernel, and O(m−2−2β−2α ln m) if α ≤ 0, or O(m−2−2β ln m) if α > 0, for the second, where m is the number of points in the quadrature rule. Kress (1990) introduces an algebraic transformation for smoothing the solution of boundary Fredholm integral equation in domains with corners. The solution of this integral equation has a singularity on the corner point. He considers integral equations of the second kind in the slightly unconventional form, and supposes that the input function is continuous, so we will focus on using of his transformation when the input function g(x) is smooth. More details for this transformation will be given in the section 2.5. Kaneko and Xu (1991) use some recent results concerning the regularity of the solution of weakly singular integral equations of the second kind to transform such equations into equivalent integro-differential equations then propose a numerical method which provides fast converging numerical approximations. Kaneko and Xu (1994) establish Gauss-type quadrature formulas for weakly singular integrals then obtain numerical solutions of the weakly singular Fredholm integral equation of the second kind. They call this method a discrete product-integration method since the weights involved in the standard productintegration method are computed numerically. For solving an integral equation on [0,1] whose kernel has a fixed singularity at (0,0), Elliott and Prossdörf (1995) introduce a transformation of [0,1] onto itself such that an arbitrary number of derivatives vanish at the end points 0 and 1, and they give conditions under which the use of a modified Euler-Maclaurin quadrature rule and the Nyström method gives an approximate solution which converges to the exact solution of the original equation. That is if the transformed kernel is dominated near the origin by a Mellin kernel. Monegato and Scuderi (1998) introduce a simple smoothing change of variable for smoothing the solution of one-dimensional linear weakly singular 13 Fredholm integral equations on bounded intervals, with input functions which may be smooth or not. The advantage of this approach is that the order of the methods can be arbitrarily high and that the associated linear systems one has to solve are very well-conditioned. More details for this transformation will be given in the section 2.4. In this dissertation we shall use the Hermite and Kress smoothing transformations for smoothing the solution of weakly singular Fredholm integral equation (2.1). Furthermore we will introduce a new smoothing transformation by modifying the Kress transformation, the new transformation can be applied for solving weakly singular Fredholm integral equation with non-smooth input function. 2.3 Solution Behaviour Since the rate of convergence of a numerical method depends on the regularity of the solution of (2.1), the knowledge of the behaviour of the solution is very important in the choice of the method; for this reason we shall discuss the analysis of the properties of the solution of (2.1). When g(x) is sufficiently smooth, the solutions of (2.1) with kernels (2.2), or (2.3) have first derivatives which behave, respectively, like (x + 1)−α and ln |x + 1| near x = −1, and have equivalent singularties near x = 1. When 0 < α < 1, the function (x + 1)−α certainly belongs to the space Lp [−1, 1] for any p in the range 1 ≤ p < 1/α, and ln |x + 1| is in the space Lp [−1, 1] for any p in the range 1 ≤ p < ∞, see Graham (1982). When the input function g(x) is smooth, say g ∈ C p+1 [−1, 1], the solution f (x) has only endpoints mild singularities, that is, f ∈ C p (−1, 1), in the case of 14 the equation (2.1) with the kernel (2.3), the solution f (x) admits an expansion containing a finite number of terms of the form j (1 ± x)i ln |1 ± x| , plus a function of class C p (−1, 1). i, j = 1, 2, ..., p, i ≥ j, (2.5) If the input function or one of its first derivatives has, for example, simple jumps at a finite number of points in (−1, 1) and smooth elsewhere, the solution f (x) may be expressed as a linear combination of g(x) and a finite number of terms which are mildly singular, as those in (2.5), either at ±1 or at the jump points of g(x), plus an unknown smooth function, see Monegato and Scuderi (1998). 2.4 Hermite Transformation For smoothing the solution of one-dimensional linear weakly singular Fredholm integral equations on bounded intervals, with input functions which may be smooth or not, Monegato and Scuderi (1998) introduce a simple smoothing change of variable. Firstly, consider one-dimensional linear weakly singular Fredholm integral equation (2.1) with kernels (2.2), and (2.3), taking an inhomogeneous term g(x) has finite jumps or singularties, eventually in one of its derivatives, at a finite number of points of (−1, 1) say −1 < x1 < x2 < ... < xM < 1, and assume that g(x) is smooth (for simplicity C ∞ ) everywhere in [−1, 1] except at the x,s k (k = 1, 2, ..., M ) where its singularities satisfy the conditions |(x − xk )i+1 g (i) (x)| ≤ c, i = 0, 1, ..., (2.6) in a neighbourhood of xk , then they choose a nonlinear transformation y = w(t), where w(t) is a sufficiently smooth monotone function mapping from [−1, 1] onto [−1, 1], having as fixed points x0 = −1, x1 , ..., xM , xM +1 = 1, i.e., xk = w(xk ), and whose leading derivatives vanish at xk . The simplest, and most efficient from the 15 computational point of view, among those satisfying the above properties is the piecewise Hermite interpolation polynomial HM (t) associated with the partition −1 = x0 , x1 , ..., xM , xM +1 = 1 of [−1, 1] and define in each subinterval by the conditions HM (xj ) = xj , j = k, k + 1 H (i) (xj ) = 0, j = k, k + 1, i = 1, ..., αj − 1, αj ≥ 2. M (2.7) The integers αk , k = 0, ..., M + 1, are chosen accordingly to the smoothing effect that ought to produce at the points xk , k = 0, ..., M + 1. Notice that the smoothness of w(t) itself does not depend on the choice of α0 and αM +1 The construction and evaluation of HM (t) and HM (t) is not as trivial as it might appear at first, particularly if we want to have an automatic program where the αk may be arbitrarily chosen. A numerically stable and efficient procedure is the following one. Since we know a priori that in [xk , xk+1 ] HM (t) = ck (t − xk )αk −1 (xk − t)αk+1 −1 (2.8) where ck is a suitable constant, we can use this expression to derive the following representation for HM (t): t HM (t) = ck (y − xk )αk −1 (xk − y)αk+1 −1 dy + xk , t ∈ [xk , xk+1 ]. (2.9) xk By imposing the conditions HM (xk+1 ) = xk+1 , k = 0, ..., M, we determine the coefficients ck as ck = (xk+1 − xk )2−αk −αk+1 (αk + αk+1 − 1)! , k = 0, ..., M (αk − 1)!(αk+1 − 1) (2.10) Using (2.9), HM (t) can be evaluated exactly (up to machine accuracy), without any loss of precision, by using an N-point Gauss-Legendre quadrature k+1 , x means the greatest integer less than or equal to x. rule, with N = αk +α 2 16 Both cases, either the input function g(x) is smooth or non-smooth, are included in the Hermite smoothing transformation (2.9), that is M = 0 if g(x) is smooth, otherwise if it is non-smooth. 2.5 Kress Transformation Kress (1990) investigates a Nyström method for the numerical solution of the double-layer boundary integral equation of the second kind for the plane harmonic Dirichlet problem in domains with corners. For domains with corners, however, due to the singularity of the solution to the boundary value problem at the corner the equidistant trapezoidal rule yields poor convergence and therefore has to be replaced by a graded mesh quadrature. He suggests basing this grading upon the idea of a substituting a new variable in such a way that the derivatives of the new integrands vanish up to a certain order at the endpoints of the integration interval. Proceeding this way he obtains a high order quadrature rule for integrals with end point singularties by using the trapezoidal rule for the transformed integral. Kress describes a numerical quadrature rule for the integral 2π T (x)dx, (2.11) 0 where the integrand T (x) is smooth in (0, 2π) but has singularties at the endpoints x = 0 and x = 2π. Let the function W : [0, 2π] → [0, 2π] be bijective, strictly monotonically increasing and infinitely differentiable. Then he substitute x = W (t) and consequently obtains 2π T (x)dx = 0 2π h(t)dt, (2.12) 0 < t < 2π, (2.13) 0 where h(t) = W (t)T (W (t)), 17 applying the trapezoidal rule for 2n + 1 points to the transformed integral now yields the quadrature formula 2π 0 2n−1 π (n) (n) T (x)dx ≈ a T tj , n j=1 j with the weights and mesh points given by jπ (n) (n) jπ aj = W , tj = W , j = 1, 2, ..., 2n − 1. n n (2.14) (2.15) A typical example for a substitution is given by [V (t)]p W (t) = 2π , [V (t)]p + [V (2π − t)]p where V (t) = 1 1 − p 2 π−t π 3 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π, 1 1 t−π + , + p π 2 (2.16) (2.17) and p is a positive integer number. It can be shown that W (t) = 2πp [V (2π − t)]p [V (t)]p−1 V (t) + [V (t)]p [V (2π − t)]p−1 V (2π − t) , 2 [V (t)]p + [V (2π − t)]p 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π. (2.18) From (2.16), (2.17), and (2.18) for p > 1 we obtain V (0) = 0, V (2π) = 1, W (0) = 0, W (2π) = 2π, W (0) = W (2π) = 0, W (π) = 2. (2.19) It is noted that the cubic polynomial V is chosen such that V (0) = 0, V (2π) = 1, and W (π) = 2. The later property ensures, roughly speaking, that one half of the grid points is equally distributed over the total interval, whereas the other half is accumulated towards the two end points. 18 We will use the same transformation with simple modification to be defined on the interval [−1, 1], as the following: Let w(t) = a + bW (s(t)), t ∈ [−1, 1], (2.20) with s(t) = c + dt, t ∈ [−1, 1], such that: W = 0 implies w = −1, W = 2π implies w = 1, t = −1 implies s = 0, and t = 1 implies s = 2π. These give: a = −1, b = π1 , and c = d = π. Then the transformation (2.20) becomes w(t) = − 1 + 1 W π(t + 1) , π (2.21) t ∈ [−1, 1]. If we define v(t) = V π(1 + t) , where V is as in (2.17), then the transformation (2.21) becomes w(t) = [v(t)]p − [v(−t)]p , [v(t)]p + [v(−t)]p −1 ≤ t ≤ 1, (2.22) 19 where v(t) = 1 1 3 t 1 − t + + , 2 p p 2 (2.23) and p is a positive integer number. We will call the transformation (2.22) as the Kress smoothing transformation on the interval [−1, 1]. It can be shown that w (t) = 2p [v(t)]p [v(−t)]p−1 v (−t) + [v(−t)]p [v(t)]p−1 v (t)) , 2 [v(t)]p + [v(−t)]p (2.24) − 1 ≤ t ≤ 1. From (2.22), (2.23), and (2.24) for p > 1 we obtain v(−1) = 0, v(1) = 1, w(−1) = −1, w(1) = 1, w (−1) = w (1) = 0, w (0) = 2. (2.25) CHAPTER 3 PRODUCT INTEGRATION METHOD 3.1 Introduction This chapter describes the product integration method which is a powerful method for numerical calculation of integrals whose integrands have singularities. It contains five sections. In Section 3.2, we review the definition and the properties of the product integration method. In the product integration methods, we write the integrand function as a product of smooth function and a singular function. Then we approximate the smooth function of the integrand at a set of node points. Product integration method with Gaussian abscissae is reviewed in Section 3.3, and product integration method with Curtis-Clenshaw points is reviewed in Section 3.4. Each of the Sections 3.3 and 3.4 contains applications to weakly singular Fredholm integral equations of the second kind with Abel and logarithmic kernels. A short conclusion is given in Section 3.5. 21 3.2 Integration Rules The standard numerical integration rules, such as the trapezoidal and Simpson’s methods, are constructed under the assumption that the integrand is at least bounded. When this is not the case such methods may not work. Even if the integrand is continuous, a great deal of accuracy is lost if higher derivatives fail to exist. Special methods are needed to handle such cases efficiently (Linz, 1985, p. 130). One of the most powerful ways to deal with poorly behaved integrands is the method of product integration. Consider the integral 1 ϕ(x)dx I(ϕ) = (3.1) −1 where ϕ(x) is a real-valued absolutely integrable function which needs not be continuous. Integral with finite endpoints other than -1 and 1 can be transformed to the form (3.1) by a simple linear transformation. To evaluate the integral numerically using the usual interpolatory integration rules, we first replace ϕ(x) by some approximation ϕ̂, and then we compute 1 ˆ ϕ̂(x)dx. I(ϕ) = (3.2) −1 The approximation function ϕ̂(x) has to be chosen in such a way that the ˆ integral I(ϕ) can be computed explicitly. A similar approach is taken to construct product integration rules, but instead of approximating the whole integrand, we only approximate the wellbehaved part. We write the integral as 1 k(x)f (x)dx, I(f ) = (3.3) −1 where f (x) is assumed to be continuous, and whatever singularities or poor behaviour in the integrand are included in k(x). The function k(x) is assumed to be a real-valued absolutely integrable function, but needs not be continuous or of 22 one sign. We then approximate f (x) by an interpolating function fn (x), where f (xi ) = fn (xi ), i = 0, 1, ..., n, and then compute the integral 1 k(x)fn (x)dx. In (f ) = (3.4) −1 The type of approximation must be chosen so that the integral in (3.4) can be evaluated (either explicitly or by an efficient numerical technique). Let Pn be the space of all polynomials of degree less or equal to n, and let φ0 (x), φ1 (x), ..., φn (x) be a basis for Pn . The functions φ0 (x), φ1 (x), ..., φn (x) will be called interpolating elements. In this dissertation, the interpolating function fn (x) will be assumed to be the interpolating polynomial fn (x) = Lfn (x) = n φj (x)fn (xj ). (3.5) j=0 Substituting (3.5) into (3.4), we obtain 1 k(x)fn (x)dx In (f ) = −1 1 = −1 = n k(x) φj (x)fn (xj ) dx j=0 n 1 j=0 −1 k(x)φj (x)dx f (xj ). Hence the product integration rule for I(f ), is given by In (f ) = n (k) ωj f (xj ), (3.6) j=0 where (k) ωj (k) and we call ωj 1 = −1 k(x)φj (x)dx, j = 0, 1, ..., n, (3.7) the weights. The integrals in (3.7) are assumed that they can be evaluated either explicitly or by an efficient numerical technique. Davis and Rabinowitz (1984, p. 74) prove that the replacement of the function f (x) by interpolating polynomials 23 (k) is equivalent to the choice of the weights ωj , j = 0, 1, ..., n in (3.6) such that the rule (3.6) is exact when f is any polynomial of degree less or equal to n. It is known that if the points xi , i = 0, 1, ..., n are chosen to be uniform mesh points, then the behaviour of the function can be bad indeed; Sloan (1980) gave an example of this case. Example 3.1 Let k(x) = 1 and f (x) = 1 . 1 + 25x2 So that the integral we are evaluating is merely 1 I(f ) = f (x)dx, −1 then using the equally spaced xi points over the interval [−1, 1] , xi = −1 + 2 i−1 , i = 1, 2, ..., n, n−1 Sloan obtained the following results Table 3.1: Error Norm of Example 3.1 n In (f ) I − In 6 0.46 9.00(−02) 11 0.93 3.80((−01) 16 0.83 2.80(−01) 21 −5.37 5.92(+00) 26 −5.40 5.95(+00) 31 153.8 1.54(+02) Exact 0.55 It is clear from Table 3.1 that the approximate integrals In (f ) are spectacularly bad: they show no sign of convergence since error norm increases and sometimes even have the wrong sign. 24 From the above example we conclude that the points must be chosen carefully. In the following two sections, we shall discuss two cases of non-uniform mesh points, namely, when xi are the zeros of the Legendre plynomial and the Curtis-Clenshaw points. 3.3 Production Integration with Gaussian Abscissae and Weights 3.3.1 Introduction In this case, we choose xi , i = 0, 1, ..., n to be the zeros of the Legendre polynomial of degree n + 1, Pn+1 . We need to determine a suitable interpolating elements φj (x), j = 0, 1, ..., n, such that fn (x) = Lfn (x) n = φj (x)f (xj ), (3.8) j=0 is the unique interpolating polynomial of degree n, which interpolates f (x) at the points xi , i = 0, 1, ..., n. Then we approximate the integral I(f ) by 1 I(f ) ≈ In (f ) = k(x)Lfn (x)dx, (3.9) −1 such that the integral in (3.9) can be evaluated exactly. From the properties of Legendre polynomials, P0 (x), P1 (x), ..., Pn (x), where Pj (x), 0 ≤ j ≤ n is the j th degree Legendre polynomial, forms a basis for Pn . Hence, the interpolating polynomial fn (x) = Lfn (x) can be written as Lfn (x) = n bj Pj (x) (3.10) j=0 where bj are real constants which we seek. Since 1 −1 Pm (x)Lfn (x)dx = n j=0 bj 1 −1 Pm (x)Pj (x)dx = bm 2 , 2m + 1 25 therefore 2m + 1 bm = 2 1 −1 Pm (x)Lfn (x)dx, 0 ≤ m ≤ n. (3.11) Because Pm (x)Lfn (x) is a polynomial of degree ≤ n + m ≤ 2n , then the (n+1)-point Gauss-Legendre method gives an exact result for (3.11). Therefore 2m + 1 bm = ωj Pm (xj )f (xj ), 0 ≤ m ≤ n. 2 j=0 n (3.12) where ωj , 0 ≤ j ≤ n are the (n+1)-point Gauss-Legendre weights. Hence the interpolating polynomial Lfn (x) is given by Lfn (x) = n bm Pm (x) m=0 n 2m + 1 = ωj Pm (xj )f (xj )Pm (x) 2 m=0 j=0 n n 2m + 1 ωj Pm (xj )Pm (x) f (xj ). = 2 m=0 j=0 n Consequently, Lfn (x) is given by Lfn (x) = n φj (x)f (xj ), (3.13) j=0 where the elements φj (x), j = 0, 1, ..., n are given by n 2m + 1 φj (x) = ωj Pm (xj )Pm (x). 2 m=0 (3.14) 3.3.2 Application to Fredholm Equation with Abel Kernels Consider the Fredholm integral equation of the second kind with the Abel kernel f (x) − λ 1 −1 |x − y|−α f (y)dy = g(x), −1 ≤ x ≤ 1. (3.15) 26 We shall approximate the function f (x) by the nth degree interpolating polynomial fn (x) = Lfn (x) = n φj (x)f (xj ), (3.16) j=0 which interpolates f (x) at the Gaussian abscissae xi , i = 0, 1, ..., n, where φj (x), j = 0, 1, ..., n are given by (3.14). Substituting f (y) in the integral in (3.15) from (3.16) and collocating at the points xi , we obtain f (xi ) − n f (xj )λ j=0 1 −1 |xi − y|−α φj (y)dy = g(xi ), i = 0, 1, ..., n. If we define Aij = 1 −1 |xi − y|−α φj (y)dy (3.17) (3.18) then the equation (3.17) can be written as the (n + 1) × (n + 1) linear system (I − λA)fn = gn , (3.19) where fn = (f (x0 ), f (x1 ), ..., f (xn ))T , gn = (g(x0 ), g(x1 ), ..., g(xn ))T and A is the matrix whose (i, j)th element is given by (3.18). Substituting (3.14) into (3.18), gives 1 n 2m + 1 Aij = ωj Pm (xj ) |xi − y|−α Pm (y)dy 2 −1 m=0 n 2m + 1 Pm (xj )am (xi ), = ωj 2 m=0 where am (xi ), 0 ≤ m, i ≤ n are defined by 1 |xi − y|−α Pm (y)dy. am (xi ) = (3.20) (3.21) −1 From Baker (1977, pp. 560-561), am (x), m = 0, 1, ..., n are given by the recurrence relation (m + 2 − α)am+1 (x) = (2m + 1)xam (x) − (m − 1 + α)am−1 (x), m ≥ 1, (3.22) 27 where a0 and a1 are given by 1 1−α 1−α , + (1 + x) (1 − x) a0 (x) = 1−α 1 2−α 2−α . a1 (x) = xa0 (x) + (1 − x) − (1 + x) 2−α (3.23) (3.24) 3.3.3 Application to Fredholm Equation with Logarithmic Kernels Consider the Fredholm integral equation of the second kind with the logarithmic kernel f (x) − λ 1 −1 ln |x − y|f (y)dy = g(x), −1 ≤ x ≤ 1. (3.25) We shall approximate the function f (x) by the nth degree interpolating polynomial fn (x) = n φj (x)f (xj ), (3.26) j=0 which interpolates f (x) at xi , i = 0, 1, ..., n, where φj (x) are given by (3.14). Substituting (3.26) into (3.25) and collocating at the points xi , we obtain fn (xi ) − n j=0 f (xj )λ 1 −1 ln |xi − y|φj (y)dy = g(xi ), i = 0, 1, ..., n. Defining Aij = 1 −1 ln |xi − y|φj (y)dy, (3.27) (3.28) then the equation (3.27) can be written as the (n + 1) × (n + 1) linear system (I − λA)fn = gn , (3.29) where fn = (f (x0 ), f (x1 ), ..., f (xn ))T , gn = (g(x0 ), g(x1 ), ..., g(xn ))T and A is the matrix whose (i, j)th element is given by (3.28). 28 Substituting (3.14) into (3.28), we obtain 1 n 2m + 1 Aij = ωj Pm (xj ) ln |xi − y|Pm (y)dy 2 −1 m=0 n 2m + 1 Pm (xj )am (xi ), = ωj 2 m=0 where am (xi ), 0 ≤ m, i ≤ n are defined by 1 ln |xi − y|Pm (y)dy. am (xi ) = (3.30) (3.31) −1 From Baker (1977, pp. 560-561), am (x), m = 0, 1, ..., n are given by the recurrence relation (m + 2)am+1 (x) = (2m + 1)xam (x) − (m − 1)am−1 (x), m ≥ 2, where ao , a1 , and a2 are given by a0 (x) = (1 + x) ln(1 + x) + (1 − x) ln(1 − x) − 2, −x, a1 (x) = 12 (1 − x2 ) ln 1−x 1+x a2 (x) = xa1 (x) + 2 . 3 3.4 (3.32) (3.33) Production Integration with Curtis-Clenshaw Points 3.4.1 Introduction This integration method is based on approximating the function f (x) by a polynomial fn (x) = Lfn (x) of degree n, which interpolates at the points iπ , i = 0, 1, ..., n, (3.34) xi = cos n and evaluating exactly the integral I(f ) ≈ In (f ) = 1 −1 k(x)Lfn (x)dx, (3.35) 29 We first determine suitable interpolating elements φi (x), i = 0, 1, ..., n, such that fn (x) = Lfn (x) = n φj (x)f (xj ). (3.36) j=0 From Clenshaw and Curtis (1960), the interpolating polynomial Lfn (x) which interpolates the function f (x) at the points (3.34) can be written as Lfn (x) n n 2 = Ti (xj )Ti (x)f (xj ) n j=0 i=0 n n 2 = Ti (xj )Ti (x) f (xj ), n i=0 j=0 where the double prime denotes a sum whose first and last terms are halved and Ti (x) is the Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind defined by Ti (cos(θ)) = cos(iθ). Hence Lfn (x) = n (3.37) φj (x)f (xj ), (3.38) j=0 where n 2γj γi Ti (xj )Ti (x), φj (x) = n i=0 1/2, and γi = 1, (3.39) i = 0 or i = n, (3.40) i = 1, 2, ..., n − 1. 3.4.2 Application to Fredholm Equation with Abel Kernels Consider the Fredholm integral equation of the second kind with the Abel kernel f (x) − λ 1 −1 |x − y|−α f (y)dy = g(x), −1 ≤ x ≤ 1. (3.41) 30 We shall approximate the function f (x) by the nth degree interpolating polynomial fn (x) = Lfn (x) = n φj (x)f (xj ), (3.42) j=0 which interpolates f (x) at the points (3.34), where φj (x) are given by (3.39). Substituting f (y) in the integral in (3.41) from (3.42) and collocating at the points xi , we obtain f (xi ) − n j=0 f (xj )λ 1 −1 |xi − y|−α φj (y)dy = g(xi ), i = 0, 1, ..., n. If we define Aij = 1 −1 |xi − y|−α φj (y)dy (3.43) (3.44) then the equation (3.43) can be written as the (n + 1) × (n + 1) linear system (I − λA)fn = gn , (3.45) where fn = (f (x0 ), f (x1 ), ..., f (xn ))T , gn = (g(x0 ), g(x1 ), ..., g(xn ))T and A is the matrix whose (i, j)th element is given by (3.44). Substituting (3.39) into (3.44), we obtain 1 n 2γj Aij = γm Tm (xj ) |xi − y|−α Tm (y)dy n m=0 −1 n 2γj = γm Tm (xj )am (xi ), n m=0 where am (xi ), 0 ≤ m, i ≤ n are defined by 1 am (xi ) = |xi − y|−α Tm (y)dy, (3.46) (3.47) −1 the constants am (xi ), 0 ≤ m, i ≤ n can be evaluated from the recurrence relation for am (x), for |x| < 1 1−α 1−α 1+ am+1 (x) − 2xam (x) + 1 − am−1 (x) m+1 m−1 2 1−α m 1−α (1 − x) , m ≥ 2, − (−1) (1 + x) = 1 − m2 (3.48) 31 where the starting values for this recurrence relation are 1 1−α 1−α , + (1 + x) (1 − x) a0 (x) = 1−α 1 2−α 2−α , a1 (x) = xa0 (x) (1 − x) − (1 + x) 2−α 2 2 3−α 3−α a2 (x) = 4xa1 (x) − (2x + 1)a0 (x) + + (1 + x) . (1 − x) 3−α (3.49) (3.50) (3.51) 3.4.3 Application to Fredholm Equation with Logarithmic Kernels Consider the Fredholm integral equation of the second kind with the logarithmic kernel f (x) − λ 1 −1 ln |x − y|f (y)dy = g(x), −1 ≤ x ≤ 1. (3.52) We shall approximate the function f (x) by the nth degree interpolating polynomial fn (x) = Lfn (x) = n φj (x)f (xj ), (3.53) j=0 which interpolates f (x) at the points (3.34), where φj (x) are given by (3.39). Substituting f (y) in the integral in (3.52) from (3.53) and collocating at the points (3.37), we obtain f (xi ) − n j=0 f (xj )λ 1 −1 ln |xi − y|φj (y)dy = g(xi ), i = 0, 1, ..., n. If we define Aij = 1 −1 ln |xi − y|φj (y)dy (3.54) (3.55) then the equation (3.54) can be written as the (n + 1) × (n + 1) linear system (I − λA)fn = gn , (3.56) 32 where fn = (f (x0 ), f (x1 ), ..., f (xn ))T , gn = (g(x0 ), g(x1 ), ..., g(xn ))T and A is the matrix whose (i, j)th element is given by(3.55). Substituting (3.39) into (3.55), we obtain 1 n 2γj Aij = γm Tm (xj ) ln |xi − y|Tm (y)dy n m=0 −1 n 2γj = γm Tm (xj )am (xi ), n m=0 where am (xi ), 0 ≤ m, i ≤ n are defined by 1 am (xi ) = ln |xi − y|Tm (y)dy, (3.57) (3.58) −1 the constants am (xi ), 0 ≤ m, i ≤ n can be evaluated from the recurrence relation for am (x), for |x| < 1 1 1 1+ am+1 (x) − 2xam (x) + 1 − am−1 (x) m+1 m−1 2 m (1 − x) ln |1 − x| − (−1) (1 + x) ln |1 + x| = 1 − m2 − 6(1 − (−1)m ) , (m2 − 1)(m2 − 4) m ≥ 3, (3.59) where the starting values for this recurrence relation are a0 (x) = (1 + x)(ln(1 + x) + (1 − x) ln(1 − x) − 2, 1 2 2 (1 − x) ln(1 − x) − (1 + x) ln(1 + x) , a1 (x) = x(a0 (x) + 1) + 2 a2 (x) = −(1 + 2x2 )a0 (x) + 4xa1 (x) 2 4 3 3 + (1 − x) + (1 + x) ln(1 + x) − (1 + 3x2 ), 3 9 (3.60) (3.61) (3.62) a3 (x) = 2x(3 + 2x2 )a0 (x) − 3(4x2 + 1)a1 (x) + 6xa2 (x) +(1 − x)4 ln(1 − x) − (1 + x)4 ln(1 + x) + 2x(1 + x2 ). (3.63) 33 3.5 Concluding Remarks This chapter presented two product integration methods, product integration method with Gaussian abscissae and product integration method with Curtis-Clenshaw points; furthermore they are applied to weakly singular Fredholm integral equations of the second kind with Abel and logarithmic kernels. An advantage of the product integration method is that it can be used to calculate integrals with singularities. The only assumption made is that the integrand is absolutely integrable function. A disadvantage is that the method is not generally applicable, since it requires a recurrence relation which depends on the kernel of the integral equation (Piessens and Branders, 1976). However, for some important kernels, such as the kernels k(x, y) = |x − y|−α , 0 < α < 1, and k(x, y) = ln |x − y|, the recurrence relations for the Legendre and Chebyshev polynomials are given in equations (3.22), (3.32), (3.48), and (3.59) (Baker, 1977, pp. 560-561). CHAPTER 4 QUADRATURE FORMULA 4.1 Introduction Numerical quadrature integration rules are very important because even simple functions may not have exact formulas for their antiderivatives (indefinite integrals). Even when an exact formula for the antiderivative does exist, it may be difficult to find. In general a numerical quadrature formula approximates a definite integral by a weighted sum of function values at points within the interval of integration. A numerical quadrature integration rule has the form a b f (x)dx ≈ n ci f (xi ), (4.1) i=0 where the coefficients ci depend on the particular method. The basic procedure for approximating the definite integral of a function f on the interval [a, b] is to determine an interpolating polynomial that approximates f and then integrate this polynomial. If the integrand f is unbounded at the endpoints of the interval of integration, then we say the function has a singularities at the endpoints a and b. For cases such as this, the normal rules of integration approximation must be modified. 35 In this chapter, we shall suggest a method for numerical approximation of integrals with the above-mentioned singularities and the expected singularities of the input function g(x) of weakly singular Fredholm integral equation of the second kind. The method is based on using a transformation such that the new integrand is smooth on the interval of integration. Without loss of generality, we shall assume that the interval of integration is [−1, 1]. Integrals over other intervals can be reduced to integrals over [−1, 1] by means of linear transformation. 4.2 An Integration Quadrature Formula In this section, we shall state the Hermite, Kress, and modified Kress nonlinear transformations, in such a way that the derivatives of the new integrand vanish up to a certain order at the endpoints ±1 for the Hermite, Kress, and modified Kress transformations, and at the singularties of the input function g(x) for the Hermite, and modified Kress transformation. Proceeding this way we obtain a high order quadrature rule by using the Gauss-Legendre rule and CurtisClenshaw rule for the transformed integral. We shall describe the numerical integration rule which we will use in some details. Then in the subsections 4.2.1, 4.2.2, and 4.2.3, the Hermite, Kress, and modified Kress transformations, respectively, are applied for a class of weakly singular Fredholm integral equations of the second kind with singularities at the endpoints ±1 and the singularities of the input function g(x). 4.2.1 Hermite Smoothing Transformation For smoothing the solution of one-dimensional linear weakly singular Fredholm integral equations on bounded intervals, with input functions which 36 may be smooth or not, Monegato and Scuderi (1998) introduce a simple smoothing change of variable. Firstly, consider one-dimensional linear weakly singular Fredholm integral equation f (x) − λ 1 − 1 ≤ x, y ≤ 1, k(x, y)f (y)dy = g(x) −1 (4.2) where k(x, y) = |x − y|−α , 0 < α < 1, (4.3) k(x, y) = ln |x − y|, (4.4) or taking an inhomogeneous term g(x) has finite jumps or singularities, eventually in one of its derivatives at a finite number of points of (−1, 1), say −1 < x1 < x2 < ... < xM < 1, and assume that g(x) is smooth (for simplicity C ∞ ) everywhere in [−1, 1] except at xks (k = 1, ..., M ) where its singularities satisfy the conditions |(x − xk )i+1 g (i) (x)| ≤ c, i = 0, 1, ..., (4.5) in a neighbourhood of xk . Then they choose a nonlinear transformation y = w(t), where w(t) is a sufficiently smooth monotone function mapping [−1, 1] onto [−1, 1], having −1 = x0 , x1 , ..., xM , xM +1 = 1, as fixed points, i.e., xk = w(xk ) and whose leading derivatives vanish at xk . The simplest, and most efficient from the computational point of view, among those satisfying the above properties is the piecewise Hermite interpolation polynomial HM (t) associated with the partition −1 = x0 < x1 < x2 < ... < xM < xM +1 = 1 of [−1, 1], and define in each subinterval [xk , xk+1 ], k = 0, ..., M by the conditions HM (xj ) = xj , j = k, k + 1 H (i) M (xj ) = 0, j = k, k + 1, i = 1, ..., αj − 1, αj ≥ 2 (4.6) The integers αk , k = 0, ..., M + 1 are chosen accordingly to the smoothing effect that w(t) ought to produce at the points xk , k = 0, ..., M + 1. Notice that the smoothness of w(t) itself does not depend on the choice of α0 and αM +1 . 37 (t) is not as trivial as it The construction and evaluation of HM (t) and HM might appear at first, particularly if we want to have an automatic program where the αk may be arbitrarily chosen. A numerically stable and efficient procedure is the following one. Since we know a priori that in [xk , xk+1 ] HM (t) = ck (t − xk )αk −1 (xk+1 − t)αk+1 −1 (4.7) where ck is a suitable constant, we can use this expression to derive the following representation for HM (t): t HM (t) = ck (y − xk )αk −1 (xk+1 − y)αk+1 −1 dy + xk , t ∈ [xk , xk+1 ]. (4.8) xk By imposing the conditions HM (xk+1 ) = xk+1 , k = 0, ..., M we determine the coefficients ck as ck = (xk+1 − xk )2−αk −αk+1 (αk + αk+1 − 1)! , k = 0, ..., M (αk − 1)!(αk+1 − 1)! (4.9) The Hermite transformation, then, can be defined as the following H(t) = HM (t), t ∈ [xk , xk+1 ], k = 0, 1, ..., M, (4.10) where HM is as in (4.8), and M is the number of the singularities of the input function g(x); for more details refer to Monegato and Scudri (1998). 4.2.2 Kress Smoothing Transformation Kress describes a numerical quadrature rule for the integral 2π I= T (x)dx, (4.11) 0 where the integrand T (x) is smooth in (0, 2π) but has singularities at the endpoints x = 0 and x = 2π. Let the function W : [0, 2π] → [0, 2π] be bijective, 38 strictly monotonically increasing, and infinitely differentiable, in addition to that the derivatives of W vanish up to a certain order at the endpoints. Then he substitutes x = W (t) and consequently obtains 2π 2π I= T (x)dx = h(t)dt, 0 (4.12) 0 where h(t) = W (t)T (W (t)), 0 < t < 2π. (4.13) Applying the trapezoidal rule for 2n + 1 points to the transformed integral now yields the quadrature formula 2π 2n−1 π (n) (n) T (x)dx ≈ a T tj , I= n j=1 j 0 with the weights and mesh points given by jπ (n) (n) jπ aj = W , tj = W , j = 1, ..., 2n − 1. n n (4.14) (4.15) A typical example for a substitution is given by W (t) = 2π where [V (t)]p , [V (t)]p + [V (2π − t)]p V (t) = 1 1 − p 2 π−t π 3 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π, 1 1 t−π + , + p π 2 (4.16) (4.17) and p is a positive integer number. It can be shown that W (t) = 2πp [V (2π − t)]p [V (t)]p−1 V (t) + [V (t)]p [V (2π − t)]p−1 V (2π − t) , 2 [V (t)]p + [V (2π − t)]p 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π. (4.18) From (4.16), (4.17), and (4.18) for p > 1 we obtain V (0) = 0, V (2π) = 1, W (0) = 0, W (2π) = 2π, W (0) = W (2π) = 0, W (π) = 2. (4.19) 39 Note that the cubic polynomial V is chosen such that V (0) = 0, V (2π) = 1, and W (π) = 2. The later property ensures, roughly speaking, that one half of the grid points is equally distributed over the total interval, whereas the other half is accumulated towards the two end points; for more details see Kress (1990). We will use the same transformation with simple modification to be defined on the interval [−1, 1], as the following: Let w(t) = a + bW (s(t)), t ∈ [−1, 1], (4.20) with s(t) = c + dt, t ∈ [−1, 1], such that: W = 0 implies w = −1, W = 2π implies w = 1, t = −1 implies s = 0, and t = 1 implies s = 2π. These give: a = −1, b = π1 , and c = d = π. Then the transformation (4.20) becomes w(t) = − 1 + 1 W π(t + 1) , π t ∈ [−1, 1]. If we define v(t) = V π(1 + t) , (4.21) 40 where V is as in (4.17), then the transformation (4.21) becomes w(t) = [v(t)]p − [v(−t)]p , [v(t)]p + [v(−t)]p where v(t) = −1 ≤ t ≤ 1, 1 1 3 t 1 − t + + , 2 p p 2 (4.22) (4.23) and p is a positive integer number. We will call the transformation (4.22) as the Kress smoothing transformation on the interval [−1, 1]. It can be shown that w (t) = 2p [v(t)]p [v(−t)]p−1 v (−t) + [v(−t)]p [v(t)]p−1 v (t)) , 2 [v(t)]p + [v(−t)]p (4.24) − 1 ≤ t ≤ 1. From (4.22), (4.23), and (4.24) for p > 1 we obtain v(−1) = 0, v(1) = 1, w(−1) = −1, w(1) = 1, w (−1) = w (1) = 0, w (0) = 2. Then (4.12) modified to be 1 I= T (x)dx = −1 (4.25) 1 h(t)dt, (4.26) −1 where h(t) = w (t)T (w(t)), −1 < t < 1. (4.27) The integral in the right-hand side of (4.26) has a smooth integrand (after the smoothing transformation). Hence, it can be calculated using any quadrature formula such as the Gauss formula or Clenshaw formula as will be done later. 41 4.2.3 Modified Kress Transformation In this subsection we introduce a new smoothing transformation by modifying the Kress smoothing transformation to be applicable with weakly singular Freadholm integral equation with non-smooth input function g(x). This transformation will be called the modified Kress transformation. Suppose that g(x) has finite jumps or singularities, eventually in one of its derivatives, at a finite number of points of (−1, 1), say −1 < x1 < x2 < ... < xM < 1, let x0 = −1, xM +1 = 1, so we need to define a new 1 − 1 transformation wk = wk (t) on the interval [xk , xk+1 ] for k = 0, 1, ..., M such that the following conditions are satisfied: 1. wk (xk ) = xk , wk (xk+1 ) = xk+1 . 2. wk (xk ) = wk (xk+1 ) = 0, wk ( xk+12+xk ) = 2. We will use the transformation (4.22) to define the new transformation. Let wk (t) = a + bw(s(t)), t ∈ [xk , xk+1 ], with s(t) = c + dt, t ∈ [xk , xk+1 ], such that: w = −1 implies wk = xk , w = 1 implies wk = xk+1 , t = xk implies s = −1, and t = xk+1 implies s = 1. These give: a= xk+1 +xk , 2 b= xk+1 −xk , 2 (4.28) 42 c= xk+1 +xk , xk+1 −xk and d= 2 . xk+1 −xk Then the transformation (4.28) becomes 1 2t − (xk+1 + xk ) , wk (t) = (xk+1 + xk ) + (xk+1 − xk )w 2 xk+1 − xk (4.29) t ∈ [xk , xk+1 ], for k = 0, 1, ..., M. and wk (t) =w 2t − (xk+1 + xk ) , xk+1 − xk (4.30) t ∈ [xk , xk+1 ], for k = 0, 1, ..., M. Using (4.25),(4.29), and (4.30) we obtain the following: 1. wk (xk ) = xk , wk (xk+1 ) = xk+1 . 2. wk (xk ) = w (−1) = 0, wk (xk+1 ) = w (1) = 0. 3. wk xk+1 +xk 2 = w (0) = 2. The new transformation can be defined on [−1, 1] as the following: w(t) = wk (t), t ∈ [xk , xk+1 ], k = 0, 1, ..., M. (4.31) where wk as in (4.29), and M is the number of the singularities of the input function g(x). This transformation will be called the modified Kress transformation. 43 4.3 Application to Weakly Singular Fredholm Integral Equations of the Second Kind In this section, we shall apply the Hermite, Kress, and modified Kress transformations as in (4.10), (4.22), and (4.31) respectively, to solve numerically the following Fredholm integral equation of the second kind f (x) − λ 1 k(x, y)f (y)dy = g(x), −1 −1 ≤ x ≤ 1, (4.32) where k(x, y) = |x − y|−α , 0 < α < 1, (4.33) k(x, y) = ln |x − y|. (4.34) or The aim of this change of variables, is to obtain an integral equation whose solution does not involve any more singularities in certain derivatives. Suppose we introduce the change x = w(t) into (4.32), where w(t) is either the Hermite, Kress or modified Kress transformation as in equations (4.10), (4.22), and (4.31) respectively, we get 1 k(w(t), y)f (y)dy = g(w(t)), f (w(t)) − λ −1 −1 ≤ w(t) ≤ 1. (4.35) Setting y = w(s) in (4.35), we obtain 1 k(w(t), w(s))f (w(s))w (s)ds = g(w(t)), −1 ≤ w(t) ≤ 1, (4.36) f (w(t)) − λ −1 where −1 = w−1 (−1) ≤ t ≤ w−1 (1) = 1. Multiplying both sides of (4.36) by w (t) and setting θ(t) = w (t)f (w(t)), ξ(t) = g(w(t))w (t), (4.37) we obtain θ(t) − λ 1 k(w(t), w(s))θ(s)ds = ξ(t), −1 −1 ≤ w(t) ≤ 1. (4.38) 44 In the sequel we shall apply the transformations (4.10), (4.22), and (4.31) to solve numerically the following Fredholm integral equation of the second kind with Abel kernel and then with logarithmic kernel. 4.3.1 Fredholm Weakly Singular Integral Equations of the Second Kind with Abel Kernels Let us consider the Fredholm integral equation of the second kind with Abel kernel f (x) − λ 1 −1 |x − y|−α f (y)dy = g(x), −1 ≤ x ≤ 1, (4.39) where 0 < α < 1. Suppose we introduce the change x = w(t) into (4.39), where w(t) is either the Hermite, Kress or modified Kress transformation as in equations (4.10), (4.22), and (4.31) respectively, we get 1 f (w(t)) − λ |w(t) − y|−α f (y)dy = g(w(t)). (4.40) Setting y = w(s), we obtain 1 f (w(t)) − λ |w(t) − w(s)|−α f (w(s))w (s)ds = g(w(t)) (4.41) −1 −1 Multiplying both sides of (4.41) by w (t), we get 1 f (w(t))w (t) − λ |w(t) − w(s)|−α f (w(s))w (s)w (t)ds = g(w(t))w (t). (4.42) −1 Setting θ(t) = w (t)f (w(t)), we obtain θ(t) − λ 1 −1 ξ(t) = w (t)g(w(t)), |w(t) − w(s)|−α θ(s)w (t)ds = ξ(t). Then defining, for computational convenience, | w(t)−w(s) |−α w (t), t−s δα (t, s) = |w (t)|−α w (t), and rewriting (4.42) as θ(t) − λ 1 −1 t = s, (4.43) (4.44) (4.45) t = s, δα (t, s)|t − s|−α θ(s)ds = ξ(t) (4.46) 45 4.3.2 Fredholm Weakly Singular Integral Equations of the Second Kind with Logarithmic Kernels Let us consider the Fredholm integral equation of the second kind with logarithmic kernel f (x) − λ 1 −1 ln |x − y|f (y)dy = g(x), −1 ≤ x ≤ 1. (4.47) Suppose we introduce the change x = w(t) into (4.47), where w(t) is either the Hermite, Kress or modified Kress transformation as in equations (4.10), (4.22), and (4.31) respectively, we get 1 f (w(t)) − λ ln |w(t) − y|f (y)dy = g(w(t)). (4.48) Setting y = w(s), we obtain 1 f (w(t)) − λ ln |w(t) − w(s)|f (w(s))w (s)ds = g(w(t)). (4.49) −1 −1 Multiplying both sides of (4.49) by w (t), we get 1 f (w(t))w (t) − λ ln |w(t) − w(s)|f (w(s))w (s)w (t)ds = g(w(t))w (t). (4.50) −1 Setting θ(t) = w (t)f (w(t)), we obtain θ(t) − λ 1 −1 ξ(t) = w (t)g(w(t)), ln |w(t) − w(s)|θ(s)w (t)ds = ξ(t). Then defining, for computational convenience, ln | w(t)−w(s) |w (t), t−s δ(t, s) = ln |w (t)|w (t), we know that t = s, (4.51) (4.52) (4.53) t = s, w(t) − w(s) lnw(t) − w(s)= ln (t − s) (t − s) w(t) − w(s) + ln |t − s|. = ln t−s (4.54) 46 From (4.53) and (4.54) we can rewrite (4.52) as 1 δ(t, s) + w (t) ln |t − s| θ(s)ds = ξ(t). θ(t) − λ (4.55) −1 The transformed integrals (4.46), and (4.55) will be solved numerically, using the product integration methods with Gaussian abscissae and weights, as well as with Curtis-Clenshaw points, in the next chapter. CHAPTER 5 NUMERICAL RESULTS 5.1 Introduction In this chapter, we shall use the product integration methods described in Chapter 3 together with the Hermite, Kress, and modified Kress smoothing transformations introduced in Chapter 4 to solve numerically the weakly singular Fredholm integral equation of the second kind 1 f (x) − λ k(x, y)f (y)dy = g(x), −1 −1 ≤ x ≤ 1, (5.1) where k(x, y) = |x − y|−α , 0 < α < 1 (5.2) k(x, y) = ln |x − y| (5.3) or It is known that the solution of the integral equation (5.1) has singularities at the endpoints x = ±1 (see Chapter 2). Hence, we shall use the Hermite, Kress, and modified Kress smoothing transformations in the equations (4.10), (4.22), and (4.31) respectively to reduce (5.1) to a weakly singular integral equation whose solution is smooth at x = ±1. Then we shall use the product integration 48 method to solve the new equation numerically by reducing it approximately to the algebraic linear system (I − λA)zn = hn , where zn = (5.4) (z0 , z1 , ..., zn )T is an approximation to the values of the function f at the points x0 , x1 , ..., xn , i.e., f (xi ) ≈ zi , i = 0, 1, ..., n, hn = (h(x0 ), h(x1 ), ..., h(xn ))T and A is a (n + 1) × (n + 1) matrix which as we shall determine depends on the method we shall use. Then the linear system (5.4) will be solved using MATLAB \ operator that makes use of Gauss elimination method. 5.2 Product Integration with Gaussian Abscissae and Weights In this section, we shall use the Hermite, Kress, and modified Kress transformations (4.10), (4.22), and (4.31) respectively to smooth the solution of the weakly singular integral equations of the second kind with Abel and logarithmic kernels and then we shall solve them numerically using the product integration with Gaussian abscissae and weights. 5.2.1 Weakly Singular Integral Equations with Abel Kernels Consider the weakly singular Fredholm integral equation of the second kind with Abel kernel f (x) − λ 1 −1 |x − y|−α f (y)dy = g(x), −1 ≤ x ≤ 1. (5.5) Using the smoothing transformation x = w(t), where w(t) is either the Hermite, Kress or modified Kress transformation as in (4.10), (4.22), and (4.31) respectively, then from Chapter 4, equation (5.5) reduces to the equation 1 θ(t) − λ δα (t, s)|t − s|−α θ(s)ds = ξ(t), −1 (5.6) 49 where δα (t, s) = | w(t)−w(s) |−α w (t), t−s t = s, |w (t)|−α w (t), t = s. Hence, for the Gaussian abscissae xi , i = 0, 1, ..., n, , we have 1 δα (xi , s)|xi − s|−α θ(s)ds = ξ(xi ). θ(xi ) − λ (5.7) (5.8) −1 The Matrix Elements Since the kernel δα (t, s) is continuous for both variables, the function δα (xi , s)θ(s) is continuous as a function of s . We shall approximate the function δα (xi , s)θ(s) by the nth degree interpolating polynomial n δα (xi , s)θ(s) ≈ Lθn (s) = φj (s)δα (xi , xj )θ(xj ), (5.9) j=0 which interpolates δα (xi , s)θ(s) at xi , i = 0, 1, ..., n, where φj (s) is given by n 2m + 1 φj (s) = ωj Pm (xj )Pm (s), 0 ≤ j ≤ n. (5.10) 2 m=0 Substituting (5.9) into (5.8) and collocating at the points xi , we obtain 1 n θ(xi ) − λδα (xi , xj )θ(xj ) |xi − s|−α φj (s)ds = ξ(xi ), i = 0, 1, ..., n. (5.11) −1 j=0 If we define bij = 1 −1 |xi − s|−α φj (s)ds, then equation (5.11) can be written as n θ(xi ) − bij λδα (xi , xj )θ(xj ) = ξ(xi ), i = 0, 1, ..., n. (5.12) (5.13) j=0 Equation (5.13) can be written as the (n + 1) × (n + 1) linear system (I − λA)θn = ξn , (5.14) where θn = (θ(x0 ), θ(x1 ), ..., θ(xn ))T , ξn = (ξ(x0 ), ξ(x1 ), ..., ξ(xn ))T and A = (aij )(n+1)×(n+1) is the matrix whose (i, j)th element is given by aij = bij δα (xi , xj ). The constants bij in (5.12) will be calculated as described in Chapter 3. (5.15) 50 Examples We solve the equation (5.6) with λ = π1 , and α = 12 . We will use the the following abbreviations: GM for Gauss method, CM for Clenshaw method, HT for the Hermite transformation, KT for the Kress transformation, and MKT for the modified Kress transformation. Example 5.1 Using GM with KT (p = 2, 3), exact solution f (x) = x3 , as shown in Tables 5.1, and 5.2. In this example we seek a comparison between the exact solution and the approximate solution of the transformed equation (5.6). Since they depend on the corresponding solution and approximate solution of the original equation (5.5), let us start from the original equation. Suppose that the exact solution of the original equation (5.5) with λ = 1 π 1 2 and α = is f (x) = x3 , then we determine the input function g(x) as shown below. Substituting f (x) = x3 into (5.5) with λ = g(x) = x3 − where 1 I(x) = −1 1 π and α = 1 2 1 I(x), π −1 2 |x − y| y 3 dy. Now, 1 I(x) = −1 x = −1 −1 2 |x − y| −1 2 (x − y) y 3 dy 3 y dy + x 1 −1 2 (y − x) setting I(x) = I1 (x) + I2 (x), y 3 dy, gives 51 1 I1 (x) = x (x − y)− 2 y 3 dy, −1 1 I1 (x) = 1 (y − x)− 2 y 3 dy. x where For I1 (x), let x − y = u2 , we obtain I1 (x) = 1 (1+x) 2 0 (x − u2 )3 du 1 3 =2 − x71 + xx51 − x2 x31 + x3 x1 , 7 5 1 where x1 = (1 + x) 2 . By the same way I2 (x) = 2 1 7 3 5 2 3 x2 + xx2 x x2 + x3 x2 , 7 5 1 where x2 = (1 − x) 2 . Then 1 7 3 5 2 3 2 1 7 3 5 2 3 3 3 g(x) = x − − x1 + xx1 − x x1 + x x1 + x2 + xx2 x x2 + x x2 , π 7 5 7 5 3 1 1 where x1 = (1 + x) 2 and x2 = (1 − x) 2 . To solve (5.6) which is transformed from (5.5), the approximate solution refers to the solution of linear algebraic system (5.14). Let us solve (5.6) in details for n = 4, p = 2. The system is 1 I5 − A5 θ4 = ξ4 , π where I5 is identity matrix of order 5, and w (x0 )f (w(x0 )) θ(x0 ) θ(x1 ) w (x1 )f (w(x1 )) θ4 = θ(x1 ) = w (x2 )f (w(x2 )) θ(x3 ) w (x3 )f (w(x3 )) θ(x4 ) w (x4 )f (w(x4 )) is the approximate solution vector which we seek. 52 Notice that ξ(x0 ) ξ(x1 ) ξ4 = ξ(x1 ) = ξ(x3 ) ξ(x4 ) w (x0 )g(w(x0 )) w (x1 )g(w(x1 )) w (x2 )g(w(x2 )) w (x3 )g(w(x3 )) w (x4 )g(w(x4 )) is the input vector which is calculated from (4.43), and the matrix A5 a a a a a 00 01 02 03 04 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 A5 = a20 a21 a22 a23 a24 a30 a31 a32 a33 a34 a40 a41 a42 a43 a44 has entries aij as follows: aij = bij δ 1 (xi , xj ), i, j = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2 where δ 1 (xi , xj ) are calculated from (5.7) with α = 2 δ 1 (xi , xj ) = 2 1 2 | w(xi )−w(xj ) |− 12 w (xi ), xi −xj |w (xi )|− 12 w (xi ), as follows: i = j, i = j. In MATLAB code δ 1 (xi , xj ) refers to the matrix ‘delta’; bij are calculated 2 as in (3.20), and in MATLAB code it is written as the entries of matrix ‘B’, where ‘B’ is returned by the MATLAB function ‘[B,p1]=Gau Leg Abs Mat(n)’; refer to APPENDIX C, PART I. In this example w is the Kress transformation (4.22), and w its first derivative (4.24), with p = 2, which is referred to as the vectors ‘w’ and ‘wd’, respectively in the MATLAB code. The vector x = x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 includes the zeros of Legendre polynomial of degree 5, P5 (x). In MATLAB code the vector x refers to the vector x which is returned by the MATLAB function ‘[x,wg]=gau point(n)’. 53 Now, for n = 4, and p = 2, we obtain −9.0618(−01) −5.3847(−01) T x = 0 +5.3847(−01) +9.0618(−01) −9.9517(−01) , −8.3487(−01) T w = , 0 +8.3487(−01) +9.9517(−01) 1.0784(−01) wT and 8.5344(−01) = 2.0000(+00) , 8.5344(−01) 1.0784(−01) 4.516(−01) 1.370(−01) 5.968(−02) 5.333(−01) 1.807(+00) 5.623(−01) A5 = 4.648(−01) 1.107(+00) 3.017(+00) 1.512(−01) 3.086(−01) 5.623(−01) 1.791(−02) 3.884(−02) 5.968(−02) The approximate solution is −1.0849(−01) 3.884(−02) 1.791(−02) 3.086(−01) 1.512(−01) 1.107(+00) 4.648(−01) . 1.807(+00) 5.333(−01) 1.370(−01) 4.516(−01) −5.2413(−01) θ4 = −2.4748(−16) , 5.2413(−01) 1.0849(−01) 54 while the exact solution is −1.0629(−01) −4.9663(−01) θ= . 0 4.9663(−01) 1.0629(−01) Finally, we found that ||θ − θ4 ||∞ = 2.7503(−02). For other values n and p, refer to APPENDIX C, PART I, and Tables 5.1, and 5.2. Example 5.2 Using GM with HT ( α0 = α2 = 4, α1 = 9 ), exact solution f (x) = x3 , as shown in Table 5.3. The method of solution is as in previous example, we just replace the Kress transformation with the Hermite transformation. To explain the Hermite transformation in this example, for α0 = α2 = 4, α1 = 9, M = 1, x0 = −1, x1 = 0, x2 = 1, we obtain c0 = c1 = 1980, 1980 t y 8 (1 + y)3 dy − 1, t ∈ [−1, 0], −1 H1 (t) = 1980 t y 8 (1 − y)3 dy, t ∈ [0, 1], 0 and H1 (t) = 1980 t8 (1 + t)3 , t ∈ [−1, 0], 1980 t8 (1 − t)3 , t ∈ [0, 1]; refer to the Hermite smoothing transformation (4.10). 55 Now, for n = 4, we obtain −9.0618(−01) −5.3847(−01) T x = , 0 +5.3847(−01) +9.0618(−01) −9.7929(−01) −1.1783(−01) T H1 = , 0 +1.1783(−01) +9.7929(−01) 7.4348(−01) H1T and 1.3758(+00) = , 0 1.3758(+00) 7.4348(−01) 1.185(+00) 4.075(−01) 3.709(−01) 2.295(+00) A5 = 0 0 3.149(−01) 1.324(+00) 1.245(−01) 3.459(−01) The approximate solution is 4.148(−01) 3.459(−01) 1.245(−01) 2.413(+00) 1.324(+00) 3.149(−01) . 0 0 0 2.413(+00) 2.295(+00) 3.709(−01) 4.148(−01) 4.075(−01) 1.185(+00) −7.1907(−01) 9.3573(−03) θ4 = 3.1731(−18) , −9.3573(−03) 7.1907(−01) 56 while the exact solution is −6.9824(−01) −2.2507(−03) θ= . 0 2.2507(−03) 6.9824(−01) Refer to APPENDIX C, PART I, replacing the MATLAB function ‘[w,wd]=w wd(x)’ with ‘[w,wd]=h hd(x)’. Finally, we found that ||θ − θ4 ||∞ = 2.0832(−02). For other values n refer to Table 5.3. Example 5.3 Using GM with KT (p = 2, 3, 4), g(x) = |x|, consider the solution as n = 256 as a reference, as shown in Tables 5.4-5.6. In most problems the exact solutions are not known; so to estimate the efficiency of the method we refer to the approximate solution at some order n as a reference. In this example we consider the approximate solution at n = 256 as a reference, then compute the absolute error of the difference between the approximate solution at n and the reference. This absolute error will be computed at vector over the range of integration; in our example we will choose the vector x = (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9) which covers the positive part of the range of integration uniformly. Since the vector x may not be the vector of the node points of the method, the approximate solution at x in this example can be computed as in (3.13) which depends on (3.14) as follows: θn (x) = = n φj (x)f (xj ), j=0 n j=0 n 2m + 1 ωj Pm (xj )Pm (x) f (xj ); 2 m=0 57 refer to APPENDIX C, PART II. Example 5.4 Using GM with MKT ( p = 3, and M = 1 ), g(x) = |x|, consider the solution as n = 256 as a reference, as shown in Table 5.7. Example 5.5 Using GM with HT ( ( α0 = α2 = 4, α1 = 9 ), ( α0 = α1 = 3. ) ), g(x) = |x|, consider the solution as n = 256 as a reference, as shown in Tables 5.8, and 5.9. Example 5.6 Using GM with KT ( p = 1, 2, 3, 4 ), g(x) = x, consider the solution as n = 256 as a reference, as shown in Tables 5.10-5.13. Example 5.7 Using GM with HT ( α0 = α1 = 3 ), g(x) = x, consider the solution as n = 256 as a reference, as shown in Table 5.14. Example 5.8 Using GM with HT ( ( α0 = α2 = 4, α1 = 9 ), ( α0 = α1 = 3. ) ), g(x) = √x , 2−x consider the solution as n = 256 as a reference, as shown in Tables 5.15, and 5.16. Example 5.9 Using GM with KT ( p = 2, 3 ), g(x) = √x , 2−x consider the solution as n = 256 as a reference, as shown in Tables 5.17, and 5.18. 58 Table 5.1: Error Norm of Example 5.1 with p = 2. n θ − θn ∞ 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 2.7503(−02) 3.0453(−03) 4.0266(−06) 9.7174(−08) 6.6385(−09) 4.3428(−10) 2.7777(−11) Table 5.2: Error Norm of Example 5.1 with p = 3. n θ − θn ∞ 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 4.5997(−02) 8.8590(−04) 3.1764(−06) 7.5340(−10) 6.8719(−12) 5.8155(−14) 7.6848(−15) Table 5.3: Error Norm of Example 5.2. n θ − θn ∞ 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 2.0832(−02) 8.9763(−02) 1.3372(−03) 3.2974(−07) 2.8645(−10) 3.4232(−13) 8.3822(−15) 59 Table 5.4: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.3 with p = 2. t θ256 (t) n = 64 n = 128 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 −5.83937557423138 −4.59406077822662 −3.29760538599995 −2.19156227174302 −1.36729193941544 −0.80760930429880 −0.44939854413178 −0.22717709413543 −0.08863675412977 5.6245(−03) 4.7834(−03) 2.8193(−03) 1.7898(−03) 3.7167(−03) 6.3456(−03) 3.3676(−04) 3.4711(−03) 2.8890(−03) 8.9863(−04) 6.9148(−04) 2.5836(−04) 9.5931(−04) 1.8613(−03) 2.9071(−06) 3.1088(−04) 2.1410(−04) 3.5444(−04) Table 5.5: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.3 with p = 3. t θ256 (t) n = 64 n = 128 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 −5.89029345423331 −4.72472398875914 −3.43967128944800 −2.26330205451274 −1.34307342163110 −0.71640457082352 −0.33606671856362 −0.12735966541007 −0.02774404425589 5.7169(−03) 5.0962(−03) 3.2877(−03) 2.1936(−03) 3.8477(−03) 6.1465(−03) 7.4427(−05) 3.0168(−03) 2.5849(−03) 9.1717(−04) 7.5468(−04) 3.5304(−04) 1.0405(−03) 1.8875(−03) 3.6035(−05) 2.2646(−04) 3.0575(−04) 4.1544(−04) Table 5.6: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.3 with p = 4. t n = 64 n = 128 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 5.8442(−03) 5.5182(−03) 3.8701(−03) 2.5723(−03) 3.7678(−03) 5.6939(−03) 5.8257(−04) 2.6743(−03) 2.4718(−03) 9.4271(−04) 8.3993(−04) 4.7069(−04) 1.1160(−03) 1.8704(−03) 1.2622(−04) 1.2204(−04) 3.7423(−04) 4.3705(−04) 60 Table 5.7: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.4. t θ256 (t) n = 64 n = 128 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 −0.53608181204257 −2.18907101572013 −4.16063988216782 −5.09026519483316 −4.58067444538190 −3.19288487860264 −1.67472985666517 −0.61634082872987 −0.12313857715963 7.5754(−05) 8.8740(−05) 7.9118(−05) 4.5723(−05) 3.2700(−05) 1.1430(−04) 5.6234(−08) 6.6524(−05) 5.8880(−05) 7.7414(−06) 8.1481(−06) 6.0509(−06) 1.8871(−06) 8.3306(−06) 1.3285(−06) 2.1697(−06) 1.6266(−06) 1.9010(−06) Table 5.8: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.5 with α0 = α2 = 4, α1 = 9. t θ256 (t) n = 64 n = 128 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 −0.00004806650465 −0.00864205037672 −0.14830300295410 −0.92851011738586 −3.12500470199527 −6.28430508754176 −7.12021700311572 −3.82992846021788 −0.72767909728558 6.0104(−09) 1.6526(−08) 8.3742(−09) 1.4771(−08) 5.0488(−09) 6.7602(−09) 1.2036(−08) 3.4539(−09) 8.0900(−09) 1.9594(−11) 1.7595(−11) 2.2022(−11) 1.1881(−12) 8.3306(−11) 1.9257(−11) 8.8729(−12) 1.5370(−11) 7.7550(−12) Table 5.9: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.5 with α0 = α1 = 3. t 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 n = 64 n = 128 4.4448(−03) 3.9818(−03) 2.6133(−03) 1.9569(−03) 3.6876(−03) 5.8534(−03) 3.9234(−04) 2.9335(−03) 2.3586(−03) 6.8847(−04) 5.6180(−04) 2.5341(−04) 9.1712(−04) 1.7178(−03) 6.5616(−05) 2.9113(−04) 2.0742(−04) 3.4371(−04) 61 Table 5.10: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.6 with p = 1. t n=8 0.1 0.5 0.9 n = 16 n = 32 n = 64 n = 128 1.9318(−02) 1.1980(−02) 3.3458(−03) 4.0984(−03) 1.1185(−03) 3.9565(−02) 1.5676(−02) 1.1242(−02) 2.2051(−02) 1.5491(−03) 3.1144(−02) 1.0551(−02) 3.5703(−02) 9.4158(−02) 1.8133(−03) Table 5.11: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.6 with p = 2. t n=8 0.1 0.5 0.9 n = 16 n = 32 n = 64 n = 128 9.4656(−02) 5.7343(−04) 1.3701(−09) 5.3073(−12) 7.1942(−14) 7.6816(−02) 1.1418(−04) 4.6787(−09) 1.4150(−11) 2.9421(−13) 5.6670(−02) 2.5463(−04) 1.3342(−09) 2.9720(−11) 1.2740(−14) Table 5.12: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.6 with p = 3. t n=8 n = 16 n = 32 n = 64 n = 128 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.6128(−02) 2.1372(−02) 5.3755(−03) 2.5474(−02) 3.8652(−02) 6.9140(−03) 4.0743(−02) 2.6956(−02) 4.9437(−02) 3.0442(−04) 1.1871(−04) 2.6296(−04) 2.6301(−04) 8.4877(−05) 3.1895(−04) 2.7714(−04) 1.6512(−04) 2.3901(−04) 7.3332(−10) 1.5407(−09) 2.3092(−09) 2.9611(−09) 2.7874(−09) 1.1294(−09) 1.7903(−09) 6.9226(−10) 3.1120(−10) 5.0404(−14) 1.2212(−13) 2.1583(−13) 2.6912(−13) 4.9738(−14) 5.0382(−13) 2.7733(−13) 8.3034(−13) 1.7685(−12) 5.1070(−15) 9.1038(−15) 5.7732(−15) 2.2204(−15) 3.3307(−15) 4.8850(−15) 5.9952(−15) 5.9952(−15) 4.4895(−15) 62 Table 5.13: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.6 with p = 4. t n=8 n = 16 n = 32 n = 64 n = 128 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.1191(−01) 1.1460(−01) 3.0455(−02) 2.0260(−02) 1.5059(−03) 4.0493(−03) 4.7336(−02) 3.6747(−02) 7.2161(−02) 1.3985(−03) 3.8934(−04) 5.3037(−04) 8.2148(−06) 1.2112(−04) 9.7528(−04) 1.1353(−03) 7.8690(−04) 1.2377(−03) 8.4921(−09) 2.5694(−09) 3.2950(−08) 1.0242(−07) 1.6365(−07) 9.1167(−08) 1.8934(−07) 9.4219(−08) 5.5314(−08) 4.3299(−14) 3.1086(−14) 1.5987(−14) 1.4655(−14) 3.9968(−15) 0 1.1102(−16) 5.6344(−15) 4.9578(−15) 4.1078(−14) 3.2419(−14) 5.7732(−15) 9.7700(−15) 8.4377(−15) 2.2204(−16) 3.9968(−15) 3.0947(−15) 2.4928(−15) Table 5.14: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.7. t n=8 n = 16 n = 32 n = 64 n = 128 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 2.3463(−02) 2.6791(−02) 6.8758(−03) 1.8629(−02) 2.5125(−02) 4.1290(−03) 2.2056(−02) 1.4086(−02) 2.5529(−02) 6.8358(−06) 2.5907(−06) 5.5832(−06) 5.3764(−06) 1.7046(−06) 6.4876(−06) 5.7381(−06) 3.5211(−06) 5.4749(−06) 1.3339(−10) 2.1175(−10) 4.6612(−10) 5.5212(−10) 7.7009(−10) 3.1141(−10) 8.1022(−10) 5.9831(−10) 5.9845(−10) 2.2415(−13) 4.4609(−13) 7.5562(−13) 8.9928(−13) 1.8785(−13) 1.6214(−12) 8.9362(−13) 2.7468(−12) 5.8055(−12) 3.5860(−14) 1.7764(−15) 1.1102(−15) 1.3101(−14) 1.4433(−14) 8.8818(−16) 1.0325(−14) 5.3846(−15) 5.3013(−15) Table 5.15: The Values |θ256 (t)−θn (t)| of Example 5.8 with α0 = α2 = 4, α1 = 9. t n = 64 n = 128 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 7.7574(−10) 2.1302(−09) 1.0975(−09) 1.9168(−09) 6.4345(−10) 8.8822(−10) 1.5513(−09) 4.5732(−10) 1.0282(−09) 2.5102(−12) 2.2588(−12) 2.8227(−12) 2.9243(−13) 1.5307(−12) 2.4633(−12) 1.1520(−12) 1.9993(−12) 1.0045(−12) 63 Table 5.16: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.8 with α0 = α1 = 3. t θ256 (t) n = 64 n = 128 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 −0.13807324229446 0.48737593200470 0.95595352673831 1.19095915592691 1.17762606159100 0.96384746834087 0.64231202925019 0.31991945447268 0.08658512867079 1.7839(13) 3.6326(−13) 5.9974(−13) 7.2098(−13) 1.4744(−13) 1.2749(−12) 7.0266(−13) 2.1594(−12) 4.5817(−12) 1.5821(−14) 2.4980(−15) 7.7716(−16) 1.1102(−15) 7.5495(−15) 4.5519(−15) 5.6621(−15) 6.2728(−15) 6.5226(−16) Table 5.17: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.9 with p = 2. t n = 64 n = 128 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 2.6118(−12) 5.9392(−12) 7.7636(−12) 8.5625(−12) 1.0510(−11) 1.4481(−11) 6.6781(−12) 1.5243(−11) 2.3390(−11) 2.2884(−14) 9.5812(−14) 1.3411(−13) 1.8363(−13) 2.2671(−13) 1.2468(−13) 1.6043(−13) 6.0285(−14) 8.6597(−15) Table 5.18: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.9 with p = 3. t θ256 (t) n = 64 n = 128 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 −0.09967483498219 0.60557053502114 1.10594976836864 1.29759387032449 1.17964684757411 0.86070233015847 0.49734767703076 0.21077314041164 0.04804619713681 1.8499(−14) 8.6042(−14) 1.7031(−13) 2.1028(−13) 4.3077(−14) 3.9790(−13) 2.1794(−13) 6.5448(−13) 1.4015(−12) 3.0420(−14) 1.5987(−14) 5.3291(−15) 3.7748(−15) 4.4409(−15) 6.2172(−15) 3.7192(−15) 4.3854(−15) 2.9976(−15) 64 5.2.2 Weakly Singular Integral Equations with Logarithmic Kernels Consider the Fredholm integral equation of the second kind with logarithmic Kernel f (x) − λ 1 −1 ln |x − y|f (y)dy = g(x), −1 ≤ x ≤ 1. (5.16) Using the smoothing transformation x = w(t), where w(t) is either the Hermite, Kress or modified Kress transformation as in (4.10), (4.22), and (4.31) respectively, then from Chapter 4, equation (5.16) reduces to the equation 1 (δ(t, s) + w (t) ln |t − s|)θ(s)ds = ξ(t), (5.17) θ(t) − λ −1 where δ(t, s) = ln | w(t)−w(s) |w (t), t−s t = s, ln |w (t)|w (t), t = s. Hence, for the Gaussian abscissae xi , i = 0, 1, ..., n, , we have 1 (λδ(xi , s) + λw (xi ) ln |xi − s|)θ(s)ds = ξ(xi ). θ(xi ) − (5.18) (5.19) −1 The Matrix Elements Since the kernel λδ(t, s) and λw (t) are continuous for both variables, the function λδ(xi , s)θ(s) and λw (xi )θ(s) are continuous as functions of s. We shall approximate the functions θ1 (s) = λδ(xi , s)θ(s), and θ2 (s) = λw (xi )θ(s) by the nth degree interpolating polynomials λδ(xi , s)θ(s) ≈ Lθn1 (s) = n φj (s)λδ(xi , xj )θ(xj ), (5.20) j=0 λw (xi )θ(s) ≈ Lθn2 (s) = n φj (s)λw (xi )θ(xj ), (5.21) j=0 which interpolates θ1 (s) = λδ(xi , s)θ(s), and θ2 (s) = λw (xi )θ(s) at xi , i = 0, 1, ..., n, where φj (s) is given by n 2m + 1 φj (s) = ωj Pm (xj )Pm (s), 0 ≤ j ≤ n. 2 m=0 (5.22) 65 Substituting (5.20) and (5.21) into (5.19), we obtain θ(xi ) − n λδ(xi , xj ) j=0 1 −1 φj (s)ds + λw (xi ) 1 −1 ln |xi − s|φj (s)ds θ(xj ) = ξ(xi ), i = 0, 1, ..., n. If we define bj = cij = 1 −1 (5.23) 1 φj (s)ds, (5.24) ln |xi − s|φj (s)ds, (5.25) −1 then equation (5.23) can be written as n bj λδ(xi , xj ) + cij λw (xi ) θ(xj ) = ξ(xi ), i = 0, 1, ..., n. θ(xi ) − (5.26) j=0 Equation (5.26) can be written as the (n + 1) × (n + 1) linear system (I − λA)θn = ξn , where θn = (θ(x0 ), θ(x1 ), ..., θ(xn ))T , (5.27) ξn = (ξ(x0 ), ξ(x1 ), ..., ξ(xn ))T and A = (aij )(n+1)×(n+1) is the matrix whose (i, j)th element is given by aij = bj δ(xi , xj ) + cij w (xi ). (5.28) The constants cij in (5.25) will be calculated as described in Chapter 3, while the constants bj in (5.24) will be calculated as follows: bj = 1 −1 φj (s)ds 1 n 2m + 1 = ωj Pm (xj ) Pm (s)ds. 2 −1 m=0 Defining dm = (5.29) 1 −1 Pm (s)ds. If m = 0 then dm = 2; (5.30) 66 if m ≥ 1 then from Davis & Rabinowitz (1984, p. 34), dm = 0; so (5.29) becomes bj = ωj P0 (xj ); (5.31) since P0 (x) = 1, for −1 ≤ x ≤ 1, then (5.31) becomes b j = ωj . (5.32) Substituting (5.32) into (5.28) gives aij = ωj δ(xi , xj ) + cij w (xi ). (5.33) Examples We solve the equation (5.17) with λ = π1 . We will use the the following abbreviations: GM for Gauss method, CM for Clenshaw method, HT for the Hermite transformation, KT for the Kress transformation, and MKT for the modified Kress transformation. Example 5.10 Using GM with KT (p = 2, 3 ), exact solution f (x) = 1, as shown in Tables 5.19, and 5.20. Example 5.11 Using GM with HT ( α0 = α1 = 2 ), exact solution f (x) = 1, as shown in Table 5.21. Example 5.12 Using GM with KT ( p = 3 ), g(x) = x, consider the solution as n = 256 as a reference, as shown in Table 5.22. 67 Example 5.13 Using GM with HT ( ( α0 = α1 = 2 ), ( α0 = α1 = 3 ) ), g(x) = x, consider the solution as n = 128 as a reference, as shown in Tables 5.23, and 5.24. Example 5.14 Using GM with KT ( p = 2, 3 ), g(x) = x, consider the solution as n = 128 as a reference, as shown in Tables 5.25, and 5.26. Table 5.19: Error Norm of Example 5.10 with p = 2. n θ − θn ∞ 32 2.0512(−10) 64 3.6821(−12) 128 6.1696(−14) 256 5.1070(−15) Table 5.20: Error Norm of Example 5.10 with p = 3. n θ − θn ∞ 32 4.1920(−13) 64 1.1102(−15) 128 1.9984(−15) 256 8.4377(−15) 68 Table 5.21: Error Norm of Example 5.11 n θ − θn ∞ 32 1.8625(−09) 64 3.3217(−11) 128 5.5560(−13) 256 8.9868(−15) Table 5.22: The values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.12. t 0.1 0.5 0.9 n=8 n = 16 n = 32 n = 64 n = 128 1.0947(−02) 5.0809(−05) 4.0624(−11) 9.1593(−16) 8.6042(−16) 8.7098(−03) 1.0608(−05) 1.8699(−10) 1.1102(−15) 1.1102(−16) 2.1325(−03) 1.8569(−05) 3.7918(−11) 1.0783(−14) 4.6838(−15) Table 5.23: The values |θ128 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.13 with α0 = α1 = 2. t 0.1 0.5 0.9 n=4 n=8 n = 16 n = 32 n = 64 1.3270(−03) 1.9885(−04) 4.4219(−07) 3.7250(−10) 1.5483(−12) 9.4398(−05) 2.6838(−04) 1.5070(−07) 2.3382(−09) 2.0405(−12) 5.6929(−04) 4.5672(−04) 1.3602(−06) 1.9407(−09) 3.7245(−11) 69 Table 5.24: The values |θ128 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.13 with α0 = α1 = 3. t n=4 n=8 n = 16 n = 32 n = 64 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 5.3733(−02) 9.2859(−02) 1.0501(−01) 8.2824(−02) 2.7437(−02) 4.7376(−02) 1.1175(−01) 1.1918(−01) 1.1592(−02) 1.5798(−03) 1.8370(−03) 4.7156(−04) 1.4090(−03) 1.9735(−03) 3.2607(−04) 1.9060(−03) 1.2394(−03) 2.2443(−03) 3.0738(−07) 1.1636(−07) 2.4673(−07) 2.3563(−07) 7.0856(−08) 2.5040(−07) 1.9336(−07) 8.9457(−08) 5.7983(−08) 5.1949(−12) 1.1271(−11) 1.8913(−11) 2.7457(−11) 3.1924(−11) 1.6353(−11) 3.7064(−11) 2.3774(−11) 2.2176(−11) 2.7756(−16) 3.8858(−15) 3.8858(−15) 8.2157(−15) 2.2204(−15) 6.3283(−15) 4.4409(−16) 1.4794(−14) 2.5417(−14) Table 5.25: The values |θ128 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.14 with p = 2. t n=4 n=8 n = 16 n = 32 n = 64 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 9.3859(−02) 1.5371(−01) 1.5928(−01) 1.1115(−01) 2.8988(−02) 5.6034(−02) 1.0995(−01) 1.0228(−01) 8.8995(−03) 7.8554(−03) 8.7889(−03) 2.0669(−03) 6.0597(−03) 7.7787(−03) 1.1619(−03) 6.4605(−03) 3.9589(−03) 6.9561(−03) 1.2116(−05) 4.5389(−06) 9.4277(−06) 8.8748(−06) 2.6684(−06) 9.7093(−06) 8.2295(−06) 4.8547(−06) 7.0504(−06) 4.0555(−11) 8.5997(−11) 1.4625(−10) 2.0859(−10) 2.4524(−10) 1.2390(−10) 2.8654(−10) 1.9179(−10) 1.9545(−10) 1.6354(−13) 3.6587(−13) 6.0763(−13) 7.2486(−13) 2.1827(−13) 1.0239(−12) 6.9394(−13) 1.8409(−12) 4.0111(−12) 70 Table 5.26: The values |θ128 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.14 with p = 3. t n=4 n=8 n = 16 n = 32 n = 64 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 8.4265(−02) 1.4897(−01) 1.7276(−01) 1.3810(−01) 4.5234(−02) 7.5148(−02) 1.6493(−01) 1.5994(−01) 1.3922(−02) 1.0947(−02) 1.2036(−02) 2.6699(−03) 7.6253(−03) 8.7098(−03) 1.0284(−03) 4.8576(−03) 2.0748(−03) 2.1325(−03) 5.0809(−05) 1.9060(−05) 3.9468(−05) 3.6671(−05) 1.0608(−05) 3.6544(−05) 2.8359(−05) 1.4841(−05) 1.8569(−05) 4.0624(−11) 8.5745(−11) 1.3633(−10) 1.8215(−10) 1.8699(−10) 8.0410(−11) 1.4354(−10) 6.5915(−11) 3.7918(−11) 9.1593(−16) 3.4972(−15) 1.1102(−16) 3.8858(−15) 1.1102(−15) 4.4409(−16) 2.7200(−15) 9.7145(−17) 1.0783(−14) 5.3 Product Integration with Curtis-Clenshaw Points In this section, we shall use the transformations (4.10), (4.22), and (4.31) to smooth the solution of the weakly singular integral equations of the second kind with Abel and logarithmic kernels and then we shall solve them numerically using the product integration with Curtis-Clenshaw points. 5.3.1 Weakly Singular Integral Equations with Abel Kernels Consider the weakly singular Fredholm integral equation of the second kind with Abel kernel f (x) − λ 1 −1 |x − y|−α f (y)dy = g(x), −1 ≤ x ≤ 1. (5.34) Using the smoothing transformation x = w(t), where w(t) is either the Hermite, Kress or modified Kress transformation as in (4.10), (4.22), and (4.31) respectively, then from Chapter 4, equation (5.34) reduces to the equation 1 δα (t, s)|t − s|−α θ(s)ds = ξ(t), (5.35) θ(t) − λ −1 71 where δα (t, s) = | w(t)−w(s) |−α w (t), t−s t = s, |w (t)|−α w (t), t = s. Hence, for the Curtis-Clenshaw points xi , i = 0, 1, ..., n, we have 1 δα (xi , s)|xi − s|−α θ(s)ds = ξ(xi ). θ(xi ) − λ (5.36) (5.37) −1 The Matrix Elements Since the kernel δα (t, s) is continuous for both variables, the function δα (xi , s)θ(s) is continuous as a function of s . We shall approximate the function δα (xi , s)θ(s) by the nth degree interpolating polynomial δα (t, s)θ(s) ≈ Lθn (s) = n φj (s)δα (xi , xj )θ(xj ), (5.38) j=0 which interpolates δα (xi , s)θ(s) at xi , i = 0, 1, ..., n, where φj (s) is given by n 2γj φj (s) = γi Ti (xj )Ti (x), n i=0 (5.39) where Ti cos(θ) = cos iθ . Substituting (5.38) into (5.37) and collocating at the points xi , we obtain 1 n θ(xi ) − λδα (xi , xj )θ(xj ) |xi − s|−α φj (s)ds = ξ(xi ), i = 0, 1, ..., n. (5.40) −1 j=0 If we define bij = 1 −1 |xi − s|−α φj (s)ds, (5.41) then equation (5.40) can be written as θ(xi ) − n bij λδα (xi , xj )θ(xj ) = ξ(xi ), i = 0, 1, ..., n. (5.42) j=0 Equation (5.42) can be written as the (n + 1) × (n + 1) linear system (I − λA)θn = ξn , (5.43) 72 where θn = (θ(x0 ), θ(x1 ), ..., θ(xn ))T , ξn = (ξ(x0 ), ξ(x1 ), ..., ξ(xn ))T and A = (aij )(n+1)×(n+1) is the matrix whose (i, j)th element is given by aij = bij δα (xi , xj ). (5.44) The constants bij in (5.41) will be calculated as described in Chapter 3. Examples The equation (5.35) is solved with λ = π1 , and α = 12 . We will use the the following abbreviations: GM for Gauss method, CM for Clenshaw method, HT for the Hermite transformation, KT for the Kress transformation, and MKT for the modified Kress transformation. Example 5.15 Using CM with KT (p = 2, 3 ), exact solution f (x) = x3 , as shown in Tables 5.27, and 5.28. Example 5.16 Using CM with HT ((α0 = α1 = 2), (α0 = α1 = 3)), exact solution f (x) = x3 , as shown in Tables 5.29, and 5.30. Example 5.17 Using CM with KT (p = 2, 3), g(x) = x, consider the solution as n = 256 as a reference, as shown in Tables 5.31, and 5.32. Example 5.18 Using CM with HT (α0 = α1 = 3), g(x) = x, consider the solution as n = 256 as a reference, as shown in Table 5.33. Example 5.19 Using CM with KT (p = 2, 3), g(x) = |x|, consider the solution as n = 256 as a reference, as shown in Tables 5.34, and 5.35. 73 Example 5.20 Using CM with MKT (p = 3, M = 1), g(x) = |x|, consider the solution as n = 256 as a reference, as shown in Table 5.36. Example 5.21 Using CM with HT ((α0 = α1 = 3 ), (α0 = α2 = 4 α1 = 9 )), g(x) = |x|, consider the solution as n = 256 as a reference, as shown in Tables 5.37, and 5.38. Table 5.27: Error Norm of Example 5.15 with p = 2. n θ − θn ∞ 32 9.6178(−08) 64 6.0261(−09) 128 3.7686(−10) 256 2.3557(−11) Table 5.28: Error Norm of Example 5.15 with p = 3. n θ − θn ∞ 32 1.0257(−09) 64 8.0736(−12) 128 6.3219(−14) 256 4.2422(−15) 74 Table 5.29: Error Norm of Example 5.16 with α0 = α1 = 2. n θ − θn ∞ 32 5.0514(−07) 64 3.1397(−08) 128 1.9595(−09) 256 1.2243(−10) Table 5.30: Error Norm of Example 5.16 with α0 = α1 = 3. n θ − θn ∞ 32 3.2392(−09) 64 2.5603(−11) 128 2.0065(−13) 256 2.4280(−14) Table 5.31: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.17 with p = 2. t θ256 (t) n = 64 n = 128 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95913365422293 1.65987139811794 1.96870514871904 1.91014442967586 1.60810176942442 1.20315345693091 0.80034672357158 0.45660351173114 0.19091749037686 5.0849(−11) 1.2182(−10) 2.3002(−10) 3.5902(−10) 3.5184(−10) 1.1973(−10) 2.5904(−10) 2.0122(−10) 4.3937(−10) 2.5467(−12) 6.0867(−12) 1.0320(−11) 8.0245(−12) 1.0005(−11 7.8779(−12) 1.2972(−11) 9.8943(−12) 2.0697(−11) 75 Table 5.32: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.17 with p = 3. t θ256 (t) n = 64 n = 128 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.97079720217752 1.73197989212059 2.12312447868046 2.08890174338843 1.71016859897723 1.16729751992722 0.64800355765324 0.26907935068606 0.06089132057342 9.8832(−13) 2.5024(−12) 4.9516(−12) 7.9963(−12) 7.8446(−12) 3.3469(−12) 6.5637(−12) 4.3264(−12) 9.5067(−12) 1.1102(−14) 1.5543(−14) 1.6875(−14) 1.7764(−14) 3.1086(−14) 4.4187(−14) 3.1530(−14) 1.3989(−14) 6.7543(−14) Table 5.33: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.18. t θ256 (t) n = 64 n = 128 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.85502964490873 1.53942672289507 1.93190095807136 1.99123121221341 1.75878214805490 1.33579700446511 0.84776386407514 0.41057028032138 0.10982862614238 3.2877(−12) 8.2188(−12) 1.6206(−11) 2.6009(−11) 2.5462(−11) 1.0870(−11) 2.1314(−11) 1.3952(−11) 3.0795(−11) 8.9595(−14) 1.1724(−13) 1.3811(−13) 1.0525(−13) 7.4829(−14) 1.1458(−13) 1.1668(−13) 9.0039(−14) 2.1455(−13) Table 5.34: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.19 with p = 2. t n = 64 n = 128 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 8.2077(−03) 7.4378(−03) 5.1169(−03) 2.5635(−03) 2.3101(−03) 4.2259(−03) 3.0882(−03) 5.9603(−04) 5.8983(−05) 1.3877(−03) 1.1640(−03) 5.3270(−04) 4.3170(−04) 1.7604(−03) 4.3189(−04) 7.6904(−04) 3.5177(−04) 2.4828(−04) 76 Table 5.35: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.19 with p = 3. t n = 64 n = 128 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 8.3016(−03) 7.7627(−03) 5.6057(−03) 2.9868(−03) 2.4512(−03) 4.0215(−03) 2.6513(−03) 1.2454(−04) 3.7259(−04) 1.4065(−03) 1.2288(−03) 6.2996(−04) 5.1537(−04) 1.7874(−03) 3.9167(−04) 6.8211(−04) 2.5729(−04) 1.8535(−04) Table 5.36: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.20. t θ256 (t) n = 64 n = 128 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 −0.53608163694969 −2.18907097742637 −4.16064009097534 −5.09026513337578 −4.58067458936544 −3.19288487350754 −1.67473002008713 −0.61634070802009 −0.12313868635323 3.7554(−05) 4.4443(−05) 4.1594(−05) 3.3997(−05) 2.0721(−06) 7.0072(−05) 5.9575(−05) 5.1439(−06) 7.6804(−06) 5.0241(−06) 5.7561(−06) 5.3988(−06) 1.1361(−06) 7.4281(−06) 1.1446(−06) 4.4120(−06) 1.9976(−06) 1.2737(−06) Table 5.37: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.21 with α0 = α1 = 3. t n = 64 n = 128 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 6.6765(−03) 6.2893(−03) 4.6273(−03) 2.6525(−03) 2.4833(−03) 4.0193(−03) 2.7983(−03) 4.1985(−04) 2.2151(−04) 1.1138(−03) 9.7424(−04) 4.9455(−04) 4.5738(−04) 1.6320(−03) 4.4290(−04) 6.9283(−04) 2.8725(−04) 1.8307(−04) 77 Table 5.38: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.21 with α0 = α2 = 4, α1 = 9. 5.3.2 t θ256 (t) n = 64 n = 128 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 −0.00004806650461 −0.00864205037670 −0.14830300295414 −0.92851011738589 −3.12500470199518 −6.28430508754171 −7.12021700311564 −3.82992846021786 −0.72767909728557 3.3377(−09) 1.3291(−08) 8.8816(−10) 1.4303(−08) 1.4958(−08) 5.5378(−09) 9.1627(−09) 1.3127(−08) 5.1083(−09) 1.4721(−11) 1.0759(−11) 2.2396(−11) 1.1753(−11) 8.4115(−12) 1.5124(−11) 6.0130(−12) 7.0615(−12) 5.6299(−13) Weakly Singular Integral Equations with Logarithmic Kernels Consider the Fredholm integral equation of the second kind with logarithmic Kernel f (x) − λ 1 −1 ln |x − y|f (y)dy = g(x), −1 ≤ x ≤ 1. (5.45) Using the smoothing transformation x = w(t), where w(t) is either the Hermite, Kress or modified Kress transformation as in (4.10), (4.22), and (4.31) respectively, then from Chapter 4, equation (5.45) reduces to the equation 1 (δ(t, s) + w (t) ln |t − s|)θ(s)ds = ξ(t), (5.46) θ(t) − λ −1 where δ(t, s) = ln | w(t)−w(s) |w (t), t−s t = s, ln |w (t)|w (t), t = s. Hence, for the Curtis-Clenshaw points xi , i = 0, 1, ..., n, where xi = cos have θ(xi ) − 1 −1 (λδ(xi , s) + λw (xi ) ln |xi − s|)θ(s)ds = ξ(xi ). (5.47) iπ n , we (5.48) 78 The Matrix Elements Since the kernel λδ(t, s) and λw (t) are continuous for both variables, the function λδ(xi , s)θ(s) and λw (xi )θ(s) are continuous as functions of s. We shall approximate the functions θ1 (s) = λδ(xi , s)θ(s), and θ2 (s) = λw (xi )θ(s) by the nth degree interpolating polynomials λδ(xi , s)θ(s) ≈ Lθn1 (s) = n φj (s)λδ(xi , xj )θ(xj ), (5.49) j=0 λw (xi )θ(s) ≈ Lθn2 (s) = n φj (s)λw (xi )θ(xj ), (5.50) j=0 which interpolates θ1 (s) = λδ(xi , s)θ(s), and θ2 (s) = λw (xi )θ(s) at xi , i = 0, 1, ..., n, where φj (s) is given by n 2γj γi Ti (xj )Ti (x), n i=0 φj (s) = (5.51) where Ti (cos (θ)) = cos (iθ). Substituting (5.49), and (5.50) into (5.48), we obtain 1 1 n λδ(xi , xj ) φj (s)ds + λw (xi ) ln |xi − s|φj (s)ds θ(xj ) = ξ(xi ), θ(xi ) − −1 j=0 −1 i = 0, 1, ..., n. If we define bj = cij = 1 −1 (5.52) 1 φj (s)ds, (5.53) ln |xi − s|φj (s)ds, (5.54) −1 then equation (5.52) can be written as n bj λδ(xi , xj ) + cij λw (xi ) θ(xj ) = ξ(xi ), i = 0, 1, ..., n. θ(xi ) − (5.55) j=0 Equation (5.55) can be written as the (n + 1) × (n + 1) linear system (I − λA)θn = ξn , (5.56) 79 where θn = (θ(x0 ), θ(x1 ), ..., θ(xn ))T , ξn = (ξ(x0 ), ξ(x1 ), ..., ξ(xn ))T and A = (aij )(n+1)×(n+1) is the matrix whose (i, j)th element is given by aij = bj δ(xi , xj ) + cij w (xi ). (5.57) The constants cij in (5.54) will be calculated as described in Chapter 3, while the constants bj in (5.53) will be calculated as follows: 1 n 2γj bj = γm Tm (xj ) Tm (s)ds. n m=0 −1 (5.58) Davis (1984, p. 35) gives 1 −1 Tm (s)ds = 2/(1 − m2 ), m even, 0, m odd. (5.59) By substituting (5.59) into (5.58) we obtain [n/2] 4γj γ2m T2m (xj ) , bj = n m=0 1 − 4m2 (5.60) where [n/2] is the greatest integer less than or equal to n/2. From the properties Ti (cos(θ)) = cos (iθ), and xi = cos becomes 2mjπ [n/2] 4γj γ2m cos n bj = . n m=0 1 − 4m2 iπ n , (5.60) (5.61) Examples The equation (5.46) is solved with λ = π1 . We will use the the following abbreviations: GM for Gauss method, CM for Clenshaw method, HT for the Hermite transformation, KT for the Kress transformation, and MKT for the modified Kress transformation. 80 Example 5.22 Using CM with KT (p = 2, 3 ), exact solution f (x) = 1, as shown in Tables 5.39, and 5.40. In this example we seek a comparison between the exact solution and the approximate solution of the transformed equation (5.46). Since they depend on the corresponding solution and approximate solution of the original equation (5.45), let us start from the original equation. Suppose that the exact solution of the original equation (5.45) with λ = 1 π is f (x) = 1, then we determine the input function g(x) in the same way as in Example 5.1, so that 1 g(x) = 1 − (1 + x) ln(1 + x) + (1 − x) ln(1 − x) − 2 π To solve (5.46) which is transformed from (5.45), the approximate solution refers to the solution of linear algebraic system (5.56). Let us solve (5.46) in details for n = 4. The system is 1 I5 − A5 θ4 = ξ4 , π where I5 is identity matrix of order 5, and w (x0 )f (w(x0 )) θ(x0 ) θ(x1 ) w (x1 )f (w(x1 )) θ4 = θ(x1 ) = w (x2 )f (w(x2 )) θ(x3 ) w (x3 )f (w(x3 )) θ(x4 ) w (x4 )f (w(x4 )) is the approximate solution vector which we seek. Notice that ξ(x0 ) ξ(x1 ) ξ4 = ξ(x1 ) = ξ(x3 ) ξ(x4 ) w (x0 )g(w(x0 )) w (x1 )g(w(x1 )) w (x2 )g(w(x2 )) w (x3 )g(w(x3 )) w (x4 )g(w(x4 )) 81 is the input vector which is calculated from (4.51), and the matrix A5 a a a a a 00 01 02 03 04 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 A5 = a20 a21 a22 a23 a24 a30 a31 a32 a33 a34 a40 a41 a42 a43 a44 has entries aij as follows: aij = bj δ(xi , xj ) + cij w (xi ), i, j = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, where δ(xi , xj ) are calculated from (5.47) as follows: ln | w(xi )−w(xj ) |w (xi ), xi −xj δ(xi , xj ) = ln |w (xi )|w (xi ), i = j, i = j. In MATLAB code δ(xi , xj ) refers to the matrix ‘delta’; bj are calculated as in (5.61), and in MATLAB code it is written as the entries of the matrix ‘B’, and cij are calculated as in (3.57), and in MATLAB it is written as the entries of the matrix ‘C’, where ‘C’ is returned by the MATLAB function ‘[C,x] = Cel Cur Log Mat(n)’; refer to APPENDIX D. In this example w is the Kress transformation (4.22), and w its first derivative (4.24), with p = 2, which is referred to the vectors ‘w’ and ‘wd’, respectively in the MATLAB code. The entries of the vector x = x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 are defined by xi = cos( iπ4 ). In MATLAB code the vector x refers to the vector x which is returned by the MATLAB function ‘[C,x] = Cel Cur Log Mat(n)’. Now, for n = 4, and p = 2, we obtain 1.0000(+00) 7.0711(−01) T x = 6.1232(−17) −7.0711(−01) −1.0000(+00) , 82 1.0000(+00) 9.4281(−01) wT = 1.1102(−16) , −9.4281(−01) −1.0000(+00) wT 0 4.4444(−01) = 2.0000(+00) , 4.4444(−01) 0 and 0 0 0 0 0 −8.60(−02) −7.48(−01) −5.59(−02) 1.69(−01) 1.17(−02) A5 = 6.22(−02) −2.62(−01) −1.87(+00) −2.62(−01) 6.22(−02) . 1.17(−02) 1.69(−01) −5.59(−02) −7.48(−01) −8.60(−02) 0 0 0 0 0 The approximate solution is 0 4.4951(−01) θ4 = 2.0018(+00) , 4.4951(−01) 0 while the exact solution is 0 4.4444(−01) θ = 2.0000(+00) . 4.4444(−01) 0 83 Finally, we found that ||θ − θ4 ||∞ = 5.0607(−03). For other values n and p, refer to APPENDIX D, and Tables 5.39, and 5.40. Example 5.23 Using CM with HT ((α0 = α1 = 2), (α0 = α1 = 3)), exact solution f (x) = 1, as shown in Tables 5.41, and 5.42. Example 5.24 Using CM with KT (p = 2, 3 ), g(x) = x, consider the solution as n = 256 as a reference, as shown in Tables 5.43, and 5.44. Example 5.25 Using CM with HT (α0 = α1 = 3), g(x) = x, consider the solution as n = 256 as a reference, as shown in Table 5.45. Example 5.26 Using CM with KT (p = 2, 3), g(x) = |x|, consider the solution as n = 256 as a reference, as shown in Tables 5.46, and 5.47. Example 5.27 Using CM with MKT (p = 3, M = 1), g(x) = |x|, consider the solution as n = 256 as a reference, as shown in Table 5.48. Example 5.28 Using CM with HT ((α0 = α1 = 3), (α0 = α2 = 4 α1 = 9)), g(x) = |x|, consider the solution as n = 256 as a reference, as shown in Tables 5.49, and 5.50. 84 Table 5.39: Error Norm of Example 5.22 with p = 2. n θ − θn ∞ 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 5.0607(−03) 4.3756(−04) 1.9638(−07) 2.5212(−10) 3.9860(−12) 6.2463(−14) 7.5495(−15) Table 5.40: Error Norm of Example 5.22 with p = 3. n θ − θn ∞ 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 1.4475(−02) 8.5867(−04) 5.0980(−07) 1.4011(−12) 2.2204(−15) 1.7764(−15) 4.8850(−15) Table 5.41: Error Norm of Example 5.23 with α0 = α1 = 2. n θ − θn ∞ 32 2.3060(−09) 64 3.6021(−11) 128 5.6274(−13) 256 8.7925(−15) 85 Table 5.42: Error Norm of Example 5.23 with α0 = α1 = 3. n θ − θn ∞ 32 6.1521(−12) 64 6.2090(−15) 128 2.2204(−15) 256 4.6629(−15) Table 5.43: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.24 with p = 2. t n = 32 n = 64 n = 128 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.5751(−10) 3.9498(−10) 8.1604(−10) 1.4873(−09) 2.3945(−09) 2.9040(−09) 1.0222(−09) 3.6632(−09) 4.4391(−09) 2.5555(−12) 6.4197(−12) 1.2664(−11) 2.0295(−11) 1.9885(−11) 8.3604(−12) 1.6510(−11) 1.0956(−11) 2.4230(−11) 4.5991(−14) 1.0081(−13) 1.6098(−13) 1.1535(−13) 1.6065(−13) 1.2618(−13) 2.0528(−13) 1.6201(−13) 3.2971(−13) Table 5.44: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.24 with p = 3. t θ256 (t) n = 64 n = 128 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.23250880470793 0.43469991418204 0.57446264928486 0.62350008246226 0.57130137030700 0.43779826821010 0.27034834794028 0.12237247211698 0.02935658005220 9.9643(−15) 7.2720(−15) 8.5487(−15) 2.1982(−14) 2.6645(−14) 3.8303(−15) 1.6320(−14) 1.1990(−14) 1.4704(−14) 8.0214(−15) 8.3267(−16) 1.6653(−15) 1.9984(−15) 5.4401(−15) 4.2744(−15) 1.8874(−15) 1.3878(−16) 6.5260(−15) 86 Table 5.45: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.25. t θ256 (t) n = 64 n = 128 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.20438696624436 0.38340091184633 0.51391294207212 0.57778165246629 0.56539014860469 0.47974384038945 0.33994544815180 0.18172582621680 0.05239261198952 1.9346(−14) 2.7534(−14) 5.2403(−14) 9.0927(−14) 9.6700(−14) 3.3251(−14) 6.4060(−14) 5.5317(−14) 1.0324(−13) 8.2989(−15) 1.2212(−15) 2.1094(−15) 0 6.1062(−15) 2.7756(−15) 6.9389(−15) 5.6899(−15) 2.4425(−15) Table 5.46: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.26 with p = 2. t n = 64 n = 128 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 4.0637(−04) 1.3777(−03) 2.4767(−03) 3.2897(−03) 2.0448(−03) 8.0817(−04) 8.5722(−04) 4.4743(−04) 4.3610(−04) 2.8483(−04) 5.6714(−04) 9.5689(−04) 7.7464(−04) 7.1775(−04) 1.9204(−04) 3.1647(−04) 1.0949(−04) 1.3693(−04) Table 5.47: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.26 with p = 3. t n = 64 n = 128 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 3.9890(−04) 1.3673(−03) 2.4699(−03) 3.2885(−03) 2.0483(−03) 8.0140(−04) 8.5322(−04) 4.4713(−04) 4.3489(−04) 2.8337(−04) 5.6523(−04) 9.5584(−04) 7.7502(−04) 7.1624(−04) 1.9311(−04) 3.1578(−04) 1.0940(−04) 1.3700(−04) 87 Table 5.48: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.27. t n = 64 n = 128 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 9.8872(−07) 1.5000(−06) 2.0325(−06) 2.3724(−06) 1.6809(−06) 5.5096(−07) 7.1581(−07) 2.9881(−07) 3.1891(−07) 1.2624(−07) 1.6175(−07) 1.8510(−07) 1.0380(−07) 1.0653(−07) 4.8837(−08) 6.1989(−08) 2.8196(−08) 2.7981(−08) Table 5.49: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.28 with α0 = α1 = 3. t n = 64 n = 128 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 3.6131(−04) 1.1967(−03) 2.1609(−03) 2.8805(−03) 1.7923(−03) 7.1180(−04) 7.5315(−04) 3.9378(−04) 3.8316(−04) 2.5165(−04) 4.9594(−04) 8.3815(−04) 6.7877(−04) 6.3234(−04) 1.6870(−04) 2.7819(−04) 9.6241(−05) 1.2049(−04) Table 5.50: The Values |θ256 (t) − θn (t)| of Example 5.28 with α0 = α2 = 4, α1 = 9. t θ256 (t) n = 64 n = 128 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 −0.00000120870968 −0.00021716139689 −0.00365618287254 −0.01928243024348 −0.01501984305641 0.24086273416531 1.01205607720613 1.59482865487222 0.70226573180964 8.3933(−11) 1.9900(−10) 3.1068(−10) 3.8254(−10) 2.8303(−10) 8.8108(−11) 1.2179(−10) 5.1527(−11) 5.7386(−11) 3.0582(−13) 4.7585(−13) 5.6272(−13) 2.9490(−13) 2.8337(−13) 1.5016(−13) 2.0184(−13) 7.3719(−14) 8.5820(−14) 88 5.4 Discussion For solving weakly singular Fredholm integral equation of the second kind (5.1) ( we took λ = π1 , as a special case ) with kernel (5.2) (as a special case α = 1 2 ) and (5.3), we used three types of smoothing transformations, namely the Hermite smoothing transformation (4.10), Kress smoothing transformation (4.22), and modified Kress transformation (4.31) to reduce weakly singular Fredholm integral equation to an equivalent equation which has smoother solution; then we solve the new equation using two methods, that is, product integration with Gaussian abscissae and weights, and Product integration with Clenshaw-Curtis points. We considered two cases for investigating the efficiency of the Kress, and modified Kress transformations. Firstly, for the case in which the input function is smooth on the whole domain of integration; secondly, for the case when it has finite jumps of singular points. We investigated the kress and modified Kress transformations in problems with known exact solution (as a special case exact solution f (x) = 1, and f (x) = x3 ) as shown in Tables 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 for solving equation (5.6) using Gauss method, Tables 5.19, 5.20, and 5.21 for solving equation (5.17) using Gauss method, Tables 5.27, 5.28, 5.29, and 5.30 for solving (5.35) using Clenshaw method, and Tables 5.39, 5.40, 5.41, and 5.42 for solving (5.46) using Clenshaw method. In the Kress transformation we obtain various grades of accuracy by various values of the parameter p as well as in choosing the parameters αk in the Hermite transformation, so one can obtain same accuracy by suitable choice of the parameters. The best accuracy using the Kress transformation appear in Tables 5.2, 5.20, 5.28, and 5.40 for different problems and methods, and the best accuracy using the Hermite transformation appear in Tables 5.3, 5.21, 5.30, and 5.42 for the corresponding problems and methods. For input function g(x) which is smooth on whole domain of integration (as special case g(x) = x, and g(x) = √ x ), 2−x2 and suitably chosen parameters, 89 there is no difference between the Hermite and kress transformations; refer to Tables 5.13, 5.22, 5.32 and 5.44 for the Kress transformation, and Tables 5.14, 5.24, 5.33, and 5.45 for corresponding problems and methods using the Hermite transformation. Using the Hermite transformation for solving equations (5.6), (5.17), (5.35), and (5.46) with g(x) = |x| as input function in the corresponding original equations does not give accuracy as it is clear in Tables 5.9, 5.37 and 5.49, in spite of taking various values of the parameters αk , M = 0. The reason is the input function g(x) = |x| is not smooth at the point x = 0; so dividing the domain of integration, [−1, 1], into two subintervals, [−1, 0], and [0, 1], i.e., choosing M = 1, which means that the input function has singular point x1 = 0 according to the Hermite transformation (4.10), so the accuracy can be obtained clearly in Tables 5.8, 5.38, and 5.50. Using the Kress transformation for solving equations (5.6), (5.17), (5.35), and (5.46) with g(x) = |x| as input function in the corresponding original equations does not give accuracy as it is clear in Tables 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.34, 5.35, 5.46 and 5.47, in spite of taking various values of the parameter p. The reason is the input function is not smooth at the point x = 0; so dividing the domain of integration, [−1, 1], into two subintervals, [−1, 0] and [0, 1], i.e., choosing M = 1, and using the modified Kress transformation (4.31). By using the modified Kress transformation some accuracy appear in Tables 5.7, 5.36, and 5.48. In the case of g(x) = |x|, we find that the Hermite transformation gives the best accuracy compared to the modified Kress transformation; refer to Tables 5.8, 5.38, and 5.50 for the Hermite transformation and Tables 5.7, 5.36, and 5.48 for the modified Kress transformation. This is because the Hermite transformation gives more smoothing of the solution since the transformation vanishes up to eight derivatives at the singular point x1 = 0 which is related to the choice α1 = 9, while the modified Kress transformation vanishes up to only two derivatives at the same 90 singular point which is related to p = 3. Choosing p > 3 gives unsolvable system since the concentration of the nodes near the singular points is so high, increasing as n becomes large. Another reason is that the modified Kress transformation is rational compared to the polynomial nature of the Hermite transformation so that the calculations become more complicated. In other examples when input function is smooth on whole domain of integration we obtain the same accuracy using the Kress transformation as well as using the Hermite transformation by choosing suitable value of the parameter p for the Kress transformation. CHAPTER 6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 6.1 Summary In this dissertation, we have studied the numerical solution of Fredholm integral equations of the second kind with weakly singular kernels using product integration methods. Some concepts and remarks which are related to this problem were introduced in chapter 1. The literature review of the numerical methods for solving weakly singular Fredholm integral equations of the second kind and smoothing transformation was presented in Chapter 2. The product integration methods are presented in Chapter 3. We discussed the product integration of interpolating polynomial type based on Gauss-Legendre abscissa and weights, as well as on Clenshaw-Curtis points, and we applied the product integration methods to the weakly singular Fredholm integral equations of the second kind. Chapter 4 presented some discussion about the quadrature formula and introduced the Hermite, Kress, and modified Kress transformations to reduce the 92 integral, which its integrand has singularities at endpoints of the interval of the integration, to a new integrals with smoother integrands. Next, we have applied the transformations to the weakly singular Fredholm integral equation of the second kind in order to smooth its solution. In Chapter 5, we have presented the numerical results for some problems to investigate the performance of the Kress transformation. These numerical results are obtained from solving the weakly singular Fredholm integral equation of the second kind with Abel or logarithmic kernels by using the product integration method which was described in Chapter 3, with the transformations that have been introduced in Chapter 4. The simulation is written using MATLAB7.0. The programs are written first to find the approximate matrix using product integration methods presented in Chapter 3, and then to find the numerical solution of the matrix. 6.2 Conclusions Throughout this work, product integration methods gathered with the Hermite, Kress, and modified Kress transformations were used to solve numerically the weakly singular Fredholm integral equation with Abel or logarithmic kernels. The investigation of the performance of the Kress transformation was obtained by using the Hermite transformation as standard, that is from comparing of the results obtained from the product integration methods gathered with the Kress transformation and those results obtained from the product integration methods gathered with the Hermite transformation. It could be shown from the current results of this study that for the case in which the input function of the weakly singular Fredholm integral equation of the second kind is smooth on whole the domain of integration, the product integration methods gathered with the Kress transformation showed accurate 93 results as well as the product integration methods gathered with the Hermite transformation, and for the case in which the input function has finite number of singularities on the domain of integration, the product integration methods gathered with the modified Kress transformation showed more accurate results than the product integration methods gathered with the Kress transformation, but the most accurate results were showed by the product integration methods gathered with the Hermite transformation. The advantage of using the product integration method is that it can be used to calculate integrals with singularities with only assuming that the integrand is absolutely integrable function. Thus, it can be used to solve the weakly singular Fredholm integral equations with Abel and logarithmic kernels. However, it is noteworthy to address that the disadvantage of using the product integration methods is that it is not generally applicable, since it requires a recurrence relation which depends on the kernel of the integral equation except for some important kernels, such as the kernels k(x, y) = |x − y|−α and k(x, y) = ln |x − y| which are known in the literature. 6.3 Recommendations for Future Study In this study, we used the Hermite, Kress, and modified Kress transformations to reduce the weakly singular Fredholm integral equation to another weakly singular integral equation but with smoother solution. 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APPENDICES APPENDIX A MATLAB program to find the approximation matrix using Gauss-Legendre method. % gau_point.m function [t,wg] = gau_point(n) n1=n+1; e1=n1*(n1+1); if mod(n1,2)==0 m=n1/2 else m=(n1+1)/2 end for i=1:m t=(4*i-1)*pi/(4*n1+2); xo=(1-(1-1/n1)/(8*n1^2))*cos(t); pkm1=1; pk=xo; for k=2:n1 t1=xo*pk; pkp1=t1-pkm1-(t1-pkm1)/k+t1; pkm1=pk; pk=pkp1; end den=1-xo^2; d1=n1*(pkm1-xo*pk); dpn=d1/den; dpn2=(2*xo*dpn-e1*pk)/den; dpn3=(4*xo*dpn2+(2-e1)*dpn)/den; dpn4=(6*xo*dpn3+(6-e1)*dpn2)/den; u=pk/dpn; v=dpn2/dpn; h=-u*(1+0.5*u*(v+u*(v^2-dpn3/(3*dpn)))); p=pk+h*(dpn+0.5*h*(dpn2+h/3*(dpn3+0.25*h*dpn4))); dp=dpn+h*(dpn2+0.5*h*(dpn3+h*dpn4/3)); 98 h=h-p/dp; x(i)=xo+h; fx=d1-h*e1*(pk+0.5*h*(dpn+h/3*(dpn2+0.25*h*(dpn3+0.2*h*dpn4)))); w(i)=2*(1-x(i)^2)/(fx^2); end if (m+m > n1 ) x(m)=0; end if (m+m > n1 ) t(m)=0; wg(m)=w(m); for i=0:m-2 t(i+1)=-x(i+1); t(i+m+1)=x(m-i-1); wg(i+1)=w(i+1); wg(i+m+1)=w(m-i-1); end else for i=0:m-1 t(i+1)=-x(i+1); t(i+m+1)=x(m-i); wg(i+1)=w(i+1); wg(i+m+1)=w(m-i); end end 1. For kernel 1 k(x, y) = |x − y|− 2 % Gau_Leg_Abs_Mat.m function [w, p] = Gau_Leg_Abs_Mat(n) [t,wg] = gau_point(n); for j=0:n p(1,j+1)=1; p(2,j+1)=t(j+1); end for i=1:n-1 for j=0:n p(i+2,j+1)=((2*i+1)*t(j+1)*p(i+1,j+1)-i*p(i,j+1))/(i+1); end end for i=0:n a(1,i+1)=2*(sqrt(1+t(i+1))+sqrt(1-t(i+1))); end for i=0:n a(2,i+1)=t(i+1)*a(1,i+1)+2*((1-t(i+1))^1.5-(1+t(i+1))^1.5)/3; end 99 for k=1:n-1 for i=0:n a(k+2,i+1)=2*((2*k+1)*t(i+1)*a(k+1,i+1)-0.5*(2*k-1)*a(k,i+1))/... (2*k+3); end end for i=0:n for j=0:n sum1=0; for k=0:n sum1=sum1+(2*k+1)*p(k+1,j+1)*a(k+1,i+1)/2; end w(i+1,j+1)=wg(j+1)*sum1; end end 2. For kernel k(x, y) = ln |x − y| % Gau_Leg_log_Mat.m function [w,p] = Gau_Leg_Log_Mat(n) [t,wg] = gau_point(n); for j=0:n p(1,j+1)=1; p(2,j+1)=t(j+1); end for i=1:n-1 for j=0:n p(i+2,j+1)=((2*i+1)*t(j+1)*p(i+1,j+1)-i*p(i,j+1))/(i+1); end end for i=0:n a(1,i+1)=(1+t(i+1))*log(1+t(i+1))+(1-t(i+1))*log(1-t(i+1))-2; end for i=0:n a(2,i+1)=0.5*(1-t(i+1)^2)*log((1-t(i+1))/(1+t(i+1)))-t(i+1); end for i=0:n a(3,i+1)=0.5*t(i+1)*(1-t(i+1)^2)*log((1-t(i+1))/(1+t(i+1)))... +(2-3*t(i+1)^2)/3; end for k=2:n-1 100 for i=0:n a(k+2,i+1)=((2*k+1)*t(i+1)*a(k+1,i+1)-(k-1)*a(k,i+1))/(k+2); end end for i=0:n for j=0:n sum1=0; for k=0:n sum1=sum1+(2*k+1)*p(k+1,j+1)*a(k+1,i+1)/2; end w(i+1,j+1)=wg(j+1)*sum1; end end 101 APPENDIX B MATLAB program to find the approximation matrix using Clenshaw-Curtis method 1. For kernel 1 k(x, y) = |x − y|− 2 % Cel_Cur_Abs_Mat.m function [w,t] = Cel_Cur_Abs_Mat(m) for i=0:m t(i+1)=cos(i*pi/m); end for i=0:m a(1,i+1)=2*(sqrt(1+t(i+1))+sqrt(1-t(i+1))); end for i=0:m a(2,i+1)=t(i+1)*a(1,i+1)+2*((1-t(i+1))^1.5-(1+t(i+1))^1.5)/3; end for i=0:m a(3,i+1)=4*t(i+1)*a(2,i+1)-(2*(t(i+1))^2 +1)*a(1,i+1)... +4*((1-t(i+1))^(2.5)+(1+t(i+1))^(2.5))/5; end for j=2:m-1 for i=0:m a(j+2,i+1)=(2*j+2)*(2*t(i+1)*a(j+1,i+1)-(2*j-3)*a(j,i+1)/(2*(j-1))... +2*(sqrt(1-t(i+1))-((-1)^j)*sqrt(1+t(i+1)))/(1-j^2))/(2*j+3); end end p(1)=0.5; p(m+1)=0.5; for i=1:m-1 p(i+1)=1; end for j=0:m for i=0:m sum=(a(1,i+1)+a(m+1,i+1)*cos(j*pi))/2; for k=1:m-1 sum=sum+a(k+1,i+1)*cos(j*k*pi/m); end 102 w(i+1,j+1)=2*p(j+1)*sum/m; end end 2. For kernel k(x, y) = ln |x − y| % Cel_Cur_log_Mat.m function [w,t] = Cel_Cur_Log_Mat(n) for i=0:n t(i+1)=cos((i*pi)/n); end a(1,1) =2*log(2)-2; a(1,n+1)=2*log(2)-2; for j=1:n-1 a(1,j+1)=(t(j+1)+1)*log(1+t(j+1))+(1-t(j+1))*log(1-t(j+1))-2; end a(2,1) =-a(1,1)-1+2*log(2); a(2,n+1)=a(1,n+1)+1-2*log(2); for j=1:n-1 a(2,j+1)=t(j+1)*(a(1,j+1)+1)+0.5*(((1-t(j+1))^2)*log(1-t(j+1))... -((1+t(j+1))^2)*log(1+t(j+1))); end a(3,1) =-3*a(1,1)-4*a(2,1)+16*(3*log(2)-1)/9; a(3,n+1)=-3*a(1,n+1)+4*a(2,n+1)+16*(3*log(2)-1)/9; for j=1:n-1 a(3,j+1)=-(1+2*t(j+1)^2)*a(1,j+1)+4*t(j+1)*a(2,j+1)... +(6*(((1+t(j+1))^3)*log(1+t(j+1))... +((1-t(j+1))^3)*log(1-t(j+1)))-4*(1+3*(t(j+1))^2))/9; end a(4,1) =-10*a(1,1)-15*a(2,1)-6*a(3,1)+16*log(2)-4; a(4,n+1)=10*a(1,n+1)-15*a(2,n+1)+6*a(3,n+1)-16*log(2)+4; for j=1:n-1 a(4,j+1)=2*t(j+1)*(3+2*t(j+1)^2)*a(1,j+1)-3*(1+4*t(j+1)^2)*a(2,j+1)... +6*t(j+1)*a(3,j+1)+(1-t(j+1))^4*log(1-t(j+1))-(1+t(j+1))^4*... log(1+t(j+1))+2*t(j+1)*(1+t(j+1)^2); end for i=3:n-1 for j=0:n if( j==0) a(i+2,j+1)=(i+1)*(-2*a(i+1,j+1)-(i-2)*a(i,j+1)/(i-1)+4*log(2)/(1-i^2)... -6*(1-(-1)^i)/((i^2-1)*(i^2-4)))/(i+2); elseif (j==n) a(i+2,j+1)=(i+1)*(2*a(i+1,j+1)-(i-2)*a(i,j+1)/(i-1)-4*(-1)^i*log(2)/... (1-i^2)-6*(1-(-1)^i)/((i^2-1)*(i^2-4)))/(i+2); 103 else a(i+2,j+1)=(i+1)*(2*t(j+1)*a(i+1,j+1)-(i-2)*a(i,j+1)/(i-1)... +2*((1-t(j+1))*log(1-t(j+1))-(-1)^i*(1+t(j+1))*log(1+t(j+1)))/(1-i^2)... -6*(1-(-1)^i)/((i^2-1)*(i^2-4)))/(i+2); end end end p(1)=0.5; p(n+1)=0.5; for i=1:n-1 p(i+1)=1; end for j=0:n for i=0:n sum1=(a(1,i+1)+a(n+1,i+1)*cos(j*pi))/2; for k=1:n-1 sum1=sum1+a(k+1,i+1)*cos(j*k*pi/n); end w(i+1,j+1)=2*p(j+1)*sum1/n; end end 104 APPENDIX C MATLAB program which solves a weakly singular Fredholm integral equation with Abel kernel using Gauss-Legendre method PART I Computation of the error norm between the exact and approximate solutions. % main.m clear n=256; % choose n p=2; % choose p [x,wg]=gau point(n); [B, p1]=Gau Leg Abs Mat(n); [w,wd]=w wd(x,p); % For Hermite, replace it by ‘[w,wd]=h hd(x,n)’. xi n=(wd.*g(w)). ; % delta beginning alpha=0.5; for i=0:n for j=0:n if(i==j) if(wd(i+1)==0) delta(i+1,j+1)=0; else delta(i+1,j+1)=((abs(wd(i+1)))^(-alpha))*wd(i+1); end else delta(i+1,j+1)=((abs((w(i+1)-w(j+1))/(x(i+1)-x(j+1))))... ^(-alpha))*wd(i+1); end end end % delta end A=B.*delta; approximate solution=(eye(n+1)-(1/pi).*A)\ xi n; exact solution=(wd.*f(w)). ; norm infinity=norm(exact solution-approximate solution,inf) 105 clear % w wd.m function [w,wd]=w wd(t,p) a1=v(t,p).^p; a2=v(-t,p).^p; b1=v(t,p).^(p-1); b2=v(-t,p).^(p-1); w=(a1-a2)./(a1+a2); wd=2.*p.*(a1.*b2.*vd(-t,p)+a2.*b1.*vd(t,p))./((a1+a2).^2); function v=v(t,p) v = (1/2-1/p).*t.^3+t./p+1/2; function vd=vd(t,p) vd = 3.*(1/2-1/p).*t.^2+1/p; % h hd.m function [h,hd]=h hd(t,n) syms y h1=1980*y^8*(1+y)^3; h2=1980*y^8*(1-y)^3; for i=0:n if (t(i+1)<=0) h(i+1)=double(int(h1,-1,t(i+1))-1); hd(i+1)=hd1(t(i+1)); else h(i+1)=double(int(h2,0,t(i+1))); hd(i+1)=hd2(t(i+1)); end end function z=hd1(r) z=1980*(r^8)*((1+r)^3); function z=hd2(r) z=1980*(r^8)*((1-r)^3); % g.m function g=g(x) x1=(1+x).^0.5; x2=(1-x).^0.5; g=x.^3-(2/pi).*(((-1/7).*x1.^7+(3/5).*x.*(x1.^5)-(x.^2).*(x1.^3)+... (x.^3).*x1)+((1/7).*x2.^7+(3/5).*x.*(x2.^5)+(x.^2).*(x2.^3)+(x.^3).*x2)); % f.m function f=f(x); f=x.^3; 106 PART II Computation of the absolute error between the reference and approximate solutions. % main.m clear n=128; % choose n p=3; % choose p [t,wg]=gau point(n); [B,p1]=Gau Leg Abs Mat(n); [w,wd]=w wd(t,p); xi n=(wd.*g(w)). ; % delta beginning alpha=0.5; for i=0:n for j=0:n if(i==j) if(wd(i+1)==0) delta(i+1,j+1)=0; else delta(i+1,j+1)=((abs(wd(i+1)))^(-alpha))*wd(i+1); end else delta(i+1,j+1)=((abs((w(i+1)-w(j+1))/(t(i+1)-t(j+1))))... ^(-alpha))*wd(i+1); end end end % delta end A=B.*delta; approximate solution=(eye(n+1)-(1/pi).*A)\xi n; % Computation of the approximate solution at the vector x x = [0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9]; for m=0:n p2(m+1,:)=Leg(m,x); end for j=0:n sum=0; for m=0:n sum=sum+(m+0.5)*p1(m+1,j+1).*p2(m+1,:); end phi(j+1,:)=wg(j+1).*sum; end 107 sum=0.*x; for j=0:n sum=sum+approximate solution(j+1).*phi(j+1,:); end theta n = sum. ; theta 256=[-5.89029345423331 -4.72472398875914 -3.43967128944800 -2.26330205451274 -1.34307342163110 -0.71640457082352 -0.33606671856362 -0.12735966541007 -0.02774404425589]; absolut error = abs(theta 256-theta n) clear % w wd.m function [w,wd]=w wd(t,p) a1=v(t,p).^p; a2=v(-t,p).^p; b1=v(t,p).^(p-1); b2=v(-t,p).^(p-1); w=(a1-a2)./(a1+a2); wd=2.*p.*(a1.*b2.*vd(-t,p)+a2.*b1.*vd(t,p))./((a1+a2).^2); function v=v(t,p) v = (1/2-1/p).*t.^3+t./p+1/2; function vd=vd(t,p) vd = 3.*(1/2-1/p).*t.^2+1/p; % g.m function g=g(x) g=abs(x); % Leg.m function y = Leg (n,x) P3(1,:)=1+x-x; P3(2,:)=x; for i=1:n-1 P3(i+1+1,:)=((2*i+1).*x.*P3(i+1,:)-i.*P3(i,:))/(i+1); end y=P3(n+1,:); 108 APPENDIX D MATLAB program which solves a weakly singular Fredholm integral equation with logarithmic kernel using Clenshaw-Curtis method % main.m % Computes the error norm between the exact and clear % approximate solutions. n=256; % choose n p=2; % choose p [C,x] = Cel Cur Log Mat(n); [w,wd]=w wd(x,p); xi n=(wd.*g(w)). ; % B beginning gamma(1)=0.5; gamma(n+1)=0.5; for i=1:n-1 gamma(i+1)=1; end for i=0:n for j=0:n sum=0; for m=0:floor(n/2) sum=sum+gamma(2*m+1)*cos((2*m*j*pi)/n)/(1-4*m^2); end B(i+1,j+1)=(4*gamma(j+1)/n)*sum; end end % B end % delta beginning for i=0:n for j=0:n if(i==j) if(wd(i+1)==0) delta(i+1,j+1)=0; else delta(i+1,j+1)=(log(abs(wd(i+1))))*wd(i+1); end 109 else delta(i+1,j+1)=(log(abs((w(i+1)-w(j+1))/(x(i+1)-x(j+1)))))*wd(i+1); end end end % delta end A=((wd. )*ones(1,n+1)).*C-B.*delta; approximate solution=(eye(n+1)-(1/pi).*A)\xi n; exact solution=(wd.*f(w)). ; norm infinity=norm(exact solution-approximate solution,inf) clear % w wd.m function [w,wd]=w wd(t,p) a1=v(t,p).^p; a2=v(-t,p).^p; b1=v(t,p).^(p-1); b2=v(-t,p).^(p-1); w=(a1-a2)./(a1+a2); wd=2.*p.*(a1.*b2.*vd(-t,p)+a2.*b1.*vd(t,p))./((a1+a2).^2); function v=v(t,p) v = (1/2-1/p).*t.^3+t./p+1/2; function vd=vd(t,p) vd = 3.*(1/2-1/p).*t.^2+1/p; % g.m function g=g(x) g=1-(1/pi).*(log((x+1).^(x+1))+log((1-x).^(1-x))-2); % f.m function f=f(x) f=x-x+1;