A Measurement Correlation Algorithm for Line-of-Bearing Geo-Location Mike Grabbe The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory Laurel, MD Memo Number GVW-0-11U-002 July 26, 2011 1 Introduction Passive geo-location of ground targets is commonly performed by surveillance aircraft using Direction Finding (DF) angles. These angles de…ne the line-of-sight from the aircraft to the target and are computed using the response of an antenna array on the aircraft to the target’s RF emissions. Aircraft that depend entirely upon DF angles for geo-location will often convert each DF angle measurement to a Direction of Arrival (DOA) angle measurement and use these values for geolocation. DOA is the angle equivalent to azimuth or Angle of Arrival (AOA) when de…ned relative to a local-level coordinate frame at the current aircraft position. DOA is computed using azimuth or AOA, an estimate of the elevation angle to the target, the antenna array mounting angles on the aircraft, and aircraft navigation system output. Associated with each angle measurement is a Line-of-Bearing (LOB) that originates at the aircraft and, if perfect, passes through the target’s position. See reference [1] for additional DF angle details. Most geo-location scenarios faced by surveillance aircraft involve the existence of multiple target signal sources within the area of operation. As a result, each new LOB/DOA measurement must be correlated with a speci…c target emitter before that target’s position estimate can be updated by the geo-location algorithm. Geo-location performance is typically degraded in a dense emitter environment due to the di¢ culty of correlating each LOB with the correct target, and of preventing the generation of numerous false or "ghost" targets. LOB correlation for stationary targets is addressed in references [2]-[6]. In [5], clusters are formed by solving a combinatorial assignment problem with the number of sensor positions limited to 3 due to computational complexity. Once clusters are formed, the optimal cluster is de…ned to be the one that maximizes a likelihood function. In [6], clusters are formed using Euclidean distance between LOB intersection points as the metric for measurement association. The optimal cluster is then de…ned simply as the one having the most measurements. References [7]-[9] address LOB correlation for moving targets. 1 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited This paper presents an algorithm that can be used to solve the LOB correlation problem for stationary targets and uses a geo-location simulation example to illustrate each step of the algorithm. The algorithm is based on statistical clustering of measurements but does not require that the number of clusters be speci…ed in advance, as with methods such as k-means clustering [10]. This algorithm determines the cluster of LOBs that maximizes the target position log-likelihood function when compared to all candidate clusters. The candidate clusters are those that pass a Mahalanobis distance association criterion - an exhaustive search over all possible measurement combinations is not performed. Once the optimal cluster of LOBs has been determined, a target position estimate is computed using the cluster, the cluster is removed from the set of all measurements, and the process is repeated. This continues until no additional clusters can be formed. 2 Simulation Example R Matlab was used to simulate the correlation algorithm developed in this paper for the following geo-location scenario. An aircraft is receiving RF transmissions from multiple stationary ground target emitters within its area of operation. The number and positions of the targets are unknown. The received RF transmissions will be processed to generate measurements of DOA, which in turn will be used to locate the targets. The values of the scenario parameters are given in the table below. Scenario Parameter aircraft speed collection time approximate range to targets number of targets number of DOA measurements DOA measurement error sigma 3 3.1 Units knots minutes nautical miles n/a n/a degrees Value 300 10 20 7 100 1:5 Geometry De…nitions We will construct a …xed plane tangent to the earth’s surface within the area of operation. The coordinate frame within this plane will have its origin at the point where the plane intersects the earth’s surface and will be oriented such that the x axis points east and the y axis points north. The aircraft positions will be represented in this coordinate frame by a gnomonic projection into the tangent plane. The DF angle measurements will be converted to DOA measurements in the local-level coordinate frame at each aircraft position, then converted to DOA values in the …xed tangent plane. Let ai be the aircraft’s 2 1 position vector in the plane for i = 1; 2; : : : ; N , where N is the number of DOA measurements. We will assume that there is exactly one DOA measurement at each aircraft position. Let i be the true DOA value at aircraft position ai for a signal transmitted from the true target position xi . The components of the aircraft and target position vectors are given by a1i ai = (1) a2i and x1i x2i xi = 2 (2) DOA is de…ned as shown in Figure 1 below. Figure 1: Direction of Arrival in Tangent Plane 3.2 Simulation Example The N = 100 aircraft positions and 7 true but unknown target positions are shown in Figure 2 below. aircraft targets 30 25 ↑ 20 north (nm) 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -20 -10 0 10 20 east (nm) Figure 2: Aircraft and Targets in Tangent Plane 3 30 4 Sensor Measurements 4.1 De…nitions Let hi be the function that gives the true DOA value in terms of the true target position. Then from (1), (2), and Figure 1 we see that i = hi (xi ) = tan 1 x2i x1i a2i a1i (3) Let zi be a measurement of i . We will assume that the measurement errors are unbiased and Gaussian with known variances. As a result, we have zi = i + i = hi (xi ) + i N 0; 2 i (5) where N represents a Gaussian distribution, i is the measurement error, and measurement error sigma value. From the above we have zi N hi (xi ) ; and therefore that zi hi (xi ) (4) i 2 i i is the known (6) 2 2 (1) (7) i where 4.2 2 (1) represents a chi-square distribution with 1 degree of freedom. Simulation Example At each of the 100 aircraft positions, a random draw was made to determine which of the 7 targets was transmitting a signal. For that aircraft position and target, the true DOA value was computed using (3). The measured DOA value was computed as in (4) and (5) using a random draw with = 1:5 degrees. 4 The resulting DOA measurements are shown by the 100 LOBs in Figure 3 below. aircraft targets 30 25 ↑ 20 north (nm) 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 east (nm) Figure 3: Lines-of-Bearing 5 5.1 Step 1 Algorithm The …rst step of the LOB correlation algorithm is to compute all 2-LOB intersection points within speci…ed distances from the aircraft. Each 2-LOB intersection is computed as follows. From Figure 1 we see that the unit vector along the measured LOB from aircraft position ai is ui = cos (zi ) sin (zi ) (8) The LOBs from aircraft positions ai and aj will intersect at the point p such that p = ai + ri ui = aj + rj uj (9) where ri and rj are the ranges from the aircraft positions to the intersection point. From the above we have ri ui uj = (aj ai ) (10) rj and therefore that ri rj = ui uj 1 (aj ai ) (11) If either of the computed ranges falls outside of the speci…ed minimum and maximum allowed values, then this intersection point is discarded. The intersection point is computed using either of the computed ranges and (9). Note that a negative range indicates that the 2 LOBs intersect on the wrong side of the aircraft. We will let M be the number of computed intersection points. 5 5.2 Simulation Example The 2-LOB intersection points were required to lie between 10 and 50 nautical miles from the aircraft positions. The resulting M = 2651 2-LOB intersection points are shown in Figure 4 below. ↑ 20 15 10 north (nm) 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 aircraft targets 2-LOB intersections -30 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 east (nm) Figure 4: 2-LOB Intersection Points 6 6.1 Step 2 Algorithm The second step of the algorithm is to determine the set of LOBs that can be associated with each 2-LOB intersection point based on Mahalanobis distance [11]. The Mahalanobis distance between DOA measurement zi and 2-LOB intersection point pj is mij = zi hi pj i !2 (12) for i = 1; 2; : : : ; N and j = 1; 2; : : : ; M . Note from (7) that if pj is the true target position associated with zi , then mij has a 2 (1) distribution. This fact is the basis for the LOB association criterion. Our null hypothesis is that pj is the target position associated with zi . Let be the probability of a Type 1 error, i.e., the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it’s true. Let k be the critical value from a 2 (1) distribution such that Pr 2 (1) k =1 6 (13) The association criterion is that LOB/DOA measurement zi can be associated with pj if mij The set of indices of LOBs that can be associated with pj is Sj = fi : mij kg k. (14) Several facts about (14) are worth noting. One is that each LOB can typically be associated with numerous 2-LOB intersection points. Another is that the elements in each set Sj are not necessarily unique: Sj1 and Sj2 may contain the same elements for j1 6= j2 . Finally, the number of elements in Sj , jSj j, is at least 2 for each j since 2 LOBs were used to compute pj . We will require that jSj j 3 in order for Sj to be a candidate cluster for LOB correlation. 6.2 Simulation Example The value of used was 0:05, which means that k used in (13) and (14) is the 95% critical value from a 2 (1) distribution. Of the 2651 2-LOB intersection points, 2644 produced a candidate cluster for LOB correlation. 7 7.1 Step 3 Algorithm The third step of the algorithm is to determine which of the candidate clusters gives the largest log-likelihood function value when the LOBs in that cluster are combined to compute a target position estimate. Let Sj be a candidate cluster and let z be the vector containing all zi such that i 2 Sj . We will assume that all such zi are associated with the same true target position x. Using (6) gives that the conditional probability density function for the measurements given the target position x is ! Y Y 1 1 zi hi (x) 2 p exp f (zi j x) = f (z j x) = (15) 2 i i 2 i2Sj i2Sj The Maximum Likelihood Estimate of x is x ^ = arg max f (z j x) = arg max ln (f (z j x)) = arg min x x x X i2Sj zi hi (x) 2 (16) i This value can be found numerically using Iterated Least-Squares [1]. The log-likelihood function value associated with candidate cluster Sj is lj = ln (f (z j x ^)) (17) The cluster giving the largest log-likelihood function value is Sjmax , where jmax = arg max lj j 7 (18) 7.2 Simulation Example Of the 2644 candidate clusters, 15 achieved the maximum log-likelihood function value. These 15 clusters all contained the same 20 LOBs. The optimal LOB cluster is shown in Figure 5 below. 30 optimal cluster 25 ↑ 20 north (nm) 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 east (nm) Figure 5: Optimal LOB Cluster 8 8.1 Step 4 Algorithm The fourth step of the algorithm is to compute a target position estimate (16) using the optimal LOB cluster, then remove the LOBs from the set of all measurements. Note that the position estimate has already been computed as an intermediate step in determining the log-likelihood function value (17). 8 8.2 Simulation Example The target position estimate for the optimal cluster and the 95% con…dence error ellipse are shown in Figure 6. The 20 LOBs in the optimal cluster have been removed. 30 target position estimate 25 ↑ 20 north (nm) 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 east (nm) Figure 6: Target Position Estimate and Error Ellipse for Optimal LOB Cluster 9 9.1 Remaining Steps Algorithm The remaining steps of the algorithm involve repeating steps 1-4 above until no additional LOB clusters are formed. 9.2 Simulation Example The …nal target position estimates and 95% con…dence error ellipses are shown in Figures 7 and 8. Note that 1 LOB was not assigned to a cluster and 1 error ellipse did not contain the true target position. 9 30 target position estimate 25 ↑ 20 north (nm) 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 east (nm) Figure 7: Final LOB Correlation and Geo-Location Results targets estimates 10 north (nm) 5 0 -5 -10 -10 -5 0 5 east (nm) 10 15 20 Figure 8: Final Target Position Estimates and Error Ellipses 10 10 Summary The purpose of this paper was to present an algorithm that can be used to solve the LOB correlation problem for stationary targets. LOB clusters were formed using a Mahalanobis distance association criterion. This approach accounts for angle measurement error statistics and avoids the computational complexity of an exhaustive combinatorial assignment. Once clusters were formed, the optimal cluster was de…ned to be the one that maximized the target position log-likelihood function. This cluster was used to compute a target position estimate then removed from the set of measurements. The process was repeated until no additional clusters could be formed. The algorithm was shown to provide good correlation and geo-location performance in a scenario where 100 LOBs were distributed randomly across 7 targets. 11 References [1] Grabbe, M.T. and B.M. Hamschin, Geo-Location Using Direction Finding Angles, Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest (in press). [2] Bishop, A.N. and P.N. Pathirana, “Localization of Emitters via the Intersection of Bearing Lines: A Ghost Elimination Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 56, No. 5, pp. 3106-3110, September 2007. [3] Hamschin, B.M., "A Comparison of Two Data Association Algorithms", L-3 Communications Integrated Systems Report Number G3074.1205.01E, October 2007. [4] Hamschin, B.M., "Probabilistic Data Association Applied to Bearing-Only Geolocation", L-3 Communications Integrated Systems, January 2008. [5] Pattipati, K.R., S. Deb, Y. Bar-Shalom, and R.B. 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[11] Bar-Shalom, Y., P.K. Willett, and X. Tian, Tracking and Data Fusion, A Handbook of Algorithms, YBS Publishing, 2011. 11